fnilay, .Tune 2i, f 050. fHERE IS YOUR-PEP"? FIRE FIGHTING "FBUII-A-TIVES" BUILD UP YOUR STRENGTH AND VIGOR MISS EVA EMOND Market 0 mo't tf II you that Trull-A-llTes" rcaed my appetite, gave me i . i rt fiii Tv nnn iirupr nimur. .mil haVc gained a lot" Miaa Kva ond, Mnog, V. (, .hen did you begin to Ioxe your lily, your enjoyment of life! en did you notice .that you were thinner; Of tourer, you to be your fotiner cheery aelf, 1.11 . u !iL .. , I . I. . 7 rruica-iivra win urinn um r normal weight and appetite; c you the fruft. velvety tkin that with nealtlt; restore your .L I ! .11 1- rniit-a-tlTen will correct the Mm that keenlne- Tnu Date liktlewi and mlerable, the Jn (Ion. Itilinunen. Constipation, J.I j v . . ruii-aulTe IS inicnsinrw iruit . combined with tunica, j wry- - l... . ,1 - . t . . ai.u iv - here III in vv U LilVLiLi 1 311 Third Ayenue, is Iteen aken over from tlcorge Kerr by T T- a a. a W"h Scaly ami Dooilson Fresh Meats rrlvlno Twlco Weekly from the Bulkley Valley Phone 178 MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIP- I? We upecially recommend 5ur Table Oentn al 15c for Half I'mt Quality and Pcrvico eclat Ice Delivery Service alentin Dairy Phone G57 r. Alexander Smith Block Phone 678 DENTIST UGBOATS lay Phones 423, 539, ' Green 238, Black 735. light, Phones 687,. 539, .Green 238, Blaok 735. tUPERT MARINE RODUCTSLTD. IO. G. BU8HBY, Man. Dir. 'ur Coats & Jacquettes Exquisite Stock of Fur rlm'mlngs at low prices L C. FUR Co. ut Q.W.V.A. Tjilrd Aa,f Team from London, Ontario, Wins C.N.R. Contest MONTREAL-, June 21. Tne fin- fighlfng tram or (ho Lou-dim (Ontario shop, champion It-am nf lhe central region of it ho Canadian National railways, iCiirricd off llm system trophy at Hie ioinl HI. Charles shop aril with it the distinction of be'ln,; Ihn quickest ami Miiarlesl ire fighllng unit in (ho wbnln sys-lent. The system .champions under Chief Lewi hull no easy run In their new title ant honor. having to meet the champion of the other region in open rompeltlinn. The other tennis, were from Jtatlle. Creek. Mich., Moncton, .New llrunswlei; ami Tranrnna, Miinilohn. Tin lent Met nut for the competing Icr.m consisted of distinct movement. The first move vvni lo run one hundred yards ami lay out anl endued two hundred ilixe wilh the waler. tier two wan to run LAND ACT. N O T 1 0 I. Move mi in out an inj- :aur Land IHMrlrt. Unit lleeordlnr PUIrirt nf I'rliire Iiuht and tlluamt nn 1 1111 Arm, aiHMii 1 innea oninwei or moiiili of Alllnlo nivrr. TAKK MTI( F. that Francl lllrhard ftunhip 11 r Ailm, P.O., occupation mill manater, Inteml to apply for permlnnlon to uirclie the foiluwinc ilerrlted land: I'ninmenrlnr at a pott planleit on the twin 1 h nhiire ot Taku Ann atKinl I rnllea noluet fnim Hie iiHiiith of Atllnta lini-r and runiiinr llienre to chain wert; thence; to chain aouth; thence to chains riM. ami tlii'nre to chain north to liiit if coiiunenreinent. ctmlalnlni 10 arren. more or let. fiiancm met Aim nu.Nt.op. iniw. viun. way T. mil. LAND ACT. Applicant. i:lr Land MMrlct. (.and flecordlna tiilrlrt- of linir ltoiert. and ltuale on Atlln Lake kImiiiI IS mile omhnel of Al In Tnn le. TAkK MITir.K that Fdwln Jule Frrerl. 'r Atnn. in tne rrovinn or nritiii coium irriiiatln i'nT!tlnf loiirKl launch. intend lu ani'iv ror pernnuion in pur rhe tlie follow Inr dencrlbed land: i:iiiiiiiinrliit al a tnt planleit at the fiiitlicaul rurnrr of Olaiirr Hay. In Allin Lake, tltuali'il a allure; Ihinre fftlloiii the dlioce line went to chain; Ihence -I'lllll " i iinni!., tiiriii r r.'i ... i im,ii., thenre north to chain, to point of iiiiitiii.iiriiiiiitt RDWI.V JCtF. nmed vy tn, ttt. LAND ACT. Applicant. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Lat Land In Prlnre llnpert Land neenrdinir In-trlct of i:ot nanre 5, and ltiiate hi nrlh llchel lland. TAKF. NOTif.K that Alfred Swanmn, of Prince Rupert, occupation Mariner. Intend to applv for a lca of Ihe follow Intr decrllied land! nommenrlnr at a pnt planted at the niilh end of .North narharl lland; thence around the liland at hlah water mark, and ronlalninr 60 acre, more or les. ALFIlFn SW'AMSON. , Applicant n.i.rf tnHI T l IN THE MATTFIt, nf an application foe Hie iMlie of a Provisional Ortiricate of Title for the K.at half of Lot two tt. IMork ffrty-two (tti. atiiidivUlon of lot even hundred and fnrly-alt 74 . oueen Charlotte MMrlcl, lit the Province of Hi llluli Coliiiultla (Map 1070). Satlfaetorv pcinif or thn ln of the Cer'tlflcate of Title niverliia- the ahov I land havmir born produced to tne, It I tnv Intention to lne after the expiration I of' one month from the flrt pulilleatlon piiniiraiiou herenr, a provKinnai i.erui Title m lh lmvi land in the in Ilia Malnalv 1'lllt k'ltlir III Hie Iflrale of name of 11 1 kht of ti, iiiiiiriil Munition Hoard. The nrlr. Initl Certificate or Title I daled the (nth , Frhriiarv. and I numhered IflAat-l. I l.aod Hcelnlry office. Prlnre nuperl, I P C, .1.1 iune. t.t. i V MtM Fnn 1 Rertrar of Tlllu. She Was Troubled With Chronic Constipation rAMDrTITIAMl 0ae rout bowel bccorat eonstb LUIYIr VU1,U Vi 1 1 1 m 111 ,u1 n re ,n tnt ,ot toubl' M eonatipatloo U one of the mo.t prolific source of itieeaae that tha bamu race ii ftdjittejjt, Jborefure a free motion of the lewfla every da should be tin aim of everyone who aspires to perfect health. ..lira. O. W. Lawrence, Clovcrdafe East, N.B.,-writc! "I wa troubled with ehronie constipation, and became o bad I waa almost afraid ta eat anything. of Oaa day I tow your advertisemCDt Milburn's ao I (rot tbrc viala, and after taklnr them I have never been troubled aluee with eonttipatioo." Tat tp onlr br The T. Ullbtua Cv.. LiiuiteJ, Torunto, Out, vn a!ilanl ('hjef Mann nf the Montreal Fire Itritzaile arnl the time wa kepi by .. Mrlionahl, nipt. of. mplive power kIioim, Montreal. II. '. Weaver. uner- feet of hoe, brpakiiif: a paperflnleri.lent ear department ami II. A. Akin, diolrirl storekeeper There were al.o a larze rrowd ililional fifty feet of hone an.llpresent inrludinjj many official (hen break Hit, dio a?ain wilh Hie water. The mini move was to replace the third lenplh n! lme count inn from the hydrani uiul break the dir. The win-ihiir l.rtnilon team went Ihrinixh nil the three mnventenl! in one minute and thirteen econd. The team from llattleforn. Mich., under Chief II. '.. Watnon, i-liampbitM of the fSrand TrtinU western line, finUhed ecom). they belnvr five and Jwn-flflh. ecoml Mower than the winner. The '.Moncton team from th Mlanlie region came third while the weleru region, re-prexenleil by Iho Traneona rh(ip So. 'i team, finished la!. The jn.kte of the competition TIMBER SALE X6491. Sealed Teutrr Mill !x reelvet by lite Mlninlrr of Land al Vlrlurla ini Itirr rum iwhio im iimi uiti day i.r July. Ht. fur llw iiurchiMi nf Urrm-e Xl, lu ml r.nm.awi rfri r !prnre, iirtnit. Bat am and ur uB 1e l.taml. ImmjiIo i luniH-i. luure . umrtri. ! ( jrarm mil tie allowed for re lll.itai IlllaJrr. lurthrr iwrlirulr of thn chwr 'i-rf r. Vit lorla, B.. . of pitliirl fiirealrr. rriiM- uhiti, ii.i.. LAND ACT. Notlta t Intmllon 10 Aaly U Itut LanJ In I an'l Herordina Uimrlri of eriore tlubert. and aituale on Monntiy Itlind. Vueen Clirlotie (iniiip. on uiinanxid lo-jVl. tbrre mile aoulh ut tie 1j Heche In- TAKK MITICK that The ranadlao Flh. Int i:miipany. Umlied. of Vannxirer. e-rupallun fuinn.n .annrr. Intend to apply fur a leae of the foUowlnir dprrilel Undi; C(4iimeiirln at a pbl planted at head nt tnlet alxtut 14 -mil tioflh or unnamed Creek; Ihenie et 10 rhaln; thenre touth to cha:ni; thrnr eal to rhatnii. HMre or le, to hore line; Ihrnre norili-rrly follow 1111 ihnre line In I'.o.C, and ronlalnintr (u arret, nmr or le. THE CA.tAtHAN riMIMO COMPACT, IIMI TED, Appllrani. Ter William Altir.1 Bower. nt.t ath ttini i of the Canadian National Hal'-way, aleo representative. nf the Montreal fire fitiilinx force. THE MAN IN THE MOON any at TO prevent that inciting carry a piece of ice in the pocket. A OAS station at the YaclU Club float on a bright Sunday tiinriiliiK woul.l louhlles do u land office usincft.. i I WOMiKIl what the laundrie.. do with all thoe bullon from the shirt frofiUf IV worry make a man bald how about the billiard ball? .IOC Italchford said that it was so hot on Saturday be wa forced lo put Ice on the henV beads to prevent '(hem laying hard boiled ejrjj. Till! beauty of the June wed ding idea is that a fellow usually has cnbd company while on hi annual vacation. NOW that I'rince Hupert boasts of a raring stable, witli (Jeortte While as trainer, how abotit traininir some of the yoiin? men lo become jockeys? TOOK are Ihn days when h fellow wishes he owned a line of steamship, a distillery and a foda waler factory so that be could eiilerluln hi.- friends on a world tour. TIIK heati.ly of Hie gramophone l that if you don't like the sound of the tady's voice on I lie record you can slop it without heliiK rude. FI.ANNKI. dances may be alright but (hey sound .a bit hoi lo me. ' . To pet rich quick you nnit invent some scheme which will prove , lo lhe other fellow thai you are more, entilled to his money than he is himself. There was a big drop in local motor slock on Mdtrlde Street on Thursday eveniiusr. If could do thai Muni twice dally for the movies he'd soon become a star. Laugh and grow fat and then you'll ceae lo laugh altogether. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert ' June 211 191 A. "The I'rince Albert had MO tons of ore from the Rocber tie Houle on board this niornimr for Tacoma, Sbe also had quite n heavy pasenger list. Mr. and Mr?. I), .1. WUllam left for the south Ibis morning They were accompanied by Mrs and Miss lloselle, mother and sister of" Mrs. Williams. Tito Princess F.na, which rn-cenlly made a trip to Vladivostok was in port yesterday afternoon on her way south from Skagway, where she delivered supplies for the White Pass nalhtay. w . v. v. x... THI DAILT WWB "" t-u J. PAOh FIVE ALL PRINCE RUPERT PICNICKED YESTERDAY Population Takes Full Advantage of Beautiful Summery Weather. Yesterday proved a wonderful day from a weather standpoint, and (lie people, of- the efly' took due advantage, of it. J-'rom an early hour Ihe J'r.ce Hupert boalhouse wip liesieged with peo ple, ImiIIi yo'utitf jiind old, laden wiih picnic pasKet,,. bent on locat ing the "best'v location for their day's ouiiii. While a (treat crowd of people attended the. fi.W.V.A. picilic at Oighy, which is the sub ject of another story, a reat tiumher of the younjf people went over to the Salt Lakes lo enjoy a swim in the beautiful water. The summer campers were also out In full force aid every ramp in the vicinity saw Hie owners put in an appearance at an early hour, many of them not returning to town unlfl Ihj morning. Yes, (he weather man "did his -luff" in royal fashion yesterday and every man, woman and child was full of appreciation. ENTRANCE CLASS AND FOOTBALL TEAM HAD PICNIC ON SATURDAY Jtnrden Street entrance clas and football team had n most enjoyable picnic al Dighy Island on Saturday. ThroiiKh the kindness of 1. O. Stuart. C. O.Minns and II. T. Cross, the pupils were delivered at their destination al 1 1 a.m. The day was spent in uaines, swimming, boating. Hint ing of many wonderful stranue sheila and flowers, ami even the thrilling experience of 'hearing" wild animals which later proved to be a Couple of exceedingly quiei goals mat insisuri on raiding the food supply. In Ih course of the day Miss Mills" "First Aid" was called into use a few limes. All voted Hie day the 'liesl-hver far more interest ing than school and, with rou- irfg cheers for Miss Mills, the parly dispersed for home al 9.30 p.m. a tired but happy lot. ALICE ARM The raise nl the La Tins mine has been completed and Ih ore boilv I mined. I he ore w ill ow be drifted on and shipment! ill be made as soon as possible. A sensational new discovery of rich ore was made last weekj al the Toric mine, lhe drill hav ing broken iijto a large body of high grade native silver ore. !ukc Harris of llaelton, ac-nmpanied by Mr. Sharpe, a Spokane mining engineer, were visitors to the camp last week. They inspected several proper ties including the Standard on Mrfirallumouiitnin and Hie Toric and llomeguard. i W, S. Wilson, who has been here several months from California, lias been advised I hat a mining engineer from iiuttn, Montana, will arrive, bYs week to examiner llnj Ftleraia property ii iC( injiii;i. ui yppqn. C. I. Cooke, assistant superin- lendenl of the Anyox mine, was a visitor here for several days al the end of the week. SMITHERS Mrs. A. .1. Mrlntyre, nccom- manieil by her daughter Joan, returned lo Smilhers on Thurs day after having spent the pa'st ten months with friends and relatives in southern cities. Mrs. C. F.. Halt nf Vancouver arrived in Smilhers Thursdav evening and will visit a few weeks wilh her son, D. F. Halt, local manager of Halts, hardware firm. Arnold Flateii of Prince (leorge is relieving as manager at the local branch of the Hoya! Hank during lhe absence of Charles Held who left on Sal Com font- and economy , I jsjliBaBlBBBBaBalallBllaaBaa Open unlay lo spend roast cities. quaintances. Chas. N. Monks. lhe school holidays lives In thai city. a holiday in A. K. Campbell of the locel government office staff who i 'on his annual vacation, return fd Jo town on Friday evening (mm Vernon, H.O., whero ho represented the local l.O.O.F, iit the tirand Lodge sessions. Miss Winn if rod Anper arrived jn town from Prince Hupert on Thursday for a. visit, with rela-lives and is renewing old ac Vt Tiiere was' born at Hie llulkley Valley District Hospital on Juii 8, a daughter lo Mr. and" Mrs. ' School elosed Jor the junior grades on Friday. After distri-? lulling lhe rolls nf honor. III" nflernoon was spent with concerts and parties and the chibl-tten had a happy time celebrating Ihn event. It is reported thai two of the teachers ar leaving Smilhers, Miss Nan Fetterly going to Anyox and Miss M. llanna lo Powell Hiver. Masler MUe O'Xol'.l left ftr Vancouver on Saturday o spend with, re!a- A verv Jollv eveninsr was. s'nent al Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. V. F.' Hoyer n Friday when a larg" number of friend. of Miss lltbbx Matson were enterlalneil wtilt dancirpr and games. Dainty refreshment erp aervrd at midnight Mr. and Mrs. .1. Turnbull were visllors in town over the. Weekend returning lo their home at Hatelton on Sunday wilh a, new car. Mrs. J. Roberls of Prl'ncs .Oeorge Is spending a- few 'days "in town the guest of Mrs. 3. A; Eby. Confess To anyone who can show that this is so. prices on many things so just look things price tickets are still on. Then you lake Some things which are in slock too RIDICULOUSLY Hut everything in the store will be illustrate but just come in about aiiythin fiflr for half-dozen Tumblers. Hegularly UVt " $1.00. for Girls (lold-rilled Wrist Waicii, 'l." jewels, llegiilarly -S12.50 to $fr,00f but we are overstocked. 40 'or "'l'06 VVa'er- Sel wilh cul f I.4V (jPsjg UII large jug with sis Tumblers. MO Cft for beautiful Vpiece engraveil-Tpa Set witn sugar. Cream, Tea and Coffee Pot. F.nglish Silver date. Hegnlar ?.TTi.OO. 90A A1 for beautiful perfect Diamond ap.JT.VV nUg j,, Whi,e fiQltlj styU setting. llegiilarly $50.00. new LAND REaiSTRV ACT. taction Tsi and 227. i IX THE MUrt.K of aiplicatlon .No. I 1 949 fur the raiM-eliatlon ol a charge. - i AM) I THE MATTEK of an Agreement ur uptlon lo l'urclMe. dated the th January. Hit n apnlicailon re relrel the 3rd January, llllt. a .o. TtOD, tx-twern CKiiHiiE T. KANE, of tr Flrl Pari, and OOIIIHIN C, EMMEIISU.X of the Second part, covering lhe follovklnr property : Lou eeven it), elrbl . nine (ft), ten iiui, eleven (11 1. teive ttxi. Ihlrleen (Hi. fourteen (Hi, nrteep H&), and lteen (16', Block one (Ii; and Lot nine (t', ten (Hi, eleven (II), and fourteen (ll,. Block wvenleen (Hi. ot DiMrlrt Lot number tx hundred aiMt forty-uira 6tl', llaua-o five (i, Coaal Imlrlrt, Map Ho. SatlAfartury proof of breach of eoren' iM and re-entry and reruvery of ponea-Hon by the vendor or owner or the 'lauds. fUblecl. Uv the above Agret-menl or uptlmi lo 'urcln. havlnt been filed in Ihu offn-e. TAt NOTICE that an application tut been made to cancel Hie realstratlon or the above mentioned Aaretittrni or option lu .l-UTchae, and which U rellered in lieauter of Charre Volume l, Fotlo lit, ae'No. Timr, ami that in upirt .r aurh amdlratiim ha been pnidurrd a terlara-Ihm or GEOHliE THOMAS KANE dated the tlh October. IHii. and a declaration of STANLEY WALTER TAYLOn dateit the SUUf .oveinbar. iota. provinK .( bream of rovetunl and re-entry and recovery or pufcwislioi a aroreald. IT IS MY l-TK.NTIii.N, after the expiration of thirty (30) day from the eervlre of thl nollre to cancel the rcrtitratlon f lhe optkm to purchase or Arreemenl lipin the reirnter and thereupon the etale nf the pur-Miicr In the land described in the xald Atre-menl or opium to rurcnase, nan ceat-e and delermlne, unles yuu ahall take and proserute lhe proper proceedlnr i i.hirh vmii. pl.iltii ir aov. to tha paid laud or to prevent irh proMed action- on my part. . HATED al the Land Ttelstry Qrrice at Vrlnce lliierl. ll.U, thi First 'day of June, A. I). Hi. II. F. JtaCI.Mip. Hea-istrar of Title. To Oordon C. Fmmeraon. Esq. NAVIQABLC WATERS PROTICTION ACT, H.S.C. CrIAPTEn tie Union oil Company of Canada, Limited, hereby give notice that It ha under section 7 or the said Art deposited with the Minister of Puhlia Work at Ottawa and in the off re of the District ilerutrar 01 the Land Registry litstrlct of Prince lluneri In the Province of British Coluiu bia. a fdescrlPllon of the sue and plan or a pile and Umber wharf prui(osedi w he built In Iha'harUid iifiFrinca. Rupert In the said Province, on water Mai rour, Block 'ii", the said, wharf comprising a narniw approach varying In width' from It' In to. and extending northerly from the- hlghwater mark a distance nf ap-pruxUiutely 300, whence It widen In an I. section to' x AO In area, the sixty reel measurement being- approximately parallel In Ihn shore line. And take nmlre that artrr the expiration of one month from the date of tlw rirt publication of this notice the L'nlon Oil Company of Canada. Limited, will under serllon 7 or the Mid Act apply to the Mltilsler of Tubllc Work at tit of. flee In the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and the said plan, and for reave to construct the said wharf and approach to the same. Dated 'al Vancouver, British Columbia; ims tain aay ei may. ivi. R. J. KEN M cm. District Salci Mintr ion is good for the soul We need money to pay our, .v wholesale bills 1 We are Mire we have many things in our slock you would like Id have 1ml arc only pulling it off. Buy Jheni now anil all we ask is about enough lo pay Uie whole sale price. Our profit goes to you. THE BIQ SALE OPENS MONDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK SHARP Home people might .think we raise the prices before lhe sale to give a 'discount. We will give r i , A $10.00 Cash Prize Von perhaps are familiar with our regular over now and see that the, same original your discount from these figures. . - long will be sold at f LOW PRICES. cut away down. Here are a few Ihings to g you need and save 25 to H5, '" 9 QC for beautiful colored Umbrella iii J.i7J Hp(Jt n,rie) 0reei)i prpiet etc. llegiilarly $ri.50 and fft.OO. $3.85 0.00. for I'yrex-lined-.Silver Pie . DMi with Ivory handles. Hegiilnrly. Sill 10 'or' Oold-filled 15-jewell- pn.ju eif Walch ia ie new. Ullll model with engraved' or plain case with beautiful engraved gold or silver dial, llegiilarly 10.00. a 80c or rea' "B''"'1 China Cups arid Saucers in the good quality make which will not chip easily. Regularly all the way (6 $1.75 down lo $1.00. Beautiful China 7 Piece Berry Set Given Away Free To the first flvo customers purchasing $5.00 or more John Bulger Ltd. Jewellers Third Avenue WATCNNOTICC DIrlon and Uh. TAKE MiTICt thai British Columbia riihlna; k Parkin Co. Ltd.. ubuee ad-dce i Vaneituver, B.C. will apply for a in-eiiir iu nar ami use , cuuic reel per na ueceiuuer, mix, ami rrriuerea meitecuiHi or water out of an unnamed treaiu which flow northwesterly and drain into South Bay. Skldlgate Inlet, about four mile northeaiterly rrom mouth of Oeena Itlver. The water will be diverted from ttie stream al a pulnl about 10 chain wiutheast of northwest cor ner or Lot St7. Moresby Island, and will be nsed for domestic and cannery pur pose upon the laud stated a, lease and boiu the foreshore In front of Lol 14 4, oueen Charlotte Island. Thl notice was posted on the ground on the Join dav of April, ,1116. A copy or this notice and an application pucsuanl thereto and lo tha -Waler Art" will' bt filed in the orrire of lhe Water Herorder at. Prince Rupert. B.C. Objection to, the application may be fllod with the said Water Recorder or with lhe comptroller or .Watr Rights, rariuuient ninl.tmas Victoria. B.C.. within thirty day after the first appearance of this notice In a local ne?pai--r. lite dale or the rirat publiratioa of tnl noltre I June . tt. , ,. BntTISII COLl'MBIA FISIIl.NO ft IWCkINO CO. LTD, Applicant. By II. Sherwood. Agent. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply U taaa Land lu Land tteroruln Oisirtcl of Prince Rupert, and situate at head of skaat Inlet. Moresby klaud, Vueeu Uiarlotta TAKE NOTICE that The Canadian Fish Inr company. Limited, of Vancouver, oc cupation Salmon canncr. Intends to apply iur iiasp ut iiib loiiowiiig aesrribetl land!- Commenclnr al a nosi nlant.d at he., of Skaat Inlet, H chains north of un named Creek; thence west to chain: Ihence south tn chain; thence east to chain, more or les. to shore line; thenr northerly following shore tin lo P.O.U and containing 40 acre, more or less. Tilt CANADIAN FtSIUMO COMPA?tY, LIMITED, Applicant. Per William Alfred Bower. nted ttth April. HtO. "OOVCRNMENT LIQUOR ACT." Nolle of Application foe Bate Litem. , .Notice lF hereby given that, ton the ttth day or June next, lhe undersigned Intend to apply !! the LUttmr Control Board for a ltren.se In respect of premise being part or the building known. as ncean Fall lintel, situate on Front Street. Town of rean Fall,, upon the land, described a Lot Ao. 31. Jung. 3. Coast District, Map .N. II. M. it. Land Reglstratlort Dltrlct la the; Province of British Columbia, for the sale nf beer b.V llw rla.' or by the open boll l for Miumpllim -on -the premise. Dated this 7th day br June, HI. PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED. . per c. u Barker. Trwnrerf LAND ACT, Notk of Intention lo Apply te L Lena) In prince llupert Land Recording Di irlctjof Coesi Hang ,' and situate on South Rachael Island. , TAk'E NOTICE that Alfred Swanson. of Prince Rupert, occupation . Mariner, In lend to apply for a lease of Ilia follow. Ing describe! lanil . . Commencing at a post planted at the oorlh end of South Rarhael Island; thence around the Island at high waler mark, and containing to acre, iiwt of lea. HrW-P SWANSOW. D.I. Aprttlt. tlf.