sr" a1 i ?! 9 PAQZ POD FAIR BOARD HAS MEETING Futures In Canriactloh With the Forthcoming Kthltltlotl ' Wer'MeumaY - The regular. niPPlific? tit lU Fair Hoard was heM Ia.t hlghl, Plans are now getting well under way for th. big shmv (Hint sivill he held In jSepletnber, several of the '.' feature being dlseusseir last evening V There was a teller from .1. f. Neil, or Telkwa, offering to bring horses tond rider ami' cattle tu the ctly for a stampede fo be held in cofinecllott with tho Fain .Mainly' Wcalise' of the condition' of Ifie Aeropolis lllii grounds, (he! hoard decided Hint it .'mil, I t.,,1 consider Ihn liroposllloJi this year but Mr. McNeil will be Informed that, if I he- city decides lo niake improveuients to the grounds during the winter including the removal nf Die rftek-nlte In hnnrA will be In a, position to consider ine project next year. The hoard ha received a wirii from. Vic Foley, the prominent Vancouver boxer, that he will be here without fail during Fair '' Week for; a ten-round bant with ;t. Jackie Newman of Kdnionlon from ,; whom- he recently- gained a deci sioli atler a hard flffeen-round halite. A parachute; Jumper had a pro position' before the board lo come here. The mailer will be further , gone Into lillhougli the. board believes that such a performance: would be hardly .stiitahle a it . would he difficult to derive revenue (herefrom. ; The board received reports in dicdling. that the salej of membership ticket, in connection with which n Mievrnlet touting car Is being offered, is proceeding satisfactorily. NAVALBALUT AUDITORIUM -orriooei of er'utaaf Curlew Guam 01 loch nafai ntMevt Laat Evening. i, Seldom has there been a gayer or more enjoyable half in I'rin te ttupert than tlial given last nfchl by the local unit of theiNaval He-serve Inhonor of the officers of the cnilser Corlew, who are visti-ing t he 'port.. Lieut. Commander Ponder and the officers of the local company ami Colonel J. Nicliolls and other nffirers nf Mia First XorHlern.H. C. Ileglment did H "' writ ,au oiner;arrange; ments having been in the. handsf of Lieut. Ponder and the other officers of the Naval HcserVe, as sisted, by the members of Hie company. Supper was Serve! slmMlv tii fore mlditirfht In the tallnrv. Mr Carroll beina in charirp. niwl nn. thing was lacking to make the event successful. The visitors expressed themselves as delighted .with the welcome exf pnibxl ihm 'and relumed to t'lie ship at rather a late Hour. VANDERHOOF Afler having spent three -weeks visiting all parts of liU constituency, Hon. A. M. Man son, ilttol-ney general and member of the legislalhre foi Omineca, left here on Friday morning last on his return Vlcloria. OeorgeSnell has been eircieii sc iooi irusiee for n in of three years. W, J. Hlnie was re-elected auditor, Afler n nnlnfnl til lo 're er'al.'inoul Its,- Albert Hangreaveii oi uie i.ake district died recent ly, leatlng a widow, and threo dauiuhlers and four sons. The Vanderhoof Fall Fair has been 'Set for Seplembei i6 and 17. .good, program it being BRINGING UP FATHER airrtnged including, horse racin; anil street parades. Ci. Snell, O. 11. larvey and II. Fallon have returned from a prospecting trip in the Omineca country. A. Kynoch end AV. M. Ferrier have heen appointed fishery wnr dens Tor Stuart .Lake -and the waters norlh. ' FISH ARRivALS Half a paten Boats Sell Their Catches on Exchange at 15 to 17 Cents a Pound Half a dozen halibut boai old their catches on excliaim today, Americans getting ifl.oo, o 17.10c for first class ami Canadian Ific and 15.40c, wi; nine cents for seconds. American North, 30.000, to Cold Sloracri- Teddy J .21,000, to , Hoya Fish Co. Happy, 10,000,. to IJoolh FiU eries. v- . . " W rtbash, JpOO,' to Cold Storage. " ; Canadian l - Inez II., 10,000, to Allin Fish eries. Hayview, 7,500 to Allin Fisheries. . . ... ... . . , HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert J. K. ilemfield. F. II ningham, A. C. Knight. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. McCorkell,' Vancouver; their part in' welcoming the Mrs. J. E. P:iKfli nicy at their source. Clin L. IS A. C 0org- McAfee, - (ieorgelovVn; Mr; and Mrs. James Scales, Xanaimo; Mr. and Mrs. F.. Haniel, Toronto; Mrs. J. ll. F. Melville. Dan ville,. Jlliriois; Mrs. H. C Woody. lerre iiaule. Indiana: John oo n Purl KilM-nr.l Mr on.i guesis ana verj' soon uie visuor.s ueorge; .Mr. and Mrs. J. A knew everyone and a delightful Hrown and Miss time was spent. Music was provided by the i ship's Noveltv Hand of nine pieces, each instrument having w-en mane ny members of the band themselves. It was a total change- from anything that had been liedM there before. They played" excellent time, and the audiloriurn fjoor, which was specially prepared", for ihe occasion,' was unusuaUy snrootli and everyone was in siiod suirlls. Tllf lialli V! tntloflllltr ilnnnr- aiei wil)i iiuhling and streamers Hocsall Sawmill; and 1), i: Ada Hrown, W. Maxwell Hell. Winninps- .Mr and Mrs. T. Van Dyk and family", I'rince (ieorge; Cliartes L. MCinrtel, city; A. M. Hathaway, Hoslon; Mr. and M rs. Anilrnu' OJerde and Mrs. H. flerdi 'elcrsburg. Central Mr. and Mrs. C. P f .-,...,. Minneapolis: w. F. Tavlor nnri W. .'H. 'Hiorne. r, A' ll M. LauwGliji. Usk; F. .lot :n. Jackson A. Smllh, Biff Curlls and F. Itar relt..II.M.s. Curlew. OAR SAGE 1. "Utw 1' ' gggi ry . v fjgggggi GILLETT'S LYE keeps everythins clean and sanitary 03 Of) government of Lcincida guarantees as Jigs 9 YEARS OLD ?gJllHS. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the flbvernment of British Columbia, PRINCE RUPERT WINS FOOTBALL Game Last Night With H. M. S. Curlew Resulted In Score of 3 to 2.. . The forrtimll trnme Inst niirlil between learns. repro-entjn II. M. j. Curlew , and .rrincp Ittipcrt rip suited in a seor.ejnf 3 lo t'ln favor of the locals. All the coring was made by the DLiters were faCina up the hill, Hrintfe Hupert scoring us uiree in inc. first imir ini me Curlew Hs Iwo lr the swpnd half. A petty officer from the lilp act it as referee and the duties of linesmen were-divided belween tlie warship a hi) I'rince- Hupert, A. Mapperton being the local .inesinnn. Chief Petty Officer William' son, a ' meiiiberi.of the Hoytu Naval Iteferees! Association. .irtndled the wfiiMIe it) Hip ganie. were AV. Mffchfli, 'i Dickens, V. There will Jk nnother gamf between Prince Iluperl and II. M. s. Curlew tomorrow night, when the warship wilt field a different 'earn. It is possible that a -game may be arranged for Thursday afternoon beUeen local Inler- rnediate players, and n team se lecled from n -fiuinlier of youlh under 18 in Hie. Curlew's crew. The Prince Hupert learn to meel the Curlew on Wednesday evening will be 'as follows: Mur ray, Ilaig, . .Men.ies, (ieorge Milclicll, Sam Currle. Pat O'Don nell, F. Hussell, J. Jolinsloi". Dickens, V. -Mitchell and Nor-I'iiWtrm; reserves, It. llowe, Skinner, Krsk(nii and. llodgkliu son. AV. Murray is trainer of the- local leanl. WEATHER REPoSt Terrace,; Clear, cairn, temp. Anvox: cfeiil". enltn. tenih C? SM-wnrl: Clear, calm, lernp. tM llaxellnn , :Clear, calm, lernn. Telegraph Creek enlm, lenip, CS. 00, no. Purl clniulj Sinilliers -:Clear, calm, femn. llurns i.hkeJ Clear, calm, lernn Adverllte in lb Daily Mews. 'rtuj DAILY KUVY3 VM OI5;3THNT I'M IPf AO IN THE LOCKER- TTtH r" Si JSyZT) W.MTN, TO PLNV ROOM AH O IMO OOT h 1 -i: ' - Zf COUrT;A,N.O HE. H MRjOOQGe A.HO ) J, ?! i . HfEvol"" ' Vm Pupjavno Tfti)k"-. . 'swic. O 1926 y Imtx FtATUwt Ikc. V antedC For Sale For Rr nt2 SPORT CHAT i I lie city riianiiuoiishin lenn lournanient. the finals of which Will vommrjiee tonight and ron- unuo on eiinesiiay and ttiur-j-day, has brought this gained in ille limelight to a greater degree than it has ever beeir before in the city. The variin:- events an . .culminating tin week in nnlehe thai should lw-nenerallv rnlereslini: and well Worlli waiclun?. The players al so nave something tnigftl to ualn in the way of a fihe Jot 0! dps that are nefh-g offereil m mpliies. The tnurtinhients are ringing to light some reallv good tennis talent. It would Iv interest ing before the seasoi nds lo see the locals in com itflitlon with some oulside tat-il t and, it i lo he honed that some ilUtriil tournaments insv Ie'-UfrattSf.t II. Willi Friim-e sljinilinir mil nlHiveal. 1 14 !!Cri iibJ lie. spejculi.. Hon alfrtwl.U-lWairnn' will ilUalifv for Ihn llavl iTnn fdinlj this year with the United Slate jiresent linliler of the Imphy, h is JnlniHIeil that the American- will nave stiff opposition am.' I Hal Ihey will hate to fisht i: they are going to retain the hamiiinnstilit in Pliiludelnhia on September'- Jl, t( and li. ranee ha a remarkable arnm, of international slurs to draw "Kn including Lu fkisle. -orliel, Itornla, Feret and Hrng- gon. Nine nlarers have heen '.allied for the lirrltmin.irv enn. tests in tlie United Slates. Thev nrn William T. Tildeii 11.. Wil liam M. Johnston. Hmvur-I ll Kinsey. Vincent Iticharils, Cranston Holman. Wray Hrown. Kd. wnrd (i. Chandler, (ieorce M. Loll Jr., and It. Xorrls William MISS MITCHELL IS CHAMPION bereated.njlBs-Rlel In Final of . Defeal'IfiiT'MiJs Virginia 'lliel ii-3, (5-3. Miss Caroline Milclicll last nirlil nvin the 'loliev r:nn eiiiblemalic of city tennis cham pionship in ladies 'singles. i ne seml-nnul in the mixed doubles resulted in Col. and Mrs. MoMordie defeating Tobey and Mrs. Slepp 1-T,, (iirmlcliael defeated Joslin in the semi-final of the men'-s singles 0-0, 0-0. Tonight's games will bo ns follows: t5.l5, final In ladles' doubles -Miss Mitchell and Miss P. Tro-mayiie vs. Mrs. Mc.Monlie and Miss rtiel. 7.3(1, final In men's doubles Campbell and Carmichael vs. Hob-erlsoti and Marnritelle. Holh gomes at C. N. It. courts. Tomorrow night Ihe games will ho: 0V15, final In mixed doubles-Col, and M.Mrs. McMorilio vs. Howard nnd Miss J. Tremayne. .30, final in men's singles Carniiclinel vs. .Marenlelto. Holh games at Prince, Hupert courts. WANTED CASCAR A BARK Highest Cnsh Prices Paid W. R. BEATY A CO., LTD. 325 How St. Vanoouver, B, C. t W 1WJJ I11MII I r 1 l 1 LJ MR. POTTER - VIUt. m " " WANTED. "TOU AO IN THE LOCKER ROOM ANO riNQ OOT "WHACT Ita-KCCOiKC, 1 T I CH. I LL LET tOO KNOW R'CiVr NRj.JK,' DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No?Advert'terrentB,taken for feu than 50c ALL O.IKE LOST. Mm i n t.iMio in, fresii l.i wr,-, Haversack with. Initials urius weeRly. Win. Itnaers. J. ll. ll., Hetween wharf n.mj Ceneral delivery. Vancouver. Little's News Sland. Fliuh-:1 H.C. I OS please phone I'.reen 115. HIIU, wants work at once; at LOST. Helgian medal "Croix rt lean 125 monthly. Apply, Alice Noble, Smllhers. H.C. 172 vlTCHKN liirl wanted for out af town. foo. home and salary. Phone 3j. 06 VOl'Nfi Man Wants Work, anv kind, SSc an hour. Phon" lllark 2C0. M WAXTF.D. Maid for general housework. Apply Mrs. W. 'J'. Kergln. t AOENT8 WANTED. AO FATS $500 monthly easy sell-ing Magic Has. S box equal 33 (rations gasoline. Prove', merits.' Your name on can . Son profit. Writ quick. 1'. A. Lefebvre A Co., Alexandria Ontario. FOR SALE. FOH SALK. CanariHs, lralne.1 roller singers, pari . with cage. Satisfaction or money hack. (13 Sixth Ave. West. P.O. Hnx 1533 IrVi FOIl SALH. Iiouble e4rnr or. Sixtli Avenue, Seel ion six, one block from llootli Schoo". Cheap. Very easy lerni. Phone Htaok 151. 17d FOH SA'LR. Hotel Masselt. A good bargain. Ill health cause for selllner. Apply Wlllian. Hudson. Masselt, H.C. FOIl SALK. Two view lots oi, Finirlh Avenue KasL Cheap. Iteasonable lernis. PJione He,i 100 or Hlack 7g. if FfTlt SALK. How boat and nut hoard Kilo engine, In first class condition. Phone lied 100 or Hlack 721. l FOH SALK. Twenly-two fool launch, 1 1 h.p. engine, speed It knots. Sacrifice 1275.00. Phone Itcil 720. if TO RENT FOH IlKNTv Lnrsen hull. lino 171 Third Avenue I!asl; l room modern flat wilh bath-room and workshop, premises on street Ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer. 139 Second Avenue. FOIl HKNT. Two first class modern flats; Monarch ranges, water, paid; one furnished. Wostenhavcr Ilros. 'UllNISIIKD Housekecpin llooms to rent by the day, week or month. Phone Red f.07. tf HOUSKS fur Ilenl. Some are furnished. $20 nnd up. App.y 215 Fourlli Avenue Kasl. FOH IlKXT. Planft.. phono , graphs and sewing machines, Walker's Music Slure. FOH RKNT. Four hot water healed. A Mallet. FOUrfM. Ford car. olllce, FOUND room sulle. Apply Smltl TWO roomed furnished shack tor rent. Plinpe Hlnek 700. BOARD AND ROOM. HOAni). The Inlander, 8.1(1 Second Avenue. J'hone 137." llOAltt) AM) IIOOM." I2tj' Third Avenue. Phone lied 330, riOOM. Hoini Third Avenue. T 'ifdlonal. 12.1 l,r,w i noiie neii ;inn. Hllh screw enn Tne Apply Daily News Low Ollerre.'' Finder please relur;i to Daily New office. LOST. Hlack nnd tan lerrlc-. answers In "Crieke! " Finder plfase phone lireen 31rt. SUltlMER RESORTS. IKKLSK LOlxlK, near Terrace Vioil Lnkelse llihin Ho Springs. Lit Ina is one of th connection with Lmlge. Tele phone connected to Terrace J. II nice, Johnstone, manager CHEVROLET. ON and nftor July 1, overtime rales will lie charged on Sundays and public holidays and atler 7 p.m. on week-days. This Is ary to comply with the "Honrs of Overtime" I.I . I he i)ikwmjf prices -arc now ertii iiv,. 1- ii i Pim.e Iluperl. (ovemnii nt ir included: llunaiioiit p'lrt lloail-ter Touring Coupe Tudor Sedan Fordor Sedan Light Delivery Ll. Delivery Van Cnrumerrial Clinsis Truck Chassis Sir. . ... 002.0(1 . a 751.00 ''elf starter included on all moueis. Term payments arranged If it desired. S. E. PArtKER, LTD. healers. 210 Serond Avenue. FRANCOIS LAKE LODGE Heauiifully situated near Ferry i. anting Aliunde 2U5 feet. Camping and FUhlng Tr!p arranged FinST CLASS-TA11LK wllh produce FIIKRH J'HOM TIIK FAHM. Take n Trip to the Lake Coimlry this year. For reservation, wrlle Mrs. Ilenkel. I'rnncols Lake. H.C TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call (leorge. Paul nr nii.n Six nnd Seven I aaAiiDM9 bakers at vour illsposal any lime. nuas BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Aeros from Fninress Hotel. PHI lUO P l men ' . Tllnarlat. I.. I.. m " ' u III I "'Rh 0:12 a 111 ir. i f High l :12 p.m. I H.p " ''1:20 n.m. 7.2 " 15:13 p.m. H; ., Wodnesday, July 21 ':! ".in. Ifl.o f 22:n,1 pirn t07 , ':-T2 a.m. fl.o .10:10 p.m. q,b ", Tuesdsv. .1, By George McManiu r TIC tOlOTS!' TH3 lt .'Arliclei Loit and Found, Ac UNO RCQIITHT CT, tattlsna 112 M 11 nu u.i..,: Iliv for ilm ftwriiK A.lll II Tllfc U. iim-iii ur nii,.n t,. Ih JlllUl, id i MI w jfrt i,tt , , . lull. U-iu ,, , irm l'n, ackl ...i.. f IM 9MMI.I I VPH tf: ixh ern iT . . . lOU I I ll . Mir . -a Ul. 1IM uiirru t 4m! IM IHN . . , nM rmiru-rn mi b .1 I.MtlMi-1 I...1 I...... (iirljr-i.iie u.ii . hai,, 'PirH'l, Dip (ill atl.fart.u nr. . Mlt tint rv rlili. a4i.l tMI Hi llu t.A. . - liliMrl u iIhi al .. f : .. lHivli.t i... m- . " " ..Mm: . T.r. suTiif ihi at A ,,. ,.iri .... UM tUlt IIM-DII..II..I A . Ii. I I r rh. l Mit m jlititlar of i:iuri. , a 7 1 m. ami ihi .. Mklirll 1m i tl-li 4 (Hoiifli: TIC Kv-, fHlil ltrlHir, III . ' TnM 'll O K ! t tll .Hl.kruilia, ivr. if rona-nanl an.1 f i "T n,MM.4i a at i. rft-l(.. a I . .... --..--. . mt ii r . iinesi mineral waters knowni."" '"TV ,,,r -Tor rheumatism, flood fly't-rXi' er7r fUhlng for rainbow trout In.TC uSd Ijikelse lake and river. Molors! "i-ti-a meet all trains giving thrnuch u MriuMMui, . ...l.. , . . ! tu eautiliah ..ur i la ii am ... i. pf ftM... . , ' K C CHAPTIR til hrrrtw itM irHwv Mi ll tu j turn . ( ih ..i 1. 1 an in in tllrr nf Ihe rmtrlrl lh I 4Hd KfaMlrv iMatnrt ml M lll-tirlini ... J ... . ...ill -lll h. t I"" ITHKr liuj.r ...... .,. I,.- . , . i - tua a it i itt at the rate of time and oneii"" tti t imiti n i i.-,. . . ... a. . II ii i nan over me regular etfiitt hour day. Wrecking oerviee dav nn I night. K.UK5 OAltAOK. PAHKKH'S UAHAOF.. JAfi. IIUNTKIl. LASJO ACT. . k ... ' r lit. . '. i at ii , Ml trim i.n m rari. HATi.n ii ib land M r Itlftrr Httvfl. Ill , ,. , ,: inn Alt lata T ilaeiaii C. rmmffx.w InJrl. Oo. a i lur l. r u-li i .liin.Ua, in ni uf i li?. Ulirt'l, )Uru) Ami ua M4ire thai art. ' I .e numili lr.n ilm .iitiiirau. .ii im. tfc.iirr -i-rr otHfMnr l.imliKi, .i' " -f Um- MM Art. H.i) I.. 1-uMir ai li.. ..rii." inlaws. t arpitrtii o iw ptaas aM.1 f.,f Ua.p tn .r.- laarf r parr. Ialt ai I'nir Hue'rl. B lajr r ialr. Kit tf.. iMtnvi oovriv r.vlw v1 ,n,-9- Appif Va k l III I'rtw lluivri tjn.l i- lHi or I'rtiK hiiprt. an- r ini.uu .N(,T(.C lh, 080,00 ei'krttf Cnrnpaior. I imiir t n.l' . firfynall.iffi -afinjr iiiii- - . - - ... . nrxia. - f'.JWMII.IM. a . . . 700.00 Borihr-ai wiifr f li MtllV rtl am -.!.. fiii llfi I 'siet-tjr rhama. Hn- "'' 1 l mtl lo sel er itituv 01 D.OO IHH.On 5 HI. 00 nmiaitiHlt If arrra, rmirr LA?IOn nlll flit II, ' Dair.1 jiinn I. it !OTIC Ttir mill b nireieil (c AurtMMt in tli rri.tltH'. OMirllnajui, ITHirr nii TUwradllr. iiilr ll.,. m in llx- slltriKVin. Ilm I' ll I x.l. ! 'at Hflt 17. Srr'i,n , I ll) iwri, ii. i;. Taenia I rath Mimrnl at r imr uuarirr rali ainl lhrr rtnal animal In-i.iin lr-l i.n lln- Of torri'il i c file ftf firf- annnni ll fi in m (iii.nii aiMin.-nai I'lana h.ilnr tlx- 1.I may Im -rn at ihe .rrii- twnl Aiit, l-rllira. nnifl. IMlrrt al rnnr nuperl. B ). H. rw-pniv ii' ' LAND ACT. LAND ACT. tut 4V Uav n. r tv'n Her f: 4 IM t t a -. at I., tr il N. I.. !-.... , I imt In rrtnre Imiwrt iind r inn nr nam I, ir. TliNfl If a.l.., .l.-.. - Mil TAKK llltim that ilfrrd SH" lnl in aiiplr tor a ! r " ma ie-rriiirii lapnir - . 1 I .,lllilllt.tliln .1 . ,Mll W .'.Tra m v-iiii ii .iiriq itariia . nitlflit lh Itlan.l at hlrh III'' ' na mntaininr to ai-ri". ., naiM anril t, itis Nellea si lai.ilAa in annl, I Foraahors ir vlwir.narinf ie ,ranii - IT" rnriiinr lll.lplrl nr I'Hnf, n"l-'J . skiilrsale ltill. ami rmnimi l Qntft. ritarloile nutrlrl. ., , TAKH MITICF Dial Ihe P J j?. I'lflUnr Company. I.M.. ' v,"3 II. C: firriinalJi.n a.lni..n citi''' T In apply ror a kaM nr ll 'I1'1"" srrilifMl ('nrratmra: , 4 l'illnrrl..i.lna . - M.t v iiilliwel rnriiff of ol t i""., iliirly and nieHv rolfowlny if ii lilsli water mam, 11 rhain' i" 7,7. I'i ihe norttmril rnMiir 'i Ihonre urac t rlmna; H""1"' -a - .!-. a. ai . t . tm nin1 Hie IIiik tif nlih water inirHi Hir mi rr or iraii mrlire r'l " ' linlnt nf .rnmiiieni'rini'nl, swJ ' 17 arrea. mofr nr lr. iiii itiii nn i uiiii irii'- ""V ' "' i' f ".V. na II BhP(rVfa. t viifa uin April, ivid.