f hru (ar gervice STANDARD PULLMANS DAILY SE TTLE to KANSAS CITY, DENVER Milking Close Uonuuclioiiti In East and Southwest Lv. sn.VITLi: . . J..1I.I5 i.m. a p. poutlwii .... 0.15H.HV itJ Lv. IMIHTLAND . . . . '0,516 .,. lalday HKWKIl 10.15 a.m. nnhlny r. K ANSAS cm' . . k.15 fun. Uli day Try the Union Pacific System do: jf P ll'tuniiug. (iixiil M. tl-. CihuIimiiIs Klllployeo, Double Track The UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Union Station, Scattlo, 1405 4th Avenue MONTH END CLEAN UP WICKER FURNITURE 1 only Cctteo .( lull pn. $25.00 1 only High Back Chair $9.00 Library Tables it I $20.70, $35.00 and $38.70 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. in Iiimr K.r-t h.n! New- niii.c Lanadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Onerwtinn n. t. P. 20.000 Ton Floallna Dry Dock tnglnters, Machinist, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, Pattern makers, Founders, woodworkers, tic. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped to handle al kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SF COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Princo Ruport- Princo George Princo Charles Smlmir. ir-i.m Pi nu t' Ituiiert for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle ami intermediate ports, k a . . . i I iJ .. I i. ..,1 .... .MOtKl.-iy. nt .1.00 p.m., anil WeiHU'-uay ami o.um.ia,, nlh.oo i.m. FOP flnunv ..,.1 l.'l'iilllV II. III. n n .J oi a tl I wn uiiu amvuurt .moiuiii) mm j. For Skagway md Alusku Pnrls, Wednesday. 1.00 S.S. Princo John'for Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancou ver, I-orliughUy. ... ...... RiirrnT DIL.""Pt tundi, tl.SU till. r..r run.;.' "' EDMONTON, ....r m, H ,,,S tllHTIl (IIKIIH. I l" " 'J'" Clin ..... IL 1 tm.r... TI.L-. ' T,t"l Olflc, B2t Third Am, Pflnc Ruprl. Phont 260. Canadian Pacific Railway CANADIAN n r rvlros Sailing from Prince Kupert ' JCIIIKAN. WRANCf.ll, JUNCAU, JKACWAY H 1 'V?' ?' ?! ' VANCOUVER. 12. 15. " VICTOR!! .tti. Al 5. 8. - . ....., aim tJLflULI, - ttl Srln'en l" B. 0c..n r.M. N.mu. Al.fl B.,. vimpbju n . " ....... liiiMm If .m. igp til Blwrnthlp Llni. Full miorir....... iai. n rnriunn nnpAl atnt. ocrnp of 4th siri and 3rd Anu, Pfioc fuprl, Local and Personal H.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's laxi, 00c. Phono 078. tf Iwo cars at your service. Shcddon Taxi, l'lione 13 i. 1 For lite busy man or woman, i llrown ear saves money, l'lione wu. r J. Lindbhim was fined 25 in the city police emit I Mils morning for intoxication. w Inst and crilibaRe. SI. "An- drpw's iooiin, Friday, August 28, al 8.J0 p.ni. Adinisslon 50c. i'J'J Waller A. (Jreen, Indian, was rine. $10 and cots in IIib city ixdici- court this inoniint,' for drunkeiitieitg. II. Heid, who judged poultry a the F.xhihilion last fall, will he back here again in a similar rapacity Ihu year. Mix. WarrinsUm, wife of the caplain of the steamer Canadian Ynyaneur, will return to .Van couver on the Frince Charie to- niglil. J. W. F.xley, city ball Janitor, will leave al lh end of tlief week in speml hi annual vacation on !u- farm between Smfthers and IVIkwa. Mr. and Mrs. '1'. A. Clarke arc -uiling this afternoon OB the I'ruires- Louise enroll! e lor TnriMilii where they will sihhh) o month mi vacation. Women of Mooaebearl legion will In-Ill a tea and wale of hoiiK ookiiig at the home of .Mrs Phillips, lit Xin Ih Avenue, lo morrow. Thursday, at 3 p.m. I ni riot Forester P. S. llonney und Fire Inspector It. II. Jeigli-lon are on a t rip lo the interior. The former will be back nhou' September 5 and the latter at tout i he end of the month. Mr-. J. C. 0 Doiinell, widow ol lite former superintendent of the Canadian National Railways at Mini. ion. y.U., and two Children, after haMiig matte the round trip to Alaska, left here by train for Port Arthur where they now ulake their home. Archie Shields, vice-president of the Pacific -American Fisher ies, which couoern owns the Port Mwanl cannery, will return until to his home in Helliiigham on the Princess Louise this af ternoon after having paid a visit of inspection to the plant. Late to this division, (he pas senger train from the Karl, due at 3:30 this afternoon, will not arrive until 8 o'clock tonight. The steamer l'rhiee Charles, for the south, will lie held pending 'he arriMil of the train as will also the Prince George going to laska. CP. It. steamer Princess Louise, ('.apt. Arthur Slater, from Alaska ports, is dtie here this afternoon it! :i o'clock and will sail for Vancouver at 1,30, Passengers :oing south from hero on Hie esset will, include Mr. anil" Mrs. T. A. Clarke, for Toronto; Archie Sluels for Ileltlngham. and Mrs. May and daughter for ANNOUNCEMENTS Knights of Pythias Wilis' Drive and Dance. August 31. Hulklcy Valley Fair aj Sniitlt-ers, September 3 and I. Ilaptist Church Ladles' Ihirimr, Xovcmhcr- 20. Ail St. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliary llazaar. December 2. Lutheran Church Ladies'-Hanai . Derpinhf r 177 i$ Machine ntves Aid THE DAILY IfEWB Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. Kreakfast, Lunches. Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Itcfrcslirnenls Our Specially is Home Made Ice Cream and Confection-cry. Wholesale or Ilelaif. i'ou will he pleased with our service Let us please you. KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Sheddon's Taxi the original 50c. laxi. Phone I3i. tf When hack from I lie holidays try Valentin Dairy: Phone 057. Tickets now on cal Jlckardl's at tstore. I' ale for Musi-Ormes Drug K. C. (iihboiis returned on the Prince Oeorge this looming from a trip south. Mr. Joe Kent returned on the Prince Oeorge this morning from a business trip to Vancouver. Our low rates have been an outstanding success ami we shall ontinue on this basis, llrown Taxi. Phone 80. tf 1. A. Smith, presi.lenl of the Prince Huperl Spruce Mills, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Itupert this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Thmnas Mc-Meekin returned home on the Prince Ceorpe this morning af-'er having sent a week in Van couver on a combined business sad pleasure trip. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Imeson of Hums Lake, who have been on a business trip to Vancouver, returned to the city en the Prince (ieorge this moriUtw and pro ceeded to the interior by train. C.N.Il. steamer Prince (ieorge. Cajil. Harry N'edden, delayed half an liouc through (og, arrived from the south at II o'clock this morning, the vessel had a full passenger list including 73 pas- -engers for the train and a num ber making the round trip to Alaska. Ilulkley Valley Seventh Annual Fair, Smithers Park,. Sept. 2. 3 and 1. Three days of wonderful exhibits; two days of field and Irack sporl; two days of thrilling hor. races; grand boxing concert on Sept. 3; aunual lair dance on Sept. 1; music by 28 piece baud. Arnold Evans, first assistant purser of the steamer Prince fieorge, is going over lo the Princo Charles today as purser in place of llert ltobsiin who will join the Prince lleorge to make a couple of Alaska trjps. . K. Corn well has joined llto Princi? tieorgc as second assistant pur ser. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keeloy of Vancouver are passengers making the round (rip to ifkagway on the Prince George todayk Thej ire on I heir hoin-ymoon trip. having been married on Monday tflernoon in Vancouver. .Mr. Keeley i a inonilier of Ihe Great Northern jtailwny llckel olllce stair In Vancouver. .Mrs. Keeley was formerly Miss Lois Wood. Harry Hlrch, managing secre tary of Ihe Prince Huperl Gen- ral. Hospital, and Mrs. Hirch re turned lo the city on Die peine (Wrgo litis morning from Na-nalmo where Mr. Hirclt 'atleinled the convention of the H.C. Hos SHIPMENT OF ORE FROM STEWART MINE Twenty Tons of High Grade goes South from L. A L. Glacier Creek to Selby STKWAllT, Aus. 20. - The first real shipment of ore from the L. & I.. Glacier Creek mine lo the smelter at Selby, Califor nia, was made last week from Stewart. Twenty Ions went south on the Anyox. This was high grade and is expected to go about $200 lo the ton in silver, lead and zinc. Ore i coming down now at the rate of something over a Ion a day and manager lireeze intimated I bat regular shipments will be made from now on as long as weather conditions allow. The ore has lo he packed f li miles from the mine to the wagon road and then hauled by truck lo the dock at Stewart. CANADIAN SCOTTISH SKIPPER IS WEDDED CapL Alec FoPsen Was Married on July 1 In Glasgow to Miss C. C. Mitchell VANCOUVKH, Aug. 20. C. M. M. freighter Canadian Scot tish, ('apt. Alec Forsen, arrived here from the United Kingdom on Monday. While on Ibis trip, Capt. Forsen was married in (ilasgow on July 1. His bride, who was formerly Miss C. C. Mitchell of Sydney. Australia, will arrive in Vancouver on Saturday. They will make their home here. SURVIVOR OF INDIAN MUTINY AND MOTHER DISTRICT MAN DIES Mrs. Emilia Elizabeth Prentiss, a survivor of Ihe Indian Mutiny of 1857 and mother of F. C. II. Itamsdeu. clerk in the store of C. K. lines n at Hums Lake, diet in Vancouver !a week. The late Mrs. Prentiss was 80 years of age and was born in Calcutta. ELEVATOR TO BE COMPLETED ON TIME ANNOUNCES SUPER INTENDENT OF CONSTAUC TION: READY NOVEMBER 15 'continued from page one) 2 feel of tanks and, on top of that again, five more floor- making a total height or 186 feet. The workhouse will be Vi feel long and oi feci wide. II wjll be the cejjtfUl factor of the whole elevator structure for in it is cleaned and distributed Ihe grain either incoming or outgoing. From Ihe workhouse will run a complicated system ol conveyors to all parts of the elevator and also lo the wharf. Carpenters are also working now on the Irackshed, containing throe tracks, on which tin rains will bring Ihe grain into 'ie elevator. Hetween the storage bins and the workhouse, work is also starting on the drier and boiler house. At the end of the workhouse will be a sacking room. Crew of 330 Men There is a total crew of 330 men now employed on the eleva-lor construction. Two nine hour shifts arc being run one from 7 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon and the other from G in the evening until 4 in the morning. The plant is quiet only three hours of the twenty-four, namely between I and 7 in the morning. The most of lite men employed are laborers engaged in the pouring of con-role. The concrete is being stout) pitals' Association. Ho was eleel-ICli. of St. Honiface, Man., whoso ed second vice-president of the superintendent, is (ieorge Skuce, Association and was successful is to tlo all the sheet metal, rooT in having the delegates 'decide to ing and spouting, this work hav jhohl the 11)25 convention in Prince llnperl. BIRTHS. Al Ihe l ri lit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 11 i 1 1 m i I lug already commenced. L. (). Larsen of Prince Huperl has the contract for painting the EWorld Over Discriminating Men prefer it Hills & The Gin you will ask for again the standard of purity for over 160 years. Under woo d f London Dry Gin $3.50 a bottle fhis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or hv the nnveruineut of trilih Columbia Two Candy Specials! Banquet Jelly Wafers Tender Jelly Patties in Mint and assorted Fruit Flavors at 40c ib-Purest Milk Chocolate Three kinds: Plain Milk, Peanut Milk, and Almond and Filbert Milk, at 50c lb. ORMES LIMITED The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggists. 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Phones 82 and 200 Films developed and printed for amateurs. Mail orders have prompt attention. FOR SALE Halibut Gear ajtnBVBMMnBBBJMHBnBBBBBBSBSK $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. calm; barometer, 30.00: temper ature, 51; seu smooth; 1:35 a.m. spoke steamer Alameda loading al Ketchikan. ; DKAD TI11X POINT. - Clear, Calm; barometer, 2D.87; temperature, t8; sea smooth. HULL HAHHOIl Cloudy, calm; barometer, 20.88; temperature. 07; sea smooth; 8 p.m. spoke motorship Apex 220 miles from! Anacortes southbound; 8 a.m.! spoke steamer Cardena in Fisben . I ,.l , . I . ...I. lJ .. ... y reiiuorceu wuu Horizon- uiiaitnei soiiinuouiiu; o ji.iu. tat ami vertical iron bars. In charge of the whole work is 1). M. Shearer, superintendent of construction for Carler-llalls-Aldinger Co., Ltd. C. D. Howe A Co. of Port Arthur are designfng and supervising engineers. W. . (mater, their engineer, is personally supervising the work with llarlvig Us, his assistant.. The Western Steel Products ulvoLn tin I ill'lio ifitiailtir I itu'il . fvnu (tip iva iiu iuoiup Inlet southbound; 8 a.m. spoke tug Pacific Monarch in Seymour Inlet hound for Ocean Falls. Noon DIGllY ISLAND.- Cloudy, culm, barometer, 2'J.V)8; temperature, 00; sea smooth. DKAD THKK POINT. Clear, barometer, 2U.8U; temperature, 01; sea smooth. HULL HAHHOIL Clear, calm; barometer, 2l.'J0; temperature, O'J; light swell. entire structure. He already has! Launch "23" will leave the the first coat on Ihe shed for! Princo Huperl Hoathouso on sacked grain which is situated) Thursday, Saturday and Sunday Hospital on August 25 , a son was on the wharf near the wo'rk- hoiti to Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Wei- house. ford, Hesner Apartments. 1 A daughter was lioru Ihis morning lo Mr. ami M'rs. lloberl WIRELESS REPORT. de Kengoninioaux of terrace, at 8 a.m. the General H.'sptlal. 1 DIGHY 1SLWD. - Hamiu; SALT LAKES SERVICE afternoons every half hour front I p.m. ami on other week days every hour from 2 p.m. Launches, rowboats and canoes) for sale or hire. PIUNCK lll'PKnT 1JOATHOUSK I'lioue 361. Big Assortment of Finest Quality Silk, Satin Velvet, Crepes, Taffeta, Flannels, Serges, elo., nt reasonable pricos West of England Store Phone 753. Timber (or Sale On Lots MVJ and 1780, Hange 5 Coast District. Price $2,500.00 cash. 'This limber is subject to Prov. Govt, stumpage charges. Apply T. S. ANNANDALE, New Westminster.