ugut S6, 1925. WATER NOTICE. Olseralon and Ui( Utal Lliirilicrr Onld 'i . addre In KllIIH')'f i will apply for a licence Ih' '"dal or len feci I - . .i. iiiit Creek also known , winch flnwa westerly and . -i 'lakti Arln alanil ih Hie water will Ihi diveM-l rriiii at nnl annul I Ik- . - ..r k iiirkry Star Editorial ill i llicl Inr lnliii-.r' n'e waa iihI mi tiH' weiity-oevoinl day i.r July, f tin nutlet- and n ap nil tbrreltt and iii tmt i win iw iiivu iii nit niri'v f Walcr in. n llltiit. 1'arliaitvnl' .In...... f hiiimii inin i " . i -1 n-araii. -n .if ilii.l .(MtpT. Tltr clttrl I nf M n,,-t' '(III hWlilrnl frr. ICKiT itwri in .haiii. nif n.r . i H-i-HI ITIII i Ml I MM I . alio t o I to AWirani XV iiitr f WaHff. rm ' !. LAND ACT. ! of Iclan'.:- u Aeslt l Purchata lam. ' will Im din-rlnl rrni ' i ii i lit anarrr. "' I -tllfti- rilim ry land it rilwl a I..I k A, i.uirrii narlntl.' - tv liiv h..hI ikiI tih day nf July. If. I. iih ill iitMlritlnn i .i. I. i 'i 1 1 w ntir. i. ' '. .1 ill IIm i.frir. of Ihr .1 llllM-r II.IIMTL D.r. ' unidliaihtii may Im rild W Hi r lliniitttt-r i.r Willi ' Wal.-r III ah!. I'arlia Vi. i.ta. ii r... wiihin 'l rirtl firai iMya aMrariltr iffl i al iiwintNr. Iii an. 'ii nf thl tih oaf i nolli U AV C tri.AN. AMllrawt, WATER NOTICE. ai a i llial M.Miy II. Mnore '"" ii.ii,i MiiHa lid.. - rnrtnr miik. MHn. ' i a ln-HHf tit lakf art. I i it -rid r watir r which rlitwa'wmlrrly ' lam-li l.akr ilMtut t .mill nt tltr Kniinrrr "HI lw iliraftril frtan i nn aiMmt lw i.iI'm f (ho Mid liter IM" will Im. ued f-r liydni .ij...... ErkF ' l-a kT, ,K ; 1"" .ruaiaii ' Al-tla iami. l-rttUh tol, ' '""Mlliy l.llnlted, nf .i. .' ') ' -, MTtiiiailni. I'm lu ll. ii..iV .v."". fullnw- ,'"",S"'.M. '" rented at him ku r:.".'" 'e ami i ha, put allure nr r i"iiiii. ... . . ... a neti . .. ... i""iin iiearinv nnrui vn. ... ' ""''i"" r.niuMi a I'ACklNO CO. I.TII SEES NO HOPE CO-OPERATION Writer Think. Competition Between Rail-way Will Continue There is lilile to justify ih liniiriii Infill i.1..,.iii....J headlines ... ..... ' "" in I me lie pre nrm iii-t ii Ainu, ot.ier .' i,.!iratki may 1 fitm cnrdrr or won um rexiudlnp I lie joint iixralion hv c. within iwrir "p nn'1 ,,M" C.N.t. ra - :rSStS?mi .liti of the lftliiMHUMi. Duovrwn in .4i1.n1 or ti.ii. rHinr,""'! H.G. road from lUirnnnfnn to III.. I. i n vikh i.Th.. ixc'" , r" "" "if Vancouver AH.IIranl nv nerinaig nwrdt. WATER NOTICE. Mar. -i- Nor it Hi ore "lUI'li IlltliP Of clone operation between the Iwni Dltaralon and Ute sy-friilH in anV other nnrl ,.t a.l.lre.. la KWM-i.l'',nli-''- ,..."V!uit.f,bTO ' 'I'"' tn rail, f Mivtiwr t.tvk wi.i.-h way nrf kiM-n rival: from en.l ' ..-ii.. it ijii,. iiw water.1" " "" ylem the fiere -tl Vi. 4 MliM-ral i Ullti.jbrinx allllllt lilt' CO-Operal ion ho i.'..Mr ; "-'v """ire'l by tl.r Mjj.r ;i,.r.U'uv.7i,ir r "'' - ''"..nary ,.,o- f ii, i. null. ami an ai. rri-cn I lllllnan tiallirP WmilJ :mtttJlmit2i&huv' iplfliU.y rhamrH. ;v i. i lirniTilir nr wiUi 11m, '""'' fIMlllHn JTPl in VI iii Tlifro ha imii much talk in !iirliaiiiiiit of I In tftirNl en .,! .'..m vir it., iv. "I'TBhoii. Am! Hi.- rtlHiaU in- AMillraal. ' Vnlwil liift't in ruurlfauM "-I'giMltJr". r"'- s s-ml-mfii -hoiil.1. IlUt LAND ACT. Illif i,rnilli-l r..nll. MMI llll t f ir.-.tfit on u Applr to Lt Lanj, almiii a tanftibli- a wtiulil hf ". iiliVS3Tlli,!.iJ'',L fr'"" a ci.-..M.ralion m- . I .if lrlll"-i itial. Ml iK'na- al (! '. raaval. ami lMann :iial Anal., timuh ij. .Ftnpani l.lmilr.l. f - .-.ttiallMi rit-k-r. in 4 tW nf llM- f.l.. tp.l- ' i xrM I'laMtHl ii Man -i r.tial. rllaixl Ml: ' aviiia liiarti wur .1.1 hua).r-. frf n I lit. li. i- Mrtltlrrl t. I, l.iwr ttalrr iini'.iMtK a km iim liTfiirr iiiMWlM-n .11.. .MUi'KIMUH Kihk anil Mr. Jli-iKln-n. If I'r iMiiinr ir''iifiild iM nol nn nil.- hi! own inail In will liki-ly Ifano il lo .iiu- nr othfr of 111.- two Kffal railway y(4aiit lint nol lo ixilli. In Hip larffpr fipld Cana1a will iipwi .'"mil, aliirilion of iu national yliii liv a privale-iy owti.-.l railway ami I hut. irh ImmI rai'.way a inoiuijiflly of f'.aii- adui'. inifflr. i in lltr oihpr hanil flii- im! r ilan not allow Hip (..! It. lo Iip takpn ovpr hy Ihr national mail, lhu rrpalinn i nipiiarp m Hip form of a vat l.olitiral marhitip. Ilopp of noiiirt rlitnp 'o-oi.-rulion in adminiH- i.i.r (Hain't f rftara-llrallun Uhi iiibr nrour'' ai mmm in , V: laaaiwfa. It.!- - 5 ' .. ofr4lMi Ml twit i.i tfftf far jr a-n lk rotMir l l !! irtatilMl annroil near or !, ffu ,. r mi IT. I.. h hMMI lMH "!- aonin i rnan: t:'B. MOT jf Irw, III ' mmr nrM4rW .f i- ntHtniriil. awl mr or Im. i Vll.lHir UMIIF-D KtHrant rr Wm. O. MliHiHl A van I. N ttt WATER N0T1CC Uaa ard ttaraaa. Dial William C. M. i.N-k.irt CamMfy. H il tr I Urfm in ii ...r iitHtM dally inn n- n( water mil nf an wim-h rifW. illirrl. i irtq w- t irin I' 1...r. Ill II ( II In- l.-raltol It IIh luMinr I in rai lit nf tht rr ' i i I l iIh.iiI . fal W n.l ilk, iii ariT i.l LAND ACT. 14 mti renioic. The oolulton of liiaila'n major problpm i not uhvinu. hut it It nol likfly In lit in any of Ihr dinvlionn nipnlionpil. LAND ACT. Nalh af IntantktA le Applf to Laaaa Laad la Pfiarv Nafrtl Land limardtaa Oiairiri or Hriitaa ixOwaitiU. ami iUMt ai llw iMualli of Vaaarll InM. la.u. I rlaaiiu unrlk fruat lew mirlkeaiH inr- mtr at Isdia Ivtwerre Sn. one, Oraaam lattd. TAkr. niTiri: ihat I. Tmi ii. man a. tt MaaartL. Itlilith UttaaNa. offnw IIA naravr. mieatda to aunty fur a Wae or Itw iiHPiwiwir vrrwt i iim u lam: i MWiH-iH-inl al a imat lilaulfd atjatil I rnaint, n-.rth rnttn ttar iKirthat rararf f India llwnt .fit. imp, (tranam I land. Ihrarr northrrlv I rauiM K) low waxf llx-arr r.dbiwinr tow water mark l rhalaVl In a wealerl difecll.Hi; thenro MMlh-Miy a rhalit; taenee ralerly Htama, In MdM nf waniagittwatrit. ait4 runiaialar arre. bkut i.r b-aa. eilhcxc ii. imhmw. Aiiioat. Haied jwm lath. !. LAND ACT. . .. Notlta of Intantran to Apply la Purthaaa Land. In the laad nemrdtnt Itlatiirl at PrtlfO Ruiierl. and aliaate at Hlr I alia Creek wlnrh f1"W into KiMall Hlver abt.ul l aHhrt ftwta lt nt.4iili. TAkr Noi.r: thai ilirnai r. Rtel if Criii.r HiiM-n. Ii iM-nipati' lumber man. intend- t alittly ff.r rrRilali to PurrliaM- Umi rnUnwIat dertb.i1 ,Und: irfiiitMnrina al a m.I .lanie.l al the .ilhel .unter nf Lot MS, Haute four: llH-nrr in rhatni mttnlirHyi thenep u rhalii- wtertj; Ihiwe t rtaalna twrtn-T iltenee Q ehala nanterly In dnt ,,l n.n.iiHnmPBt. and ruaumini lo arre, nmiT ..r le. c p .tpfkilranl.: paiH MBIe.t'"-.ti I LAND ACT. Notice of Intanllon U Apply U Laaaa Land i In Prlm-e llui rl l and Mernrdln hUlrH-"r I'rinrt! ntipert. ml naal at el lalb'ii Hav. Maiaeil lalel. TtkK MiTMi: that liiarnn II. lnipnin. nf MaWll. I" rrrnllnn ramieryinan. iniMMl. i Aiiy ";, I.. nia ki.iui I'.uunn.iirliia ai a i'". ..i..yi. ...... i... man i irn .i.r.. nmn I "l.n llw IHiliieer ',,. ia.t hlnlHrti l Mineral rla Inw. l(H"fM r ' ,L u,i mark- - lo. tn. in, in. .... .VI. ol. M.rtitn. r.'"'""- nBin- "r ". him water mark ... J and I ill I. llnriip ii -ii 1. 1 im, nniirp wa art . i ti mi the tltt day nr A i .,f thu iHittre and ' till tlierrln ami In Hie " will . runt m the nfftre ! mier ai At in. n r. l b "in! with the aald Water with "it- .imiiirnller nf Water i.i. .1. iiiniiiinra. Airmna, ! i ih arier Ihn a'xir 1 HI I Inral newktiatier. ' III; in .1 f.f thla ...i ,,(,. .,r Aiirnti, t .Iim l livlnl nf nrfiimenrwienl. iifl ennumlnt ,Horr ,,r,i!niNF. . xiMrsiH. Ai(illrant. r...l tlnl July. It; LAND ACT. InlantloiTToAppIr U Purcha.a Notlca af in okeena ftante S l and nemnlllir M- V;,. " TAKE M.Tirr the C,ndlan ri.h. LAND ACT. fur ,ertnl..ln l Prw ne , ;f P nee' 1, r..! i MUnO, "thrnr? nnrlh W i 'h .'H "i .'ill true ea.l Won ami wntinln V" flsVi.o 111 N I' S 1 1 1 N 0 CO. CO. LT LTD ii a I' -int. nV. T I CA N A V ....i a. n-1 Mav '".. . ' (Hand IN. nt. mtkian i.lni.,11 ln rn. Mil., "f ' ,nr""V..' ..... . ..niv in... ; ... . . d V lrr, feel, ilinn- more nr ...i - i : '" "imiiri E. i,,.!0 '''-"n. morn nr )e, in low i .... 7 ? iinrinweaiMriv aiiinr Not.... .f mX, ni"- TAkl. N.OTICJ. ""... nr... nrrupn arrnmii i" ' .. . .,.i nlanled ai mini mmiiiennnr ; -, ,ith nf Indian water tnatk, lOfl 'm.-theaM nno , mam i forty, Hal, ,did fwl. aiimkn Honor 'l' ' r l '."T".' n"flh"lr tn rhaina, rhaliit then-- -.Ji I i ii,!.,,, .;' ,.", 'f ei,iiiiii..iren.ei.l, twTnlV rhln h - t ""I1! F. aire. L. ...."l,,re mnrr. nr "T 1...1 iena .linn linn nnu nnu rlialin 'h,lln, llirnr" t in Imnilreit ami annthwat 1. hnr n n nnltnweii inunw 1 'h'.re Ine n P in if r unmrnre ln tlm rhlin,. and n..nt una linndn d " ... " ... . !."r... i " IV.JIU- acre mm. jr a, .I". r. W.,ker "a'J S . """i Me'SaNAWA. rWMIIU U.. u,u. " ""i attn, im, t,.a mill all. EDMONTON LADY VISITS NORTH Tells of Wonderful Sights at Herschel Island and Other Places Seen ESKIMOS FRIENDLY People, Get Water by Chipping loo From Bergs Floating In Arctic Oceon Aflrr i.p,iiiitr (he i.Vu '- ri at Aklavik ami lpr"i-p l-lanil. Mi. M, I.ym;in ha- rr- iiii nril lo jhr i-lty ami i ulnyuig it Hoaary Hall, lauyx flic llinon-j ion Journal. Tliia was lirr fir-l Irip In thr norlli ronnlry ami she' an iiinfiiiiiiilly ininriiipil nol lnly wild Hip coimlry, tin al-o Wild litiiiu romlitioiM ami I tic many ami varinl pjjiphpih-pm rn-! onnfi'rpil. j Mr. I.yrnun Hlsrnnl un in 1923 , l ho norlli in Ihr rmploy if Hip iitiilnon Hay Cmniauy. She m'iil omr limp al Foil Mc.Mur-ray ami wa i.n boanl H.r S.S.1 Arrlir liiolrihnlor whrn Jwljrr' iMihur anil parly wrni uii for Ho- !i.orpop of lioldiiiK court at Ak- laik. Shr drocvibnl hrr arrival I at Aklaxik a rtrinir oup of Hip jmot womlrrftil oislil nhc had jppr wrn. 'I hp boat ilncki'il about it p.m.. I ij ly t. ami lln nm was "till hia-h in tltr air. Thrrr wrrr jomr I'iKi himkir wailing lo (Mrrel Hip boat ami a grpat Imw-J jito-yi.ii-do followpii. WalkinK j around with hrr arm folibv! ur-'vcyiiair Ihr !rrnr. ohr va ap-j prourhrit by an Kokitnn who pavr hrr arm a earrful srriil my a thmifrh wonilrrinz whrlhrr her nrm wrrr rithrr ampntatnl or nnahlc-ln fnnrlion. Aftrr a inin-l otr or on hr "fpH" and rraliird l hat hr I'.akimo wan led lo Mhakr hand. Leaves for Herschel In rrtmpany with nrvrral Hud-, (on't Hay 'mMiny men Mrs. t.yinan op out for llrrorhrl Io-( land. Annuo! fl, 19? t. I.n ninlo a carrfi pitrlirii on Hip rdo of Yukon trrritory. Mooi of Hip party wrrr going beyond Hrr-chtl. whilr onr man, Mr. Hon-kImw anil hi wife prirrrrd a diotanrr of MOO milro farllipi'. frointr to llrrnanl Harbor. M llerrhr hr rrtvinl a irrrai ohrk. Tlirn in litis far-off land who a rimplcir modrrn IwHIiH? f roomo, all vvll ( forniohpil, with llirrr larpr stovrx ami hanl ami oof I coal, pax lampo, and rvrry romniirn-pr for tlir coinfort of Ihr company'. rmployr. Tlii Arctic frop up Oclobrr H ami lntrr lirokr up and froxr it K.t in on mi frwrr than Ihrrr tlif- tpmit ocnaoiotio. II wa an nwr-inopiriiKi oifihl lo ore Ihr hupr waxc pick up trrmrmluuo chunk of icr nnd hurl lltrm a trreiat di-laio-p onto Ihr shore, while it made one's Mood run cob I to hear Ihr roar of tin' water, which rrtcmMrd Ihr crRoltr of rxplodinp oIipIIk. Slranirr a it may orcm irr io in groat ilemnml nl llcrsolicl lolnml. Thio of coursr 1 nrcrs-oilRlnl hy lltr fart that the sra walrr i unfit for cillior drinkintt or nu king pnrpoor. In .oummrr il l nrcenry to take a ochoonrr and ro out nml chip pieces off Ihr. icrbrrps floating in llir Arctic nernn, and llirn moll il down for ilomonlio uor. In the !.jwJi'lrr lltr Icr i oldninrd iirafer home. riii1 re is n small lake about Ihr middle of Hie island and pil-KTinuitMM arr made In II by doc tenni ami the required amount luiiiinlil bark on sleds. Customs of Eskimos The Kskimos are very imitative ami in eiistoms, manners and dress are rapidly heooinlnir more ami more like the people to lite south of Ihem. During the lime she was on Herscliel Island Mrs. Lyman made some 2(1 dresses for l.sMiiui women, nil of the finest ilk nvnllalilo. The huskies were found lo he very fine people, kind, considernle, nnn miarni-sonio nnd ever ready lo help a friend. She never onre saw a father whip his child, yet. the rhildren are well hrouphl up nml obedient. The Kskiinos are apt in picking- up hiU of ion as she found while letirliiiig Mjmo children hiiKlish. Polar hears urn Mill seen nl Herschel Island. Last winter there were several sliol. On one occasion Iwn we.rc felled t It o same' day, one nf which fell a victim lo u lnillct in Hie vleinlly of Ihr II. !!.('. house. Wlinles are also seen noonslnnnlly. Some of these weipli as much a.. GO tons, the herul alone tippinir Hie srales nl in tout. Tour mails per year are delivered at Herschel, two wlien (ho bouts arrive in the summer, 77TK DATL7 FKWB PA (IE flVH t t We will Refund Your Railway or Boat Fares Prince Rupert Merchants Invite You to Their First Annual BUYERS WEEK September 10 fet prolnuliiip , above, the wnterV hud wlieii the s'iin shine, on them it makes a brilliant and impressive slpht. Herschel Island is the last word In the nortaV. Anyone who has ventured that far has seen nearly all there is to he seen, anil Ihero Is little more beyond. Huskies at Aklavik One of the finest sights seen was when the huskies arrived nl Aklavik in the spring to do their trading. A fleet of U schooners made np Impressive siphl snlling up the river. The convoy was under the conimond nf a plant Kskimn, who directed operations from the how of his"4 schooner. KxpoW seamanship was shown by the navigators In' hringintr Iheir bonis tn port. When the bonis were fastened some 20-0 tripping tbtps unloaded in t,i Hon lo the various, catches. Al Aklavik the sun disappears November 20 and is' not seen npain until January 15. In the winter lamps liiive liVhn lit con tinuously with Ihe exception of about one hour on excrptionnlly bright days. When ihe sm np-prars It lengthens its visit sev eral liours per month. Hy May ?(1 Hie nn sliliiev nil .In.- and mull nil night holds good until the middle - 6th to 12th, 1925 This is also EXHIBITION Week. You'll have a splendid opportunity to view the products of the soil and industry of Central B.C. to meet old friends and business acquaintances-v to have a real, happy holiday at small expense. Prince Rupert merchants will do their utmost to make your trip one of Pleasure and Profit Free BANQUET to Registered Buyers ST. REGIS CAFE Thursday Evening, September 10, at 7 p.m. Launch Trips, etc. Free DANCE to Registered Buyers AGRICULTURAL HALL Friday Evening, September 11, at 9 p.m. Hnilway or Una I Fare will he refunded In nneh oul-of-lown visitor who;-e combined purchases amount lo not less than $100. ItcfiimlF will l.c based on excursion rate's applying at the tfme. Hoat fares on which there are no reduced ralos will be refunded on the basis of fare and one-third. Sugar, Canneif Milk, Flour and Feed are exempt from merchandise lo make up One Hundred Dollars. " When yfiii arrive, a BUYERS' BOOK. register al the Hoard of Trade Hooni. City HnJI, deposit your receipt for transportation paid and gel Hours: 11 to 12 noon. White the Secretary when we may expect you. RETAIL MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION. fiEOHCiK nilYAXT, President. U. O. MINNS. Secretary. MAKE THIS TRIP YOUR ANNUAL OUTING one when the ocean freezes and one in April. Mrs. I.yman received a radio message from Kil-monton which had hern sent December 28, IU2I. on April , 19S5. It had been picked up at Fort Hood Hope by wireless nml fnim was relayed on hy dou team. She received her -Christmas presPtils spiiI by mail. July I Hunter's Paradise Ducks and gersr abound at lprche Island in thousands. The Kokinns are expert fisher men, iluji drivers jtnd hunters. They have learnt many ways of trirkiiifr Ihr sral. One is to knock two rocks toprlhcr when a seal shows its nosr above water. Out of curiosity the-sral rlimlis out oulo the shore afjd as n rule meets his fain. I he. Iceliersxs form another wonderful sipht nt Herschel. They come dQvn in Inrjre numbers; soniellmes" 25 nnd I lion mi Hie return journey to turally, Wall Street doesn't prow. i.iiinoiuon. w'len tne sun slunesi enthusiastic over such a pris- continuously it is difficult to know whether il is nipht or day. People go In bed and sleep, and when they pel up it is impossible tn tell from looking at the sun what lime il is. They mipht have slept eipht hours, or per- liaps eipht hours plus another 21. U.S. LABOR IS WATCHING RY. Canadian National Looked on as Object Lesson to People Across Border . - WASHINGTON, Aup. 2fl (Hy Canadian Press 'i . - Labor, th? ollleial publication of the organi-ied railway employes of Ibis coinilry, Iii its "latest issue tie-voles attention to the movement in Canada for a merper of the Canadian National llnilways ami the Canadian Pacific. It looks on this movement with distrust and lakes the view that it is desired by Wall Mreet because' I'.S. financiers, who are Interested In private railroads, view with apprehension the surcess of Sir Henry Thornton in manaping the Canadinn National Hallways. "II has been an open secret for some lime that ehe financiers who control the railroads of the United Slntes were observing with some nnxiety the progress Sir Henry Thornton was makiuv with the Canadian National," the paper says. "For Ihe first six months ofj Ibis year, Ihe nel income, or pro-flls, of the National, shows nn improvement. 1 Adding thai It cannot he. denied Unit Thornton is mnking n success nf the Canadian National, Labor observes: Wall Street's Fear "What Wall Street fears Is thai that n government owned peet." ,'ot only Labor but members of Congress and otlicials who are Interested in the railway pn-b-lems of the United Slates and realiie that something mils' M done to .solve them are followmp the Canadian railroad development with the utmost interest. ALICE ARM David Deane of Anyox wa here recently inspecting tho surface showings on the Lone Maid property. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. II. ('.ethardi left for the south receidly. Mr. nerhanli will visit in New York on business and: Mrs. Cerhardi will spend the winter In Vancou ver. ' Mrs. Carl Joliuson is from thu Anyox Hospital she underwent medical menl. home where treat- A trail is being constructed to the lliverside property from the Dolly Ynnlen railway track. This properly, which is situated on (ininite Creek is to be operated ihirinjj the coming winter, a tun nel beins driven on the. oro vein LAND ACT. Notlta of Intention to Apply ta Laaaa Land In Ske.ii Itante. S Land District. He ronlinir ntmrlrl prince Kiiper!, and ill uale iullivit pailnt of Wall's Island. TAkK MiTICK lhat the Canadian Klh Inr ftt. Ltd., or Vancouver, H.r., orrupa-linn, Sainton Cannero, Intend tn apply for ixtiiiii.iii tu lease the fnllowing de-arrlhed lands: - Cimimenrlnr al a pnit planted at tilth water mark up anutliwest Imlnl on Wales Hand, 'i.e.; - Ihein-e nnrlh one chain; thence east ten rlialna; thence smith on rhaln tn ahnre line; theme west alnnr shore linn to pnint r rmnmencenienl. and conltliilnv line arre. mure or les. TDK CANADIAN FISIII.NO CO. Vtt. nalmt Vtn.l May. I0S LAND A0T. Notlea of Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Land In Skeena tlanre S Land District. Prince ltiiiert. It. i: . and annate loo yards north nf Winter llarlxir, pearse Island. U.C. TAKE .NOTICE thai thu Canadian llsh- .... . . ... ... . , ma ..... i.u., ... .aticnuTer, v.v... wcnpa- Ihomlon will di'llionslrale nn, salmon Cannero. imends la apply rouil "r iicrniissinn tit lease ma uiiowina ae- oai aj..ll...t lanita.-.- and this procedure! pruperly handled can coinpe'o cnniineneiiiir at a rmt planted at hith of, with the best managed of the iTneT ii ,. easto'nV VT," h July when It usually disappears: privately owned roads for n few minutes For ner flvei Such a demonsirnMon months she had seen no darkness give governmeul until she urrived at Fort Hesolu- one liiindred and twenty chains thence! ,wes to shore line one e-haln; thence ln might' southerly dlrerilon fntlowlnr the ahnrel l"ni nr cinnmcnrviiiHiit, and con ........... . i.... r owuel 'llip 1 1 laliOnr iwelvo acre, more r leas. railroads a great boost and, iu-1 0Ate J"" caaiais riauito co. ltd Kindling! When you are buying kindling why not get something that will start the fire in a hurry? We handle only the best there is "Bone Dry Klin Dried Wood." Should you order a load of this you.KPl value. Full load $6.00 or nicely tied bundles, 5 for $1.00. Our Taxi number is easy to remember, "II 2", and "Servi'-e" is our mollo. If you use our cars today you will use them attain. 50o is our eharpe day or night "all the limo." , Dray work of all kind?, attended to promptly. Stand 345 Third Ave. Also Seal Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones: 189, 112. HAVE YOUR FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED at B. C. FUR Co. Third Avenue. Phones Day, Green 120. Night, Black 709. Phrenology MAY LEE, (he great lady phrenologist from Jerusalem, will read your head like an open book. Shu will tell you all about your past and present. Don't miss this great op porluntly 820 Third Avenue West.