II i i nAQE SIX Monday, January 4, 192(5. 1 is Our Temptation SALE still on ACME Importers Third Avenue STOP That Cough Take a holtle of EDINBURGH HOSPITAL Cough Syrup 60c Rupert Pharmacy Third Avenue and Fifth St. IMTfcriplidns our specialty. Phone 94 We deliver Don't Buy Your Crockory and China Ware Until you have compared our prices We Save You Money G rdon s Grocery Seventh Avenue East Phone 447 HERE! HERE! Slarl the New Year with a Ni'iv Method of saving money. Why not start now and do like .many others arc doing. Muy for Cash and Ket your 5 per cent dis-coiml.. We deliver to any part of the Cily. Delivery Schedule: Wst U.30 a.m. and -30 p.m. East 10.30 a.m. and i.00 p.m. Round Trips - 11.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. Saturday -7.30 and 0.30. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 NEARLY WENT OVER NIAGARA Two Men Are Rescued After Thrilling Experience Near Huge Cataract MAUAIIA FALLS, Jan. I. -Saving themselves hy a narrow margin from going over the cataract, and rescued later from a crib in the river on which they were warooned for several hours, Arthur Makin and Clain Herncr of Kchota are conirraliilalinir themselves that they suffered no worso injury llian that Makin a feet wore slightly froslbiltcn. The two men were brought to ImnJI afler one of the most llirilliup rescues seen hero fur a Ioiik lime. Makin and llerner rented a rowboat and started for Navy Island. The boat bail two pairs oT oars, hut one pair was broken by the force or the current as be men neared the Canadian side of t lie river. They were in dan ger of the calaradl. Willi the single pair oT oars Makin managed to row the lioat by inclu s out of the Canadian ehami"! ami into the Uniled Stales channel. When willi in about 200 feci of one of the cribs julting out from the Niagara Falls Power Co.'s plant a third oar broke. Wilbouly one ore Makin used il lo scull the boat nearer crib and when about six NOTICE OF ELECTION. Pt BLIC .NOTICE Is hereby klven to the electors of I lie Municipality of the CMy of Prince llui-ert that I require the presence or Ihe said electors al the City Clerk's orrice. In the Clly Hall, cily of Prince lluiierl. on Monday. Ihe 1 1 Hi day or January. at twelve o'clock noon, fur the purpose or rlcriintr per-sons to represent I Item as Mayor and Aldermen. School Trusters and Commissioner of Police. j The mode or nomiujtlon of randldalea shall be as follows: The raudldaies shall be nominated In vvrlllnir: the urrltlnr shall lie subscribed by two electors or the munirlpatllr as proiKiser and seconder, and s!l be d-"vered to the Helurnliiir orrirer at anv lime belween the dale or ihe notice nnd two pjn. of the day of nomination: Unsaid wrllliiir may lie In the rorni iiuinliei -ed S In the Schedule of the "Municipal Elections Act." and shall slate the names, residence, and occupaiioii or description of each person proponed. In such manner as snrririeiitly to Identify such candidate; ami in the event or a miII helm nerrssarv. such poll shall be opened on Ihe nth day or January, at the Council Chamber. In the Cily Hull. City or Prince llupert, renin the hur ir S o'clock a ni. to Ihe hour or o'chwk pm.. or whl'h every iersou Is hereby reijuired to take notice and irivein liiuiseir areordinalv. Ulven under my hand at prince Unpen, B.C., this lib day or January. 9G. EllWAliD F JOXF.S, Smart Party Dresses "Demers" Vc aim lo please. Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. IPECIAL : SHOWING CREPE DE CHENE AND SERGE DRESSES Special Price, 512.50 Flannel Dresses, all Colors, $5.50 These are exceptional values, sent lo us on approval. Unsold balance must he relurued soon. SEE OUR WINDOWS H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Phone 9. 3rd Ave. and Fulton SUPREME COFFEE The Coffee that all beat.' Kotlc of Inttntlon to Land. In the Prince HupeM has 'em Coupon good until June 1 10-0. but select ion not guaranteed. Mae first and seeond choice. Tell you grocor "It must bo "SUPREME" from it ho jumped out threw lo the structure, llerner a I iii)! (n him and the boat was made fast. Hie series LONDON. Jan. . The ruin-running baronet. Col. Sir Uroder- ick llartwell, is bankrupt. A w-! ceivinjr order in bankruplcy. against him was published in the London (iazclte. 'II is repotted victims of the j crash, who invested in his last I expedition, and merchants who i extended him credit for sbippintf and other expenses, are hard liil. Nolle of Intantlon to Anulv to Last Lin I III Prince llupert Land Herordlna- District detl, i to acres, Ten Years Ago In. Prince Rupert Miss Lindea Willard, of Vancouver, and Uenryo A. l'illinan, of Anyox, were married here yes lerday by llev. J. F. Diuimick. The happy couple left in (lie evening for Anyox. Alec Urey and larry Lynn, both prominent musicians of I It i city, have joined the band of lite llth Mounted Ilifles, and leave for the south tonight. They were accorded a farewell dance last night. The mother of Mrs. Dan Martin of Anyox, who was here some three years ago, bus passed awaj lat Nelson, ll.C. BURNS LAKE J. Marriott of Kndako has been a business visitor here. Chas. Wilson is home from the Dnthie mine to spend a vacation with his mother. Mrs. Martin; Wilson of liUrns Lake. Mrs Allan and and children made of dako recently. wfl.-on of Savory a visit to Hn iMr.' and Mrs. 'Frank Keefe n cribs is connected only by a Francois Lake have been hui- t!it' ' buoni. This was covered wi!h ness visitor in Hums Lake dur- ru""""" other until the I'l III.IC MIT1CK 11 ht'nbr Hun In tlw i.... i lr.ll. i Winr. ..r ,h. u,...i '.. . v.. I " i-iiiii. or rrinre hut that l require the pre seller III Hie tiaul eieillirS it ai uih IIIH feeti ice and it was impossible to walk ing the past week. """ the boom from one crib to an-1 ' - i:iiv Clerk'a office. In' Hie city Hall, city or rrinec llupert. on Monday, Hie I tin (lav jf January, 190. at twelve o'tiurk timni, fur the i'Uiwe or electing er-miiih to repiCMIU lliein ai une Alderman for a term or one year, and one I'olir.-Conmilioner fop a term of ore year. The mode uf nomination of candidates lia 1 1 lie as folliins: The candidate nhall be nominal 'd in wrilinjr; the writing anall be MiliseriUd by tun elector of the niunlrlpalliy at proposer and seconder, and i-liall lie delivered lo the lUdiirnlnir firricir at any lime between the dale of ttie notice and two p.m. of the day or nomination: in.-ald writing may be In the form numbered : In I lie schedule of the "Municipal Klerllons Ait." and flu 1 1 mate I lie names-, residence, and occupation or ilesrrlptl'iii or each H-moii promised, In nurli manner n Mifflririitly lo Identify such ramlida'.e; and In Hie event or a poll being wi vn-t y. sin h l'i liall be oeiied on the Ulh day or January. 1910. at the Cotni:il haiiiher. In the Ulv Mall. City of Prince Unpen, fmni the flour of o'elock a in lo the hour or 8 o'clock p.ni., of whlrh every person Is hereby required fo lake n-.llre and g.iveni himsetr accordingly. iveii under my band al prince B.C., till Jill day or January. r,. EDWAlin F. JO.VES, Hemming offlrw. BOOTLEG BARONET shore- was; II. llamre of men suffered business visitor extremely " from the cold winiiilayi rinally the predicament of the men was noticed and a lug rescued them. Danskin was a hen; last Tuts- T. jj. Thomson, who has heel, working for the -Deparluient ot Public Works fo.r the past eigu: months, has left for his home at Francois Lake. It. Hruce Wallace and liariiev Nolan of Topley have been visil- tiu in Hums Lake. . oodwiu has relurued humo from Vancouver and (iHison' jtiibson's Landing. While in Vancouver he visited Mr. and Mrs. I? :L I meson. II. It. McKeruutl has been visit-'ins liere from milher. llnrtwell explained (he failure of! - his last allernpt lo run rum as J- Ke" r Wistaria was a tons-owinc to Ifiid luck and promised ."it's visitor in town early last more precautions and likelier di-vidends next time. AdvorMec in 'hB ntlv Now LAND ACT. Apply Mnd week. -tr- I'elerson Urus. of Francois Lake had Ihe misfortune lo over j turn their car on the way hoim- ! from the Tie Hackers Hall at to Laa.t eeker Lake near the I'iehe iirenrdini home. .Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. T. lllstrlrt and situ la on Whltesand Island . ... . ... pear fiuridis Island, nine print II..M. H. ""iirey wcie also in I lie Car oi ooasi nan:e t. inn aiiuate ... .,.,... North r.arnaei island. kay, Vancouver; TAkE NOTICE that Airred Swanson, ofp Dll,Mi I) ........ . I 1 ' .,1.1V iiuiii, wi ,ii,iii,ii ..iBrnif:r in but TAkfc TSOTICr. thil Joseph Sllnsnii fori lllialelv 1,1,1 ' d" pse;im-il eCdp(U iniiirv lllJUt. lloeers of rrlnce nnnert. ll.C Secrelarv.i Intends to apply for i lease ot the fol-lowltia- desrrilied lands- Coiiinicni ing at a port on the shore on Ok Fast side of Whilesand Island: thence 3,00 feel northwest: thence, a.090 feet east; thence 3.000 feet south; thence a.onc reel west to the point or coin UM-ncrnietit. JOSEPH STl.XHON noGF.ns. , S,PiMrf f,l. o s LAND ACT. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert K. Mackay and K. NiKhtingnle. I'ort Simp.-on; Mrs. Iteid and George McAfee, (leorftelowti ; O Council, Victoria; Thomas Lou- I. Nolzel atiil Miss 11. Mar- Mrs. D. W. Ca-- aiul daughter. Terrace; W. II. finds to apply for a leaso or the follow ! Doodsotl. Millthers: A. II. Fd-Inr rtescrll-ed lands: , , , Commenrlnir at I pnal planted on the1wal',Js, Lisk. south point nf .North Rarliael Island; tttt t- rr- then around hlh water mark lo the point of commencement, and ronlainlnir iu acres, more, or less. ALFHED SWA "SOX. Applicant. A. E. Wrlirht. Airent riaied 'lefitwie s LAND ACT Nolle of Intention lo AdoI to Laaaa Land In Prince Hiiiert Mnd Jirrordlnir District; view South Ilachael Island. Prince JlUpcrl 1 arc rvniii.t mat birred swanson, or Prince llupert. oceupatlon Mariner.. Intends lo apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencinir at a post planted on the souin point rir soutn iu hae is'and: LOCAL NEWS NOTES 4-4.44444s44.4444- III Ihe last issue of the Cana dian Oazctlc, a London, F.nKlaml, publication, appears a Ken era1 of Ihe city and harbor ot C D. Howe, head of the firm or ii. D. Howe & Co., Lld which has been in eharire ciiaive for lor tin ine then around blah water mark iJ Si11"" ne par:- j point of commencement, aid containing - merit of Trade innl I'.iniiiriinfo nf more or tess. :.. , . ,, , , ALFRED 3WANSO.N. ilhf clcvalor. consl ruction here, is Aonllranl .. 1 .... .. i-:.. i.. Dated October th. .-.nee ' Th Valley Breeds Champions A. P. Wrliht ii.n l111 ili:suill nil a irip 10 me wiu In an article on IS I 4 1 1 jvAPORtTED PACIFIC MILK Hoad Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and Abbotsford, O.C. i.ouniry in cotiiieciion with ' a ,lar?e elevator that Icoiilemplatiiif; ttary. ffpillern are building in Cal D. M. Shearer, who has been superintendent in charge of elevator construction here for (lie Carler-Halls-AIdiner Co. Lid., will leave shortly with his family for Winnipeg where he will take charge of the contract his firm Dairying in has for Ihu erection nf u In r'' The Sunday Province il meii-Jhusiness block for tl.c Hudson lioned three world champion Hay Co. cows of I be Fraser Valley. It ' can easily be seen why l'acific D. Carswell, C.r...M..M. superin- .....a , .n.s .... , Liuiiwa iciiileiit engineer with heaibiuar- for ils Hptenuiij ncliness atid.lers at Atonlrenl. ......,.U i,. natural flavor. main here for al least anolher forniuht on business In connection with local dry dock mailers. II will not be known definitely for some lime yet who will lak( charge of Ibo dry dock for the Canadian (Jovcrniiieiii Merchant 1 .Marine, Mr, Carswell sUU. UJUa.. U J I 1.1 L J ..a. LI LLLJjm I IIMHIUHUn'l IL1-HL...I. I '-"j '- ' ..... I - .J Scientific Optometry tv'ienlific Optometry lias taken the plact' uf Ihr old wny of filling glasses. As n roiisciiiiencc, our examination of your eyes It'll exactly llio It'tisex iimfed lo give yon perfect vision. Our experience will suggest the best style. Skilled Opt cian Skilled workmen grind our lenses. The kIium' nr designed along Hie latest lines, so the tilmost good will he derived from wearing tht'm. Your every eyegl- want is given expert ulteiilioii here liy nn upljcian who has had out "7 jears' ex Iicrience. Wo have all Hie lalesl appliances for testing. A lil lo'our new optical room will fonvinco you. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 527 Max Heilbroner with the lop of his head blovvn olf. Indications are that he w.i shot by some hunler in mistake for a deer. "Did you so to the pictures alone?" "Yes, mother." 'Then how does il happen you left here with an umbrella and came hack with' a cane?" Notlc of LAND ACT. Inttntlon lo Land Apply to Laai In Hie prince' Rupet I -and flecordnti IHstrtei and situale on a& uamanml Islet ' lu the Eastern rairam-e lo llJon Hay! Passat near pun las Island. Ditto I'rlul, MM. II TAkE NOTICE thai Gorv OonVjj Bnti by of Prince llupert, B.C.. MaiMifsrtMrer. InieiMls lo apply for lease uf the fol low In described land: Oiiiiiiienrinif al a jmis situate on a partly mlitncried reef of rorks raduilna friHU same in pra-tlcally a circle, havini a radius of about I. sou feel and con tatnlnr I"11 acres, more or less. iE"ll'iE nonno.t BlSIIBr. Paled liecrinlier Oh. ! SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACTAMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreserves, surreyc! Crown lands mnjr bo pro-ampted by Critlkh oulject over ;i roar of . and liy aloiii on declaring Intention lo become JJlltlsh aubjecta, conditional utn residence, occupation, Jid lrr.iroviinvnt for acrlculturaj urpoaea Kull Information concerning rfu. .atlona recardlnc pra-emptlona la Klven In Huttetln No. 1, Land Herlea. "Itow to I'ro-empt Idnd," coplea of aihlch can ba obtained fre of charia ly addreaslnr the Department ot Lands. Victoria. I).C or to any Government KnL Hacorda will ba arrant ed covering only land sultabl for agricultural purioaea. and which Is not timber-land. I.e.. carrying over t.000 board feet tier ucrc west ot the Coast IUnga and MOO feat per acre east of that IUnge. Applications for pre-emptions are to be addressed lo the Land Commissioner of the Land Kecordlng Division. In which the land applied for Is situated, and are made en printed forms, copies of which Can be obtained from the Land Commissioner. I're-emptlons must be occupied for fire years and Improvements mads to value of 110 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres. Iiefore a Crown Grant en be received. I'or more detailed Information aee the liulletln "How to l're-empt Land." PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase ot vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purposes; minimum, price for first-class (arable) land Is 15 per acre, and aecond-class (grating) land 12.50 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or lease of Crowr. landa Is given In Liulletln No. 10, Land Series. "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or industrial altos OB timber land, not exceeding 40 acrea, may be purchased or leased, the con-dltlona Including payment of atumpage. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 acres, may be leased as homealtes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtainable after reatdence and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed, LEA8E8 For grating and Industrial purposes areas not exceeding 140 acres may be leased by one person or company. GRAZING Under the Orating Act the Province la divided into grating districts snd the range administered under a Orating Commissioner. Annual grating permits ars Isaued based on numbers ranged, priority being given to established owners. Stock-owners may form aasclatlona for range management. Kree, or partly free, permits axe available for settlers, oanpers and travellers, up te Lea Third Ave tie 529 HEAD BLOWN OFF. It III DKKlt, Alia.. Jan. 5. -William Anncar, 35 years of iip was recently found in Ihc woods near I'hoeuix west of lied Deer. WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 0 p.m. Fred Thomson In Thundering Hoofs A vivid drama or lh Ve m which Fred .md h fafiiniis horse ".Silver King" ul.nii Ihe I-iiimk run - photo-play with a Iiiiitm inn- of m linn. Fruin Ihe momc Fred whips Ihe bully for misdrf uliug hi hore rttn n. i. Ihe smashing fight Itetvveeo tu.io nod hull. tliere' 11..1 seroiul's lull. Western si-enn- gnoideur. Strong -.i Fred Thomion, Ann May, Fred Huntley, Charles Malles, Charles de Revenna, Bill Lowery. Carrio C. VJard and "Silver King." COMEDY INTERNATIONAL NEWS 35c. and 10c. Candy Special Walnut Stuffed Dat-s I ii'li lliillnwi Dair. meal. Heulnr lie. MllTed Willi Spei-ml 65c, -.( I'.uuh-li tv.i ' per In. 5 lb. U"V $2,75 Full O'Cream Caramels Pure and Tasty, made made wiili w.lli fre.h fre.h rrr.im ami htilter. Special 45c. lb. Ormes Limited The Mexall .Store I'lonerr Dniffgisl- 3rd Avenue and Gth Street. Phones 82 and 200 store open 8 a m to 0 p ui. Sunday and Holidays I.' lo -'. and 7 lo 0 p in E. H. Shockley Planing Mills no-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, Willi additional machines for the manufacture of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also parried in -.lock. Save handling charges hy l.iiynig ducd from the source of ' supply. Hudson Bay Knitting Yarn We have the oe agency for Ihe above famous are ulad to xlate Dial llm oilier kind of i.t IIIIIITII MMr yarn of the name mialllv. 1 oi. Da II 20c, 2 for 35c ALL COI.OIIS. yarn than Jabour Bros., Ltd. and nny