PAGE FOUX Tup., i. in BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus Ill SUNOCO jj FT 1 WHT -I 00 00 MEA.N wipe V-V3 jEffiS JUW HIRED tTeMOCAPHER-AN- ' wean to bcc tNic &CEN Chatter !! I TEEL IWPOR.TA.1MT. MOW iWELU nte- f llfttfll nnra It THE Fitvsx THINC. A. CXirse I : . . ?. Z THE CW, Free n Mir- i-a tq co our i 11 i ii hi ill lli li OIL for Fords H I be convinced III il II I Kaien Hardware II Company III Important' BargainNews j Our Entire Stock of WOMEN'S and MISSES' DRESSES, SUITS, COATS and MILLINERY at 20 per cent discount Ten Days Only Mrs.S.Frizzell Third Avenue J. L Blain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and OTfico Fixtures, Hand-Rawing and Planing. Jobbing' and Repairing. Glass and Glazing. Sash. Doors and Mouldings P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone B7B DENTIST St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. Gregory Tires Are Good Tires Made in H.C. SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRY .Wo Have Them In Stock. S. E. Parker Ltd. MAYOR'S EXPENSES TO EDMONTON ARE VOTED BY COUNCIL ........ .. 1 1, .a : I i ; 1 ,,,?.uwl ''"'prlaml some L " "ar,J any-'?. ?. COsl,l!,"e " "lr mi- uifuiiuii aijjournei: last night. Aid. Larson said Una! the muynr had not, put in expense account iri connection with his trip tn the conference to hdmonlon and he would nwivo that the mayor be reimbursed to the extent of I00. In speaking to I lie motion, Aid. Larson said that il would seem cbean busi ness for the city to allow the mayor lo pay his own way. Aid. Perry seconded the motion. Alderman Stephens said that he would not offer' any serious objection to the motion but lie did feel that matters of this kind should be settled by the council in advance, and not after Iho ex pense had Ix-en incurred. I'be mayor said that he bad felt that the city should be re presented and bo had also "felt that the city could not afford the expense and he' ' therefore went on his own and paid his own way. The motion was then passed. HAZELTON MAN IS VISITOR TO CITY Sydney Browning Speaks on Local Transportation MatT . ters Better Rates Should Be Given Sydney Hrnwn(ng,.,in charge of nie imnan school at .New Hazel-ton and who has beenfeacbing in the north for , I he past twelve years, has arrived in the city on a short holiday to-renew old ac quaintances. Mr. llrowning, who lakes a great inlerest in traspprtalion problems, thinks that ton Vail- way fares from point's in ,tlie in terior are noi hased sullicieutly low to encourage 'travel jind says mat in the old n.T.P. days the round Tare . from Hnzellon lo Prince Rupert was t2.IO where as now it is $13.20. H is his opinion, if the local fares were reduced lo encourage travel, that people m the interior would travel more often lo t'lie coast and between intermediate points and thus enhance the earnings nf the railway between here and Prince George. Mr. llrowning also sees a creat. futiir.o for .fnuii a gran MippvJnW alnitIln..rlJ' ."..1 1 1- .Jr '' u.jili(i, nimiiijMJini Willi iiie, completion nf the new elevator and phopbesies (hat if tlie grain business is handled right that Inrge shippers of wheat will become interested iri the port. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land lie cording District of Prince tin - pert, and situate about two milesChilliwack. in a northerly direction from Rottney Point. Massett Inlet (Iraham Island, llrilish Columbia. Take Notice that J.angara Fishing & Packing Company Limited, of Massett, H.C, occupation Packers, intends to apply for n lease or the following described lands: Commencing at a nost nlnnleil two miles in a northerly direotion! irnm Jlooney Point, MassoU In let, Oraham Island. Ilritish Col tutnhia; thence easterly five! I chains, more or less, to low) jwntcr mark; thence norlborly along low water mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence j westerly five chains; thence! southerly one hundred nnd sixty! chains, morn or less, In point nf commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less. I T.ANMAIIA ......... . riHIII.Vn aK... ...... , .. j liAeTimnl 4jjll PACKING C(). LTD. Applicant. Ver E. II. Simpson, Agent, Dated June 13th, 1025. "British ColuniDia. TERRACE NOTES Mrs. (iallaiul and children of I Prince Rupert are spending the summer here. . .... ay evening an interesting group of representatives from various times and plaues. Cards ond dancing were the order1 of the. evening. Mesdames Cox, Hammond and J. L. Mcintosh ret Rupert last w'eelr after spending a few days in, town. Mrs. llalliweJl and Mrs. Wei went Pill fllivvn down -In to Reino Hutur. n. -.. avS.,i;.. tjay ' j .Mrs 8. Dover accompanied by her laughter Jean and IlMv . were nann r... .. Friday. Hetty "will ... undergo a minor operation while there. .Mrs.' I. inn u-enl nt I.. It..,. .11... If uji hi aiu(.vmui .-.n Ll.. iA.. ' H "Mrs., Cook underwent an oper ation ai the llazellon Hospital on Sajurday. Mrs, Sunday entertained al afternoon tea last Thursday. The J1.D. .Uridge Club held .beirrifortnightly meeting, at Hie. Tiome of Mrs. J. K. .Eros I last Friday. a The Ladies Auxiliary of the O.W.V.A. held "a 'raspberry -social undXale of home cookinir in .tlie J.W:V.A. hall on Saturday afternoon. a The Ladies1 Aid of the Pres of byterian Church are having a strawberry social Ihis week. l Frank Phisralor is back from his Dease Lake trip. Mj-s. R. Ackroyd and Miss Ack- royd of W'ninwrighl,. Sask., arrived on Sunday to visit with hei brother-in-law Fred Ackroyd. BURNS LAKE Hon. A. M. Manson, in the course of a tour of his constituency, was a visitor in Ilurns Lake last Wednesday. He came over the rnaiI:vfrom Kndako. walking over tbJi poriion that .is ijrjn'4...4''.:iv,.i..i.n w-: .r.-ti .. ll"l..;;!IJIHp"MMl.; lit; UlWd-VISIl. ed ' Douglas 11oVlge'' 'oh' Slua'rt Lake. Mrs. V. Scbehlerup and family have relumed to Hums Lnke after having spent several weeks holiday in 'Victoria. Called south on account of his father's serious illness. Larrv Rogers has left for his home in James McKenna relurned last week Irom a trip to Vancouver accompanied hy his tw daugb- LX?xl Li " I P.TT w eft I ti XDTonight H to ton and lrntthn ,rMn ' diftttlon and limlntfion. Improve apptlltt, lop siek hadach, rliv bll-leutnaw, correct comtipatlon. yr.fw8,ly,""n,,l' Tomorrow Alright Get a 25c. Box Dnifilat ORME8 LIMITED tors, Kathleen and Margaret. who hare tieen attcndm? I lie Icnnrenl at Prince Rupert. Edward Saltier, wlio arrived recently from Wyoming, has de cided to settle in Francois Lake district. Miss Celina Aslin has return ed to her home here after having spent several weeks, in Prince Rupert visiting with her sister Mrs. Kenneth Sclierk. a- 8 I 1 Sport Chat 1 a With Habe I-ni l in signed on bv "I,e the Oyrn. "m.Uuli, Cluh, the there promises lo 'be revived interest in the doings m uiai aggregarion in the Senior Haseball ,',s,,,au. League. Habe, " a well " 1 M,nP r s,n" "',aw w" r,!- nlrnp' 0 jown last week from PS?1; '? ,af fs?' 8U,ri!rin IWIIll with a II bad ll.'Wl hand l.fltwl and (.wl .trill will not ....I lie I. lined up with the Gyros in theii paine tonight hut it is announc- d that he will take the moiiml on Friday night against the Kons of Canada. The (iyros. since I lie first of the season have been weak inllie pitching department but slronsT elsewhere, and it it now hoped that they are up lo the strength that Will mean victories for them on the per- i-iiine ijsi. During "flic past year or so. there has-been distinct signs of healthy growth In tran-shoot- iug organizations llirniii;hiiiii n.e country.'1 In Hie Mid-West the various zne shoots have been very successful while, in the East inter-club shoots have had great increase in the number contestants. The tournaments held during the Canadian .Na tional .-Exhibition, at Toronto, .... 1 I IMlPlflll . filllkfll Ato f..l,.. .Hal.... I o.iwift .r. ii iiiii iimiiiui parts of Canada and greatly increased general iuteVest in the sport. Tliis has been due to a large extent. In (lie nnll aroused by the performances of li... n ine iiin i nan il vnnni le.nn The scores made bv Hie various members nf (his organization at tracted much attention from the trap - shooting ' f r a t e r n i t v throughout the world. S. G. Vance, canlain of the team, shot a total of 705 cla.v birds in competitions in Ilritain and broke 78I, or i8.2 'Per . cent. JJ MonttfOirterv' Shot lit- rfl'h nml broke Ou.Opeiv ceiit;vvAiie ;0. Healtie of Hahiiltiih, sliOt al 8IIS and broke 7U5 or 07 per cent. Ihe other members of the team made scores very slightly below these. In the Olympic shoot the Canadian Team look second place with "a score onlv three points behind the winning team. In the International Champion,- iliiii Shoot, held in England, n team composed of W. Hames. P.. S. Mnnlironierv: G. Ilenllie .1 II lllack, and S. G.. Vance won the llrilish Challenge Shield with n perfect score. This score has never been equalled since these competitions were first started in IH!)5. In the Letter Box H Editor, Daily News. I was surprised lo see from tonight's paper that the G.W V.A. football team has with drawn from (he Prince Rupert roolhall League, Surely Ihorc must be some 0ml ri'ason for 'their lakiug this siep, as I considered their team as one of Hie best in the citv. I feel sure thai the followers of football would like to kmiw the reason for their withdrawing from the lengue. PERT URAPHURY. Advertise In the Dally News I - ii ll Y I 1- 1925 Intl FtTut Slvic. Inv plpp I r j j 7 U Oral Biiikiw "ril rwvr ! 1 1 For Wanted Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in WANTKB WANTED. An experienced saleslady to commence duties at once. Apply Kent's, Third Avenue; (f WANTED. Plain dressmaking. Reasonable rates. 7l8. Eraser Street. . tr Mill, wanted for ice-cream parlor. E. E. Confectionery. tf FOR SALE CHESTERFIELD Suites, highest grades, made to order. Good slock of lapestry to select from, plain mohair any color and plain mohair with figured cushions and facings. Styles, hall foot and Queen Anne. Call and select your pattern. Good service assured. Prices reasonable. A. MacKenzie Furni ture House. Phone 775. If FOR SALEr-Slove troubles sol ved. Why worry about your old stoves when you can exchange them as first payment on a new PREMIER RANGE and bave(complele satisfaction. Halance fcjn easy payments. Prince Ilupecl ' v Exchange. Phone C52. tf 'OR SALE. Pleasure bull in good comlifloii. Cabin over engine and canopy lop. Suitable fur 5 jb.p. engine. A good sea: "limit. First SI 00 takes il. Write Ilox 203, Daily News. " tr FOR SALE.-At the H.C. Fur Co.. Third Avenue, cookstove, iron bed, mattress and spring, table and chaip, some dishes and counter scale. FOR SALE. New bouse, semi- modern, five minutes walk from post ottlce. For particulars apply 438, Eighth Ave., West. tf FOR QUICK SALE. New house and lot on Eighth Avenue East and Alfred. Very cheap. Phone Hluo nttn after six. 173 FOR SALE. Eight piece fumed oak dining room suite. Sunn for cash. Apply T. Mc.Meekin. .Ult, Avenue East. tf FOR" ;SALE. -Oliver typewriter in 'good- condition, &25. Apply Rose, Cowan Latin, Ltd. . 175 FOR SALE Level lot. on sewer close in, $100.00. Phone Red 720. 182 HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert Rev. F.'C. Ward-Whate and D. M. Osli'iuii, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rekdal and Miss Margaret C. Eok, Seattle; John P. Habcock and (1. R. Naden. Vie. loria; A. G. Dermoll, M.D., Fnu-genburg, Sask.; S. lliggins, Whilehorse, Y.T.; E. 11. Kimp-son, .Massed: Mrs. Hal Km rut Cleinenls, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. nan Davis, South Hend, Ind.; J. Mailley hCOtt. .1. L. Gnribin nml II. MfCalltiiu, Ottawa; Mrs. F. A. Goddard, New lliuellon; K. (i McCullagh. Vancouver: W Kill- Usk; A. H. Gleason, Worcester, Mass.; i.d. Lindsel, city. Central F. Allan. Marv Larseo. Miit-v Allan and L. Cormier, Liard Post; .1. Kulleel, .1. G. Reeves and F. Duggan. C.N.R.: Mr. Illlil l ia Charles Nesblll, Fort Edward! N.Y.; M. Allison, Slewart; H Chris Williamson. Nanaiino. The charge aualns! Mm i. Condon of swearing was iiii. missed by Magistrate - - ..w.., iiiviu this morning, NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c TO RENT TO RENT. Furnished rooms. Hot and cold water. Centrally located. Reasonable rents. Norfold Rooms, Fulton Slree!. Phone Hlack 329. tf FOR REXT.. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sew ing machines. Walker's Music Store. If FOR RENT. Modern bouse, llv rooms ami hath. Minim Itros. FOR RENT. Cinpp apartment eslcnhavor Hros. tf FOX FARMING ALASKA HLUK and SILVER HLACK FOXES for iminedia'e or later delivery. High-grade slock, at lowest prices. Pups and breeders at lower prices now than Later. Cash and terms, no inlerest. Free Itook-Ittls, references over period of 35 years by six banks. Mrs. H. Welch, Smilliers, H.C. is our local Hreeder-llepresenla-tivo; or "One of the World's largest fox farms," (1.200 acres Cleary Hros., Fox Faring, lir3 Empire Huiiding, Seattle. U.S.A. BOARD HOARD and Room, or hoard only. 413 Fifth Avenue East. Phone Red 707. HOARD The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phono 137. BOATS AND LAUNCHES PRICES OF EAST11QPE 4-CYCLE .Marine Engines 4-H.P. without clutch 1185.00 4-H.P. 1 cylinder MI) aoo.00 0-II.P. 1 cylinder IID 450.00 8-H.P. I cylinder IID 750.00 8-1I.P. 2 cylinder MD 450.00 1CH.P. 1 cylinder LI) 475.00 All the nbovc except the first include the Famous Joes Reverse (tear, and full electrical and propeller equipment. The best that money can buy. Easlhope Hros., 1747 Georgia St. W. Vancouver, H.C. Always at VOlir aervinn Prince Rupo'rt Boathouse, Agents Phone 381. . TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Georce. Paul or Glisll Special C and 7 passenger Studo- hakers at your service flay nnd night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Empress Hotel. CAMERON TRANSFER Phono 177 Baggage, Furniture Movlna. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone us, P.O. Hox 000. PHOTO FINISHING P. J. RYAN P.O. Hox 1544 Prince Rupert, H.C. Service and Satisfaction Ouannnleed. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Store. Wo Ilnv. KaM umi v, '. change New and Secondhand MOOUS. GEO. PAFADOPULI8. 830 Third Ave. Phong fun. KEITH'S CAFE. When In Stewnrt visit Keith's CaTo in Ising Edward Hotel now re-hioilelleil. Up-to-date Dining Room and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH - Manager. !ArticI Lost and Found.&c FURNITURE HOSPITAL And General Repair K;,ii, finfPM nf fill Itinila n.. ' -' ijj lended to. We ro; , ...nil..-. , r' mucin, b 1 u 1 1 1 U I II 0 ; u picture training. i;a 1;, Furniture crating TOM BALLANGER Til , . t . . .. I'ooue itiue u-.i. ,: i a 1 ' 5; I COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Colurnlua ft .j. no scratching. 1-:k. , iHuiiuuiiuns oi ia: - lrots, Songs and Ins lc music by world famed m Call In and hear Mirm PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue BEDDING OUT PLANTS. Plants that grow and for your labor. M bedding out plants a -ally acclimatised at ) . relied upon to prm: goods. Store Phone - Rat Greenhouse Phone l!l . MCCARTHY'S. BEAUTY PAflLOn Vogue Beauty Parlor Public Rest Room for i Mrs. Love Slephens Hlock, Tinrii - Over McCaffery A (iilibc PHONE 36. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC TION ACT R.S.C. Chapter 115. THE CANADIAN Fl MS CO M PAN Y LLM ITEJJ. lie i p i notice that it has under - 7 of the said Act, deposit" t the Minister of Public W Ottawa and In the office District Registrar of I lie l Registry District of prm il pert al l'rineo Rupert. I description of the site ir plans of certain works ing of floats, wharf ou i structures on pile founds proiosed to bo conslnn i iu Eraser Reach at Hiiledale -. " Province of Hritish Colnmlr n Water Lot number 2251, 11 1, Coast District. AND TAKE NOTICE thai n : the expiration of one (1 mr h from the dale of the frst i. cation of tliis Notice The 1 -r dian Flsl(ing Company 1. m i will, under Section 7 of tin ' Act, apply to the Minisi- Public Works nl his office i City of Ottawa for npprov , f Hie said site and plans am leave to construct tbo said n .wharf on piles nnd slriiclui'. n pile foundations. DATED at Vancouver. V Ihis 24th tiny of June,, A.D THE GANADIAiN ITS) i if COMPANY LIMITED GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Notice of Application for Boer Llconce Notice is hereby given that on Hie 2Hlh dav of .lolv next. if uiulerslgned inlends lo applv Ihe Liquor Control Hoard foi a licence in resneel nf nrnnv I'oing pari of (he building f" merely known ns Klllas' le.e Civ m I'arlor, sllunlo on Third Aveim" l'rince Riiiiei-l nr. m...i me lands described as Lot Nmnlif u, Hlock Number 22. Section Map Number ti?!) Pllllln ItllllC' Eaiul Rewlslrntloii District in Hie I'rovince of Hritish Columbia, for mo sale of beer by tho glass, or by open bottle for consuniplion on the premises. DATED tbls 27th day of June. 1025. JOSEPH SIGMUND, ApplloanL