... .. .. , , PAfiBT TWO TOE DAILY fTSWS The Daily News PRINCE RUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday. Ihe Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue. 11. F. PULLE.N. .Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Deliver)', by mail or earner, per month f 1.00 By mail Jo all parts of the British Empire and the United Slates in advance, per year J0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion iransieni overusing on rrtdil l'age. S2.S0 per inch Local Readers, per insertion. .... . A 25c per line i.iasMiieu uveniing, per insertion... 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line iniract Mate on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 - se All advertising should tic in The Daily News Office before i p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Wlember of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Tuesday. AnsriMl II. 1925. Canada As Part Of British Empire. The so-called "Imgey" of Canada' annexation by the Suited States will always le willi u u. lung h American iiitereU continue la he the main factor in. the development of our roiin-trj a- they are today. It is all very well for HrilMi .lnlemen ail(J UH,r U lireilCII ilie fflKfiel nf Kninir.t wollilariK- but I... I II. the u ,i.-. .lav . rr p - .....'.. v : 'iiiiiiii int till iiavi This advertisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of unusu uoiuuiDia. the . 1 niivctyivirgiii field of natural resources. It h desirable, how ever, mat tney siiould do o : once both for themselves and for Cniada. Drill sh eompelilr-m wilh Uniled Jjlales in the development of this country will -erlainly be Jieller for Canada man tnerrrjui monopoly. (real Hritaiu must spread out if -he is lo keep her (nisidou in the world u,lt one field lliat i awaiting Iter enlcj- with open arms is Canada. .More Drilish people in Canada imbued wilh the energy and aggressiveness that one requires In get mi in Ibis coun.tr- and a more generous though -eii-ible distribution of Dritish capital in this Dominion will do much In remove the talk or Jtossibility of annexation wilh the United .Stales. The people or Canada will then be more prosperous nod contented . a part or the Dritish Kmpire and il w ill be one mean of stimulating the trade of Hie Dritish Kmpire which it is generally admitted has been waning during recent years. Bigger Crop This Year Than LasL It is only a m;fler of a very sl.orl liniv now before Hie actual wheat yield in Canada will be known. A few week ago WATCHED FIRE NAMU CANNERY Passengers on Vessel Say Scene Was Spectacular One When 4 Bunkhouse Burned HELD TWO AND HALF HOURS ; - i Paenjrer on the Prim Kharle. winch arrixed ystenluv aftTti;on about fmir o'rli.ck, In fire at Naimi was a -peetacn- lar one. When the steamer ar rival on Ihe -riiif Hie :iun tuinklionsf a totally destroyed-and wa a mas nf lilamc deiri. Kfflirls wen ltiis: mad- lo nrc-l vet0 the hlaxe preadin;: ami for-j ftiitately llir wind which bad been; bltiwin? sfnr:ly all 'lav was dy-. ins down, i Immediately nn arrival Captain McLean onlerenl .the ship's! pump conneeled with the can-' nery waler system and salt wh ! was pumped through the piM- which coiineeled with a he a' the fCene of the fir. Tlii u - ened the pressure to urh m extent thai it wsi possible to da! effeclhey with the fir. whuli had spread to the fives an' - - south m the last trip r the Prince Charles and was to have rejoined thai esel at.Cnmnbell iltiver lint dhl no! out in an an- pearanee when Ibe esel passed thai place. Temporary arrangement will be made lo house the Chinese workers until a new huildinp can be erected. UNION BANK WANTS ler than Ihey were this lime lasl year, and Ibe outlook-, Hiererorr, Considerable ror lidter times, as far as good crop tiffed (hee. is propor-j ttniuiiriv eiilianced. - iclna Colonist imai' Ha iff in BBieiSEaeaMMar 'THY A Hit TO. NIGHT" GRANT'S Best Procurable 3t. rrw ohicinali RICHEST IN FtNrST HICHLANO MALT IUllJ uJ t'l'4 If WOIUk uimt.UMiHl mtiUnm. D 3 A A REBATE ON LICENSE In View of Closing on August 31, It Is Felt That Full Fee Should not be Required II. II. I, title, manager of the local branch of the l.nion Hank. wa in eoniiiuinicalioii with the city council last nis;M askinp thai ?2J be aeccpleil rrom the bank coerittr license fee up lo Au- kuI 31 when the bank will be closed and amalgamated with the lloyal Hank. I..1MH. The i ii" Mil inn yearly yearly -io-.j.n ii the Dominion ,. . . Hovernmeitl .. eMimaled it al :HJ5.0ii(l,ntio Ini.liel.. lk-n-e fee fur a bank i 2((l aim iiiih is coiisKlered a con.ervalive estimate. Since then ome atherse -her was experienced, but mil or such n character n to have-fc Uy deleterious effeetH on the outlook. Last year me ariiilil' harvest was 2ilV,lM,(HMl -bushel. -This. year, then with a much-larger crop and with firmer prices il is atilicipaleil thai Ki"sibly Iwiee as much money a last year will be put into cin ul.ition as a refill of the yield. While this may prove an exaggeration lite poinl is thai the propecls are very much bel- which lite bank felt, under the cirriinlaiice. hould not be re Miffed. The mat ler win referretl In .tin (inatice cutnntilli'e. U';i.--- 154 MEN HAYE LEFT HERE FOR PRAIRIES Movement to Har vest Fields Is Reported by Government Labor Bureau I'p (o and tnclinlinc II1I4 morn- 151 men hail leH Prince Ituperl. ror lite prairjo hanesl rields II was Dialed at the provincial governmi-nl labor bureau tlii luornlnSr. .Snlurday's IrTiin look out 03 men, Monday's 3C, and I III. morning' 25. Still further men are planning on leavincr (lib week and. by the lime Ihev nr. pone, there will probably be n scarcity of labor in the city. DISTRICT EXHIBITS T5H COMING FOR FAIR Word wa received at the Fair MHice Iiiiu morning' that Prince Oeorxe will be repriMenled Willi 4 law district exhibit ut the K.xhihillon here next inotilh. Oood dUplay are a No expected rroin the Lake district nttd rrom llazeiion, ir either Ilazellon or Proice (ieorge are adjudged lo have Hie lies"miilcl exhibit at Mil J-air. HieyVill obtain er niancnl poseion nf the mlvcr cup which has been won by both T5T FREE-St.C!arIcs Recipe Book Send txJy for lKi collection ol tetttd recifx for Soup. Bttidt, E&trees. FUh, Vege-UbUt, Stltdi and Dretungt, Ctlei ted Cockir. Putriei, DrtMrtt, Ice Crearai, Skcr bets. Candies and Brrjf . It will be tent to you tree. The Borden Co. Limited Van- ouver brush al prevent any further . .. ,. mMwodin? llo.l II.. fir -.e,.l,"' "mr iiffr, in " HWl '"- in-1l,e direrlkm il was l inS . ar- is coniiuz and is not very far off when more limn Hint will !. Jmw f in simtke renuired. After nil l.iiii.M ; n..... . ....i: ... il For (wn iiikI a half liour action, are louder than won,. To en.nre Canada remaining a' TjTZZ ffi l'4n 01 ,ne "" n'l'ire, it is up to (.real Rrllaln io send its ,ven if n,. wind should rUe Itie money out here to participate in the development of the country. She nuM find some way lo do this lo a much greater degree than she has been doing.' Why is il that so many American interests have been able to come into Canada and successfully build up and operate great indiislries while similar ltrilih eulerprise- have failed? Thi is a ipieslion for serious thought eve in the dilricl surrounding Prince Rupert where there are a number or Mire.fnl concerns operating with American financial lurking and very few Rriliiih. It is nut that the Britbh are not eajwl.lc id looking af-iH'sueli things but il seems that Ihey have neglected to do o. They have slurted things but. through miriitiHpenient or tim- I'Jiiy. nave railed to see them through. All Rrilih 'Industrie "tnnTy would be safe Started Upstairs The tire apparently started In the upper storey of the Ituilding and a number or the Chines below were alil In their pood out. Others To-t everything in-cludif.Ir a eol deal of money. Provision w-a made bir the men In the adjoining building. Happily evryt"ly was able lo' pet oul or the building without Injur', but two pip were badly bunted. The cannery at Nanm is owned have not gone this way but a number have and it is pi,arcr'y "jr Mni''',1 ,:"Hvan ' that there are more s,,ccer,il iud.i.tries conducted wilh' !! .'T. T."'; American backing in this district at leal limn IJicre are wilh Dritish. ti:.....i. j .. .... . ii i- uoi too iie inr ureal nriiain ini to enter this compar- StCHMU Hie whole of llie . annery, .. . T. . buildings wnuld orohal.lv Hr.ir"n"wMMOn. an" " ," lb" siii that disrn.-! the Ikhihi . f !( - - may carry occasion. The Man in the Moon .YSs- off DON 1 lie the say wh il pot past him. ft. Ki' I roie Dackward nn the cow !. market never anvlhinzr ti WHAT a swell patchwork quit' Ibe tourist storkinir woul-S make. T1IK Iflleiit fitA amnnr. 1 -.-' r local Sheiks i to nark the on the rKr. IT nearly hm. my heart t read about the tea po ?nin helping on Saturday ninhl. Wh.i a winrirall for a travelling serih- TO keep milk neel in til' summer put lol of supar in it. TiiimH is Hit much to be sai.i for life SaUtrday nisfat party yon are up Ufopi fcrfakfaH. ALTIIOlrJII it b. black an-while it is always red (read A newspaper. I Ten Years Ago in runce Kupert At a iniTiiiiif r the Trad -and Labor oiuiril al evernnr; President s. I. Macdonald, V. K. Thompson and tleo. Iludderhnm iwere aniMi!ri'fd ah delp!ral. 1,. the Trades I Dion lnre to b liebi in Vancouver on Soll.. 0. Five inon- rerrrilU lh on n... Prinze Hu,,ei i yenlay dentined -or Vji non whore, tby wtll en-b-r tri;iyntj btjf.fesfe erviee. 1h4'ine?iUiH'WoiIall Ifjiip. Ituperl League cmrinTtions, wilt enterlain the otliBr.Ieayue team at a smoker in SI. Andrew's llooms tonight. W. J. Nelson, fortnerly of Winnipeg, has arrived in the eily lo join the custom olaff. Mr. Nelson accompanied her husband. Sergeant V. M. Itrnwn hni been promoletl to the rank nt sergeant Major in the 2nd Hal- laiton al Vernon. Jir. p. h. Daimler is sailina on 1 hp I'rincen Alice tninorn w afternoon for VancouVer. When Attacked By Dysentery YOU SHOULD TAKE AND YOU WILL OCT PROMPT RELIEF When you slc for "Dr. Fowler's M be sure you get what you aA for, m oibo of th(we cheap, no-nunf, no-reputation rrparationa may prove dan. tnuj to your health. ..tyr i-"". put up only by TheT. MUbura Gj. LimitMl, Toronto, OuU EFFECT OF LOYALTY SHOWN IN PROSPERITY Editor on Rot urn From Vancouver Tells of Charge of Tone In That City Tb loyalty of the Vancouver l'i"il' their eily and tto i.-ady urowHi which i ptimp oh jill 1 lie time in ml intusi) that ,.f! tre were the Ho-l interesliNS 1 ' ti mn .oMice.1 on Ibe visit made. I ' here ! II. V. Potleti. .-JHor fj '(ii. iaier. uho reiurneij eier- :ay on the Prince 'ha Men. He -ays 'in? everywhere one ne ! '!! , tUc same spirit mam-' si.-.t VaiicoiiV'-r i ibe lug Ii 1 a m 'he life of everjtine and lie iilt i shown in growth. .i-..are and inperlty. I lliere i thai feeling of . n.e loyally U their own eily1 Va'i. "uver. lliere i also ex-!.. 1, ,1, Kirn lo the idea Ihal !"i -iiice Uuiert wiil also a sirp-,M :noer centre and thai before long'- t projjre will lnj er- evident Itiisinrssoten -ay they Ixdieve it .till fee a jrood thing for Vancouver to have Prince Rupert p.-nblihed a distributing centre or the district. Vancouver o-dies a go.nl deal of the foodstuff and materia! for any pro-in the north and the peo-nle do not entler there should V any rivalry ImM rather co-operation between the iler die. Mr. Pollen ny be found none f that sneering contempt which wm o common a few year ngo lite tone of the teope in the Mil h ha euaaffrd altogether in. a-real intr.l was taken v everyone in the prozret anl ooMilitbM of the north. ACTINQ MAYOR CASEY. Aid. r.aey will be artin mayor during the absence of; Maw Xewionwho. after attending the halibut laciff conferenc ia Seattle, will proceed lo ilal-gary to be prevent al a conven lion of the Son of Knglaio' Aid. Casey was chosen al id- meeting of Hie council last myi on motHin or Aid. Perrv. ode.1 .y AH. Drown. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply Notice of Intention to Apply Lease Land to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land Ite- tonling District of Prince llu- ,erL and situate al itooney Point, firaham Island. Ilrituh 'Columbia. i Take .Notice thai Langara r'ihiHjr A Paekins Company Limitf!, or Massett, D.C., occu- oalion Packer., intends lo apply; for a lease ol the following de- ieribel land: Comtnenclng at a not nlnnted it llooney Point. Craham Island, Ilritisli Columbia: thence nor-l therly five chain, more or lesnj lo low water mark; thence went-; rly along low water mark one, hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly live chains; thence! easterly one hundred and sixty; chains more or less to point ori commencement, and containing eighty ncres more or less. i LAXCAtlA FlSlIl.Vr, A PAHKLVO PACKINfi t.O. LTD. j Applicant.! Per K. II. Simpson, Agent.1 Dated June 1 2th. 1925. I LAND ACT. to In Land Hecnrdlnir District of Prince Ilnpert. and situate al I'erKiison Hay. Massett InleL O.C. Island. H.P.. Take Notice Mint Oosne-MII. lerd, Limited, of Vancouver. It.n.. occupation Salmon dinner, in-lends to apply ror n lease or the following detcrihed landtij Comniencinjf al n post planted nhnpfivtrnnlAlti OA l chains; thence east 2 chains, more or less, i bench; thence' following tneanderlnir of .imr. a. . -.. " u.iw(u tine io point of commencement. mm coniainintr 22 acren. m or less. osi:.milli:hi)," ltd. AppllcnnL Per Wm. n. Mllchetl. . . Agent 1 1 Daleil .lime 2filh. 1925, LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Ouoen Charlotte Land He-corilliig DiMtricl of Prlnco llu-pert. and situate about two miles In a northerly direction from Two Candy Specials! Banquet ...... Jelly Wafers Tender Jcll a I puttie in Mtut and nsHntPil j- Purest Milk Chocolate Three in K'M.ii- - P1 M K Mt'k. Pcaim Milk. from northwest corner Lot 157 1 'I0'",1' n , , (hence south .1 c.ni.. '1111'' Inland, Ilritisli Columbia. .... w un;iit;ci wt 10 ihnin: thoiicn noun. cnatns; titcncc west 10 chains to wrsi boundary nf Lot 1571; menee noutti H chains; thence west 10 chains: lhenc nnrtti on I'ako Notice that I.anunr.i iisiiing & Packing Company Limited, or Massetl, H.C... oceu-; pallon Packers, Intends lo apply' ror a lease or tho following de. scrilied Jntiils: CnmmeneliiK ,,1 n post planted two mlli'M in a northerly direction ! from llooney Point, Manned ln-Ifl, (Irnhntn Island. Ilritish P.oU uniMa; thence easterly five chain., more or less, to low water mnrk; thence, nnrlhorly along low waler murk one hundred and sixty chains: thence westerly five chains; tltonce southerly one hundred and slitv chains, more or less, to point or commencement, nnd containing eighty acres, more or less. LANflAHA I'ISIILVn Si PACKIXn PAHKIN1 CO, Ini, Applicant Per H. .11. Hitnpsoti, Agent Dated June 13th, 1025. ill!' 40c lb. 50c lb. ORMES LIMITED The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Orugqitu, 3rd Avenue and 6th StreeL Phones 82 and 200 K '.11. tie i-;i'jn-d .Hid pin. tl'd '" nn M ., "!. 1 - h--r prom ft '' -it..., Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Putin makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped to handle !! kinds t MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3&F Boat Builders! We have 20,000 feet of 1-2 Inch, 5-8 Inch, 7-8 M ana 1 men Cedar Boat Lumber wIik-Ii wr mn-t sell a- we r ij i. v it)- v , -i.M-k. DONT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 118 and 117. IIcanadianT iiuii Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert f tnCS!tU.lUlCULil'!UP. SUCTAT lal 1 II. I. a r mcocui. tinoiu u mmi 3 u rucn$ hit Ff But4l. Iwanton ttit Bllt Still. 0H fH. Nimw, S M' Cmpbl aiff, n4 V(ntutr ftf Slrf 11 m. ff ill SUtmthla ltM. mil lrnn(ts fr W. C. ORCHARD 0nrl oM. ccmf r atn strm m ars AtM, mnt Rufi, a.a E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located al 230 Central Street, Vancouver, Willi itdilitionnl mni'ltiiH'.o ror 'lie man t SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also carried in slock. Have handling l'linrKc by Inlying direct fruni Hi" supply. r -7 l Mvot n lltg. Wlldl' - -llOIIN JllftVCs ttul-like ino IimIiIiii'hi and keeping iu;ill!tr- Five Roses Flour For Dread's 1 ding. I''!' Ii:, John L. Christie Hales Ak 1 Prince Rupert, D-0,