The Daily News prince Jiupiju'r bRn'isH cdi.tJAiBiA I Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Priuce Rupert Daily News, limited. Third Avenue., 11. F. PUI.LRN, Managing Editor. f SUBSCRIPTION AATESt CttJ1 Dejivery, by mail or carrier, per month V.,. , , . . ... I J,0) ByjtnaiJ to all parts of (he British Empire and thj, United H Stales, in advance, per year , $9.00 T.o.all other couutries, iu advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per Inch" per insertion irauMfiii overusing on rrom rage per men Local Readers, per insertion. , ... , . . .25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion., ,2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion. ............. 15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 08 All advertislng should be in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day' preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. PAILT BDITIOH Tuesday, Sept. 7, ID2G. LOCAL LIBERAL CAMPAIGN) rould nut possibly be sustain- OPENED SATURDAY NIGHT IN WESTHOLME THEATRE (continued from pace one) Instituted an investigation into the custom trouble. They picked out the best men possible tc conduct t lie LnvcMtealion, in eluding Mr. Duncan who war sent to Montreal to investigate clothed with almost absolute au lliority. He found that there was a groat deal of wrong doing anc prepared a report, iwrjminatin? among others Uisaillou who wa found very guilty and whom tin government immediately dismissed. The Tories, of- course, never said that Hisajllon had heehN'appoinled by a 'Tory go ernhijnt; . . ', Cohtinuing his account of the fiisfbms matler .Mr. Howen. dQ- "flared.-'that mw'oe connected with Duncan stirrcpliously ' oh-lained hi report and handed it to iMr. Stevens. 'Jle immediately. through, the .press, raided the hue and -cry If a terrible arx.) outrageous scandal and. hefon (he government had completed Hs investigation and made its plans' for a clearing up, sprung the thin; on the House and counlry. A committee wai-forthwith appoinlcd which spent our months Investigating and. i Us report, the committee did nbl bring in a single direvt charge against the government br;any of Its ministers. Then r. nonsensical diary was referred to by the Conservatives anil allegations were falsely made of Joy sails on the stealer Mar garet. :The whole tiling is this,' declarod Mr. Bowen. "The Tories wanted a smoke screen to hide t behind, something with which , they could mislead the eleclor-' ate. There, is noting to it bm r noise and talk anl. for talking about 'nothing, .the Tpries have . e,vcrytlilng-.beal UiatM ever heard ;; of. Arthur Meighen knows bet- i tcr than I do -,thal . he. hasn't .a ghost of a show 'of' being Prc- ' mler after September 14. They ; spend; .-ill, Hiei Mine talkihg of . Iliifjerrlble'customs scanda? but thc.yhavA not offered a single ppi icy. nrt pointed to anvthin they, bad done llieiriselvcs for the benefit of Canada in their re gime." .. Constltutlpnal Question The constitutional issue, bow ever," said Mr. Uowen. "is rent if ue. TJie people, of Canada are "free and liberty, loving and when any party steps in and takes the voice from their re preventatives, Ihey 'will resent ?l J?; Jilt .'?.fil-. Tle pepJjJe are Xrenlj)g llie. action of -Meighen d in Hie House. Recounting the events leadjnj up to dissolution, Mr. Howen daled that Mackenzie King could orsce what, through political in-ngue, w;a going to happen and hat it would iie impossible for dm to carry on. He asked, n le was properly entrlled to, for Jissolution and His Excellency efused, denying a request IJiai L ad not been denied to any l'ru nier in tireat Hritain for one lundred years. It was for 'tin? iovrnor Jeneral to act consti-utionally and not politically in such a matter kul for some reason. Lord Hyng had failed to o act. Air. Uowen. stated tbat no aiau bait more respect ami ad-uiration for Lord Hyng than !iimself. He had served under 'ifm In France and knew of no airer gentleman. le believed hat Lord Hyng had not meant :q be ,unjair but had been . 111-idvised. Then Mackenzie Kins resigned and Meighen tpok over the premiership with five cabinet ministers who looked as inucit like the real thinsr as Ihey possibly could without being it. They asked, as ministers of the ermvn, for Parliament to vole money but had to say they were icting ministers. They were fac-ir two horns of a dilemmn. lr they were not sworn in they had no iusiness asking Parliament for money and, If they were sworn in as real Ministers, then their seats should have been vacant till they were re-elected. On the first vote in the House of Commons, 'Meighen was de feated and, instead of resignina a was 'the usual course, Meigh en asked the governor general for dissolution which was granted. He was afraid having tieen debated in the House, so took MUs means lo precipitately dis solve the House without noticfl Jo the jjnembers and get hold o' jne eieenou juaciunery. jne n- niaintng ieigJslaHon of Ihe seV- sion was not een passed nod life members had to go home wan '.Meighen as premier and hu shadow cabinet in control. "It was a most darinsr affront lo the people, and the people's repre sentatives. It was violation of parliamentary procedure and the people will not land hpjng flaUtcd in Vucli a mannef in fhi. great Dominion." No Blue Ruin Mr. Howen referred to the facy that the Conservatives in thii campaign no longer declared, as they did last year, that Ih'i' country was being ruined by lhv Liberal government. They did not talk that way now becausp lhv fact was ust to the con- Ury and tin; people kpew It. In. slenrt llmv I.j.I .....I .... .. ..i. ,"A vf"WKt imwer wncn neiscrren In the customs .scandal to khew he had no right to it and delude the people. Get vim for the hot days SHREDDED WHEAT AH the food and bran you need Delicious for any meal Your Vote arid Influence is Respectfully Solicited for FRED STORK Liberal Candidate Heferrinz to the tariff. Mr.! said that its lowering (m irnnleinprlls nf nrri.hw'4 ion v:is all to the lencfil of Hie peopl" The Tories said that to reduce ihe tariff would ruin the country hut it was noticeable tbat there haJ been a srea! increase in Canadian manufacturing. Kac- 'ories were running full lima more men were being employed iml Canada loilav was eiiiovinff in era of prosperity greater than she had known inee tl'tO b- -ause the Liberal overiimeni !iad tteeii eonrazeous enonirti r 'earislate not in the interests of he few hut iu the interests of llie masses. The reduction of the tariff on automobiles had hot ruined that lndulrv fu Can ada. Instead, Canadian auto mobile factories were heinsr. en larged and money was out in the ipoekets of the people by the reduction of prices of ears. Another Robb With all the benefits derived by the people as arcsult of the liolih budget,. Mr." Ilmveii said that the"slogan of CatiadiniiH In this eleetlou. should lie '(iivc u." another IloIO in 1 127- suh as thai in Jtid." . Koieeustlnc llm: the Liberal 'parly would be re turned (o iover on Sentembei li. Mr. Howen predicted there would be further reluct ions in taxation, etc.. -for the benefit of i lie masse. With such a record behind it as the Hohh budget. Mr How en declared (hat no party had ever gone to the country under more favorable aiisrilnen It was a record not Df vain and empiy promises hut it was a re-cord that' was a rli)i!linP in n l'ople of Canada.' The speaker men went on to show how Ihe Liberal government in five year had cut the per capita taxation of the country from H.0; to 5ji.j aim nmv an adverse trade balance of 30.000.0()() I.ji.I i.en converted lo n favorable balance wr This enmeaboui through the government looking afler ihe inleresls of the peopl? by finding greater tnarkel for i.anaiiian goods and morcagrl-eullural products to the world than ever before. The lowering or me larltr wall had resnlle.l in Ihe markets nf the world being upeiieij iu ijiinnua WHli Hie ro suit that the counlry was en Joying the greatest period nf prosperity since the days of Sir Wilfrid Laurler. Afler the Conservatives W(?ro returned to power In I9H and had put their policies Into efTed. the counlry had experienced such a wave of depression that, when the War came, men were furred to enlisi in order to gel a ol. 1 Foe the West Mr. Howen held oul as the only assurance of western develwp- meirt ihe return of . the Liberal lo iHwrr. He pointed out that Kastem men tfuid ieen rVf n' the important portfolios 1r lhe Meighen cabinet. What eiuld! Western Cauadu hope for In way of railway development with a minister of railways from lb Marilimesf All, Conservative ul- teranees had been against Ihe west. Wgiat could be exiiecfed from a Premier who chatfnetcr-ized the equalization of western freight raies ns "utterly inde-reusiblef If a Conservative government were returned' lo .rower, Wesb'rn Canada would lose what if had gained under the Liberal regime. The movement of grain would no longer follow Ihe inoro. .economical wesnfri joujej . lVlr elWator ni rWMpi . HufMjri wounl je ten em Viy-ami ue,f tanners, wiuini paye !i ilaydherre'ali'r .'cost of sblp-ning ihelrJ irriiin .'elisP Ihroituh Anierieiin ports in order that the Kasl tnight yet the benefit of Its movement.; Mr. HmvenMwedlete'd, so anxious was that province thr we-ii-m levelopmenl, that not single xeiit would go Conservative in Alberta ami that even Hon. H. H, Hcnnell would ih'i beaten iu Calgary. .Mr. Howen said he was mil tan advocate of seeiionalism put exjijalned thai he felt (hat Canada could h? proares If ibere was tiarmryiy tbr.iusth all tiarts of gelling a fair deal. Canada could never be untied If (he west was dis criminated against. Peace Blvef UefM-ring lo tho Peace Illver country, Mr. Howen declared. that it would never Jiave n outlet to lue pacific Coast but would b niate Iribulary o the Kast If a Ciiilkervatlva 'iKovcrnmeirt were In iiKy.'i :D(d H4U1I mean anything jn' PriVc'e Ituperl tiiat the Peace Hlver should be made trl-buifiry lo J'rinc Hupcrl througn a railroad Joinjuff Ihe flrand Trunk Pacific? "Wo in Alberta want you lo join us In the light for Hie Industrial and economical development 0 the west Jn he inleresls pf all the people, of i.aninia. "I believe In Canada," rnn-eluded Mr. Howen. "I was horn in Canada and love II. In Ihe we-' there Is an Empire In Ih'i making but I believe Ihe des'tlny of Western Canada is In the balance in this election, ThQ PURE what is In every familiar HERE'S red and white labelled can of Carnation Milk: 1. Perfect Purity Clean, fiesh.railk, scrupulously guarded until the hermetically sealed cans are sterilized. 2. High food value Carnation contains all the food value of full cream milk, concentrated to double richness. 3. Creamy Smoothness Carnation's creamy double -richness improves the texture of foods cooked with this milk. 4. Economy Carnation cuts milk bills. .Goes farther than ordinary milk, with less spoilage and wastage. When used, undiluted and double-rich, in place of cream, it been all over the, district o-Skeeiu during ',tl(K pa.t weeks and he rould give com-nlete assurance tlnil hu nimr, ties of 1021 and '125 would be eontplelely nvers iadoue.l ufil. rousing majority for Ihe Liberal eanoinaie on eplfniber 1 1. Mr. Work then referred to micstionalre that Im.l hei.n ...1. milted In him hv tlis iv,.,u- . Labor Council and Native Sons or these he vns In favor of and would work Tor the abolilinrt of the Senate is a non-eieetive body nnd (he permitting or peaceful picketing 'he repeal of amendments to Ihe Immigration Act and criminal code, niul the cnaclment of Old e Tensions. In reply lo the Native Sons' luesllonalre, Mr. 8lork declnrnd he was iu favor of the ahdllllon of leual nnneiiU In 11.., council ami tho regliratjon of iiirnis ns t;anauian. lie wn ni. so In favor of an nllleini r- dlan 1'lag but he wanled it l0 bo Implicilly understood that he would never be iu fnvor o Can-ndn geilltig nwav fnmi n.n n-i lish Jijiiplre. Jle would also faVor llie grant inir nf lions for he ileiln,.n...i ... Canadian lileralure, art and science, lie would also favor' Hie tilaejiig of the word "Cann-! Illail III letral il,irtir..n.,l. I - III- though ., . . he fell Dial the remiesf asking for the removal of iho (continued on page' 3) It looks creasny It tastes creamy It 2$ creamy Tall H ECONOMICAL CONVENIENT ft, trtfizn je y i r stii ILK' reduces cream bills approximate!; two-thirds. These virtue Csrnttion pror. . jot a every en you buy. Prove ibtr u yea. self, Get CsrruUon nest time FROZEN SALAD. V cup mijrsnnciM, -cup Carnation Milk. 1 cup wh a irtia. cup chopped btickwatnuti, ip .wi pineapple, 1 cup chopped dscr el r ) apricot or peaches, t orarc 1 (rap:!i Combine Carnation rcilk oiM ttan t and whip. Chop fruit and c, 1 , -4 cream mlied with mlyonn un Orsjt Inst juice from this mliturc Pick 13 Ulir powder tins or rouad moUla, P'acc a 1 to 3 saltdce tnitture lor three bsm. Vt-mold and serve in one-Inch i.icr ca 1 Ui of lettuce leaves. Send fur frN copy of M.i HimiW. Ailre jiriw i- s: C. Ltd.. 13 1 Abboil ' Carnatio Milk Mfe V Mm ilf 1 Hii il l 11 "From Contented Cows' Liberal parly should e returned .0 jMiwer with a mandate l enr v out Uie long overdue develop ment of Wpslern Canada. With the development of the Pactf r Coast all Canada will prnspe: nri4l realize the greal destiny that is before it." Fred Stork Mr. Stork, in ooeninu bis ad dress, staled thai he Intended In clve nn acenilnt of Ins stewardship before the enillpa'ign closed. "The statement has been mad'i lint Plnrk is afraid' lo stale his vi-ws." he said. "I would like, however, lo see lsue thai I wouhl sidestep." Mf. Slnfk said llial he had Produced hi Canah r 1 . w v m m w mm m " Service m siihn.. rr.n Mitri au(nT f. wamcoiiVlSl. VICTOSU. .VU W0HCDA, 4X0 .av, anlvTHUIIIDAV i SUKOa, U" ' N eiim r i ImiI i r is r.,i AMYOX WIOMSOAV . 1 srewajtr ssturdav stasttrr JNUT A0NDr . . For tSIOCOATI INLCT U4 SOUTH QUIIH CMASlOtll rortnlghlli, rASSKftOIN TRAINS IXAVt PRINCt SUCIRT 'I 11.10 IIU for PRIMCC OtORAC, (DMOMTON, WINMPIO, ;nu, I'miH si tin. AiM (II 0M lUimthl Lls(. Use 'Btln IU) t:iprr Tor Niwi " Jr f alg for your Dili limrol. car Tikt ofiks, sis rwrs p"" Rpt- vdiictuiaii 1 aunt B. C. Coast Scrvicei v - latt asr llR iirHi sir; mvw UNION STEAMSHIPS 1 1 PtHI I- ! r 1 r - Klin m a m mm rnrn rrmi rr ir lf1IIIIIU! I 1 lllll 1 - r . m t mm: v- To Vtnceuttr. Victoria and SeatUa Spl. . H. w PRU4CCSS lATRICC. -- uii im""' A(M(y f.r JI 8U.ihlp tlM. ..... LlMlTt . .... li . PI a mi 1 in inuii ri" ...aiii. ... " 1 " ... -a AUrt !. .' it winiciouHsTi if in t otwiM. Mpanivn m"m . .ipauii ' .for PORy SfSPSOM. A-OOK. SUIOB RW. ,ITwaRT. " iza zna Atnu. n. m. bbiih, ' us and Taxi Meets alj Trains and Boat ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. Bo, 81111111011' Sleel Iteds. SPfjig. l ' tresses in ovory room. anJ S f2 JUioms. Hot ami .Cold Water, U Slearn llnnled, Klecliic LighL Sixth lh a 8t. Corner of Third Ave and PRINCE nuftni,