M IP IF We save y,ou MONEY s QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our 1'rices are no higher than any other stoic in Canada. Goods marked in plain figures according to grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Etc Save Your Eyes Our Optician lias had over 25 .years experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner Tho Diamond Merchant of the North trawberries Your last chance for preserving J'er hox 15c 3 hox ox for 40c I'er crale $3.00 These hurries arc in excellent condition Red Currants, per crale $2.50 Black Currants, per crate ... $3.00 Apricots, per crate .. $1.90 Mussallem's Phones 18 and 84 You can't afford to walk Time is loo .important. We tufte you any place, Day or Night, for 50c. Nice clean Sedans, driven hy polite drivers. Special rates for parly gatherings. Kindling We arc once again in a position to supply this well linuwn fire starter. If you need a hurry up fire order this K'iln'Dried Wood. "The only wood worth bothering with." We also deliver ice and coal and 'wili'quolc on moving your furniture. The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones 189-112 DANCE At the Auditorium THURS, EVE., JULY 23. Under direction of Mrs. It. O. Grewo. During IImj evening a toe ilanro hy -Miss Hilda Mur-tuy and also Group Dancing. Wostholmo Orchestra, Ui'iroshments served. Gents $1.00. Ladles BOc. Dancing r.luss as usual, Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 7..10 to 8.30, followed hy danciiiig from 8.30 to 11, and Saturday Evening until 12. P.O. Box 235. Phono 209 Richard Garrett representing W. H. M. ROLSTON & CO. Specialising in 1'orUland Canal Mining Stocks, Portor Idaho-Marmot Metals POLAR BEAR DEAD IN SOUTH Barrow, Who Passod Through Prince Rupert Four Years Ago, Found Floating In Pool Harrow, Ihe polar bear which ivassed through here In 1921 on the Hudson Hay schooner Lady Kindersley and which has since made his homo in Stanley I'ark,' Vancouver, was found dead floating in a pooi there last Sunday mo ruing. i In accounting for the bear's death, (wo theories arc advanced. One suggestion: is that he wias taken with a fit while swimming and !he other is that he dived into Hie pool and struck his head with such force as to stun him self. A little blond was flowing from ine nosirns wneu tnc near was Notice to Contractor. M.ALI.II TKN IE IS. enilorm-d "Tniiiler ror .New llnzeltim Sclioi.l," will lie received I liy the llnnoiiralile the Minister of public work up to is o'clock Noun or Friduv, the Hist diiy of July, U'Sli. for the ere---tlun and t'ouiiilellon of a One iichuii srliiuil1 and nut liul l1ttifr at .New Il;t7.fltlill. In (lleturned Soldier). r Telpirmnh Creplt Il.t... occupation Miner. Intends to apply j nil hi mirsiuii iu iiiirciiisR inn rniinu-inir (Icscrllieil luuds: l.onitneiicInK at a nost nluntefl nlnint 0110 tulle east of Mcl.cods Shiuali near ihe stlkine lilvrr and ahout 33 mile southwest or "TclPRraph Creek; thence north 80 chains; thence en.'t 40 rhalni; Ihenre ouih 80 chains; thence west 40 -halns to point of commencement anil containing 3J0 arre. more or less. WALTER 3IJ1.IA!N, . .. Applicant. Anrll nih 09ii LAND ACT. - Nolle of Intention to Apply to Ltata Land In Skeetm Ilatnro-5 Land District. Prince Unpen. ll.C. and Kltuate inn variU mn-ih of Winter llarhor. Pnarsc Island. ll.C. tiut miTlcr: mat the Canadian Co. Ltd., of Vancouver, M.C.. nrriina- gf A Sweet Breath at all times nr rur x fii After eatinft or amokintf, Wrlgley' freshen tlie mourn and tweetrns tlie breath. Nerve are soothed, throat la refreshed and digestion aided. So easy to carry the little packet! TIMBER SALE X7171. .11 after after efcry evycry mea mealfttj I I - li--n,....it..w fi., fit- lln r I' t? 1.,i,i 11........... I... the Skeena Klerioi'Hl Iilstrirt, 11. C. "",i.7 ... Plans. SlieiiricaUons. ('.outran. 11...I . "lwl lelideis will lie reielved by III.' I'li-iii i.r i..ii..r , i... u.... .... .....1 Al iiil.-tiT or Laud mu later than noon ell TIMBER SALE X64B4. Sealed Toii(lin will lie received liy the Mmlsler or l.iiiHl.. at Victoria not later than noon on tho aUth (Cth) day or jiinwt, Hi, tor tin; purrliase of Licence Xr.ttl. to cut 0(1,01111 feel or Spruce and :i!t,nou Jack I'lue Ties on an area fltuali d on the south slmre or I'riinc.ls Lake t.-p-p'Mlte Collym.iuut, nature I Coast liistrlct. Tlirw (It 1 year will In; allowed tor removal or llmhei'. Kurtlier parlirularti, or tlie Chief I'or-ester, Victoria, ll.C, or District Foresler, Prltu-e liupert. B.C. . ,, TIMBER SALE X6919. Sealed Tinders will li received liy the Minister of t.nuds, ul Vlelorlil, not later uiait iii.i.ii on the :tiitn nay or Jiny, ivji. for the purch.ise of Licence XMM0. lo cut 1 . 1 J j.iiod reet or Spruce, lleml.ick. Iialsam and Ced:ir 011 an area situated at the north, end of Moore Uikc, Pitt Island, itanzu 4, 1. 1 un 1 nisiriei. Threo (3i years will lie allowed fur removal of Ihulier. Kurtlier parliciilars or the' Chief (-'ores- tnr, Victoria. It. 1:.. or District Forester, rniice ititperi, u.L. TIMBER SALE X7077. There will be nlTcred for Billo at Pulillc Auction, al ti'H.ii on tho Mrd (lav or July, lOifi. In Ihe office or the Forest llunlri-c Hum t like It I: tin. l.lcpnfp lion. Salmon Caniinrs. Intends in nnntv -)n-:? i., iui in une j.iflfiiii... tis n mi rar permission to lease the rollowlnt; de-area enverlnir portion or Lois 4ltl and tXTlhed lands: Isltr.t, ahout 4 miles south or llurns Lake. Comnienrlnir at a post planted at hltth; Itnnire 5, Const liistrlct. water tnnrk 40 tent from rock on shorei Two () years will lie allowed for rc-llne; thence east one chain; thence north iiiovbI of ihe tlmher, one nundred and twrntv chain- the. wnviriixi iimt nur ,,. im.-ii,!,, t., miMut west to shore line one chain; thence in the auction In person may suluiilt a sealed a southerly direction fnllnwlnir the shorn tender to lie oiene.d at the hour of aue-11110 to point of commencement, nnd con-. lion and trenl.'d as one hid.' laming twelve seres, more or less. I Further particulars or the Chief Fores- THE CANADIAN FISIIINO CO. LTP kt. Vlciorln. II..;.. or District Forester. Dated aOlh Mav. 10911 Prltu-e .Import, ll.C. WESTHOLME THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday, 7 and 9 p.m. "A GIRL OF THE LIMBERLOST" An 'adaptation of (icne Sirall.on-I'orter's fuinous novel. The slory of a girl of Ihe Michigan woods. Her philosophy is one of love und kindness Inwards all things. Hy the sheer beauty of het"oul and the purity of her vision she wins from unpromising surroundings the rewards or high courage. The riches ami beauties of the grea'l-oul-of-doors are sUewn through all the pages of this famous tale, the screen bus made nil Ihese rkdies and beauty visible. Strong cast. Raymond MoKee, Gloria Grey, Cullen Landls, Arthur Wlllot, Gertrude, Olmsted, Virginia Boardman, Myrtle Vane ami others. COMEDY "THE CANNON BALL EXPRESS." TOPICS OF THE DAY. Admission 35c and 10c THE DAIM !T7TW8 Wednesday, July 22. lgr.s SEVENTY YEARS MARRIED LIFE Romantic Pioneer Llfo of Mr and Mrs. Anderson of Ontario srmi.lNo. out.. July 22. u .losnua Amlerson and his wife, wlio reside on Anderson Island a small trad of laud rut off from the mainland hy I he 'Trent illiver and one of ils branches, j live until October 20 next Ihey win eeleiirale the 70th anniver sary tT Iheir marriage. Tin1 j husband is ill)" and Mrs. Ander- I 111 10 v.:ii'.: l.ic intiii, Mi Anderson was born in Northum berland counly, not more than a mile from his present hoipe. or. January 21, 1 820. When Mr. Anderson, was II years old his parents moved to Anderson Island, which was named for the family, taking ... ... .'11 . , ,i 1 1 !- i , ....inn ti .nil' mini 'ii nu;ii velerinary surgeon disclosed the crew o He La- y K.ndersley that all the organs were in hi l'J2I and brougnt to Vancou- T, , . ,u.,7 ,. . healthy condition and there was svv As a cub, he was presented lmniiu ou( tr ,,u. Mackcn. no trace of poison. At 10 o clock to the I'ark 7.00. Harrow was a ,.i,iii,; . Saturday night, when the zoo nriserable-lookmg little fellow ()lc of 0,(1 , , keeper made bis rounds Harrow hen he arrived A drum of oil ,, hcUmKed vLht ilUia was an excellent spirits. At 7 a.m. adnfl 011 I lie deck oj the .schoon- .,,. ... ,,,;, ...... ..,., , Sunday he was dead. jer in a gale and coated the;,,,,,. J(Ks)Utt and 'another "uci juiiuwni news wears Jitr. 11 was weens ine 01 ills nciore:.,J.,.iVl.. vsai!..,i 11,.. u..i,ii..i. ,.1 11.,.! for him and welcomed him. live of Ihe Arctic and in The polar bear was captured quarters Harrow thrived. He had sealml Tcnclern aililii-sHc-M tu tin, iinriir Kigiwd ami i-mlui-Med Tor the "Uunsiruiv Hon and t.(ul.iiii'iit or one (i forty fwili Willi wun I motor luuni:h" will uc received up to! noon, ruy an, 105. 1 niwy Plans. mieciricatioiiH nnrl inn r tcndi-i- nuiy lit oiitaincd at the offleea of tlie nior MireMer .Victor a: tho lilstrlrt Vttt-i esti;r. Court llousc, Vanniuver, and the ! District I'niTSIer. I'rlnie llmwrt. on iln- posit of HU.oo, which will lie refunded on uie reiiini or pinna and Kpeciricaliniii. The liiWi'Kt or anv tender imi TufuR.ii- lly accepted. o. n. ?iAIU-.., Iwpiity Mlnlmer of l.and. DEPARTMENT OF WORKS. a beau lifnl coat and was a gathering. A Hint rent allraclion at Ihe park.- His swimming and diving entertained thousands. Awooden ball was Ins favorite toy and his antics mis always rum 1 leu in a i... , n, , ...... r, ShevWould you put yourself nut for me, I'Mnab'l? ' He Why of course, dearest. i-jhe Well, please do; it's after twelve and I am very tired. London Mail. ."ettled without t heir aid. Ihe I'eterborougb. (Out.) Examiner comments. v Mrs. Anderson, whose maiden .name was Maty l'arceis, was ii'ui 11 111 ui 4iiu liuuir Ul jut FRECKLES Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots. How to Remove Easily Here's a chance, Miss l'recklc- face. to Iry a remedy for freckles with the igunrantcc of a reliable concern that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles; while if it does give you a clear cobiplexion the expense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of OJhine 'double strength from any drug or department slore and a few applications should show you how easy it is lo rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a. beautiful complexion. Itarely is more than one' ounce needed for the worst case. JSe sure lo ask the druggist for tlie double strength Olhina as this strength is sold under guar- mlee of money back if it fails lo remove your freckles. t all drug or department stores or by mall. Olhlne, J'.O. Mux 21110. Montreal. f'..inail:i ells of the recovery of the bod ies, clasping each other's hands. nolber son, Wilson, was killed by a horsy some years ago. When Walklna was In Flower oassing A lonely c.tuen who 11 was cleaned o f and the cub Jiurrackll , jeilpvll,Bf waking ven in those early days v.s.ted the bear refused to face 4b Hubbc. -every evening ltll6 dUtalHH. 22 Inlk through as a stage running from and fed'him dainties, broke down (urned Us hack on the spectators. 0 W(l0( y;r a , ( injr , l iui ox i I io. hut Mr. A there Slirl- uder- niu criru. ne was a greai lrienii , . i.aier a ime new cage wun aTi. ,... i,.i.t ..... 1 son never iimxl (hi m,.M,,l ,.t of 1 arrow and the bear washed, pool was constructed for Ihe na-rucks wi(1 ,,oU,ere n of Iransportalion Ayhen he had hus- 1,11 "".whom were anxious lo get to thei ,n0!,s 111 l"1' lakeside town, but fighting line, but the trouble wasiWa'kt'u'l1,i,nj and back. Once In u j till 111 mrmi.ri im int... .. -- . ..... .... t iui j ij 1 j 11111 111 Helleville nnd he made his way on fool, reaching iis destination ahead of the stage. A cas on which be was railed was finished at 10 o'clock at nighl and ure husband on April 3, 1830, 0:1 j 1,0 nuuJe his way home on fool. Kaster Sunday. Te counle wero.ar"v'"fe' as day was breaking. married on Ocloher 21), 1855,' byj11'"' taking up his daily duties as whom tire still living. 1 In Skeetta nature 5 Land liistrlct. lie-'Mrs corning nisiiiri rrtnee iiui.eri, u.u., ami situate VI mile north of Wales Island tannery, on Wales Island, ll.C, TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian KHIi-Inir Un. Ltd., of Vancouver, ll.C, occupation, Salmon Catiners, Intend to apply ror iiermisalon to lease tho followltiK le-scrll.ed laiiils:-- rfiiiitiiptiphiff- ul n mist nti.t.lprl At liltrli water mark, near point '. mho north walked point or commencement, and coiitalnlntf otto acre, more or less. THE CANAIHAN FISHING CO. LTIi. ; Dated atilh May. tf,. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Leas Land In Skeena Ilanitn 5 Laud liistrlct,' lle-cor.llnif liistrlct Prince Itupert, and situate southwest point or Wales Island. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian l lslt- filmre line to point nf edininciiceiiient, ciiniaininir nun ncre, inure nr ies. THE CANADIAN FISIIINO CO. LTIl. li.Heil avnil May, 1085. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Purchti Land Tn Skeetm 71 nil Ire 5 l.illnl Ilecnnllnir liistrlct nr Trlnce lltiierl, H.C., nnd slln.ite llnvstack Island, south t Wales Island, It.C. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian FUh-Inif nn. Ltd.. or Vancouver. ll.C.. cicctirv th.n, Salnxm Cnnners, Intends to apply tor permission to purchase the roll.iwlnir neserineii lands: C.ominenclnir at a post planted at hlirh water murk nn west shore or Haystack Island: thence north seven chains-: thence east seven rhalns; Ihenco south seven ehntns; thenee west sevim chains. nnd riimninliiar rive acres, tn.ire or less. THE CAN1IAN nSIIINfl CO. l.TP rintort 9nrl oas LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntlon to Apply to Laat Land In C.asslar Land District, Ilerordlnir District prince llnped. ll.C, nnd situate north of nourish lt.iv. Portland Canal. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Fish- Inip f'n f 1,1 nf Vminnlivnp It C nf.,in!i. tlon, Salmon CHttners, Inlenils 'to apply! lor i.crniision lo tease ino imiowinK lie-srrllied lands:- Cntiimencltnr al a Iot Planted at With water murk, too vards south nf Indian smoke houses: thence northeast one chain: thence southeast one hundred nnd he would bad he been resliny all niplil. Hoth Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are remarkably bright and vig-t rous for their years. Their sight is good and all tieir faeul- for arier me uih i.r Jniv iomr nmi' ,,T -i j i .iuhi, iv-i, mi- i... - iiav 1: 1 r t ., .... . riirtiii-r lur'.riiiH i".n .t.Dtaili" cl ' ot tinS '"r''"",? ,,r X7171' " , ul 7 Kainily of ten children, seven' or;'"Hiuf to speak of, and only once liaru it or Piililic Works, Parliament: l, 'al .!!'"!." , "'"'s . " lUilKliiivs. mill at l ie rollnwliiir iifriiw ' ' " ' i oaeeiia (ioverniiient Airenta at Vancouver, Prliu'e. ,vl'r. ".'''T," r''r . ""''"'. s'",m' Ilupet t. .Snilthers, and Or. V. Sar(tent, '" Stl; J11"- ':"at Mstr let Serrclnry to School Hoard, New llazeltou lw" . 'V ,,y,'!"'s '"' '"' a,ll,w''11 ror t:oiles or Plans. Si.ciriciiOi. pip p..! runner iiarniuiars or imp i.nier nir- Iie olilulued rrotn the lieoaitnieiu on imv . ,l,!,,,'r' ' District lurester inent of a deposit of Tell liollara (till).! l"l"Mi, ll.i.. which mu oe reriiiKieu 011 return or the; plans, etc., In itihmI condition. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. P. Pill I.I P. Deputy Minister and . . . Piilille Works Engineer, pnlillp Work Oepiirlluent, Vlrlnrla. H.i: Jiily 7lh. I0SS. LAND ACT. CASSIAH LAND OI8TRICT District or r.assiar. Stlkine lilvlslon. TAKE NOTICE that I. Wnlinr Jnii.-u, uev. uiiant .iiiacK, pastor m charge of what was then a mission station -of the - Methodist denomination at Stirling. Pioneer Life The young couple look un the hard life Of the pioneer. Thev "' as keen as ever, av had to Illerallv hew their homo "lishl deafness on Ihe part of out of the wilderness, but t.hey . lie husband. They are free Trom overcame ull diiUculties and oli-j""' lnins and aclies which us-slacle and are now spending ually nfriicl the aged. The hus-Iheir declining years in peace band has always used lohaeco in and comfort. They raised a nioderal ion, bul never drank any about ten years ago has be Into u life so long, no mailer f'f'inired inedical allenlion. how secluded, tragedy was sure An ambition for public ollice to come. The first real sorrow, '"'ver beset bun.. In politics be that cast ils shadow-over the was always a conscrvalivc. He home was Ihe drowning of two was raised an Anglican bul of the children, Angelina and nearly all his life attended Ihe llichard, aged 10 and II yenrs Metliodisl Church. who broke through t lie ice onl In the case of .Mr. and Mrs. (lie river on their way from ' Anderson longevity appears lo school. The aged eyes of thejbe a mailer of heredity. The mother fill with fears as shejfonner's niolher die( at Ihe age - - 1 jof 1)5 and in the Stirling ceine- LAND ACT, . , , , , . lery there is not a monument re- Notlc of Intention toApply to Lias Land ,,0'(tillg the age of ally Olie older Anderson's grandfather, the late .John l'arceis, attained the age of 100 years und II months. She lells, with evident family prjde, I hat her grandfather, a short time before his Veath from what is now the rrotn f.annery on Wales Island! thence;, north one cha'n; thence west ten chains; tuw 11 or . lletllOIl .,, lo I,, Tnmiilii l.oioillo, loo 10() thence south lo shore lino 0110 rliam;. ,,, n,H' inaKlll0 miikin" lilt Iln. rehirn iLlllin li-in lllp in in Ihenco east rnllowlnif the sle.re, line to! Inir Co. Ltd., or Vancouver, ll.C, occupation, Salmon Cannon, Intends to npply Tor permission to lease the TollowlnR tl-scrllied lands: , Commetictnir at a post plan led at 111 vh water mark on southwest point on Wales isinna, in..; thence norm ,.,,n rlinlit . . less than a week. Mr. Parcels fought in various engagements in the war of JH12. Their Descendants The living children of Mr. and Mrs. Amlerson are: .Mrs.. Chester' Hoard, their youngest daughlcr, (who resides -on the next farm lo her parents; Mrs. William lllieauini!, of Wallacehurg, and Mrs. William Hannah of Slirl- it.hitri Tin. unfix ure . Wiiller. nf thence cti.it "ten chains: thence mmth iiiiel Hoard's Station, (ieill'ge ot Sas- ehaln to shore line; thence west alontr! i. ,,.,,,..., i.-,.,.,! ,(. .....i.t... .,, iiilicr,liieill linn und l ..'. ...... ... home, anil 1'rank of Quebec. They have so many grand, great- ami great-great-grandchildren Ihal Ihey have long since lust count of the number. When strange young 'Children call on Ihein now and introduce themselves as descendants, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson accept the situation as a mailer of course. CO-OPERATION OF SEXES NECESSARY LtaXlHJX, July 'i'i. 'Canadian I'ress . "iXo boy is so young as not lo reall.r; llial he owes a great ileal In woinen. All men ill. Slltlll. I ill V I 111. llolll i. ii ell, it I - - I n - . V,.(,V., unit.,, I, ilnt titiil u,,,.. tu.l ..I ..II tt r, inn ,, t.ii,. nviiiiti I11I, (li, ilH, I . ..... - . ... I liorii MirKeuiieati mailu l.lie above remark lit a varitdy enlerlalu-ment lo aid the funds for the extension of Queeis 'College, liar- ley street, the fit-si women's twenty rhnlns-. thence southwest to shorei lino nn. plinl,,- lh,,n imi'thu-nit fitlltiw- I l-OII" ,,,,11.,,,., gl! I .uli.i.liuln,,! S I till 1 1 S 1 1 I'd In 111 England, In the shore ilne tn nolnt or commence "In I hi' en.iiiini'n I Inn rfTl. .,...,,.. nient. one. hundred nnd twenty rhalns, and . ,, . . . , la eonlalnlntr twelve acres, moi-e or less. lay Hie grealest hope for n Slllie THE CANADIAN FISIIINO CO. LTD. " ' u a.tJ 0 ,T1iluJ ' ' 1 litrlund allUl Dated 30tb May, 198, I ClearanceSale SHOE DEPARTMENT Every Pair of Shoes to be Sold Within 30 Days 25 per cent reduction' is effective on every pair of iim-iu the slore. .As lines become broken they will be clr,ii, out regardless of cost. I'ollowimg lines are clearance lines that mean ( than cost iprici Men's Brown and Black Dress Boots, Hluclii'r cut. rtiiiM.. heels. Meg. $5.2.". .Special price $3,25 We have nearly every size in slot;k; come early Ladies' White Canvas Pumps, medium heel, sizes ;t and only. A real snap 35,. Ladies' Whito Canvas Pumps, with palepl leather f r mini?. Meg-. $2.r(l lo SIl.oll. To clenr ul .. . $1,10 Pniclically all sizes iu this line. DRY GOODS DEPT. CLEARANCE LINES 50 Yards Figurod Nainsook, 'i0" wide, in Mauve, lllue ,1 Grenm. Ileg. K.'ic yard, lllenninci' pripis, yard 45c 35 Yards Check Ratine Voile, :tn" wide. It siuules. te? $1.(1"). Clearance price, yard Q5c 25 Yards Lingerie Mull, :t(l" wide, iu Mauve, Tle-li, ' v rose. Meg. 75c yard. Hale price, yard 400 75 Yards Figured Satinta Tor lbessces, etc, Splendid j Ici ii. Meg. $1.25 ynril. Special, yard 75c 30 Yards Swanella Wincyettc, iu Pink anil Jtlue. Meg (in yard. Special , 355 30 doz. Ladies' Lawn Handkerchiefs, assorted color- lb - 20c. Special, 51 for 25c 22 only, Lawn Children's Dresses, While only. ' Size 4.5. Meg. 1.25. Special ... G5c 13 only, Lawn Children's Colored Dresses, sizes 2. years. Meg. $I.0IJ. Special 50c 26 Pairs Ladies' White Cotton Bloomers, broken size- It. . 05c. Special, pair 455 100 Pairs Ladies' Lisle Hose, reg. 75c pair. Kxlrn spc 25c; 2 pairs for 45C This i second retluctioii un this line. 70 Packages only, Fancy Bias Tape, assorted colors. M 25c., Sieciiil. lutir price, 2 for 25c 25 Pkgs. only, Lingeries Tape in Mauve, Hlue. Pink While. Meg. 1 5c. Special c 9 only, Cretonne Combination Aprons and Shopping Bags. To clear al eiu h ' 25c 6 only, Silk and Wool Sweaters. Meg. .$8.75. Clear I,i, .' S3.95 3 only, Ladies' Silk Sweaters, sleeveless. Mop. X1.05. (.:; mice price S2.95 5 only, Black Silk Knit Blouses, reg. value JS51.75. To fl $1.95 2 only, Ratine Blouses, silk si ripe. Meg. .$7.50. To w s,l . . .' $2.95 3 oply, Pink Ratine Blouses, while silk collars. Meg. : : To clear al $1.75 MEN'S DEPT. 15 Pairs Men's Moleskin and Whipcord Pants, sizes :s 2. Meg. iM.OO lo r,.0(l. To clear at $1.95 6 Pairs only, Men's Heavy Corduroy Pants, broken reg. 0.r0. Special $2.95 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door lo I'rizzell Mulcher Simp, ucrma from the Kuiprcss I Intel We curry n full lino of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarolll Proprlotor TWO MORE WEEKS WHAT DOES TWO MORE WEEKS July Clearance SALE MEAN? Briefly, JULY (ILHAIlAIWiK HALH nii-ans winding n Ihe slock of Ihe first six moulds of tliu liusiness nipl c.icn ing wlinl is left or Hie spring slocks al auv price lo ni.iu ' roiim for Ihe Tnll goods. The weather did not Rive n- chance to sell the spring slock iu season. Full (itjod w be here August I. We have two more weeks In clcuir varion lines. Walcli the papers .for these low prices. Please do not usk for cluirges at Uu-mY prb'-os W e .ire rediic.iiif,' the j.rico considerably which must he -only "' cash. 7 Ladles' Woollen Crepe Skirts-Meg. J?0.0o. Sale . . $2.95 12 Lad ea' Crepe House Dresses Ileg. a.r,o and nnlc $2 25 I'lr8?!68. !LUmme,r Coats Hefif." sV.f.o". ' Hale 8 Ladles' Hats-ltcg. S,0 to U.m). Hale of nt.y hal kh Ladies' (Voro-Not)" Hair Nets iVeg. i r'.n' iot-' ' f-'r 2Dc Chlld!"!J,8uf!u1bborllSo,e Canvas Oxfords-l'ln' llimv.i,' ill... Children 8 Rubber Sole Running Shoes-,, Hrowit.'ib , .."'"'W'V,1"' !. Kale 85c Ladles' Woollen Bathing Suits, Penman's I'teg." V-i.Sif.. T i-leiir S2 95 Men's Woollen Bathing Suits Meg. W f.n ' T,'. Vlcni- S300 Children's Cotton Sultslf Bathing eg l' i( To 1, a r C5c Men's Cotton Bathing Sults-lu-g. $ Rj, "H, &m JABOUR BROS LTD. (inrner Hevenll, HI. and Third Ave. r.vi. BOX. IUHO. Phone 045