nit 25 w m m v- rt w w A I VII i ri v n I K m. in in m .ii BETTER THAN WAS EXPECTED SOCKET E3 ABOUT OVER Smllh't Inlet but Naa River la Fair m.'j aliiini park or miI V ia m tl n aaM aaaiv ' ' prnrllrailly ot. uas Uhr ihr in'al l ' '' in 60.000 raxf- n ' with I1S.H00 a-- la-t III- (M'kd.Vf jvark n I -'.- ' - a again! a toilay arr Dial :i 'hi liir Skrona ' ' ""-.I .!) pa-ir ".IX OIL INFERNO III.' Mill! IS BLAZING ""Won and Half Dollars Worth Jill la-.-..v t ii.:: I. a iji. i, ' Uquld Going up In blames In Fresno N" ;al Aug. II. ' '"iiinatnl al morn llian "' anil a half dollar will ' V a fir whinli in r- ii' i i' ili-slrovlnn 7ni).min luir- I' I- ..! I.. .I. 1 .!.,. ..II on niiivuj- mining on "I'll in Iiim,, riuurtnU iilin. - I'll. I of 11 I I'' I III. IvIliMi il I. " ' ""'"iilrollfil for ncM'ral -Uri.'.l W,. vl(, 750.1MIH i-M-rvoIr was ulriiPl; bv ' ' II" - lllllj; , 1()(,u yCS,.r,y. I' aiin-.- flume ti.anuiK '-''!' tl ""' . making lln -hin! J anywlirr,. wilhin III') "l" 1 on. i , PREMIER DUNNING MAY ENTER CABINET OF MACKENZIE KING ml,' UVA A""- I'i'viiih'r or m,.i,.....i i.. 1 1 , . t. "'lnlliril' nil l! Mm-k,.,"!'. "r,,,,,,,'B Willi Promlcr '"' View In .i... ... , ,1 , " "ULIIIIH llltl I'l " illlli nnl . . " ."muster of linml- n ur-i a naliim lhal Miry rouhl in 'uril for wli.mrn ami I In water . It ruliiiialml . a i i lo Im-I , in of urh ilrttlh ' a , lo MrniM to '-I " rlhrV ia.o,. am. ,h. coinpari'il with . ... . , V i i i r i 'iMiihil ly of i rvrlopinriit of lhi i ''r,fr,r; ,;,f.: . . ' , ol roiir..'. rnntilvl a mallr hal h, ynvrrnmrat will haxr lo """ml n ,M '" n , u.!..n. ,r,-, II wan bi. mbmn var ami lln -.. aoiii, lO (irillllirijr nririiiiiiir mr nn-.- national iMiumtary Hnr in lilm-iei Day ami lln Ik ban ilrnir. To rlalilih the pr.iilillity of (ilar-irr Day u Hie cile for n new Canaoian iorl, Mr. Fonlr iaitl. woiilil ilrprml on rxainmaliiin dial would have In lo made of Ihr pomihillly of nnlering I he Yukon from lhal potnl. A fir ii. nas untion in foiirtriHl it I I ii 1 1 oraelieable for (llarier Da;' ;i year round waterway having (inly o'i'Hinnal ice berg as thnv hrrak off from I he glacier. Work In Yukon While in llm north, Mr. Forth' wriil aboard the Wnlromlo ! Skagway and pe?nt four -ilayn a While lloi-fi where he'liiaile ar-raiigemenlt for lp irlnieiilal work lhal l to be done in I lie Yukon Ihi i-eaiwii. "' of lalrl workx done by the department in Hie Yukon was the plac-Inn of a diilit in Yukon lifter wlneli. by flooding and emptying. aiiN in iht' removal of Ice 'froit: liir rixer al Hi" limo eti uio prlllg break-tipa. Mr. Forde bTI bore today aboard Hie Wnlromlo for Vir-toria. lb' If 1 " areompauioil on iiie in!' iy v "'" ant I'ligiurrr, and In- ho and .Inoutilei'. Mi--- ''"nl1'' STOCK MARKET ll.r.. SiUrr Daly AlmU Diinwvll Uranby lliir.i'llnii I.. A I Muniiol MoDtt Premier .... porler-liliilio Siiif-lnb'l IlllflH Sellc irk -SIv i:r--: Dill Hid Asked I. SO ,2t 8.00 2 .R0 1.1.00 .?! ."2 VS ' .to -in s.i -.w .in .!'., .in n .or i .50 .01 -01 Vi 10 V, The freighter, which was off her Pourt. also struck an eighteen Inch water main, cut ling off tho supply for Point fliey. WAS GUILTV. Admits Fourteen Charges of Getting. Money Under False Pretences RUPERT FIRM USED Had Mania for Issuing Checks While Under Influence of Liquor (Special to Daily Nw.) YAf.OLYHH. Aug. II. r.en. MrAlllntrr, pleading stiilly In fourteen cliarge of gellih'i money umb-r faUe pre(ene!t wan remande-l until Augiint In for (enlenew when he appeared be fore Magistral; Jamo A. J'ind lay in the iKtlicr court thin morning. The arrant of MrAllioter fol lowed police invent igation into the mysteriou viila to whole Ml boHe of 4 Mipp'Med bti- rr for a Prine itupert firm, who .tfter lodging an order would ratl o Hill "'lieflk. The good would he Nlitpiied north and retimed an ool ntlereil, while (lie wbolroale firm would find om that Hie check was valueless a Hie order. Counsel fur the defense gav--McAlllaler a goml characler and declared lhal he had a mania for i-M'ing worllilrs checks win!" under the influence of Iuiuor. PRETTY GOOD PRICE FOR HALIBUT TODAY Twelve to Fourteen Cents Paid for First Class Fish at Exchange The price.- paid for halibut to-lay went fairly high ranging .'roni twelve lo fourteen, cents for jrid claH fish. The ilolaiU were as follows: American Pioneer, 27,000. al. 12.80c ami 5fl lo Oobl Storage. Mihlrtxl II., 21,000, at 12.70c and So lo Dual It Fisheries. Swan, 10,000, at 1 1.7 0o and 7c lo lloynl Fish Co. Canadian FUher, 1 1,000. at 1 2.10c and Jc lo paeific Fisheries. Tramp. t.').00(), at 12.00c and :c to Atlin Fisheries. Tertien. 10.600. at 1 2.30c ami 7e lo Alliu Fisheries. Fannie F i.500. at 12.20c and 7c to lloynl Fish Co. KnliQ, 2.000. al 12.10c and 7c lo Atliu Fisheries. JAPANESE SHIP . STRUCK A TUG 8ank Hustlor In Vancouvor Nar rows and Cut Water Main to Point Oroy - VANCOI YFII. Aug. 11. - The llilrly Ipii tug llusller struck and sunk in tho first narrows I ii i'l! Hits morning during a dense fog and miioki' by tho Japanese frt'lahler Knikya Maru. Two men itboard tin-'tug narrowly escaped denlh. Mr. Mc.Niven and. Mr. Harrison met the strike Committee and laid Hie liefoO- them and asked Ihem to coll a nis meet- ing of the meiv nfft-ted tfris af-; lernoon. for tliein lo accept nr, reject the proKsal as they saw fit. The (wo officials pointed out lhal the rale offered by the com pany Is the prevtitliiie rale in the locality ami (he bl Hint the men can evtecl lo srl. In lhe opinion of the officials it is a fair offer. Mr. 3lr.Mvfa.-oiM there were 170 men involvediin the strike. The carpenter ami a few labor-' r were still wording lond. resi-i - - are not permanent BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, .. - ... . U.i with newly laid dancing j. t.... -"nr. .11 'iiiPtf i - ":..m,i"",i Jiuihii,,,. floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wedding 8l(nd noyal Hotsl, 3rd A vs. parties. and 6UVBL PRINCE RUPERT - For rals, apply to Boston BIATT VIDECK, Prop. Grill. Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspapei Phone 457. V .I X NO. 185. " r- - , , I'ltlXCi; HU'KUT, H.UJ., TUESDAY. WUj ST n. I02.j. y.ilnu,'. cirtui-tion IMS stM.i ciM, 472. PRICE FIVK CENTS. II A f II I ll It 1 m T Wf J m w v a w . . - iLAllbK KAY IS I ANA I AN I hKKllllRY viMuaiiim imum mil CONSERVATIVES WIN BIG VICTORY 4N THE NEW BRUNSWICK ELECTIONS Canadian Port at Glacier Bay Possibility Says Dom. Engineer . P. Forde says wharves could be built there McALLISTFR uo giunc 10 fiiuc uuck iium uniiea States boundary line h i .-i U. ii long uili'l on pan handle approx f"0 tiiilr-. from I lie mouth of Lvnn Canal ami 175 mile J iicu, Iliruiigh un iiilTliug .iixl remarkable natural ...ii. now contains a new Canadian jNrl whereas, h few navigable water in lli Iwy iIh! iml extend nasi tin mi loi!iiliiry line according to J. . Forde, district i-ii- tir ledcrai diartfiieiit of public works, who hu- re after liming from uortli nlHuinl the deMrlineiilnl V r.illllo lo HIlCMIgHIC report- t tin effort. When i.Hpl. Vancouver visited IiLicht IU in IKtM. I he inlfl w cm-wl with a ulair rit!tf l il- m-iiilli mi try Strait. I ihr yrum tdnre thai time Ihr icr ha l-em gradually receding and when an ftiamitialion wa made in 101? t wn estimated lhal the mlri wn rlrar In about thr in-ii-t national liiuiiiitary lnw. Mr "" i Forde made lhi Inp lo iiiak n FUh Put up Than Four urvey of the touiwUry MMr unit !ur Ago When Catch was hr ' DUnul Unl (Itaitirr Hay wa 'MOW ,,""r of " n' mlntui Failure on Skeena -r . I,hoh M m narly H ml i' Ihr hniimlar) HUH Hie liead of llif hay i rnvrml for nianv inllr. with iri lul Uin 1 now Ihr M-ihilily tif Cttn.olian pir loiiiinl for lh ml of llo bay lMyonil I lie hoiinlary arc of Mass Meeting of Strikers is Considering Offer Secured from Company by Fair Wage Officials A proposal for a -ellk'ineiit uf the eleva'.or slrike i.s lieiiig totiMitJereil hy I lie men involved this afternoon and there -.eem- a probability that work will rcnimmcm e immetli.iiely. J. I). .Mc-Niveii. iJepnty. minister uf labor, anil F. K. Harrison - Don iti Kin gmeriuiteiit Djir vage orficer-al Vaiicmiver, who are in the city, flnv " n 0UZI Anrpn WOeraiS I ihpmlt leil Jpft 10 tn TOrm fnrm nnnnviiinn have taken the rmiller up will. Mr. Shearer who is in charge of OppOSlUOtl the work al the tjkvalor, with the result thai Mr. Shearer has. agreed, to pay tho city rate of wages which is 57 rent an hour! for iKinmoii labor and al.-o to iay lime and a half for any over- time ov.v eixul hour a day that. may he re'iuired. t ttM,t t BILL GRADY IS GETTING GOLD Word has beei receive! here by Jams .Mcl.eod, collector or customs, front A. W. II. .Sinilh, ayenl for Hie Harrington Transportation Co. al Yfrangell, that Dill Grady, original slaker al !o!d Pan Creek in the Cassiar gold fields, hail cleaned up 117 ounces of gold in fifieen day. Cold in -ellinj; now for at least $11 an ' ounce. denlf of prince Itupert. hut la- Mr. and Mrs. T. linshaw of borers who have come here re- I'sk are siilinx Ibis afternoon "rnllf. i on the Cardenn for Ynncouver. Meagher Gives Evidence at Halibut Commission Urges Abolition of Duty SKATTLK, Aug. II.- That both tkiimdiau and Atneriaii nienilier.i of the Deep Sea Fishermen's I'nion favned reciprot ily was the assertion of J. II. Meagher, secretary of the union, before the United Slates tariff commission on halibut at (he hearing here jeslerday. Especially, declared Mr. Meapher, do fishermen deire the elimination of the American duly of two cents a pound on fresh halibut and the Canadian levy of one cent. The Canadian duly, he usserletl, did not benefit the Canadian fishermen. As evidence of the ruling prices nl l'rmcc nuperi during the past two years fish from Canadian boats sold two cents lower than Unit from Americans. The w itness at larked Hie fifty ier cent ad valorem duty col-'celed hy the United Slates on mpiipment ihotighl in Canada by tnerican fishermen. Chairman Marvin nnnouncfd that the commission would con- fine itself to cod data, having concern with the tariff policy. The hearing began with the re port of the investigators, who 'ouud the Canadian price of hali but slightly lusher than the Mnerieim on the Pacific tint the revorse on Hie Atlantic where halibut was only a side line. The report erediled 51 per cent of last years halibut sup-oly of the -world to the United Stales, JTj per mil lo Canada. It also mentioned lhal a Japanese company .had begun operations near her own country. GOT SIX MONTHS FOR MAKING INTOXICANTS YANDKIUIOOP. Aug. II Ceo Joseph, an Indian, was sentenced o six months In Jail for making Intoxicants ami another six for selling 11. He was tried beforr Stipendiary Magistrate John D t.hiirleson and the convictions were sent red by Dominion Constable W. F. Manson and Provincial Constable H H. Mansell. CALIFORNIA TOWN RIPPED ROCKF0RD, Cal., Aug. 11. Damage estimated at $125,000 to $175,000 resulted from a tornado which lato Sunday ripped the little Imperial Valley town off its foundations. Only two of tho town's twenty buildings are resting on their original sites. TYPHOON STRUCK A DUTCH VILLAGE Alrplano Crashed on Asylum Kill Ing Throe People; Othor Places Injured AMSTERDAM. Aug. II. Four persons were killed ami more than 200 injured in the stnall village of llorctilo in' FnlYern Holland as the result uf n typhoon, which struck the place last night. Today Hie village is a mass of ruins. I Mi lint- Hie hurricane an airplane crashed nit a lunatic aVy- lum killing three people. Many oilier villages were badly injured by the force of the wind. " L"" T-" Dr. J. F. Steele is visiting this neighborhood wilh a view fo pra' Ti. ms medicme Conservative Victory in New Brunswick was a Complete Turnover to new government of Hon. I B. M. Baxter ST. JOHN, X.M., Aug. II. The opposition led by Hon. J. il. M. Daxter won a sweeping victory in the provincial" elections in .New llrwiswick yesterday, the government, headed by Hon. P. J. Veniol, securing but twelve oT the i8 seats constituting the ' .muse. i With a following or :I5 Mr. Baxter will hae a majority of i24 in the next Legislature. l The fanners with but three candidates in Uie field did not .'prove a factor anil two independents who ran losl their deposit.-. every ineinncr 01 me jjoveriimciu -- - - - with Hie exception ir the pre- n A HP CP FinPf mier and his ministers or lands MIKrNI rlKrN and mines, Hon. J. A. Dysarl, and 1 VlllJU 1 1 lllLilJ Hon. J. K. Meehaud, suffered personal defeat. Final Figures ST. JOHN, .N.D., Aug. It. rinai inures ia Uie elect ion re- I turns in tin province give Con- r Most of Hie mem il is under-4 f perraiives wanu uroerais itt" r .nr. iuAier, in u lormai state ment, ooiouienting on die victory declined to discuss the personnel of the incoming administration. No sooner had the count commenced last exciting than it wa rn ident a change had taken place in the alignment of the parties and lhal the Liberals would be uefeated. In only u few eon-di-tuencies did the party hold ils own. Premier Veniol, who will now lead the opposition forces. was elected. The New Premier The man who will be the new premier, Hon. J. It. 31. llaxier, K.C., was minister of customs in the Meighan governnrent. He resigned as leader of the opposition in New Drunswiek in September, 1021. to accept the portfolio ami returned to the provin- llll Cllllltl IIH? III Uf.UI.1. lead the Conservatives. He was elected In- Hie .onstiliirncv r;Co"aPses St. John-Albert in ll21 and only a few weeks ago was unani mously chosen leader of the Conservatives at a convention lielil in St. .Iiiliu I'runi the lime Ins rc-uppoiutment a few weeks' ago, Hie Conservatives bad as House leader, Charles D. Richards of Fiedericton. Hon. Dr. llaxter was born ul t'arleton, SI. John. N.H., in IWSH. ami educated at the public schools and at King's College, Windsor, N.S. (D.C.L.: . lie was first elected to the iNew Druns wiek legislature at a bye-election in 1011 fur St. John County. He was re-elected at tho ."general; elections of U12 anil in Decent- her 10 H, became attorney gen- eral. He held that portfolio' un til 1017 when the government of lion. J. A. Murray was defeated at the polls. . Perhaps the oulsUtinHng lssut'4 in the present teunpiiign wa:. the propo-ed hydro electric tie- velopnieut at Oranil Falls. Atj the last session of the legislature: the governnvenl Introduced tindj succeeded in piloting through ' Hie House legislation which prn-' vided for I he expenditure of 10,-1 Oi.m.000 lo complete the Initial development al (traml FalN. This' money was to be soenl under Ihe direction of Die New Brunswick Power Commission, of which the 'ronlimicil on oaite six' Advertlte In thi Daily News STILL MENACE Weather Cooler and Abscnco of Wind Aids Fighters on Vancouver island VANCOUVER. Aug. 11. Tho forest fire situation was little improved this morning .although the absence of wind and cooler weather enabled the fire figliter lo gain some advantage. The situation is -till serious in the vicinity of Courtenay, Lutlysmith and lleriol Day. I Along the Eraser valley crews are gradually subduing: outbreaks, which have destroyed a number of homes and logging equipment. In the big bend country north of RevelstoTis four fire fighters are missing. GIRL FAILS TO SWIM CHANNEL When Eight Miles From Dovor and Forced to Quit UDULOUNE, Aug. 11. Lillian Harri-on. the Argentine swim- of lion. Mr. Daxler s resivoalion "" " ,,lM "'.'""J ! :.s lender f I he ,.....siii..o to, "' channel between Ualais from Dover last night and forced to give up the effort. BASEBALL swim and a-cept the federal H.orlfolio until! lvr collapsed when eight miles was American Detroit H. Boston 7. SI. Louis I, Philadelphia 6. Cleveland 2, Washington 3. National Brooklyn 7-13. Cincinnati -3-7. llolon 5, Chicago 3j New York 2, Plttsjnil-g I. Philadelphia :i.,'SI. Louis 5. NOTICE. All meinlicri of 1st Battn. N.B.C. jk'sl. with unity clothing, cifles, bayonets, etc., mij&t Dirn Ihese in inimedlnuMy : this for inspn-tiuit iCy , Senior Ortlnanrtr Olllcer from headiiiuirlcrs. ,, Drill Hull.,, Second Ave. will be iipeu evenings on Holiday, Tuesday ami Wednesday from 7 p.m. till 10 p.m. for tho purpose of receiving equipment. 185 ' vm