t know icnes V V uiiiii aid the other day i ,v ii wnicli: i ,i . ;i koihI :tmcplere. i, i ,iin ifitxniK U lo yon." t . . a i'Wi'IIM'"n rfttita-,i in- niotl valuable ;i hi wliilc we want I ...id- in give salU-i, urn a man pul ii , i ' iiaf way, wp make i . .-I'liir! In mi- linn ohn Bulger Ltd ! I ucnciiors iys' Spring ivy Reefers .1 S('.ic! $7.00 SOYS' NAVY SERQE SAILOR SUITS I;k eo'. CME Importers Third Atenue :r advance NYX .adies' Shoes f makes. I Prire riulil nily Shoe Store Ine 357. Third Avenue. .Alexander Smith Dlook i Phone 575 DENTIST MILK tFrom Bulkley Valley L5H MILK AND WHIP PING CREAM specially recnininend Table Cream at lOo for V ''"it Oualily and Service ilentin Daiiv Phone 657 r.E.S.Tait DENTIST P'oersoh Bldek,' rlnce Runurl R n If fflce llour&0 16 6. -"ay strvlos PhAna nan n Tuenilay and Thursday I Ir!vnfnfro turdaya o jp 2 noon 77tB DATtY;NEWB - 'PAGE FIVE I Week at theatre Ion Ivionday and Tuesday ' Will III:..... iiiiiiiii r. imri in I uni- 4. till1 'j'P.n ;h about Wednesday and Th6rsday i "The Sporting Ch.inrc i L Friday and Saturday Nrma Talmai&e in "tiran shirk " 4- 4- 4 4 DASH FOR LAND A ' CHEROKEE STRIP That Is Theme of Story of "The Tumbleweeds" Showing Bill Hart Tonight The lal ilaoli of Ihe home leader fur Hie plirpoe f Inl, mil rllillil ill) lllc nlil Chemki,- Land Wrip helween Kiinn- ami Oklahoma. I depicted fur t ! -fir. I lime on the serein jn wiani K. Maris ni'w m-rcpn pro-li'ii'lliiil, "Tiilitldcwfei. IniiKtlll. The Cherokee Ship. n-r,ile. Wise II wn net iii'h i Men 'ral Hr.MIMil tielween Up- Indians mil early while ettii.i, w as I iliniwii iipen m iMH'.i ,v f f -erniiinl for lionietleaM purpose-ami a n a tin- wmil went Ml. Ilifftiwinil iipnn tlnitiaiiis it home neeker flocked In Caldwell. Kan., lo lir reaily frtr Ihe farter's wi.nl. Ii wai virgin prairie null, in ii nmli of a (tie agricultural r.mon ;in.l Ihe I. iinl WH valuahle. Some home -lead land t nut valuable, a-mam perctm. have leaimM hv experience. The np rani'heo whiell were reiil.( finm the Indians hy rat- lleiniMI, hail lii In- yrat .'d; M- arcai herd rennm-d. Thin rua.-luilerne hHween row mini an. I tin- boftcli-ailer. Then then-were Ihe "jMNHier" ! worry with -men wlio tii'-il in nMk m ahead Of the opcnnvu an-i grali laml. They were prumplly jaih-il when rnugfit I hi In (fir historical state (: affair aroiiml whieh "Tumble ;wertl" i built Hal fi. i: nft -'tvrwl (he tnry ami u wa ailapi ' el fVr the ri i-eii hy I!, (innlii'i siil'ivan. . The Inily t reniemuii reip- of the niml ilflih fm laml. lli--rieixinir of Ihe iiMiniml- linl- mI mi He. ihe ejniMi- aVuiiml ilalil wll. whieh jrrew lo a raw melrn nili altl)ol mernitflil. the love Lmuhler. criin ileli-r?nlnAlinn. , i ailni. lifiyeily aiwl drama f Ihooe lirrim: day in mir nwn land, will all he een In Mr. .Ilarl pieiiu'.- Hip and iie hp made In dale. ' A fine Mf iirroiind Ihe lar i i -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v llarhara lte.lford a- ileadliu- woman iml Kiiic H.i jo) wn Ihe ilireelor. BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS ! AND ROMANTIC LOVER. That Is Story or Week-end Picture to be Shown Hero (iiMii a lie.inlifnl prinee in a ronli-walhid raIIr in u dwiinv. lomanlte kifiiiliMii in Ihe soul Ii ..( l.'iirojH1 Ami n klntr who Trio In b----l. tii in pile of hiM mihleri idea ami Hie whimfiral twinkle in lu-i eye And a In-aided noldeman who i- bniiml willryelerilay s stilled ivenlions: who frown on Rirl- i-li miiely and seofVs a I roinanre mill el would wed I lie trtllN'.- And h yoimif Ainerkan. handsome mid rlmalrnu and roinan-lie. wlin slray by chance into the liny kintnlom and sees (he prinee. and falls in Invo and j Well, there you have Ihe in-trredieiiln which iro In make 'up Ihe rliarmlns plot of "Hrau-slark," Ihe Heorue Ilnrr .MrOul-ehrou novel jvhieli Norma Tal-mad?p ha made iulo a molioii liielure under Ihe banner of .Ins-lepli M. ScheiVk. II 1 lo he here al the end of the week. They have lifled inn! of Ilia IriKliinies mil if "0 rail Mark.." !and Iransforiiieil il inn a nioilern kinmloin jul modern enmijsh In have new idea ,yel oM-rasli-ioued ciioujrh not lo liave nur-rendeiml Ihe drcimy .lialo n( i romance lo Ihe blalanl clamor of 1 l.t linmltf I My.Wry and H"C warm spirit of 'ailvenlm'e "HK l'ie eonnien r II. n lilllo kinivdoiu. VI' I ;in modern gui Mni'lfLv eye, are Mill shy. ""'1 'ih OioCls; Tree from rosmcliM There ami Ino cabarets, no subways and no! H The Car' Of M HI . Traditional Quality UALITY that is tradx tional is quality that if born of quality. The first Ford was a quality car. The Ford cars that are coming off the assembly line today are quality cars. For twenty-one years Ford quality has been constant. Only this constant quality has made possible the constantly increasing production that has distinguished Ford among motor cars. The world's confidence in this quality is the most valued, and hence the most guarded of Ford; assets. This is the reason the world has given leadership to Ford. CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS ISU 'JTiXAA tVM 01V rlireeniiiK laxn ali- Ycl for all Dial there is the modern spirit of emancipation from convention which follows the war. HORSE RACE THRILL IN "SPORTING CHANCE" Picture Shows the Debonair Lou Tellegen and Dorothy Phillips There are many onlslainlinK features in the feature picture "The yporlinp: niiance," n Tiffany Production, at the WVsl-holme at. Ihe mid-week, but Die scene that will ive (he mosli htitso mlolion tiiclure fan a real lionest to. troodnes thrill Is Hie' stfrrinpr horse race between n field of real race horses who hold the audieuce ineaililes.- until Ihe winner is under the wire This and other jjrippinp scenes Bo 4o make "The fiportiiiK Chance" a picture that, will sive r.'al entertainment. For Ihe first lime we see Ihe debonair I.ou Tellepen, ihe ureat lover of lie jliwe aiiil screen piSrlrayinpr Ihe part of ii pollsheij villain who uses all the tricks of that -sort of man Jo try ami win Ihe nirl he loves, ami lie does it in n way thai is unoffensive ahd with real aelinpr. Ve also see Dorothy Phillips, who was a sreal screen favorite for many years eiiacliup u,p part of Hie leadliiK feminine role In a sweet, sympathetic fashion. fieorpe Knwcelt is asr.iin seen as a fond find lovlnjr Talher while Theodore Von KHz ns Ihe young lover plays his part well. In The Letter Box PUBLICITY NECESSARY. IMitor, Daily News. I was much pleased to see in last Sunday's Province quite, a lengthy article concerning the Port of 1,'rince Huperl. This was an excellent idea and I believe that similar articles in Ihe papers of Kdnmnloii, ami oilier prAlrfe coolers would do much towards bringing grain for the new elevator, and let oilier cities ami towns know that Princo Huperl is out for business. drain would mean a great ileal To Ihe port for every ship Hint j come in for grain would also bring in a cargo, ow thai you PRODUCTS OF TRADITIONAL QUA L I t Y fad have what is most neeessary toi carry on trade il is up lo Hie proper authorities to go after the trade and the res! will come more work for the industries now in operatfmi, and new ones begun and a larger population. Hoping some day to see Prince Rupert n eireat port. 1 remain, Past Prince Hupert Citizen, Vancouver. D.'C. Ten Yeairs Ago I in frlnce Kupert February 22, 1916 4 The death occurred last night life in ills cafiicr days, fiavjng seen service in the Crimean War. lie arrived in California in l)."7 and a year or so later took part id Ihe Cariboo gold rush. Ile was well known in the north. Mftce Krook has received word that Ivan Dubina, who, worked oh Ihe ft3p. in the early "ilays, is a prisfnief 'bf war in Austria. Imbina say lie would lie much pleased ir;some of his Wince, Huperl frfemls would send him mone. wltii which lo buy -belter 'nod ami sifrne tobacco. Judge Robertson ot Pri'hce Tierge will Iry the Coujity Court case of the princo lUiplrt drib at the home ot his son-in-law. .Mr., vs. the Fidelily Co. forthe recov-ChMsllan, of Capl WllllAiii Frin-fery of a Tmhd. .Tu.rge VoYing reels Madden, aged HI. The latfse, In hear the case as he is a Capt. Madden followed seafaring member of the club. ii