page two , Pslnrday, July H, 19 . I 2The Paily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. JI. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City. Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of I he British Empire and the United Stales in advance, per" year . .v $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page. . $2.80 per inch Local' Readers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion I fie per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject lo approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION E Saturday, July 11, 1925. More Complications Peace RiverRailway. According to Jl. (i. Perry, member for Fort fleorge in the Provincial Legislature, Premier Oliver has been negotiating wilh American syndicates for the taking over of the P.ti.E. and ihe E.I). & B.C. Railway and conuecting'lhem through one of ihe we.tern passes aiid-opcraliiig Ihein as one system. The government of British Columbia was prepared to make an extensive land grant and it was expected that. the co-operation of the Alberta and Dominion government would be secured. The syndicates had been informed just how much aid'Mhe B.C. government would give mid the matter was still under ad-j vjsement. Railway Heads Not t t Anxious For The Job. , , . President Deatty has been losingsa lot of money on Ihe operation or the B.D...& B.C. railway, more it is said than was lost during the same time by the 1U5.E. and he is hot looking for further trouble. Sir Henry Thornton does not see any use lb which he could put ihe P. ( I;E. Railway, .v Yet offers have been. secured by Premier Greenfield of Alberta in regard .to the operation, of Hie E.I. & B.C. line and the probability is that it will be extended westward across the British Columbia boundary very soon. What is certain just now is that;no. government, Dominion op. Provincial, feels itself justified in' spending large sums of monejj on railway building whehMlie railways they already have are not' paying operating expehses. ' ' National Awakening Proceeds. In China. V Clluia is undergoing a national awakening. She has been in process Tor some time past. Preparation has been made in the educating of a great many young' men in the universities and schools of the United States, Canada, and Great Britain and European countries. Just now it seems as if Russian activities were playing an important part, which is hostile to British interests but which will be a great impetus to the rousing of a national spirit in China. Something is needed to bring about a change in China and ir the present anti-British .nnd aiiti-Japaiiese movement js able tit do it, 'the eventual' '.result :vilf be. beneficial., X Christian General ;-' Atk Leading The Movement. H is curious that a Christian general, Feng Yu Siang, should be leading the anti-British movement- ill Hi! inn Hp it nn( Cml and to defend foreigners against persecution in that country. CORRYS SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Botfed n Bond under Dominion Government supervision Hie Quuliry Whistyof Canada-J since 1859 ... This advertisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. the MINIMUM WAGE phasi.ed in the annual report of the intervention of the board. Some of the most flagrant cases have been taken into court. Paid Up Arrears Experience lias again proved the value of the provision of ihe Act which entitles a woman or girl lo receive compensation front luer employer for past under-paymenl for her services Cases coming under this head have 'been brought to the notice of the board, and where the facts were clearly established they have insisted that employers should make up the amounts by turnibe vvhicii their employees have been untler-paiu during varying periods. The arrears ' received by employees thereby amounted to ??2, 1 07. i i, the individual payments ranging from as low as 7c to as much as $250.00. Towards (he end of Die year a case was dealt with in which eight giuls working for the same employer hail been under-paid, and the total amount received from the employer in arrears was over $700. The wills benefitting by the action of the board in collecting arrears during the year included workers in restaurants, hotels, millinery, tailoring and dressmaking establishments, dentists' offices, glove factories, laundries, fruit canneries, garment factories, retail stores, commer cial offices, and paper box factories. The principal delin-uuetils were found in Vancouver, Victoria, New Westminster, Oil i 1 livvack and I'enliclon, although re-adjustments were necessary in other centres. Twelve Cases In Court .Where, it appeared that an offence could be clearfy establish es by evidence, and there were no mitigating circumstances, the )pard proceeded ag.ijnst the .o'fi fenders In court. Iwelve such cases were taken during the year and nine of the defendants by the Uimcse religious scruples against fighting and is doing' werp fined "IS I'ilM .',0. !'0use me people-of ihe country lo stand tip for their The defendant in most cases own ngJHs. Were either foreigners or per liat.l-eng objects (o chiefly is the foreign concessions injsons avIio had recently gone into GhihtVvThesc are mostly held by Britain,, but France and otlierbusiness. II, is noticed Dint, as countries rulso hold some. These it is claimed are centres nf lexneriencp of Dip Act becomes dlsaffcr'fion ngaiusl any strong national movement and a do-! more general, there is less re tnanil is being made Hint thev be. removed. Britain holds Die island of Doug Kong and K owl no n mi flip ticence on the pari, of wirls who have been unfairly treated, in mainland adjoining, a concession in Canton; in Shanghai and j making complaint, or in coming numerous otner points. Japan, u.M. and France also hold eon- forward to testify against the (of the chief difficulties fronting the board, and ther- ! changed altitude of female em ployees will lend toward more'ef-i rpclivp administration of the provisions of the Act j Pseudo Schools I no of the most embarrassing problems which the board encounters are Die pseudo "schools" which profess to leach some industry or occupation, and either pay nothing or fre-ipiently charge for what, they do-sjgnatii as a "course" of Instruction, i If wage earners are paid lower! sums than the legal minimum lo which Drey are entitled, the board may proceed against Die offending employers in the police I courts, and the employees themselves may recover In the civil courts the 'difference hetween what they we're paid and what thev should have received. Hut rf mn nrriAnT wtie" xvt' induced 10 i,iiy kIIAkII KHKIIk I fees, in sonic en amounting to .S,'j r iuO," for the privilege f learning some occupation, even Department of Labor Prevents though Hip instruction is indif-Sweatlng of Girls In Shops . rerent or worthies, and the fin- and Factories ,'ployers are being paid by their ' .customers for Vp ervires of COLLECT FROM EMPLOYERS thp "pupils" Hip hoard is Iip1- ( - less. The courts having dccidpd Many of Offenders Against Law Mint such girls are not employees i Have Been Foreigners or j jn the legal spiisp, since they are Those Ignorant of Provisions not in recpipt of wages and are therefore not tei'hnically em-' plo.vt-d, Hip hoard has, no v power VICTORIA, July 11. The work' to obtain redress for them, which has bppn accomplished by j The report pays, a 'tribute, lo minimum wagp legislation, in the work ofjhe late mininuim improving conditions for female' wage inspector, .Mrs. Winifred ! workers in this province, is em -Malion, and prefers In, the appointment, as her successor, of the Minimum Wage Board for Miss Violet Smart, since, taking 1!)21, whicl" has been presented over her prespnt duties Miss to the Hon. A. M. Manson, Min-, Smart has made tours of insppc-is(pr of. Labor". The report is1 lion in various parts of Ihe pro- signed by J. 1). McNivon, chairman of the board, and by Mrs. 11. Ci. MarC.ill and T. Mathews, the oilier members. In the course of the year, says the report, a number of casps came to light in which girls were being paid less than the minimum waige retiuirPil by Hip board's orders. Steps were at once taken to recover for the girls affected the full legal minimum wage, and representations made to employers have in all cases been effective. In this way female employees in the province have rpceivptl weekly additions to their pay as tin direct result of vinee, visiting working ...establishment where women and girls are employed. Learning Trade It has happened frequently that the attention of the hoard and its officials has been dirccl-ed to eases where an infraction of the law was supposed to have S 17.05, this bping 9c lovvpr than! '" Mitt ()rt fifrnw. tint II. ............. I ..... -. .mm in,- Mtnti..e wage for youn girls rose from in to $10,18. The Man in the Moon : Hliias a glr So it's n'ol funny, He never has A cent .nf'iimoney. .!! SOMD people rb crazy, oilier get. married. I SOME of the city men ntav ttot be farmers buf dher -inow whp;-e to plittjt' kfissfis Jim IF you would .buy something on Dip instalment plan, how about trying a-savings hank account? , TIIOSH "stop, look -and listen" signs do not appeal very strong- J. ,,.' 1 '"-"e W1" unuoiiiueuiy nave in lie given tip wheniorreiuiers. Their unwillingness ly lo a man. He likes lo slop the Chinese government is slrong enough to take care of itself lo do so la former years was one'iind look, occasionally when lie con-1 sees something worth looking at, flrincc iorse otcl TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 210 ROOMS too with Private Bitht EUROPEAN PLAN . WINNItT tHOMPION. MAN-O. Dl. BE PREPARED! HAVE YOUR FURS AND FUR COAT REMODELLED OR REPAIRED AT SUMMER PRICES. know hint is always worlh while For the joy that he gives Persistently lives Ami extends for many a mile. DANISH DIVORCES INCREASE GOPKNHACiKN', July m. Divorces in Denmark increased more than 100 per cent between l!)lfi and 1923, according to the latest statistics published. In Dip former ypar DiPrp wprp 07 and in Dip laller 1.K72. The majority of the divorces followed matrimonial periods of three to fiv'f years. Advertise in the Dailv Npw. 1 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land ' In Qtippn Charlotte La,nd lie-cording District of 1'rincn Ilu-pert. and situate about two miles in a northerly dirpcllnn from ltootipy Point, Massed Inlpt, (Iraham Island, Ilritish Columbia. Take Notice that Larigura umliai thence easterly chains, more or less, to Three More Weeks FUR COATS GLAZED AND CLEANED $9.50 Furs Made Up While You Wait by Expert Furriers. All Work Guaranteed, We Carry Exclusive Models In Fur Coats. Special Offer on Raw Furs. MINK from $5.00 Mail Orders Promptly Executed. B.C. FUR COMPANY Phones Day: Green 120 occurred, bill after investigation btiLliP-tias to listen at home. it has been found that everything i was in onler. Such misunder- TIIKHE are hospital drives and! standings may be avoided if pla ground drives and the next' thov1 making complaint bear in drive will be to drive people mind that a girl under eighteen crazy. Then there's always the years of age is permitted to He cemetery drive lo cheer one up. employed at a salary less than , the lull legal minimum for older THE house wrpn isn't very big experienced girls, and also that But admiration quickens persons over the age of eighteen When he alights upon a twig may be employed for a certain And warbles like the dickens, stared period, which varies in 'Manitoba Free Press ! different industries, on a reduced , ; scale of pay while learning the MY wife, she isn't very big I trade, And. yet she takes no lickin's j Other cases producing a crop When she gets mad and grabsi of unfounded complaints are. my wig, s j those in which women and girls I lieinble. likp Dip dickens. . at work for less than the full -j legal number of hours weekly are THE thing that counts most in paid on a pro rata basis, their this world is Ihe adding machine. weekly pay being thus less than I would be required if the full PIUMTHHSS is the result of ef-' of-working hours were fort. The man who takes no in- put in. The number of conimu- teres! in his town is impeding itieatioiM received ''by Ihe board progress. t relating to "cases coining. undr 111 these beads. leads us to belieVo AH USING neighbors is Ihe that the degree or flexibility at- favorite sport in a hick town. tliorized by the law as to these iuattpts is not fully understood.' SG.MU people would rather Statistical Information IMeii lo a gloomy knocker than The report contains a lare a ehecrfu) amount of statistical inform:!-' ' (ion relating to wages and woi- WK a,p 1,11 creatures of habit ing hours or women. This is T,,p. Hwng habit grows on a based on returns received from IW" Ju1 l'' u ,,al,il 2,287 firms who. have female rm-;T,f wearing a cheery smile. ployees on Ihejr pay-roll an in-' ' crease or 92 employers as cnr.i-;T,niJi herrf Die Knocker, pared with Die previous year i xvl, l Knocker. and accounting for 11,597 fe-:1N,r -n persistant, knocker, male workers, as compared with! Ukp wino' a n"l,k,,r- 10,8(53 in 1923. Th" weekly aver-! , , ' HAH. lo Die -with the smile, age wace of adult worlds -.' man five thence thence Third Avenue(Next G.W.V.A.). Day Phones 423 539 Or. 601 Black 735 brparliiii-iu (,r I.ainH, Vlcturla. U.C.. May tn. mat. inniPiy i i iniii'i tiiiroi FOR SALE Night: Black 709 Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Fishing & Parking CojnpanylN0T,cc 0F cancellation or reserve! j.iinupii, or Massptt, y.c., occtt-l Notice is ntiiKitv given timi n.,-nation imiion j I'uekers achcts, InlonH intenns in in nnnlt. ,','yB 'vftltiK certain IiiikIk tiwr tin. apply Junction r octtali uml bkocna lilvcii Tor a lease or Die following de-, .l7'.KI"!"'1 lu"f- '""w i;"as " .,..:! crihed i i. i . trlct, la cancelled. lands: j Commencing at a post planted; I two miles In a northerly direction'1 from Ilooney Point, Masselt In-j " let, nraham Island, Ilritish Col-' m III:!). II NAIll'V LAND ACT. water mnn;; ttipnce northerly; west const of t'eai imi(i, u.c. appiV.i : along jovv water mark ono hun- oreii ami sixty chains; westerly five chains: Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Laat Landa. low ,,. 5 V.' ,;"ld . at-tt-tnnr tiutrici or ...... ... .ii, .mil m.r ,(-... . vi iiiii'i imiiHir. Tjke Mullen that Ooasc Mlllcrd t.linltiid of Vancouver, n.v... ocruimiiui, jurHm-a. ntciiria to utility for . a Icukb of tha rit.' .southerly one l.undred and sixty! tt'i"hiV t a i'hi mx. cams, more or less, to point of. "?' V7ni,V lurKr yZ r,! Si commencenlent, nnd containing "'"Iiwcm two i, rimm. tnore'or i" eighty .acres, more or les.. Jr l.. rTiArt LAjn.iiA risiiiuN'n & PACKING! CO. LTD, 1 Appllcnnt, I J'er K. II, SImpsmi, Agent Dated June 13th, 1D25. im:iii r lltPI IUI'IISt film hnnr(n... -a I . . -. 7 "'HUM Cll UIIII packindi ; tirrUrj.u. iiinrtwd and alxiy ;i(ij rhnlnia. nmre or "' thirty two a; icr. more 2r 005,812 MILI.rilD I.IMITKD, naua u.y mh. mt." " ' west, Canadian psh & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WHEN TEACHER "Kept you in"-- Ilemembcr when you were a little girl and how v; felt when teacher kept yon in "after school" on a bnglif spring afternoon? And isn't it Ihe same when washing keeps you in Die house now that spring is here? Our Family Washing Service will do your wash rg thoroughly nnd iron all your flat work, with complete f j isfacllou. Let our representative explain lb you this Do LTxe Laundry Service ffTr people who are only satisfied with 'lie CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8. TU G BO ATS NlgM Phones 687 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Silk Striped Voiles In lovely efrecls for Af'er noon ,nr Street Dre: er Iteig. 1 r. Special $1.35 West of England Store Phone 763