pagk vvra THE DAILY ITEWT3 DREDGE OUTFIT A substitute uill Editor of Dailn disaopoint you. REMOVES SOUTH White Dressing On Cy Arnett at Last Finishes Con- Is the best for canvas boots and shoes, belts, etc. Just try it ! uz NCANVfcS BOOTS ndSMOCS i The Daily News FRINGE RUPERT - RRIT1SH COLUMBIA 'published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince, Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLKN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Cityj,De!ivery, by.niail or carrier, per month .By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United , 'States, in advance, per year :.. To all other cpuntries, in advance, per year ,. ' ' .... ' Vf Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 'A Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 88 $ 1.00 $n.0( $7.50 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office before p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY tDITIOH Tuesday, July 28, 1925. Central Interior And Peace River. The statement was made in the interior last week to the Vancouver Board or Trade party that the belt nlonjr the Canadian National Railway between Prince Rupert and Prince fieorge should receive attention as regarded colonization and development Jit fore the Peace River valley. This does not mean that efforts should in any wise be dropped to give the wonderful agricultural area of the Peace River a transportation system. There are people and '..places there that are entitled to a railway connection at the earliest possible date and it seems to be pretty well conceded that Mich a railway would be an economic prj-xsition. , As far, as colonization is concerned, however, the develop ment argument is a proper one. Ihcre is access and egress to the district between Prince Rupert and Prince George by the t fa ft In &n n. n Jk4 Ian !ujI4 H . Elevator False Work Is Going Up has another dreilginpt contract;"! Mr. AruMt's contract of dipping andileliverin? pravel from Mc-Nicholl Creek for the pJevator: foundations here, proved a much lonjrer Job than had been anticipated, 'the fact that the Vravel continued to he washed away made it necessary to dij? a great ileal more than had Iwen figured! a on. and the equipment, when, it finally got away last nijrht. was at least two months overdue. The Northern Construction Co. is now just about finished with its conlr'acl for the elevator wharf aud will soon he done here. In the meant, Carlor-Halls-Aldinjer fy. of1 Winnipeg i setting a good, start made on ih'i'j superstructure ami false work for the bins is now heintr erected. Pouring -.of. concrete into the forms -will he started shortly. Kuipjiieut Is now pretty well all o5? the ground. II is still expected that the elevator will he complete anil ready for operation tie fore t. tie end of 1925. PARKS BOARD ASKS FOR BOULEVARDS ON IMPROVED STREETS The Parks Hoard asked the city council last nishl that all portions of graded streets from the lot line to existing roads he declared boulevards subject, to the control of the- Parks Hoard. The matter Was- referred to the Canadian National Railway 'and colonics going in there' will nol!I,oar(l of Works for co.nsidera- . be stranded as ihose in the Peace River arfyatllie present, lime.l,lon-The PHu'ce. Rupert elevator, it is aid, w ill also be ti lipon to the The Hoard also asked for a central interior. . .. . small appropriation for the ini- As rar as the Peace River Is. concerned, the firs!,,'en' of Parks. The matter be concentrated upon will be the railway. Once that i pJM)v(ure!d!was-dir lh& eoloiijzaljuii .should lake core. of. itself if that country is trii v" VJ.vq. "p. general opinion as great as it is generally said to lie. Dayton Aaain . .. 1 ' . In Limelight. , v . ' -, I .( JIa'rd on the heels of. Hie evolitlr&ii trial' in vhicli the deceased was the maii prosecuting attorney the little town of D;iy-ton, Tennessee,, is again in Ihe limelight as the death place of WillTam Jenfiings Rryaii.. Emits have conspired to put Dayton: a place Hint a coiple of nionlhs agO'VVry few people had heard a(ioyj,'.tni. the map and the hamlet has been the centre of the e'eson Till fed Stales if nol'of a large part of the world. William Jennings- Bryan died there afler fighting "another battle which, though it may have seemed ridiculous, he undoubtedly believed i'i. William Jennings ' , Bryan An Honored Name. . The loser on many a political battleground even to the last primaries for the Deniocrajjie presidential nomination, and a m'an whose name during rel ent years had be,ep regarded with n snipe, the career of Williams Jennings Bryan will find an honored place in the. annuls of American history. Sometimes- acting ojiMnisleading convictions, as many a great statesman .has doiiei Brynii'was sincere in hi beliefs and the breath of scandal or suspicion never laiuU'd his pany?. lie was a champion of cienn'-JjVing-rand honest practice and his preachments were often gregled 'with smiles aud sneers when the people of United Sjates might'. better linVe taken lliem" more serioitly. Bryan va a force in the 'nlletl .Sates and a type of man that is bgV ginning to be less pron)in'eMfn thai country. ' Differing froihV many filhers in recent years he wa not a political trixter and vvas not out for self-nggrandizenient or personal advancement. While he did not say so in as many words Brvan was some- r rjrr 4 tut TO.NICHT" GRANT'S Best Procurable tliat Miis Utrk!.slioiiId,be under taken , hy:tjtc Itoard. of Works aftyrltjie 'Park's IfoatU Iiad made suiiaaie rec.oiiiiiieniiation c.yj-iiing the same. MORE RESULTS inainalious in this district: con- In addition to those whoo names we're carried in des- patches published mcally last week, Hie following pupils"" were succesnful at 'their Entrance ex- riiscome Kvelyh J. Shields, 308. (Sranhy Hay Ernest II. Brown. .'IU1; (irace M. Stevens, 36f; Vera D. Eve,- 3(5 1 ; Thoijias II. Gray, 3(53; Gunnard C. Anderson. 351; Harold Hague, 349; Charles Bright, 3i9; 1'earl V. Jago, 328; Arthur K. Dwyer, 327; Christina A. McLeod, 317; Robert .1. Mortal!, 310. Port Simppn j-y Muriel C. Deane, 351; .Cpnes- l!lfHrenUen. 3ortf ' : ':'- Hose LakeVcjiria P. .Biggins. Skidegate Edna Grance Stevens, 305. muig.oi a l-acinsi m uie cany nays ot uie (ireat War. Difrer- 1(11; Dorothy Husband, 357 eilCes with President Wilson nvpr Ilia fHrnn'i n !! fr ir.V.'' ls i'...:i vii..i..ii. - -w - ' i mi it,; enfwce'nient of the freedom of the seas led to bis resiguatioli front Uie cabinet as secretary of state before th United States entered the war. He was an. American Imperialist but n worker in H;e interests of humanity. oimxuum '1 (TMl OKICINALI Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINrST HIGHLAND MALT Blu-Clnliwi DatJWnM. Dull- This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Llquoh Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. I.awn Hill nenpvieve Mnlilnr Sandspit Elizabeth 333. Stewart Helen Crawford, 3(50 Mae Mathers, Gertrude Campbell. 332. Premier Jloderick Orrin " Cales, 321. Wistaria Glen 11. Mohr, 327; Alford J. Harrison, 303j Edward J. Mohr, 300. Alexander Mansoi School Louise M. Morgan, 31 C. Matrio Results There were, as well a few Matric results that have not yet been announced locally. Among them: JVrracc Grade. 9 Betty, E. Anderson (S); Mary E. Wilson. Grade 10. Edna M. Dobbie S 'Lawrence. Greip, MnrguerPe MI Martin, Evelyn D. llice, (Si. Pacific (t'rade I0A Lillian JeancMe Taper. . . Yandeifioof Grade 9. Velma iM. Clark, Garvin J. Dezell (S), Evelyn -M. Smedley Li"t.' Lowejl B, Sniith (8). ' , . Gra'de 10. "AleltH . Margaret Mitchell (S). . . , Normal Entrancei. -r-t Marion Moore, Marjorie K: Paterson and sWiey. G. Prcslon. Completed Normal Entrance-Bessie Lamb. lA'flTLEV RAY. Travelling alone is long a- the journey does not lake loo long, no onf wilh whom to nuurrel. You do a; There have been a few inn dents lp ..record .Jnit, none of particular importance. TJie wen poked her nose: into theinoiih of every lit lie stream and. I niade very interesting as When alone there you like and do not With much looting of whist- have to give up any of your littte oddities or preferences in or-. Ips, C. W. Arnelfs tug rVarfiilidcr to oblige your companion. You do not get talked to death wilh dredsre and two dump scows and, if anything goes wrong, you can swear as fluently as you! intow moved down the harbor a! t wish Aviihout hurling the susceptibilities of your neighbor. j 7 o'clock last night on' its way 1 made the trip alone to Ihis place from Prince Roperl, lak I to Ocean Fall's where Mr. Arnett' injr two dfivs to di it and now I am awaiting the arrival of my; son Dick, on Uk Venture. W ailing i worse than travelling. Perhaps I should say waiting1 is not as pleasant as travelling. to" for the purpose of discussing the I art IT on Canadian I dfbuf enterinp Hie United Slates and oilier matters. Hie mayor in a call at Lowe llilet, where Mr. Jimated that Ibe'leller had been Hftusseau came to Ihe rescue wlth'shnwri to the finance comiuiltee. few things forgotten or lftjan,! it wa's considered wise to behind and which are necessary have the same referred to the to comfort. city council in order that the The rirsl happening or the pPPraj public inialil become ac-trip took place at Gibson Island, guainled with the act that Ibis There I had anchored in deep r0nferepce Vas of vital rnterest water and all looked happy and 0 prince Huperi. I went to'sleep on the boat bnpe-j yiiP Hoard of. Trade also has ful or the morrow. In the middle received an ollleial coiiimuiiicu-of the night I was awakened h'y,H(jn aipiounchig the conference the launch being tiltejl to one- an-, ft js said 'that represenla-side and, 'to my ilismay, I found jjVes of local fish buyers will a'- it stuck on Ihe lop of a rugged Pn, t is also considered unlock. Jumping oiil In my loek-;,l0rtant that some rep'resenla-ing reel, I pushed her .off and, jVP 0f die Canadian fishing lnUing op anchor, left that in- Heel et in be present as it is hospitable spot. I hp oinghy was of vilal interest to them. Kel-, nlso on n i-oek. annarentlv tile ..i.;t.... n U ".' n nminouJ aim nil., i I j -- i umnii, n.- uiiimmiih m n i .- only Iwo anywhere in Ihe ncigii-! sen.ling a strong delegation t.i borhood. The waler had been.,tsk (hat the duly on Canadian deep when I dropped, anchor hut, halibut eiUering Ihe United Ihe rock was within reach 'of the ;apS i,0 n0 decreased. . The( swing of the rope and 1 was not PlPr tn Ills Worship was filed aware of it. - a ti,P council meeting. Fish For Breakfast .. . The second night was spentj water notice. ! near the south end of Grenville u nd8torigt. ' Channel at Ihe mouth of a nice! )TAWEt noticeiu, wnaarn c. w. m ( trout stream where a waterfall ig.cj., n.c... win apply fi r a urrure u . like and t miucrV Im-hw dall.v nl ,,. ,. .,,. i ue J.. from the channel. I seen cauglit!U, ,tori. Stoa ft,m r water .ui or n! two ' nice trout ' with a flv As I 1 did " 1 n'nii n--in wiiiih rmu ?uiii.riy.j . . : . ixl drams into wi-t arm .r not get anoltier bite Tor1 ten min-'r.r4 UM-kt-puit iiarixu-. y.:j.. n.i:. Timj i ii. , , sloriiri-dm will 1 lKaosl ai Hi i.iuii.-i uu "'"""" :i'-0r the utrt-am. The capacity of Hm- r fish were just enough breakfast. Tbis'pIaCe is Indians are away deserted. I dare go 'lth the launch and look a snapshot. Then I remembered that I had forgotten to focus the camera so the ima'te will- be slighlly blurted. 'Hie buck had a fine, spread of anller in Ihe velvet stage. The few people I have met o far tell of poor salmon fishing everywhere, hut that is commercialism and I am on holiday. i II. if. I'VI.hVS. IMPORTANT TO CITY Mayor is Notified or meeting Which Will Discuss Halibut Tariff Issue Last night a letter to Mayor .Vewloir from the Department of Marine and Fisheries was read at. Ihe city council meeting. T!l Department wrote to the Mayor as lie was chairman of a public meeting held here in connection wilh the closing of the popf ?o American halibul boals. The letter advises as to a conference lo be held in. Seattle on August When The Children Are Troubled With Sunnier Comilaints GIVE THEM And you will be arreeably aurprufd to find out bow quickly they will become relieved of their troubles. This preparation Iim been on the market for the past eighty years. Put rut up up only only by by the the T. J Milburn Co., j limited, Toronto, Oat. for1 "TvHr In lie rrraW'tf I about ,lno gal km, ami It will Mood about V, tetr or laiKi. in wairr win lie uiveriru inni ri-. iiic yintaui ai a poiui ai it our nni A lie Im. for cltimc'llr and raimrrv filiiti!? anil llm' lurpoii- up u tbr land di-Tlbl n lot r A,., ... lit tl...-lr . fliiuun l 'h, .-1..I In pi. aim ..I -1. v " ' 1 1 postmaster, a wane man, is iie ixiamH n.c. rw noiicc wa pon-d oq ,he """Kl on w It in day of Jnl.T, tvr.. nnlv poaiilont Insl Tl. oni resilient just now now. I Iip A ,pv of n(lljr.- and an applnailoii wharf " is 'down and ' landing 'l't"li- has iiruant thereto -ni I tn -ui -waier An, , , , . . iQH," i. til In the otTlrc of the to be made Willi boats. As lC Water llevnrder at l'rlue Hnierl, It.':. Venture is rtpecled to arrive in; T:Vry the middle of Hie night. I I.hvp; n fltZ yT': Zn madP, a camp a Short dislail -e thirty days arier the 7irr a.-aratn-e of r..n..-. iv, ,iii.,,r 2.111,! till nollee III a lural liewiipaiM-r. Tlie, dab- ii.7 .ma,..- niinii a .'iir ftf tne fir,, niibllrallon r tin notlre it loaned loaned hv by Don Crear. is July ts, i93i. . I tent, eircini and .lliu e ei 1 1 I ng readiness for panion. mv - - - ... ft tl f . ... ..llManl i-.i i ,t.i "jL- -?l'l""-" is. in holiday- coin- LAND ACT. Notlca of Intention to Apply to Purchata I forgot to say thai just at the in ihe Land neeordmn Dlxtrlrt or Trlnee ,,.,i. mouth of r Grenville .,. mi j ri .., i i in pen. ana ptmaie at snannon nay GJiannel a tug, B.i'. Maett miej. o.c. imimia. n.c. buck was sighted standing on the;., TAkE, ?tce that Ww-Miiierd. uin-, Uled. uf Vanriuiver B.C.. orrupatlon Ml- rock right at the water . s edge, inon ranner. intend to apply lor peril grabbed the camera and kent ! bribed indl"r,,,'',e lt" "Mi"in d" the launch r going right for hinij. f"","",rlr, u 1'?0!', PIan""rt, pprwi- j. . , , . Ttnately ts rhalna wet, mun- or le, rrom He n ill not seem to take any no- the northern eornrr Lot i.ns (T.u Una .n.l i i . .. , i. . , : thenrp nonth S rhalns; thenre ... . ...... ..... a, iir.ii mi- rm-n .iWt.t JO rlialni; thenre aouth i rhalnn; thenre west tn malm, inore or Ipm, to heailf, liienre followlnr meandering or beaeh to point or eomnieneeinent, and rontalnlna- 48 arrea more or lf. C, LIMITED. Applicant rer Win. 0. Mitchell. . Afent. Dated Inly 7th. IBgi LAND ACT. Not lea of InUntlon' to Apply to Purchaa Land. In Ihe Land Rerorilinf OiMrlrt or Trlnre Unpen, and olluale at Awuui lllver, Awum Bay, Maviwtt Inlet. Q.c. Il;inds. , Mi.. TAkE NOTICE that Mm. Jamea Field-nr Stranir, of Snnnjiilde, II. C. orenpallon married woman, intends to apply for )er-mls(on lu imrrha.e the r.illowlDR de arrllNHl lamb): Conuiieiiriiiir at' a post 'planted at hlrh water mark. Awiinf lllver; them-e S rhnltis north: Ihenre in rlmlna weal, more or leu to northwest rortier Lot 1547; thenre .10 rhaloi eouth; thenre ih rlialn eat: thenre 40 rhaim norlh; thenre r. elialna went; Ihenre 15 rhalna Minlh lo lnt or rouinirnreinent. ind contalnint iO arrev mon or le. MIIH. JAMES FIRLMSO' STFIANO, Appllrint. Ttr Wm. O. Mitchell. . . . ARent,! mien jiur Jin. u , LAND ACT, Nolle of Intention to Apply to Purehaia Land. In Trlnee liupert Ijmd IH.lrlrt, nerordlni Dlntrlct or ITInre lliierl. and mtuale! at shannon Hay, B.r:.. Maxell niet. O.C. Inland. TAkK .NOTICE that James Fle.dln Slranr, or sunnyalde, B.C., ocrupatUiu canner)inan, Intend to apply 'or Penult-, slon to purrhase the rollowina; denrrllied land: Commenrlne at a pool planted 14 rhalna aoiiili aider, went, more or leVa rJ?n HHIIhwe.t rorner or Uit 1548- thenre outh 30 rlialut; Uience wem 30 rhalna! more or vn, to waiera edire; thenre rolliiwlnr mi-anderlnr or bearh to t ni or riaiinienreinent, and ronuiulnr 4S -nw., arreii more or lp JA3. FIELDI.NO STn0 f Tialed July ?th. Ii . in.,, .j, iiiirneii. WATER NOTICE. Dlrtrtlon ane Uat TAKE OTIi:E that William " Mnr..t, wtio addr l totkpotV ? ii iV?" ply ror t llrrnee to and liw L """" .I'er nay or waler ..n ' r fhrtni on went dn of I .u Wrw,.. .. . .'enne ( i, known t, 'p,:r vr"- Morran elevation B60VP "iVt T rioll, nithrrly and dralm Into w,"i "JS "lonrrellow- Mineral r him rr.Vwn ..... Ml Mi. I3H 0 CJ. The water 4,H C 5 ' verted rrom the Mreaiu nVh, V, J.- aUait Itnn reet 7' or no die " Wn.i f Ui.krH.rt llartmr wwl rrom 1,lJn"L. nrr POM or ImI 441 "Lnnrfelhiw '. ruirn. Crown rramed No" , r. T .,'r1 l.e ued ror dMiiemie and 'J.'J upon the land .le.ri il, r,nnr, , ... . . J"'reo I A. or l,ot 44 1, and ForeVhoV e," 'i Inr U,t I DM ai Uirkpon 0. j T,,''i" laecond day or June, jf a 2", .V' notice tod an ppiic.tlon pJr.utot tbeft? Tuesday, July -8 :, News Goes Holidaying I H-&3ftfeU 1 to Hartley Bay Li WSSM- fi mmMm&m Graining Process The only practical graining system by which anyone can successfully apply Beautiful, lustrous hardwood grain effects over old dirty soft wood floors, doors, woodwork and furniture. Costs about 3 cents a square foot, is washable and will outwear most hardwood finishes. Learn to grain in 5 minutes at any Chi-Namel store. For Sale By STORKS HARDWARE LTD., Prince Rupert, B.C. FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian rish & loli storage to., 11 PRINCE RUPERT.'B.C. Boat Builders! We' have 20,000 feet of 1-2 Inch, 5-8 Inch. 7-8 Incfc and 1 Inch , Cedar Boat Lumber which we iniisl sell us we reomre the van! htiace : '!f' slock. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. pnones 116 and 117. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 639 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. to aud tu Uie "Water Art" will Us filed In tlie wrice or tlw Water at I'rimei Kujrt. .:. nlijerlloiw to the appllr-Ooii tiuiy lie riled Willi theald WeWir lleruriler or with the I j.ritpt mltir or ' Water hlrhia, I'aiiiament Hlnldlilira, Vic torla, Il.r... wliulii thirty da- arirr tin rirnt appearanee r tlili. noiii-e in a Uxt newMHiMr. Tlwi dale or the firnt pull-: luillon or thU notlre u July t tur. ' ,VIU.IAM MOIlliAN, Afpllrant. . DEPARTMENT OF WORKS. Notlca to Contractor!. ' Si:AI.KIl TKNIiKllS, indnrxd "Tender for New llazellon School " will fce received' I'.V the HoiHiurahle the MlnlMer or Plildli-Work up lo it o'clock Noon nr FHday the sin day or July, lH. fur the ere' lion and rKiipletlun of a One Huoni Sch'vil iiu 1.UI uunujnr- at ,ev the Skeena f:lerorat huirlri. u i: Plana, speiiflralloim, Conlraet, rnnm oi lenoer may ne seen on aurr tne i Jin nay or July, 1915 and riirihrr Information ordained al the lie-parliiienr of l-uhlje Works Parllainent iiiuiin., auu .1 i iiu ituuiwilir orrlref .loveniineni ArenK at Vanroiivrr, Prlnre invert, ikiiillliera, and Ir. . W. arrenl ..l.....l t.M,i ..a,F.TM ii.i., ,ir uaieiion, il l Coplea or Plan, epeeiriritloni, nr can lie 'Auiirf-d rroiu the tiepartinenl on tav- hirh will h rffunli on rtiurn of u Mr..7.rrer,.ed',r "m" W" M Pep y Public r. riui.ip. Minii-u-r and V,,l-ku poLlle worki Iii-.arlinent, " " Victoria. U.c July 71b, iiiy Don't Miss Nig" phon Ml 539 Or. C01 Black 7JJ BENTS Summer Clearing Sale GENERAL FURRIE"5 B.C. FUR Co. Third Ave. Ilenairlng, Hcmodcll ng " llaA ltaiAt1ll(t8 OlajitiK and Cleatti' ss ,9:J Phones Day: Green J Nlnht: Black W