ll(dlr August Ii, 1025 ' mm .1 jOgM'. (he vvenllicr. Mule in Ijigl.uid. livery 111--f.ru in -it t guaranteed jierfeel. Price :iru eunie as miIiI at jit Ka-dcrn Canada. Ask or write. Indicate die altitude and No. 2200 5" Dlamctcr-Bras Caso-Goad Crado Movement, Pree ... $11.00 No. 2021 Watch Aneroid. Head t. x.iuhi v- liiliidi- $20.00 No. 2501 Cable Aneroid, Sm-ws t. w,d! j Iical 511.00 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. ,.. unt r i xiii itiiii ii-in M !i2"UVlH- "CT0R.A, S.i..on Hi,. Al.-M H, Tu... I o " 10 A.M "COUVin, VICTORIA, AI.M H.,, tnl Sv.n.os B.. S.luf, 'W Nn . . - u Ill BO. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 I ?r. C01 "lack 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. CEO. G. BUSHDY, Man. Dir. Night Phones CS7 530 Gr. C01 Black 735 Two ram at your service. Sheddon Taxi. ' Phone 134, 11 Children's Masquerade- Dance, Elks' Homo, Thursday, 8 p.m. When bark from the holiday. iry vaienim Hairy. I'hone 657 . If For the busy man or vvoViau, Hrown car saves niom-v. IMionr 0. f H. ItnUlon wan fined 25 it. He' . iiy police court this morn ing for intoxication. uiirleny and safely. Phones 112 -r tHV. I'.ll. Transfer A Tail. If K. Sim, formerly of tha local politic rhiNl teaenfng latr. ha r.-iKiird from tbe HerelstolM fialf on which be lias Been since leaving here. Delefjatcs are requested to at tend an emergent meeting of the Trades and Labor Council to night at 8 o'clock to consider strike at elevator. I-. W. Sawy-r of Owatonnp Mom . i- Iitp on business, bav tux arrivi-d yetrday on lb I'rii cp Charles. He expects (c (i ioain a few dys. Iieimy Allen Co. Sale of liroa-, enor F.nirlish China olios and naiieers, 75c. Tea and bread ami hulter plates, 3 for 3I.O0. Oak lilati', jiiKs, Icmk)1s, ele. For ne week only. 185 (j.M.rr w. Taylor, who ha Immmi a)ioiiiied IraveHing autlilnr fur r.Nii.'nlian .National coai fleamer ucceedinR 1". S. thep- pard who has been promoted t" the iio. of assislanl chief clerk in (he Audil (iflice al Vancouver. paying bis find visit to I'rince Ituperl mi ollh'ial duties haviiu- aniveil from Vancouver on the I'rince Charles yesterday after noon. Of the passenger coming uni'iii mi nn' i'rince unaries yes- ii'iilay a nuinlier . were mmio,1 iii-ht i- and university profen- -niv rrommeni auioiiK tlieni wss Professor Hall of. Hie t.'nl- versily of Wisconsin, who Is on a pleaMire jaiinl with Mrs. Hall, (if 08 passenger arriving. 10 i 1 1 1 east on the train and u Hiinlii'i' of them planned to. slop iff at .la.tpi'r. MILLINERY. Jo! arrived. A shipment of nn- latest and positively exclusive Fall Hals. Mrs. yV. tlold-hlnoin. I'liinl Ave. I8S f ANNOUNCEW1CNTS Flks Flag Day and dance Thursday, Auttust 13. llaplist Church Ladles' llaxaar, .Voveiuber 20. r ni l All shoes q re cas ill) snincu wiin Shoe Polish The if ikIj rd l s va ltw rtrybodiknvsvs tbqtkitifi; Compare (he quaniidj AM SI. Andrew's Ladies Auxiliary llazaar. Decemlier 2. fit nAtr.Y nrrvn z PAGK THRK8 , , . These are Local and Personal Short & Mason a , H-U. Undertakers. Phono 41. Ball nam nu. n.m Thursday, 3.30 p.m. & arometers Anywhere. Anrtime Arthur' 'I'axi. 00c. Phone 078. tf PICTURES Just arrived a large assortment of framed pictures Pro r.itige lr -in $1.85 to $12.40 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Phone 123. 3rd Avenue WI-JArs Planning That VV Xieil Vacation Trip t ' . k (In' 1.4 I tt.it un will ik-i-.I lot i i-lrall -i . li.n.Kt -. In he i-i'iil and cum fort able anil te-t. I. ' lake t Is ft detailed npmUow off jour hand " 1 bundle on everything vou are HVely lo Mead, and semi W v, ill Imvr it li.ii k I'luoifvliy, beautifully vaahml and i'l to park ll Ik " ' o, if you have a niM olMH house : to. It i ! ve ii Im aflar yonf lionscltold ii it mn U j ''". ready for vour rel'tm. Phone No. 8 m l we .x ill ml nur ilriM-r. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prlnco Rupert- Pnnce George Prince Charles .. u- I...-. -. . i! . ! or Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle , : im . i iuli.iit iorls. -M ,t i.oo j,. in., .'id ' lei 1. aim oamruay, - it .e.i i m. For Anyox and Stewart Monday and Friday, ji.ni. for Skagway und Alaska Port. Wednesday, UMl uu. S-S. Prince John for Quocn Charlotte Islands and Vancouver, FuHiiighlly. - ...... ..mrff BllpriT Ii.l,."pt " 11.10 im. fr iiiini iiinrif. WINNIPia, ( iM.iiiik l.aainn t muni I Mint tulw OIKCV ALL OCCAN STIAMtMIP LINIS. Cll, ti.i . t TUk.l OIIH., S21 Third Am, Pflne. Iup.rl. EDMONTON, Phvn 2 CO Mr. H. M. Win.low ami Iwi hildren returned from the soul h yesterday on the Prince Charles Hi-ad our ad. It msy mean i to you. t'rinee Ituperl traiicfer and Taxi. I'hone 181 112. if wur iow raie nave ncen nn "Ui.tatnling succes ami we shall ' 'iiiiinue on this hai. Drown I uxi. I'hone 80. . tf I'riifMir II. A. I'ryire, lh-loml violinist, returned home af-!t a moiith'o boliilay. arriving mi the lrmre Charie yesterday. When you call 112 Taxi you t a car. Xo diftappoiutinenl. MILUBAN THE QUALITY CIGARETTE . f 15 PER PKG. " r ' ' ' I LARGE PKG. OFt 1 . j 25 for 35 1 Slteddoii's . Taxi (he original jUC. taxi. I'hone I3t. tf Our kindling will burn. It's all dry kilned. I'hone 111 and 189. IMl. Transfer A Taxi. tf Reduction on nrlco of lumber. Albert & McCaffcry offer shlplap at $15 per thousand. Phono 11C. U F. (i. Dawson who went to Vancouver to meet Sir Henry Thornton, returned yoatarday on the I'rince Charles. He says .Sir Henry is exported here on Fri- lay. The meeting of the oily coun cil last night was a record brief one. All the business on the iirTouda vvns dealt vvilh and the adjournment was taken withh: five minutes. The last Vancouver Sunday 1'rovlnce carries an illustrated article describing the work of (he hydroKmphic snrvery steam er which is now working on the consl near here. J. A. Talbot, owner of the dock il llyder and one nf Jhe promin ent businessmen of ho Mi Ketchi kan and llyder, parsed north on the Prince Charli's yesterday. He was accompanied by Mrs. Talbol and family. They propose lo spend I he summer at llyder. s. nraithwnile, colored, against whom a charge or hronUng and entering the bouse of " Lillian Hussi'll, Comox AM iiue, has been proceeding for upvvards oT a fortnight in the city pullce court, was dlsmisseil when he 'appeared before Judge Aouiig'-yoslerday ami elecled for speedy trial. An ollieial or the Illinois Railway. Mr. slrniis. win I was accompanied by .M-s. Straus, Imakiug the lour or Itf'asl and roluniing to Iowa by vfriy of Jasper ami Winnipeg, vvifs an en-thusiaslio booster for 1 fie inside , passage up Hie coasl following a jvery pleasant voyage jcrminatinj; jyeslerday. He says' when, the route becomes betler known niany people will conic this way lor their holidays. A. Theodore, owner of the new! Kiddles Flan Day Parade from Hoston Cafe at Vancouver who is Elks' Home, Thursday, 2 p.m interested in fishing boats on the coasl, left the steamer Prince Charles at lluledale yesterday McKae Rros-. tender of $310.50 for printing and (ationery . for the tax collectors ollice whs'an-cepled by the city council hist night on recommendation of the finance committee. Accounts up to August 7 totalling $18,582.11 and includinT (he public works payroll for tin month of July were passed for payment nt the meeting of tho city council last night. inks' Annual Flag Day, Thursday, August 13. Kiddies Flag Parade from F.Iks' Home, Third Ave. to Acropolis Hill al 2 p.m. Hall game. F.Iks vs. (iyro 3.30 p.m. Children's Masquerade F.Iks' Home 8 p.m. FTag Dance 0.30 p.m. We have just been notified o a reduction in price from Hie mine ami are pleased to olTrr our famous Kdson Coal' tunip sackt-d. delivered 11.00. Kgr $13.00 for August delivery only. Xow is the lime lo gel your winter sup-r'y. Prince imperii Feed Co. I Phone 58. 188 Three directors of the Marmot Metals Ltd., the company operating on the Marmot ltivcr near Stewart, passed through Prince Ituperl yesterday on the way to the mine. They were "Dr. Mc-Kechnic or Vancouver ami 11. lleislerman and W. U. Warren of Victoria. They will spend a few days looking over I he Marmot Me lids and also the Porter Idaho and Dunwell and poasildy the l'reinier. v r . . Klla Sigtiuiml,' Utile Tlaughlp qf Mr. and Mrs. J. Siginund. Orahain Avenue, Is a -patient in the Prince Ituperl Ocucrul Hospital sull'eriu from painful In juries sustained when she fell o a rock pile al the week-end near her home. Cords of her ankle were severed and, while she i-, making as good progress as! could be expected, II. will be a lon4)tnne before 'die will be alio' (to walk ayam. I Among the passengers making Hie round trip on Ihe Prince Charles are Mr. and Mrs. T. Mulch of Victoria. Mrs. (ieorge Horie and her daughter, Miss Nancy Horie, are sailing tonight by the Cardena for Vancouver on a vacation trip. Mrs. Cercheili and Mrs. Hip-steiu, who have been visiting in the city vvilh their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Goldbloom, returned last night on (he Prince Rupert to Vancouver vvilh their families. - Mrs. Alf. Christiansen and Mrs. Fred Scadden returned to (he city last night after having spent an enjoyable few days at Mrs. Scadden's summer home near the Salt Lake, where they Were joined on Sunday by Mrs Mex Strachan. Union steamer Cardena. Capt. 0. R. Smith, arrived at 2.20 this afternoon froiu Anyox, Alice Arm and Stewart and will sail a! 5 for Vancouver and wayporls. In cluded among Ihe passengers leaving iere for Vancouver on Ihe vessel will be Mr. ami Mrs. W. K. Collison and daughters. Mrs. F. Slater and son. Mr. umlj Mrs. T. Hashavv, Mr. and Mrs. (S Klkins. Mrs. tSeorge llorie. Miss Nancy Rorie, Miss May Martin; and Miss Abbey. I SALT LAKES SERVICE Launch "23" it..;...... ii ........ n mm will leave the lloalliniise - oil: I llllll I.'l" ii -"j Thursday, Saturday and Sunday j afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. and on other week days every hour from 2 p.m. Launches, row boats and canoes for sale or hire. PRLNCi: RI PFRT nOATHOUSF. PUoue 38t. 0 lii? I. I.W-k I. II An CATARRH el the BLADDER S!toml IUch Caoiulc ftevnrtntenvnterMU Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafo of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. , Breakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and lifter Theatre Refreshments Our Specialty Is Home Made Ice Cream and Confection-cry. Wholesale or Retail. You will be pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Half load $3.00 Large sacks 50o DRY BIRCH Per loud $6.G0 HydeTransler 139 Second Avenue Phono 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. P.O. Box 235. Phono 209 Richard Garreti representing IV. H. M. ROLSTON A CO. Specialising In Portland Canal Mining Slocks. Porter Idaho-Marmot Matals i Si 15