W V ' Keep Them White This is the ideal which all housewives cherish in connection with their linen, It can be made a practical reality by the use of Reckitt's Bag Blue In the handy bag with the Blue and White stripes Wright & Ditson i BASEBALL & TENNIS Sporting Goods Miimc o U.tiiuii.i, oltl .thic'iigliniit On- vwrld. .Every fenicic or mir tln-ir name i guaranteed. Your money mth.1 Out n ii i' are vi-utiuniie prn-e, Mtgity us.Halcrri CS.V.l.. ii .; - .r.-. I I. Hfl. ! l IIIWUJ- vvii. U'l'l .nr lu JMn' 1 guim. At t , n.i.dtTe firtn iinl-oII !adAlllUJH!'l,. liml v ! ( liny the Ijest mi-iiIiiik Koods and llu'ii taml bttfxol the goods. 1ATHING : CAPS large assortment or New Sllc in both Plain, ami Fancy, 25c to $2.00 SHARI LTlie evvel Creation and Latest Sensation In ToilcT Articles Kmc p. wdi r $2.50 Tab tint $1.00 IttJu.i'v l.ri'iuii .. . v ... $1.50 UlrauMig drain . . . $1.00 l Comparts ..... $1.50 ami, $2.50 11 Hi $1.00 h p Surk $1.00 OKI Style PEPPERMINT PATTIES t Veli Shipment. Special Price, per II. . . 40c Ormes Ltd. lie Pioneer J)riigKtst.. Ave. and 6th Street OFT FINISH : All flat pieces washed, ironed and neatly folded. fi Wearing apparel practically ready to wear, only re- 5res u little retouching with hand iron, v Try This Service Inlmum Charge, $1,20." 7o per1 lb plirylc per pieeo. r Your bundle returned within three days. I0NEER LAUNDRY, Limited Phone 118 The llexiill Store Phones 82 and 200 Local and Personal Phone 15. p.R. Coal Co. Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. tf B.C. Undertakers. Pbon 41 Haeball. loitigfiUttt fl.i5fB.OXS . liruiuj icrminai2 Crystal Firelighters,' 48 fo. 51.00. Hyde Transfer: Phon" 580. tf Stove length wood $3.50 per pad delivered. Phone X. Our vlch. Green 518. 15-i Seven joined hoime for rent, nUo four roomed flat furnished. Phone Orecn 735. 147 This Is the final week of school before the long summer vacation start. All public and high school wilf close on 1 rjdayvatid will iipl reopen until (he. first week In .September. Mr. and Mrs; K. U. Mcliermld. who haw; been visiting in the I'ily, lifter attending a financial isnilvejjtiOu at Jasper, will sa'I on fhe Prltice deorge Hi i s after- noon for Vancouver. The easllMiund train did not pull out until 2 o'clock this al lemooii liaihsr been held for a number of passenger from tlie Hieatner Prince Oeoive wliicli ar ived from Alaska at 1.30. Mr.( l.ang and party of llos tonian Joy Maids, who have been perform;ni; at the Wealholme I'lieatre during the past week, Will sail on the Prince Oeor M.is afternoon for Vancouver. .1. K. liordon, the Terraet? hotel man, Is a business visitor in the ity registered at tlus Prince Hupert Hotel. He arriv ed from the interior on yester day aflernoon's train and will return there tomorrow. l'o(r;nce examinations will he held in the public schools ot Wednesday. Thursday and Fri day at tliis week. These will he I lie ifiiveViimcnl w ritten examin atious. Hie. regular prude exam iiialfous hoSv befiig in pro?rui. A charge of vagrancy against Flossie Ildwcn alias Kelly, a colored, woman, was withdraw? by the provincial police in tlx city police court this mornins on the coi.'lition that she leave for INIfnoiiton on to-daj s trail-never to return. Delayed through having mad', an extra run into Hivers Inlel, I ii ion steamer Cardena, Cayt. A. K. Dickson, reacheil port from i lie south al 8.30 last night and. after discharging 15 Ions of freight here, sailed at midnight for Any'ox, Alice Arm and Stewart. The, vessel had a good stent passenger list which included the following: for Prince Rupert Mr. Criskovich, James I,r Pine and T. Ide: for Alice Arm--II. Ilauna, Mr. llcllamy, C. I. Slenner, Mr. I.emon, Mr. Walker. A.NValton, (. Xetson, W M. ,'etsn-, tMr. I.ofgren, Mr, I.idan. I., l.ar-en. K. .Nelson and A. llraiiiian; for Wales Island S. Miller. T. Valkana, M. Mcl.eod. C. W. Fraser and II. O'Connor; for Anyox M. M. Fraser, K Moore, t,Mr$ Hlelsoe and Mr. Hail-lie; roiinii trip Mr. and Mrs. Wie, Mr. and Mrs. P.dwant llahue and . daughters and Miss Reynolds. Put Water in the Milk teg b?&. H8v K j - j After two failures with cakes Mrs. I.. K. HenderMHi wrote us asking advice. We are more than grateful to her for many would not haee bothered trying a third lime, let alone going to the trouble- of a letter. Mrs. II. was usiiur the usual or reduce the amount of butter. PACIFIC MILK ' Head Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and Abbotsford, B,C, Valhalla Annual Picnic Auk. I. Uaseball tonight at 0.43. S.O.C. vs. (iranu lenninaLH. For rent. Fiirfiiidie.d cottage. Terrace. Apply Thompson Hard ware. Irvine Mcperuiotl arrived from Ketfy))ka')'on! the steamer T'riuco Geortte'lfils afternoon. H. IloWc returned from a bui-ness trip to Vancouver on the Prince Charles this morning. llic J.;.,uiazeijc announce. I lie appointment', of J.'t). Tan nock as deputy official dinirii's trator for Mier counly tf Prince mipert. j -- - hc ; C.N. It. steamer, Prinefe George, Capt. H. Nedden, arrived in port from Alaska at 1.30 this after noon and will sail for Vancouver at .1 o'clock. Mrs. C. Kerr left on today's cflslbound train en route to her old home in Scotland. Mrs. Kerr will sail on the s.s. Monlnairu from (juehec on July l.r .1. , Spiers, represenltntr the Vickers Corporation of .Montreal is a passenger on the Prince Charles for Port Clements where he will inspect aeroplane spruce at the lluckley sawmill. Hoderick Mohr, .arrived in the city this morning on the Prince Charles. Mr. Cameron is on d partmental business. I.. S. Hawkins, superintendent of the Marconi Wirel6 Telegraph Company, WcslVrti Divi sion, accompanied by I.eo Mayne, constructional engineer,is aboard the Prince Charles en route to Port Clements in connection witn the erection of a private wire less station at thai point. The Oriental Trading Company, a local Japanese concern, was charged in the city police court (hi looming, before Magistrate McClymont, with haVli'ir liquor, for sale. The case was adjourned until 2.30 this afternoon. Milton (ionzalesj assisted by Klmer Collier, appeared for the prnseculipn and L. W. Pat-more for the defence. The party of United Slates editors and their .wives,, who ar-s making the round .trip from Vancouver to Skagway on the steamer Prince George.-were mei upon arrival of the steamer from Alaska this afternoon by S. K Campbell, David Thomson and Olof Hanson, a delegation from the Hoard of Trade, and wen suitably entertained while in ln-city. . WIRELESS REPORT. S a.m. HL'I.I. HARBOR. Part cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer 30.10; temperature 52; sen smooth; Camosun left Ocean Falls G p.m. northbound; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Hradavon bouhd Knglewuod for Vancouver lefl Kuglewood 7 p.m.; Prince Rupert at Salmon River 8.15 p.m. southbound. DILM) TRKF POINT. Haro-meler -30.02; temperature 53. DlOHY ISLAND. Clear, calm; barometer 30.31; temperature 37, sea smooth; 8 p.m. spoke tug l.orne abeam Port Simpson southbound; sleamer Dorothy Alexander dtie Ketchikan 11.15 a.m. northbound; 7.15 a.m. amount of shortening and the learner Prince George left Kct extra richness of Pacific- was eiiikan southbound. quaking her cakes too short. Always use half water to two Noon HULL HARHOR. Part cloudv: thirds water with Pacific Milk, light southeast wind; barometer JO. 1 2 j itempcrulure 55; sea smooth. DF.AD TRliF. POINT. Barometer 30.32; temperature 00; sea smooth; II a.m. spoke steamer Princo Johh otf Cape " St. James bound for Jedway:.) a.m. in Prince Charles northbound. w ty, June 21, 1026. THE DAILY NEWS PAQI THRB1 Mchbor-'NkflgcL'ntf tpofaf. But how kef wnlt it wer hnwAM- fne fbjffibttn on my ihed tinae nlnhcii-nd)uknohoiitoiY)tiwtat. After discharging fasenger! Issrs. J. Wntigh, J. Wine,! lb is afternoon Hie steamer McDonald and A. Goes, of thuj Prince ieorge, en route to Vas1-dock staff, returned to tho'couver from Skiijfway, Alaska, city this morning' on tin; Prince (proceeded to the Imperial Oil Charles from Keowna wherctdoek to replenish her fuel suiiiii they have been working upon Hit? erection of the new lake boat. Dr. Forrest Kerr, after basins visited at Duncan, Vancouver Is land, with his father. Dr. D. K. Kerr, has arrived in this district to take change of one of the Dominion geological survey J. It. Cameron, assistant gen eral manager Western line Canadian National Itailways, with headquarters in Vancouver, ac companied by his grandson, prior to sailing on tier return south al i o'xlock. W. P. Martin, superintendent of C.PJt. terminals, Vancouver,! accompanied by Mrs. Martin,. were passengers from Irain to boat on .Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Martin made the trip. over the Canadian National lines to Jasper Park taking the Princess Charlotte for the south. Miss Kdna Vickers arrived on the steamer Prince Charles Ibis morning from Vancouver to visit witii her parents Mr. and Mrs Frank Vickers, Ambrose Avenue, durinp the summer vacation. Miss Vickers was accompanies by Miss Hannah Smith, who will viMl witli her for a Tew (lay prior to leaving for Wraitgell, Alaska. MINERAL ACT. Nolle of Application for CtrtlflcaU of! imprortnunu. Mineral lllll unup. lomutinr or Mln-tnl llill .Vi. I. .Minvril lllll .No. t. Mia-rnl Kill .u. 3, and Siiaimll Mmrml Limns, fllujle In tlie skena Mining- bin k.ii of .No. I l)ilrlrt on (he soum-raslero rntj of Iron Mountain, kilinul Vallry. Law nil hulorrs. W. i. Ooudwtn, Free Mmrr'a Lrrliriralr No. 0IIC. charlt E. Moore. I'rr Mlirr'i CerllUiale .No. II9JC. TAkF. NOTICE that I, Charlra E Moore.; rrrt Miiieri iriiorair .o. aiviu. rent fur the owm-rj. inimd at t tie roil of uiy day rnnu the. date bereor. lo apply lu tlie Mining necoriVT fur a IViU-rirate nt liiiprtivenientt Tor tbe purpoie of ibiaimnir a Crown Urant or tbe above la inn. And further take nutloe thai anion un (It Sertum St rr the Mineral Act luusl be niinnienred before the luinoe or mcb i:ertirite r lniprovem-nt. H.I.VI ihu I Tib ljv of April. 1 1 8. KAVICABLC WATERS PROTECTION ACT R.S.C. Chapter 115. The British i:Hinbla lililnr k r-ara-Inr I'miipsnv Ilmll. J. hereby alvea notice thai It In under serlloc 7 or the raid Art. depn-lled with the Minuter of I'ubllr Works, al oitana. ami in the offire ot Hie lllri-l Heltrar or the Land Herli-Iry Dlslrlrt or Prince Kuert, al prince l:uerl, B.r. a description f the site and 'he plan nf a whirf or pier and build-ors llM-reoti proixiM-d to l built on that reriain portion t land titiiale alxnit two ana ue-nair nine ei or Ainrord nay, Sklderate Inlet, rronltnr on Lot Ml. Queen Charlotte tiilrlct. and known' ti Lot MS. And lake notice that arter the eipjra-Oon of one mouth from tlie date of the rirtt publlcall'Mi r lhi notice I lie Brltl!i t'nlumliia llhint & Parklna- Company Limited will umler met Ion 7 of the said ct. apply lo the Mlni'ter of Public works, at ins orrire in the rlly or Oitana. for approval of the aaid site ami man, and for leave to construct the tald vvnarr r pier ana bnlldmirs Utereon. Oiled at Prime Rupert, B.C.. this 3 1st nay or vay. tTR. BRITISH COI.l'MRIV FISHING i PACkINO CO. LTD. By In Solicitors : William. Manson k Gonzalex. MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Dip Canyon Mineral Claim, situate In uie .nun .miiiuir iiivision ur i.assiar l)i-Irlcl. Where located: ear Crater Cm-k and adjoiuiuir and northeast or the Mir canyon tilcnsion Mineral Claim (Lot 1 1 JU I. TAkE NOTICF. that I. John Molloy, I'ree Mlner'a Cerllflrale .No. 7073S, Intend, sltty day fn.lu the date hereof. o appiy to ine, .Mininit necorner tor at fe nificatc of linprovenirnl, for the pur-oe of ohlslnlna; a Crown Grant of IN: abiive rlatm. ' : I And further take' notice that actioif.l under section SJ, must be commenced : berore the lue of turn. Certificate ofl liiiprovrmcnt). . baled this 1st day or June. A IV tote. II. Mc.N. FHASFR. i Aaent.j MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Ilia- Canyon .No if Mineral Claim, villi-1 ate in the Atlln Mlnlntr Division nf Cas-! slar Ins-trlrt. Where loratedi On Vol-' i-anlc t:reek (Vulcan Creek 1-. adjolnlnr and southwest of Hit Canyon No. i Ex-1 tension Mineral Claim (Lot 1171 i TAKE .NOTICE thai I. Ellen Molloy, Free Miner's Certificate .No. 70739, In-i tend, sixty days rrc-m Urn dale hereof,! In anply lo the Mlnu Recorder for ai Certificate or Improvements, for the pur iMise or oliiaininr a crown Grant of the, above claim. And rurlher lake notice that action. i under section 17, musl be commenced! criiin- mr is9oc oi eucu v.eriiiicaie vi luiprovements. Pateil this 1st day r June, K it, WH. H. Mc.. UVASER. ' Areut, The acid-test of roofing is wear, wear, wear ! Just one place to test roofing and $ ;uthats)up onithe housertops.with the .'.weather- pounamg'away aritlnenij! 'the 'the rial-, rial: quality quality, behind a roofing' isl' bound' to show itself. We know a roofing that's stood this test for many years. Barrett Roll Roofingl We strongly recommend it. It's made with plain or mineral surface. ' Never rots or rusts. Fire-safe. Come in. See it. Prices'are easy. Tf6 endorse orse gss S. E. PARKER LTD., Distributor Prince Rupert, B.C., Canada - i Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINO. Our plant is equipped lo handle alt kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 389 ItcIrtADWrJ PACIFIC uaT Steamship and Train Service Saillnt) from, PRINCE RUPERT tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. SEATTLE, each MONDAY and THURSDAY 4.00 p m., SATURDAY, 6.00 p.m. For ANYOX and STEWART MONDAY, FRIDAY, 4.00 p.m. For ALASKA WEDNESOAY, 4-00 p-nv. For MASSETT INLET MONDAY, 4.00 D.m. For SKIDEOATE INLET and 80UTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally ricrpl Sunday at 11.40 ajn. Tor PRINCE GEORGE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada, United States. Agency all Oeaan Steamship Llnta. t'sc Canadian 3altonal Express for Money Orders, Foreirn Cheques, etc, also for your net! shipment City Tlckat Ofllc. 628 Third An., Prlnca Rupart. Phona 280.- Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Katchlkan, Wrangtll, Junaau, and Skagway Jun 7, 14, IS, 28. 2S; July 2, S. . 12 To Vanceuvar, Victoria, and Saattl Jun 4, 12, 19, 23, 30 July 4, 7, 11, 14, 1S, 21 PRINCESS BEATRICE. Cmpbll Rltar, and Vanoouir tr Saturaa 11 a.m. rr Bulol, Sanon Bay, Eaat Ball Balla, Ocan Falla, Namu, Alart Stay, agnc ror an (iMmanip uint. run miorinaii) W. C. ORCHARD Oanaral Agnt. Crne of 4th Strtat and 3rd Anu. Prlnca Rupart, B.O. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salllnn from Prtuca Rupert, or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Swanaen Bay, and Alart Bay, Tuaaday, B PJB. or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Alart Bay, and Swanao Bay, Saturday. 10 A.M For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlr Cannsriaa, Thursday p.m. For PORT S!PSON, ANVOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sunday, S p.m. IX Zl Atoaca. J. Baraalay, AgoaL Prlnoo Rvpaet. SO, Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FJSH NETTINQ AND TROLLING QEAR h I OIL AND. RUBBER bLOTHlNtlr' sMOCERK rj Compare Our Prices lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde 8L