fcnilay Januarr 4, 1026 I VI l..'9'UI V 'IK 1 1jW QiUd's TREASURE the health, purity and beauty of your child's skin. Regard every little soreness, rash, chafing or irritation as a possible source of disease. Treat them all with the famous Zara-Buk. This pure herbal balm Is a blessing to mothers. It pre-Tents minor troubles from spreading. It soothes and heals quickly and surely. Moreover, Its mild, yet powerful antiseptic influence affords the delicate tissues complete protection against dangerous disease infection. Treat the first Itchy Rash or Blemish As a remedy for teething rash, scalled head, eczema, apcuRo. runwDfin, ana omer sicin disorders common t lrritaU lafime4'plei, tspeli poison nd tLataae. and quicklr ttitortl tne itkvt to a state of bejJthy perfection, tt "v ti.L e .it . . ... .1 ukwu autui. omxi, Durna, icJiai ana nesn wounds. It check bletaUf , b!inunUon and pain sad brinrt iwift clean heilmr. ,", n7 pouonea wound i, ulcert, acnt. pioriiau, iJ,kcM, Ud let, and pile. 501- the box everywhere. Start The New Year Right lhn 1 iv. 1 1 1 ;' ui 1 mi t . Ii . .l.-i.ul Use a Diary Oik -ii ui the uiuittlio tuu) cunl you leu tuue Ihu i f ' hi. 11 11- ilon't furgiRt; ikojiIc do. For the Office: . :ti 8xW 53.00 . :: 1.25 . :iM7 WxK 1.G5 v.. 5'ixH 115 V... :ir.Wt'x7 75 For the Pocket: .,. ;,u B day- U, pugi', IHixO $2.00 - :,2t t day U Mujr.-, :ixHi 1.50 .. :M:i day hi pufB, 3x54 ...... . .. .75 Tli- m '.ml ouuiruiu llwri noiin&jn ptie Irom 25c firm (..lii-mlar l'U .75 Ciem Latcnilur HUtnds $1.00 LET US DEMONSTRATE Kroehler DAVENPORT Beds t'hul-li'ivd in S.imih Mi i -km l.c.dli.-r .r 111 gniHl ipu.hlv llrown Miiliair OUR PRICES ARC REASONABLE BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue And That One Word Is Phono 123 "VALUE" 'lino nit (irtick' ol (MiUIiiikIiiik uirnl i ol'trml l the P'illlir. )N Miri'i'f. Ik'COIII' - illi;i .iilllc. Ami m if 1 with diir IhI.nI "FAMILY SKIlYIUvS," out v one wunl 11111 exiluiii lln-ir tiii'k ui't-uplniici' ami mio-and thai one word i "VAl.UK." Wot Wash ThriR-T mul Sufi Wiiltdi liuro 1110 -.rvi.ij dial Minply Inun uv.m v il li .ill I In rcaluros of Purity. CoiiviMiicin-c, niul Iv-oiioiiiy no! out litil all throe. (.iomiiirifti ami (loiiioiislrulioii provi1 the valui1 of our nuiiiiv Survives. ii 1 Local and Personal li.C. Undertakers. I'lionn 41. 75 Taxi. iiiplil. BOc service, day anil tf Largo tuifo for 'sale, Max Hcilhronur. cheap If Jntiiimlfngp; of WMIelioi-M" lfi for Chicago on tial unlay night'-. I rain. OH Taxi nmi Tratmfcr. Horvific. Day and iiIrIiI. Oybiiavn. no.- T tf Knitditn of l'yfhhia. Int.itla 1 ! of officer lontalil al K p.m. All knight plm,..- attend. 1'. W. UVscli, K.lt.6. .1. II. riioiupton returned ! tin- niy 1111 tin- Curilan.'i rMli,riay afii't'iioon afler having "peitl tli ' )t i j -1 initr viii aiion wek viailiun in Victoria witli hia family. A. T. I'xlioff. haviim nMuriiPil from m Inn lit I hi- Uuen t'har- l ' t - lliiinl. will mH l.iiiiorruw uiii! hIm.hi iI I In- Carik'iia for a v. week- !iiiinK trip in tin utii. II. i:ilwanl, iiMMiHK.'r of tli'' ('..iii.iria I'riMjiirt- itawiiiill al Ok i .ii I In- rity mi hiiiom-HH. Hi' .u i :wil r i . mi the interior on tlii. 'iuriiiii4' train unit will ri'turn lilM'C lltllltflll. Mr. aiwt Mr, .laino It. M.iU'liell. ..fiM' pMiiiinK tin- i;iiriitma ami Nfw Yi-ar vai-alioii viniting in the il with Ihi'ir pariMitH, Mr. ami Mr-. J. H. Milrhell. returnml U-nnx on Hi'' Caiiinna hint night. A Christina lrer ciitrliti-noMil wao h.'hl a! t?l. I'etcr'f :iiuit!li .in Haturday afternoon iimier .tin uierviuiii nf W . II. Si,iniir. l'r.enUi dinlri-liuip.l liv An-lidrai tm llix and a liapry time was apeut. Tli.inia I.iwilcn. miperintemt' cnl iMiginmr fur- I lie tlanadiat i k iM'iiin.-iil Jiercliaul laruit on tin- i-uarl. arrived fruiu Vaiirtm vim- ypwlordajr aflrrnmin. Hi lin. -i. ui here in eotuiectm: wit I. i try ilock iiiatirm Itnili lionton returned on lh Kanlrim liit nijrllf lo Aln i- Arn where hi will renum' hi .-Hi".. t.'arhiuit du'iei. after ha snj. li-iil Ibe Clirilma ami .'v "itv holiilayx viniinift wild lii.-t PMifnlo. in lln t tty. .i.trilot r.'lur-iHd li Slpwari earlier in I : C.'Jl!. I Ili.lllHO ltippi.ll. W.'ll known :.!. It. ntant skinnor and r w itiatler .if the ideainer Prin . -- MHrKiierile. has ueen elccltvi nidfiit for of the Mer- .liani Srl.' (itiild in Vancouver. He ui'iredi ('pi. V. S. More- houf. Capt. X. I. HftekitiK am: Uapl. .laiiif Findlay, who an1 !.!. Iioth w.'ll known hre. havr i.t'.'ii iuiimimI (m-ci.Ii (initio ami liii'i.l ...-ctia'T iTiri'.Mluli( re-iM'.'iiM-U . CARD OF THANKS. Mr. lieorge Oale ami family deirc to convey then' nincere tlii.nks lo the Wonieii of Mninelicarl I.e-j;i"n. menilM'i-! of Moouc l.nil(ie niul nil fririiiN for Hit- kinil exiiiv-xioin. tt -vinpiiliiv received in Iheir rei I'll' iiei e enii'll ! . 4 Shine Up Your Silver our silver polish is the finest we have ever used. We guarantee il mil to scratch or do any damage to (he finest silver. lions, ;IT I mi OAHYT JIIWII , Do Your Bowels Ever Become' Constipated? 'A freo motion of the bowel, every day, ihoulil be the aim of every one who impirca to perfect health, for once the bowel become dogged-up all the other organ of the body get deranged, and all kind of diaeaae and duorder are liable to attack the ytcm. If you take oar advice and .tu MiBburn's h Mi u-ao . bbb mm m bi k. 1 mm yon will And that they will regulate nd keep yor.t bow.:U and liver in proper hap.', and when thi i done there i not much chance of yon ever being irk. Thi valunblo remedy ha been on the market for the put 32 yean; put up only by The T. Mil burn Col, Limited, Toronto, Cot Curriti's Taxi ami UeuwciiKer I'lione 500 night or day. IS Two can at yuur service "h.-diU.n Taxi. 1'uone 134. tf Then will he a niccliiiK of lh' Pipxhylurian Ladier Aid at the liuuie of .Mrs. J. (irecr on Wed nesday al 3 p.m. to elect officer for 1026. V. I.inuni, keeper ui liic Law yer Inland light, anivcd in the city yeMlprilay fur medical treat ment. Mm. Liiium i" tiMidiug the light during hie ai-iice. (irand Variety Concert m Kni- pre '1'lieulre on Tuesday. January 5. by Mi l.iiuic 1'ihIkm and 1.ip MrCuieheon. aAHixl.-il l Mrs. Jnrvif MeLeud. Tickelj a. Urine- Mil. 2 Mtwaiu Jlcl'iaeiniil appeared hefore Miiailrate McOlyinuiii in 'lie i i; police court on a cliHrstv1 of iiitoxa-alion ami as fim-u -J5 or. ii an alternative, 30 day iiii-'inii!ieiit. J. H. Hunter, pout office in Meelir. wbu hun been in tin city m departmental wjxine- for Hie nanl (e da, returned to hi-. headnuarlei . in Saskatoon t Hal" inlay ni((hi' tram. SpeciaU for the week. Dresses from tH.im lo 26.ou. Silk and wool hose. l.25 per pair. Silk Muse, fi T." for 1.75. Kifih IuIicm couli" iii jmI1 at e!t. .Mr-W'iifioi. Third Avenue. AelniK iiiHpet'lor V. tSpillcr am :inef I'.oiiHlai'ie A. MrXejll ..f Ibe provmeinl iidici. left last niaW on I lie (.anient, for Stewart In lake charge of the invent iatior of the alleged inurder of Jam-.v Donald ou .New Year' morning. A very niiccessfnl dance was held in Ihe Mclrojiole Hall on Saturday night under Scainlina-vian auspices A large crowd at tended and enjoyed danning until midniRhl to music furniaued hv l,ind.eth's orrhestni. Chas.'Ylre- heru was master of ceremonies. An illustrated iory sppoars ie the American and Cutiadiai: Touriats' Society and the American Tourists' Association published in Lo- Angeles, written by John Jlopper on a trip to Alask.t last summer on Canadian .National steamers in vvlyeli he mouliotiw Prince ltuperl. William t.ray, who returned to the city yesterday afternoon (v, the Cardena after visiting; with hi.- parents in Vancouver, acted strangely on the voyage un the eoasi ami after arrival in tlic city and is now in the city notice station under observation. Oiny i has resided in the oily for the past six years and was prominent in athletio circles. Union steamer Cardcua, Capt. X A. Findlny, urrhed' from Van couver and way ports yesterday afternoon at 3.15 o'clock with n tfood sied "passenger list composed chiefly of public school teachers returning after spending Christmas and New Year vacation period in the south. The passenger list included for J'rinee ltuperl- Miss llurtin. Miss llollt-wcll, Miss H. Mercer, Miss Mc KllV W lil-UV fl Vlllll'lHVM (3 n will slime me i.tackest:,,,,,, st ! A MeDnugnl, MUs Jac- pum-cs mi x,,r, om.r If . Miss u.,lut,t w Lnrse,,, Miss nseu ,( i uiuiiiji in unci-- Wi.nl no- 1 i.li.l T,. U liU- iAIlen, M.iss C. n'Cdnnel, Mm jiiuiiy lluhy Scott, peon, Mis .vis St. ni. James, .mines, T. l. , A. J I John m Bulger p. a :S:JiHE2 w...u VUUUU1UI1 .1 IVUHl j , t The Jeweller ox- W. lleidman, C. O. Hell. 6. C Phone 8 liulhird and Mr. TI)orslenser : for f w.i 1 1 W W . Ku I'ustcr. PAST YEAft PROSPEROUS FOR CANADIAN NATIONAL; PRINCE RUPERT BUSINESS GREATER. tconliniifid from pane jne) of more than one llminand car." daily, no that total grain loadin lo the end ol thu year were near ly 120,000 earn. Passenner Buslpess Panviisrer traffic officials stat ed that the 111! i traffic over Canadian Natioiiiil lines had been heavier than in any previous yeai in the Imlory of the road. Am an evidence of Ihia, it wax pointed out that over 51.000 iouristi were handled in special train and -fecial car partie alone. In addition lo tlic-c. the number of tourUlg rcKislcring at lapjr Park l.oilge. the Canadian National Itailwajv' summer hotel in'Jawpcr .National I'ark. had kIiowii an increase of nearly 75 per cent over 'tho.! of 1021, ami although accommoilalion al the t.odfte- li.n.i been iucreaxed diiriim she yeai II -wan net-esnary to ac- eommodate xume 500 true! in sleeping can duriiig the ruh iea-on. I'lan mr iiicrcaveii ac- roinmodaliou al Jai.iper Park Lodge lluriug the IU20 caon nave neon careiuuy gone over and il i c.ijiefleil that annouMcc nienl will rtfaorlly he made of pro poal in tlii line. The increasing interest among Canadian and outsider alike in the northern Canadian I toe-tic i chiefly r"ponihlc for this in ereael moveiiieiit and (he fact that additiunal services have been provided, including a leuiiHhip service from Vancouver mm Prince ltuperl to Alaska p(rls ha focneseil attention pijri of Canada' famed en c.mwl. Pr',nce Rupert Fish on thi- scenic Caiiailmii 'National llxpresri officials xtaie that Uiey al.o haw enjoyed iiicreu!el business dur ing ihe past year and tio l.fok for heavier Imsiness during tli-s coming year, as Uiey believe that better business conditions are ahead for Western Canada. During the nine months when the Prince ltuperl halibut firth'Tici were- in operation, the Canadian .National handled more express shipments of fish out o' that port than in any previous iweive month season and the shipments of Manitoba lake fish during the fall months have been heavier than in any previous- year Tch-graph officials declare Ihey have handled more message.. iliirimr I lie past year than during any period in 4he history of i!m Canadian National Telegraphs and. with (heir increased mileag( mid equipment, have every reai' lo Itelicve llial the eoiniug year will be veu heller for them Dave Hoberls. of the C.N.Il mechanical .staff who has been running an engine Tor Ihe past two months between Melville. ask., ami Winnipeg, returned to the city this morning, lie n;iy the wiulcr on the prairies is verjj until ibis year. Ihe tee and .snow is melting in Kilmoiiluii and the only snow io amount to anything is at Winnipeg. Kven the big grain metropolis is experiencing very mild weather this year as compared wilh previous winters. There is still about three .weeks more work to lie done on the C.O.M.M. steamer Canadian Farmer which is al the local dry dock being converted from n coal lo an oil burner. The Prince Charles, upon which work is now proceeding, will be docked about January 15 and Ihe Prince t.eorge will be docked later. i r iiS Itailv w LAND ACT. Notlc of InUntlon to Apply For Lot of Land. In Hie 1'rlnrr Hurrl Land Rrrordlni nilrirt and Unite on an uunanini llet roniiiiiK on of ttir arf rmui) or lln In lluil-um Bay l'aaire inpuli0 Cure! i.aumn roini. mur ertnl ll.M. 11. TAKE MHICr. that llarrl Kerr of r-rlui liuncrl. li.C, Malrr .Mariner, Inteml In apply mr a ica or itie ruiiowinff ite- crlbeO lanut: Cthiinifnclnr at a r-nt on the shore un the tat li1c of Ihe above rtecrlbert Islei, ineiH-e a.uuo reri normwe'i; uwiire 3.0J0 n-ei norincaji: incnre a.uun reel oiilh east; theme s.OOii feet southwest to the issni or nunnieiireinenl. rontatntnr 900 acres, more or less. HAimis KEiut, By his Aneni, Joseph J. Rnr LAND ACT, Nolle of Intention to Apply to Laaas Land' in Queen Charlotte Dl&lftet Laud Ke-rurdintr District or Prlni-c llupert, ami mimic at Stiannun Kay. TAkK MITICE that Robert C. Oosse or Vamtiuvcr. B.C., uecupatlou ranneryinan. iiiiriiu m awiy nir a lease or ttie roi-lovtinr rlescrlbnl lands- Coiiiinenrinir at a post planted on an iimiamed lilaml lyiuc 8.60 deir. V. fu chains, more or leasi from southwest ror-ner or Lot 1318, Q.C.I.. Hanire 3; thence rollowlnit nieanuerliit f shore line or aatd isiann ui mini 01 roiiinienrenieni. an contalnlnir 3 Va acres, more or less. HUlltlU t "JUSSjt, Applicant. Per vm. 0. Mllclwll, A-o Dated Ucluber Itb. tOtt. The Royal Bank of Canada A AO mm Mth NOVEMBER, 1935 LIABILITIES Capln.1 Stock raid sip,. $ lt,4a,Ht.M Rwrr fund U.f.mM lane f ProauurrUd forward l.i4T.4M.ll DOidrada (JiKlalnwd "'liojiiJ ISrld.nd No. lli (at 11 per annum), parabla lit Daomnrr, MM , mNN Boauaaf 2, pajabla lac DcccmtMr, 11J9 4AS.tO (S 94,MI.4.1 ' . . . tSI.Ml.lM.! nfMlta mvt bearlnd In.rrrat SISJV7,Itt.H Orpnalra barinft latere., lacludlat lntrrcat ccrud tn data of Statrmrnt UJM,ihM Total Orpoalia MI.477.S.H.9 Notea of lb bank In clrrulatlon Balancea daa lo other Bank In Canada l,7J.ln 41 Balaiwea du 10 Banka and Banklnf Corrnpondanta ! where than In Canada 14.4I.M M Bill Pajabla 7,i7,74l.l 7t7.IM.44SM Letter af Credit Outstaadinl. J.5..J $7WI,478.T7 43 ASSETS ' Cold and Sobaidlary Coin on hand t 2I.OT7.IM.77 Gold deposited In Central Gold Keaerte. . . , t0.M M t mm A 50.77 Dominion Note on hand 447.4117 Dominion Note deposited In Central Cold Keaerrea I.4M.4.M SJ.U71.TJ ' United State and other Foeslftn Currracla 2.1US4.S s ' tll4..'. 411.57 Note of other Canadian Bank 4.245JIS.43 Cheque on other Banks 31,744.411.17 Bilanre due r other Banks In Canada ilj.al Balanrea du by Bank and BankJnft tlnrreapnndentt tl where than rn Canada 27,al.7i.M iManlnlon and Prorlncial Government Securities, (not rtredin market saluei IU43.44J.M Canadian Municipal Serurttlee and British, Foreliln and Colonial Public Serurlfie other than Canadian, (not F eareedin market salue) M,47JU.M ( Rail war and other Bonds, Debenture and Stocks (not eiceedin market rmlue U.4M.771.M Call and Mtore (not etceedinl thirty days' Loa?is In Canada on Bonds. Debenlura and Smcka and other Securil.ee of a sufficient marketable salue to cover 33,914539.47 Call and Short not eiceedin thirty days) Loana elsewhere than in Canada on Bond. Itobenturee and Stock and .her Securities of a sufficient marketable value to cover 3S.4StJ3l.v7 isss.tH.ajs.r Current Loans and Discounts In CanUa rleaa rebate of Interval after making full provision for aU bad and dauhrful debts . t0.S54.44.7l Current Loans and Discounts elsewhere than In Canada fleas rebate of Interest: after makint full provision for all bad and doubtful debt I43.37.s.n Non-Current Loana, estimated loss provided for 27.574.71 3M.7M.MI.7I Bank Premisea at not more than cost, less amounts written off 15.4is,72.sa Seat lataie other than Bank Premiaea 2.5',15.4I MartfUteaon Real Mta.eauld hy the Bank.. , S9S.I74.SS IJahilllirs of Customer under Letter of Credit as per contia 34.49S.SS4.47 Share of and Loan to Controlled Companies ,a4A.4l.ao Deposit with the Minister for the purnoaea of the Qrculation Fund 1,4.mm.4 Other Asaeu not Included In tha fure(olna 91354.44 $7W.478.77g3 NOTE: Tke Royal Bank of Caaada (Praaee) has bnsi iaeorpnrated aader the laws of Praare ta eaadoct the bfastasss at tac Bank ia Part. As Usa entire capita! trk af Tbe Uoyal Baak ol Canada (1 rsnari la owaed by Tbe H,fii ui at Caaada. the aaseta sad liabiulMi of taa former are ladieled la lb above General Statrmeat. II. S. MOLT. C.C. VEILL, Prealdent Geaarai if snager Arnrrots' cestificate To twb SaaauoLMcn, Tn RoraL Base or Casaos: Wa aavr esamiaed tbe above sUtew.it af Liabiliusa and Asseta at 10th Navenber, tZa w.tk tke book and aeeaunu al The Royal Bilk of Caaada at Head Un and aitk tbe certified reteras fmea the braaebea. We have verified Km casb aad secunues at liead Otftea at the ckwa of Lha tiaak's fiscal year, aad dunai tbe year wa oouated ibe caak aad saawaed taa secuntiea at several of tat ue-portaat braachea. We have obtained aU the foorraatioe aad esplaaaUoat that e have required, aad ia wlr eexnion tke traAaactioaa of Uh haaK. which have eorae under our aotke, aava been withia taa puweis of tha Bank. Tbe abov stateav?at ia ia our opinion prcpetly drawa ap so aa u disrJw the Irue e.a,liriirn af taa Baak aa at STtb govern bar. 1924, aad It ia aa aaowa by the book of tha Baak. W. GARTH THOU30N. Cjs.. - of Prat, klaranck. Uitcball aad Co. I . . A. B. BRODIE. CJi .. ( Aaiton. si Pnce, Wsujouac & Co. J Uoatrea!. Caaada. 2Mb Deeeaaber, 182S. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Balance of ProSt and Lose Account. 29th November. 1924 . . f !.14l.a.94 Prottta for the year, after deducting charftea of management, accrued interest on depoaita. full provialoo for all bwu and daubtf ul debts and rebate of Inter eat so unmatured Mils 4.MI.42S.42 $3.125. 439.31 APPROPRIATED AS FOLLOWS! Dividends Noa. 1M. 151. 132 and 153 at 12 per annum.... 24,t.M Sonus of 2 to Shareholders 4X.S4 M . .. Trareaferred to Officers' Pensioa Fund IM.400.N ApprworlatfaKi for Bank Premiaea 400,OM.M Reaerve for Dominion Government Taxes, including War Tas on Bank Note Circulation 420.aiM.fM alanca of Profit and Loss carried forward 1 J4S.435 JJ 35.224.439.31 RESERVE FUND BaUnca at credit 2(h November, 1924 t20.444,M.fM Premium on new Capital Stack flaaued to Union Bank of Caaaada Uiaraholdere 4,t0.0Ot.fM Balance at credit 34th November, 1923 3l4.404.0eO.a0 1LS.110LT. aR.rfsnx, Prealdent Caaarat Uaaagar aionrreal. 2a th December. 1923. Steamship and Train Service 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT will Lav.. PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami inteniiedUte point each FRIDAY at 0 a.m. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT tor 8TEWART Hid ANYOX, WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. 8.8. PRINCE JOHN fortnightly fur VANCOUVER 91a QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAND8. PASSENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY .HONDAV, WEDNESDAY anil SATURDAY at S p.m. for PRINCE OE0RQE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, nil points Eastern Caiuda, Lnlled Stale. ACENCY ALL OCEAN 8TEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckil Office, 628 Third At, Prince Rupart. Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 23S Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. CEO. G. BUSHBYj Man. Dir. Phons 260 TUGBOATS Night Phones 687 .530 Gr. 238 Black 735 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to litiililing next door to b'rizsoll Hutchcr Mhop, across from the Empress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor ,ewl 5!