pagb room BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMani Bargain - - . , 1 rr -i i: TWELVE CKUOCK. eM in BIRD CAGES 20 Percent off all CAGES this week only BMaaaaaiMaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaHaHaBaaaaaawjaMBaiMMaaB Kaien Hardware Co. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS I I 1 The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Sort Finish, And Dry Cleaning. We are ready al any lime to receive your phone rail, lo take your instructions, lo lake personal charge of your Laundry ami Dry Cleaning. y y m J. L. plain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd'. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Olass ami Olazing. Sash, Door and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 2G8 1 lKhSIj Owing lo tlie unprecedented advances in crude rubber and cotton, tire prices are rapidly advancing. Until Saturday, August 8lh. we will sell tires at July list. Immediately thereafter a fifteen per cent advance takes effect. Save Money Buy Tires Now S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tl. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor 8erl5e. Hoal, Sand and flravel We Speclallxe In Piano and Furniture Bovine. 1 ij'i'it Srii'i'ti British Soccer Season Opens Saturday Nexl Teams Break a good of Last Season Was Failure. From Financial Point of View, butrL htm . ... . ,urn out' I Tottenham Hotspurs Made Profit of S380,0C0 tk,nsJ LOMlON. Kng.. Aup. 11 he 1-rn ket -.miii i till ;it its full nevital.h? iiidH-alions Ihat it is ti the avenge Itniih Islander i eer" foolball. I 'j 1 1 - I ?ia mi a-.n f9A n.hj "''"J un--i"iMiiir" mi i ,. .i:.i.... .., ii. ..ji. " wi - ton i jran hi iiitr riiiui air iriii vuneu m; CHHI '"SMthe Mttfla4 lea) have senl their elevens on jaitirts over the continent are iwwflrf, to rit:iii:i ruiniiiuiMii iiiciu niMiir; i'iim l he weaker rimfbrew are twin's weeded out, new material is be ing tested, transfer have been effected, ami the 88 aggrepfatfftn Ihat form the three leagues i Kngland are shaking Ihemselve out preparatory to the openini oi ine iyT-i yzji seaon.- oa ngut 29. Scotland, to whose sportsme.i cricket means neXi to nothing. will a usual break into the sea son a couple of weeks ahead of i he "Sassenachs," the soeeer year opening on Angost 15, nexl Sat urday. From the point of view of club managers and other digailaries wtiosp business is to deal Jn the financial affairs r .w . of lbe .teams. the-last season Vra failure. Tiile a number r fts came out on the right side of the ledger, there wre many others who wHI approach this season j. wiin a oeiieit itiai win nave to iks wiped out. 7"be most fortunate of the former, perhaps, ' was Tot- : ,, i,.'. , lanliqni ITnlAnn. 1 . - I.. V.a , , . ... , ' .. jslake. Dundee is 1 perhaps ' another books at the annual meeting! .. ., . 7 .. showed the -Sour to have a'""' " ra,,? clear profit of no less than fU"" V , t J'Tnw there are organizations thatl . , . " have had ,0 report .0 appeals tJ?": flinil-i:rimKr Tn w r. in point. The fishermen endentj last season with a deficit of ove 15.000. The Teams It is only natural that special interest will centre upon Hud- Idersfield Town in the First Div- ..... r it. fi; ,1. 1 ...t speculation is rife as lo whetherl v ne, make uieir cnampioii-f liip title good for a third year . II nlwl l.,l " - i..'-r ,.i.ii.w..l 1" vires. of 20-year old Jackson, the M'r""n ,2-. suspend-k.Ln r.nJt,l Football Association ..i.iii ,ii.i y ic ,.i fc-.-ii n.r ..rCi.i. .ii, 'or ( I n I A . I n In .1 I , 1 i-iiiiiiti i:ijiii.-i"i n last irai.iiii. West liromwich will have their, enthusiasts who are certain to f predict that the championship ? which they nearly gained last H season will surely come lo them at the conclusion of this. The Vlbion rose spectacularly lo wards the latter end of Urn sea son, and with a Utile more stability might have conquered. Leicester Oily and Manchester I'mlcd will be closely watched since tins season will witness tlicir re-apeparanee in Senior company Leicester P.inl.tune.tU a great reputation for goal-gel i tins and should they field nn- proximately Ihe same eleven tlieyiT,wn "Vfl made a lot of tin will have an excellent- chance At least this Is whal their fol-! lowers say. Leiceiler's mos j spectacular performance last; season was their knocking out tf Newcastle United in the F.nglisti1 Cup tournament. At the same lime a great deal of sympathy will be extended to Presinn North Mini who will appear in the second siring In corn-psny willi Nottingham Forest. The two teams failed miserably last year and deserved relegation, but there is always the after thought thai a club that drops from the first to the second, rank is one Ihat should be commiserated with and not condemned. i T , ., I in exacuy me same fix arj When Scottish Into Game Again tkiiiioiiau Pre- . Tlooifli height. Ihere are certain ;md sfiortly to ive way trt whal 1 the King of all sport-s "Soe Hm.-a I . .-a. . i -2 A II. a . .1 imir ittvii auiint lilt K o l r ft . n. - . w: iiein ecireiuuy pone r, Crystal I'alaee and Oeveatry City. lliese combinations hate gone into the Third DMsfon. 1he f-nier to the Southern Swlion and the latter to the Northern. The downfall of the I'alaee was strange and rapid, bat (vtry put up a poor showing through- lout, and probably will find th: real calibre in the lower division Newcomers in the Second Iiv-ision, irutmMed from the Third are Swansea from the Southern.! and Darlington' from the Northern. Scottish League In the Sciltih League. lung ln ers will W,H again again le le ranci fancied for the - , . .t K. their tiioe- th Airdreoniai!- will profiably be repealeil wit'' the usual result. (Mitside o. Hangers, Ainirie, Celtic. Ilibern- aris and occnionally the Heart of Midlothian the teams of the " ' " League hardly hope for mneli of Ia,1 it. lll. I I a ",r " thc Metropolis, Dundee will be lavishly represented. Ayr Uniled and Third LanarV will have to play hard if they vih to come bacli lo senior leompany. Holh were sent dowi to the lower order al the end of lal season .'"..T " ,nimiMii i)uiii:iirr, inr jriii in- . ... , ' '""" "" "r" , " . WHO ."I llll I .... ... tn "-l i" no: pnnie woo two weeks, beginning Angu " Sport Chat j H With Habe Fortin on the mound for the fiyro Club In the league baseball giune with the Sons of Canada tonight, renewed interest will be taken in the ef forts tf the service club lo raise themselves from I heir present unfavorable position on thi standing sheet. The Sawmill go father si-vere walloping at tti. tianclss of the Canucks m tti. -an,r on "nuay tun me hoys ''"''y errors which arconnU'i fSgYwicanlB NV?T feel so good bu t wha t N? 0RME8 LIMITED for a) !.-' i 'Mt number .if! the tUn tallied by (he Son. The" ftiyros think Ibey have a tightvrj field than I lie lumbermen show-etl in that tame and are not at all daunted by I be Caifttek. A rattling good game i Neitig pro mised and there will umknjMedty be crowd fans out to Considerable has been raid for ind Against the "lively bait" winch ifi jp us: thu year in the. AlnerirVn XalMMftl leagues Msnager 'MeiJraw lMk its ue u-4M AW'.'laiL- Wt.i V . A . 1 1 .1 kiw ,. jscr - - ......... l,in .r,.,,, ' ... was de-use iL Profrt Wat .1,1 A. Fale. of tsH inbetnishA- tni-nn of Columbia AiivvrsRy. ay that afier care- tml eompamon he was not able To ileteet any -difference m the makeup of (lie balU now ued and tlio-e m e in and I9ii However according to tailzies rwentlv coinib-il from1 National and American l.ea-u- com4ni . il I he total numbef "f home rtni -cured so iar this i"ar i 5 it o-ut irrealer i!u in 1U-.'t r i ENGLISHMEN WIN OPENER Cold Storage Beaten in First Gil- huly Cup Game E. Bye Broke His Leg The Sons of Kngland defeated the (anadiau Fish & UM Storage l. by a score of 2 to 1 in he opening gante of the Cilhuly .up sertea last evening. II waJ very fair tram though not bril liant and tbe Cold Storage was perhaps entitled to a draw out of it. the play being quite even. The game was marked by Ike irst serious accident of Ihe sea- Hin when K. lire, outside left fori he Cold Storage, half way h rough Die second half. colliiJcl A'ith the goalkeeper. His leg wo iroken and he was rentoved lo the Ikxi.iLtI. Fortunately Ihe ift4Mialioii is in a good position o meet the expense, having a iuhslanlial balance on hand from he Stuart llenefil Shield series vhich wa played earlier in the reason. The Cold Storage team stare 'be game with lbe grad and sun n its favor hut the only, rore In, the nm Haw was. nutda Uiei . . .... . i . -T, . :. V me or i.npl.-imt when h. iinnrTr i ek advantage of a rebound af r Jolmxon's shot had been .vnnled off Jiy the Cold Storage xoal keeper. After the learns hail crossed ver for Ihe second half, Kbler cored for Uio Cold Storngo from i rebound after Mardoonlil's sliol iiml hit the crossbar. Tbe win ding score was made for the on- when Kelsey Inllied off i enali against Dav Jack.' fl. s. Uussell wan referee, II Worsfobi and A. fUapperton were" lu-Hinen and IIk leanu look Uiei ield as follows : Sons of Kngland , V. How tl; ii. Howe and a. Kelsey; P. ameron. A Hales and O. An- ieron; F. HoilgkiHMin, II. linn eo J. Johnnn, A. Dickens and I. I an uli nr. Cold si.vrage A, Murray; C Whatman und l. Jack: .1. Cornell, A. Macihihaid nml II. Carl- xou: F. Hardy. A. Ilnrvey, C vornnKlon, F. Cider and IV Ilye. SUM OF $2,317 IS DEMANDED OF CITY This Balance la Owing M. R Mo- Leod Under Contract, Layy- vera Advise Council ' ' 1 1 r - Wanted For Sale For Rent ihii.i 2c per word in WANTVB WANTED. - Experienced girl to handle Soda Koutidain. Apid ltoto riM. Third Ave. tf iK.VKItAl. SKllVANT Wanl-al Mrs. F. Melt. Young. Fourth Aenue Et. W'AXTKD. Main itressmrtinv. Iteasonable rates. 718. !er Street. tf POSITION WANTED LADY renuire situation wit'i doctor or denti.i as ansislant and biMikkeeper. Apply to Ilox ?t. Daily Xew lce. IKS FOR SALE FOB. SAI.K. iiab.Mt "S-. Hawk"; i" feel overall; 8 foa; beam; new cabin; new lank; good dinghy; ? awbors and rope; 6 h.n. heavy dutj Fisherman engine. A boat Iwi years old, Hs fitiesl working dilion. Price f-frofl. Apply D. Drawn al Htntltt X MaltH' shop. FOIl SALK. Stnve troubled sol-Ted. Way worry about yonr old stove when y.m can ei-ehange them as first payment on a new PBLMIWl FlAXiiV and have complete satisfaction. I la la ace on eauy payments. Prince Itifpart Fjiehange. Phone fi5t. tf O(MJI) select, n of hoaseaoM FurnMure lor sale. Player piane viclrola, dining room tarni-ture, leather tUvenpurt, two beds, Mtttn; room chairs, alsa lawn mower, hose", etc. Hoae for ab Apfdy Mm. Atkins. Mnoaa SSH. FUlt.Vntnii Uusnt. Md.i anl axehaaged. Dominion inlaid liaoleum ami Harry, Kirknabty. Sedlaml, inlakl linoleuoi. Fae-niture ami ranges of ,t.n. criptioa for sale. A. Mai-ken- zie furniture House. Phone 775. POft SALK. Pleasure hull Hi joi comiiiion. i.anin over engine ami canopy Iwp. Suitable for & h.p. engine, a goo.i sta boat. First f 106 lakes ft. Write iWx 23. 1 Lilly Xew. n FOIl- SALK llensehold fumll- ii re. Ajudy 5 111. Seventh Ave. iti. I'lione Illue 12H. txft FOIl SALK. Fruit jars and can. nhig racks. Price reasonable rnone lied 2ii. 8n ofKM) piano for sale. Snap for en. Phone Itlue w. UMl SALK.- 35 elaeii.n.l f, iMione 100. tf TO RENT rim Hi.M. pianos, player piano, phonographx and sew ing machines. Walker's II..: r.. iiiwir ni o re. jf FOIl HI.X'lWlVo w, furnl.l.. l apart ineiil by day. week or """oi. rnone Meii 007. if FOH HKXT. Modern house, fl rooms ami bath. Munrn Hrws ' nir.- Clapp apart men! einnnavcr nros. if l'nlmorc A Fulton bud n leilerj neiore me oily council liisl nljht ........ . )..ij iiiriu in in,. Hum '.! as ine imlnnee coinfng lo Mr. McLeod under bis t.lnnll road repair conlrael with Hie city! "ii was eniereii into in (I2;P and which was cancelled recently liy 'lie routieil Tti. mnii... ..... i referred i n, f v. " "muni , tee and Aid, perry chairm,... , ' On behalf of M II. McLeod.'lhe board of work,, fir report IS ir.11.1 i.i.H.i.iirir.ii hiii tj advance. No Advertisement taken for leit than 50c BOARD IKIAKD The Inlaixter, HJO Second Aenue Mione 1.17. hViARD and Room or Hoard only Phone fted 77. LOST LOST. Downtown, large brown paper envelope addressed H I net Foretr. Finder oleaV return to District I oreter'J ofllre. Onirt llous. H Li s r HUck and while colli, dog without collar. Finder pbae phone 9. Reward. tf BOATS AND LAUNCHES CHICKS OF F.ASTIHiPh t-CYCLK Marine Knainea- -l-H I1. without rlulch IIH&.OO I-H P. I cylinder MD 260.00 6-V.V. I oyhader III) lat.00 M-II.l. I cylinder 111) M-H.l. 2 cylinder MD 150.00 16-H.P. .1 cylinder LD 175.00 All lbe above except the first ineliide tbe Famous Joes He-verae Oear. ami roll elect rlcal and propeller equipment. Tbe Wsl that numey ran buy. Kastbope llros.. 1717 Oeorgu SI. W. Vancouver. II C. Alway at your service. Prince Rupert Boathouse, Agents I'hone 381. TAXI Tail 67 Phono (Call Oeorge. Paul or Oust) Special fi and 7 passenger Slu.le- bakers at your service .day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Arron from Kmpre-s Hotel. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 I Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for. or delivered, phone us. I 0. Dox 699. COLUMBIA RECORDS N'I'.W Process Columbia Ileeord no scratching. Finet re-proilucttons of lalest Fox Trots. Song and Instrumental music by world famed arlisU. Call In and hear Ibein. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue FURNITURE. New and Secondhand FurnL ure Store. We lluy. Sell and F.x- change New and Secondhand floods. GtO. PAPADOPULIS, d39 Third Ave. Phone 41(1. KEITH'S CAFE. When in Blewnrt visit Keith's Cafe in King Hdwanl Hotel now re-modelled. Up-to-date Dining llooni and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH . Manaaee. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tuesday, August 11 High 7:0? a.m. fl 10:19 p.fn. 1 7 .5 Low 0:15 a.m. C..1 " 12:15 p.m. 7.5 " Wednesday, August 12 High H:1P n.m. 1 1.7 ft 20:27 p.m. 17.1 " Irfiw ... . 1 :B0 a.m. 0.0 " i:t:5, Thursday, August 13 High li.UH'iun. li.O " 2 1 :2'J p.m. 1 7.1 " Low 3:10 a.m. 0.7 " 15:11 p.m. Friday, August 14 II lull 10:15 n.m. 15.1 fl. - 1? 1 p.m. 17.1 Low 1 31 a.m. fl.2 10 22 p.m. 9.5 PHOTO FINISHING P. J. RYAN P.O. I'.. t : . , Prince ft ... i Service an.! . (iiun.i MAIL SCHEDULE ourooisa. ff IS (Jll Mwir. wvdB-1. i n i rfcwn tl T lumii' . W. SatnnMrti T !, Hc Am, Sir-v. t ewj MuMUr .1 rrMi T ert SM Sim Ma T sun r4t MpfWM . . I I T Qm CteSm Ul4 Ste- lw-COiM. ttm tk IhI rrM Fcwk Am ft; klH Arm, TUKKjir. Wfwwao. 1 1 srnrasr i rr en timMui 4 iw M rel Alnl ei( frm Qta CfcrUU l4 BOX COLLE0TI0I lOrOsia Mil r. ih Ah t ta i ia a. a ro tk Ac. 4 Th.. uia a skHrarw4. IIN w. ..nri Sib A Htf i- Mk A 1IT r ' W I lnll , ISM oi SMr Itf. re. oii Wharf O.TJ". Whsrf .. . O. T. I. SHIkW flVI xve. A tml t Jf4 Ate. A Tnii-m tnt Av. A tk l STEAMSHIP MOYHKE ftr Vncr Tie-l f ! Wnlwxte) I-HinnH) iiiiii rnmr.. II a). ITIII" rrsm Vutr swi . rril.i Mmmj . lfntr ' '(" ' WMtiiealsr . 'nn ' ' ' , iMr rmH m ; m. i:lU Silnntif Vtm- ror een siikmss " " I'rMjv rnU rem Ctrl Slmpn 4 " Silanlajr il for AlMkij II We1irljr C A'i IS I'rldrr.. I it ss. rmntx ( f i - m. rnn-e- i tl ss. rrinrm it- rrnMT i. - ffom AUili M I" MiSMy-. Iiit" Aiir " . I'rllirrm hi'"H tt . ITlncrM A"" II . rrtnrri I ' tl - . ftllir A! tA Itiiktu l.onii- fer SUwiVl, fcnjsi n" Siimir- . ".M'in i M.Mnly s ITlit"- " "'' i I ruuv nr.. iTim ..- lk' From Stiwtrt, TuemLiy i nl"" VHiieiiit)- . t siiunur " ilr'"'- for QO. ItUfidl An'"1 It- frlnrs" SI rrlnre Jolii' From O.C. Uliflfi Anrti'i It . I'rlnr Jim tt , t'rlnre Joint. Advertlie In the P11' t'