purng cement for storage bins to end next IK week but big warehouse, 186 feet high, will take much longer CREW OF 330 MEN NOW EMPLOYED Tu'o shifts worked and plant quiet only three hours of the day; work is of complicated nature I. .00,000 Ittfoliet terminal grain elevator living Imilt ir Carle r-llalU-Aldiiiger Co. Mil. ol Winnipeg for Ihe Trade Hint Commerce will be rompleleil and ready gr.nn y schedule dale, November 15. it vn definitely i idiiy afternoon Iy It. M. Shearer, superintendent of .. to a Daily New representative why mi a visit li 'loragc luo -. iMiiihng of ronrrelc mi which was !( puilnm Streets Strewn With Wrctaga From Residential Districts V 1 1 r.al.. Aug. 2rt. j was fatally injured ' pi'rsoiin are in a - 'ion as a rc-ull of a ' alipalria. t.altf"inia. 'al Hindi. There wa i - y damage, inelinl-esiniollill iiianv 1 -'ims ilistint escaped miaKc but lrewn wrwk- ti! "ther parts of the ' I'd the streets. ' v ar.-h is being made lie wreckage for oilier irtiins. properly was a'p Hii- uinruing at CITIZENS MEET COAL STRIKERS - No Strike" Commlltoo at Wllkesbarre Negotiating on Industrial Situation WILKI SHAItllF.. Aug. 2. A) Mimic c operulors are meeting mi iiiko" eommitleu uf 1,1 'eii:-: tins aflcrnonii to hear appeal Hial scale negolialions "' iiiuciI to prevent a slrike " n' nam i-oal fields on Scp-b'sinc t Tin. mlnera however M I iilah-il one condiliou, Ilial I'l' a in iniisi rreede from Iheir )" ' iHon or iiisisllng that no de- luailtl lie eiiiiiiilei...l will "'a product ion coIm. (A COLLISION BETWEEN ASH TRUCK AND TROLLEY WAV YOltK, Aug. 2ft. Thirty n'-wiiBi'M.vvero injured In u col- ' l0 'inlay between Irollev and v ... i .men, i ne passenger "I'lding iiiimv v. ..... '""wii mi,, u lliu,t)( lh(. ,1,,. at eil niiii ii... ...... i i. Advertise .n the Dally News tteMiW I and 6y SeptemKer weeks win i.e rruirrii oir '"-) )P1)CP,. installation of this done, the MILLING ORE ! AT STEWART1 t Large Low Grade Bodies STFAVAHT, Aug. 2G. A. can be no settlement without Ihe participation of the Tinted Stales, which is the real nrbitsr of the situation here. HURLED BRICKS AT BRITISH CABINET LONDON', Aug. 2(. During the afternoon session, of the cabinet, a well dressed man hurled two bricks lhrou:h the window of No. 10 Downing Street. He wii niTe-ic'l, Hell Ships Being Investigated at San Francisco on Return from land, the Alaskan Salmon Canneries utv i.'h VVC1SC0. Aug. yil. The slulo labor commission has begun an iuycsligiilioii inlo what tire described us Ihe "llcli ..i.i.. ..r ihe Alaska fishing fleet, which uto now returning hero .from "",l",r M,,."T. ""'i- TIlU commission is nhi.pumi(, i.iuiiiiiis mum." ii nil' shins' hands Ihat Hit y were virtually shangnied on Iho fishing vessels mid held prisoners under guard. ' Vffidavils churgiiig illicit sale of liqiioi' nml drugs are won i lo bv islv iiicnibers of the crew of Hie "Slur of Ilolliihtl." " ; ..n.i' cannery workers I - i ... vessels "Star of llol-l rated by Ihe Alaska ,T... HI. , t ....I ,,. I it ml I A l.. at .... ..I . 1 1 1 1 1 , IIII- iiren Wcro Taken III In Wilds and ! iiriimhrfl Af lf Lrnvlnn Note HAD $2,000 IN FURS Peter Ackerman and George Williams Loft Prince, George Over .Year Ago gwxi mining ore wmcii wm last,, ,, ,r. , t(,r ,,u ien. a long time and bring good re- Mie 70 foot mark, will he completed hy Seti-i.. .11. f.. it... .... .. ... tr . . k. . ..1 STORM VISITS t$ ei: t. .r -t--- - - nanuie.1, .Money is nee.ieii jq pni-m fM, cnntif initio I wo II Ihi- of (lie work, part including..,,. ,-.. ,-,ni i i machinery and., Mr ,' ,,, elevator will hei eonirariiiMT company win siani lo clear up and move away Hie. mass of equipment and machine-1 ry that is being used In the erection of the hiise structure. The storage bins, which are! now going up rapiuiy aim are neariim completion, are W5 feet in height bill, including the additional slorey and cupola on lop and the basement below, will have a lolal height or 112 feel. This pari of the elevator, which is 217 feet long by 03 reel wide, contains 3d large circular bins, each l feel 8 Inches iu diameter, besides the outer spares and inner spaces, all designed lo hold gram. These bins, as said before, had last night readied a height of "0 feel, Ibis figure being for Ihe bins themselves and not including the foundalinn. i i i... i.esi sinc e day a pouring has lieen 8 feel 2 inches. Most Imposing Part , On Ihe workhouse, which will he Ihe most imposing part of Ihe slnieluie reaching a lolal height of 180 feel, pouring of cement has also been slarled. The first rioor lias already been poured ami some ol the first floor columns. This floor is 20 feel lo u ' " wi" 1,e Ihe i-eilins. continued on page three menting Willi an filially completed. Then lhwiMl U0(A " onod been experi-oro defector CONCESSIONS TO FRANCE END Newspapers In England Declare 'Can be no Settlement Without United States LONDON. Aug. 2(5. II is unlikely thai any more concessions will be made by the British government in Ihe settling of the French debts1, even lo save the present conference with Finance Minister I'.aillau.x from failure. Newspapers here declare there Tfwr-ol.l on livin in lMlnionton Afler prhing rttwmi "il for ffiid- ll.f llmiP un.l .ii..L.. .iimmiml " .". . . MlUiars nnriH OI mrf. the . . ,.,; "To m"..." i i,mn u WW ami iim ,,,,. (.(i,.: ti,0 roof leaks. ... mr ..", mil in- lunnir... t. Itt nu, , i,OH. ami ll.n rAiirADMiAr,"": lH h",,, """iinos """" y shipping. nc, VjHLH UHllla ' , , ' WJM ''. preilWs that an enormous ton-l which pouring of cement has been started,, will be up by Nov ! tine., it r irnlil silver, leiiil. line - - - - ' n , and flipper ors will be shipped ember I. Afler Ihls about Iwo;, w, n,M) w ONE TO TEN' YEARS JAIL Dorothy Elllngson Displayed No Emotion on Hearing Sentence SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 26. Dorothy Elllngson, found guilty .Monday of manslaughter when tried for murder after the confessed shooting and killing of her mother, was today sentenced to from one to ton years In the penitentiary. The young matricide displayed no emotion on hearing sontence. Sho will be eligible for parole after serving one year. sockeyFpack EXCEEDS 1921 Eetlmatod That 74,000 Cases of Sockoyo Have Beon put up on Skeena Rlvor This Season The total sockeye ack for the Skeena River this year is csti mated at 7 1,000 cases as com or" TAXI u r- Boston Grill Ice Cream goes with dinner UiJ Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hull, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. floor fur. hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper XV NO. 108, Vi, PHINCK III PEUT. B.C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1025. Yitttrdiy't Clrcalttlon 1663 Street Saloi S03 PRICE FIVE CENTS. I ELEVATOR . . TO , BE READY BY NOVEMBER 15 GREAT BRITAIN AND FRANCE IN AGREEMENT OVER PAYMENT FRENCH DEBT Elevator to be Completed on Time Announces Superintendent of Construction; Ready Nov. 15 FOUND BODIES NET REVENUE TWO TRAPPERS OF RAILWAYS ON INCREASE Good Showing Made Canadian .... National for Seven Months of This Year TOHOXTO. Aug. JO. Ollieial figures issued here today on the VI' TORIA. Aug. 26. The Hallways have made a notable! ! Iiadly decomposed bodies or I'eler advance in net revenues durin; over Hie 1 1123 figures Ihe favorable showing that has already Ihjciv auliieved (hould beateeiittiiirarl rift thr WW anre of the year as an Upward movement of urss earnings is now proceeding. During thul moulli of July, l'J25, (he gross increase by 383,yi or 1.02 per cent ocr July, 192 1 operating expenses were decreased by M55.7i(! or LCD per cent. The rcsullatil increase in net reven ues for July is i,33V,evu or 228.HI per cent in Hie first three weeks of August, lt)25, f.ross earnings have shown an increase of 1. 773.51) t or lt.5 per cent as compared with Hie gross earnings for the first three weeks of 1U21. SHOTS FIRED INTO MEETING Action Thought to Have Been Protest Against Union Not Agreeing to Strike LONDON, Aug. 20.- Five shots were fired this afternoon at a meeting of sinking seamen in progress outside the otlice of Ihe National Sailors and ! tremens Union. II is believed thai the firing was a protest against the L iuoh's action in opposing Ihe present FIELD MARSHAL DIES pared Willi 1 11,000 cases m the VIENNA, Aug. 20. Field Mar Britain and France in Agreement on Payment of French War Debts LONDON, Aug. 20. Hignt Hon. Winston Churchill, British chancellor of the exchequer, and M. Caillaux. finuncc minister of Fianre, this ulteruooii reached an agreement on the principle of the fuudiu? of the French debt to Ureal Britain. The agree- arrival of Sir Henry Thornton, ,Cnt has to he laid before the French government for final rati-show thai the Canadian .National) rication hut it is understood that the general principle has heen I uiiolllcial slrike of Hrilish seamen. The strike is meeting vvHJi little success in Ureal Britain hut is spreading to Australia and South African ports. passed on by both British and trench cabinets. mt . . i - . . I . . . r . t .. I I. . . r 1 4 n E M Hanadn Saw Pntur n i - - , nL. agreement is on a nasi? oi u annual payments oi ' non "f ruvuro UC- l,'! ..i , nml Hi-oil.' YVilliums. Hie m'Vimi iiiiiiiIIis iiim.ihI eniliiitr n. ....... .. .. :i.:i:i....r i" .... .... i,. .... ' penas on Production From .,...-, .i ,,i u. uit.w .iniv ai n.i iiii u. in. ...v.. ... .. . .... . . . i ...... .... , -., -..v. ....... .... ............ aKiet'iiit'iu io uk rt'uuiiru on from rrince iieorgc more man a ineni nas uccn maue in the lace various details and proportionate: year ago. have been found by the of decreased gross receipts. leuual treatment by Frauce of her' provincial police, il is reported The gross receipts were 8.- creditors. " , at liwi'l.niarlcfsi Kniay. n.c vji.o-i or o.i.j per cent dciow, CaiHaux will now place the .de-nWMmpr writer who has been rtM,jeH w,.n. follfM, in a cal,in ui-'lhe corresponding figures in uils ,,t.rore ni y0V(.pninent. vitmg this district, -xprel ,ert) wU rir iiered about IU21, but olierating expenses! ' nim.eir as Having great intth in b wiJ(, animals.-; The diaries of were reduced by II,387,i77 uie rortiano uinai uisinei as ti. ,rn inilicatwl Ihal they were. 8.G5 per cent, so that the net iiKeiy 10 ueefime a sieauy pro- overc,e hy sickness. position stands ids at at ilucer. He illd not enthuse so, As rntlit of , ;ircU con- incrwue of nuictt over itie lilsli gra.le pros- lIuc,w, ,V (ir,rf,nfl f. Vandyke, per cent as compared with the r., ui-ir ii. u n. '"iwiin mailt the lrt( of one nun-jnrsi !feii niumns ui i.-i aim , it IK II grane r mere, 5,6(57,i:87. an, S2,52.C00 or 76.29 as on the ,r(N, InjM ,erre coining on an increase of 81.5D per cc.it fact thai Ihwe are big ImmISos of)lh ralljnf tl vafl found Ihat Wil CLAIM AGAINST HAmOFt EOARD OF VANCOUVER MADE VANCOUVER. Auir. 26. A claim for S.'SO.OOO damages against the Vancouver Harbor. Commission was filed' in The Supreme Court yesterday afternoon by tiie British A Oriental Orain and Elevator Company for altered breach of an implied covenant contained in their lease of Number 3 MEIGHEN MAY COME TO PRINCE RUPERT George Bushby Gets Promise Conditional on Future ' (ieorge (S. Husliby. Conserva tive candidate for the district. has received a letler from lion. Arthur Meighen, leader of the opposition in the Dominion par-1 liamenl. stating that he desires very much to visit Prince lliipertl and in his own words. "I am not, you lhal you can count on a from me." ! Mr. Meighen stales further1 that somelhip-.g might interfere, such as the announcement of an election, which might render the visit impossible. He will nil - douhledly cme, however, unless something absolutely prevents. DRUSE TRIBESMEN" REBELLION SPREADS LONDON. Aug. 20. The re bellion of the Druse tribesmen against the French regime in bump'jr year of 1U21 ami 11,000 Uhal Baron Franz von Con trad I Africa is spreading. The gar cases in the low cycle year of lloetzendoqf, chief of staff of rison of Deir Fz Zor, an import 1021. Sockeye fishing closed, ihe Austrian armies m the world nut city, has been captured by last Friday night but Sunnyside.Uvar died today. the rebels. Balmoral and Inverness - runner-1" - - - - ies will continue to fallj pack n, w rr l S . varieties The rest of the can-j JflnfiS AlRIHS flanUS UUt til u p. . nuns on me Ncenu iiivcr are iinderslood lo be closing now. Ihe total pack Ibis year of all varieties, which will be Increased Ihrouah the packing of cohoe iind chums at the canneries conllnuing lo operate, now stands at 230,000 cases as compared with 3110.000 cases in 11)21 and 233,000 cases in 1021. Tho 1021 pack, il is expected, will be exceeded by Ibis year's pack which will, of course, fall away short of the 1021 pack. Bouquet to Canadian Lawyers and Urges Protection of Public WTNNIPF.li, Aug. 20 For moral worth, manhood, instructed minds ami gentlemanly instincts and conduct Canadian lawyers as a Body are not excelled by any other class or colling," declared Sir James Aikins in his tenth presidential address at Ihe opening of the Canadian Bar Association convention here "A black sheep spoil the color of Ihe flock," said Sir Figures so far obtainable are, James, iu noting the numerous cases of impropriation of client's Backers only estimated. It will be some money or of trust funds since the war. lie said thai effective r ..Hi n I 1 1 it, ti nlliiki.lt,,. Ihi 1 I... r . t , i . , .. I. . .. , I I . ' , , .. . S I ii r oi ii' ".""'""8 .nut- uciori' i lie acciiraie noxeu- curaiive iiiensiires were iiviiiianie ami uie punnr smunu oc pro- a" UVVI1L,J und '"' md, star of 1 in i P 'ounl wdi be ktiowu He led iiguMist ignorant und prowling lawyers. SEIZE UQUOR AT LAZARETTO American Speed Boats Taken at Darby Island In Gulf of Georgia V IC lOHIA, Aug. 20. IWO American speed b.oals were seized at Darcy Island this morning with 2 tO cases of. whiskey aboard. - The island where Hie . seizure was made is in the Ctjlf of (ieor-gia and is reserved by tho Dominion government as a leper settlement; whenever lepers are found in this country. At times as many as six or eight Chinese lepers have been confined there at one time. ANYOX RAMS TUG RADIUS Smaller Boat Sinks In Vancouver First Narrows But Crew Are Saved VANCOUVER, Aug. 26: Hammed by the outbound, steamer Anyox, the tug Radius of Vancouver sank in the First Narrows at 1.30 this morning. The crew was rescued. t he Anyox is an ore carrier sujlllj.- I.-. Iliu. u in ........... .",,.. .,,... i,v..r S1I,...P' ISO , , i .. . ... il lid souuicrii puns nun iaiun coal and merchandise of various kinds north. She is Ihe property of the Coastwise Steamship and Barge Company. CHINESE POLICE KILL TWO MEN Effort was Made by Dock Work ers to Release Four Arrested Fellows SlIANdHAI. Aug. 20. Two persons were killed when .Ihe Chinese police today fired Into a crowd of. dockyard workers who were besieging the. police station demanding the release of four workers who had been arrested. Four besiegers were wounded and the remainder of Hie demonstrators numbering about 1300 fled. 1 FRENCH SUGGESTION IN NOTE TO BERLIN PARIS, Aug. 20. The French nole lo Berlin on Ihe security question suggests Ihat Oi'i'inatiy open negolialions on Hie secur -ly pact based on ineinlierslnp in the League of Nitlioti and III? execution of t tho