ne.'Jay, July 23, 1925. Dependable Service r , For more It'lidn; a, .century the Bank of Montreal lias endeavoured to serve its customers loyally and well, ever mindful of the fact that "a Bank's charter is justified by the willingness ; of 'the-Hank "to play a constructive part . in lic economic life of the community it .serves. Through a VvuIejpVcaii system of Branches, each of w)itchr,'has hchind it the entire resources of the institution, it makes available to small wind large customers alike an adequate and dependable service. BANKOF MONTREAL :Mab!ishcd ibl7 3rd Avenue. Use toffimion Linoleum for all your floors BARRIERS Home Furnishings Phono 123 COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince 'Rupert Prince George Prince Charles Sailings from I'rince Hupert For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and intcrineilialc ports, Monday, at 1.00 p.m., mid Wednesday mid Saturday, :il fl.00 p.m. For Anyox and Stewart. Monday and Friday, 1 p.m. ForSkagway ami Alaska Port?, Wednesday, i.00 p.m. S.S. Prince John for Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver, t'ortiilghlty. rASSENOER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT n. DAILY tietDt lunoi. 11 sn am. fur I'rttu-e UdW, rnMnKnN EDMONTON, Winnipeg, ill polnli EaMsrn Canada. United Statea. . AOENOY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. 0ll Tkktt Off let, S2S Third Art., Print Ruptrt. Phont 260. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. , 8llinr Item I'rim'e Ruprrt. r VANCOUVIR, wiOTORIA, Swanton Bt, and Altrt Bay, Tuatdty, 5 P.. for VANCOUVER, VIOTORIA, Altrt Bay, and Swenaon Bay, iaturday, 10 A.m. For invav . . - . : - HU 121 1.R7 ,ON.nd,NM Rlr Csnntrltt, Friday A.M Slid AlHUA. J .....liu l.Ull P , v ..rn...! 'prlnct Ruatrt, m.O. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Or. Q01 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. QBO, Q. BU8HBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 087 539 Or. 601 Black 735 .i .., . m , Local and Personal ll.G. Undertakers. Plione 41. Yqu'II like our joall Coal Co. Phone 7. ' If Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's Tu'xf,' 5U& p1Oi'l0 078. Ia Pariaienno Ucauly fourth St., Phono 301. Mis. V. pa.sseiiKcr evening. .Mrs. II. the "outli evening. tf Shop, tr two cars at your service oneuuun laxi. Phone" 13 i. tf i'ov the busy man or woman a drown car save money. Phono 80. tf j,. .leuerson was a for the south last McDonald sailed for on Hie Cardena last Prince Hupert 0 per cent bonds for sale, due l)2G to 1J35. Tlios .McUynionl. tf A. A. Uox, archilecl, returned io Vancouver on the Cardena last evening. I I'addy Quimi, local imj i.xiieclur and his partner are now in tin! Cariboo placer field. K. l.indljerg was fined 25 tiiis morning in lite police court for intoxication. Hoys' field day under lite an spices of Uie Hotary Club at Acropolis Hill on Thursday af ternoon. 168 Tomorrow is tin; Hotary fieli day at Acropolis Hill ground iwo nasejiall games and races for boys. Have. you tried our- kindliu wood? 20c a bundle. 5 for 9 1 .00 delivered, prince Hupert Transfer and Taxi. 107 The postponed Strawberry .Social on SI. Andrew's Anglican Church grounds will be held on Friday afternoon from 3 to 0. James Crocker and Mlk'j (Ireggs, who were charged with assault, were remanded Jor eigh days in the police courl litis morning. l'jguring on selling your household effects? Why not lei us make a free valuation? Our experience skives you dol lars. Prince Hupert Exchange Phone C52. ' tf Charles It. Shrigley, formerly storekeeper for the Massed Timber Co., at Hockley Hay, arrivet in tin- city on the Prince Hupert this morning from Seattle. He is on his way to Hie Uueen Char lolle Islands. C.N.H. steamer Prince Hupert, Capl. D. Donald, arrived in port Ibis morning al 10 o'clock with over 210 first class passengers About forty debarked here. The remainder are making the round trip lo Alaska. Mr. ami Mrs. H. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. O. Mundell, Mr, and Mrs. Templuman, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Hoan, Mr. and Mrs ieo. Cooper, J. Whiteside, and K. Dolan, were passengers for Hie south on the Cardena last evening. Mr. nd Mrs. W. K. Fisher and oils sailed for Vancouver on Hie Cardena yesterday afternoon They will remain in the south for about a mouth in 'the hope tlial the Change will be benefic ial to Mrs. Fisher who has not been enjoying the best of health for some time. A scream of terror from it lady employee In MeMeekin's grocery slore yesieniay arier-noou announced Dial one of those hideous, spider-like in sects known as a (arantula had dropped out (if a freshly opened banana slalk. The male clerks came'lo the rescue and captured the visitor from the tropics and placed him in a bottle in which he is now on exhibit. The inseef is about two inches in length and has ten furry legs. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. McCoskrie and family desiiy to express their. deep appreciation of the many expres sions of syippalhy and floral mimics received Hi their rtiawnmut. THE DAILY TOWl PAOK THRBF Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Hreakfast, J.unches, Afler-noou Teas', Dinners and after Theatre llefrcshinents Our Specially is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or lletail. You will be pleased with our service. Let us please you, KILL AS & CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Sheddon's Taxi- the original 50c. taxi. Phone US. tf Mr. and Mrs. Hugh DulT sailed on Uie uaruena for Uie south last evening. Miss May Pringle will leave on lite Princess Alice this afternoon for Vancouver. .miss .viar?arei Jcrgin is en joying a holiday at llazelton as guest of Dr. rincli. Carl Johnson was fined $25 litis morning by Magistrate Mc Clymonl for intoxication. . , Hoy's Haseball at 2.I5 followed by Hoy's races al Acropolis Hill tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. A. Astoria and family will sail tin the.rince Charles for Vancouver Ctis afternoon. Haseball! TheV.ganie of the season. (yro vsKolary. Aero polls Hill i.30 '.Thursday after noon. 108 Our low rates have been an outstanding .success and we sliajl continue on lliis.Kbasis. Drown Taxi. Phone 80. How old does a person hav lo be to play baseball? Make guess after seeing uie' game In Iween Ihe Hotary Club andOyros tomorrow afternoon. C.P.H. steamer Princess Alice. Captain Sainley, arrived in porl this afternoon from Alaska at 2 "'clock, and will sail al i for Vancouver and way' ports. Mrs. F. G. Deckel t and two children of Toronto, arrived in the city this morning on Hie Prince Hupert lo, visit with her sister, .Mrs. 11. K. Tremayne. Mr. and Mrs. John Currie, who spent Iheir honeymoon in Ihe south, have returned to Hie city and will lake tip Iheir :residenei soon in their new liome on Mr-Hride SI reel. " . Don't forget Ihe daiice, Friday, July 21, Klks' Homo in aid of Miss Laura .Frizzed, Klks and Skeena Hiver Candidate for inhibition Scholarships Admission 70c and 50c. 100 S. J., Lee, who appeared in the police court last week on a charge of obtaining lodging un der false pretenses, was uloday charged with theft and was re manded until tomorrow. Word from Dr. W. T. Kergin intimates that he expects lo arrive back in the cil.Voii July 30. rred and Will hergiu. will re main in Kurpou until the'Uni versily opening in tlto fall, BASEDALL SCORES. National League Chicago 15, lloslmi 3. Pittsburg 2, Philadelphia I American League Boston 0-3, Chicago 3-8. Philadelphia 5. 'SI. Louis 0. SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leavcj Swansou's l-'loal on Thursday,) fcalurilay ami Sunday .Afternoons every half hour from 1. p.m. until 0.30 p.m. and on other week days al 2, 3 and CIS p.m. The last boat homo each day will leave Salt Lakes float sharp al 7 p.m. Sunday and holiday picnic parlies specially arranged for. Launches, rowboats and be- canoes 'for sale anil hire. piuNci; liuHjin Do.miousK SHULMAN FAMILY AT1AST UNITED Wife, Delayed by U.S. Immigra tion Laws, Now Joins WINNIPKO, July 22. (Cana dian Press-. Arrangements ave been made for the admis sion of Mrs. Meyer Shulmau into the United States to joinvlier husband, from whom she has been separated nearly a year. owing lo the imfinigration law of that rountry classifying her as a Hussian, thus barring her entry under the Canadian quota. She will be admitted as a potential citizen of the United States through Iter husband having ap- lied for American citizenship. Mr. find Mrs. Shulman came lo Canada from Russia in 1012, and became Canadian citizens. They made a trip to Washington in June 11)2 i and while there Mr. Shulman took an interest in a meat packing plant. In August, li)2i, Mrs. Shulman with her sm'all son came back to Winnipeg to move the rest of the fam- ly lo Washington ibut on trying to re-enter the Stales found the immigration quota was full, necessitating their spending the ast ten months away from the head of the family, QUEEN CHATS WITH Her Majesty Opened Salvation' Army Maternity Hospital Wing in East London LONDON, July 22. Queeii Mary added s vera! devotees to Iter list of admirers last week when she opened an extension of the Salvation Army's maternity hospital in Uie Keast Und of London. In one ward were a number of unmarried mothers, who, though aware of the Queen's visit, did not jexpect her to,. lake notice of Iheir presence. The unexpected. however, happened, Her Majesty expressing a special desire lo see them. The Oueen went lo the bedside of each woman, and won their nlfeclion by tier kindly words of praise for their babies. Dominion Constable" K. ( Newnham arrived from the Naas Hivei- yeslcrday'and is registered at the Central ll.)lel. STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Um Crctctnl Ground Stwtt thirltethMel van t h t c k n For Vancouver Monday ss. Prince George, 1 p.m. Tuesday ss. Cardena. 5 p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Charles, C p.m. Saturday ss. Venture, 10 a.m. ss. Princess Deatrice, 11 a.m. ss. Prince Hupert, (i p.m. July 22 v- Princess Alice, p.m. 25 ss. Princess Louise, p.m. 20 ss. Princess Charlotte;; p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Cardena. Monday ss. Prince Charles, 10.30 a.m. Wednesday ss. Prince George, 10.30 u.m. Friday ss. Prince Hupert, 10.30 a.m. ' . ss. Venture, a.m. Saturday ss. princess Doalrice, a.m. throughout thq tntir Unftheltka w, itungbindii July 21 ss. Princess charlotte., a.m. 27 ss. Princess Alice, a.m. 31 ss. Princess Louise, a.m. Fop Port Simpson ard Naas River Friday :ss. Venture, p.m. From Port Simpson find Naas ' River Saturday ss. Venture, a.m. For Alaska July 21 ss. Princess Charlotte, a.m. 27 ss. Princess Alice, a.m. 31 Princess Louise, a.m. From Alaska July 22 -ss. Princess Alice, p.m. 25 -ss. Princess Louise, p.m. 20 ss. Princess Charlotte, thus nt inthakarP uMtva.aiKI.. CraacantGrinJ laf ii art Mclwii' 5imond aatura. k V'CrMitCr"4" UMlTHtk IrVNvX. a... laV.NS. IINONtS CANADA SAW CO, IMITU V.NCOUVI MUNTHCAt TO "ONTO IT, MMN, of tennis JERSEY MILK Chocolate Bat too fn f c V v .M - i - id Milk Chocolate m l JERSEY II 1; CHOCOLATE You need a new DiL rf this Dauuiig hdu season We have u wide assortment of colors ami styles Skull Cap, Helmet, Aviation, Diving some prettily decorated, others iptile plain. Some have chin straps like the Submarine style which has the strap built into ear pockels, keeps the water out and takes the pressure off Ihe ears. Prices range from, each 25c to $2.00 Rubber Bags to carry HaUiipg Suit and Towels from ; $1.75 to S3.75 Ear Stopples, to protect Ihe ears while in the water, per pair . . . .- ; 25o Water Wings, lo give confidence while learning to swiin, Iter pair 50c Don't wail unlit you want to use these things, the stores may be closed when yon need them, liny now. ORMES LIMITED Wholesale and Retail Druggists 3rd Ave. and 6th St. Phones 82 and 200 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped to handle al! kinds' of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 CANADIAN Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Far IETCHIIAN, WRANCEU. JUNEAU, SKAGWAY Julr 6, 10, 13. 17, 20. 24. 27, 31 Far VANCOUVER, VICTORIA ind SEATTLE Julr 4.8. 11, 15. 18. 22. 25. 29 8.8. PRINCES8 BEATRICE. for BuUtUla. Swtnion Bay, Etit Ball Bella, Ocaan Falls, Namu, Alarl Bar, Campball River, and Vancouraf aar Saturday 11 a.m. Agancy for all SUamahlp Lints. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD 'Otntral Agtnt. Carnar of 4th Strati and 3rd Aranut, Prlno Ruptrt, B.O.