- - - j New Prices Waltham Watches SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce I'cr load $6.50 Per half toad 3.50 I'fr sack 50 Burn Wood and Keep Cool I HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 680 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 67B DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phono tt. 'Urtane, Warehousing-. nd DlatributliiK, Team or Motor Bervlue. oal, Band and Gravel We Speolallze In Piano an Furniture Bavlnn. M I LK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIP-PJNQ CREAM Wo specially recommend our Table Cream at !5o for "nif Pint. Quality and Sorvlco Special loo' Delivery Service Valentin Dairy . Phono 657 t Tueeday and' Wednesday ll.i vmim.l' fii.frr.ii. i.. ..V.. I il Paint" field ........ These nif the now re- "nedy. "A Wild Oonft dueed price ror movement Chase." wlm-li ran be filled into any 'n,';"nnal New. . case desired. . Thursday . "Fast Lynne." rccn . : jewels. . $50.00 frjd.y and Stturd., Hiverside. in j,.Wels $45.00 "IlPbnd l,e Front." ' JMrWelt, ,17 jttn'cU t Crndy, ."Aleet Father" S24.CQ Paffie lieview. Ui'Kvlar. 17 JpwpIs.. $22.75 ,! J"w I- $18,59 ' jewels S11.KO .J"'4,;",," r7f,r " w lynne" here vii-il wr HIP nnJ sradp. (Jewellers TUt 5T0HE WITH THE CLOCN I Use PEROXIDL These S x Ways J A a nmuili wash and KB: all'. ,i i-tii'rk lievm '"'. I'wpii pnlPKni. and i 'ii'ify Hie bip.'illi. O A a ilrntifrit-e, lo lileach. wliiirn ami tnnUfy the (eeli. Q n liieneh and lo ear lip -kii eniovp frerklPt, ma .liradf. and other nkln (iJrtilislii. A A a lilt airh, lo make hair mvimIiIp on ihe arm, 'a re. nprk iHi lep; C Fr iiiaiiirurinir. to prevent hansnalU. and lo "eniovp Klnlii. C n peridrnlian (1poIo--anl. I'arke ,v fUi. I'ernx- ile lnt lipi-.HMP it keep it rpnir!h lonel. 4 ox. 25 Cents Rupert Pharmacy Phone 94. We deliver. FORONENIGHTpNLy Famous Stage flay f)9ne In Plo-; tures Is a Qoroeoue. I Production. t i I ' e pholoplay prodnrti.on of Mr. Henry Vnnd' plienonienal ,tate ,lf. "Kar l.ynne." yUir, j I lo le cjiown 'J'iiurday only, i lieraldpd h one 'of Hie nut exr- k-imi proiiieiiiin ever made under the Fox hanner. The film tt,ry i produced Jn Hie jierioTT of 1870 a mol ro-iiianlit! and piejure'iue portion of nip worlr h!tory wjtji Hip !auty of rural F.nland ai th hackKrouml. Itp.ili.in? Ihe unuuaj oppof-luiiitiiM for nianlfi?en! prijgr- 'ion fealures ,Mr. Fox enJHed I... iL. .i . . . r . j 4' Tuesday. September 7, 1020, '.IS --Tf.jk' raa DaIlv news f t Raymond HaJInn, arwi Iheir love i ,fair vvllli an xrnitlionally l.paii-L WEEK it tuiith tW1 7 7W1 .t.tiul and vivacious Jr. Mary - . . ... i-OIPs mr. "WET PAINT" GRIFRTH COMEDY HERE TONIGHT STORY OF GIRLS AND jf AN Wet Paint." sfiow(n here to-ii u III aud lomovrow. is Hie ri.lf-.uliuisly funny tale of the rich younp man who Is tricked into a : jiropusal. lie really loves Ihe anl. but she has only entered into the affair tpcaue of a'bel. Hay swears they are IhrouKji and makes a nv thai he's uollur lo marry Hie first woman he meets. 1 ... i , . i n rmrrsp in ins eniieavori to .et away rn.m .in.Wliinp jlhat wears h skirl, he meets oracti- , rally every orelly Birl llial llollv- IwoihI harbors with the possible II t V 'I 11 .1 'ii-juiwii iii 0'V.r' vejo iHanlels and (lloria ! i Swansnn. nniiuii, Oh tll ' yes. Jrian, who never appearpd more nllni.1.... -i .i ". . . hum i-iiiirnurnf man xne f doe in a lied Cms worker's unl- - inrm in hip picture ft .Heore Joining jip with. Uncle ram s raiillna: narlv. ih. ;pp,ry nd Jlaiton have been sworn enemip; the first a de- . lecllve, and Hip lallpr a burglar. 4 riul since they bnlh look to wear-nx lfic-same uniform, they have 7 hpcnmp iiinirUoM llpprys comeMy performance i Irply mairrilficpul. lIMIXIIHirrill, Mlirp.'iSXlll surnaxiin' A Jw-n Jii irrefil comely character ? 19.1 inn a ' IHjodP slaud JlPd," tli tin uir niire oi i iip jip.m terunicalw " and a"a iiunier hunters on on tii aHiaiu in the inolioii nfelnrp fbeauM fi pol and Ihe con I .ot Ulotlp lllliw llm ..lr.. II. I I production and beauly of the pho- 'opiay Ieml charm, out a series " t.-i.f. iAn.. 'ii... . . . - " nil- easrer iioiiiriiimv where he won his medals. A. l. Teunan of Kiul.iln h. iH-iire.i a location on Ihe east 'iid of Franml Lake on whicl lie is eslahllMiinar a tnuri. Camp. , cuiaciniis ln.trn 1.... leen erected for Hip l.ri..rn ,.r fiAhennen i.'ie i miction of collape in under aijien.enj. 'Jihe plaee, which will p known g Henannara. win oe ix rnlle from F.tnlako by m mernfie lmin u-reek nfl-i- Jh"iU b lb" Provincial govern- loiirh of rpallni lli.it I hard lo' A inavnificpnt cat of popular screen tar and feature player jtrctpe n,p more important role of the iiribliiittlnn I jlmtiti.l I ami Alma llulien. both now etar- rUff under Ihe Fox haniipr, are n In ' and then there's Ihe epinde rr?Ption Riven Inst wfek in lb.' " 0,,f,pr Lake community ball bj III whipb vhich lie he enter enter nnoJier nnnlliW pomjilete, Is n "wow!" To break Hie suspense, il must be admitted that the picture ends just ns il bewail with .the original sweel-ln'iirt safely enfolded In Ihe sljirV manly arms. j llele tostello is fealured an ''She." lltyant Washburn is "Her Jlrolher." The direction I cr'e-' diti'd lo Arthur Itosson, the prl- IKinal story to Hffiinald Morris, anil its adaplatfon to Lloyd Cor- jriKan. "BEHIND THE FRONT" IS WEEK-END PICpE Laughable Comedy Tells of One of Uncle Sam's Raiding Parties In Europe. "' In the parlance of the movie studios. "Hehlnd Ihe Front." to he shown here at Ihe week-end, Is nnlliinif short of a "wow!"" v.. I ....-1 ..11 - . .iii niiu-i' mini iiirinips as -.vj . - railinir -- was liet.l i . . in ii.o i fur llnm rtint,n.M I ...It. LMI1 I .... .. .... "ai.py.Ko-liipJiy ),um in' -"n,- J'ony lyxjiiy .'' Ilaymond Hal Ion alo add new lauiefi by hi.n acl-lillg n Sailorly MoCpp. ImrL'l.ir xlick-up man an, ilniiifliiiov. Mory Hrian i splendid, and Ihe love inlere! of Hie picture U hialnlained ri?ht up to Ihe last comedy cJiinax. Chester Ronklin, pmemlered for his mall town characler in A Woman of ihe World," jiives an inimitable performance a Hie Scotch Kill if. heyeral mcji are bin? employed In dfvlojmienl work or Ihe OerowJItehl nilnecal claiai, ontli of Iturns Lake. l. J. Macdonald has Jefj jo ..... .... n ni' i iiiiji ii ine uirect- Ihe roles of Archl.aldjors of the Oliver Island Minlns . and lit. I Iu.lv- Idy laiilul Iate. Lou.. I aVi Mil 'In ! . ariyie v.,... -r-.i .. . .. ... . uuiri, i "ii" j rraiu hpenaii, .Mafjorie law. Islie henlon. Itelle ien- ft. Paul Ianier. . - Martha ... ..... Jlnl- The first chgich service a' - i -jinuu. i. .mi. i niiuii, j in.ut- mi wpck. i Here was a viijnoiii .Mttisiiali and Hichardjvery salisfaetory attendance be-llpad-wk are seen in important fare Hev. V. It. Asford. the nn. A. K. Hichards nf the Sum-merlaiid F.xperimcntal station i.. payhw his ri-ular visij lo (i Francois I.ake illustration, sla Hon this week. Miss (I race Vnn,l Hlpjrular Fellow," and 1aroldl"10'"0"'9 I I 1 . !. I... II I . . ' I i.mjup r ri- Jin 111 11, 11ns suf n a KPiiuine producer of Intuili1 been aujrhter of J. S. Vinilvi'nrlli i ne well known Labor member oT parianient for Winnipep,' nr- rnc.i in iiurns Lake this weeu and is Hie pu'esf nf Mrs. S (ioiKvin. A lareelv a!lpn,t...l given in the Franeois .ake Com. tnunity Hall last alunlny even. iiinmr oi .Misses i.ury ami Mary fialn who left lhjs week lo attend N'orm'al School in Van- mover. I'eonle from nil .ivpp ii.a ju triel were in attendance ' nl IKItllM rtl a Sf house, thinkfus II lo be his own'.rVr antl 1- ft. Saul only to discover n. beautiful wo ; inapt who Is he iole owner of the world's .Ioiiu'IipsI hiisli.in'it And the wild rhase, w'illou(j .. l.:..l. .. g.ltttk. i. - nun ii mi ri 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ill ( l Sl'l'llls Ten Year go In Prince Rupert September 7, 1916. Labor Day was well celebrated Milder the auspices of Ihe Trades A Labor CouncJI. Callies beaj Mips of Knjflaiid l-rt In five-a-lde football 'nud. n hnsplinl'. name behveen Union and business men resulted in 7-5 victory for Hie Union. l-'irsl nrin winners in children's races were jnuia naiverson, .lack Nnden Lprna 'pile, Atfbrcy Sweet, llont- rice llirntn III.....1I0 1 ..... Ill I Pji'ivm l.lllllllUI?l, lllelen 'riiorburn, Hannah Lnndo. poy .iniisiruin, Fddio HICne. j-n.ii -varun iiiKi Willie Murra.v. -. T)ie..neUirned Soldiers Clul, is 0 belter off as a result of a middy dance in ih& tinii wen's Hull 'ih,. rv VI tt MHVUH, purvey, j;rs 1 M Clancy. Mr Oeo.iwo w. Morrow, Mrs A.' J Oajjand and Mrs. L. M. Hejllj-' ''f.ML " Art .Nnble was master of thrown on Ihe screen. "Heh'liid 7' m Wus ,,e1'1 "' city, (lie Fronl" Is a true mirror cir-f 7' p ,w Ap,ri",t ITCIed and the humorous, side of noldlerlnK iZ,iPrr?'n . ad. in France. The story concern ' ,V J' .'" ' a couple of dumb doughboys, I, T is S ru ' S'k C0l,nin"n,0n' ' p.ayed by WaUace Beery .'nd LOCAL LIBERAL CAMPAIGN OPENED SATURDAY WIOHT IN WESTHOLME THEATRE. continued from p.iyre two) word "Hrjtlsh" was unfnrtnnalP. Iy wordpd. Fish Traps Mr. Stork 'then nroceedei! to explain his altitude on (he fj.s trap (juestron which he. stated had been . mlsrenrespnlpil nonerValfveis. He outlined the circumstances leading up to the application- oi uie Canadian Fishing Co, for licenses and the. jrranlin;?. of Ibpm in 1U25. H had cohsisjently opposed fis,i traps and only with reluctance had aejpifpnecd in thcni ipny Krauipu m after an assur ance bail been im-pn Ida pany, unknown to the minWler or nimseir, by a dpparlTHPntal official. He read Ihe teleranii with repaid to ih mn. .....1 pharppd that u,P Coniprvatiycfc Hieniselvpn .! t,i!,.,.i n.JL :. ..... .... j erjtion of Hip Iran nn.l i.o.i W, irmpiea jo- iiiame hirn for f. wain 10 any, jr. Stork d. lared. "it is not Hip imfi. VfiJ.. they say Fred Stork wa respon- oip jor ine tippnse bein n.iiiinj iu a?, inn as (-am'it ini.awa anrpi l.iwra ifovcrnmeai is In piwi?r HiPrp will be. jio suci licenses granted." Mr. Stork" I lien wpiiI on in r. Miunt the history of the ff.T.P. raiway and Hip port of Princ Hupert. Durln? h.p regime of he Conservatives pvpii the mos! npiimisiic people of Prince Hu-iert realized that fche railway and norl were pettin? nowhere. In 1021 when MackpnriP Kin v w v i - era Croii. na. piunieii lo inwer steps wpp .aen low-an! SPtliiifr businesi for the road so that there mipht oe some return for the invest ment of l3ri,000.000 betwepn ipiI Pas Junction and Princ unpen. The Elevator v ii'U lii.al end in view Hip Prince Hupel elevator bad been rimcpivpii ann Uf 1 1. n had been the only ray of light in "ijnieen years and ,il would "wan a preal dPal in the development of the port of Prince Hupert. Evpry Consenative but niie, nr. loimie or Vipinfi-i .. .... .... . ., Inii,, lie wished lo g-ive credil wliere it-JM was uue bad opposed the uiiuiiifE or the elevator and t -oipienined it as "the most outrageous project before the people of Canada.'- II was heralded all over ine nomlnlon as fine of Ibe -rimes 0f Ihe Kinjj yovernmenl Anally Ihe elevator had been 'ascii to the wheal pool as an -ji'tiiiipiu mr two years at a iio.minal rental with the under-slandimr that lime a rental equal to Hs interest would be paid or the plant -mupin outright. The .scheme tan iieen sujijiorled by the mavo mil council nf Pri vhom he congratulated. This jrai, ioo, us. i Jipph condemned uie (uoiiM'nativps. "Kven one of Hie Prince Hu eri uaners saiit. iimi vi- lork had nolhing do wilh Iho blaininp of .the elevator bgt lie Progressives had got jt. Tj,o lilTl II. t. 11. .1. ..'.Ill fc . iiiui(( .mr. wiHne saying I -uihim" win op xiw Ibe Tories mill it." Good Faith The building of Hie elevator. Mr. Stork said, was an evidence jf the Vood nlllr nf . ii, Marten- IP klhif .niifAi..;Hl i. J-w.v.ijuii.-cil WHICH ite- ieve.1 iiv tho prjijcct nn.l vthe iiiri. x...... . ... .4 I lie (.onserviillvp' n. rteonIe. 'wlm sliiwr.t.l iin. i'.-: he projeel,' declared Mr. Stork. io win nave an opportnnil.v m Seideinlier I I of .4)1 VItltV ')t n i ou think and I have no hesita-ion thai you will express the logical conclusion'." Mr. Stork dealt briefly with :he constitutional question and oiiueu out that, with the ltou. Jisxolviw as it had done, the upplementnry estimates provid-ng $1,000 for boulder removn! it (island, 1 1,000 for surfacing 'he Slewarl-Ilyder road, 13,000 for new wharf at Stewart. 43,300 , ror new wharf at Tow Hill, and iii,niMi preliminary appropria lion, tor I in risiicrmnn',1 rin..i ...v .. nu.ll 111 Prince Hupert had gone by the ooar.i. ''We will have amnln nnnnrin lily lo discuss Hie SSlin nl n "ater dale." concluded Mr. Stork n announcing thai thoro wwild aijti.mer pieeiing next Mom av nening. "In Ihe meantime, lot ine assure you that there, is every evidence thai Oanada will emrn ine Mackenzie Kin gov erninenj on Sen imlun i i ti. people will not bo misled bv the smoKe screen of nuggllpg when ,Un Krealesl sniuavll no- nt nil was Mie sinugling of Mejgben iiuo oiiicu ni uuawa." ODDFELOWS VISITANYOX Excursion at Week-End With Grand Master Was Successful and Enjoyable. e- Member- of lhe loeal Iddfel- lows Iidgp had a .succeiaful px- cursion at the end. of Ihe' week accompanying H. A.iJ'errr'tif Van couver, grand piaster for. Hritisi Columbia, on his offjcial vlsii. The party left here on Satunlay eveniniz from Swanson's final nl 11 o'clock and arrived in Anvox at 10 o'clock Monday morninsr. Theyf were met at the dock at Anyo.x by' F. Dresser, district deputy grand! master, ami, after inspecting the ! hall where the meeting: was In be held, ihe local members werp giv- en a luncheon at Ihe "Hliie Hird." i The afternoon wa taken up wjlli sightseeing at the smeller, mine ami other points tff interest. The meetinj? look Mace in Ihe evenipg at Hie Elks HaMl and wasj attended by a very larse nart of Lbe Anyox l4)d?e. After llie meet- inx. a banquet table was spread ' in Hie "Dugout" where over k()' ' persons were se-aJed. The Noble rand of Askew Lo.tue o. .1 i A. H. Kirby, was Ibe first snpaVpVi and introduced at the close of his ! remarks Hip speaker of Hie even-1 tajr-firand Master Iloy A. Perry.! TJje (iramj Master. cave a von- interesting and instruclive ad- . dress. He was followed hv i ii f-. M. F. Dresser of Askew Lodge. -oiite frrand of Prince Ilupert lodge, peter I Solem. D. I), fi. M 1). Fereuson of Princp iinnnt-t rand Lodge reoresentalivp .f Wilson of Askpw Lodgp, past rands II. Kent and S. Downs and. Hro. W. Illackliurn. Interspersed Xween addresses were a niaim o!o by F. Dresser, sonir hv i.i i Hlundell and F.. Cravsfs of Askew! and j. McLpan or Prince Hupert. j and a duet by Steve Jones of Askew, saxaphone,, and A. K. Woods I of prince Rupert, violin. After silking "For Auld Lans Svnp v and "Hp's a Jolly flood Fellow,"! Ihe meeting broke up at 11.30 byi singing "(iod Save the King." j The visiting: brothers were es corted to Ihe dock by Askew Lodge j in a ooiiy ami ier at 12 mi.ln.ight : imidsl cheers and Ihe strains ol j AJoha Oe." THE MAN IN THE MOOfi lavs; sSi- T--X. The war lo bean cn.ils nf lire on a political enemy is lo e more decent than he is i i - ... jane says you can tell n Conservative by Hie honest wav in which ne tens a lie lntpp will hp llPro inAn I . ..... ... ....V .-V.SII, boys, and we have lo decide how u nay our coal inn ar er l.-ist T"?ar s are rieared off. There are so tvnr. poal . mpv- . x -r i . . . , cuaius in town now, it is be coming Increasingly ilifndult to el credit for "more, than a year. Labor on. boy. Labor D.iv Is pasl and gone for another yeaV. i I In ejection davs eleMors l.nlce. political Ideas like a ben lakes! orn. . I hey grab and swallow. .is' PAn'rT's1 WliERCVp THgllE ARE FLIES USB PLY-TOX BRRHBbbV ' lifceF BBaBBBBBBBaWr m Jl9 A Hl ATw 1 KP -1 11 19 oomethina crnina M Dai babu ate - Yes. Tiut tainted hi Flies PLIES crawled over the food. Waded in the'milk: Their stenchy feet were filthy dirty. Baby took germs of burning fever in to her tle body when she ate th food. She JbMecaroe restless. And then sick! Flics cause forty thousand deaths in the Uniijed States each year. And far too many of them are children. '' IIFlv-Tiil. Prntjv-t UtiU fnlV. Vf.V. A Mad (n Vtncovn, p. C. your borne clean, comfortable, sanitary. FI Y-TOY KILLS F LI ES MOSaUITOES MOTHS, COACHES, ANTS. FLEAS v 2 SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRY -:- -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three distinct services for Family Work, viz: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH at most reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we will do the rest. . a ai m m M.KM WW W, a w. w ia M, mmyy AGE IN CASK IS TtflS ONLY "AGE" THAT COUNTS AGED IN OAK CASKS This ndvertiseinent i not published or dispj.lyed Jiy the Liquor Control lloartl or liy the Ooveniment' of Diitish Columbia. BRITISH COLUMBIA ' ' ' . . : .1-. The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO THE END OF DECEMBER, 1925. Has produced Minerals ns follows: Placer Gold, $77,03,0i5; Lode Cold, $122,808,-Silver, $7-1,111,307; Lead, $80,218,007; Copper, $107,042,017; zinc, $30,025,V47; .Miscellaneous Minerals, $1,50A,387; Coal and Coke, 273,018,053; Building Stone. Hrick, Ce;neut, etc., fVOOS.SSO; making its Mineral Production to the end of J025 Aggregate Value of $920,919,628 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1925,$6 1,492,242 The Mjtiitig Laws of this Province ore more liberal and the .fees lower than those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the Hrjttsh Kmpire. Mineral locutions are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles aro obtained 'by developing such properties, the security of which is guaranteed by Crown Grants, Full information, together with lining Hcports and Maps, may he obtained gratis by addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES .Victoria, British Columbia. V It lr.nni:nnll.. li n:n,i. r..i .. ...l.: ii:.11'i ii......Li!j. . ..... i iuuii,anj fin, iiin?u yuiifiiifii, (Miijf iiu i-rupcriies upon wnicn ueveiop-ment work Iin- been done arc described in some one (if tbo Aniiiinl 'lteports of the Mtnicliti. i.r Minna rn...u.. a.... ...i..:.. i i . . .....,.o.t ... Whic3, i;ii.-u tuii9iiirui((. iiiiniiig iiivmiiieuis isiiouki reier 10 siicn reports. They are available without charge on; application to" the. Department of Mines, Victoria, H.C.. Reports covering each of the six Mineral Survey Districts are published separably, and are available, on application. Reports of the Geological Survey of Can 'tt$U''ni"11 '-yi',,mJr VailC0llv-er, ire recoinmended as valiinble sources of Infrirma- , . : U