ERY at 20 per cent discount Ten Days Only Mrs.S.Frizzell Third Avenue J. L. Blain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing anil Planing. Jobbing and Repairing, (lass ant! Glazing. Sasli, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. Gregory Tires Are Good Tires Made In B.C. SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRY .We Have Them In Stock. S. E. Parker Ltd. A. R. Sinclair at Head of Scottish Organization Next Half Year The election of ollicers al the St. Andrew's Society last nigh! for the enduing nix iiihmIIis re- suited in (lie choice of A. 11. Sinclair as president. The full list of ollicers is as follows: Past president T. McClymont. President A. H. Sinclair. First vice-president 0. W. Ahholl. Second vice-president H. Dalgarno. Secretary J.-J. Little. Treasurer (J. Irvine. Executive S. D. Macdonald, II. Steen, .lames Dick, C. Taylor and M. Andrews. Auditors A. Finuie and fl. II. Munro. The finances of the society were reported to be in good shape and Hie general condition of the society was considered to he' very favorable. , The honorary ollicers of the society are elected al the first of the year and remain in oflice for the period of one year. SOVIET RED ARMY SMALLER THAN THAT OF FRANCE CLAIMED WASHINGTON, July 11. The lied Army of Soviet llussia is 183,nnn less than the armed forces df France and 170,000 less than the combined armed strength of Poland, Rumania and the Baltic slates, says Ihe report of M. V. Frunze, comjnis'sar of Ihe Soviet army and navy. The report, a copy of which has been received at the Russian Informa tion Bureau here, was made by Frunze, the successor to Trotzky, at the recent Corns re ss of Soviets at Moscow. The Soviet army of 520,000 men, says thereport, represents an average of 11 soldiers for each 10,000 of population, while on the same basis Rumania and Poland each have 100 soldiers, and, .France, exclusive of colonies, i?0rt. The Soviet, naval -rosier Is given as 32,000, making Ihe combined arnctl force's 5G2,0QQ, TERRACE NOTES Mesdames HalliwelU Cassels and De K ergo rum caux Sr. and Jr., went down lo Renin on Wednes day where they are staying al Needhart ranch. A. Olson of Remo made a trip lo Prince Rupert this week. Mrs, A. Y. Wilson received news on Monday of Ihe death of her sister, Miss Jennie Laurison in Vancouver. Another shipment of Ford cars was received in town at Ihe beginning of the week. There are a number of guests from Prince Rupert al present at Bill. Farm, including Ihe Misses Stalker and Hunter and three representatives of the McCaffery family. Miss Murphy who has been visiting there returned on Wednesday lo Prince Rupert. Chas. Gilbert made a business trip lo Smilhers, going up on Monday and rcturnlnig The Misses Mona and Helen Grieg left on Monday for Ihe Queen Chariot le Islands where they will, Join their mother, WANTS TO FLY NEW OFFICERS ACROSS OCEAN French Airman Would Non-Stop Flight From France to United States I Yet, twice as 1 w rich as ordi. jf II nary milk. M Pure Milk "From Contented Cows' i9iS or iNV k Fcaturi Svies. Ic K't rTT Rnt'if. ,ly(il ifXfMfl , Jt weather conditions continue unfavorable jl will be difficult to I maintain the schedule of games Make as nilllineil liv Mm elnlw fnt Mm balance of the season. Sometimes in Prince Rupert not a single baseball igame has been post- PAHIS, July 11. Paul Taras- poned during the entire season con, ireneh "ace' and pioneer,"" accouru ni nail weallier, and in prewar flyin in Furone, has' this record, is one which can been bringing all the pressure scarcely lm, duplicated anywhere. he can to bear on M. Painleve at' However, IJie fast few days have the war office and M. Laurent . "ee.i rauiep, discouraging lo fans Kynac of the- aeronautic ilejiart-;,a"'l players alike and it is hoped merit to enable him lo make his l',c wrath "Vof the weather man proposed non-slop flight across wi" he. appeased, and we the Atlantic this summer. Ishall have pood weather for the Tarascon, who lost a leg i,e-U'eniairider of the games. fore the World War aiid had dif ficulty in getting into the ser vice, will be accompanied by an other skilled air pilot, if the flight is made, Francois Coll, a naval officer who .accompanied BISHOP BUNOZ GOT GREATRECEPTION Indians Met Him With Largo Flo tilla on Lake Bablne and Manoeuvres Followed Bishop llunoz during a re cenl visit lo Babine Lake was ac corded a ireat 'reception by Ihe Indians, according to rather Al lard- who. telling the. Interior XM!"i1f fli said! "Near the end of his hundred mile Irip up Babine Lake from Htuart Lake, Bishop Bunoz was mel by a large flotilla of water craft, Ihe native skippers conducting a program of manoeu-vers thai would havo done credit lo the most experienced native, the occupants meantime iuigiug religious songs." At a meeting of the Football 'Association last night it wa decided Jorhave the replay of the Dominion cup final on next I'hursday, and the regular league Itoget on his France-Rumania!f-'ame scheduled to lake place on flight and on his stunt trip"-of)I"a night will 'be postponed un crossing (lie Mediterranean twice In one day. It is planned lo start Ihe flight Inward the end of this month, provided the necessary government authorization can be obtained, leaving from Lo Bourget airdrome, just outside of Paris, and. makinig Ihe jump In Mitchel Field on Long Island. The French air authorities are counselling the two pilots lo take off from Ireland or nearer the French coast than Le Bourget, and lo aim for Newfoundland as a first landing place. Tarascon and Coli, however, persist in maintaining Ihe flight can be made without a landing and are demanding a fair chance lo prove it. The plane Ihey intend to use is the Breguel "Paris-Tokyo" model made famous by Captain Pelletier ifwifty nil in ilium u jrur K" The engine will be either the II is-pano-Suiza or Ihe new Renault. til the end of the season. The Cold Storage team for Monday evening's game will he selected from the following play ersA. Murray, C. Whatman, II. M. I). I.anibe, II. Carlson, .1. Siruins, .1. Corbetl, S. Darton, F.. Bye, S. Llder, F. Hardy, J. Nor-ringlon, R. Matheson, B. Walk-land and J. Torney. The scheduled game called for last evening between the Sons ot Canada and the Gyros had lo be called oil' on account of rain. The dale of the game will be an nounced later. JOE SCOTT WINNER AT TRAPS YESTERDAY Joe Scott stepped out at the trap shooting last evening anil showed that he could win first place without much difficulty, although it probably has not occurred very often before. The scores for the shoot resulted as follows: Joe Scolt .' ... 21 P. Rorvik ... ... ..... 23 K. C. Gibbons 17 R. Harrup 10 D. Thomson 15 J. Keefe ... 11 MORE EQUIPMENT FOR ELEVATOR CONTRACTORS! Tug Cape Scott Brings Three More Scows North One Loaned with Coal and Lumber Two more scows have arrived for fhe elevator contractors and left last night in low of the R.F.M. for Hastings Ann lo load with gravel. They were brought in about midnight by Ihe l(eca!e Straits Towing Company's tug Cape Scott, which also brought in a scow J.C.33 will) roal and lumber for Albert A McCalTery. The Cape Scoll left soon after her arrival for Alice Arm where she will jdck up a low of logs for the Prince Rupert Spruce Mills at Seal Cove. The- two scows which have just been put into service are V.T.B.I2 and Marpole V. AMERICANS SLOWER THAN ENGLISH SAYS WASHINGTON VISITOR PLYMOUTH, July 11. Americans are a lot slower than the British Is Ihe opinion of Lady Wanted For Sale For Rent WANTS B TK.NDKRS. invited Heasonable rales, SI reel. MAID wanted for general house work. Phone 131. IGI WANTKD. Kalsomiuing done. Phone Red 737. 101 FOR SALE dressmaking. 718. Fraer If FOR SALK. Stove troubles sol- ved. Why worry about your old sloves when you can exchange them as first payment on a new PRF.MIKR RANGK and have complete satisfaction. Balance on easy payments. Prince Rupert Kxchange. phone 052. tf FUHNITURK and Ranges bough'. sold and exchanged; household effecls packed and shipped: auction sales conducted; ituro and ranges for every home. A. Mackenzie Furniture House. Phone 775. tf FOR QUICK SALK. Household furniture comprising dining room suite, Victrola, Monarch range, beds and bedroom furniture,, ' crockery, rugs, etc. .Mrs. D. II . Yelf. 13 Fifth Ave. Fast, Plume Blue 150. 102 FOR SALK. Beuscher, K. Hat. Alto Saxaphone. New in January. Complete with case. Phone Red 511. 102 FOR SALK Level lot, on sewer. close fn, $100.00. Phono-Red 720 182 much done, as -Ihe Knglish do;v , All the returning Knglish dele gales lo the council were enthti slastic, aljbiit the- reception which they, received add the hospjlalily shown I hem while Ihey were in America and Canada. Mrsi Ogjlvie Gordon, the first vice-president, said the women's movement va's advancing by le ait's and bounds in America and imtiJ gratiori conditions were likHy lo' improve owing lo lh efforts of the conference. JAPANESE DELEGATE PEACE CONFERENCE TOKIO, July 11. Dr. Sakun- oshin "Mojoda, formerly president of SI. Paul University, has been designated as Ihe Japanese delegate lo the World Christian Peace Conference to take place in Stockholm next autumn. Dr. Moloda will be accompanied by Secretary Tsuga. They will travel by way of Siberia. The Japanese delegate, jl is said, will submit In Ihe conference a proposition aiming at the 'modifica tion of Ihe anil-Japanese Immi gration legislation of the IJnllei ISIales by appealing In Ihe II a i ..ii,,. ,,r ii, ..i.i wi mil in inillliox. Lieut. C. A. Worth, R.C.N. 0f Nolt Bower, who was one of the Ottawa, and supervising ollic er ueicgaies ro me nauonai council or Ihe Royal Canadian Volunteer of Women at Washington, Reserve in western Canada ar-"The Americans run about a rived In the. cilv yesterday on -i lot," she said her return to on trip of Inspection and will sail Plymouth, "but they don't ct as tonight for the south. TO RENT for clearing TO lll'VP. Furnished rooms. ready for plow, approximately twenty acres meadow land; lot 1 0 1 2 Lakelse; quick action. All particulars Kl. Michaud, 'IV N race, B'C. ICI TKNDKHS wauled for laying about 32,000 shingles by July 13. For particulars, F. W. Hart. ttiO WANTKD. OITers for Lot 33. block 3, section 2. Write P.O. Box 1 25, Lome Creek. B.C. WANTKD. Plain Hot and cold water. Centrally located. Reasonable rents. Norfold Rooms, Fulton Slree.l. PI ro n e 1 II ac k 32 th tf TO RF.NT Five Room Suite in Lcvjne Apartments. Apply G. P. Tinker. tf FOR HUNT. Clapp apartment. Wesloiiliaver Bros. tf BOARD BOARD and Room, or board only. 143 Fifth Avenue Fast. Phone Red 707. BOARD Ihe Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. LOST GOLD WRIST WATCH Mili tary crest engraved on back. Finder please return to Daily News Office. Reward. LOGGING EQUIPMENT FOR SALK Five Donkey Log ging Kngines. All in good condition with full line of up-to-date equipment. Apply -J. R. Morgan Co., Surf Inlet. 102 BOATS AND LAUNCHES PRICKS OF KASTIIOPK -CYCLK Marine Kngines S-1I.P. without clutch (185.00 1-H.P. 1 cylinder Ml) 2C0.00 C-H.P. 1 cylinder 111) 450.00 8-II.P. I cylinder HI) 750.00 8-H.P. 2 cylinder Ml) 450.00 I C-H.P. 4 cylinder LI) 475.00 All the above except the first include the Famous Joes Reverse Gear, and full electrical and propeller equipment, The best that money can buy. Kaslhopc Bros., 1747 Georgia SI. W. Vancouver, B.C. Always at your service. Prince Rupert Boathouse, Agents Phone 381. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone .(Call George, Paul or Gusl) Special C and 7 passenger Stude- bakers at your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Kinpross Holol. PHOTO FINISHING P. J. RYAN P.O. Box 1544 Prince Rupert, B.C. Service and Satisfaction Guananleed. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone us. P.O. Box 099. BEAUTY PARLOR Vogue- Beauty Parlor Public Rest Room for Ladies. Mrs. Love Stephens' Block, Third Ave. Over McCaffery ,V Gibbons LtJ PHONE 36. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl. ure Store. We Buy, Sell and K. change New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULI8, 839 Third Ave. phone Mfl KEITH'S CAFE. wncn in Kiewaft. visit Keith's Care In hing Kdward Hotel now re-modelled. Up-to-date Dining Room and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH - M,nB.r. f-nUfrhv Jul i R BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus cee? i 1 DON' T WORRH SUNOCO H witn i coolo Fir I J I ' vwa f 1 Wlflte Fn S5 TA.KC Tut? VWni c I'D UIKE. TO CAO-L. OH f HI' 'i n ! v-' CJROTntl Chatter II BROTHER; COW IF IT mrtj ME -I'LL. Free' TAt v our OIL for Fords ! Try a filling and be convinced Kaien Hardware Company Important BargainNews Our Kntire Slock of WOMEN'S and MISSES' DRESSES, SUITS, COATS and MILLIN Sport Chat DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. i 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c Articlei Lost and Found.&c runraiiunu riusriTAL And General Repair S jo; pairs of all kind prm:!,, tended (o. We rejia? writers, gramophone! picture framing. Carpe Furniture crating TOM BALLANGER Phone Blue 025. 318 I ' COLUMBIA RECORDS NKW Process Columbia It no scraiciuug. r ; ... .i ... 1 1 .... . .. i .. . . . i if I uuui ioiib ill liir.t-. t Trots, Songs and Ins'"j; music by world famed l, Call in and hear them. Third Avenue BEDDING OUT PLANTS. Plants that grow and re; .iv 1 for your labor. Mm bedding nut plants are ally acclimatised and relied upon lo prod., goods. Store Phone - Rnl Id .Greenhouse Phone lilac- K' MCCARTHY'S. FIREWOOD. Be Comfortable iriid Ch Dry block wood, per load f. Fresh split wood, per load I Phone Black 101 A. ISAACSON , Seal I NAVIGABLE WATERS PROIll TION ACT R.3.C. Chapter 115. THK CANADIAN lis COMPANY LLMITKD herelr notice that it has under 7 of the said Act. fleposi the Minister of Public W -Ottawa and in the offu a l District Registrar of Ihe I Registry District of Pr pert at Princo Rupert. H description of Hie site ;i ' ilalis of certain works i ing of floats, wharf on r structures on pile four proposed to be consti FrasVr Reach at HutedaV Province of British Onliim Water Lot number 2251 I I, Coast Dislrict. AND TAKK NOTJCF. Mi Ihe expiration of one I i from the dale of the fr' . cation of this Notice The dian' Fishing Company I will,-under Section 7 of k' Act, ."apply to the Mnn Public Works at his offn'e City of Ottawa for appr Hip said silo and plans ni leave lo construct the said " wharf on piles And strnc' pile foundations. DA'i'KD at Vaneouvr Ibis 24th day of June. A H 1 THK CANABIAiN FI1" COMPANY LIMITI I' GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ct Notice of Application for Licence Notico is hereby given ' 1 the 281 h day of July nex' undersigned intends lo apilK the Liquor Control Boanl licence in respect of lv"' being part of (lie buildnc merely known as Killas' Id' 1 1 Parlor, situate on Third Prince Rupert, B.C.. upon lands described as Lot N"1" 15, Block Number 22. sc'i""1 Mail Number 1)23, Prince !'''' ' Land Registration District i Province nl" British Colunih'a-the sale of beer by Ihe glni-"-" hy open bottle for consuml'1'' on the premises. DATFD this 27th tlay of J'1' 1025. JOSKPH SIGMlNI'-