ny JUiy inn . t A A IAAJ1 - THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRE1 W M lctor ft Process r f w ' - ' i Just a Cottage Small Tel Trot WartnaVa PanniyltlnUiu IWJ I nauu mental Victor Salon (hrk. IIM Vocal John McGormaik (Tanor) Talkin' to the Moon Warlnft'a l'cnus) banians Valencia (Th new fox trot utth i nappy Spanish rhythm) L- ITW A. sT. Ti - I I I u K t I II i 20003 r- Pint IV'hlf nrrt'ir. i ti1 fit ft irtrtA t Peace With the Wor d rv.. -. (lnlng Heriln'$ laletl $tnatlon) Holier Wolfe Kahn and lilt Orchestra 1 , 20045 Lewis Jamea-Franklyn IUur 20057 Horses rMTfAf Hmi niftn a ml Ilia t utO Iftttn Lonesome and Sorry T IHti I wiMLelta ami Ilia f Irrlio.fri IftOII Victor records play on any type of Phonograph At "His Master's Voice" Dealers Victor Talking Machine Co. II NU(. ll I K 1 II of Canada, Limited Club It a ! .. if i" unw niid fiM' '; il N.iiii.iii" a real trial. When "'i have done '!.;- uc feci sure you will ii. i- s i- f r tin- suggestion. t.. oi , site 1 Ixl t $1.00 Il.ix ii !. iic 17x17 51.50 Cluli Napkin an different from other Napkiiis. Used everywttor by; tlitHQ who know. Fishermen's Sunn lies - r i FISH LINES, HOOKS, OOPCS, TWINES, FISH NETTINQ AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. . . .. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. 8econd Avenue and McBrlde St. ANGER, the Tailor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order i" our simp hi prime llitiioil it ii- $50.00 . ANGER, Cutter 223 Sixth 8treet Prlnce R"Prt B' C' Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi. I'bone 678. D.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41 Musical Treat 'Curlew"- . a r: .iitascuaii .Modem house rooms and bath. tonlghtp'at rand 'I'erminals v?Voyro. Con- 'G.30 for rent, five Munro Bros. Crystal Firelighter, 48 for 11.00. Hyde Transfer. I'bone 580. tf Come and hear Tin Town Kami. Wtislholme Theatre, Wed nesday. Ilclall Merchanlrt' Milling a) . Iidi' & Conipany's slow Wednesday, at H n.111. 10'J Canadlen Legion (Q.W.V.A.) Members' Smoker In honor of officers and ship's company of H.M.8. "Curlew" tonight at 8.30 Cfcpttulile . Clarke of I'rnir. Jiciirpi1 la hern instrueteil U, ri-purl fith iluly at provincial police h-adiuarterit in. Prim" Hiliwrf. . AI four o'clock yelerday af- lemtxiu.Jlie fr dcnai-tiiient ha1 eallMi) Alfred Slret to cxi tinpuih a grass fire. No danf- 4g? win done. C.N.H. ftteamer I'rinre John lapl. V.. !alh, tf lu in Mr: 'omorrow from anrouver and tji- ontilh end of the Uuee i (iliarlottr Inland. f .v.. ..m.t-i? filial aniit' lly , iiplvT on yeslenlay after wel". tram to vhit with Mrs ltoV firnls Mr. and Mr. Ilun Killin, 35; Hghth Avenue Kal Mn.. (nr.i Shrahan of 8 (ittierim, Ontario, mIt .f Harry WHfonJ. of this city, will ' through the eity on th olMimer I'rinrc ltuert tomorrow hounit fur Alaska. it.. a a .irs. j. i. niiicniiinn am fmnilj. after having sHnt i roupl f yearx vtittnjt in V.nz land, have returiie lo Mil- cty and lakiii up r"iileiieo at 3th Ft flh AwHue W'.t. Srgcnnl T. Vsn Dyk, district jaim enforrcrnpnt nffirer, ar rued on Jal niphl train from Priori' George ar.'oir.pHinetl by Mrx. Van Iyk and family who will takv up residenre in the rity. The tyrw Club's dinner dancr which it was first announce would be held tomorrow evening will take place instead on the venifiK of July 28, u week from Wednesday, in the Comiriodore Cafe. Presbyterian Sunday Scluvil t'ienir will be held at Dishy Is land Thursday nexl, July S2 Itoais leave Hwansou's lloathouse from I o'clock to ?,30. Tea roiiee, suifar, cream and ice jream provided. J6!) A A ArCTION SAI.K will be held ni house on corner of Fift!t Ave. mid Munsnuir on Tluirs day. July Si, at 2.30 p.m., com siiinjr of jlming chairs, heater, carpet square, chairs, ball mir ror, beds, bureau, kitchen table, raiiKe. etc. Philpolt Kvitt Co Auctioneers. ica Co:istwie Steamship & large Cn.'s freishler Oriffco, Capl. J. .v. nunier. arrived in port a: 3.30 yesterday afternoon, anil, after loading two carloads of machinery from Hocher He inline inr me nuuweii mine over the dry dock wharf, sailed at 2 o'clock this mornimg for Slew-n r. TOO LATK TO CLASSIFY KXdl ISII Itaby llugtry for "all. in food comliiion. Pliort Hreen tli. tfilt Remember BOVRIL Puts Beef into You Father Oodfrey arrived In the city on the Cardena today from Hlewart. Mrs. Oponge Mcilmoyl is viu- lling In Stewart,--.having gone north rfimday night. Fulher Fleck ofc'Aityox ia a iaK.-i'i;'r on the tfariJena today AajiruUver. Kl'liiH going iiirmin.iu (hrough.to oolLaK l Wcdm Ut Actofioli . H Canadian Levi ;day night O.JTi llillf grounds I'rince lluiiert vm. Hill .s. Curlew. f? Hugh Mauuiri',' ii-!! knon Slewart . inlning Oian, is paVrtMigor on lhe4)lard;na today going ' ' through to Vancou ver. d6tM (I1AV.V.A.J iss'at fri lniiiaa honor r of t Members' timokera yii officers and ship's; company ol H.M.S. "Curlew" on Tuesday at .30 p.m. A: 163 Fpr 3. .Mrs. w . r.. uoiiison ami .mis Muriel (killison rcjunied to Ih - pity oil tb; Carderia today after having penl a few -.lays visit- . . .... ng at hineolllli. Mr-. John II. JUiUhxll re turned to the city'.'on the Car lena today after having- spent the past two weekj at. Wales Island as the jtuestftif Mrs. A. I Mathexon. Miss Irene Mitchell s spending? the sunimer?in Vap- eouver. the first time since Jun 1, wuety Jlie policing: of the ciiv was transferred from idunicipai to provincial uutlioHlies, thero ya a blank duckej iiiMhe city Iiiilici- rourl this tiioniins ami Maixistrate McClymont wore white gloves. By kind permission of Captali, H. D. Bridges, C.V.O, D.S.O. R.N., H.M.S. "CurJeWs" concert party will qo. an entertainment ,n the Westholme. Theatre on Wednesday, June 21, at 8 p.m. Reserved teats at O ernes', $1.00. Rush seats, 75c. 16$ A. '.. II. (icrhardl. manairitr director if the Humrstakc Min- iii k L.o. i.di., is a passenger on the Cordena today relurnins tc Vancouver aner uavuuc, spent the iasl ten days at Alice Arm where his company has the Torir mine under development llev. A. W. It. Ashley came in fruin Stewart on the Cardenu to day to see v bis" twins who wen 'torn at the Prince Hupert General Hospital on Sunday. .Ms. Ashley will remain in the cltv 'r n fortnight occupying the St. Andrew's Anglican Churcij pulpit during the absence of Archdeacon Hix on his trip to Telcirraph Creek. " i Union steamer tianlena, Cap? A. K. Dickson, relumed at- 1 jrloek this afternoon from nyo, Alice Arm and Slewarl and will sail at 5 o clock for Vancouver ami wayports taking among her passengers from hen fbe following: It. Dimen: nnd Mrs. C. K. Hawthorne fo: Vicloriu: Miss K. Archibald, 11 Fuxcroft. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hare, D. Davidou, Miss Myra Kiivdot Miss 1'eiee and Miss Hathaway. HONEY-MOONING IN THE GAY NINETIES Montreal Paper Tells How Bride and Groom Conducted Themselves In the Old Days. MONTREAL. July 20. "Iloney-nuMinmK in Montreal in the (ay Ninelies," says the Montreal Gate! le. "What did John and Mary do I hen. poor IhiiVKS No so had ly after all. John bought a Inu-denv with jrb'aminj; nickle, trimmingsYou'll ItMik swrel upo:: the seat of a bicycle built for two! he sang gallantly as Mary and he paddled along Sherbrook St. They Imllr did quite a Utile shop- pitiig at So and So s Annual Clearance Sale. Mary lioiught a house Jersey for 50 cents, pair of colored fabric gloves for 12 rent, ami a pair or kiu ouuoneii jhhus for 1. 2d, while John Indulged in a pair of calf lace boots for $1.80 and some fancy IwceuMrousering at 45 cents a yard. "They were a dashing couple as they stepped off: the train, John with his light grey topper l)ie exact sliade of i bo stripe in his elegaiilly lighl trousers which came well iluwit over his mvltonwl Imots, hU fifrured eravaSviUh its diamond horse-she pin filling the. i snval llrtaugle above his flowered walsl-coal ,and his drooplnar black moustache, which, in his opinion, made him look even -older than hjs twenty-one years. And Mary! Mary's travelling costume, was eleetrio green velvet wltli a smart short jacket trimmed w-llh Jet em- fiQ lobacco of Qualify 15 per pacfeaqe - and la Vi lb.Vxiaim(Air-3inht)tJj broidery over a yellow silk blouse criss-crossed with black insertion.. Mary's footwear? As she stepped gaily alon?, occasional; glimpses of a patent leather toe-1 -ap could be seen Mary's tkirts; obeyed the-dictates; of fashion! and swept the ground, while her hat witli its saucy cluster of plumes resting lightly above her! ;iffure made a praiseworthy at-Ctnpt to sweep the sky." TIMBER SALE X8161 Hwre vlll lw rrrrl T'T it Publi uitiui. t (Mil., on WrdnrM)-, AuruI llti, UC. In IIm offlrr or Hie PUtrirt .-'umirr. rrlure ltuitrt. U. C, tlie Uren xs let. to cut i.;;.tioi rrri ur spmrv, iriukirk tuil iiiar, nn in im itiuttl 41 llh- idr Srlwiti lalrl. LiKilsr miii1. (Jtiwi t uarhitl lilind PiMrlri. T ii -ypan wil Ue iliofd Pir it-iii.nl uf linilwr. I'mvliktl tbit inyoor unatl-to iltrnd Ji tin Hull In irMm tiny tubnill a wiled Pinter to tw x-iiml at tbr txiur of auction ml treated as one bid. Kurthvr partlruiirt ur the Chief Kuresler. .lrii.ru. B. or Plslrlct foresler, Pliuce tnpert, B. C. i lie I-iik liif.-nr Airelit, Vlrloria. B. i:. TIMBER SALE X8159 There be iirri-red for ale by rublie Viirtlnn at tbe offk-e uf the luslrlrl lores ei. rnnre huperi. B. i:., at i p.m., in the Ih da; n AiitruM, I l.lrniM- Mi to in 1 1.. (Mm rt-et board iiirinire of Spruce, IriiiliMk ami t.edir on an area ltulrd H In- x.uih .-horr of TaiHiu lland. Hlrhard-'il Inlet, V- ' I. rmvldrd anyone unable 0 a I lend I lie tiurllon In stwi inajr Mibiull 1 teilrd tender to lie ois-ned at tbe hour f ni.-li"!) ami treated a erne bid. Two Tar', will lie allotted for removal of timber. luriiier parlo-tilars of the Chief Kiirei-er, Virtorli, and PMrlcl 1'orejler, I'rlnrt tupen. TIMBER SALE XS1S3 Sealed Irlulrrj ttul lie rei-Plv. d by til UniMer of land it Ylctoaia not later than niMiu on the firlb (5ili day of Auir-ii'l, 91t, for the purchase of License NSIDI. loT cut S.i9l.llu0 feet of Spruce. HeuiliHlc, i:elar and Hilim on an area Itualed on tlitf .North Mmre of kildala riii, naure I, CnaM liimrli t. Thiee (3 , ears will be allowed for re in it at ir timber. further particulars of the Chief Forester, Vlrloria. ,B. C... or PHlrlcf lorefter, Prlnre Itnperl. II. C. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS ' Tim bar Sal X2693 Sealed lenders will b- received by the UlnlMcr of l.in.U il Vlrloria not later 'ban ikkhi on the ftth day of July. It 14. 'or the purt-hafte of Llrence 'XiJttl. tu rut 1.4.tltlO feel of Snrure. llemkH-k and Cedar on an an-a altuated on the West end f Tan. mi liland. near Moresby Ulaud. Vvr.-n :harlote Island lilstrleL Three (3 years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Fores-er. Vlrloria. B. c . or Olslrlct Forester, Prlnre Rupert. B. C. fin 5 ll) ILD CHUM mym' Steamship and Train Service saiiinrs from prince rupert for Vancouver, victoria, Seattle, earb MONDAY and THURSDAY 4.00 p.m., SATURDAY, 6.00 p.m. For ANVOX md STEWART MONDAY, FRIDAY, 4.00 p.m. For ALASKA WEDNESDAY, 4 00 p.m. For MASSETT INLET MONDAY, 4.00 p.m. For SKIDEOATE INLET and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT ditty eicept Sunday it 11.30 a'jn. for PRINCE QEORQE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all point Eastern Canada, I nlted Stales, Agancr all Ocaan Steamship Llnaa. Use Canadian atlonal Ejpresj for Money Orders. Foreitn Cheques, etc, also for your neit shlp'neoL Cltf Tlct Ofllca, S2S Third At., Prlnca RuparU Phena 2 SO. IcanadianT PACinc aaiiaaT Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Kstcnlkan, Wrsngall, Junaau and Skagway July B, 9, 12, 16, 19. 23, 28, 80. To Vancautsr, Victoria and Saattls July 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 2S, 31. PRINCESS BEATRICE Campball Rltar, and Vineoutae ' Saturday 11 a.m. For Bultdala, East Balls Balls, Ocaan Falls, Namu, Alart Bay. Agancy for all Sleamahlp Llnaa. Full Information from W. O. ORCHARD Qansral Agtnt. " Ooraae of 4th Steaat aed Srd Atsnua, Prlaco Rupart. B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED i Saiunis I rum Printa Hupert. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swaason Bay, and Alart May, Tusaday, P.M. or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay. Saturday. 10 A.BL For PORT SIMPSON and Naas Rltar Cannarlis, Thursday p.m. Foe PORT SIMPSON. ANVOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART. Sunday. S p.m. US Sad Atanca. i. Baraalay. AaaaL " Nupoet. PJ.o Kit nkM'AI "TT Mr TO'HICHT'1 GRANT'S Best Procurable' (TtlC ORICLNAL) Pure Scotch WhisljL i RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT fllll wd atnud kf WiOiaii Caat Sm limilarf. C1IIkI d (UIv-m ,CUlml DutJWiwa. Dsll-ImadiM, Scailmd. aLLH fins advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Goverumeut of British Columbia