I 25 Anywhere at VOL XVI., NO. 108, TAXI Boston Grill ! yesterday. Cr IT (resident of the innierre. launched l agamt complete freight rates, con-a ucli a move would i lo business. He . llitlisli f Ulutitlta cn- ghty advantageous o- - anl lo Iransoontinen-which should not be jeo- in the general rale re- i- "'her fide Mayor Pen-urtialf of he eily council, .- v protected against dls- "V rale, which he said - ifluij! Vancouver Island - ami clo.-na their mar-i,idurers anil retarding a development k h w ri w m mum i a a rif n u i iiri in hi i v FOR BIGGER JOB Not Wanting Cabinet Position, May Qo to Britain as High Commissioner. UTAWA, July f20. -Specula- in re is rife a to whether Sir ii i'y luavton did not K,!t ' ca poilion becstuse he is slated 'lie hush cominissionershlp m d-m or because he is lo be .1'iada's first ambassador lo the lu'ed Slates. Cither position uid be considered Important, i t hough the High Conimlssloner- iiiii is the position likeliest to 'i awarded to him. Sir ilenrv tins liel-ii very a'divc in politics and is bound to gel a uu position. There is a pos-ilnliiv Mini he nwiv later bo ien lie deniirtineiii of railways, hut i argued that -If ho was to get 'hat imsii ion there is no reason Wliv ili kliinitil not have had it a rirs'. NEW CABINET FORMED FRANCE PAIUS, July 20. A new ministry has been funned by Premier Hermit with Anatoli! D'Moiule .holding the portroho of finance. The eiililnel bus .hilt OUC aitll, the defence' of France, declared thu iirutnier, 'lit. . . ' 1 ,'ih. 1 r Stand Royal Hotel, ... ' ..." 'r..?,.,. t- and 8th St MATT VIDECK, Prop. ""fc'i buyer of Cuiiadian wlieut would, mteox toms Department, OTTAWA. July zen thU in urn I ns followffwr: "s'ir Ellsworth Denies That General Nobile Navigated Airship Norge on Historic Trip Over the Pole NKW YOHK. Jnlv 20. Humored dissension uniting the leaders or the Norge flight look dcfinilv rorm last night when Lincoln tjllsworlhf Ihe American lm. ker or llio vxpedilion headed hv Amiinden, issued a stalemenl denying thai tJmlierlo Nohile, designer tr Ihe dirigible, itcled ns navigator on tne Historic trip. "(Hiring Ihe entire flight," said Kllswortli, "I stood without sleep in Ihe navigating cabin. To the best or my knowledge (lenernl Noliile's only part in navigation consistvd in relieving the wheel man ror three, short periods during the flight." said he, replying to a statement or No-!' ; t. ii. u-hn said Kllsworlh was "jusl l acted all the time us-captain or a passenger whom I took aboard ul Snittberucn lo Teller. During PHINCK HLPEIIT H. C, Jl ESDAY. JULY 20, 1020. Ihe airshin. Riving orders to evervbody and controlling what Ihe entire flight or sevchly hours I everybody was doing CONSERVATIVES! A MEETING. OF THE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Will ho hold on TUESDAY, JULY 20, at 8 p.m. In Emad Hall HUSINF.SS: To elect officers for Hie ensuing year and lo elect delegates for Ihe (lonservalivi) Nominating Convention. ALL CONSKHVATIVF.S AHUttmillALI.Y INVITO This i rather a lug werk li- litilfv f I'fitl i.f ll I lnll rmi.an-a. jtivcH meet to choose delegate to atleiul flieir conveji'ion on TIiuis lav nielli and tomorrow nilit the Llheralu meet for a similar pur-Mie to prepare for Mie convention Sal onlay. Tltere i naliirjlly a ool deal of ilicu.iiii in rj-jfard to the situation. II i jiletly iire that I'reii J?lork will rfefeive Hie iioinin- 20. The CiU-iation from the .LibcraU, but the published the (Jbni'erVMliWj' have not yet do-Franciii Lo-JcMcd on .'aAa.riidjrd bearer, ap- elilef Jutice of the sii-.paienur. be able receive their wheal at nerior court, ha been apiMiinteili The name Of U. W. Xickeron tidewater approxiniulcly two day to continue the judieial inveti- jbnd been mentioned a a poid-loer titan Vancouver. pal ion iirto the adniinistralion of hie Independent randidaie. Mr. Second, the ue of Ihetitiailian (be department of ruMonin." j.Mekerfon, however, staled thi National line from lilmoirton to The iwwopajwr say it will bonoriiiis thai he had no Inleu-I'rince Ilunert. for the eliief justice lo decide Hon f being a i-audnlate. 'lliinlniul inn.! iniiiitrlnnt. the when the Innuirv will nroceel. am not oinS to c ontribute to deeIopmenl of a huae aricul- "birt it i antieipateil there will 'he stinport or the newspapers tural C4Minlo- lo llu tof l'rince M no reat dlay and ulltinftK willtUii lime.- be jocularly re- auiMirt. be held in different parts or me.""". Ilpweer, on jwiiipletoii of Btte'eouutry. ie!alo lhe wr , iJfront3l! t'ttder the term adoplcd hy Ifie wheat grown In Hie provinpe oi wa npieei Albert was wheat contracted lo r:Hiener Ibe Wheat pool, nnd in onler lo provlile that the elevator be used, the government leaiel Hie eleva-; lor lo the Wheal I'ool at a very nominal rental for a period of, twit years. Last Word In Construction 'Hie elevator itself Is the very. lalct word in elevator cotistnio ('..tii't. SUPPOSED MURDER OF JAPANESE AT VICTOIIIA, July .'0 The body '.of Shlllme Konishi. a Japanese tion. and I would po so far as toiemployeil at Port Alice null, was sity thai it is the most modern! round Sunday in his bunkhousc elevator in Ihe world. Delivery; and the provincial police bc-from ears into the elevator csiuillevp it N a ease t murder, he made at the rate ol twelve carsj Skiuoihlta. another employee of per hour, so that in the uualbe ntlll, Is being held, workinu day ten liodrs. ISO ours. This Is the Ihinl murder to per day ran be unloaded, and this'lnke place at the mill durin? the could be increased ir necessary. Uat year. The discharging Into ship 1st even more satisfactory, drain j POSSIBLE APPOINTEES can be discharged into ship at OTTAWA. July 20. J. I . S.. Ihe rate of 10,000. bushels pcr jaom, pii inrial memhrr ror hour, or just as fast s ships' Arenteull and Peirre Audet ol can receive same. This will en-:Quelec are said lo be ItKely np-ulile sliios lo obtain a very quick noinleen l the Mei2hen cabinc1 load, vvhirti will mean Ihe port j from Quebec pi ovince. tin Tor-il-clf wtll be well thought of by nw possiuly pcllmg the Marine (continued on pa?e six) ai d Fisheries uni t folio. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE, llid. kM (LP.Il. 161.50 Ounwell 1.50 1.58 llazeltoti .01 .01 S Indian 05 .06 Marmot j 08 .01) Porter Idaho .0'. Silver Crel .1? Surf Inlet 05 .00'.. PRINCE-RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Yterday Urculitlon, 1ST Exceptional Pitching of Carl Mayo Enables Them to Beat Brooklyn. MAY YOHK, July 20. Excep-.ional pitrhiir by Carl -May en-il:e.l Cincinnati !o defeat Itrook-)ii jestrnUy and ban? on lo the .eayiie. ieailernbip. I'ilt-burr held second position liy trimming Ho-on. :t. Louis it in third place after winning a hectic (en-innin? affair from Piiiladelphia, lloltom-ty liitiins his fourteenth homer along wrtb a triple and single. Hack Wilson, the Chicago Cub fielder. cored liis lourteeitlh hon'ier against New York. The Yankee!, balled three St. LouU iitchei! haiil, whie Mar-herry. pitrhiu? for WntiiiiRtoii, held Cleveland lo Miree hits. American League Cleveland I, Washington i. Chicyao 5, Itoston t. St. Louis 2, New York II. Deh oil 8. Philadelphia 3. National League New York 5. Chicago-.!), lirooklyn 2. Cincinnati 5. Itoxlon . I'ittstiursEh 10. JEWELLERS HELD UP" Xi:W YOHK, July 20. Tvvo aimed rotiliei'n held up Fnpan and Hyman. wholesale jewellers, yesterday aft'-rnoon and escaped with utH'l diamonds and jewellery valued at 75.000. Sockeye Salmon Fishing is Well Ahead of Last Year on Both the Skeena and Naas Rivers YVith good weather prevailing the past week saw a general improvement in salmon fishing throtighonl District No. 2. There are few fish us yet, however, coming into the seining areas. The fishermen and canneries are now 'working prrnripally on sockeye and the run of pinks oinl chums is just commencing. Ihe latter being later than usual in arriving at Die Skeena and Naas Hjvers Sockeye ... Springs .... Sleelheads Cohoes .... !Pfiks Chums .... Totals Sockeye Springs .. Cohoes .. Pinks .... Chums .. , Totals sf 1020 ..2,0H5 ... 13,712 80 ..." .1,070 ..'1,537 715 ti .H .,10,215 Naas River 0,003 . .... ..JkB,U2 , ..ft- 217 2,052. i; 770 102.5 I7,8'.ll 18,103 15 1.171 i.suuj L5H 41,0281 4,101 4,101 72 1133 5,380; 1 1,313 H.U52 Street Sale lit ll.M.S. Wrlevv wlll WoptH for AND DIAMONDS ST0LEN!i " Ji apain on Wednesday at the sam time. The vessel is remaining at anchor in the stream and i. will he necessary for visitors to make their own arrangements lo reach the ship. On Thursday morning a parly of men together wilh the ship's band will be landed and will have a route march through the city streets. The band will play dur ing the march. Cap!. Hridges, commander of the Curlew, visited Ihe "Cily Hall this morning to return Mayor Newton's call and th mayor was Capt. Bridges' guest at luncheon aboard the Curlew today. W. S. (Duke; Harris returned on the CJrdena today from Has tings Arm where he has been in sporting a mining properly in (his voar. Spring salmon fishing is still in progress on lhewhich he is interested Skeena and Naas Hivers, Although it has been closed in Ihe Helta' proceed to Haielton on Cool a area. There has been very little complaint thi from fishermen in the Hivers Inlet area as lo the depredations of ea lions lo nets and salmon. In Ihe Filrtiugh Sound district, however, there have been complaints that yoitnaf whales and sharks hac been damaging nets. There has not been a single complaint directed against sea lions. Catch to Date The following tables showing ii,i enlrtli lo dale on the Skeena and Naas Hivers compared with Ihe catch at a similar date in ll25 indicate that there' Is .in improve inent in sockeye fishing this year, that the spring pack is down and lliat the Skeena lliver. total is ahead or last year, while in tlio .Naas llier it is slightly down, due to the lateness ol chums: Skeena River . Cases season row jnornius s train. He win lomor- Two Peace Officers Started Reign of Terror After Drinking Liquor Seized in Police Raids Men Sleeping In Rooming Houses Were Shot and Clubbed By Crazed Officials Before Help Arrived. Ml'SKOtiKK, Okla., July U0. Thirteen person were shot' and clubbed and the interiors; of three rooming house were demolished early today in a "reign or terror" precipitated by two peace officials who had been drinking liiitor seized in raids last night. One ot the men. Pant Davis, deputy sheriir, was shot and wounded, probably fatally, before he was subdued. His companion, Detective Ves Cormnck, was nrresled. Davis and five of the victims are in Ihe hospital. The men entered u rooming house and shut and clubbed the sleeping men, ripping out Ihe fixtures, before a "riot call" brought sufficient citizens and police lo handle the situation. PrinceRupert Liberal Association MEETING METROPOLE HALL Wednesday, July 21, at 8 p.m. i I'OW NOMINATION OK DF.LF.OATES TO TUB SKEENA DISTHICT LIHEHAL CONVENTION. Large Upstair Uining Halt, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 467. PRICE FTVK CENTS. Y YiYT 1 mY lwmTninn tit liiTArvf vx n i wrn ivriTT7AT I h V A 1 1 Ik MNh IIM WIlKl II NAYS mil VI IK LIUT111U1I llllJjUl 111 11JKUU ULU 1TI 1 1 Vfll E1GN OF TERROR CAUSED BY PEACE OFFICERS WHO DRANK SEIZED UOUOR civor leus in rarmers faoer i About Plans for Utilization of the Prince Rupert Elevator lly OKI). MrlVOM, in Hie "L". F. A." In a rcrenl issue of "The U. F. A." jon saw u photograph were given nt iKirnciiiarj rcganiing uie eicvnior winrli lie Wheal Pool have leased nt Prince HiiPcrt. The writer lias Jii1 reliirneil from u visit lo this imrl ami I . ... 111... ...I . . . - I i;j v hiii v" "ixicMcu in KiiiinniK JUSl VVIiat sun Ol Hi CHIEF JUSTICE TO INVESTIGATE 'lie I'oul have takfii possession of. j i lire Hupert n exactly 111 I mili., by waler, norlli of Van-(Ottawa Cltlren Says Lomleux Will mi Hint iii uiiaine u in approximately two day hailing Continue Inquiry Into Cus- is u mi FREIGHT RATES EQUALIZATION to Demand. MAYOR ON OTHER SIDE Mi i 'v July; 20-.-Hy.fore the rionr lo the nnent Mian Vancou ver. The government in build- in? Uie rlfvalor.it Prince Hupert had Uiree Idea In mlixl. First, the fact that Oriental CONVENTIONS CINCINNATI IS DURING WEEK; STILL LEADING Both Conservatives and Liberals Are Holding Meetings to Nominate Delegates. Pictures of Missing Link Taken by Swiss Scientist on Island Woman with a tail is one of photographs said to have been secured in remote island of Philippines V1CTOHIA, July 20. Photographs of what the owner, J. Wetteiuuld, said lo be a Swiss scientist, staled were specimens of a tribe of aboul 200 "missing links," which he discovered on a icniote island of the Philippine group, were exhibited here when he arrived on the freighter Loch Tay from Chile, according io Henry King, a member of a customs brokerage firm. Weltcroold, according lo King, claimed he secured the pic-lure;, wilh greal difficulty afler remaining seven days among the hill tribe men. One of Ihe holographs is or a woman who apparently luid it tail-like con t ut nation of 'her spine. visiriNG hours on I pi FfTinN n 1XllLi ATF nifTi renin iDt? ccT'lJlilivllUll Dnl lLLonLT rtlU. OLl Sailors WMI Have Route March Through Streets on Thursday Captain Returns Mayor's Call SmtMBfcK 14 That j3 What Toronto Newspaper Says and Declares It to be. Authentic ANNOUNCEMENT TONIGHT TORONTO. July 20. The Mail and Km pue published the following this morning: "Voters of Canada go to the polle in the approaching elections Tuesday, September It. Official news of the selection of this date by Premier Meighen for the purpose of voting reached high Conservative circles here last evening and came with aulhoril) which left no possible room a lo accuracy of the report. The formal announcement of the late, it is understood, will b made by Premier Meighen when he addresses Ihe public tonight at Ottawa. LIQUOR RAID BY DRY SQUAD Plant of Vancouver Sakl and Brewig Co. Seized at Vancouver and one VANCOUVER, July 20. Seeking the jource of large quantities of liquor which is being sold illicitly it U alleged in the Oriental quarter Ihe tlry squad raided the Vancouver Sakl and Ilrewiiiig Company and seized a plant valued at 1)150,000 yester day. The police arrested one man in a well-equipped plant found with large quantities ot liquor ready for shipment. The liquor board officials have not decided what action will be taken. BOWSER NOT A CANDIDATE k-t. Refuses .Nomination, In Comox- Mincrnt ana win not nun In East Kootenay VICTORIA, July 20. Rumors that he would he a candidate In East Kootenay in the forthcoming election U emphatically denied by W. J. Howser who also announce that, he has refused . the nomination s for,, Co-tnox-Albernt.