a5siINg i red ' the eneral forth.| Shield campaign committee. Objective of the three- week campaign was $3,500. | While actual amount collected@~ —— ere ight iou past { ih red Boulter, Club put eany i Pt alk F L. ¢ | Ii ing in ‘ Neely S t Me- Antilla, Seot Gordon Bill ne fe bvy 111 i t} I ison de + * ii] Scub Mick ner a 1 tne i f 0 1 } ul + BON The M ¢ ¢ c anes } H CK ¢ + He + + { Old Whaten elf louis 8, St, Laur- ° + being but Phil Lyons was raay hin pli ¢ e $28 ! thing pve Phil, or harged nh on top lip Around ruring ney——or he had refer s feel ‘inst him- t Jack's Red Shield Campaign Quota: i, Sandy | Over Subscribed by $500 Over subscription by fully announced today by | is $3,538.95 “there is more than 1 $500 which has been assured to lus but is not yet collected,” said , Calvation Army spokesman to- lay “We are very grateful for the co-operation of the public. The people of Prince Rupert are very enerous Following is the latest list of ionors Friend $ 25.00 N. B. C. Power 15.00 Frank Wilson 20.00 Brown & Harvey 25.00 Philpott Evitt Co and Employees 25.00 Kelly Douglas 25.00 Armstrong Agencies 10.09 Fred Scadden 10.00 George Cook 10.00 B. C. Furniture 15.00 B. C. Pack. Emp 114.50 Forestry Dept. Emp 26.50 Gov't Agent's Office Sta 12.50 | Post Office Staff 10.00 jaanich Plumbing 10.00 W. Johnston 5.00 G. P. Tinker Co 10.00 Mrs. McChesney 5.00 Dybhavn & Hanson 5.00 Rupert Butchers 5.00; Philip M. Ray 5.00 Pr. Rup. Shoe Repair 5.00 Sidney Gonick 5.00 Miscellaneous 10.50 Friend 5.00 Friend 5.00 Mrs. Johnson 5.00 Wilson Murray 5.00 he} —. Clement 5.00 Miss Williams 5.00 Dr. Black 5.00 Mrs. J. J. Payne 5.00 Mrs. King 5.00 | Friend 5.00 Mrs. Dr. Wright 4.00 D. C. Stevenson 3.00 Mrs. J. Denning 3.00 Mrs. W. Rothwell 3.00 J. Carpenter 2.00 J. M 2.00 Mi J. Green 2.00 Mr. Bredden 2.00 536/5E ‘ 2.00 432/5E 2.00 W. London 2.00 Sashaw 2.00 Miss Olafson 2.00 Mrs. R. L. Baldwin 2.00 Mr. Gilmgur 2.00 Joe Slaggard 2.00 Glenna Moore 2.00 G. Mattern 2.00 Mrs. Ella Good 2.00 G. H. Payne 2.00 Sandy’s Cafe 1.00 Mrs. E. L. Dale 2.00 Mr. Lambie 2.00 Mrs. M. Haines 2.00 Anon. by mail 2.00 Mrs. J. McArthur 2.00 Mrs. B. Sylvester 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. Rogers 2.00 H. Sheardown 2.00) We have built a reputation for ,air dealing on CERTIFIED USED CARS A test drive of one of the following A-1 used cars will satisfy the most discriminat- ng buyer 1951 FORD FORDOR— two- tone, only 21,000 miles 1950 FORD FORDOR— A well kept car 1947 FORD FORDOR— Very neat $1200 SPECIAL OFFER One only 1950 MONARCH CONVERTIBLE — Every pos- sible extra, Truly a dream car. — right $9550 Bob Parker Lid. Phone 93 $2100 $1800 | Special business more than $500 was joy- the Salvation Army Red Mrs. ©. Girardet 2.00 J. M. Eby 2.00 Quality Store 2.00 C. Rosang 2.00 Mrs. Way 2.00 Mrs. H. Rose ‘ 2.00 Mrs. Erickson 2.00 H. Helland 2.00 G. C. Jackson 2.00 Friend 2.00 Mrs. McDonald 2.00 Mrs. J. Davey 2.00} Mrs. Stegavig 2.00 | Mrs. Capstick 2.00 B. E. Eyolfson 2.00 Friend 2.00 T. Smith 2.00 Rachel Eytcheson Friend R. Currie 2.00! Oren | HUGE FLOAT VANCOUVER (P)—A_ $60,000; seaplane float has been built at Vancouver International Airport to accommodate British Colum- bia’s growing seaplane traffic. | The float can berth 45 planes at) one time. readers | @ Carpenters Union Wednesday, 8 p.m. meeting Fraser §8t (231) | @ St. Andrew’s Cathedral Con- gregational Dinner, Thanksgiv- ing Day, Monday, October 13, 1952. Admission by ticket only. (239) @ Attention all Five Pin Bowl- ers. Anyone interested in form- ing a Wednesday night. Mixed League, please attend a meet- ing at the Bowling Alley Friday, Oct. 3 at 8 p.m. (233) | @ General meeting of Prince Rupert Rod and Gun Club, Fri- day, Oct. 3, at the Civic Centre. Subject Trap-Shooting, club, organization and Derby dance. (233) @ COAL fill your bin now with Foothills, Lump, Egg, Nut or Stoker. Phone 651 or 652. Phil- pott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. Builders’ Supplies and Coal. Instructed by the several (ABSOLUTELY NO furniture: One 3-piece Chesterfield Chrome Kitchen Set (new); M 9 x 12 feet; Trilight Lamp; Electric Carpet Sweeper; large Sail; Garden Nothing too large. (232mg) | RESERVE) Indoor Bagatelle Table; Tools, Pictures, Bedding and other articles too Sale Will Start Sharp on Time. Phone Red 127 or Black 846 or B.C. Messenger 678 George Jas. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Veteran Newsman time to get out of this part of the country. Newspapers keep a fellow pretty busy.” But that may be changed now, allows the veteran reporter. It is just likely, he says, that he will be walking along Granville Street in Vancouver some day. “Just for a short trip, of course.” Born in the seaside village of St. Martins, New Brunswick, | Bill took his first schooling in Seattle in 1887. Previous to this, he lived with his parents in Butte City, i Helena, Missoula and the Bitter Root Valley in the same state. The family returned to New Brunswick in 1888 over the Ca- nadian Pacific Railway route through Vancouver, Calgary Re- gina and east. BOER WAR VETERAN When war broke out in South Africa in 1899, the 22-year-old youth who had not yet given Canada’s first 1,000 men. Thorughout the Boer War he served in G Company under Col. W. D. Otter. After recuperating from en- teric fever in an English hos- pital Bill Raymond sailed .for home. He recalls one character- | istic of the English. “A complete stranger there, but I made many good friends. They called me ‘Yankee’ how- ever, because I said ‘I guess’ instead of ‘I say, there.” On his return to Saint John, New Brunswick while wonder- ing what to do for a living, Raymond found he had unwit- tingly became a war correspon- dent during his absence. | BECOMES REPORTER While in South Africa, hay mond wrote a few letters home. City editor of the Saint John) morning daily lived in the same apartment as did the Raymonds and borrowed the letters for publication. : When the _ soldier home, said the city editor: “Why not join the newspaper?” And Bill did. That was the start. From the Saint John Telegraph the re- porter moved to the Montreal Herald five years later, then on to Saskatoon to join the Daily Capital which subsequently be- came part of the Star-Phoenix A few weeks after his arrival AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE On Thursday, October 2nd, commencing at 2:15 sharp, at the Auction Rooms, corner of McBride Street and Fourth Avenue, East. owners, I will sell by Auctien the foilowing articles of Sufte in maroon velour; one ahogany Bookshelf; Mahogany Coffee Table; End Table; Large Living Room Carpet, size two Table Lamps; One G.E. » Washing Machine; two very large Mirrors; beautiful Bedroom Suite with two Bedside Tables; new Dinette Suite; two Lamp Tables, two Sewing Machines; two Enamel Coal and Wood Ranges; large Hall Mirror; Hotpoint Electric Range; Twin Beds with Bedside Tables; E asy SpinDry Washer; Hoover Canvas Tent; Boat’s Mast and two Lawn Mowers; lot of numerous to mention. Must be sold. List your goods for this sale before 10:00 a.m, Thursday. Nothing too small. Terms; Cash or Cheques PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN’S CO-OP | VISIT THE COW BAY STORE PANTS, from MERCHANDISE AT ABSOLUTE THROW-AWAY PRICES \@ GENTS’ GABARDINE $10.00 Kersey Jackets ... $13.95 Genis’ Dress Shirts .§2.95 Kersey Stags ..... $10.45 Gents’ Sport Shirts . $3.95 3b. Wool Socks . pair 95c BLACK and BROWN GORE OXFORDS ...... pair §8.35 BOOTS and OXFORDS, wide fitting, ........ pair $7.50 STROLLER BATTERY RADIOS, Marine Band, ... . $89.95 Be Sure To See These And Many More Bargains In Sale Period From OCTOBER Ist to 10th (NO RETURNS — NO EXCHANGES) Montana and in contingent of| returned (Continued from Page 1) in the prairie city, he read a jreport that a huge water tank on top of the Montreal Herald | building crashed through the roof and through the editorial rooms, Casualties were men at |whose side Raymond had re- ; cently been working. | In Prince Rupert there are not |many who do not know of Bill | Raymond. From his initial start jin the city’s first newspaper, the | Evening Empire, “Ray” as he is | often called became the paper's editor. John Houston sold the Em- |pire to the late S. M. Newton | who served here as mayor for ;many years. Newton erected the | building on Third Avenue which | served as the Empire office un- | til the Prince Rupert Daily News | bought the paper in 1947. Due to illness, Newton sold |} out to three of his employees in | 1928, one of whom was Ray- ;mond, the editor. Other two 2.00 | newspaper writing a thought,|were printers, the late A. O. 2.00| enlisted and went overseas with| Franks and S. D. Macdonald Following the death of his two} | partners, Raymond carried on |for a couple of years until H. G. | —— T. Perry bought the Empire as-| sets in 1947. But that, of course, was not! the end of Raymond’s news- | paper career. He came to the} News—the opposition for many years—and began writing his! column, Ray Reflects and Rem- inisces. And he’s still going to keep on | writing it with the assurance | that many of his readers are very happy to continue reading it. Once a newspaperman, always | @ newspapérman — that’s Bill | Raymond. } Mey iy')| ta aL iae Ont baer " f Lew baa et ee Prince Rupert Daily News 3 Wednesday, October 1, 1952 COOK ELECTRICALLY’ G.E. Push Button Range .... $459 With Pressure Cooker ty? G.E. Standard Range : a _. $389 G.E. Apartment Range ... 939 Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. This is YOUR Civic Centre. a Resner Block — Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C Your Membership or Your Donation is Your Guarantee of Successful Operation THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 2nd is the time of our ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP CANVASS. Here is what you are providing when you give this application and your membership fee or donation to the Canvasser that evening: 4 RECREATION FOR ALL YOUR FAMILY The Pre-School Child — The Student — The Adult 4 A Centre for Pleasant Community Living 4 Top-Notch Entertainment and Sports Events At 20% Lower Rates to Civic Centre Members _ CulturalEvents. :: University Extension Courses CHILDREN Name Name Name Name ADULTS Name | Name Name Address Signature of Applicant || YEARLY RATES—Junior (to age REDUCED FAMILY RATES—$12.00 for Parents and Dependent Children; $8.50 for Husband a nd Wife Membership. Paid with Application Age .. P.O. Box Bal ance due December 31st, 1952 (To be filled in by Canvasser) 4% Better Citizenship and a Saving of your Tax Dollars Spent Normally on Juvenile Delinquency 4% AN ADEQUATE & SELF-SUPPORTING BUDGET Guaranteed through your MEMBERSHIP or DONATION Fill in this application and have ready for the Canvasser. He will issue a temporary receipf and Member- ship Cards will be mailed. rt femme em me emer mtr erent Set Se Sete StS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION — Civic Centre Association of Prince Rupert Name meee meme Semmens settee aes perme teny remy eee eM ee eae en ie ee ee ee ce a re CHEQUE AFFIX STAMP oa : THE SUM OF To. To THE SUM OF ACCOUNT No. Pay to the credit of the CIVIC CENTRE ASSOCIATION OF PRINCE RUPERT (Name of Bank) Bank of Prince Rup ert, B.C. Please pay the Civic Centre Association ef Prince Rupert on the Ist of each month at debit of my Savings Account No. 15th Current This authority to continue until a total of $.......... ecemiieébéunamanetan aw ewe er eae SB eR RRR RP RO OS Ree mM IE EE Oe Ke ee Oe has been paid to the Association. oak Oe ais DOLLARS. $6)... he # (Signature \ j JR. a ee pia Boe DOLLARS ~ ed miccsisetess eal ay ( Signature ) $ ee, Ne eee cea on ollie : res