~ anal 6 Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, October 1, 1952 NORTHERN RIVER ‘The Great Whale river tHern Quebec flows 365 mile with many waterfal Hudson | lle Bay: , SUR RRR RRR Re © WALLACE’S DEPARTMENT STORE That 1952 Look Fall Millinery SESS RER EAE eee rt feminine Vv look that’s Wallace's Dept, Store HISTORIC MASS mass on celebrated in Codres in the St 60 miles below Quebec. Canadian 1535 on Law- eteeeaeaeeeeneenaeimeenttie < WINDOWS & SASH Reduce cost of heating and eliminate draughts by installing STORM WINDOWS—now. tYPES OF WINDOWS AND SASH MADE TO ORDER Greer & Bridden Ltd. Phone 909 THE CAT'S OUT ONE FREE DAY. | IN THE GREAT. 215 Ist Ave. West For quick results try a Daily News Classified P.O. Box 721 |resentation” from Prince Rupe — By GAYLE NEW YORK (AP)—F tional League partisan to « sufferers of recent years, b the World Series where w ! ee Harold Thom: Takes Trophy ‘: In Trap Shoot Harold Thom, vice-presiden of Prince Rupert Rod and Gun | Club holds the Northern and In- | ™ terior B.C. trap-shooting champ ionship following the shoot-off | ' at Terrace last Sunday | Shooting 23 clays out Thom beat out 22 other compe-/| 5% titors for the individual trap- | shooting trophy which is cur- rently displayed at Cook’s Jewel- ers Sharp shooters Runner-ups to Thom for the individual cup were George Rob- inson, of Prince’ Rupert and Cecil Blackburn, of Terrace, each with 20 out of a possible 25 t : I } t rn I OCTOBER EVENT ONE DAY'S SALES T0 OUR CUSTOMERS. This Great 27 days’ Sales promotion begins today, Wednesday, and ends October 31st. ae DEAL WITH US. YOU MAY GET YOUR GOODS FREE IF YOUR PURCHASE WAS MADE ON THE FREE DAY, WHICH WILL BE NAMED ON NOVEMBER Ist. ITS OUR WAY OF ADVERTISING The free day will be arrived at by taking the total sales of the 27 October business days and dividing that amount by the number of business days and the day's sales nearest to this amount will be paid back in cash to our customers. This way prevents it falling on a small business day like Thursday—or our biggest day. TUNDREDS of DOLLARS Will Be Given Back Be Sure To Keep Ali Your October Sales Slips, We Keep Duplicates MO ONE CAN LOSE AND BESIDES THERE ARE MANY BARGAINS. ANY ARTICLES IN STOCK TOO LONG WILL BE MARKED DOWN SO WE CAN CHANGE OUR STOCK. of 25.| were out point lies to win the pennant. here in the last few weeks when the he-wolves were howling around their door. | must | that rosin bag admit the job will be difficult. TF OUND-UP ar be it from an old Na- ‘ffer false hope to fellow ut this might possibly be e give those Ameriean eaguers their lumps, 4s Manager Charles Dressen f our glorious Dodgers so aptly \ ts out, they can be licked— t that they haven't been We've been looking over the sodgers’ record for the season nd are struck by a number of hings which might bring cheer, principal one of which is trong indication that they » longer roll over and play \ n the going gets rough, The last time our champions west Louis Cardinals were hotter han a depet stove and were threatening to move right in on! , leaders. The Dodgers knock- BOOT STILL BOOMING-—Joe size 12 “EB” | t an Edmonton Eskimo workout. After 17 years | | rough, themselves. KA you may recall, h« yalfback George ‘The Toe) boots in yotball veteran, keeps his king form a football, Old Joe is still tops and he says he won't quit until 3 kicked out. He came went into action at outside i early in the seaso Festeryga holding the ball Aguirre, 33-year-old placement- to Edmonton this year as line coach ly it (end). He | the Western Conference scoring after six games, That’s { (CP PHOTO) | DEATH RIDES THE NIGHT Thay Ps P val! pt isso 4 d a rt TARZAW’S CLOSEST CALL IN THE BIG NEW TARZA oat : hfe: Lea TET: DOROTHY HART ond PATRIC KNOWLES - CHARLES Konvin introducing TOMMY CARLTON ~ Produced by S01 Lessi Today and Thursday T OTE Show Starts at 7:00 p.m, A FAMOUS PLAYERg 3 >, Last Complete Show 8:20 "| TONIGHT | 7 ~- 8:20 : “GLORY ALLEY" _"WASHINGTON sTopy 7 + y f ¢ , « rai © rc i them off four straight, and Terrace Rod & Gun Club, how yu never heard of Eddie ever with two strong teams took] Stanky’s team again. away the club trophy shootir Then they went into that 107 and 114 with two seven-manj fi game series with the teams. Prince Rupert team scor- | Giants, when people were yell- ed 89 with one team which the} ing that the panic was on again | city club president Jim Baco They dropped the first two at said “was not a very good rep- 1e Polo Grounds, all right, but ume back swinging to take wo of the next three and ease! he pressure to the vanishing They bashed the Phil-! In other words, while it is that our heroes built up he great lead they held late in st at the expense of the Good Hunting at Babine; Four Moose ve Prince Rupert businessmen he won't go hungry, either Quintet \ r t six-day Nuntii Bags N ¢ for li but one, Dut Tommy Boulter, Jr., Dom Dominato, Bud Schuman and Al Manson each got a moose. Sev Dominato missed, but i all in the family referring to his brother Dom's vod markmanship Dom and Al Manson each got a bear as well, during the days spent 16 mile The quintet also bagged a coyote north of Topley on the Babine Road | as he Clifton Webb at his funniest, as the college it is equally in evid- relers nee that they refused to fold LOPEFUL SIGN That is, perhaps, the most 1opeful sign For another) hing, the Dodgers were re- iarkably consistent when one onsiders the confused state of heir pitc:sing for much of the eason. Maybe they don't have ny pitching, as some American aguers claim, but somebody have ben out there with The were in the lead or were tied for the top Dodgers FREE Radio Every person who joins the Civic Centre before October 18 has the opportunity of winning a mantel radio. Donated by prof who turns out to be the Silent Screen’s flaming gift to TV, Bien: DREAMBIKT AM FRANOS- JEFFREY HUNTER “OFF TO THE | OPERA” STARTS TOMORROW on all but 16 days of the race. 4, i Lf —NEWS— They held undisputed |. pos- session of first place frora Oo A) Shows oie June 1 on. They never were all | 7. 9:00 SATURDAY MATINEES 2-4 more than 214 games off the "=" ee at vee ioe i a corpse pace, having trailed the 1 PAE: ‘i, AO TE AGT AE AP cgay Giants by that margin May ne ee ll a ite a tee a AE A AE AE O ~~. 28. They lead, 10', 25 and 26. | As a fitting reward for having} ed their league opponents sen’s stalwarts held their longest games, on August bowlegged, Dres enter the series fully rested and one presumes, with home runs. That will be a lot | different from the last three ears when our boys staggered into the series blery-eyed from } winning out on the last day or} in a playoff. The Yanks won't} be the fat cats this time ,0adea SCIENTISTS FORECAST (Continued from page 1) mon’s wanderings But they In 1913 the B.C. sockeye catch was 648,586 cases of 48 pounds each while all other species totalled 47,463 cases. The total cate had a value of about $7,000,000 at that time. In the cyclic year of 1937 the ockeye catch was down to 325,- 774 cases but the catch of all other species—because of com- mercial education and demand had risen to 1,183,401 cases Last year’s sockeye catch was} 428,299 cases with a market] value of $15,990,371 while all other species totalled 1,528,097 cases worth $31,377,545. ASK FOR SCOTLAND'S FAVOURITE SON JOHNNIE | WALKER | BORN 1820— ". STILL GOING STRONG FINE OLD SCOTCH WHISKY Distilled, Blended and Bottled in Scotland Contents 26% on, JOHN WALKER & SONS LTD. Scotch Whisky Distillers @ KILMARNOCK, SCOTLAND 14-2 This aavertisement i not published ( A PEI POI cmc MP LION SLO Oo SIO of MOP Ilustrated measure uniform isszed free to is a new made-to- all) Women accepted in the RCN (R)—part of a complete clothing kit, including summer ae winter uniforms, eed LD or displayed by the Liquor Control a Board or by the Government of wad British Columbia ’ The defence of her country will receive the same training and pay as for men of the will enjoy companionship, learn self-discipline, leadership ™ which may be valuable in civilian life. Single, and able to pass medical and aptitude tes! entries is 19 to 25 up to 35 for former “WRCNS.” Training: serve Canada+—in your home town—in your spor Fhe F OEE AO ea ap a at att 4% X limited number of ° WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR PART-TIME SERVICE IN THE ROVAL CANADIAN NAV (RESERVE) young women who joins the RCN (R) is preparing to sere’ ‘ ‘ fi whiantat ited. in duties for which she is particularly sv the She will attend Navy Reserve parades at least one night a 8" she Reserve. § nd skills The young woman who joins the Navy Reservé Requirements: Age limits for net . erience- up to 29 for those with technical exper You may secure training to serve in such duties as Harbour Craft Operators Medical Assistant Communicators . : General Duties Storeswomen Writers for Pay and Radio Technicians (Al) Administration 4 qechnicians (Alt) Radio Technicians Electrical Techn Electrical Technicians Join the Royal Canadian Novy (Reserve) as ! Apply Today to the Recruiting Officer Driil Night—Every Wednesday, 8:00 P.™ H.M.C.S. Chatham PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 526 LEP EP SOP ae: A gee eet C00 et 0 OOO LI APOLLO MEL. LI MIEL NSE ALLA IAL LILI AI GI LOT ware