PAPS FOW. VETSPICNIC BIG SUCCESS One Thousand persona Enjoyed Yesterday One of Ihe largest and mo successful picnics in Ihe history of lfie norlh was held yesterday when the Oreat- War Veteran? staged their annual online to Digby Island. Weather enndi tirtn were j.leal and with excel. Jpnl transportation arrangements everything went oIT will) on I hitch. The Hoys' Rand, undej Handmaslcr Wilson, played selectiofis during the afternoon The great feature of the fes. tlvillea was the sports prop ram for the kiddies and adult. II i estimated that fully a thousand persons were n attendance I) enjoy the 'hospitality of the ev soldiers. All passengers hj.l been safely landed at the home- wharf soon after 8 o'clock last night. The sports program resulted as follows: 0J.JS''?5 'Jnh.JJye- years and under.- Marcellc Jabnur, K. Tucker. J'.'J- ''a,'1, oyer five and under seven. H. Arthur, K. Slater. 50 yd. dash, seyep years and uijider njne. Jtacliael Je Marco, Kljiel Mooreho'use. 50 yd. dash, nine years and under eleven. K. Thorn, E. De-Marco. 50 yd. dash, eleven years ar.d under thirteen. K. Tile, J. Arthur. 100 yd. dash, thirteen and over. May Ness, E. Tile. 50 yd. egg and spoon handicap, all ages. Megan Morns, E. Neilson.. Hoys' 25 yd. dash, five and under. fG. McFeeT R. Heale. 25 yd. dash, over five and under seven. A. Leloitrneau, R, Cawlhorn. 50 yd. dash, seven years and under nine. E. Johnston, I. Lip-1 sin. .i 5Q xvi.ida'sli, nine, year and under, w R. Kong,, A. Hickg. ; 50 yd. dash, eleven years and under thirteen. R. Mcintosh, J Pyle. 100 yd. dash, thirteen and over W. Ragsjiaw, J, Hawthorn. 50 yd. three-legged rar. J. Cawjhnrn and W. Johnston 1; E Antimane and R. Fong 2. Ladies, 50' yd. dash. MlssJ I.aura Frjuell, Miss Hessje Derry. 5.Q yd, ess, and spoon race. j Mrs. Hunter. Mr. Tuck. . Place kick with foolJ'alL . ! " : Mrs;'HaJrgam, Mrs. Davie". Tug of war, married vs. sin-cle. Single, Ftiell, Kingston, Derry, -jlethej, Dernarco, McKay, Eyolfsen and Houlter. Men's 11)0 yd. dash. T. Heat-tie. M. Stephens. ' 50 yd. sack race. I.. Contoli, M. Stephens. 5ft yd. three legged race. I). Gurvich and S. Job; T. HeatH and M. Stephen. Long jump, E. Tnlloch, J Anderson, Hop, step and jump. I), flur- vich, E.,Tulloch. Tug-nf-war, married vs, single. Married men, C Jackson H.laclisop, W. Slirubsail, J're- nourg, miiocii, .naerson am Smith. Many Boats Used The following boats rendered excellent, service during the dav in transporting the big crowd to and from Hie picnic ground. Roina H., I'oinseltia, Living. slone, Laura F., Hosespit, Tidd Rip, Toodjef Hanaco, Marguerite and i-fa Joam. The following committees ho charge of arrangements. Embarkation J. F. jjulchin son, J. Campbell and J. II, Tan Jipcji. ' Debarkation II. Shaw, N Fhort and II. Tlirupp. Kitchen aligue. J, Jv'elly, An derson, Hooper and Iraser. Sporls C, Yoitngnuin, JIulcJj inun, Campbell, Hance, Marshall and I'alon. Canteen Hjrd, Tail, Heale, A Mackenzie, W. Smith, Marker and N. Clark- Transportatjon.-r-3. F. Jljitcb insoii, Marshall and Shaw. Ruhlicily.-r-J. Tannock ijnd J Hutchinson, fleneral fatigue. F, Goodwin A. R)ndar, Hob James and Frank l'iper. Mrs. Francis Mlllerd and fani lly wil leave al Hie end of (In) Week for Vancouver where they 'will remain during the summer vacation and possibly resumj their residence. menl in the March Assembly tballi' ".- preparatory .Disamwmenl r.ermany morally vs already to Th 1 ". ""IT' following statement to lie i considered ; i i ....i.- ..r M.-'lhe pres press- a member of the League Council. Nevertheless, fiermany is not yet in the portion of being heard before the Council when the Council con-aiders M. I'aul-Honcour's suggestions, he said. Therefore, Count Hernstoff said, he wished to declare before the drafting committee that Germany recognises the necessity for an examination into the proposed methods of bringing rapid assistance to an attacked country. This examination, however, should not be based on the. present position of. armameflt, which oqTy temporary, mt should have a jts sta.rUiJn point a slate of general disarmament, resuming from the Cot) fere nee. ' t . Count HernslofFs statement seeme(r rather irrelevant to tile problem of uecuring rapid assist ance. 31. I'aul-Hoiicniir observed that .League Cbniqiillees, jp studying this question, shoiMd accept j-ealilies and should not overlook the fact that in the im mediate future only partial dis armament was attainable. The Bernstorff Pan w. Count Hernslorff declared thaV difarmamenl should be based on the principle that no country houbj be powerful enough -to be able to assert its strength gainst that of the League. He Urged, therefore, that League Stales should maintain such armament that together they could put at the disposal of the League force that would enable the .eajrue to execute its decisions against an aggressor. This prin rjple was not contested, and wil: 2e specially welcomed by opinotr income,:. smaller countries which sserts thai the total disarma (pi (jqodehhamAWrts CANADIAN RYE WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD This advertisement Is not published Or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. men: "We have cot to work-and the machinery is going, but we have not yet reached ihe point of establishing a scheme for world-wide disarmament." Continuing, be said that as a pure ?uess be did not think the Disarmament Conference could be assembled before Ihe end ol next year. The Preparatory Committee had taken two positive derisions. One was that it was only peace armameuts that could be limited, and in the second jjlarf it. vas understood 'that w;hen. tlir Conference met each Stale '' would f- submit va definite scheme showing what arma ments it needed both as regards personnel ami material, together (villi a statement of Hie grounds jn which Jt wa based. Control and Supervision Lord Cecil further pointed out that the Committee had added iwi olhr .'chemes to its program gamely, pie control ami super- sion of armaments and an in- fstLgation into the question of hemical warfare. .Questioned regarding the pos- llilfily.o( -a Voiiferepee on naval armaments proceeding at the same time as the present dis- rmamenl discussion. Lord Ocit said be thought that if another conference were called it might appear to be competing with the present discussions, buL (hat hen thespjiad got a liltl farther there would he no reason by certain phases of the subject sould not lake a more concrete Orm while fittiilg in with such liscussinns. He was very much impressed with Hie necessity of joing slow witb'Hie work of the iih-comnifttees. EXPEDITION AGAINST SEA LIONS SUCCESSFUL Glyenchy K1" 1458 Destroyers of Fish on Trip to Northern Waters. VJOTOIUA, June 21- Accrfrdimg to informatiun received by the Department of Marine and Fish eries the total number Of sea Hons killed by the expedition sent against them by the department to date ts J.15H. The sen lions are a source of great annoyanrn to fishermen on account of the havoc they causi1 to salmon, as well as doing considerable damage In trawlers, ju order to eliminate the growth of the animals Ihe depart m'nt an nually sends an expedition In Queen Charlotte Islands and Riv er Inlet at the breeding season The steam trawler Civenchy, commanded by Cap!. A. M. lien dersnn, is Used for Hie purpose and In' addition to her 'regular crew, she aln rarries np Hoard J. Maiden, machine im expert from New Westminster. This Is Hie fifth expedition which ,lias been sent Into 'thin area to eliminate Die sea linns; and It is anticipated that tlilr ' Tor? DAILY KEvVa - " I BRINGING UP . FATHER By George McM,,,, - '' ' . r-r I... 7 SSSttl P GERMAN SCHEME DISARMAMENT Have Powerful Rations Deposed, Enabling League to Operato Against Aggressors In a recent discussion on dis armament a ntorp dejaijed, Recount of the (erniau plans as proposed ly Hernslorff are set forth In newspapers just arrived. One of these follows: Count Rernstoff referred with satisfaction to M. llriand's state I a - ii I ment of the small countries Is incompatible, with Iher iluties ns l.vague members. On afternoon -M. de Hrouckere read in a plenary' meeting his report on the activities of the Drafting Ounmillee. Kl 'lie nvost interesting feature is V anted For Sale ForJRent thai the report makc the giiild-j - ing principle for further pre- five that the slup small tmats ........r VtuitxH yr'fi iJHsr sy4h " , a iTK in nie -vu iiiuj- (ii hip iiiciil nuint be willing n fiibmil rocky- -hore io me iiisarmameni iionrerenee definite ami iuantitative proposals as to the measure of disarmament it is willing to accept. Lord Cecil's Summary Lord Cecil on leaviiv fJeneva for London on the , termination 1 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c SPORT CHAT Fixtures for me week arc a follows: Moaday Senior Hasehatl, Urand 'Terminal vs. Native Sons. Prince. Rupert Tennis Club finals. Tuesday Dominion Day Cup soccer, Moose vs. Cold Slfir. age. Prince Rupert Tennis Club finals. Wednesday, Intermediate Fool-'ball, Naval Reserve vs. High School. Trap shooting. Thursday..-- Senior baseball, Cyrus vs. Native Sons, Yaejil Club regatta. Saturday. r Junior Football, Hor- dep Street vs. High School. , - A pariicolarly gninl baseball game, is I(H(iked for In Hie malcl. tonight .fO,twen Ihe Oraild Ter niitihls-ait4- the- Native Sons Oi Canada.. .Tim Terminals lo their rirs'l'VimV of the seoson u. IheUyros . on Friday night am naturally eHOUKti have aspira tion of improving their posltio al the expense of Ihe Sons to night. Hn.vyover, the CniitTt& will have ometiing to say abou hat. They have so far met th. Terminals but 4nee this sensor and were then 1eaten only nfte. contest that was one of tht season's closest and best game i oiiigni encounter gives pro mise of beinp eqilally good. Tlr sJnnding of the teams to date W ns follows: V. V. Wilkinson 22 II. Floyd 21 II. H. Eastman 27 R. W. Cameron 21 W. L. Pel irand Tiiminals 3 I ?50 Native Snns 2 2 ROC tyro Club 2 t 33:i BRASS SPOOW WINNER AT SHOOT YESTERDAY Headed Llsl with Score of 89 at McNIcholl Creek Range on . Sunday W. Rrais waf. the ,wn)ier the le spoon spoon 'at 'at the the Vhodt Vhodt 'of 'of I 32 30 29 2rt 20 23 TENNIS GAMES. 2fl 32 2IJ 29 2fl ol lb. First Norlh H.C. Reglmenl Rifb Associalum at Ihe McNichoi Creek range ypelenlay. i tie scores were as follows: 200 500 COO Til W. Hrass L 29 32 2H K! It., Davidson ..' 30 M. M. Lamb .... 25 Following were Ihe result of Ihe games played in Ihe Prlnci Rupert Tennis Club touniamen' yesterday: Mens doubles J.amhic and Halfour iipai Mackenzie and Crulckshiink ft-l, fl-2 Men's Singles Howard heal Marentettp j'-rt; fl.j; f,.t F. W. llarl, wlio has been nt landing a g'atherliig pf old timer in Vancouver, returned to the city oil Ury irinee Chailes this morning. , - C.N.It. C.N.It. steamer Prince Capi. ,V,,jt Mpl .I'll 11. firrivcil season's bag will prove n rreordifrom Vancouver al 10.10 litis one and exceed 3,000. (morning ep route to Stewart, Operations have been hindered! Anyox and ' . Massed Inlel, tn'" by weather comlitlons .and It Is' which ixmiia sin. win .n I I only about one day out of every, p.m. Tbt;.lcamer left Vancou- 4. Xi .VlHTsT ! start July 5. Hcnt's Ladies' j ' Ready-to-wear, Third Avenue, Phone 1551 or Oreen 700. rOR 8AL1 FDR SALE. -Young Rlark Flejn ish (lianl Rabbits. Phono Red 63. It5 IIAHY carriage for Sale In good condition. Phone Hluw I IS. FUJI. MTV HE for ale. Applv hio Summil Avenue. I 1 TO RENT FOR RENT. Larsen building a 171 Third Avenue East; six room modern rial with bathroom and workshop premle on street Ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer, 139 Second Avenue. OR RENT. Two first class modern flats; Monarch ranges, water pajd; one furnished. Westenhaver Hros. TO RUNT. Furnlsheil WrlglH llesidenro, 115 Fifth Ave Cast. Reasonable rent to satisfactory tenants. Ml FOR RENT. - Two modem houses, one furnished. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. J: 'URNISHED Housekeeping Rooms to rent by the day, week or month. Phone Red C07. tf FOR RENT. Furnished house keeping suite, MiiMnlIrm Apartments. Phone 18. tf FOR Rj:.T. Furnished houe. our nwnis and batji; close In. I'll one Illue 337. IIS KOR RENT. Four room suite. hot water heated. Apply Smlti k Mallet. PJA.YOS for Renl al Irt.fli) per monllt and up. Walker' OR RENT.Furpished flat In Clapp Huilding. Phone Re I 251. I in FOR RENT 3 Room Cottage. 721 rvefili Ae. W. Phone Red 713. IfC 1.AH0E furnlsliejl room for rrnl. hath. I6 Sixth Avenue Wesl LOST. LOST -During the Shriners' vis it here, Trombone Iulo, left on Masonic Hall platform: also Drum Slick lost off tru-k in transit to wharf. Findei please leave at Dully News Office. He ward. LOS'J'. Scotch Terrier. Finder please phone lied 3 IK. Reward. BOARD AND ROOM. HOARD, The Inlander, 83r Second Avenue. Phone 137. HOARD, Roorns and Furnished guiles. Palmer House. If HOARD ANp ROOM," 125 Third Avenue. Phone Red 33fl. i i, i .. I., t PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Monday, June 21 Hifh I (1:1 ii a.m. (ft 2 22:29 p.m. lu;i 'w :IH a.m. 7.1 HI to l p.m. 8.0 " Tuesday, June 22 '"Kb 11:11 a.m, f(i 23:1 1 p.m. 20.2 ''Ow .. r:l)(J a.m. 3.8 " 10:53 p.m. h.o " Ver op Saliirday at 8 o'clock, A good complement of paMengcrit are anoaru ror norlhcrn and Is-land poinls. Articles Lost and Found, &c PATENT ATTORNEYS S,VL1!SLADY Wanted to FETHKJISTOXll U OH A CO.. the old established firm. Patent and trademarks In nil countries. Free booklet. Vancouver office HUH Holers jmlld ing. Phone Seymour 3706 Manager. Ernest K. Carver. rtstUtered Attorney Other offices. Ottawa. Washington and principal eilies. MISCELLANEOUS SUMMER Camp al Ukc Knthlyu opens June 20. For particular apply Mr. K. E. Hirnle. Smilhers. H.C. SUMMER RESORTS. LAKHLSJi LODUl.. near Terrac.; meel nil trains giving Uirough ronnttctiotf witJi lnlge. Telephone connected u Terraro J. )lrur Johnstone, manacer. AUTOMOBILES A FURTHER REDUCTION IN Phone 7 Taxi (Call Oeorge. Paul nr. Oust) SUOfllMh i I MAIL SCHEDIU OUTOlU rf in iu I VIUMf. ,,fc " t Cl IBM. A...! .1 J .V . KAIEN QARAQE. Dealers tn all Oeneral Mojor proiJuris. WRW:KINi SKIIVICH DAY AND NIUIIT Tor a ilennniroMon Phone &2. Prices of hot ii New and Ouar-anteed I sed FoilD CARS are now at a new low level. The National Time Payment Plan enables anyone with a .reasonable Income lo afford Ihe comfort and convenience a car affordii. Ask , S. Ev PARKER, LTD. Dealer k 219 Second Avenue. TAXI M-C4S1H hi J A Mi, A Htm, Ii,,-,. v r ii- 'i Itl Ttmrxut Alk fl.t H ies n , MeM i. W'.li,.!, M I rrfcli. visit i.nsele utiiu Jioi' crt Springs. I.itbia is uue of th if '?"." finest mineral waier koown ' .Jzrr for rheomallsm. Ooo.I fly nm'V, fishing for ralnbovc trout In stfv. i I 1 1 i.akei.r to ke and river. Motors' "" i StlarAiM rr i,i eu- i tm ) CHEVROLET PRICES. I Following th rluiniiiition by lite1 , , .. ..... ... nuMm t : lofriifiM'llt . f l.tri.e Ta , A.r t the following prices are mnl , s t r toitile: aoi csmcrcM u ii. i -. t n I t: i ' W i - ) i I . n II i'.9 1 " - ii, ... . .. , . i, n Coyi Coach H0J4nh , Bj t l s Standard SmJad S1148!i luv I" Landau Sedan . Commercial Chassis Expresw, I -ton Chassis. ... $ 927 Six and Seven Passenger Slude bakers at your disposal any lime. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from Empre Hotel. FURNITURE. New am Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Jluy. Sell and Exs change New and Secondhand Oobds. QEO. PAPADOPULOS Third vo Ohone GOOD EATS. Opposite Henson's SludlO, Third Avenue. REAL HOME COOKED MEALS Mrs. I'nger, proprJetress. I'honer H'ack 700, WOOD. Dry Mixed Wood o.00 a load. Dry Fir W0d lfl.50 a load. Ciit to any length; , Klndllno, $7.00 a load. Fir Furnace Wood . $7.00 a load. A. ISAACSON Phone black 401, Seal Cope. (J.T.r WMr O.T.r. Sill n f4 tf I fs-1 t' ttH Ar t r Irt A ft S ? llurij Jl M J WO i - i imm J' tnm vt " SSHMta) VrMr ' Jim H fttm lil if - Jtllir v Jilt t ' -June " lr SUtki June 7 JNII 14 Jun f . June Jinw VI - til I I l 1 sj H III 4.tU It ... : IS H l"l STEAMSHIP MOVE I f VMiMVItr Sulvto Tllrul, . 1 bu u ol ' ... J Mir ! J Mr . ' M ifom rod siBr Sturdi! r ..1 llltl ''l f.r lt.trl. " - II From aiawsrt, sl '"kM TlirW.r ' .ir.l - r.HK' vmm ltrl 1 1 snn.t.) sf i' Wf " VVrttiiMih) mn 1 n v a I ' tuny f'rr rriw . ... rrlnr TV C.N.R. owe" ..ill'" fr9m Jt TMM"l " ,il0 .irert -4 Adverllie In tb 4 .