Arter mk ae , = a ae a ae r — VICTORIA REPORT 4 Prince ute eit fe STOCKHOLM («?) mites! My gy continued from pa i. Ved i Uc Lope i, yee - fe iLV Ci APETOW ge 2) iain si _ | Swedis sh pre-fabricated houses too my h of ; Aono er —eeeamaeaiiae twill b shipped to the las ¥ YER guy Senator Rankin, a spinster. is | pi 7 . ae t Pg lineal much ny ee : id Coast under an agreement pie in s Sale aul a bigaleeeae or | BL A CKWOOD on recently concluded between the A, 2 South & t on n “it cs tials Uh thi Swedish manufacturers and an s, Pairel i in PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER with ey: alt, and she. wor eae 8 , high heels in the woods as if E Vv. 0 PR r J s DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS they didn’t hurt her. Mrs. Bos was severely tailored, as usual! Classified Rates | CARS FOR SALE __ | annetannnmnanancnn whee" in her always perfect taste: see he 1240 -ycles FOR SALE—1946 Chevrolet a Rares shoes were stout brogues, and Clos ire time 4:30 p.m. day pre-| qgoor sedan, dark green Be RADIO DIAL she had green flowers in her official of the Gold Coast ad- | He ee _ 1 } fs inistration, = 2 work bat "bu dit a iol ? | & g one e | C5usiness E Profs By EASLEY BLACKWOOD vi us to publication. cellent condition, Phone Blue hat a — “aan pretty ’ Cla 3 cents per word per 814 (235) (Subject to Change) smart, too, anda carried furs. MD TE . xc E iat rc : + | 7 my in ninimum/’charge 50! - PA «It Was interesting to observe CHAMP TEACHES *EM; i} Jonn F. L. Hughes, D.C. | HANDY Pr = FOR SALE—1950 4-door Austin. | WEDNESDAY these four women who have MUCH TO HIS SORROW CHIROPRACTOR | HOME SEpy Birt : Notices, 50 cents; Cards a condition. ree as ——— made their mark in public life— i ii I } Jotices 4 5:00 hide realize. sat . 9% . } | - | * of Thanks. Death Notices, Se P) | 5:00—Rawhide abeges and I realized, once more, that “Why should I give lessons?” says old Mr, Dale.| ON VACATION ORNERAL oo Fi neral Notices, wy riage and FOR SALE— 91- ‘foot cabin trailer! 5:45—Tne Satie tox a woman, to reach the top, as y* & oe ca bs hat " Building , a Mh : yement Announcements,} $9995. Also 16-foot trailer! 6:00—Supper Serenade hese four pe _— Mave “My opponents are tough enough to It 1s. 1 cccniappeensiaiiliiliiciaiians “em $2 90 | $1,000. Terms may be accepted| 6:30—Musical Varieties exceptional quaiities, e voters . on esn’t &@ Special Display double price. | if good. Phone Blue 756 (034) tO ya! sd a are much choosier about women Me See ehias ae gr se cin ane rent fe EBA RELS (Gs, a Seen than they are about men. And, 2/0ne Wit) bie ns. He does it| Neither side vulnerable FOR YOUR ROCK ROOPS — opp -—-—-NNOUNCEMENTS | OR, SALE-—1951 Morris Oxfond Talk on Leonardo da Vinci |1 decided Once more, that we loves to give lessole. Ue tot) North AND CONCRETE WORK GIL BURR AL t JES . . assenger = . + nro ( smart he Is. / 3 os “ rs ‘ “ 4-door, °o pare vg r - dan, Leonardo da inci could do with more women i! pre - oS > nines tan oo . Brash) EVERY JOB GUARANTEED i Cr nadia’ n cand. cn good appearance. Radio, 10:00—CBO News public life. There’s only one He never seems to I a -* ( 1 Legion ar rty heate - ‘as r rms | 10:10—CBC News y . yn a nee it | H-—J 5 | ne a ce 2 a On 1 ales tc oat ae tee Otc a: mids weakness women have that they ¢ Pays for it. DK 43 \t We Pour Cement For Less P.O, Box bis, o- - -—— — East ™ ” ee (234p) 10:30—-America and the World Today carry into publie life, I think His “pupils” seem to score C--K 109843 | Phone Blue 939 | 70 S08. Wie a eee Hg "pee ers and that is that they are some- brilliantly against him and to pace US (un Matay) Oct. 3 -ninrnnnrnaessingostasiensrpaccoamnnnienaiitiaiinee iy 5 ES sense aiaalc Be times inclined to take the rough louse it up theroughly when ‘i ) SQ 3109 4 | s as FOR SALE 12 :0¢ ign Off Announcement F i, ‘ Uke EN Mr 73 ” ; FR , Po waaar saan . oo ao THURSDAY and tumble of the political game they are his partners. bven H--K 87632 ye | e "RED E fl ee eee NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim- a little too personally. Muzzy occasionally scores! p—J107 C-AQ2 PRECISION SAW FILING OPTOMEr Rimmage Sale'St “Andrew’s ited, Distributors for: Mining,; 7 And, talking with Senator against him by misapplying the; ©-—/» South ie Lawn Mowers Sharpened a pail WA Afternoon Sawmill, Logging and Con-| s Rankin, I learned that in Aus- great man’s advic (Mr. Champion) Ss a Room 10 Stone g da) ober 4, IN; tractors’ Equipment. Fnquir-| 7 lock tralia, Senators are elected—and mr. Champion has been hat S—A K #4 215—JI1st Ave. W. Phone Blyp die ;. Pil-| jes invited. Granville Island.) 6:0 , : I .decided once more that it’s anguing Mr. Muzzy lately about E ery | Phone 909 Open Priday ON rce et| Vanootwver A B.C. er See lag j high time we elected our Sena-'the wisdom of refusing to win CJ i Bazaar, Oct. 8; = ea ed tors in Canada, instead of ap- irick the first time you have| ‘The bidding a P.O. Box 721 FOR SALE pointing them for life. opportunity to do so. Thi Ce ae coe ee Pe eee 5 ommentary SS o es ae , 1D a 2 oy I +3 ee EARN No page RS - failed to sink into Mr. Muzzy aN Pa NT All P ; ; H e i“ ee we A B nee Tea, Civic’ MacIntosh Apples, fancy qual- as cae Show Se rain until today’s deal wt — HELEN’S .G HELGE ni ber. Bo 2 ity, $3.99 a box; Alberta po- oR riude Toda S Sto k Mr. Dale opened the six of|;yadle when Mr. Dale played BEAUTY SHOP Lidies of the Order of the oan aeons ee 10 00 Cotte 7 Cc S hearts and the queen lost to Mr. jow again Permanent Waving REAL ESTATE &q Roy] Purple Bazaar, Oct. 18 keepers, $4.29 a — a 10 :15—-"Riders he Purple Sage (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Cp, Ltd.) Champion's ace After giving Finally he put in the eight Beuuty Culture in all Phone 96 Bes ~~ |" prices od are delivere : : Ae : : j 96, Evan one eerrennrsineierecacenenene a are delivered to 10 30 This Week's sn | ie Miss Brash a dirty look for g0-/| spot from the board and Mi its branches Ings ment ot ne net Octobe: 23 — mur, jul 00 of ‘ak AYP a : ing on to three no trump, Mr Muzzy won with the queen and } 904—4th Street Phone 655 pace ae INDEPENDENT fil:15 _ VANCOUVER Champion set about proving he} :eturned the nine of hearts. |! Hy spit \uxiliary Hallowe’en | 14:36 American Standard 07 juld make it anyway Seis white sail % seins T f } . Cc. M FOOD STORES 11:81 . ‘. iid mak yway Regardless of how Mr. Champ LING THE % re 7h ; aoe C. Cc. Mills seid Se er ‘ 1 33—Rec. Interlude Bralorne 5.80 He led the jack of clubs and jon played from here on, he wa QUALITY REPAIRS | Tailors SC. 9 Midway Grocery, Skeena | 1) :45—scandinavian Melodic BRX 03 {let it ride. Blandly, Mr. Mu sunk. He needed two entries to For Downtrodden Heeis me * ae “7s acer Grocery, Lyons Fine Foods PM Cariboo Quartz 1.30 played the deuce. Here he had! the board: one to knock out the i peewee al r a ea, ‘ eS ome" Rupert Butchers, D & S Grocery | 12:00 Marinay. Sestocies Congress 06 | rot one, but two, cards which! ge¢ of clubs and one to reach) | poy T14 Seep: Ave || Clothes Made Y 9° . 12:1 J iews YP, ¢ > € 1 Im 44 & . on me ects : (234C) | 13:25 Pro vn Resume Con SEE 28 ‘could win the trick. This was the set up suit. He had only 220 Sixth St, Cat Fall Bazaar, No- por SALE—Grey baby buggy.) 12:30—B. « n Broadcast os — 4 following Mr. Champion's advice one—the king of diamonds ee TAL | ver 299) “Black 186... ~—«(933) | 12:55—Ree ide ndian Mines 412 | doubly » those lessons of your SHOE H ITA eee ot es $22.00. Black 186 i (233) | "5 00-——The ( Hour Pend Oreille . 6.25 oto tina ek Aceh lam hose an 3 8 a y ne | SHOE Bis LO.D.E, Fall B ir, Novem- ; 2:00-—B Broadcast Mr. Muzzy didn’t know it at @hampion,” grinned Mr. Dale | : SEA ee. CONS Leche FOR SALE—Enterprise oil hea-| 3:00) {School Broa Pioneer i 1.90 the time, but this was the only!) ———..__~ | PORTRAMS ber F ter. Apply Sharon Shop next 2:48--Piano on * Premier Border 16 play to defeat the contract. Mr chicintne suet: Gime Scnja bazaar, November 21, to Bus ee oe ; : Privateer ‘05'2| Champion continued with the masta Packing, Crating |} TAKEN AT “"Decchtierian Wasanr Novem. ‘FOR SALE—One pair ice figure i oe — Donald 3:00 six of clubs and went into a long ; Cartage and Storage 1] Chandler's Phata tesbyterian Bazaar, Novem-!" crates, size 1, $7.00. Worn six 4-3 the Sheep Creek 1,37 i his " Hi os¢ etn a ber’ 27. times, like new. Phone Black *irates Silbak Premier 44 . So aes Complete, Reliable and Effi- }}] “ ag eas 905 ets oe | er River 0714 INDIAN CIGARETS A ee ne Cenk Get Women of the Moose RIT cate prc seit i | oy as KARACHI, (P)—East Pakis- cient Service. Also agents ie oe eR AUCTION SALE | Vananda 0214 ‘anadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. |] Nov. 7. FOR SALE—Pair Kodiak boots + Salmon Gold 03 | ‘an's. first big cigaret factory oe ee * tylene and all a nivoenseressgreserremsproneresinmnctensceiene | ia: TA GID). ere once Timber Sate X 56330 Be a . will go into production next for Oxygen, Acetylene and a Ovange Ladies Bazaar, Nov. 19.| | Write Box 513 Daily News There will be offered for sale at, Spud Valley 05 cs ‘} “esptataariagy “RS ee welding supplies, SCOTT Med _ ee 7 (234p) P e¢ Auction, at 10:30 AM., on Silver Standard 1.75 year at Chit Seong The fac CHARTERED A000 St. Pete Fall Bazaar, De-} ion Friday, OctOber 24th, 1952, in the of- Western Uranium 4.35 tory will be capable of produc LINDSAY’S CARTAGE j $ Electrolux (Ci an, ) Ltd Green 960 fice of the Listrict Forester, Prince | Qjig__ ing 50,000,000 cigarets a month James Block p08 Parts — Sales — Service Rupert, B.C... the Licence X 66330, to . ‘ - t the start & STORAGE LIMITED 7 United Cl h A A Fail —— ; aly c 5,450,000 f.bur = Hemlock and Anglo Canadian 7.00 ee bt Prince Rupe, a a . ©) Spruce ot rea comprising of > C eo ie wrmaert 1 \! Cor. 2nd and Park, Avenues 1 RB cat 4 _ Sp n an area comprising of A P Con d Cor. 2nd and Ps ||| Phone 347 Pat : : ALBERTA Foothill Coal. Dry Part of L . ok ats ber we ©, Calmont 1.25 || Est, 1910, Phones 60 and 68 ier oer | cedar kindling. DAILY DBLIV-| stewart, Poriiarid ts Gahal, Gneatar | Cbtieel Leduc 3.25 GEORGE DAWES Pinion PERSONAL ERY. T.MC. 640. (ip) itana District. PCY OF 13.00 AUCTIONEER — erent NE ARLY everybody uses 99. (c) FOR SALE—Nine voluina Books , One will be allowed for | Mg 3 = Phone Black 846 and Red 127 } a cena wet | alte 3.4 atic Oil heat-| Of Knowledge. Red 471. (232p) ided anyone unable to attend ave Luxury Steamer Pacific Pete . ; 9.715 estate seliiantnaie person — ms JMBI NG. A work. Phone FOR SALE — 3 end tables, 2 Nh "PRINCE GEORGE ng, sheet 1 tender to be opened he ho :\ Royal Canadian ....... 20 543, £30 ‘eth West. Letourneau. man’s suitcases, 2 lady’s suit- au nh anek tea i = oo ma? ' y (tf) | cases. Phone Green 610. (232p) Further particuiars une be ob- TORONTO WRA THAI Ss | a — a innisnerindiniint tannsocienll nen ee ta i from the, Deputy Minister of | no ” . : "i FORGET your worrie ve the FOR SALE—Washing machine, ¥‘ Victoria Bet or the Disttice| ahona 2 aa | ee | BAILS: FOR 7 Civic Centr 232 kitchen table and chairs, bunk Forester Rupert, BC ee rr "| Photo Finishing ny whn tink black ruh.| peas, 2 chests of drawers, ra- ARS LTT 24, OL B14 220) eVCOUTY pi V cou | bs 5. balargg omg lack rub- dio and miscellaneous articles - | Buffalo Canadian 21% e an ver } er raincoa mi ramp at tne) 99 alfred Street. (234p) AUCTION SALE Consol. Smelters 33.00 | VANCO aap Pox ‘hoe, Weak cn wi ee ——— — ~ Conwest 3.20 DFVELOPING, PRINTING and Intermediate Ports | and VICN to 432 8th Ave. West or P On€ FOR SALE—Broadloom carpet, Cimber Sale X 56895 . : seen | oe ar len Wet ee ek nald 50 ENLARG ] { Black 398 231 Pp), 9 x 15, chrome kitchen table, ners Wen ve. oO _ for sale at ee aide 16 : - _ : Ecch Thursday SUNDAY ~ meee a chesterfield suite, occasional aS tion c ):30 AM i dona ii 2 EXPOSURE METERS ¢ per dozen paid for empties, Pleste | at 11:15 p.m | ss. Camosun 4 YDE Transfer — Sl ' ; , ’ . _ iy, October’ 28th, 1952, in the Jast S é 7.2 pest . a ies c : _ | HYDE Trar ! ac coal. chairs, 34 bed, lamps, canary Ye ee ae aes East Su yyen = 7 . AMATEUR SUPPLIES < have 10 bili ole Se Pr Fr KAN } FRIDAY ‘<*9'| cage and various household |; B.C, the Licence X 56895, to} Giant Yellowknife 8.45 ‘ 6 a oe ON YR EM For KETCH! Ar SS Coquitlam THE PURPOSE of newspaper| articles. Phone Green 807 320,000 f.b.x Hemlock, God’s Lake sense 99 Phone Green 136 Box 478 the Liquor Control Beard er by the Government WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT)) aLice ARM, Auertiaina to create a de-| (232p) ; e an area com- Hardrock oe AL T ~ C Jumbia. on Comfort and Service PORT SUMP on dities or ser- esciinasliianaeth igccpicscie rag Lé a area’ Harricana 01% : ee || Friday, Camosun, & : ne Ve Ee Ponners. FOR RENT ‘reek, Portland Canal,, Heva 06% ‘ For Reservations | FOR NORTH G Remember you can phone in! — ~ trict Duvex 57 frite or Call " orre lassified ads.—Jus ont RENT a Singer portable electric ~ will be allowed for Joliet Quebec 36 ae DEPOT oa @ an 748 (236- ne)| machine, Phone 864. (¢) |removal of timber 7 4 ’ ore ——— _ ~ _—-— -- ~— Provided anyone unable to attend — Long Lac a | OFFICE | 88 a DR and ¢ alte ra-|;ROOM FOR RENT. Phone Black | tt auction in person may submit ~ poe ae | JPERT FOR + clothe “§ spe- 785. (234) , to be opened at the hour of Madsen Red Lake 1.75 -| PRINCE RUPE CHARLOTIB We st. Phone ecm - . - tre one bid.” McKenzie Red Lake 40 | RC. | ss Coquill ck Tis. (232) FOR MigI3 3rd Aves {ity | tained Minister of | McLeod Cockshutt 2.69 ’ Oct. 1, Oct: 158 AVON has 2 territories open “in case cde Forest B.C., or the District Moneta * CANAD i AN RANK J, Prince Ruper Regular calls FOR RENT—Room and _ board | Forester ries — 29 Negus = ‘Prince Rue stablished customers will; for 2 men sharing. Separate; —__ S40, t1a% O18.10,28r) |. Norende 78.50 pe y.\e a re] er rv r ak bring you a good income,.|..beds. Red -192. (231) “REGISTRY ACT Louise 20 . rhird Ave: Wrote Box 502 ppl y eee YOR , ReNPee Rom 46 shige: Se ( cae of fe Bo, 19am} Hise B hfe 5 «j 266 : : ; ce ) te -Thirty-Nin oe r ? Ze te me 233) | Se parate beds, Red 471. (232p) ibdivigion of Lot Thirty-Bight Pott Gas. 10) a a —onvnncni 38). Block Two (2),’ Townsite Senator Rouyn: | /.......1 13 HELP WANTED--MALE FOR “RENT— 2-room ‘apartment of Silver City, Map 1140 ” Perron —— veh suitable for single working); WHEREAS satisfactory proof of xayIGARLE WATERS PROTECTION hi / STOCK MAN wanted. Apply; man. Phone Red 272 (231p) |! yf the above Certificate of Title ACT Ahinese & Woolworth Co. Ltd (236) Sound. is ts see. Se. See. ee R.S.C. 1927, CHAPTER 140 DRIVE IN TODAY FOR A CHE K JP Cha - - - ee — ~ i a been e 1 is office . t + 1 : . i m6: - ——— WANTED TO RENT notice 1s hereby given that I shall. | pany LIMITED, hereby gives notice ¥ Chop Suey “Ml HEL P WANT ED—F EMAL E on eta at the expiration of one month from | t as, ; Sect 1 of the . é . WANTED TO RENT—Two-room|the date of the first publication oa sek demedied ak tu Mintheae | We won't tag your car “O.K." for winter unless we're certain Open 6 pal: EXPERIENCED office clerk with| suite ot apartment suitable soni bag dag 2 oo ot pig es 9 of Public Works, at Ottawa, and’ in| @ that it will perform right through the cold months, under * iowledge of typing and book-| for two teachers. Close in. | Ooi. Whats in the meantime valida the office of the District Registrar of the worst winter conditions ' , r keeping. Permanent position| Phone Red 367 between 6 and | Ghiection be made to me in writing. | Wand Pe eae mee a : ‘ . to right party. Apply stating| 4%, (232p)| DATED at the Land Registry. @f-| Poo Funes Ripert, Sritish .2o- DINING HOLLYWOU?) 7 |lumbia, a description of the site and qualifications and experience, : . ; fice, Prince Rupert, B.C. this 27th | 4, ans f> Box 511 Daily News. (232)1 | WANTED TO RENT-—2 or 3 aay of Sontenae 1952. AD the plans of dolphins and boom . ® ~ (piesa . _ room furnished suite or house. . me Andrew Thompson : Share pag 2378 Rane 6 onal u erior uto ervicée PLEASU RE 7 — ,ADIES: Your spare time agree- | Couple with 10-month-old| Deputy Registrar of Titles ‘ ' 4 | | District, situated in Wainwright ably and profitably employed| child. Phone Red 215. (233p) (256¢) | Basin, . vicinity of Prince Rupert, WwW “ / by taking. orders for Lingerie | Lees ~ REAL ESTATE __ | Province of British Columbia 3rd Avenue . LIMITED Phone Green 217 IN * and Hosiery for Ladies, Men, WORK WANTED , ee anne NOTICE thet after the : SPARKLING NEW JOHN Hh * . vi ‘ ‘ ratio » one rom Children and Babies, also bed REC IRRE Rg ee a -| SPECIAL date of the first publication of this SURROUNDINGS ding. Nothing easier with our | FACTORY “experienced repairs, | Three be droom house close t0| notice Columbia Cellulose Company, opie with colors containing, EUNsMMthing, outboard motors McBride, large livingroom, cab- Lint wil under Sectn, “ok tue Bor the MEAL that REFRESHES |||(ommodore Cafe inet kite enn ‘colored plumbing | said Act BULG about 900 superior quality; rods and reels. 1337 ¥irst|in bathroom, part basement-|Pubic Works at his offe in. the | garments, all with samples of} Overlook. Phone Green 304 for| foundation on cement pillars. | ¢'t¥ aa aoe olen. es OF ae BES| : PRIN dads NALA Ont fr ine beine oe ee ae pick-up. (233) | Price $7,000. Terms arranged. | DATED this 8th day of September, FINES) ——— —— p om cay nae ae | Exclusive Listing. | 1952, free. Satisfaction guaranteed | 50L y wd g - or money pe Fast de-| WANTED aoc seay aan ee COMPANY, Mie OF Ss) Of Train Schedule livery. G us ¢c | Pas cash, balanc | (S10,17,24, O1-u) 1 E j bontises, gifts ete. We are CASH for scrap brass, copper, | revenue buys this 10 room house | . FOOD 3 2 COOKING ine ae claws Bulge positively the ones who give| batteries and radiators. Phone| fully furnished. Revenue $200 y For the East— John 3 the most to their Representa- | 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West,| per. month (approximately). f Daily except Sunday......8 p.m mppird Ave tives and still offer the lowest| City (tf) | Full price $4,000. FOR TAKE ODT ORDERS PHONE 200 From the Bast— BROADWAY CAFE ee cot ene oe L v3 BRINOSH Drices. Joizi our 4,000 satis-lqwanren vi “aE” ~) Arm: strone Agencies Ltd. Hed Representatives by writs WANTED — Piano. Phone Blue | £ A 4 ing immediately: DU JOUR _ 805. i. ieee |Phone 342, Black 197 neuer ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEW a. i INGERIE Inc., 4235-312 Iber-| WANTED TO BUY — Privately, | - ce Satirical ar av Cc ‘ ville St, MONTREAL, | 100 2x 4x 16. Phone Blue| INSURANCE BLONDIE een om 156. (233) | si ee ag = “TERY Se | Saegreemeemenemtetn $10 DOWN HOLD YOUR PAPER STILL CEN ABOLIT THAT WOMAN]. [WAY Dit Oyt HE HiO BEHIND | i ee SERVICE __.|WANTED TO BUY—Residential| Fire, Automobile, Personal Prop-| (M READING AN ARTICLE ate WHO SHOT HER HUSBAND: - i RUPERT Battery Shop, 234 East} lots. Close in. Box 514 Daily|erty Floater, Liability and all ON THE BACK ABouT?2) WINE JURY FREED HER 3rd Ave. Phone Blue 126. Re-| News. (233p) | types of General Insurance are \ pairs, recharging arid rebuild- | eee ae Se __ | available at reasonable monthly a : "gi, y ing, Work guaranted. (c) | REAL ESTATE |payments with only $10. down. . ~ ——e a ________.._| Insure now with strong reput- | ee 2 Northern Tire & Rubber eng FOR SALE— Wartime 4, full | able companies. | sel ‘a szoodyear tires, tunes, ba er-| cement basement, all new fur-! . , | jeg } Py ‘ jes, hose, belting, accessories, niture, new oil range;.2 room Armstr ong Agencies Ltd. rubber matting, airfoam, v- | suite in basement. Must be Real Estate & Insurance Agents | : belts. 712 Second Ave. Phone | sold. Apply in person to C.| 307 3rd West, Phone 342 | + mapereen 992. (c)| Graham, 1621 8th Ave. East) ___ (249) | ™) “p2 WE PAY cash for burnt ott moo a. (233) | “___ ACCOUN? | , ; motors any size or make. -|FOR SALE — Wartime house | PUBLIC AC COUNTAN', [1 Income | 8 +i ford Electrical Works, Cow) small 4. Blue 942 or call 1104! ‘Tax specialist. 8. G. “purk, | Bay. Phone Blue 391 (tf) 8th East. (231p) 1 Stone Building, Red 593, 20m)