'T.1 or:-' til! r ii-- I'! II, I9t. WATIR NOTICX. Uaa 1 1 I aJ llaraf. Ilui William l.wktiri it an-tr WATIB NOTICf-Dliaralaaj ad Ota s t ;.dy Augur 11. 1923. ' ' - ' - , ' TTTR rMLT TnTWTI " , v. LAND ACT. iiuiirrl IjmmI tWiMilm' , I'rinrr llnlwrl. (ml mm iiitliweit allure (if Walea li -H U'lnr twirl It iiianwiif rrinn llaitd, iimI till eal rrin i ..tut. Sllklan IiUihI. ... rn:: Htt Aimlo Hrlilih Col , t nn i.nmiiany Limited, .f H . mriiiMiiuiii rarkera, .. for t leaae of Ihe foil. i 'i.- t UIhI: -or it pl plained l hlt-h tI in Mitilltwrat ahore i.f, r i in nltli,ii bearlnr tMirili , . m lliylark Itland and true I'll 3M1 I'lillll, Sllklan I.Ulid;' mi oirnlerly alona hiili water' 111 . r ht inimimi reel, iiH,rv or 3 . I marked ,Vi. T.; Uieiii-p . iialtit, more ur lra. in biw . i llwiuv tH.rltmrtlrrlir a Ion a nnrk rurly-eltlil liumln-d reel. iwni-r iHiriiirrij iu rii4in. i imiiiii ill muillKftrriiK.ii, it J irm, more or lew. .! ( HltlTH :ll.l NHH t'.Ukll IM. LTD.. H'lifanl i'ir Walirr K. Walker, Amu. rim, im. LAND ACT. atlkt of Inttntlon U Apply to laaaa Land '1 I .!.-rl land tirmrUliif In ' iMrr luirt. anil illuim i i I ml, lr liUlul, HrllUli i It'T ltl Aftrlo Brlll.h Cl . hi puny I imiitKl. t li . iH-riipallMi rakrr. i lui f-ao o( 11m uik. . ' liil - It 1 l llUlltMl lilt ll ' Kan ) ii liini. VW I. .'. milrr mark. IIh-iho id an in n inr "I r li lr mark l uilrfxl lrr, iimmv ur ui . n. I r..i itnrr fmh- ini.rr ur !. in w wir p m a ri-rlr dlrrronn . 'ct mark rri i vlahi iMunin-rf c. man. Ilrrtwp bi nnt r inrhM ilatlv aiMl ' iiallio ut lr mii i.f an tm lii'h tliMt Miitlirrl), ! arm oral KrUiai itarti-if. yri. m:. tIo Vk i h lu-ai4 al IIk amirr litr apart I) (if lb IV 'and l all f.M ttl s ii om almul art l Mfr H dlrlld frwn a -iu al II Mawrrp, anl f i iixiimiir and ramwjr ' 'w tana otu-nuni at ul in Hl'k A. OtMn TJiarinlla tut' tvillrp aa Iwaml mi B. UI- and an aiw-alMi! .nil l IW niirr lri, ! M ii IV ''Mrr of llv i r al 1'rlnrp niiivri. Yf. mi iMiliialiiio may 1 Otnl . I Wlr trdr vr llh . .r Walrr htrkla. farlia r- Viriiia, " C . mlk4a) or i t Hip rinl aHaranrv of in a tort l iM-rawr tb dai . ib''aii'4 ( ira oiir i w r i rj.t, tfiaii. ' c that rnnwvr 0M ' addr I. flitllMwr mill fir lur a nrur llrr UI nr Ira) rabfct IVrl .Ifanrr rrrk tlo ! i vtiirii rinma airrtf and I Taku Arm aUl al Thr nau-r lll dirrri aal al a pMM alMil llw I th tllrkrjr rlatm. 1 fur i)aw"llr l-ir 'Ttlirrt a Ihf Inrttwa-r ' " mat imImI lh - liralr arrnnd dat uf Jl. it lula null and an an. il iturlii and la lli i mill I nUri in Ihr uirif uf.rr al AlUn. oli)- aifllrathin 'mar k" ftl W1 r limrt-J . I'li-atum nr llb Of Wili r ItntiH. r-arlianirtil ''i'-E l in l Enrtnt-r '- addrp it tnatiKfr " ' lll ijl'lr fur t lirMire llv tniaf i tn mbir fir! i InritHr i:rrtk Wharb tJ i ami drama Into Wl Takal I cirnwrr l imp. 1Im wala-r li i fnao Umi alrraui al a Vw ,.iihral nirtitr til Uw i:i "i'hli n. i Minrral i:lalm. t - wmrr unl an aril thrrrlu aiul to llie "''I. mill lir fllnl IQ the i.frtrr h"irdr at Allln, Olijt I Hfliiail.in may tie tiled tlil Walrr hm.nlrr or will) thr ', "f Walrr llitliia. I'arliammt i"in, B.f. wiihm tmrlv ln lii apiirarawe of IMa avl nw.iar The dale ' I'ubllialiMi of llila ixitlr 'I' IlifN 'Min imi.ti vtr. uh., nc Aidlranl. ) '"rttia Id itrm.k. Ar-til. LAMD ACT. .m.niion ta Apply ta Ltaat Land i hiitrt Unj tirmnluir; IH-r l'inra lliiirrl, and alluilit tilt i "ai oi nr man i.imim- i iritami I ana, and Im-iiii al Mm '. '"'xl :!. itid twinni . i 1 "";" from Tree Coint. Ai 'ami, i v .'" n.t Ami.! nriii.h , ! " J"" '""iy l.lliilled. I f i ""t'l'ilion farkrr. In , '?..' 't'" I'tiinl. forlland Caiitli tiiaih,.,i v mniiirrii irri in a " h:,l. . Z-VJ llH-nro aniillHrlt leaa, In uw walrr IU,.ll,t......l.. t Il.ara r..... ' . .V".,rr, ainnp low " " " " " irii'lan. ........... . i i "iirinfriy in riMltta, imirr i!liilii i ' '. 1 "f M-nnnerii rmrnl, and AMI1.0 rlfUTKII I III I'MHU I'ArklNO i:o. I.TH., , n. Aniillranl. "'e.l Jnh . :."."r.r.:-.' walker, Apeni. LAND ACT. Olla - -t- a . - mitnllon to. Apply to Laaaa Land ' HIII.MM' I ... . .. .. ... . . . r Iihii it i ! iternriiinir intiriri "i" in ii Hiiale at nn lia It! !!..,ii k ' '' I inlrl, alioul i " ' norinea'i mr- lihtu ln,iu . i. f .'Air-, NiiTIrl- .i..i . "' " t Mai-.i'tt Mal.vol.'::.,.. ti-i.. , ' Hit ,No. (Mm', tlriiiam t , , . . . ii ai,.,.. I'Jckir li'ii'i u '",'"'''. ii, "e;"!'' 11 i r '';.ie..'rii.,'!r.i,nii7 w i,,a .y r.n- a .a. "p in.. !- 1?'"' I'lanleU aUottt iMiroi iiorih . "''Iiaii n-i;.'.". "'" noitheail loiiii'r ni'tl" ........ '. " .in, iiiirihi.i. K. nV"'" II !?.!' t HlIM ri rati, tat l.latH 1(1 W UAIakB at.aia,BI - at I a. . " Mini am mi rliaiii, ly.. 'I'ferlloiu iIiiiiip ratriT ion liiilin I'lini nr I1iiiiiiii,m.i,,,,,iI ! . . - ni - . im i.. . . El'OKMK II liiiiiv Ild Jum a, j, ,,, Applicant I ff oi (lllOIlt wan tin yonr ill 1,125 fret rlfvalloti, alwiiil fiflO ftj ahnvo flip wajiin roiul. 'I'Iih (irfippriy fx Hii'ri'forp . vory I'nnvpniPiiUy lorulpil for gplllnft In Mipjilip or PMl'"iPil of any kln'il. Tlic jfP'KTal rook foniiallon i arlllitp of I In- Killer Cr-ck for-iiialinri. TIip liowlna in anuartz rulpilf vein, alioul 5 fpl wlilp uii Mip urfarp, tninornllzpil liyrllp in poU. Xo nilty i !. llMfir iHKIhorly IMllll lr'lll t .i iTrfiiiiH-twi-fiinit. atwl ai t" niuc ur iraa. I .1.11 MillMII ftul.I'MUM I'AlklXO at. I.TIt Aliranl. rri aiirr t. anrr. Arrftl Several Good Mines in Bitter Creek Section of Stewart, B.C. Mining District Says Report Hy 0, A. Clriililpr 1if.ij.TT.'.., TMi,., HiUer group 7 fix r.K IJ.il.y, Itnhy No. , 8rli,r er,hiM(, , Hlar-owned J,y A. W. . .,Sl,;r. Huriir. Th Thi fin Unl.. .v t.r. r- nm-i. iir riann rrM'K, llvi.pl wa ppii a Hip namt lmpli. II nlrikeai s. 711 ilejrrppa H. into llifl hill Hint ilip A 8 ilpgrpp .W. At 1,25(1 fi-Pl rlpvnllftn a lunrip illK Hip nnollicr ni SI fppt from Hip cl-jgiiipcr who I nr. 12 fppl lonit, hown altoul 2 proMrly ha ippI of mipil vpln-mallpr: a Iliinl, at 51 fpp hack from li facp, 15 fpcl I mi if, mIiowh only a cam of a tPin on Hip ilykc. I hi halancp hpin acro I iI1ip. Ilpyoml Hip lykp vpin Pm ronlimiPA on through Hip artrtl- lilr lo Hip face, wlicrp Ihcrp i.-only a few inclip of ciiartz. The lluhy Silcr MIiipk. I.lmlt-pit wan incnrporalcal Itiio ynar, wllh a capllalltalion or 300,ooo !hrp at 41 per harp pnr value. Rufu Qroup TIip II ii fun noii I coinpopt of rcn miiipral claim Itufu. Hufii No. I In A, inclusive filualPtl on the nnrtf. Mp of llpar rhpr, ahoiil I inilco up from Hip eml of Hip waffon mail. 'I'lipy wprp ulakPil anl mvuPal by Itpn Krlcknon, onp of Hip pionppr propPclor of thi illlrit. Thi year Hip IlufU Silrr-l.pJi'lfroiu II. Mlnp, I.imllptl, wn iiMorporaPi!Vah. I TIip proiiVrly wa hrlpfly rc- m . within Ihtny', ..,,,., ,.n fll itf .inro when '"tl a.iritanr uf lhl. ' " " i iMmtMir. Tii iawri not tiintr or inifMiriaBcc nan oppii uf Iblt nnllr' done until lhl yaf. Iwo poo.1 '.." m.i.Ii aiimj i l.Tlj . I"-;X ,iiilliuTs were built. on5 "v nerinaH ilr-.k, irrnl.ljutt ale Ho lPr Hlvc-r ami WATIR MOTICE. Olitralon and Uaa Hip ollie,r on Hip iipiter cinim. An aaylnu out fit w-a int-lnlleil al Hip lower cauii. TIip paon' LAM0 ACT. Natlt littatitlon I Applf U Laaaa Land i .uiir l iiHt liittrirl. liprorilliK IH- mrt rnnri' Muirl. H.t:., ami slluali" north ( M.tfi-h Hay. 1'iirllaiHl anal. TAkK MOTI(:K that Itw ' anadun nh ... I ui nr Vinnmirr. II i: . iM-rua linn. lniiin ilantwra, inlnul to ply i -'it r..r lUmipaiir purimt .... ''.iumn m in. irui fnllowinr dr- riiin. drtrrtlmi at I fw ) nirr' iid land Mm aa immImI mi II ...-.n.nnnr al a mat nlanlpil l hill) xV1l "?.Ml ,U)r.'r ,uly- walrr niatk. loo ytnla tMiiiih nr intiutii ann.kr rmiiM": llirnra tKirinraM iitir rliain- llienrr MWilhratl nnp humlrnl tnd IwriilV rliatnt; Ibrnrp aoiilhwrat In jnote im one rhaln: lOnre nnrinet ioin,w inr ih ahorp line t Pnt -t wminwiirp mrnt, one hnmirril am IU I lrnty rhtina. ami i.. imIii' arrat. nnrp or f tiik T:ahun risiinn r.o. ltii. nid sum Matt ii LAND ACT. Notlca af Inlantlon ta Apply ta Laaaa Land In 'k'-rita ll.nirr I -ml m.lrirl. frinr. intiirl It ' , tx' . Snrb ,1 ! 'winter lirl.r. I'rar.e llan.; . TAkK M'lTiri: lhal the Canadian Huh-.... ..t ..r v.ni-i.iivrr ll.r... orrttpa. inr ... -. . ,,,,! linn. alliHili ror innlliin to lrae lite rooowiiif ur- '','r,,..."." :.- .. . ,.i i.l.nlrd at hlrh walrr mark fr't ff"' nn "'"TT Uiw Ih'tirr rati mir rhaln: llirnr ttorlh ! In .. ....... r.iii..ui ili ahorr a aoninrriy iiir-m.n - , nun oral rnhinir 'n I u:i... i.i.. Slllfl fiTOIHl riimiieiait.l 1 "",r I. II" IS ..f f . . ' "oiii-rai ciiinn.H Mi. ,v n o nri ui i rt i .... , . .j t k . ft ,ho,t ,li.,., ,,(!) from i ' ' mini ".,f rr Lrr.,n' u,e wnK" ro;"1- a ,-o,n,o,lio, ,OR Mllin work rmiinfpi f Urfaop proii-pppHnir, axayiinf, ami llm "pIo(-litiK of I lie K'ologlral rpjilurp-. nnilpr Mip xiipprviilnn of Mr. Wliili-worlli. DofiriilP infoniia-lion has llicrnliy J,ppn Kalnnl from which ran ln iIpci1h, (he inf ailvanta whlrh to niarf iiiTm.ini.tii u.-ri.--i wlllii iujt. Work will f.P rPKlltlll'll IIPTl triii. irni-ii uii iwi, loirom-. ninny ,r thl pmpprty lias Iippii fiMil-wall of Hip VPin llx rhlpf haml llAlk Kill n fTria-ial riPurly all Hip way. 'Him tt apivr lo follow a lixtit-nrpy 'Hip (Jporifp Copppr niinp on Hip oulh kI.Ip of IJpar Ilivpr npr Iar Illrrr pa, t ownpj liy V. M. nporep. TIip inn. park-trail ha now bppn coin-plplpil from Hip main Mpar-NaM orpiiyrilic ilykp Ut within HI trail up to Hip entnp at Hip show jppi oi hip rarp ui hip lunnpl. af lnir. A allp-iorp ran W which iMiinl Hip ilykp ninrlip rl.l.lpn tnttn Klnu.-irl l Mm out. At 21 fpp( fn from Hip collar AllOWlniM. 'Hip ownpr ha certainly dono. hi Hip IuihipI a liort crocut of a uroal itpal 5 fpp wn ilrlvpfl la Hip riulil :iipvpoiiiiiPiit of proiPclinix anil work. Kvrry pn- ha pxaminpil Hie Iteeu favorahly iiu- prepl with Hip howin? anil poltilillo, )iul it xiluatlon tneanit not only a heavy oullay In put il on a produriiip haxi. Ini' a mill heavier pxpeiitlilure In provhle ap(iialp transportation, w hich wotihl nefptilnle a I ram-way to Hip present piiil uf Hit-railway at Hip lint ClifT or Hie lmlonion of Hip railway ix mHen up llejir Itlvcr lo the TIip Harite croup include Uirpp elaiiiMllarilp, Ilarilc No. i. anil lllilil1iialeil on llir lin I" l'o ini'iien iji noiii Kiane nmer ore. u,n 'tut-rAAniAN ihiiino co. LTh i Since nlarlimr work under the halrd Jitth M LAND ACT. Notlca of Inlantlon to Apply W laaaa land in siwiu nature t. l and ' tlrlrl. lie- Ill ri-'" .,. .1... Miilliwrnl -in- iiTH K that in In t:o l id., of Vanriiiiver, and alt' rnrtiinr i'"" ..''.". Viii.a 'uiand i""."1 ...... n... it.ii. fi'r, ll.l... irrriiim- Iniemla to apply !r-,Jr?r!on';r h'V the ro....W.na-de. ronuililn "tie fiitwfs aff;; TIIR tialeil ! nslllNO CO. LTP. Uav ' LAND ACT. ty.il,. f Inlantlon la A ppl Lf,1d ' in Akrena lianar J. ll.l'.. .v.- I'.?. and rordina IIIHM I1''" 'viV .I,...,, u mil. ni.rtn nr ..'!' piiii.. n .'. a . 1 a. TAKK TAkK l.iai.l II I. ea Ulaitd en""'". wate. i;... -,,,, FI'll' .UII I UT. la ! aiainiA icriiied lan Pieit al hiplt ,, "M Cninmini'lnP al I "", ,,r,i, viler mat, n"' '.'!" ' i,.in,! " ' ihenre mm. Camna-rv nn J rhaltta; north one rtn'tv I '"''' ' ,.. fi,alni Ihrnra aotilli l' ."" 'ore line In llienee eal i'imowii.. , rilllUliilnr IMilut nl piiiitmeliiTliirnl. 'Viir'cANAnlAN FliHINO CO LTD Dltlll I0U Mi X"' xupervlalnn of Harry lleywood the nliafl ban been sunk to 51 feel, from Hie tiollom or which a drill wan driven norlh on the vein ror 12 feet and nouth for 31 feel, cxponiiiar. 1 understand, the name ore lliroimlimit. A cronneul tunnel was then Klarled, which it wan esllmaletl with n drivaite of 2Hrt feel, would eui'ouuler the vein and oblnln n ilrplh or 100 feet on it. At Ibti end of the year the lunnel had been advanced In about 270 feel. I.nlrr information I thai tlin vein hail been encountered, tlioutth , (at the lime of writing not enllrely cronned, nliowliiH' in Ihe fimlwull nlreakn of Mulplililp in the vein nuilter, roimlalin;r of italena, xinc-blendo, ami prey popper, carryhiR IiIkIi silver valuen, Ihe- vein mailer ilnelf carry I iik good milling valuen. This certainly noundn eheoiirag ing. Should tho development war- r i i norlh -MP of llpar river iiIkiv : Westholme Theatre to Show "The Hip IIpiI Top ami cal of tli'M Ten Commandments" at (Ainiel trroup, ami at an elpvalinul End of Next Week of 1,000 f !. Hip llarilp Coh! Mine, l.imileil, wan incortoralPil llii year, with a rapilaliialioti of 260,0(111 AharcK at l par value earh, anil look ovpr Hip properly (Juick'lad, of Spatlle, understand Dial nhou! ami look ocr Hip proppliy. The in fpcl of IuihipI wajlrivcn (hit roinpnny 1 RipllaliiMl al l.- yrar on one of three eitis rx-oon.noO linrp al l a fliaro iMirjriop. on Hip Mirfacp. The work value. iwa unar Hip miiieniion of .Mr. QuirkMad, prenident of Hi company, and Chin. Mnwlinp, dlrpclor. Terminus Mine TIip Tcriiiiniin group in com-poPd of Hip following miiipral elaiiu: Clpnoru, Kdilli M., Oiip-itla, Kvann, Ayrnhirp ami Coball Frnrlion. TliPnp claimn are firown .'raulctl and niluatctl on Hip panl nitlp of Aniprican creek, alioul 5 iiiilivn fnnn Hie piuI ot I he waiMin-road ami railway at Ihe lleil ClilT, ut n general elevation or alioul 3,100 feel. TIip Tpfininun .Minos, Limited wan in-coropraled early Ihis year and urn Hired the nlmve ltoiip from Harry lleywooil, the original nlaker. The rapilnllzalion of the fiunpaiiy in l,nofl,mlo, divldcl into 1,000,000 nliaren.v v , TIip ueneral rock formation pi IliO vli'inily in Hip Rrppimtonp or Hip llpar lliver ,f tirniot iitt (MrConnell). The workliiB at Ihe lime llie prenent company look over Hip properly connlnletl mainly of a nliafl 35 feel deep. Thin work cspo.neno a 2-foot dyke ilippinir easterly at about GSiIpk.. on the lianpiiii; wall of wliicli ! a ninall vein H to f'l inchen ami on the fool-wall one of about C C3 VARNISHES Produce a beautifsl, tell-leveling, transparent color & gloss finl&h la. one operation. la th IbuL Fnnsa for furnttura or woodwork whether new or old, bard or aofl wood. Dot not torn whlu. a; Drieaottr nlf hi, 1 Ltavea no Upa or bruah marka. l or Salt' i y Stork's Hardware Ltd. I'rnice Hui. li. 1 rani, ami tin-rp ilouhl of il now, lions will he marip !piarlinenl fnr -'MIPS siii;i Hip MiGPM a-!-islani-i- in liuililin a pack-ir:iil over a Miilnlili' rniilp to I In- main wjitron roail. TIip irpnn! trail in ii.-Hiili!i'. IHiiiiK'ii lal inn is -Pip Mr. Ii'wmih for In- tenacity tinder IoiikIi fiOI'lll inn-. BIG PICTURE COMING HERE The nianapenwial of Hie Wenl- liolme Til cat re has (villained tint of the greatest moving picture ever prodiiepil, namely "TIip Ten lAimiuaniltneillM," for its palronn ami Hie big fealurh will be shown lor three days al Hip end of next week, A iky us I 20, 21 and 22. 'The Ten Commandments" is not a preachment. It is a simple lory with more than one lliinc lo think about. Not only does it sny lhal when you persist in Ignoring the plain rules ror right living you bring your own hell on yourself an n natural result, hut ft also sayn. through Hip mis takenly narrow rhnrnHer of Ihe Utile Scotch-Aniprlcnn Mother. thai you can drive yonr children awny from Ihe Hml you want them lo love, h.v "using Hip Cross n a whipl- "The Ten Comniaitilinenls" tolls yon firs I Hint "they arc nol rule tn obey as a prsnital favor lo find. Phey aroThe fnnd.i-menlal ttrinciples wilhnut which mankind cannot live together. They are nol laws.. They arc the Anil then Ihe piplure proceeds on lis way of showliifj you, In one half, the times op Mones ami llameses, the I'haraoh, When llifs human law wan first recognized. II runs wilh Ihe hlootl and tears Hint Ihe ignnrins of theni lirnughl. In Hie next hair il shows you wha law has lo iln wuii me ues of a rnnuiy a mother and her wo sons. She EMS Mada I L MLLS Vancouiar. IfttrMOTHS H lltttmingAiri-IM atWorU'a ataan. I'laaaantcalrr. MaamlaaatatKamna, LT.-t Vlal Furanii-t SdantlAa SdantlAa r-Z-f fjaf WuMrUj H HtMorrh wealth I- l.JP " tiwrttut. a. Win Win awe awt trr-aaaaa YoiifQfocfr a Does Your Grocer H Use Scales? E DOES! Because you expect him to weigh your orders of bulk goods. If he didn't you would assuredly change your grocer. The same thing is true with circulation. During the last few years Advertisers have not been satisfied to suppose they were getting a certain circulation for their money; they don't want to be merely told, they want to know. They want the circulation measured by a standardized and unquestionable measurement. The Audit Bureau of Circulations is the recognized authority for proving circulation. It is maintained as a co-operative organization by the advertisers, advertising agencies and publishers who realize the necessity for businesslike methods in advertising. A.B.C. reports place in the hands of advertisers, essential facts that have been secured and v rified by a searching examination of the publisher's records You don't need to buy Space by Guess.! ing of those laws life. You can get the fall circulation facts on the Prince Rupert Daily News by referring to the last A.B.C. report which will be gladly furnished by request. sees ttiroitfc'H narrow sia!-.. . . . ...I. lo his modern Theodore Huberts is the giant i (Hie son is impatient, ieu up won; figure of Moses, his while beardl torn in Hie wind, his heart lorn by his oscillating people. A Count of France, Charlps le lloche. is the glittering, tremendous figure uf. the I'haraoh. Julia Ka.ve is his wife. Kslelle Taylor is a picture out HOTEL ARRIVALS. a severe interpretation of the Prince Rupert. j fen Commandments, and there-l John J. IToby. II. r. Marpole, I li I trs cat t war fore flies oH at an extreme tan- nr. .i. i. iiepie ami ueorge vv . cent. The other is tolerant of Taylor, Vancouver; (). K. Smith.1 bin mother's beliefs, but sane ami able to apply Ihe true mean of the Hible, as Miriam, the sister of Moses. Clarence Iturlon is an F.gyptian slave driver, ami his well known countenance is arresting under Hie head-dress or ancient Hgypt. In the modern half of the story I.eatrice Joy is the waif hungry, irreligious, beautiful, droll, ami many llnv's deeply tragic. Nila Naldi in Sally I.un, part of the retribution of the blasphemous brother. She is silent, sly, smiling, in her best manner nnd her death Is Jul as silent ami smiling. l".dythe Chapman is the stern, lovable, unyielding liltle Mother McTavish. lWchnrd Dix Is perfect as John, big inside and out, understanding, siiunre. doggedly smiling, determined lo live by Ihe law even If H Keep lilm n carpenter! Itnliert Kdeson Is an inspector. F.xcellent. Agnes Ayres has lent her beauty to a brief glimpse of nn nuteasl. And f toil I.a Hocipie is Danny, the smiling, headstrong young sler who rearls to his slern bome-ntmonpliere. ami goes Hip limit in his scorn of Sealtle; F. V. Sawypr, Owalonua, Minn.; J. S. Moysey, Winnipes;' C. David. Ivlmonlon: Mrs. A. G.I 'Head, Mrs. It. Halliwell and Mrs.', It. C. ile Kergummeaux, Terrace;! S. N. Chrislian, Port Hdwanl; T. 11. Telfortl, C.N.H.; It. (lihson,! Port Kssinglon; V. J. (Sardner,! Pacilic. Central C.harlc9 Cookson, London; J. K. Hamilton, Prince Hupert ; John A. C. Hulteel, C.N.R. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land He-cording District ol Prince Hu-pert, and situate about ona and a halt miles east or Massetl Lighthouse at the mouth of Mas sett Inlet, firaham Island, Ilrit- ish Columbia. TAKK N0T1CK that I.nngara Fishing & Packing Company Limited, ot Victoria, ll.C, occupation, Packers, intends to apply lor a lease of tho following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner or Lot Seven, firaham Island, British Columbia, about one ami a halt mites east of Massetl Lighthouse, al the mouth bf Mnssett Inlet, (1 rnh run Island, llrrtlsh Colum bia; thence northerly rive, chains, more nr less to low water mark; thence westerly, along low water mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly rive chains; thence easterly one. liun- (treil umi sivty chains, more or Mpss, to point or commencement. spiritual. nnd containing, eighty acres, law Ills work Is wonderful, lie, more or less, makes poor Danny, not n scoun-lLANOAIlA FISIIlNIl & PACKINH drel, hut a desperale ymitw sin-' CO, LTD., Applicant. ner whipping himself on to his. Per K 11. Simpson. Aent, own doom, I Dated June 10th, 1926. English Broadcloth i.i full range or colors. Fine silky finish. For Slips. Underwear and Dresses. 30 ami to inches wide. Heg. $1.00. Special per yard 80c West of England Store Phone 753. SMALL RECIPES NOT EASY fSiS ut a j jatruTI So rar only two women havo scut recipes ror small cakes lo be sent mi lo a young bride who is .'.'teaching herseir to cook. Such, recipes are harder to get than ror large cakes. H you have nny good recipes we know Ihis new cook will be most grateful to have them. Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver Faotorles at Ladner and