PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEW8 Bordered Gingham Fifty-Four Inches In colorful eomliinaliDiis. Kxlra licavy finality. IVa yards make :i dress. 1'cr yard $1.25 WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenuo Phone 763 STOP THAT COUGH Tale a bolllo of Edinburgh Hospital Cough Syrup 60c Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Why Not Get the Highest Quality at the Lowest Price? GIVE US A TRIAL Shoulder Veal, per lb. 18o Veal Chops, per lb. .. 25c Veal Stew, 2 lbs 25c Hoiling Ueef. per lb. .. 10c Pot Hoast Heef, lb. 12 '2c Prime llib (toast, per lb. 20o Hound Steak, 2 lb 45o Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs. .. 55c Shoulder Sleak, per lb. 15c Lamb Chops, per lb. ... 35c Gainer's liacon, per lb. 45c Ayrshire Haeon, per lb. 35c Sail Pork, pee lb 30c Meat Department Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 Bargains in Summer Coats "Demers" Wo aim lo please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours V to 6. X-Ray Service Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Saturdays 0 to 12 noon LINDSAY'S r Cartage and Storage Phone . (triage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Sand and Q ravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Coving. EUCHARISTS IN CHICAGO Two Train Loads of Delegates Journeyed from Winnipeg - at Week End UlllUA(it), Juno M Tho large, Icoiilingenl of delegates lo tl'C i International Eucharist Congress j Ifrom western Canada, arrived, ' here from Winnipeg on a sixtee:!: to. enabling the various nation- car UiuaUlau .National alilics to be together. The rail- Irani, (he passengers including way officials will remain in Kuglish, I'lencii anil Herman j.jwakirigr Homan Catholics from Ilrilish 'Columbia, vAIbcrla, , Saskatchewan unit Manitoba 'and numbering approximately 300. Special representatives or the C.N.H., who speak the various languages, nccohipauied Him special to arrange for the trans fer of passengers and baggage lo'lho ! lie various hotels in Chicago. where rcser.alions were made weeks ago by the company lo ensure comfortable slopping places for il patrons also with a view WATER NOTICE. Diveralon and Ua. TAKE .01ICfc that Uum racklnir Co. I.imltr-d. hoe addrewi Is ai How street. Vancouvtr. MX... will t;ply fur a llcviicr lit take ana ne su.oou gallon per oij Hi uiu-r ul uf a Mream, name unknown, which riows n-illiwrt and drain In .' shannon lltv sth.ut lull fMl ue.ierlv trihest comer Lot 458, Ira rta Arrll 4. IS2A. B.C. Tjovt. lease. The water win lie aivertea I run I lie iiitim al a Dln! about JO reel Trudi in-ulh uf fwl and 107 feel wl of norllieail corner Lot 118, and will lx uwd ror cannery puriMHe upon the Cannery site. derrilie! a 1.01 457, Shannon Kay, V.C. Island. Tlil notice wa pouted on the around or. I he tiih cay or May. 186. A ropy til Mils noli- and an application purruMiil thereto and tu Ihe "Water Art, IBM." will be filed in Ihe offlre or the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C.. Objection lo Ihe application may be riled with Ihe said Water Iterurder or with Ihe Comn roller of Water III a lit Parliament Bull. I Inr. Victoria, B.C. within thirty day, arier the rirt appearame c,r this notice In a local newspaper. The dale or the rirM publicttim of Oil notice It June I. IVJh. OOSE FACklSR CO. LTD.. Appllranl. By J. F. Sirany, Agent. MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Black smith Mineral Claim. Mtune In the Atlln Mlnlnr Dltimuti of Cat,lr W trlci. Where located: on Crater Creek, a tributary ur Fourth or July Creek, adjiilninr ihe iarry owro Mineral claim on Us southerly side. TAKE .NOTICE thai I. Peter Oabrlo. Free .Miner" Orliricate No. 7U850. In tend, tlity dsya rrom the date hereof,. ui apply ui the Mininr nerraer ror a1 Certificate of Improvenienta. for the pur pore or iibtalnlua; a Crown Grant or the above claim. Alia lunriex uae nonce inai anion, imder nllrm 37. mul be roliuiiencert bef' ire the lumie or uch Certlricate uf Impr iveinentj, Pated thia It! da ir June A.D IBIS ii. my. fiiaskil A rent. 95c 95c Specials 3 Itottles Heinz Calsup 95c 4 Hotlles Libby's (itsup. . . .95c 7 Tins Libby's Pork X Heans 95c 6 Tins Iel Monte Itipe Olives 95o 12 Tins Del Monte I'ork & Heans ..95c 3 Tins Libby's Asparagus Tips 95c 7 Tins Singapore Sliced Pineapple 95c 6 Tins Peas, Com or Tomatoes 95c 12 Packages Jelly Powders. . .95c 12 Dais Palm Olive Soap.... 95c 19 Hars fircat West Soap... 95c 19 llolls Toilet Paper 95c 2 Doz. Large Oranges. .... .95c 4 Doz. Small Oranges 95c 3 Large Boxes Matches 95c 6 Lbs. Seedless Haisins 95c 4 Dbs. Fresh fiinger Fnaps. .95o 12 Tins Canadian Sardines. . .95p 6 Tins King Oscar Sardines 95c 2 Lbs. Fresh Oround Coffee 95c We arc headquarters for all kinds of Fresh Fruit. Can guarantee quality and satisfaction. Duy here. B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 Crystal Firelighters 48 Fires for $1.00 No more chopping of kind-linig Safe, simple and omieal. Manufactured by HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. special train made up of ind special trains, the majority of the archbishops and bishops from western Canada preceded the main delegation to Chicuco to confer with congress officials on final details of the congress. Subscribe lo the Dally News. WATER NOTICE. Dlftralon and Uta. TAKE NOTICE that iune Parklnir Co. I nulled. whoe ajilren la Jti How SI reel. Vancouver. B.C.. will ll.nlv ror a llrenrv lia ljk. and iim 9011 nun .itLm. . m . . ' nnirti flow norllM-att and drain Inly suaniMin nay aooui i.owu reel .uihet erly rrom tuirtheaM turner Lot ti, leat dated April 4, IBt. The water wl.l lie diverted from the stream at a- point about goo reel from mouth and about Boo leet wel by aoulb rrrnn wiulliea.t cor ter Lot il. and will be ued for cannery purpose upon the Cannery Hie cWcrllieO a Utt 1ST Shaumin Bay. O.C. lland. Thli notice wat ioted ii tin; r round ou '.lie iSlh day of May. IBf. A copr ut Ihl nullce and an application pursuant Inerelo and to the "Water Act," will be riled m ihe nrrice il Hie Water lie order at I'rlnre liupert. B.C. obJertii lo the application may be filed wlib the aid Water Heroriler or wllh the Map-trollrr f Water lti1it. Parliament BulU- 'n. Victoria, B.C., within thirty day nrr uie uri appearaitre or nil notice 'n a local newiaer. Tlie dale of I lie rirM publlrallon of ibis notice I June I. IJ. OOSSE PACkINO CO. LTD.. Applicant nv r. riranr. Aireni LAND ACT. Notice ot Inlantlon to Apply to Laa Lana In Prince lltioer! Ijnrt Herordinv in. Irlrl of Prince Hupert. and flluate In the ilrlnlly r Hum- Soil, (iratuiu l.lan1 Oneen i"Jurl.tle Itl.irtrt. TAKE VITICE that lini.n Fluhinr A I'arkinr Omipanr. Llniiie.1. or victoria. B.C., occupation rannern. Intend tu anply ror a lease ot the following decrlbrd land: usnmenrlnr at a tl planted at the northea! ronier of Lot .Nu. 4 IB; thence in low water mark; thence In a north-easterly dlrectlou two oitle; theore aonth-eatterly w rbaliir: thence (Hiulhwenlrrly io imies vi point oi rominencefiieni, and containing' i acre, nmre or leu. LA.NUAHA FISIII.NC, . PAI.kl.NO CO. LIU. Per E. II. SliiipwHi, A rent Applicant tulert litn 4, IBJft. WATER NOTICE. DIrion and Ui. TAkE NOTICE that ltolert Georre JiJuubai. wtMme adores la luvernea tannery, will apply ror a licence to take and ue a Irllc,u or water out or treek wett of wharr at China Hit, name unknown, which Hows aoutheatl attd drain lutu Tri.ut Bay about 4(io reet toulb a loin ihe bearb rrmu the outheat corner lil A." klUMsi I.K. The water will be di verted ri-oiu tlie itreain at a point aboul r.uti feet rrom It mouth, and will be used ror domeallc purDone upon Hie mn- t.ery decrlbed a Lot "A," kltatoo I.IL ui nonce mi pooled on the around on I lie till) day or Mav. UI1. A oonr or thl holli-c and an application puruatil hereto ami lo lite "Water Act" will le riled In the ,rn.-e or l lie Water Hecorder at Pnnce liupert. objection lo lh ap- uiraiioii in oe rnea with I lie ia water BANKERS AT home. JASPER PARK Qolf Tournament Ended Convention Held at Popular Resort. JASPKIt, June :'l. Playing ovpr the Jasper Park olf course sixteen cars, includinR first class in j,5i V. S. Jlalphs. of WfnnipeK. tourist and standard sleeper;currjt., pfr tie fjr;( ,,nz in the two inning ami one onservaiiou car, made only terminal stops with the exception of one hour at Milwaukee Sunday morning for the celebration of mass. In addition to the special train Ihe regular fasl Winnipeg Chicago train carried several ex-Ira sleeping cars accommodating other western delegates. While tournament with which the in vestment bankers of Canada ended their convention at Japer Park Lodge. K. Pringle of the Dominion Securities Uinipany, of Toronto, was runner up in the tournament with 77, while J. Hope, a No of life Dominion Securities Company, was third. ' Thlrly-five' members of tho association took there were several dignitaries ollparl in the tournament and many Uie church on board the regular creditable scores were .turned in Thursday night the golfers floated a pool ami bartered tickets on the various flayers until the pot reached four hundred dollars. Mr. Pringle won first money on ilalph's ticket, wlnle llalph himself carried off second money on Priingle's ticket. The golf tournament market! the end of the convention, although some of the members are remaining at the lodge for a few days. The easterner." are making a tour of the or water out or a atream. name unknown.. Pacific Coast before returning; LAKE VESSEL IS LAUNCHED " V Ship Was Fabricated Here Took Water at Kelowna on Saturday. KKLOYV.NA, June il Launoli-iug of the Okauagau Lake passenger and freight vesl Pen-towua here onaturday afternoon was an important function. It was attended bywayors ail Hoards vt Trad of various lake towns, and by -it s real many dia-trict residents. . The Pentowna is a motorship fabricated at Prince liupert. and erected at the new -dock- at Kelowna. The launching was a sideslip, and the ship will go immediately into commission. A complimentary cruise on the lake was her first official movement on the water after launching and fitting H. C. Keeley, Pacific Coast agent for the O.O.M.M. Limited. C. N. S. s. Limited, and the Prince Ilii'rt D. D. Co attended (he launching, lie was accompanied by 1 . Louden, superintendent engineer for the J.On.M.. and tlie drydiM-k company, and by p ,V. Haldwin. The Penlowna will i Operated between Kelowna and Penticton by the Okanagan Lake Doat t.. in e iineelion with lhe heriirder or with tlie o'ilowila Comptroller "W,,J ,,'1"vkd Kailwav service srvire Water Itlirtil. Parliament BUildlnr. Vie- lor la, B.C. wllhln tliirlv dava first appearance or ibl notice new.pas'r. Tlie date or tlie cation of HHi. notice Ik June 4. IIOBfcBT CEOROE JOII LAND ACT. Notice of Intantlon to Apply to Laaa Fortahor In '.Hieeii Charlotte liland Land lle-cordlur PUlrlct of Prince Ituiiert, and alluatrd V mile l of Alliford Hay, skideaate Intel, and rrontlnr on Lot 114, Oli'-en Charloiie limirlit. TAkE NOTICE thai Ihe B.C. Flhlnir k Packinr Oimjiany, Ltd., or Vani-ouver, B.C., ocrnpation Salmon Canner, Intend lo appiy lur a ieae or the rollowlnr de-crlbed Forealiore:- Comfiiencinir at a it planted al the wiUlhWMl comer of Lot 144; thence northerly and eatterly following the line of hiKh waler mark. 24 chain, more or lea. i tne noniiweni corner or Lot 144 afler arier Uie Uie .. in In a s local 1 1 rirt MliSAW MUSSOLINI RISE TO POWER Uiidiir Uii'MusHoliiii regime. .Italy has been making great strides v -foto 4fM. oJmJ' w , -Ut; OsVl(K OW fly Chicago during the congress and arrange for the return trip ot those delegates who are not joining the Le devoir party from Quebec which is travelling east via Niagara falls and oilier pleasure points by CVIl. special train. travelling on a fast schedule, oldest son. Libero, Is completing engineering studies in Turin. UNIFORM FUND HAS . REACHED $623.97 The H")V Il'ind uniform fund ha reached u tola! of i5J3.U7, the following further contributions being acknowledged: Previously arknowledgcil $007.97 1-riend Friend F. Dalby Frel lingers . (t. . Scherk J. McLeod . . . Y. Kunaya . . . K. Tulloch .. Fretl Dohli . , S. (tawthorne I), (libb F. Derr- II. Hamilton . II. FJIiot L. J. Marren . ' i 2.00 i.00 1.50 1 .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I. no l. no l.oo I. on AO l.oo l.oo Total lo Dale (623.07 As a result of overtures mado by cily oflicials a parly of financial men accompanied by their wiv, who have been al-ti'iidiiv: a banker's convention at Jasper Park, will arrive on this iftenioou's train on route lo Vancouver via tlie slcauur Prinee lieonie. UKin arrival l hey will be met by municipal oftlriaW, ami will J show-i around Ihe city. K McDonald, general baggage agent C.N.IL, Vancouver, it .i passengrr on the Prlitct) leorsf' litis afteriHMiti returning sou't from a depaitmenlal busines- rip ( Skasrwa,)'. Alaska. dvetisi in 1'ir Dull New SYNOPSIS OF IAN!) AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vaeant unreoerved. aurrtf4 Crown land may b pra-ornptod by firltuh ut Jeu over II yaara of aa. irvl by nlUna on dexUrlna; Intention to l-ecoins llrlll.h aubjecta, eondl lonai uion reaklenca. occiatlon. .nJ Improvement tor acrlcultural vurpoeea Full information conrernlnc roaju itlons regard In a; pra-emptlona la art v en in Hullelln No. 1, Ivind Hrla. "Ilow to I'ra-empl Ijand," coplea of ulilch can b obtained fr of chart ty addreMlns tho Uepartmtnt ot Lanla. Victoria, 1I.C. or to any Oov amment sanL Itecorda will b eranted eovertrif only land aultabla for aarleulturaJ puritoava, and which la not timber land, le, cirrylna: ovr 1,004 board foet ier acr weat of th Cotvat lUnt a and iJQOO feat per acr eaat of that lUnca. , Application for pre-emption ar to be addreavotl to Ih Land Com mUaloner of tho Lnl Hecordlns UI vlalon. in which tho land applied for la altualed. and are mad on printed forma, cnple of which can b ob tJneJ from th Land Comrnlaaionar. rr-emtllon muat b occupied for .auaillan ational kamloops-he-! u, value of 110 per acr. Including. elearina: and cultivatlna at lat flu acraa. be for a Crown Grant ua b received. Kor more detailed Information a th Hullelln "Ilow to l'rrapt Ijind." PURCHASE Appllcallona ar received for pur- chat of vacant and unrerv) Crown land, not belna; llmberland. for agricultural purpoeea; minimum prlc for r.rat-claaa (arable) land la Victor Basso-Bert Returns to Pr. ins) land i:.o per Cr. Furth.r in Rupert After Four Years In Italy. four yeaM lsUiig his 'iialheL dltiona land of Italy. VfelW Haso-Ibrt,. " iluneer contractor of Prince -"" ilu- formation rerardlna; purchaa or Itaa or crowr, tanua ta Kiven in uuilelin No. 10, Land Karlea, "I'urchaa and I.ea of Crown Ijinda." Mill factory, or Industrial altoo oa 1 "mber land, not eaceedlna: 0 acr, Vfler mr baviii" snonl ll.n ,w, IpeilU UlO nasi, M,kP"t may b nurchaaed or laad. tba eon. thence we.l s rhama; thence aoulheiiy t 1 V' and we.teriy roiiowmir a line parallel tc perl, returned U) the city yestcr rny-nin i.ii!' ltd, ruled iiaih Anrll. iflf. iintJI it ls now)ilo.of the1, i(iost! nroVneKiiiiM an,) .rrintoniiu company. . ,. .,-..v. n.xi juiiiny will lie back In about u year's lime. Their includlna: payment "r """r' ""n-. r""'n.( av af winonri Wlit I.. I'. ......... conditional unon a dw.ltln. h.ln. liMire or le: llience eat i chain to point of commencement, and rontalnlna 17 acre, more or le. BIllTISII COLI1MBU lllll"0 A?ID HOMESITE LEASES Unaurvayed ara, not ic4ln It acre, may b laad aa homealtea. Mr. Ilasso-Ue. t travelled cotisi-i L.,'.!. ' !L.L"r: u.u derably and visiled France, SwiU1 provoment condition are fuinu4 p.Tr7i,'AsheVrw,(;TX Are... ?.''rl.a,"J'. ! Austria.l Un" h" LAND ACT, rH , . ; . Nolle of Intention to Apply to(La Land In Prince' llunerl Land li... trlci of Prince iluTL and alluate at laelt, II. C. TAkK MlTICE thai Euaene II, Hup. von uf Maxell, ocrnpation canner, In-lend tu aj.plr for a leawi of Uie fullow-Inir dencrllied land:- - CjnimwiK Ihk at a i".t plained at the nrlheat corner of BI'H'k to, Mael Townlle tbMice eatlerly Ho feeli thence MMitherly l.noo feet; llience wen-terly IDU reet: tin-nee northerly l.ouO reel lo tsiinl of r.rtiiineii. eiiient, and ron-laiiiliir 1 acre, wt r or lea. tU(JE.E II. CIMPSOX. T - ! Aopifcatit. LEASES For icratlnc and InduatrlaJ our poa area not atcdlni 140 aorta I leed by on ptraom or a v,..nn.i; uii...-i nnayiun Ized nations or Kurone. Its con-! ., . ,1111,... i i , i . . Under .u th Orating Act the Pro? union today is in sharp contrast' Ine 1 divided into grating dlatrteu io what Mr. liasso-Herl found nd th ratig admlnitrd vmdr s when he landed there from Prince; p.Sm.'",,0.D.urd ttTol lluierl four years agy. numbra rangsd priority being givtn Mr. Dasso-liert says he Is glad lo ubII,h"1 own,,r- atoon.own.ra mar form' aaaiclaUon for rang I.,, li.i'nb i ii I 1. , , lo lie flack ill Prince liupert wlictc maoagtmtnt. rr. or partly froa, he is goiit(f to rea!do aejaln. Mrs, piu u for tu, Monday June 2t. m (hinaQepartment In Our Basomnt Store CUP8 AND 8AUCEI1S FANCY DISHES AND tc. and a few DINNER SETS 8ET AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES A largo assortment to choose from. We In to como In and look around. It la m.. t nvlt ton you p-ure to EYE GLASSES -w Our Optical Department Is In charge of an e.n. , optician who has fitted glasses for 27 years "-work. Our prices aro reauoneble and work deDem).k?w,, Wo guarantee satisfaction why take chant.. you have the best obtainable In your own city? Max Heilbroner 527-529 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRt Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 9 p.m. "The Enchanted Hill" I'eler II. Kyne' iel jtory. A fn-l-iiiuMug et ry iniiiute. Mmlern. full of pep ami Ihiih lure willi all die heroic qualitien (hat make t West jHipular Ihe world u it. WiM rule, i- gun fights, I'liined) relipf and sweet T a man ami u nianl whu were enemies et u. each other, liig nil tar il. Jack Holt, Florence Vldor, Richard Arlen, Nosh Btrrj, George Bancroft. Mary Brian .n..i Comedyi "WHAT. PRICE QOOFYI" INTERNATIONAL NEWS 35c amf IDs DEMAND "Rupert Brand - Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by .. . . . n I.I I inirliin liicri Ar I nlrl VlnraffP I 0 111 laiiauiaii ion vx jViu tjiu"5 vv u Prince Rupert, B.C. j Everything for the Builder LUMBER- ,Ve have Ihe most complele dimensions, ln))i, fir finish, ii"" veneers, etc.. m Norllicru 11.11 We can supply everything In a building from the foun dation to the last pleco of finish. 0 Hcforo buying inspect our slock. II i 1 j a v prices urc right Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 110 and 117 Midsummer Clearance jjak An assortment or tllijlilrrn's Huiiiung ' 95c only, lo clear al 15', tlisroiuil 011 regular lilies uf Homing s'," An assortment or Children's llrown Haudai- j, lo clear ut (iirls1 Clussic Mk leiilher crej-e sole Slippc ,,B j2.7J , ,.,., H liirls' (Jlnssio. niikle ulrnp lijuwn tjlippers, -m- j2,5fl reg. n.Hi, Sale , . , . : dills' f.luims pulent k'iillier.SllpiHTs, - 1 s $MS Iity Collmi Halhiiig Suits, large Ui'. ri'- i r Hoys Collon Swoiilers, imvy or khaki, reg. " z . Halo Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 645. Cor.