5 TAXI and'' Ambulance - Anvwhara af ' "n .n,,, - "Ml , . ., c .J I ','1,1 Ir. IIU l 'lain... "Ifll' WATT VI DECK, 'Hdin by jia. Artificial, repplrii failed to revive -him. . ' 5; i' of Fish at Exchange This Morning. llatiliit arrivaU toiluy totalled lilj.ooo pun ml , four Amerieaii boat relliug a 1. 000 poumls at the I lull Kvchause and six Canadians, 13,000 jKiund. I'rlces were from tic anil tUc to 17.3c and tic for American fiU and from 10.3c and Ko In !5.Uc and I'o for Canadian. The day's landing were as fol lows; Amorlcan Vabali. o,5oo pounds and l.c- Dor, lu.nuu poumU, lo the Pacific Fisheries. Hetty ,7,500 pounds, lo the Hoyal Fih Oi. Mattery, 7,000 pounds, to the 1'itiadian J'l"h V Ot Storage Co. Canadian fair nf Jacks IH.000 pounds, lo (he Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. Cape Spencer, 1(1,000 pounds, t the lloyal l'i?l" Co ll. 15.000 pouuds, and I. S. l H.000 pound, to the llooth r'iheries Canadian Go. Scroll, IJ.OOli pound', and S. v., .'1,000 pouiuU, lo the Allin Fisheries. ALASKAN VOLCANO" NOW IN ERUPTION Cordova, Where Unusually Hot Weather Continues, lie-ports an Outbreak COlUiOVA. June 21. A small volcano, two miles from Copper lllver and Ihe Northwestern llailroaif northeast of here, U reported lo be in eruption. I'ufT of smoke are visible for ton miles ami extreme heal is fell in the vicinity. Unusually hoi weather continues at Cordova DIED WHILE ON HIS WAY TO SILVER KING MINE, BABINE DISTRICT YAXCOl'VFIl, June 21.- John Huniphy, prominent mining muii of Hurke, Idaho, who was on his way Willi Paddy HigKin to inspect the Silver King min lutr proerty in tho Habine dis tricl. was found dead in hi room in Hie Itegent Holel iiere Diimphy hud been In poor' health for some lime and his dealli i believed lo have been from nn tilnil causes, H h survived by aHvidow anddaugbtr" al Uurk. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PHINCK HUI'EHT, B.(i, MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1020. Sdurdajr! Clrrulitlon, ltd Mr, Timothy Ilealy. lord-lieutenant or the lri.-li Free State, with Lord l'ovver-roiirt on the left, among (lie visitors to I'uuchestovvu where Hi Kddare and Natinii il Hunt Itai e- are held. WILKINS PARTY TO TRY AGAIN Another Attempt 'WIlT be Made to Find Land North or Alaska SEATTLE. June 21. II wa learned on Sunday null!, on ar rival here aboard Ihe sleanu" Alaska from Fuu-lianks of fiv members of the Mroit Arctic ex- (xdillon, that another attempl will be inade to find land in un ciiarted Arcllc walers north of Iaka. Parts, with which In repair the two airplanes, will b. shlpiied' lo Alaska this summer. rhuo who arrived includen Major Thomas Laupliier, unolll- cial United States army obser ver, (lapt. Wilkin, Ihe leader of the expedition, is still in II is iaid lhat gasoline supplier and spare airplane paIs will b- shipped by water lo Point Harrow for Ihe net! attempt whic'i Is sehcduld for next spring. "I. nrk of Mipplics was all thai kept us from rinding laud this I iino.' said Lanphicr. PERSONALITIES IN COAL STRIKE Cook Dubbed as "Half Crary Fanatic" and Baldwin Described as Mlneowners' "Office Boy." l.OXlHI.V June 21. -Vitupera tive- personalities marked the week-end s oratory conrernin.i the crisis in the coal strike sit nation . . .-. ' HI. Hoik Arthur Neville -CliamV berjaiil described Secretary Coot o fhe Miners' Federation ns liuiftisriuy fanulii?" and Cook. retaliated by callins Piemior HaUlwiu "thn ollice boy of the coal owners" adding that the Premier would henceforth be known not as "Honest- Baldwin' but as "Liar Haldwln." More senliinenls of this natun were couched ill ns violent lanp uupe. Herbert Smilh. presidert of the Miners' Federation, sneak lug in a milder vein, declared i! he bad lo choose between au cepting lower wanes or longer hourshe. would advise the min ers 10 aareo lo work the addl lional hours. Brit'sh Columbia Exporters of Liquor will be Sued for Income Tax by United States fRECKLED MOVIE STAR IS MARRIED IN EAST Julia Wood, 23, Becomes Bride of Wesley Barry, 18. Will Live at Hollywood. V I l I t ia t N. X' J. j., I : United Slates but there is movement on fool in llepublicat, ! circles to give that party's nom ination to I ne fascinating Sen ator liorah of Idaho. H is an mien simti'I lh:il ttiinili. who K mouth or the Amaion River, arely L- own political advisor wnore ne maae a lorcea iano- Uu., , maUnfl lv,.rv nuUl, ,a) Ing because of lack or ruel. wiu, a vU.w t(, jls l(iriicl 0j nit, I chances for the nomination and election in IU28. Some llcpub- licaus are of the opi.ilon that he will be. able lo break up Ihe "Solid . South" and defeat Al Smith of New York who seems almost the certain Democrat!. nominee now that Hryan is dead and McAiioo "fos;otlcn." fyi.,Min, juue .-i.- rin? imr nnmi Wesley Harry, eighteen-year-old VI I I HII IlKhiM freckled Penrod of Ihe movies. Ul1 VlllLiIllLiil ami Miss Julia W'nnd, twenty-three, were quietly married at the bride's home here. The couple left for Hollywood shortly after 'he ceremony. HERIOT FAILS TO FORM CABINET SO ' BRIAND TAKES TASK PAULS, Juno 21. M. Ilcriol, Ihe Itadical leader, failed in his efforts lu form a tnflilslry and the former Premier Hriand has again lakeu on the task of or irauizing a cabinet. v Adv.ertUe in Ibo Dally News. , Subscribe to the Dally News, WERE DROWNED Overcrowded Boat Struck Wave at Sault Ste. Marie and Capsized SAULT STE. MAMIE, June 31 six youing persons were drowned on Sunday aflernoo.i when n small and overcrowded boat In which they were taking pleasure trip in Ship Canal waj struck by a white-capped vvav and capsiied. The names of, th victims, IJ. to 1C years of ugc were: Arthur 't'essier, Clement Cormier, John Parsons, Heggr and Annie. Mclnlyre ..and' Emily n.u-t be done to run dewn Hie perpetrator or ihe crime;'' MASONIC GRAND LODGE OFFICERS .. Elected at Convention Which Was Held in Victoria at End of Week I . MCTOIILN, June 21. lu ad dilion to 1). W'. Sutherland, of Kelowua. who was chosen, prand liimasJVr for the- year J92C-2T, the .following officers were elected SEATTLE, June 21. (iov eminent officials here have an-at the: Masonic Oram! Lodge iiouiired u plan to file income lax liens lu the value of uiore 'convention here at the end of than ? 1,00(1.000 against Hrilish Columbia liquor exporting houses operating through Seattle whose activities they have been inves- igutiug. Special agent of the Internal Ileveniie Intelligence Iieparl- neul who have been working on lax dodging charges against .aiiudiaii eourerii doing business here are said to have uncov ered inside workings of an international liouor traffic on the Pacific Coast towards which ?5,U00,0O0 is i-oulributed uiiuuullv hrotigh heattle. AVIATOR IS SAFE Bernardo Duggan Turns 8afely Alter Forced Landing. Up PARA, Brazil, June 21. Bernardo Duggan, the Argentine aviator flying from New Pork, who was reported missing for a week, Is safe. He arrived Sunday at Vlgla In the state of Para. He left his plane at the Island of Maraca, a short distance from the WILL BORAH BE NEXT PRESIDENT? His Stock Is Being Boomed at Washington for Republican Nomination ! WASHINGTON, June 21. President Coolid?e is looking for another term ns president of the the week: deputy "grand master, Frank S. McKee, Vancouver: senior grand warden, Hobert Haird, Victoria; junior grumt warden, H. L. Heid, Vancouver; f-'iand treasurer, Harry il. Watson, Vancouver (re-elected . ; grand secretary, V. A. de Wolfe Smith. New Westminsler (reelected ; grand tyler, J. 1!. Hughes. Vancouver (re-elected. FLOATING CANNERY IN DRY DOCK HERE Laurel Whalen Arrived from Alert Bay Yesterday Morning and Will Proceed to Massett Tonight. The Somerville Cnnnery Co.'s floating cannery Laurel W'lialen is in dry dock here today for painting and minor hull work. In tow of 'the-Hecate Straits Towing Co.'s tuy Cape Scott, the cannery arrived in port from Alert Hay at 8 o'clock yesteilay morning. This evening the plant is to be taken on to Massett Inlet where it will be operated during the coming eason. tu hoard the cannery are Cyril Williams, the manager; Mr. Morse, wireless operator and ookkeeper, an da skeleton crew. NANAIMO LOSES TO ENGLISHMEN Great Combination Play Gave Old Country Soccerlsts 3 to Nil Victory NAN AIM p. June 21. After being held scoreless in the ope.n ing half, the touring' Hritish soccer team on Saturday' scored Hiree points aft;r the Interval aculust the Uoner Vancouver Ts- land team which was. tillable to make a single' tally. ureal combination ' play was exhibited by t,he Englishmen In winning this, their tenth con seculive victory since lftndin i; he Dominion. The loyal s put In t better game than wai expected, their team wofk In manx Jn-slances equalling that of the visitors. .... Jf .J lolllepeur, .Isaac .JoUicoeux vva esoti9dJ.si Bostdn Grin Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancln floor for blre. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 467. PRIOR FrVK OKN.TR.- . . f Mm B Mmmi FbLtbI Bf BTBl Bi Bl Bw TBbTBI BFB Mm TBr 'BBr BH Bb BB. THaBr'sl Br t rM BP TBbw"bW' BB bVbV'V bVLI BrBBk Bb EbHbI BBBB. ' BBBB'BbTB BB BT Bl B BBl BBl Bl BBL BT BBl BBl BM BT BB BBJ - BW BBl ' M MB BB BBl BL B" BBl BBJ BBl ' BBl 1 BBf - U MM : ME M BE BB1 BBf 3 BBl BBF Bff BBl BBf BH BBF BBl BBl M mmm MM ' MM . BBl N A THIN A I n&VPI OPMPNT TAlflM IN INVFxTiaTliiN ffl? WATTIE MIIPHPR 1 I . . ... 2 .. 1 i ii fiiuiiii vi unv yiM over IMltDburg, while bl. pNonl in Hie eat. fl..l.l I .!. I.r .I..IItIiIb,I Him mini f:iii nil riinilnv 1 1 r. n 1 1 iii j. r ii m iiirnin. on New York H to nil M(Hhan f ii ty Hi(iuainl per-jii wttlrhed liicajio beat tlC rw iork aniiie on 7uniay uv icore of t lu 9. , 42. ..ny.iM 1. Ilia . .. ft" National League t. ...... ii ti...-.i ii ItMio -a H. Nw York . rov) 0 ' t'.ii rinii:iti S-3. American League iiauiMpiua iwirnu n. ifnirn nn a 111111 PKIVHII MIIVIIU T Deliveries of Salmon Being o at Naas and Skoena River Canneries Today. arkins "he real start or the ..... ... a. ....... il.. ...... Kill Cil Ilium.- llllllisil llic nin- jior the l!lnnjs or orKeyc in riot Vit Oliono.l III Ii i'ilnik ;uiKht While offw ial report. not yet been received, il I erslood iinii a large numner Nna lllvors at the start. I deliveries of mil are heing I.. ,i i.. .. ii... mi nie miirhui in a im-iunu illon Ihls year for all kinds iiiiinii u n i in mi nr ini mvi nv ii i ni(t Mum year witli their full lirt lAiir itnn I It 1 u ii t II ft ood nriren offering, il is vuu Will M Il 1 I U I 1 1 (I w I u vuu lilt f litlinriimn VKK MAN AKrS HIS LIFE IN MONTREAL Is Going on Long Journey J I m.. I a a I . a r vmiu n(iii lawvl ONTltHAL, June 21. After tip u letter to li 1m wife stnl- II 34 1. till U.MI tl irilillir I'm II l.in t Frank W. Ketlley, 15, of HI II CIIIVI lift treat for u week, was found lu In apartment, uxpliyx r . . f Bmi.iv w m . m-m mmm . rm m m m .m . IV m mm www - IL ' v- f f J 11 I 1 1 &1 vna-ai r i --r mi r n VI UUJIUM 1141 ft UCll Probably be Lively Oil AW A. Jlllli! 21. Parliament Inilav enleri'il mi wli.il will .. I I.. I II. a .. . m It .... .i.lli.... il.:. ..I. ; I I I... . ..... I .. m il . I . Till! tlelmk ? oxpeclcl to Login before Tueduy afferuoon, f Liberal ami Uouservalive meiuber ore preparing for buttle I -1 rum n im innii .i n in tmi n t i in ni t rnu i m !! i it im - - Hie iiuiitt (Milical ami hectic of nri n I nn !nc enure iion. .in ainemi- WJ lUivli ,,,f iiiiiiUlLriul lK.niiii.iliililv IN NATIONAL Close Behind. iie moved by Hon. U .11. levrns, cliiirKi'i. it 1.4 definitely unnounc-r Vuii:ouer, who made the IimI from )i(o-ilion heaihuarters. lit Mdjti'il. Attolher umeiidiiienl i! in ('onteinptatidn in (he 1'ro-Kresip rainp. HALIBUT ARRIVALS u ,n of lli twelve! Doal iw,uvu rounas I r U&nmEwwwwwwwT ' bTsbmBbBbBBktP'BbI vBBk rt- --4" nlV BBHBSBjBBB ' Father of Sylvia Gaines is Subject o f Police Enquiry; ' First Suspect is Released j SEATTLE, June 21. Following the teleae of Edward j l)ielri li, who .wax arretted urn Saturday a- a .Miect, ilic inves-tigalnii into Hie Maying of 22-yoar old Sylvia (Jaines, niece of (Jon uly Coinmi!ioiier. William dailies whde mntilaled body was found on the liore-of (ireen Lake Iat Wednesday night. look a eiisalioiiHl lnriiil;it night. Io confinn or dispel u myriad of rumor !inge the girt death, Hobert Claiiie", the girl s father, will hmiM-lf lie made (he subject of a thorough iiivoliyation. Hi inovcnienU on Ihe niht of the murder until the lime the prfTk AHT)! 1 TIAmT body vva found will be enijuired h XPKlBHKlfl I IIIIV linl,, Ui&A 11V1 llAi 1 A Ivtl I - 1 lroccutor Lwing I. (Jolvin is invetigjtinjf all report.- "Tni, case has. taken a terrible turn," liC said, 'and everv thing possible i NOT SETTLED German Votrrs Failed to Express Themselves on Issue Yesterday Htltl.lN, June 2t.-A plebis cite held throughout tiertnany yesterday lo decide the question of expropriating, without com pensation, entire properties and estates of former rulers, with particular interest centering on the former emperor and th Uobenzollern family, failed .o bring, ,out an alffi matiye vote of tiaff bf theHgible electors ne-cvsMrytiiJlfer lav? Anaimnia- tive vole of twenty million was required tut only approximately fifteen million voles, were re corded while the negative voti was slightly more than five hundred thousand. Fully sixty per cent of tiiex voters endorsed unconditional confiscation. Bavaria and oilier Nationalist strong holds rejected confiscation by abstaining from voting while industrial centres yve the proposal its chief support. POOL SIGNING UP 1926 CROP Production of Fourteen Million Acres Is Already Secured WINNIPEG, June 2l. Four teen million acres sown to wheat in western Canada this spring have been signed un by the Can adian Wheal Pool, tjie'co-oper- ative marketing association of farmers in the prairie, province, stales au announcement by the organization. "Two-thirds of all the wheat grown in Mauitoha, Saskatchewan and Alberta in li)20 will be marketed co-operatively by the pool, the aunounciucnt said. Success of this pool has demon- lraled the advantages of Co operative marketing. Under tho old marketing system farmers sold their wheat to middlemen who made a profit In reselling II. Now- the pool sells the grain. direct lo the purchaser, eliminat ing this handling expense and milling to the farmers' prof it.." Most of the crop marketed through the association is sold abroad. STREET CAR KILLS CHMJN SOUTH Little. Brlanne Thomas. Lost Life on Saturday Evening While Trying to Avoid VANCOl'VEH, June 21 struck by a street car while triiij to ayoiij faiv automobile Hrianno Thomas, aged five, was inslunliy kiljed on Saturday evenings Tin ear bad to be Jacked Jip before the niapplet'l reinoln;iif jh(U-h!d could be roinovel,;,t '