4 ' t PAOEiTvWC- 5?i? TiTi! DAILY NEWS WEEK AT WESTHOLME "SALADA" TEA u.is so wuii cm ics pi me inoaern newspaper. uioa Is the ideal summer drink. The Daily ,News j PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon; ex'cepi Sunday, the Prince ' Rupert Daily Newis, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PUJ.LKN. Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of, Circulation. Monday. June 21, 19t?. Red Russia And Britain. . There will he little- hesitation jn crediting the stalemeni.-of the liritish Home Secretary that the Russian Soviet Government has contributed tu the fund sent from .ttisruw lo Hie coal millers in Oreal Hritain to encourage nnd maintain the strike" in that industry. That either the Bolshevist organizations of Mos-' cow or the Soviet Government would supply money,, which h O scarce at the Bed Capita!, for other than mischievous poroses is not tube imagined. The necessities or the distress of tin miners would not receive a monlent's consideration in such quarters, but the pro.pcrt iff causing disturbance and occasioning discord and, if possible,, rioting and bloodshed makes an irresistible appeal to Soviet sympathies and Soviet pures. The, "Bed" gold over whlchrA. J. Cook pronounced his exultant bene diction was nut given in a spirit of benevolence, but of hatred and malice. In connecting the Soviet authorities directly with this attempt tu encourage sedition and sow strife in Britain the fiov-! ernnwul ip Loudon has abundant reason for severing all relations with the Soviet. This,' of course,, is not an isolated instance of Morrow's hostility displayed -toward Great Britain. Other breaches of faith in contravention of the understanding entered Into when Britain-gave the Soviet recognition have beu committed. If they have been disregarded,, they have Hot been forgotten, and the British Governineu will undoubtedly be upheld by the nation should it make this atest act of antagonism and duplicity a ground for breaking'oft all intercourse with such a dangerous and unreliable administration. French Industry And British Credit . France based it pot-war 'financial policy on the principle .that .reconstruction should begin i-at home. With France a hive fit tutftlstry; life' restoration of Ench'c'fedit-,Ahro'aTlfcvotih1-foti low "as 3 matter of course." " -s ' . Britain chose lo face .its foreign debts "first aiiil foremost; and lake chances on being able to muddle through lo the re-: establishment of industry and trade, - , - ' With the British lound at par or thereabouts the French franc has been selling at Je?-i than three cents. Which means that outsiders do npt interpret Britain's slow industrial recovery as endangering its ability to pay. And that foreigners likewise refuse lo regard Frane's iiidiNlrjat activity as proof ih it intends to pay sodn. The two policies were 'sharply Iri contrasL So are the results. Britain has industrial stagnation at home, but tindimiii ished credit abroad. France's factories have been humming for years, but its foreign. credit is '-all shot to pieces." Perhaps each country sought and secured the end most important to it Each hasJ'stiU' a disadvantage to overcome. Britain must gel its factories going to restore prosperity at home. France must start to '-pay it -debts to restore its credit abroad. ' One Week An Editor. . V;'- - The Rev. I). W. Frryby . special arrangement with the publisher, was editor of tlicA'hkjm'a Republic for one week. It had been" his opiniti thatjh'e editorial, lone of the Republic vas nut trenchant enough, and that various wrongs might be right ed ir hefrt for a while -at the, editorial' desk. Mr. Kerry's week v is ..pent, to the last ininule. He is again the shepherd of hi flock. And he has this to-say of his journalistic experience ? -uie outer fellow s joi certainly looks a lot easier from the outijtle (than it does from lliV inside., Lots.of persons think tliey couW run a newspaper .and wrile editorials, without the leat dlfUciillyv I wish they jt-iiuhlyall try it once. , It would de velop a fine spirit of tolerance' i nus was iirought ahout the journalistic conversion of Mr. terry. IJe would apperfp tu be a most reasonable miniMcr, In his. uew-foniiil humility, however, it may comfort him to re- fleet mat Hie editor of the Hejoiulirari might have similar diffi culties ii no undertook Id thunder from the mi oil. As Mr. Kerry observes, there are niauyvvho beliere that in the making in. newspapers nicy muia introduce important improvement i ne most., proiound masters, of military strategy hold their councils before Ihe village store. In a manner of speaking, "iel Mr. herry escaped,. 'as yoii might say, wilh a light sen Monday and Tuesday Jack Holt in 'The Kn- chanted Jllll." , Qinn'.ly:- i'What 'Price, Ooofyt'' International New. Wednesday and Thursday Fred Thomson and Sit v vor King" in "Wild Hull's Lair." ,; Comedy: "Cuckoo Love.." Pathe- Hevimv. j- Friday and Saturday Ytlma Hanky in 'The Hlaek Ansel." Comedy: "Helween .Meals." Ap.oi s Film Fables. "THE ENCHANTED HUT ISFULLW ACTION Peter B. Kyne'e Story Makes Swift, Sizzling and Spectacular Picture ;.Vcliri.n. swift, sizilinsr and Spectacular action is. the thrilling Keynote of the western melo- trama, "The Enchanted Illlt," adapted from Peter H. Kyne's latest and greatest novel, whim appeared serially in the Cosmo- jiolilan Magazine. The picture which Is presented ien tonight and tomorrow, is an up-lo-llie-minute story n adventure, conflict, mystery an liltHyue, mellowed by whohv some romance and rich in coMi edy, that establishes a new stas- dar.l in outdoor productions. It marks a radical departure froni ilia old, stereotyped western movie because it develops along brand new and wholly modern lines. The plot is built around at) up-to-date rattle ranch war in .cw Mexico. the hero, l.e Purdy, an ex-army aviator, i forced to fight a gang. of in-S vaders, who attempted to kill him in order to get possession, or Hits land on which there is a buried treasure. His battle with tlfee lawless raiders and hi romance with Call Ormsby, the jiively owner of the adjoining ranch, furnish the- n'lli degree gf excitement and thrill Jack l(nt is ideally cast in the load in if role and Florence Vidor brinKS both talent and loveliness to the part of Gail Ormsby. Noah Beery ha a characteristically villainous portrayal, and Mar: Brain i her usual winsome self as Holt s younger sister. "WILD BULL'S LAIR" IS WESTERN PICTURE Fred Thomson Has Hand to Hand Fight With Bull In Film: Coming at Middle of Week T A half-crazed Indian's desire for reenge against the wbltd man. and his scheme to breed a feroeiou stock by crossing a wild bull with the bison strain and thus sweep the caltlemep Irom the land of his forefathers. form the basis of 'The V)Id " ' Hull's Lair,1" which is Fied Thomson's most 'recent produc ,U6n. Like most of the Thomson lectures the current production is a distinct departure from tin) rnn vent ial "western" story; which in part, perhaps, accounts fpr the fact that the champion nthlete is a favorite who bus -wept into popular esteem faster than any other movie star. The picture comes lo the Weslholme Theatre at the middle of this fence. He served but fo a week, ami in seven days he attained week . Hoth Fred and his famous uuerance, , iterance is tne indispensable possession of a weil-reullated life. If intolerant editors were In spend n week ii thenTInislry would Ihey, .loo,, not fenrn more of Ihe 'problemi of life, and particularly of those that appertain to the ministerial calling? Portland Oregoilian . Start the day Feeling Fit SHREDDED WHEAT The energy-building f horse, "Silver Klnir, have sllr- linjr roles. Thomson eiwagns In a tremendous fight with a huge I hull as thf climax of the picture. Y1LMA BANKY MAKES HER DEBUT IN FILMS Budapest Beauty "Discovered" by Producer Ooldwyn to be Seen Here "The Dark Anne!" the First Xaliopal attraction coming to the U'estholme Thealre at the end of this week marks the American screen debut of beautiful Vllma Hanky, who has created such a sensation in Hollywood,. Miss Hanky was but rcce.nlly "discovered" in Hudapest by Samuel fJoldwyu, the famous producer, while the latter was enjoying apleasure tour through Huropc. Arrived In Budapest, he heard 'si "'The Love that Never Dies" frequent allusions to a young and. beautiful sewn star who hortf just lakenf that cily by storm. ' "So, Unafraid, He . Faced the Setting Sun" AT THE HEIGHT of his achievement " when all hb difficulties seemed conquered when success had crowned his cTdrts and his activities were greatest, came tha warning that he must face an operation and a possible physical breakdown. Anxiety for his own and his family's future had naturally seized him, but here, as in numerous other instances during his life, his wide business experience had pointed out the need for guarding against such a disaster, and years ago, to protect his family and nimsclf, he had created an adequate Life Insurance fund. So, today, as the sun goes down, he is unafraid; he can afford to be well cared for and if his life should be forfeited, these Life Insurance funds will be drawn upon for the needs of his family. Contrast his case with yours and decide now to protect the future of yourself and your dependents With Life Insurance. HOTEL ARRIVALS. 'V- ';. She. wa working tn a local studio' 11. i ll nr (.. nl,tilh f.nnd. and had appeared in two ortjim; J. A. Murtdoifa'fd'l'nd A. O. three Hungarian, film w.ili,Macdonald, KlniSiTtlnl (ir. I. . ireal success. Wilkinson, Melbourne, Australian ue oiijinreu ner laenuiy, irnrn.JK. S. Winlnw, .Montreal; MrK Ing thai she was the "Vllma !V. II. Hurnell ami .1. K. (lonlon. Hanky'" of whom .ho had heard 'Terrace; C. s. Williams. A Field so much. He immediately 111 1 I! H frill Ql tintl int l.J l deavored to tfe( in touch with m MeFarlane. James Lepine. the youiwr lady. i'P. ble. II. I). Swohod,. n,i n 11 His attempts .however, were atl Uvm. vm.cn....... n t. ' t-...i..i . .' ' 1 '-"roo 'imi.ihj jrusiruii'ij HiHieni iy her employers did not relish Hid possibility of bninir her." Hut Just as Mr. Ooldwyn was leavtny Jiudapes.-.in fact, he was at th-i station with hls'bawafre alrea.iy loaded on Hie train hn arrived In a taxi, with ' tier personal HKinoKer . Samuel (inlituvti. win. rmri.-.n. Jias ditenvered more fumnin stars 'than any other mart took one look at Hie girl, retrieved Ills pavgiwe rrom thp train, post-poncd hl, departure, and that evening jrave her. a lon-llme. conlract to appear In his pro-ducllons. ' Ml A. A. Pierce", commercial teacher, will sail for the south on a vacalion trip on the Prlnca George this afternoon. ami l. It. IhMiliiKcr, siewarl. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Miller, Ionia. Mich.; K. L. Torrey, Highland Park, Mich.; K. c. Hayllss, In verness; A. L. Stanley. Detroit. Mich.; W. J. O'Xeill, Hmllhers; H. X. Sharp, Spokane; Anna MalhUon, Mildreil flornslnd nnd Alma nornstad, I'elershurg. Central Mrs. '. Wick, Calgary; .1. n. Itcevcs, Karl T. F.vans, H. Hud son ami Jl. Tale, C..SM,; U F. Coles,. Vancouver; W. 'llenrn, Prince lluperl Cannery; .fofm L. H. Claxton, Fdmnnlon. With School HOW fdntlnn I . the long summer vacalion, Iher win he no more gijtnes played in Ihe Junior Fnolhall League until neit September. But and Taxi Meeti all Train end Bol. ROYAL J-JOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. l9j Phone 34 , p'0, Himnion'a Steel H,pds,u(i.ngV a"' 0",rm00'' tresses in every room. ' 1 tshn " H2 Ilooms, Hut and Kohl Water, llalh "J Steam Healed, F.lectric Light' Corner of Third Ave and 8Uth SL PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ICE CREAM FREEZERS No Crank Frcozers . . . . 2 Quart Alaska I'reezers .'I Quart Alaska Freezers Ouarl Alaska IV mr n o Quart yiiiiri. Ahiskrt .miimi ricri-i3 IVerzcrs S3.50 $5.50 $8.5J $7.50 $9.00 Thompson Hardware Co., NflA; Phone 101