The Daily News PIUNCE RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA i Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert; Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PUI.LEN, Managing Editor. n,... . SUBSCRIPTION RATES j n 'V. uy .m". ?J-earner, per month. t,00 ' a . ".P".oi me Hriti9h,Empire and the United ,u auyance, per year .-. .. ............. $0.00 nior countries, in advance, per year $7.50 0"!!!?! ?!frlay Advertising. . i.40 per inch 'per insertion uciu?ing on rrout Page....,,. . Local Readers, per insertion ..... r. . Irlt." Per insertion. ........... 2c per wort u.,Ba, nonces, eacn insertion ......... 15c per agate line Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - iu apiiruvat. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DArLT KOmOR For yaw liealthi $2.80 per inch .25c per line 98 M All advertising sJio.ild be in The Daily .News Office before 4 p.m! on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject Tuesday. July 20, 1926. Boost your town and the town will boost you. Knock your town and you'll get the knocks back. Like to See the Navy Boys in the City. 1 - It's good to see th hoys of theHrithh navy in the city. ' !ls sife-u u e mruy. l rue, ,we pay noUiing or the privilege. Just at present w'e get our protection free of cosl, "hut that -cannot fc'u on lor ever. - we. shall have to douur share eventually, one uj or uie other, ir Canada were to join the United States, she would have to pay her share- of the U. S. Navy, hut because we aie iuin oi ine uritiii hmpire and John Utill is a good-naturec old cuss, we are aide to impose on him ad libitum. Victoria Liberal on Election Issues. H, J. Nicholas, editor of the Victoria Times, speaking to the 1 -limn... I'li.l; r.1 .. - - . . . . . 1 1 D umu ai tum-uiner, is reported as follows: "I am not a constitul only man ui ieloria who is not, and 1 prefer to leave the Hvnir "M ioiuuuii 10 inose wno have studied the matter, but I imagine the Canadian people will insist on control or their M J 411 tUt . "There is no queslion that Lord Hyug acted with the utmost sincerity, but he is not an e.vnpripnrpil nuliii.-in".. n;., -.:,... j not, going disastrous.. It has been a. ci.od th in it fur tho Liberal party, as it has presiited it with an opitorltuiitv to , . . . . llptnrilicf ivito Ihu I I ; - ""i uiiunaiii jssue oi mauiiaiuing at all costs the supremacy of Canadian Parliament and responsible rovc.ii-ment. . "Uut the Liberal party does not need to go lo the electors on the constitutional issue. It should emphasize the inefficiency or Air. Meighen in allowing lo go to slaughter all the legislation o Parliament following the action of Lord Hvng. V . ! T!'e "ly c,",cl',s" ' follow is lhatlr. Meighen was hostile to that legislation. The budget, the Liberal altitude on freight rates, western grain shipments these and other Liberal cJectluu UH? qile"lious to r,ace oef0''e people at the coming Provincial Police for Whole of British Columbia. , The Vancouver Province, Conservative, ' discussing the policing question says: gradually, the provincial police are taking over the enforcement of the law in British Columbia. On Vancouver -Wand, outside ictona, there will be .practically no local police left within a month, and the provincial force will be in control evervwhere On the mainland, loo, several cilies and districts have completed policing agreements with the government and others have thi matter under consideration. It is beginning U appear that, within a very short time, we shall have no local police left, in the province outside the capital and Greater Vancouver. In many ways, the change should make for efficiency. We have had too many police forces in the past, and there has been a great deal of overlapping and interference. This will be eliminated, rhrough the use of the motor car, the modern criminal has acquired mobility. le is here one minule and in another city or munrcipality the next and the policevforee'that lack the authority to follow him through all his twists and turns ii seriously handicapped. ? : The-old rural consable has long been a joke. The limitations PU Vu '1 fT.f Pevenled him getting any worth-while experience, nud his .methods were orten crude and not particularly effective t, was easy for I he criminal to study hi foibles and circumvent nlv . 'Vu0","'1 collstWe wjU be,a;nuch harder nut to; ureater Authority ( "h - i . Than Local Officers. In small cities and villages, a provincial, officer will alwavs have greater authority than a local officer could have. He i the arm of u power outside, as it were, and as that power il somewhat distant and mysterious, there i? a lendeiiry to magnify .Is strength a,,d to respect it accordingly. It is possible, too, under the provincial system, to have officers specialize in cerlain crime problems so that, when a particular type of crime i con"-milted, an expert is at once available. Another advantage U .... :Br can always ne shifted to another place if there is any suspicion that he is forming undesirable alliances. I The elaslicilv of lh nlnn iu. ,.,,ii.i.. , " " jju'siuic 10 couceiurate vvr w..i.m in.m several (iislric.ts quickly at anv noinl n...r II1PV mm- l.u ill.. ... it j .... . . ' -... .v. ;.', . "r,,,e iuoer a Jingle head, they are in sunn iv ava lau p. ii hiw i,oo,i f....,,i i.... n.. . - . . . " " gi."-'ieni in nanuimg the liquor problem. SHREDDED WHEAT with ripe, red strawberries ' TERRACE NOTES Mrs. A. C. Ilea. I and ilanshlrr Dorothy icturnivl liome on Saf- urday 'aflor several days spent in Prince Iluperl. Mr. Olaf Hanson, l.inca aud Olaf Jr., of Prince Itupert audi MniHiets, nrrived from the lat ter place 'oik Fiday to spend a slinrl holiday Willi. Mrs. (Jeorjie Litlle. TIn' . wore iiiincd lierrtl on, Sunday by Mr. Hanson v,ht) came in on llu excursion Irainl from Prince Rupert. vis Mrs. wniill ow of Usk wii ilor fn jbwiHiil, (.he Aveek end. NV. K. Snarkes and son Jnrk returned on Sunday from ri horl trip .to lliuellon. D. V. Davl and J. M. Hoar. mining men of Kalum Lake and H. rarnin, milling engineer of Sandnoinl. Idaho! came in ifroin Kalum Lake on Saturday, and went tin lo Vanarsdol to( In- peel . (he niiniiiK claims of .1 I. Van Meier. I .Inn. Ulman of Usk was n! isilof here, on Sunday. Mr.. (ieo. Ivj Keilh was a Imme In Inrae nuiiiher nfl friend? at Ihc-Jea haur.on FriJ day. Terrace turned oul in force 1o tfreet the arrival of t lie excur siouists on Sunda inornint; and enlered inlo and enjoyed, the lay s sports quile as much as I he visitors. Wealher condi. lions were on the whole veiy favorahle. I he rain of Hie d:iV before having laid the dust and freshened up the foliage. Local people very much appreciated Hie splendid music of the hoy' hand and Were very irenerous in Ilieir ftraise of that body. The hope that the C.N.H. will make ihe excursion an annual affar was expressed bv manv visilnrj development owing lo the nn.l usually open winter and early I). O. Munro or Prince Iluperl spent th,. week end with hu ramlly here. .-irs. w. ii. nurne wn hridfte bosles on Saturday evening, A. k.I)ickle"ahd id Vr?, 'Miff. rnrtune, CN.Il. represetilativ'es of Prince Iluperl, arrived In lown on Saturday to make ore parations for the entertain men of the excurlonili the next day Anionic former Terracw nl. denln who Were here on Sunday wun me excursion parly won' Miss .Hthel Christie. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. I.nrae nm l'vlvti I Mrs. louii. VeiTion nin- l Vttii DAILY KBJWa as well a by the local people. . J Kvelyn Hire, Mrs O Nnll Mrs. J. K. Frost entertained'! ,r- ""' at afternoon lea on Saltir.lav in ani Mrs. ihos. McLaiuhlin ol honor of Mrs. Olaf Uanson of AnJ,,x w,1 I" ludiday- Hmithers. iK at arrived in The rain of Saturday greatly wplcomed by the berrj ifrowers and will add niHteriHlIv to both the size and duration of Ihe crop. While some of the farmers had hay cut the rain was not heavy enough lo harm it to any extent. (own on Saturday and went rin.Pi. tP, th ....,m.i,.i " rimonion are spendinK a few tr...i...i..i i. u . "ays ure. iiir a 41(111 Willi iidl'l been in the district during tint past week have been investigat ins the DllKlit which s verv an parent on many of the local ap- ile orchards where in ome BURNS LAKE Mrs. Waller Perry " relumed li I" iiin iiui lliniullllM IMDIIVnyH w I p ... 4. t ii Mi... , .... t. . ' .'i in. I ue .1IUIIIU .11- Lilt Kll.ltil .r I day on a short -visit to hi hoir Here. Iterent visitors in lln t ..rt o i. arrived on Sun JJ J ? ft AS? .2 will M0a . fio, Ks.ISalt'lVke City to vtufl ... I.i...il5' ! f.f.. .11 ill iiiiirr 4 I' U'lKliin.l.n ;.r' i I i-.ii .. lt. i l.... t J uo Colleue. Saskalnm ..VhS; Wl"'" wds - . . ......,, inirifi iasi wren on a III town on Sntlirdar In In.- vu..n ' ; "'ijmess ami pleasure p-..t iiiviiiiuii niiii iir i . . ' ri Harfoot here. He occunieil lln.IT ,. , .. . .. : i DUIUII m tlie. Aliirlienn r.lnip-Mi I i.... ti. ,. A .... ..." "'au ami tmve .ourso "ii i uiiuni tirni u. . . i . r tin ... .. i t . . r . pit iiiirii i.Hkia nnn inim La. ....... .'Willi Ill.JllJI Mr. had Mrs. .1. M. McCawlel Z J.u' ' ? ' I . of Irlnce Iluperl came up od luis diaV T ' Kei f II . .....I I ii... i .1 ....... .tu; aiiu riuill uiu Hl'CK eUU ill town. i m i ..... u.i.i .mi "riP,tiijin uon nnu inmiii rr u. i I... . Constable and Mrs. 8. Sppv ea n ..,... .... nn.i .mm .... . -xiii- -t-ir- incy ru in town win visii in Honour. Onl.. and 'i riniu. limn iti lice iieorvniin ..i..., in.. " "! ...... I ...u, .uiu , , . . iiuiiik neen transferred from lhat place lo the Terraen trict. dis. have included Heorjje Llndslrmn When Attacked By Dysentery YOU SHOULD TAKE AND VOO WILL OCT PROMPT RELIEF When vou jiV .for "Dr. Finlpr" h ture you gtt wht you mV for, i )me of tli'wo cheap, no-uume, no-rrputAtiiin pr(iartiona may prove dan. gerous to ynur IimIDi. r or 80 years, put up only by TheT Uilburn Co., Limited, Toronto, OnU -J Mrs. iissaulilujt Fred Wteiflns. alo of Prince Ilupert at the end oi?!,a Lake. sprinff. This, followed by a lona wck ,er Iiavliw spent cold snell durinc whiMi ther romp u,ne n ffrnalh ti . Ofr pareillS - - ' UU . A W III I ill I ! Pfit err s, '31 if-1 YIKKIIIK Wlll and Mrs. James I. 'H. Van IWar of Vn- mria i iilinn wkli her sou. P. MM. Van DecfiV of Ools.; Lake. b Mrs. Iva Zehlev nn.l Will.,.,.. mean a tat rain of nineleeiivlioon tif OoUa Lake were each lined ?2.Vnnd etn bv Slii.emll. hry Miijstrlft J. it. Muore for W. D. Luken laiL wepk killo.i iy Karter snake mesuriux four leei twu melie II li-.i i..,.. irnimuiR hi chicken house of ejfK. Mr. and Mr, ilrvan nas inn wistaria , for llaker 're?on. where Iher will visit Willi Mr. IlarrKbft parent Mr. and Mr,. M. Jluck ol Fpresldalp and Ilieir fifin children have left for v ll ill nocK. They have, sold their ram ii io William Oalr. WATIR NOTICC Dlttrtlon tntf U. TIF MIITlrl- ii.. a ... ... . umr ,11) i. lMllr R ID- , V.Hl !".,r..rt,!y .of V'.fil f Thir.1 Mnriii . ... i.m-K. n rli r nm can f My mm dr.iH. Inlo ip... i ,r, .," " ljy imlp n.M-lli of I)..,. tP ' .1.1.7.. Z.1 '"vpflea frnni th. ri i. L '.. ' "i Jirnairip Crpi'k. ...... ww j . U)H'( ivsn V!V'X"L "fT V . .1.1' jfvW. WjVr Hi-roriipr rViVVrV "h ,M f i IpIi n ii"'! 'ii. m w. i,Jlpi.'fi! 'I?.. th. ft,.,.,, .1.11.. : . ''.u.rr "i n .... ---,.... niirr ninuift. I'irii.. nil-ill I UIKIIiir. Virion.. . VlihTn iii I... ..i u? J L i " 11 or th. .i.Y-zr.?i :.17z:k. ..- .. ... nnn . i. .'..V'.".' i""'i"-iion or inn in, ivrn, ,iisniu mi.xks conronATiox. P . ADlillm By It. I. OTlHI.I.V.-T.i.,; Nolle ti Intuition to Apply to Lu. id In Pplnr lli.r.n. I . .. I r.. '.. . IrlP Itt I H nr. II ii...... "P.r0r"'n "OI Tilt'' MiTirp ih.i .. -. it iiiiU in ;.,ly for a ,.p f tbf follow-lor ,ull"w iprribpl laiidtr- Coilllflfifli-lll. .1 a rtn.l .1. . . .. .. norllip. rurii.r of Hlork in. Mim-ii minimi innnrp nlcrly 150 p.,i IhPiiif. mitticr y l.noo reel: tlii-nr terly no rPPi? ihW. noNhPriv tTooo fppt lo poini of rniiimi-niPiiiPiit. ion" KUnENE II, BIMPJION. Dited ium I. ittt. PPoi. 'j"ueda, .Inly "DEMERS" Another Great Sale of Ladies Dresses l.nkelfci l.uti. firt ilnnilAi ... was " ' . . penti a lew nay penr returning home. tj. ii. i. .Mae.ven lias iieen ro p.-.. n. fr..i i. ...oi.!,, .i riecteii as ...hool triiskw for u-,- w asu niUICI 111 UI UIU . droppms off or so covered wild Ke , " Xn? U ia" 340 cah as o he unfit for use: far W1 whic". will 11 They exnress the oninlon thai ... i. i . . . . nuns. i nut a iiewi as many sur mised. hut is due to loo earl $5.00 Regular values to $24.00 On Sale Wednesday and . Thursday Only Hurry up if you want one of these dresses; they're genuine bargains o. i uileymouni . Mrs J . it Keir Fort Fiaer. A. Iininlaiuoi- Mrs. Leaniyd and Mr.iJf Fraser Lake; A. K. Ilnmn oi Cuile) mount; K. Owen of On. a; Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Itrook.-. Ol Mmouloii; F. dale of Nadi n-'i; W. II. I.inlon of Southhank. liuuli A. Harris or New llaxeltoc. CJ. Westherx of L'ncha Vallev 'Jndife nud Mr. F. Mrll. Yotin of Prince Itunerl; II. I., (iale II. L. l)aH.C. Wnollam arid' Angus McLeanof Smitliers: II. .t G. Dobliie or Usk were Terrace' Mardonnld, Hahiue; Lome I. visitor mi Sunday. jSwannell and Charles . Si'luil' Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Hronkn of Vlrloria. Mrs. .V M. Huddy U spending several weeks visiting friends in Priiie Ilupert. SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRY -:- -:- ALL, CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK lucludnijf lliree di.luiri seri. t for Family Work, m, SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH nl tnol reasonable rort. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phono 118- -and we- will do Ihe ret Circus in town THE TWISTUM CIRCUS NOW SHOWING Elephants, Llom, Tigers, Bears, Giraffes, Wolves, Etc SEE OUR WINDOW Ihe .Newest Ihing in Toy- Durnblw mid Washable ii ii .. ... ."ot nui,t''l. will ll for years. lull l' Wolf,, Cal, !iK. Hear, en. h $1.00 Lion and Tiger, each $1 25 Wiimpus Cats each ; and $1.50 hlephauU and (lameln. each .... t.85 Kinohaiirs, each 52 25 Giraffes, each 5300 Ormes Ltd. The IlKXALL STOIIK -: 3rd Avenue and 0th Street The IMOXKlUt DUUfidlSTS Phones 82 and 200 Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have the ni.Ht complete slock of limber', dimensions, sliiplnp, fiP tmh frfriui; V Joint, veneers, etc., In Northern II.C. ' ' We can supply everything In a building from the foundation to the last piece of finish. Hefore buying inspect our slock. It will pay ' you. Onr prices are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 110 and 117