AOE SIX We save you MONEY QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our Prices are no higher than any other store in Canada. Gootls marked in plain figures according to grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Etc. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner The Diamond Morchant of tho North FREE! FREE! Free Deal for this week only With every $5.00 Purchase we glvo 1 lb. of Wedding Breakfast Coffee. Reg. 65c lb. Quaker and Lihliy's l'ork ami I leans, rcg. 20c (in. Special, 0 for .... $1.00 With every dollar purchase yon gut one tin free. Norwegian Sardines, reg 20c tin. Special, 7 for $1.00 With every dollar purchase you get one tin free. These poods are used every day. Hall Or l'honc. Mussallem's . 417-423 Fifth Avo. East Phones 18 and 84 WHAT LOOKS BETTER THAN A Pullover and a Plaited Skirt When on a Plcnlo? Our selection is of the best. "Demers" P.O. Box 327. Phono 27. DANCING j At tho Auditorium TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, 8 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINQS from 8 to 12 midnight. 0 Piece Orchestra. I Dance Klc 3 for 25c Free Admission. L. J. WARREN, Prop. Phono Black 449. Phrenology MAY LEE, the great lady phrenologist from Jenisalem,- will read your bead like an open book. She will tell you all about your past and present. Don't miss this yreal op-portuntiy. 820 Third Avenue West. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Holgorson Block, Prlnoo Ruport, B.C. Ofrico Nours0 lo fl. X-Ray Service ' Phono 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Kvcnings INVESTIGATING CONDITIONS IN THIS COUNTRY Delegation from Britain to bo Horo Friday to Get Information for use Overseas Two delegates from the Brit ish Passenger Agents' Associa tion, Charles Wright and H.I jDring, are due to arrive here from the south next Friday and jlhey will remain until the follow-jing day when they leave 'for Edmonton. Their object in comini; is to acquire information in re gard to agriculture and land settlement; lo consider the attractions and prospects for Hritis'i emigrants and lo secure reliable information in regard to trade and commerce with a view lo making it more widely known. mg (hem is the shipment or grain through western ports and its destination. They want to know how much of the grain going west goes lo the Orient and what are the possibilities for premier is chairman. Issues of Campaign 'CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. WetUrn Region. SEA LEO TE.MiEltS will be retelvnl (I (hi lirrirf nf the I'.lliff Klisili'.r. Wllifll ih'7. Man., until twelve u'i-IihI im-iii. It 11 t ill .x LAND ACT. Notlca of Inlsnllon to Apply to Purchaia In Skrrna flante 6 Land liecordlnr tils Met of Prune iiiierl, ll.C. and situate naysiacK isianii, south nr waies island, 11.1:. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Hih In Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C.. orruri non, nainion manners, inicnns to apply for permission to purchase the folmwlus described lands: - Coinmcnclua' at 1 iK)t p anted at hi Hi water mark on west Hlmre of llavstaili Island; tlienre north seven chain llnnce east seven chains: thence south M-vcn chains; thence west seven chains, and containlnir five acres, more or less. nil-; cahadiah hsiiino go. ltp listed ititn'l Ma v. 10 H LAND ACT. Notkt of Intention to Apply to Laasa Land In l'rince Iiupert I slid Herordliiir IHslrlrl nr rrinee iiunert, aim siiuaie at les taltrui Hi v. Masrett Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that Euirene II. Slums'. II. or .nasseo, in:., oreupaiion raiineryman, iiienos 10 apply ror a lease or the roi-'rtvluv descrllM-d lands: - (.oiimieiieinir al a post planted about '10 chain-- westerly from the .N.E. corner r Lot t&fin, llaiue 6, Coast District: tlienre west sl chain. ; thence north three hums, iii'ire or less, to high water mark: thence easterly almur blah water mark t iHimi or coiuiiietici'iiH'ni, and contaliinin 1 arret., inure or ie, ICI tlENE II. MIMI'SOV. mien jjiii iiij. iuz;i. HAV E Aplillcaut. YOUR FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED at B. C. FUR Co.. Third Avenue. Phones Day, Green 120. Night, Black 709. MokeBetter Bread Askour grocer for ROYAL YEAST CAKES STANDARD OP OOAUTY. OVER 50 YEARS. me cic egaies are anxious w M lirti,.l.t.te,l before meet people who have L,lfflcuMll lulona.llloI1 BVal, made their homes here and toahe lQ nsure Hs sUmss find out the conditions under.. . ... flirM.P ,,. ,, ,, which they live. , I ... . nj . .... ,. ,., ' Among the questions interest- .jch cJi tMieratl.( al (rand Falls, tho cost of the op- eration of the plant, and defin- if tivdii P'iiipo li I'ltuiuui I 4 i for iXWJT Issue, aside from the 'ndlan .National Hallways. The lowest or any lender not neces arlly acrepted. W. A. m.liSLA.II, lieneral MmariT. Winnipeg, Man., iifiil sin. I9. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intention to Apply to Purthait i-ana. In Ihe Land llerordinr DUtrlrl of Prince Iiupert. md mtuate at Awum Hlver, Awuin Bay, Massett Inlet. Q.C. Islands. B.C. TAkE MOTICE that Mrs. James Field- inir Stranir. of Sunuyslde, B.C.. orrupallnn married woman. Intends to apply for per- iiiixinii in purrnase me iuiio scribed lunds:- cominenruif at a post planted at filth water mark. Awiint hlver; tlienre & rhaint 'Utti; iheiire iu rhalns west, more or less lo norlhwe! corner Uit I & 1 7 ; tlienre 311 mains south; tlienre lb rlialns east, tlienre 10 rlialns north; tlienre & rhalm west; tlienre IS rh.ilns south to point of commencement, and containing: to acres, more or les. MRS. JAMES FIELD1.NO STItANO. Applicant. I'er Win. 0. Mltcbell. nent ruled July Utt. till Hrunswiek Vendors' Com mission, which dispenses liquor, under overnmenl supervision, for medicinal and sacramental purposes. NAAS RIVER SALMON NOW BEING TAGGED Dr. H. C. Williamson, Old Coun try Fisheries Expert, is Visitor to District Dr. 11. C. Williamson, Old Country fisheries expert, who i in this district in connection with Ihe btolosical hoard'n worl- of aBpTin? fish, is now visiting the Naas ltiver section taKgius salmon there lo definitely ascertain the direction in which they are running. Dr. Williamson has already been on the west coast of Vancouver and Queen Charlotte Islands. . Jack llulr has just received notification from the H.C. Col lege of Optometry, Vancouver, that be was successful in pass- nx his optical examination. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Purchast tana. In I ho Land Itcrordlna; lilslrlrt nr Prince lltilM-rt. and situate al Shannon nay ll.C. MasiOll Inlet, .'.. Islands, H.C. TAKE .MiTICE that liosse-.MIIIerd. Lim ited, of Vancouver ll.C, occupation salmon raimers, intends lo apply for er-iiilsslon to purchase the following ri-scrllx-d lands: Oitnmeiirlnir at a post Pliinlrd approtl- malely It chains west, more or less, from me iifirincast corner i.ot litis (t.i.. S25SP,; tin lire will in M rlialns; lliflor west 20 rlialns- thHice south S chains; Uieiiee west in chains, morn or le. lo beach; thence followlnc nieanderlii? of bcarn to point or coiuineiicemeni, ana containing IS acre more or less. GOSEE-MII.LEtm LIMITED. Applicant Per Wm. 0. Mitchell. A rent, tinted Inlv fh. otR LAND ACT. Notlct of tnttntlon lo Apply to Purchas Lans1. In Prince liutiert I mid lilslrlrt, lli cordlnn lilslrlrt of I'rlin'o ItiipcrU. himI sllna'c l Shannon liny, ll.C, Massilt Inlet, .c. Island. TAKE NOTICE I lull Junes EleMlluK SI ran a-, of sunnvslde, H.i;., oicnpatlon 'iiiiieryiiniil, Itilenils lo nnplv for permls-i slon to purchase tho follovtliiir described landst-- Coimrieiiclnr t post planted tl cbalns south stride, west, more m less frotr Miulhwest comer of I.ot IMS; thence south 30 chains; 1 1 ir lire west 3U chains, .more or less, lo water's eileni thence follnwlnir ineniiderliir of beach to point Tuesday, August ll, i9r5 THE DAILY rTEWS TWO TOUR PARTIES HEM LAST EVENING Regular Passenger Train From East had Exceptionally Large Number of Passengers Tho regular passenger train from the I'.ast, which arrived hero al II.I5 last night liuving been delayed by bridge trouble east of Mcllride, bad an exceptionally largo number of tourists aboard. There were two separate parties which accounted for I he most of them. The party of Jlrilish school teachers making a tour of Canada under League of Umpire auspices contained 3( persons. It was conducted by Mrs. K. M. Ord Marshall, C.H.K., and accompanied by Jnnu's Morrison, C.N. It. general passenger agent of Montreal. The parly proceeded south on the l'rince Hupert to Vancouver. ; Tho second party contained Mime 25 persons under the di-i rccjion of the H. H. Thompson Tours of San Francisco. They went lo Stewart ami Anyox on the l'rince. Charles and will be going south on that vessel tomorrow. H. A. Thompson is in charge. markets: Further the opposi-i LULAL IJHY UULK to F.L.B. No. 2 Is rsX "velnpment a. ninpiji niCfUADriMr - ft. by 7 II. n-li.rom-d roncn-le boi riil-idrand l alls, was the adminislra-muuuL ilJvllrillJinJ eri!i 11 niHf r.0.3 inn Mile ui.0.1 ! ,,r 11... ..r..i.a.;i.... n. h-imt sub-iiinsion. :'ion or I lie prohiiutory law. I lie runs, fiHTtriraltoi. mil tuna (t am- imtirwif itm pIimmtpiI IIi.tI Mm law PART OF HER CARGO -men,. tract may be wu atiil form of lemleri ' , . , ..... --- ..iitjined at ibe ornim t.r chief Enifineer.i was heinK flagrantly violated) winniij. Nan.; iiijtriit Eiiyineer, vn-. , .. , ,. ffoveriinienl has' Damaged Oro Carrier Will Pro ri.iiver, B.C.; OlMrlrt tlifCliM'er. Ediiifinton, """ ' r"' riiiiiiiu, ,.r ( Alia.; uirisKiii tnrinerr, rrinre iiupert. heen lat 111 Its ei forts to enior.-e1 7 o lanuii un buvai 11.' r.i.-i.i.... k..r......AH r.iM.v lit Tenders will not be roii'lilereil unle, 'I oiniiilioii. while considerable niaile 011 the form supplied by tlie IUllway ii. rrjjrjsrn i,n(, i,f,., nlqi nr 1 " '"""e I tue i;imiiaiiy and amirtinled by an aroptedllll,l,s,l, rlieque of rliarterecl bank t?qual to five w Pr rent or tiw- vaine or ine wnrK, pay able in the order of the Treasurer. Can Dry Dock ran or me cargo or copper. iltfitt I f ai4 mil taik'it. I I f . n I ' 1.. I wise Steamsliin & I la run estimated al ifL'OO.OOO. SALMON PACK BETTER THAN WA3 EXPECTED 'continued from page .mo) Xaas lllvers this year will pro bahly be aboul fifty per cent of last year's. II is to he noted, however, that the pack this year Is deciilely in advance of tin: pack in the cycle year of llr.M, which' was a failure. (iill net fisliiiiK on the Skceua Hlver shows rpiite an improve iini..AMl 1... f II, ! " nn: m m nil mill (11 ,MH, WItaBIl WMW WW ,,, , .,. . grain shipment ... hy ....... way of the . . ilnlel paek will pmh.ih y exceed ' ' ,a involved (he people of thei . . . Panama II...I-.MII r Canal. unt ! ' ' "'' ,,, ,. ! f m.Sa. ..,.,. , .. . u... Kcoiiumii; conditions here wiU. ' . 1 .." V! I M "Ullllu i iu; interest the delegates. CONSERVATIVE VICTORY NEW BRUNSWICK WAS COMPLETE TURNOVER. (continued from page one) I lion look the stand that in view) !of the tremendous financial out-! rnKITIKIIICC IUNUNUlJ uUoi DIICV port unity to say at the poll,' whether, Ito.y desired Ihe pro-! IN vinre to take held of the project! A and operate it. l Here was also the issue of the Last Night Big Repair Job BRITISH COLOMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024s lias produced Minerals as follows: Placer fiold, 77.382.Win; Lode OoM, ?Ur 473.100; Silver. $(18,82 1.570; Lead. 70,548,u7; per. f lHi.iHO 37H: . ,,;?.. I71.4U7; Miscellaneous Minerals l..ol.U."; Coal and Uke. 50l,880,0 , lltniding Stone, Ilrick, Cement, etc., $ tS(3r,Ml 1; making its Mineral Production ( (,e L.(),j 0) 102 i show an Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws of Mils Proximo are more liberol unit the Ices lower than ue , any other t'rovincc in the Dominion, or mi) . olony in uic nriiiMi i.inpiie Mineral locations are granted lo discoverers for nominal lev. Absolute Tides are obtained by developing inh properties, the security of win, , guaranteed by Crown (Iraiits. l ull information logelher with Mining lleiils ant .Mops' limy w nnmmcii ki-,1 n addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. N.M. I'raclicrtlly all Hrilish Uoliimhia Mineral I'ropertir- upon who h d.-.. . ., work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Iteporl- of If ic t, of Mines. Those considering mining lineaments should refer Jo -m li reitorl Tin are available without charge on application lo Ihe Department of Mine , , , t , Deports of (lie (ieological Survy of (kuiarlii, Dacifii- lliiilding, Vam-inixer. n-p r . , mended as valuable sources of inforiiinlion. sockeye fishing on August 7 and Smith's Inlet on August 7. There were exceptionally gonl packs in both these areas and, while not ronliluling u record, the lliver- After AiixihI 'J the scionr: areas ' hiiinli Inlet will lie opened and gill net fiheriun I Will ll IM'Mllll It'll til lll Illcll j in- .vxu.m hi in.- wuhi licio ,,,.,-h ,.- f.. ,.l,r...- Afl..i- uoveinmenfs general reconl, the built at the local dry dock for the Vuut ,6 lp h(.r!t ,,,,, sj,. premier appealing lo the eleolont itupert Marine Product Co. vm . , t- ,ii ,.i i II. mo.i Lj tr 1. Ii . a I ! I I.. ..l.-i.i policy, and adminislration of the launched week was some three lral (,jvl,1)M , ,,3lj r , oor other public servires. Hie oppo- aco. r i i.. ...... l'lie tlonservatives did not op- silion eharsed the covernmenl The Job of uutliiiK in a new, ' ' I pose the Orand Falls develop- has been extravagant and that tuition) on the Northwestern incut but argued that tlie scheme 'he liipliva! expenditures have Dredging fio.'s scow F.L.II. No. LOCAL NEWS NOTES been far in excess of what they, is ihav completed and the crafl. 4.4. , should have been. The financial, will be floated this afternoon. ,,PV p. K. alpr rHun,, ot. P-isltionof the province was an- The halibut s. hooner Hose ,;in( ,, fr.,.! other issue discussed on Ihe Suit. Capl. Olsen. is heinK taken .. i,i.. i.,v.. 1 llil Iha nil... ....I' . 1 1.111 mo "mi l win- nil iiiiiav i f 111111 riinnr4 Coastwise Sti'HHibjp V IUrv Go.s steamer Anyot is at the .L'l.-f ,1iAeli;iraiti l Mr. and Mrs. (leorge Clccone. who have been viniling in Anyox. returned lo the city on the Uar-ilena this afternoon. Dr. V. .T. Keryln returned to! 'town Ibis after muk- freighter -Mogul, which went """S1 ,r'P lo Any,,x on ,l,e ','',',ll",r Ulnlena. ashore on Saturday in Crenvillo Cdiannel while cnroule from Any- , ,, 'T"" J cIw" lP o' unloiideil' v,s l Jf ox Tacoma. beinR , return I last nht at the ocean dock pendinK receipt fu,Ji. on j of definite advice from Vaneou-1 r"'" rrom ? lo,1,r"lcc! Uoi)t ''-lartmenlnl bui-matler xer as to what will ,e done in the 011 of makiitf? repairs to tho nf'9- vessel. ( seems likely that gl;o " " i i i ..... ,. , Indian Astent and Mr. W. K.I will iiisrn nil hut lOCill ury,-, I ... i ... dock for Inspection al least. Co'" '' "T lnug,ters. FIRE AT CHAPLIN MOOSKJAW. Auk. II. Ten buildings in the town of Chap lin, fifty miles west of here, were) wojud alio .iitirtri, are sailing io- night on the (anlena for Vic-! loria'nn a v. teat Ion trip. Mr. C. H. Stnitti. wife of the captain of the Cardena, habrep destroyed last nibl. The loss lrP ""ftli on ment from J'Jl on socke hut, up lo the end of last week, the number of pinks taken with Kill nets on (hi !keo,iia had not been as liltfli as I'.lil and was, of. course, a lung way behind lalt year. The pink run on Ihe Skeena improved tjliKhUy yesterday hut it is not expected Ilia', even pinks will come nearly up to 11123 or 102 1. . The sockcyy pack on Ihe Xha Hlver this year, is ii long way down f roll) as yrar allliiuigh 1 is heller Mian it; win, four year- ag". Tlin pink and chilin run on the Naas is small. The run of pinks it ml chums Is lale his year ami there is still hope of them cuininK iu heavier numbers than they have been. To dale, however, condition s have not been, very promising, buckeye fishing will be closed on August 21 oil the Naas an. I n!.,ri ' """"'j Skeena Hlver and also iu Walk J MS. ITEI.MNO STnANO am .a, (llullt.M 'jt J CXpcc!-Pcr ' Wm. 0, Mitchell, oil. Daud July Nb, 1931. Alreu, i Hivers Intel district closed lj ine meamer mis week ami is here I his afternoon on her war south. I. 0. Trelheway, well known Alice Arm logging operator, and Mrs. Irelheway are passenger' going" through on Ihe Cardenu this afternoon bound for The case of assault again.' .lack liindbloom as a result of a fracas with an Indian woman. Florence' Kelly, last week ha been withdrawn, the Informant not desiring lo press the charge Miss May Martin of Vanrouvtr and Miss Abbey of KaUo, who; have been visiting in the city' for the past few days following a trip lo Alaska, will sail this1 afternoon on the Canleua for Vancouver. J. A." Stephen, assistant district engineer for the provincial department or public works, arrived from Anyox on the Canlcua this arieruoon. He will pn r. tomorrow arteruonu on n, , l'rince Oeorge lo Atlln. Advert ie In lh Dallv News 4, TOO LATF. TO CLA8SIFY I'Oll HliNT. .Modern l-rooined bouse, near elevator, for Iwc iiionins rrom August 5. Aimi: (iovt. Telegraph Olllee. ! I'Oll SAM-: piuih, in g,,0( C(M1 tlltiou. Sunn for cusli Hlack 401 . WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY nt 7 and 0 CONSTANCE. "LEARNING ,n TAUADGE TO LOVE" l'ive Iicimx and eii one with h diidi' i: linking loo. Ami all of iImmh rini t mg girl. It a in w kind of roun d) and tll -1 .tin I wondiTfnl pirl a- -In never li before. Im.ii- nig love Ihe laugh. pbivinK tinjtt! lor u rnn l ' then Idlliiig for n real hero her-df. (m-l.oir . ' What a uiir. hat a laugh. Jol a fiitinx i- it. make it'- g-iing -oine. Notable ru t Constance Talmadgc, Antonio Moreno, Johnny Hir. ronf Ray Hallor, Byron Munton, Edgar Norton, CdUx Chapman and others. THE "GO GETTEnS" SERIES No. S GEORQE O'HAfU AND ALBEHTA VAUHQN In "FIRE WHEN READY." INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including ganginfts and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door lo Krixzcll llulchcr Hhoj., nrr -y- fiom the KiiipresM Hotel Wo carry u full hue of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor HOUSE SLIPPERS LADIES' BLACK KID, SOFT 80LE, SLIPPERS, Uilh rubber heels 5- LADIES' BRONZE KID, SOFT SOLE, SLIPPERS, With rubber heels S2-C0 MEN'S TAN "ROMEO" 8LIPPERS, Klanlic sides $2-7 MEN '8 BLACK KID "ROMEO" CLIPPERS, Khiilic side $275 JABOUR BROS., LTD.