ay, July i2, 1925. THE DATLT NBWVJ PAGE FTTH Midsummer HOPKINSON SHERIFFS OLDEST BROTHER DIES IN REPORT OUT MICHIGAN STATE BJG REDUCTION SALE Runs all This Week at Demers House of Quality Round Trip Excursion Tickets 'To ell prlnrtpal Eaitcm Citif on sale daily to bept. 15 Final return limit Oct. 31 Liberal Mopovcr 'firivitaf rt oiag or returning Waif the folk back Eau" now while the fare are low ' Low f.rt, alu to Zloa National Park mnd Yellowatame National Park AakforfrKboaklct. dCKl-tptiwt ofthn famous rtsortt W. H. OLIN A.GF & PA. Union Station 1 Seattle, Wn. Bargains at 40c. 500 Yards FIGURED VOILES, BEADED VOILES, RATINES, GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS Viiitrtx .if shades ;,.,itierns; alues up to A I one price, per yard 40c. West of England Store Phone 753. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS EASTERN CANADA, UNITED STATES, And to JASPER NATIONAL PARK. 'mo way via Vancouver or iirrl rail both directions. ' ji full information apply R. F. McNAUQHTON, District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert. B.C. GENERAL FURRIERS B.C. FUR Co. Third Ave. "jmiriig, Remodelling on tho premises. 2'ng mid Cleaning $9.50 Phones Day: Green 120 Night: Black 709 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone if. 'irlane, Warehousing, and ''iotrlbuting. 'Team tr Motor Scrvi'je, final, 8and and Gravel, w Spoclalh, In Piano mnd Furniture Roving. Information Obtained by U. S Commission Makes tip Bulky Document A onv fif Hip r,w.iii.,i 1 - - i- - Miiiuni fafeinent of information issued I by Dip United States larifT eorn-jinissjon in connection wilh the pending investigation or Hip jeosls nf halilKil production,' which n i unpen: will result in a reduction of Hie tared on Canadian halibut entering (hp United Hlatcs, has reached Hip Daily New ortiop. TIip infnrmalion, which makes a very voluminous document, was obtained liy (i,e iiopmnson commission which visiU'd Prince Hupert-and other roast points last fall. It will, he used at Hie public hearing to be lipid in Seal Hp on August 10,; and lo which representative of I hp industry in Hrilish Columbia have iipen invilcd. i The report deals with all! phases of Hip buying, handling, parking and shipping Ait halibut from all Pacific lkal port's anil U41 I.OXlx)N and conlaining eighty acres, more or less. LA NO A It A riiilUNO A PAI-KINO CO. LT1 Applicant. Per E. II. 'Simpson, Aigent. Haled June I Dili. 1925. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply Lease Land to In Queen Charlotte Land llo- oni-ilinir District of Prince llu jert, and situate about two miles; in a northerly direction from llloonev Point, Massclt Inlet,' I Oraham Island, Hrilish Columbia. Tnkc Notice that Langara Fishing & Packing Company Limited, of Massed, H.O., occu pation Packers, intends to apply for n lease or Ihe following described lands: Commencing al a post planted two miles in a northerly direction from rtnoney Point, Massett Inlet, Graham Island, Hrilish Columbia; thence easterly five chains, more or less, lo low rk: thence northerly along low wnler mark one hun dred and sixty cnains, wnslerlv five fliains, goes into miniilp detail. There, - -' are also a great many stalislicsen made Ins in.lar dastr secnprl. as lo eosts of fishing,, handling mg lo news despatches from and transportation. Prices paid Oslo. Tisheruicn al Prince Huperl and; wholesale prices in Hoston are also given. Sliare agreements of independent and company vessels are explained and there- are a number of juaps and charts dealing, with Hip industry. In short, Ihe report (fives informa tion with regard in all ihe Invader, phase of the business. There are sixty-five closely typewritten pagps. Prince Iluperl, of course, pro-niinenly figures in Hie report. SPITSBERGEN TO ALASKA July An inv Nugget" givea shoes all the comfort ol age with the appearance of new-net. Keeps them pliable preferred polished. Male in Black, Tan, Tonty Red and Dar Brum. Jllu, Whllt Dtet$lnf 1 (cofrQ and Whtlt Cleaner (liquid). FINE YACHT IN HARBOR Night The 100 fool American three masted auxiliary sailing schoon- r Tnvader, skippereil by Captain . J. Melby and owned by Don Lee, of Los Angles, California, dropped anchor opposite the mense nymg machine mat will rrince ituperi jioainouse 'fly from Spitsbergen to Ihe North o'clock MiHitlav -evening. al 7 The il'nle and tin tn Alaska vithoutInvader an imposing looking j landing, will be the next develop- yacht and, ctarrying a crew of inent of M. Carnier, designer of.ln, is one of1 the finest pleasure the whips in which Oapt. Amund- LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land He cording District of Prince Ilu pert, and situate about one and a half miles east of Massclt Lighthouse at the rnhulh of Mas-sett Inlet, Oral) a in Island, llrit-lh Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Langara Fishing & Packing Company Limited, of Victoria, ll.C, occupation. Packers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: . .. . Commencing at M post planted at Ihe northwest corner of Lot Seven. Oraham Island, Uritish Columbia, about one and a half miles rast of Mnsselt Lighthouse al the mouth of Massclt Inlet, flrahnm Island, Hrilish Columbia; thence northerly five chains, more or les to low water mark; (hence westerly, along low water nrk one hundred and sixty! chnlns; thence southerly five chains; thence easlerly one hundred and sixty chains, more or Jess, lo point tif commencement, vessels that has ever visited this jiort. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lee, Mr. and Mrs. J. Urown and a parly f friends are cruising in north ern Pacific waters and from here will proceed to Ketchikan and northern Alaskan points. The Invader has auxiliary deisel Kwer derived from a 2.10 horse power Fairbanks-Morse engine. The interior is elaborately fitted mil with every mod ern ennveniPiirp. , Mr. Lpp is very much pleased wilh the beauties of the coastal trip cumini: north, which he says is one of Hie finest cruises he has ever made. HOOT GIBSON MAKING PICTURE ATJVAINWRIGHT Alberta Town Comes Into Its Own as Place of Cowboys ' And Buffalo Wainwriglit has again come into its own as a place of cowboys, motion picture version, with high heeled bo"ots, ten srallon hats, scarves, and everything since the arrival of Hopt Gibson ami "his company to complete the filming' MARRIED IN VICTORIA Mr. and Wrs. Herbert G. Shep- herd'WIII be Herein Friday on Their Honeymoon Trip The wedding look place in Victoria today tif Miss Muriel Grant, former librarian here, and Her- thenceibert G. Shepherd, Tormerly of thence Ihe local forestry oilier. Thev h liiindrcd and sixty are coining north for their , . ,.... 1. - ;,,nrn nr less, to 0 point poini . . 01 ofihonvmoon ,,1A miiMiiiuiiH ..... and hiui ...Jll will win arrive arrive 111 ' ' 1 nnd nnii e.nniainiiiK containing j Prince uhvu nu Huperl im u on IVi itiiiht accorn enmrnenci'iiiciib, 1. . . eiehlv acres, more or less. ! wnrd reeeivvd from local PACKING friends. Holh bride and T A NO Ml FISHING it groom PCKING 0. LTD. 'are. well known and popular In Applicanl.jlbe city and will receive a hearty per E II Simpson, Agent. jwelcoiue from their many Dated June 13th. 1925. Iends. The death occurred rpcently in Michigan of Hip oldest 'brother of Sheriff John Shirley of this city. The local paper of Ms home contained Hip following: Wm. K. Shirley, for nearly fifty years a resident of Ihjs county, died al, the home of his daughter, Mrs. Chris Maynard, in Mt. Zion neighborhood, three miles north and one east of Car-sonville, af 1.1)" -o'clock a.m. Tuesday, July 7, 1925, from the infirmities of advanced years,' aged, 8fi yearn, .1ft months and 17 days. Demised was born in Ontario, August 20, 1838, where he grew to manhood and "was married to Miss Jane I;arnett. About fifty years ago Hiey camp to Michigan and neltled on a farm near Downington. Thirly-lwo years ago they moved lo near Tyre where they lived until last fall, since when they have made their home with their daugh'ler. Mi's.' Maynard, who with the wife and three brothers, survive, as fol lows: Oeorgc and Niichard. of Detroit, and John in Hie west. Mr. Shirley was a member of Ihe"; Ivpisropal church and was one ofj the oldest members of the Port Sanilae Masonic lodge. He wasi an upright citizen, a good neigh bor and friend and held in high esteem by all who knew him. Juneral services were held at two o'clock Thursday afternoon from Ml. Zion M. F. church, rtev Carrylnn Los Angeles) J. M. Penwlly, pastor of the Car- Party, Reached Port Last jsonville to". V.. church, officialing. Hnrial vas made in Mt. Zion cemetery, conducted by the Port Sanilac Masonic lodge. FUNERAL SERVICE FOR LATE CAPTAIN Obsequies for E. C. McCoskrle Held Before Remains Were Forwarded South A large number were present yesterday arierooon al the funeral service for the late Capf. Edward McCoskrie which look-place in the Anglican Church a! four o'clock. The service was conducted by Hev. Prof. Short who was assisted by Hev. Dr, 5rant. A large body fif Masons from Ihe local lodges . well a sojourning. Masons were pre sent and they paraded to Ihe Jwharf where the remains were placed on board the Cardcna for interment at Victoria. Mrs. II. F. Kergin of Alice Arm, a daush- ter of the deceased, accompanied Ihe remains south. (ieo. Munro, M. M. Slephens and 1. V. ft. LePine, members of Oizeh Temple of Sliriners, and Lien!, ft. P. Pander, Lieut. Waller Hume aud Leading Seaman Howe of the Hoyal Canadian Vol unteer Reserve acted as pall- Ibearers. A large number of Wauliful WAIXWIWOUT, July 22. j 'floral pipces covered fhe casket, testifying lo the general esteem in which Ihe deceased was held. I lie following is the list of flowers sent: Kaiej.'y.haptf r JUV;f.,, Tsimp con,, r'n,'frri- i I.V t .!. I'..... .t.vup,.., . ..l..!., . Villi,- inaiidfpg lOftteer and. btiicers of if..,T iin,.t y' V'.i.nl-itc.i;.. Canadian ' Vidunl of a wMerri dim,ierrfAV?rii4ln, xTirlit Junior loiks on with' Hwve (Princ llui'ri), Mr. wide eyes and points out to all!""'1 Mr,- !po- t'rie11, Mr. and and sundry Just who is who and why tn Ihe movie world. The Gibson company of universal idavers have becn-filminc a nic-' .virs. u. v. .Mckerson, .Mr. and Mrs. H. V. G. LePineVsMiss Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. F. Clapp, Mr. and Mrs. U. Suga, CapL and Mrs. lure which included shots from,,,as Alderman and Mrs, M Ihe Calgary .slamppde and moved ""fhens and finally, G, H. up here to nvike some furtlier'Anu,IJ' Mr- 8,1,1 Mrs- 1' v-shots which Tequire tlie inclusioni,,ruW (Alice Arm), Prince ltu-of the liuffalo iierd with Hoot I)Prl nwins and Yacht Club, Mr. Gibson and Virginia Hrowii'"1 lrs- J- tnisley, leV. and Kaire. The enmnnnv will he l.Pre.. -rs. uoiuson, .Mr. aim .Mrs. N for a few days yet. FORMER LOCAL COUPLE Wussiallem, pir. and Mrs. D. Glennie, Mr. and Mrs. H. McKay, Seal Cove Hranch of T. V Prince Huixrt Unkery, Mr. and Mrs. (). I. Smith, C. O. rtowi. Kincolith Precetitor', No, 59, (Prince Rupert j, Prince Ruer' Nobles .dr Mystic Shrine, Caledonia Diocesan Anglican Church VA., Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Woodland, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mackie. Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Pjllshury and family, Mr. ami Mrs. J. Sigmund, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. C F. Kemp nnd Gladys Mr, -and Mrs. T. W. Silversides, Mr, and Mrs. C, W. Homer, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tile and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mori Craig, Mr and Mrs, Charles Lowe, Mr, and Mrs. A. T. Parkin, Sergean llailey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Munro, Archdeacon and Mrs. Ills, Dr. anil Mrs. Cade, Mrs. Jack HilditcTi and family, Fred Lowe, Miss Winnie Dibb.l The Lucky Youth FRTUNATUS had only to don his enchanted cap and make a wish to obtain anything his heart desired. It is not given to ordinary mortals to have so simple and direct a mode of filling their wants. But have you ever considered what a boon advertising has become? Everything you need or wish is displayed' for your benefit in the advertising columns. Merchants and manufacturers use advertising to Jay before you their most attractive wares. You have only to choose at your ease the things you care most about before actually going to see them in the stores. Advertising is continually making the world better dressed, better fed and housed. It is increasing the world's capacity for things that elevate, improve and idealize the important business of living. It is a big, vital force in fostering convenient, comfortable and useful lives. Empty your home of all advertised things and see the hole you make! YES, IT PAYS TO Mrs. Goldbloom, Jean and Douglas Stalker. nSTEWART Miss Mamie Fraser sustained painful but no serious injuries last when the horse on which she was riding ran into an electric light pole. Her head was gashed in contact with a guy wire. The Citizens' Association is laking steps towards obtaining a belter recreation ground for the town of, Stewart. Homer Ficklin has returned here Iroui a trip to Ihe Dease Lake region. Mrs. W. J. Wakefield and her (daughters are visiting in Prince Huperl. Mrs. J. Frank Hrceze and her daughter, llosa, have arrived here from Vancouver. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert L. R. Hill, Naniu: H. E. Goul-hourn, .1. Spiers and II. llootb, Vancouver. . Central E. G. Newnhani, Naas River; A. Halketl, Victoria. LAND ACT. Notice ef Intention to Apply to Purchti una. rti r)i l.snd flerorriltnr PUlrlrt rf rrlniT lHntM't, ind Mtum It AwinH IUvir. Awum Bay, M-tt Inlet. l.u..iilamt. nr.. TAkK NOTir.K Ilia I Mr. Jamti Kkld hiir siran. or sunnjulrte, li.c, M-nritlMi marrlt'd woman, luirtnis- iiny ror r- hiIhhIiiii tu iiiiniia-if tin nrrllH"fl lann: rl lifU Inir Of- Ciuniiietirliir at i lt plantfU it lilrli water mark. Awnil rtlver: Tliutiv t rJialnn nor III: llienee 10 rlialn west, Uturr or lem tu liiTlliwej-X riimer l.l 1017; tlienev m TIMBER SALE X7172. Sealed Tenders will be received ly tire MliUster or l.andi. t Victoria, nut later Ihan mmn 11 llm Juili day or July, mis, fur tlie purcluse or Licence X7I7K, to cvt K.ooo jacilne Ties on the H.uth 1-1 or lot 6f.il and tlie souilieast 1-4 tr Lot Hi). 1 mile aoutn or Horn Lake Station, lun re 5, Vjm&i Iilairlrt. Twii. it) jeara will he allowed tor re-. iimiviI or tlinber. I'urtlter rartlculars ot the Chlel Fores ter, Victoria, B.C., or plitrlct t'orciter I'ltnre lliiped. B.C. TIMBER SALE X7005. Tliere will be clTered for Mle at rnblir Auction, at nooir on tlie 3rd dar or July, im. In the uTTIce -or thti.forent Hamrer, burns Lake, B.C, the Ucuiice X7ooJ, to rnt is.ooo Jaiiln Tlea -ou an aiTa situated 3 nifles north or Savory Maium. nanire n, insirici. Two (J) year will be allowed lor r limval or ibe timber. rrovlfled Ihst any one 'trjwble to attend the auction In ixtsum may submit a sealed icnaer to M openea at tne nour or auction, and Ireateu as xine bid. Vurllier partlmlars or the Chler Forester, Victoria., H.C., or tUMrict Forester, 1'rlnce Ituiierf. B.C. LAND ACT. ttotlct trf tntantlon to Apply to Purctim - Land. In lTlwe ttwiiert tn 4lstrtcl, Kecordlntj IHMrlrt or Prince Huierl. and situate at Shannon Bay, H.i:., Miiwrt Inlet jl O.C 11.111.1. TAkK NoTICt: that James Vle.dlnir1 Mraiiir, or Sinmyslde, tl.c. ocrupatl(ii, caimeryman. Inli iids to apilv ror xnnls , slon to pnrrtiase the rothmmt; Tlescnbe! lands: - Cimmenrlna at I tvist iilanled 1 4 chain south lldi-. west, nmre or lest rroir. southwest corner r Lot ttlS; thence south 30 vliaitis; thence west 30 chains,' more or less, to 'water's edire; thence rollowluir liieanderlnir or beach tn olnt fif roiiinieirccment, and contalnlnr 4 6 acres,' more or less. IAS. F1K1.M.N0 8T1UN0. Aiipliranl: Per Win. 0. Mitchell. , A Sent.' iHtiea jury Ttn, ma. LAND ACT. Notld of Intantlon to Apply to Purthasa Land. In Ihe Land Hwonlinir District r I'clnce iiutiert. and situate at Shannon Bay V... Maswlt inlel. V.C Islands, B.C. , i a a r. mmiik mat liosse-Mliierii. Lini lied, trr Vancouver B.C., oerirpailon sal nun canners, intiHids tn amMv rnr er liil1uii to purchase Ihe fcilUiwlnr de m-rllied lands: OonsiHsiciur at a nost jlanted wrotl nialely la rlialns Vest, more or less, rroin Ihe northeast corner l.ot 54S (T.L. S9&&11 . : Ihenre anllLh a r1iln- 'them SO chains south: thence IS. chains et: a l..hi- ikw umh s rimm. thence 40 chains north; thence I rluUisj Ome west 40 chains, more or less, lo iiirnrr i i, , imuif. ,.iiin ui .inn m,iirm; incirce rouowius ineaniierins or roininencement. aim coniaiiMO u arje, M.nrh tn jn.lnt or romniencenient, I niorr or ie. scinmmins ss acre more or less. , MIW. JAMKS FIKLDI.NO STMAN0. GOSSII MIl.LKIUl LIMITFO. AptiHcant. Applicant. Per Wm. 0, Mitchell. pef Vm. 0. Mitchell. Astnt.l Agent. Dtttd July 7tb, 1tl. I Dated July Tth, 1911. FiveRoses Flour for , Breads, Cakes, Puddings, Pastries Thriving children prefer the bread you make with Five Roses Flour. It is stored wilh the flavor, vitality and vasily-irigested nourishment of prime Manitoba xvheat. Nutritious, Wholesome and Keeps Well Agent John L. Christie One cannot burn the candle at both ends Yoa wouldn't light a candle at both ends and expect it lo last very long. And you can't attend your many duties as wife and mother, then pile on washday labor, and expect to keep yourself fresh and vigorous. Why not let iis take care of washday loll and trouble f One of our many "services will fit exactly both your needs and your purse. And you can "keep Ihe home fires burning" "without burning the candle nt both ends. Canadian .steam Laundry Phone 8.