I wish I knew "I wish I knew what to put on these floors 1" So often you hear thai remark. It is only because those people who make if, have had their fill of waxes, oils and ch-ap varnishes. Tbe man or woman who has used the right floor varnish has no floor troubles. Try Gl Floor Varnish next time, we guarantee it to give satisfaction. Sold only by Kaien Hardware Co. J. L Blain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and Mailing. Jobbing and Repairing. Class and Olazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 Cars for Sale One Ford Coupe . . $400.00 One Ford Sedan . . $475.00 One Ford Light Delivery $400.00 These cars are thoroughly overhaul. I and reconditioned. They bear the Ford "Winged Pyramid" guarantee. F.ay payments if S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone E75 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (I. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Roving. V . BRINGING UP FATHER GYROS WON BALL GAME Fielding Errors of Sons of Canada Lost Game to Them i ti ninety nciilin.t errors were responsible for Ihe Sons of Cnn- ida losing in last night's base ball game In Ihe Oyru Club by a score or fl to t. the Cu'iiu-k made five hits and only got one run while the Cyrns got their six runs though I hey are credit e with having made only thte.i' hils. The Sons made ix erroi and the (!yrn Club, two. II w-.s a six inning game. The box score was as follows Sons of Canada ab r h po a Farquhar. 3b. 3 t) 0 I 2 0 W.Mitrhell.cf 3 0 1 0 0 0 V. Menzies.lh. 3 0 110 0 1 Hal four, c 2 0 2 t 0 0 Sehlenker, p, 3 0 0 1 3 0 li. .Mcnzie. 2h 2 o 0 0 1 I A.Miicliell, ss. 2 0 0 1 i I l.ambie, If 3 11)00 Hansen, rf 2 0 0 0 0 0 Hatchford I 0 0 0 6 0 21 I 5 18 7 G Gyro Club ah r h po a t Moran, 3b (00130 i. MilchelUb L 0 1 0 0 I Itobi.loai , 3 (t 0 10 0S rj, Jones, ft. j... 3 0 o i 0 0 Vortin, Tf 3 I 0 r 0 0 Astoria. If.. .2 0 0 0 0 0 Vallance, ss. . 3 I I I 0 t Smith, cf 3 2 1 10 0 Lidsione. p 3 10 0 10 Tulloek, If... 1 1 0 0 0 0 30 0 3 18 4 2 Score by innings: 1. 2 3 t 5 G Sons of Canada 0 0 0 0 I 0 1 liyro 0 2 0 0 1 3 G I.api'i!i' and McMaster were Ulllpll'l'-. GOLF PLAYERS TAKE UP TENNIS will present dilllrulties (o which Ihe golfer is nol accustomed. "To play n game, free from disturbance is one thing, but In match skill with skill and brain wilh brain is an entirely different mailer. The golfer plays bis own ball , and the superior mechanic must, triumph. Pro vuled the two golfers possess normal intelligence, tbe question of brain power hardly concerns the result. On the older hand, Ihe superior stroke player does not always win al lawn tennis, al which court-craft weigh heavily. Fair Player Now "Tolley already happens lo be a fair lawn lenjs player. That ho will sueeei'd as a tennis player is quite fcuMhlc. but Ihe idea that he will develop into an ln Urnatlonal is absurd, In tbe first place he is not youn;, enough to mould himself into the perfect player. That requires a certain natural instinct, which Tolley had for golf. "Several lawn tennis player have found golf a comparatively simple game; but no golfer has yet become a leading lawn tennis player, and that is not at all surprtsng. doif is a peaceful game, apart froio lite amount if walking which it necessitates, and it imposes no- real demand on one's physique. It i admitted that there is n nerve strain in championship contests in golf, but even thai is not nearly mi severe as the tension- caused by I I days' play at Wihibledun. ' "A long ha.c line lawn tennis to run a good many miles, bill al golf the player walks. It fs far less exhausting to walk ten miles than to run a mile, and in the matter of mobility Tolley will find the pinch." Sport Chat j With the first hint of fall weather now in the air, 'local nimrods are commencing to think about the season for the shooting of birds and deer which will open about the middle ol next month. True hunting may not be regarded ns really good in Ujft dijftricti(pyi ji ojm! many wefts after shifoting ' becomes ' permissible lnjt ju-t (be sain? there will probably be as many parties a ever slart out about September 15. In the meantime, some of the prospeclivo bunlers have taken down their weaMns from summer resting daces to nil them up in readiness for by the Cyrus in the Inhibition Hall to raise funds fur future playground work. DANCE IN AID OF BOYS' BAND WAS SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR The Hoys' Hand fund was substantially aided as a result of a dance which was held last nighl by Hie F.Iks' Lodge. There were about HO couples present and a very enjoyable evening was spent from 9.:0 until - 2 o'clock. Al midnight, refreshments wort served. A. Donald was master of ceremonies, W. II. Derry was on Ihe door and Ihe committee consisted of W. II. -Derry', A. Donald, L. Potlerton and Hen Self. Music was dispensed by an orchestra consisting of Miss Irene Morrison, W. Cooper, Kenny Hood and Howard While. FISH ARRIVALS. Only two boats marketed at the Fish F.xchnnge this morning. They were Ihe Amer lean schooner Lincoln which sold 12,000 pounds lo Ihe Atlln Fisheries al 13.5c and Gc. and I he Canadian boat .loe linker which disposed of 5,000 pounds lo the lloolh Fisheries Canadian Co. at ll.lc and 7c. Having completed docking hero, C.(l. M M. steamer Canadian Voy agfiicr sailed this afternoon for Victoria where she will load u cargo of lumber for Australia SEES VISIONS FOR VICTORIA Special Despatch Indicates that Grain Will Profit that Port Greatly A special de-patch from Van" roHver to Ifte Victoria Times i rather visionary a to the future nit look a the null of the erection of an elealnr at that port, :t smaller one than thai- being erected in Ihi- city. The despatch reads: "Kslablis&ni.'nt f a branch of Ihe board "f grain comnos- singles may mean that man hasjsioners of Canada will lie mail action. The f!yro Club is expecting to open its new playground ,in Weslview within Ihe next week or so. The opening would have taken place some lime ago bad il not been for a delay in the arrival of Ihe mechanical head for Ihe ocean wave which, in fact, has nol yet arrived here. The Weslview playground will con stitute the club's playground objective Ibis year. Karly in Oet- Qucstfon Discussed as to Wheth-obcr a big carnival will be held cr They May Become Stars LONDON. Aug. -Ml. The an-luiuncemeiil made recently that I'.yril Tolley and Miss Joyce Welbered, Hrilifdi Star golfers, ' Miss Welhered is the leading lady player) intend ' to lake up lawn tennis "seriously," is dis- cussed hy the Snorting Life,' which intimates that il is nol possible for a gidf player of some years standing to become a slur" lenuii player. "In Ihe absence of any con firmation Ihe news must betaken with reserve," Ihe arHcle Is pre faced. "Tbe mere fact thai both Tolley and Miss Welhered have been playing a stationery ball on the links for some years will render it impossible for (hem to illain high honors at lawn ten nis; on lite court a moving mm al Victoria, following erection at Ogflen Point of a ll.Ooo.ono terminal grain elevator by Panama Pacific (irain Terminals Limited, il was announced here by Commissioner James Robinson, of Ihe Hoard of Orain ('oniiiiission-ers of Canada, with headquarters at Fort William, Ontario. "Opening of a branch of .ee (rain Hoard on the Island would, add many thousands of dollars a year to the plry roll of (he Capital City, Commissioner llobimoit slated. A staff of highly -kilb .; inspectors, samplers and grmk'rs and weigbers. would he employed at the elevator in checking bold Ihe incoming and outgoing ura'n. An otlk .lHt of statist iekuis. maiTlfeflers aftd 'ffrmH-uL eft-rk also will he maintained. '"The yeartjt pay roll for this department alone based mi i -.e experience, at other terminal grain elevates would tie aootit aiOO.OW). This would be greatly "Increased a other grain elevators are erected and Ihe necessity for elabiisbii i branches, of the survey and appeal boards arise. "H is also estimated thai with i terminal elevator handling an iverage of 50,000,000 bushel ot 2r.un a year, requiring alioul 1,11 ship to lransMrt it to the mar 'xels of Ihe world, tbe tola! amount of money left in Victoria annually will be more than $100,000,000. Hi i includes lh amounts winch Will be expended in lining .mil trimming cargo, provisioning, iii)cri hui an I weighing charge 1, elevator charge". !ri.rit to trade and railway freight ralen." BEND ENERGIES TO PRODUCING Anyox Plant This Year Will Un dertake Little In Way or Improvements Says The Any.'x plant of the Ornnby onsolidale.i Mining, Smelling and Power Co., Lid., is .operating lo capacity, and, a record copper production has leen umde ilur- ng the pa i few months was the statement made to the Alice Arm Herald a f. w days ngo by J. II. Ilaffner, aisfnnt general mon- ager. Mr. Ilajfuer snld thai no niw work was h.-iog cotilt'midated al Hie Anyox plant by Hie company, hut nil energies will bo directed toward piniluolng copper. The concentrating 'mill was giving satisfaction ami handling be- twpcn 1200 atid 1300 tons of ore per day. A suriihi- of ore was being ac cumulated a I Uie Outsider mine al Maple llav, nnw dial an nbtind ance of byilro-cleclric power was available. This, reserve will pro bably be drawn upon durltig Ihe winter, wb.-n power is not Wanted For Sale For Rent FOH IlKNT. Pianos, player pianos, phonogfaphs and sew ing machine. Walker's .Music Store. If FOIl IlKNT. Twit room furnish ed apartment by jlay, week or month. Phone lied 007. tf FOIl IlKNT. Modern bouse, five rooms and bath. Monro Itros. FOH IlKNT. Claim apartment W cslonhavar Hros. tf LOST LOST. Near Hospital last Mon- dnjr afternoon, grey hat with initials (LA. II. In inside band l lnder please Phone Itltick rio. if froiu McCill lnherily recuully, would spend considerable time examining (h(, Hidden Creek and Outsider mines, and oilier pro perlieH which may appeal lo Ihe company, Last year Ihe big plant was oporalcd eoiiliuuoiisly throughout Ihe year, and up lo (he present ,c same happy condition has prevailed during 11)25. , HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert A. C. Macdonald, Yimroiiver. sow, i.. enroll and II. . Fraser abundant. Rlewarl: Mm llcgnrdlM- ,lovelopmcnl of Ihc.Il. '.. McKiiiMlrey. Cambridge' llominra manra i.ir,perly. in,,perly. he he staled staled that that Mas Mas..; M. I'ni Fotluml. land, Seallle Seallle. ' Ihe conn. , v would md umlerlake devidoptin Work tin year Dr J liancrofl, who arrived Central I I.oiih and A Jensen. Kel clnkan, M Ciple, Slewari By George McManus 1 taste better mwi&ifik.n Moe- ) 4 w ' I 1 --T 0 k ' .A ' ,i Ul ' 1 m creamed creamed with with Jf A T OUT TOnkjutj XT too ( . , JELSN Ce txjoc 1 ; f? ,'. 4.-'! r letnecoS , tocomf., U,,, A M rul n fffErtf I (' ' . ri.t, Sew.. i i r j I " JwISh ) X v '' 'A r-' "rt I " " ' AWt? in Canada 'L. : - - ,-- DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c FOR SALE suites, . ranges, nloveH, bed linen, towels, window blinds, inlaid linoleum and printed linolcumn. lounges, chairs. Chiffionieres. Dressem, Hcd-teads, mat (reuses and springs. Dining table, kitchen tables, (able oilcloth. A. Murkeiuie, Furniture House. Phone 775. tf FOH SAI.K AT TKHUACK. It.tT. -Five roomed house, well finished; livinc ' room tl X SI. fireplace; three bedrooms II x 12 and big kitchen; IH acres with fruit trees eight years old; five minutes from station and post nHlce. Apply Mrs. F. T. Ilns, Terrace, H.C. FOIl SALK Slive IrouMa sol ved. Why worry about ywr old stoves when you ean exchange Uiem as first payment on a new Pit KM I Kit HAM IF and have complete satisfaction. Ha lance on easy payments. Prinre llupert Kxehange. Phone G&2. If LFOIt SALK. Two No. 5 t nder- wond typewriter, one with all the latest attachments. The typewriter ymi will eventually buy. ADDM lSS iCHA I'll' wit h stencil for prices only. Apply P.O. Hox 2;o, city or telephone I II oe IDS. Foil SAI.K.-At Anyox. MM speedy run about "gle;" Si x 0; SO b.p. Peerless four rv-liiidar engine as gool as new. Apply t 'a plain Nedden. Imnr. "firanco." Anyox, H.C. S3 FOIl SAI.i:. Cheap. Conlenla of comideiely furnished rtMituing house. Com I business opportunity. IWeryl hing in first class condition. Miss Carson, 2IK Second Avenue. tf FOIl SALK till IlKNT. Seven roomed fully minlern house. 730 Player piano for $500 with :iG music rolls. Apply Mrs. Alkins, Phone ?3H. If TO RENT WANTVB FOH SAI.H. Dining room suiles. WAXTF.D. iitip leeoml hand bedroom suite. Cheslerfield kitchen range. Mtil he in A.I condition. For hotel purposes. Write Hot 2H7, Daily Xews. Son W A.NTKD. Tender for shingling the l ulled r.buri'h building. For particular see Hev. IL' Jac,r oFrank Derry. W AM KD.- - iimui deslren ait- nation as general servant, or chambermaid. Hox SfiH Daily News. ti IIOUSFKKKPKH wsnt-t for young family at Alice Ami. Apply Hox ?15, Daily ew ofHce. WANTED. Plain dremaalur Iteasonable rates. 718. Fra r street. tf HOY WANTKD. Apply Has S6. Daiiv Aows otoee. BOARD ItOAHD Tile Second Avenue Inlander, h:io Phone 137. HO.MID and llom or Hoard only. Phone (led 707. BOATS AND LAUNCHES PIIIGH8 OF F.ASTIIOPK t-CVCI.K Marine Knglnes -- t-II.P. wilhout clutch 1 1 Ht.Ofl l-li.P. I oylioder Ml) 0-II.P. I cylinder Hit K-H.P. 1 eyllndcr MO H-H.P. S cylinder MD 1 0-II.P. I cylinder I.D 2eTi.0Q ISO.OO 7S0.WI t50.0 I7ft.00 All (ha above exeent Ihe first include the Famous Joca Ile-vene Hear, and full eleelrienl ami propeller eipupmenl. 'ITie best that money ran loiy. F.aslhoie Hro.. 1717 Ceorgi.i St. W. aiic ouver. HO. Always at your servlecj. Prince Rupert Boalhouse, Agents Phone SHI. TAXI Taxi C7 Phone (Call Ceorge, Paul or (lust) Special C and 7 passenger Stiide- baker al your serviea day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from F.mprc- Hotel. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you wan! anything sent for, or delivered, phone us. P.O. Hox tJ9. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl. ure Store. We Huv. Sell and Hi. ichange New and Secondhand Hoods. QUO. PAPAUUPULIS, 39 Third Ave. Phino lr. KEITH'S CAFE. ! ? PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Wednesday, August 20 High . r. : 5 1 a in. I.VH ft. IH:()(l p.m. I7.K " Low 1 1 ::i0 a.m. 7.1 " Thursday, Auoust 27 High 7:00 a.m. 1 1 .11 fl. I:l:i p.m. 17.7 " Low HMD a.m. " 12:10 p.m. H.I " Friday, Aunust 28 High rt:.1l a.m. 1 17 fl 20:?8 p.m. IK.O " Low ?:0fl a in 0 " " 1 3 :57 p.m. 8.8 " Article Loit nJ Found, 4c COLUMOIA RECORD! XKW Proces . no ncrai." production Trots, Son , music by Call In .m l PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC !T0, linrj v.. TIMBER SALE Xt7. S.l .! IIMH ' -It MlHtotrt - I I . talrr Ifkftii .. IlI r Itj: i i ,n HcMirk. IUI-.I. ritwlol , o IMal. Ixmio. . ti I. awtai 4 ii 1 1 r trr, Viriuru I, frmm wafi. a TIMBER SALE XCUI I M tO ll.Vhl i s m IS VlUr Irf ilr Omm . ii- IMatvf. ftl. r. Itw : j ". . lX. ! ml I l ., I f I I- Ni-im a.l - r r .11 l:- ', M tUUtr I ....I lml "f onH" larllipr iii f-r. irvirta rrmrf typrt n TIMBER SALE X7t si i in TrM i i - IS KwiuiHr . I ... ulrr una n.. imn r. ittk. r.-i i'. 7tal. lo mi i . Miiatara. HalMMi a mmI rtnltv . i ' m umrtrt Thru 1 1 1 mr. m - ami at T MaaWr rurtftwr ineuUi-lr. Vlrtarta, a TIMBER SALE X71U MkHsler ( Ui..t-Ifeah iki Uh ' ' lti. r..r ni . ' M. I III J llll.n, l.lam 4i.i limii ri ni. rllM' i OKlri't aartl I im.l- ' I'Mriferr twin" mIh, Vlrh.ru. I. ' TIMBER SALE, X7tl Saalnl Trtwkr- u IMMMrl .ttrlrr i. it fit a r pjirrlMX1 f i I. ii, or serii i S, I, rut M..""' ' -sprur. idr. II. ni I "Vim (t) jrrtr '' moral nl UialMr. ions-r partiritu. Irr. Vrl.irl. ..r H.. TIMBER SALE X2SSJ- srjki.in TiMHH th Mrailer ( l " llrf (ban ixari ' inafarr. lr.. ri XK. Wi ml i.i IIHMlark MhI i "I" in tar l "i 1 MnriHiy I'iMxi. I.'" Iilttrlrt. Tnr (Ji r- muvtl at liiiilr. I'arOwr prii. "in Irr. Vhiwii. H Ithws hapft. I' ' , I'm! lml I'Miillirnrlnr it LAND ACT, mnllal PUIIirl l'"' lluali H milr ii' " tmwty. nn W'" 1 Tkl: oTiri: urn tin i n. I ill , "r v When In nfewnrt visil Keilh'sllJr.lisi'ir,',;, Cafe in hlng Kdward Hold now re-modelled. Up-lo-dato. Dining llooni and Lunch Cuunler ROB KEITH - Manager. . u e -f Nolle f InUnllM U Applr lM- e in Skrcn Ions s wir nuts, n si r v' rrn r.nnrry m w v ;' llwlire Miultl in h " ' ,t, n '"J, Itwnrr ft fnlloaiiif piilnl of rimmiftirnff". mm rt, mf "f ir mix) sih V, !. LAND ACT. nei r imimiw -'r hi rrin niiin 1 , tiia,i..f i.t 1'rni- ' II lull IK XI l " IJ.C. Ililllil JU: NOTICE "H Slmiii, if iiiim-"' rinnirjnuii. Inlriul- 1 I.III I' i urrliie It Imiiti! no. f ' r '' I!' til s t " Si niimrnrili( u e niMitii iiitrr rM, ni' ,,f MMiitiwl iiiritrr "f ' win til 30 rhlli: ''' tr V mure r lr. in ' ,n ; i ritl.ilnr iiirimWIii Vili. ' nl riiliimrllrrnirnl, Ann ' ,,, UMirt or it 4 (KP,Nu DitiJ July TlU, !