PAGE 8IX Italian : Silk RATINE A lovely washing silk and cp Hon fabric f.or laJiea ir children's -dresses. Com"es in jiink,,. paddy, sand, mauve, etc. Thirtysix in-, clies wide. 60c . PEIl YAM) WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue , Phone 753 AUDITORIUM Dances EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING Hegiuniiifr ai y o'clock Floor hi llic Finest Shape ' MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA' Ladies 5c Gentlemen 50c The Hall is now equipped to lake care "of Dances, Concerts and Meetings of any kind. The building is 50x100 feet, maple floor, newly plaslered. Clear title to property. IT'S ion SALE Phone Black 449 L. J. MARREN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM Take Home a Box of Rochon's Chocolates or ALMOND CRISP $1.00 A POUND Hope pt Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Crockery Department Must ho isold out .reg-urdlnss or cost, on accouu of shortage or space, dere are a few or our bargains: Cups and Saucers, doz. $2.25 21 Piece Tea Bets. set $4.50 I terry Sets, per p . . $1,25 Tumblers, pur doz. . . $1,40 Teapot s, each . . 60c to $2 Salad Howls . . . 35c to GOo JunlituTi's ... 60c to $1.00 Come in and Inspect pur nlock. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 24 417-423 Cth Avenue East Dr. E. S. Tail DENTIST Helgereon Block, Prlnoe Rupert, B.C. Office HourB .0 to fl. X-Ray Servient Phone 686. Open Tuesday ahd Thursday Evenings Saturdays 0 lo 12 noon Day of Big Operation Instead of Small Is Now at Hand, Says FesldentEnglneer. FINE. TRANSPORTATION, SERVICE BEING GIVEN Muddy River Section Gives Promise of Containing Some Rich Ground. On (iold-pan Creek, the scene or the 11)23 stampede, there wre :iow only three hand operators. hut more gold will he taken out thijs year than there -was last, states (5. A. UlothicK resident mining engineer, who relumed to the city ay after spending a month in the Dease Lake region on his annual inspection trip. While he does not believe there is anything sensational in 4he way of mineral wealth in this parti cular region, Mr. Clothier states that experienced men will prob ably be able to make iguod wages The outfits' now there are doing well. irpeakinjr of Hie Dease Lake re gion as a whole, Mr. Clothier is of the opinion that it will gra lually come lo the front now lliat transportation will allow the operators to come in. The district looks as if it should turn out to be a hydraulicking country. The best ground having all been gone over by liand operators, the day of small o?ration is now over, but Ihere is a pood chance for big operation, ihere ln'iiig plenty of ground on thcoenches. .Within ilie last .three years! there have been several hydraul- icking and draig line scraper operations started in the district. Five companies are now operating on M Dames Creek ami all have a rood chance tor success, Mr. Clo thier slates. On Thibert Creek at Porter's Landing on the lower or far end of Dease Lake, two outfits are operating, and on Deirse Creek ai Laketon half way down Dease Lake, there Form No. 20. THE' BANKRUPTCY ACT. I THE tSTATE OF t-EriL HAIITIJY authorized ilirniir. NOTICE IS IIKHL1IY GIVEX that WJI Hartley .ir the Town i.r, in the Province r HrtlNIi Columbia, did. on the d of July. liS. make in authorized angfpumeiit or all his propertv Tor the tx-ti-ru of hit- creditor-., md that II. F. Maii.eod, official receiver, ha aprioloierf jiie to be ruModian iif tlie estate of lite aomr until ine creditor at their rirt nieelinr Mull elect a trulee to administer I tie estate i.t Ihe dcbt'ir. .NOTICE iS GIVES that th firt meelina of creditor in tt .lu.v.. entale will be held at the Court llni . t.lty ur I'rlnre ltujrl. rn.vlnT ft BrltUli Oulmidila, oil th lftth dav i.r July, I6. at I. so ii Cl(-k in the artrraixin. ki entitle you to v.iie thereat prooro' your rlalm muii he hidred with me be Mirr me uieetinir ii iwia. rroxlea U he tlefl at th nujHn ti he liKlred with rue tirlnr therein. n.ti rinitiMt TAkK MiTICE that it yoi' nave anr rlalm airalnt the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, pnmr of nrh rlalm mn le Med with me wlihm umiT uaye inim ine aale or thla noti" f;r fn.m aixl arter the eirilratlou or Hm-lime Hied hy auh-neetion S of crti,,n f. of tlie nam Art I shall dmtrlhule Ihe pro eeeda of the debtor'n entile, anion tin parliea entitled thereto havlnir regard onlv t0 i'iTJ?"" "r hlrl1 1 i ,,", notlee. 1 lth day or July. lr. ' . AI F.X. :ONNO. CUMrlan. LAND ACT. ,i,C.t"Jlr.L,n(l DUirlct. Land necordlm pllriil or mme Kupert and altualed on ?,ku.KArJ" Vm . ni"e "Ulhwet or mouth or Atlintn niver TAkE NOTICE that Francis Richard Ounlnp or Atlm. B.C.. occuriatlwi mill inanaaer, intend to apply ror permllmi o purchase the followlnr deKribert land: ..oioniincraa ai l poxt planted on the '' "'rc m iiku Arm about s mil,. ouinweH rrom the mouth of Allimn rr ihi ruiiiiina inenre u chilli weft; thence JO chain outh; thence lo chain ri; ana menre ?u chain north lo point oi rtiiiuiiencenient, contalitlDl- 40 r. uiurr or leu, FIUSC13 IIICHAHO DllM-Op. APP"r,nl Date. AM May ,0. im. SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load S6.50 Per half toad 3.50 Per sack .SO Burn Wood and Keep Cool I HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 680 Nlght'or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. GEORGE RORIE Chartered Accountant and Auditor lletji'lver, Liquidator, Trustee, &c. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West PMNCli IIUPKIIT Mrs. Experience "Wbtn I discovera) the wocviofil work done br Sunlight . Soap, mi the way it mjccdt fabcxa, 1 knew I wu done with experiment." Made by Lever Brothers Limited Toronto Sold Everywhere 5.77 are four or five njore operauons Good Transportation Mr, Clothier, who went as lar as McDames Creek, which is atKiut 100 miles past Porter'- about i.andinp down the Dease Hiver, was surprised at the ptreat im provement in transportation facilities during the nasi lhre yearns. Ihere, Js a rchjly splendid river boat service by the Harrington Transportation Co. from W'rangell to Tele?rapn Creek and from Telegraph Cree lo Dea.e Lake, a distance o 73 miles, Ihere is ;a wagon road Tilly miles of which is in good condition and quite fit for at! manner oi traffic including motor cars. Motor trucks nmv make the 773 miles trip from Telegraph Creek to Dease Lake 4 11 . n j. i TAkE MITII.K ih.i i u i,.,fr.... trict iikim", i-ariiaNieiii liuiiuilir. 1 ... i Victoria, B. c. within thirty day arler:,"l"", 1 rirt apraraiice or thl notice in a local lion iiewpMT. The dale of the rirat publlca-1 lion ofihii notice I July . ij. I l M. Itl'IFMFK, Applicant. WATER NOTICE DIrlon an U. TAkE NOTICE thai stanilard Mine Corporation whoae add rem i.att I'endrr St. Wet, Vancouver. It. c... will apilj- ror a ll'-etine lo take and ue I.uoo mim-r' In-iiw r day of water out or south Fork of Melinite tlreck, which now ealerly and drain into licaae niter, iiimm .mi lea north of Iieme Lake. iih- water win ue diverted rrom the Hr.-aiii at a polul alMiut three mile up the sou III Fork fpim it mouth and will he ued Tor ml nliitr puriie iix.ti the hydraulle riljrer ija.M of Uriuifii. 'p..b Thl iMitlce wu pouted on the ground "Olllial "ii uir ifiii iiai o June, lvvn, A copy or this holler, and an appliratliuj, piiriianl hereto and tu the "VValer Art. tUH." will be filed In- the office of llie Water necoriler al Telearapli i:reek. ' . objection to the application may be filed with the ald vvfttcr lleronler or wiih the comptroller of VValer Itlicht. Parliament liulldiiiira. Vlriorla, II. C. within thlrl.v day arier the firt apiiearailee ut thl uotii-e In a local hewxputier. The date of the flrt piihllratloli of till notice l Jul. IR. iviA. STAMj.Mll MIM.S COIll'OllATril.X, AoiiUraril a ii.. ,i . . I........ . ' . . - l'.T II. 4 . II III. I. I.T, LAND ACT. Nolle of latahtlon Uo Apply lo Purcha mmu. .ano. Al'p,,CttD, D.ud juu. t.tu, ma. THE DAILY NEW8 DEASE COUNTRY I . . 01 "0 q P 9 LOOKING GOOD! is Iflrstxperience? Hyf RS; Experience is a J Q t composite charadrer representing the mill' ions of thrifty housewives and careful laundresses who have made Sunlight the largest selling kunky soap in the world. 1 The popukrity of this great Iabour'saver and household economy is based on effi tiency and purity. Sunlight Soap The Largest Selling Laundnj Soap in the world Sunlight removes dirt from clothes quickly, thorough' ly, scientifically and above all safely. It is backed by a $5,000 Guarantee of Purity. It costs no more than ordinary soaps. Can the best be too good? down .lie 5 mile !-m;tu of Dea-t.ake aid then iswi the Dease Hivei past Mi-Iiirn-s to the eoiiliuenre with Hi' Liard Hiver. Tins is in addition to the Hud--on Hav boats and scows which a loo ply down I lie Deiae, Hiver. That I be disli n I is now sup-(died Willi a rapid transportation service is pi'tived by Ibu fast, that Mr. Clothier lumself niudo tlie trip from ioltl Pan Lo. Wfau-gell in -.'H hours when out. Uf course, it take lon-r lo go 'up when Ihe boa In are bucking the tikine Hiver instead of going witli II. Muddy River Country There are now a number of prospectors in (lie Muddy Illvt-eounlry, forty miles oast of Gold Pan, and there se-ins lo u nun 10 io is nours. rrom be a ood chance or some goo.1 Dease Lake landing, at the up-, filacer sround lieinir fminil nut per end of the lake. Harper Heed. Mr. Clolhier. The condition is running a small gas scow and formations are favorable WATER NOTICE land all thai is needed is thor-lough propi-rtins whirii Ihe d In to now getting. It is an add! I AUin. U. c will apply for n , i i meuce to Uke and ue To c. F. S. ami U' " J j .ri imu, J i at i' a. ii . .w . . . . r ii.;... JUIV i rft-V ulita-h' ri..u m m . Jiid dram into Atlm Uke. about ft utile; t00'1 lril" uortn or A tun. The floraire dim will be located at or DR. KING WANTED AS wll iriood about xvnu acre or land. In-duduif the lake. The water will he dl-verted rrom the !rniii at a oint iImiuI and below tlw protHm-d dam about b mile " ie ot tii or July Mm eral claim, and will be ued for power fur mluhiK pur)N,M- main Hie mine, described a Alllu mivi r-U'ad Mine and Hurruer wnm,i, ui Mineral uaini. Mr equijtpet. ELECTION CANDIDATE IN NORTH VANCOUVER VAXCorVKIl. July 20. -Strong tiJ miTdiJ o"jin;.WmS.tbe rr,"UKl l'"ure is being brought to bear A copy of tin notice and an application; Upon Dr. J. . Killjr to run ill V.UiV.,,uV,Vm...f,roXVeorf A,hei Vancouver Xoi tJ, in place of D. D. VValer ...... ..... Itemrder ..... ., at Atlln. ,,,. , Fujpriiiiii. 10 lonau iv ' wliii is ilefiiil ueilinit-ij I'lv out out. the applicallon may be riled with the 1d,. , . Tf- "r'rrtr' w-itti ihe comptroller' I ate Mrrnier minister is almost be "ffcied the nomiiia- LAWN BOWLING IS NOW PROCEEDING VANCOUVER TODAY VAXCOLVKIl. July ill. Playing in the spencer event today, the fust (Jay or Iho Drilish Columbia lawn bowling association tournament on Freid's j-Juk. Prince (ieorgu n-nchcil the jtViTij-rinals and- clfminale f.tnves'of llevelstolie attd H6gers or Vancouver. FRENCH FRANC GOES" LOWER THAN EVER Ii 1 liL I . .... week.. Ml' 1 franc rranc . j .Vitus, uiy su. --ine is. eonliiiuiiig otj its downward imiiiuii itn.i tif j .. fi ih(.i. .......i. , uiti. '.mi, iiiil-iiiuuii ii;ut;iia Iri I'rliirr ; Ittiliert land Iternrrt nor liisirtrt P,i ii, ... ina! ....i ... . u" 'OW ICVei OI lU.Jj of Prince II tl pert and llllate at IVrmum '''! orahiun inland, y. c. i lu the dollar and H0 lo Iho TAkK OTIf:F. that Fraud Mlllerd, of , I'rlnre lltipert, B, C. occupation cannery- I'OUIKI. man. inicnii f, umiy ror Mrmllnn to puriiiane Ihe follouinr dencrlbed land: Commencing: at pout planted at the N. VV cornet- of lot tr.Yt fliiu.,,i f'hnrL.ti. iNtaiidt liUlrlct, thence south yo chain! thence west n chain; ihence north to I tflirtt Water Mark; thence easterly alonr llllrh Water Mrk to point of rommence-;ment, and vonlainint o acre, more of , er. rnAKCis Mii.i.Enn. H. C. Mackay, district tng iter r ror the proviiiclaldeimrtmeiit oi public works, fftl by this mora-ing' train fo' and Intermediate points on nfriciai duties, lb- will be iiwuy about it MclVOR TELLS IN FARMERS PAPER ABOUT PLANS FOR UTILIZATION OF THE PRINCE RUPERT ELEVATOR (Continued from Page ino). shipping lm'ii on account of the fact that their boats will not be delayed whilst loading. Berth Three Ships The elevator has 12t bins of vjtnoiis sues. This will enable the superintendent to handle Hie hous'e to the lullesl capacity as it will ghe him ample storage .spare fur all grades. There is 1,010 feet or dock, nd on account of Iip fact' that the elcuitor has nineteen loading -spouls. this will enable us to berth three vessels of aeraige loading at one time if necessary. Hie people of Prince Itupert are very enthusiastic about the INml taking over their plant, and 'ire going to jiie us every sup port that they possibly can. The project has tremendous nussihili- 1'i's. WV have already arranged wilh tramp vessels to load i$rain at Prince lluperl al a very nom Dial frcigtit rate oxer and above that from Vancouver for f. K. and l.iiiopcim ports. It Is my be mf that Oriental lines will rea lily see Ihe advantage of the gain in lime of sailing, and that their nitrs will be less than (hat o Vancouu-r. 'The truckage from hilniotiton to Prinw lluperl is In very good oondilkin. wilh lbe ejccption of a hltle ballasting, and on account or the favorable grmle a ood many more oars can be hauled than on the C. N. It. line lo Van- nver under 4he same molixe power. Pioneering Movement The vWiole projert undoubtedly lias good po(btlitles. and it will be a rather iutertiiig develop-in.nt in the building up of our PihiI lo know ihat we are pioneer-uvg a new movement of grain ilironph a new port. President II. V. Wmtd will uive for Australia via Ihe Orient on the Canadian Pacific liner r;niprr-.s of AVIa, sailing Iront atwouer on July Si. Mr. Wood will be acominpanied Uirough the trient by Oeorge Mc Ivor, western sales manager of Hie Canadian Poot, wlio will as sil Mr. "od in a survey of market conditions in the Fur llast. In the past few years the Far Kulcrn market has grown to as- toniliin; proportions, with all indications pointing to a much greater increase in this trade for the fulure. It is confidently ci- pected Mils trip will bring very tangible results in augmented ales for the Pool. After spending about a month travelling through Japan and China, Mr. Wood will sail from Hong- Kong on August 7, on Ihe Lastem and Australian liner Tan-da, arriving in Sydney on September IP. Mr. W'ood is representing the Alberta Pool in Hie study ur the v heat Pool situation in Austra lia. The Manitoba Pool is sendiru Colin lltiruell and the Sakatclie-wan Pool is being represented by S. W. HoberUon. Aid. M. M. Stephens rottirncd lo the cily on the Cardeua this uflernoon from Alice Arm wherr he was on a brief business trip WATER NOTICE Dlttrtlon tnt U TIL' TII L- lh.i .......m.iii. i.omiMnv Limited, wiew addre I Oorr 4tliilf Wh.rf VlHMlllV.. tl . Hill ...1 fll. M lll'nm I,'. ,.L. ...H u"u.ll. jC. . ii r . wairi oui uf un nameq rireain .. ,nnr ,n,i,,-, 1H lliailia IIIIV IT! pmchi ,iaj. ..lagan iniet. bimiui iu rnain irniii ... r.. orie-r f.oi mil, y. -... un- wairr win lie iiiirrieu ir'Nll tie vtream al a m!nl about o phain from ., i -im.iii ami will lie Uu lor ltidiitrial and dofnetlf pnrHwe upon the i.imi ii--riiPi-u a. liioca rt. fil lull, vuceii Lharlotic luntrirl. 1 .u notice w a tiled .ii ihi- around on the l lib ili of July. n ,,.'.i i,i ima iioiii-r aim an apim railou por.iianl thereto and lo the "Water AcC will be Hied III Ihe orine or the VValer Iteconler at Prince Unpen, II. :. "ililwllnii- to un- appllratioit may lie. filed wlill llie ald Water Iteconler or with iinii'iiKiiri ,,i niirr iiiania, I'ariia inetit HiiIIiIiii. Vlriorla, II. :.. within iinriv naya alter ine rtrf apiH-aranre or tin nolipe In a liH-al newiaer. Tim dle of llie flrt imtilicaiiitii .ir no. ....o.. i- luly tw, ivt. 4 SOMFIIVIU.F. CAXM.IIV CO.MPA.VY, LTH Appllcani. H F. Ii. M ATllllt. Areut. WATER NOTICE Dlotrdon and U TAkF. MiTKK that' Sitmervllle i:aiiuery ,,,niiaii.i i.iiniii'o, wnoee amire I ftore Ateniie Wharf, Vancouver, It, i ... wIM ap Ply ror a licin-e In take and line 4 l Ion per minute of water out of uii-iiauieil Mreim, which rlow norlhetit inl drain-Into lerau-on Hav. Mae Inlet, abotil 4 chain H nf XV. miner Lot 1B7I Vueeti fMiarlotle ltnd lillii(. llw waler will be (liveried from the etream-it'a point chain lu a aoitilt wealeily dlrMclloti trom N. VV. corner of Uii U7I, y, t, nit lid wlltayj -ueiL for ndiliial and Horn. enlic piinoe ntn the htnd deaiilts-d a II oik A. I.nt 111 I. yiieeo Chailutle irl Thl notice ui. ponied oh ihe around on the Mill day of July, a copy or thl imllie and an application puruanl thereto ami to the "VValer Ar" win ,c filed In llie off lee ur the Water llecunh-r al frince lttiiei-(, II. ,C. Ohjerlloti to Ihe implication may . niil wlih ihe id VValer lleronler or with the Comptroller of VValer MUM., Parliament iuildin V li lorl. II. C. within thirty day. arier ihe flril apiMHrauce of thin nolne in a 'mI newpHr. The dale of the fir.t puhlict-tloii of thl notice l Julv il, v(t SU.MUtv'll.l.l! vAX.Nt.nY COMPANY, I TO lM-ilAlilurfc Tuesday. July 20. I9j Watch Special HAMILTON, WALTHAM. ELQIN and HIGH GRADE 8WI8S nt "pe- iidly reduced i, ,, , . , . "' v'Ck. We -ell null,,, , nliooliitcly gimrauleeil move iiMMits. Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue The Diamond Houio of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIQHT ONLY at 7 and 0 HOOT GIBSON In 'The Calgary Stampede" The greatest WeMrrn -how on Ihe sereen. Iiiju i cowboys, Human r es ami brum Im blisters. tr i and Inek ropoo. ernsliing wagons aod luamuig Inn -. - i rovv. wiltl steers, wild ruling by the wurltl' wild. -' , : Westers. Hoyal tmndimi Mounted Police and II....: . njwiiorliilfr drama enarlctl amid Ihe aelnal seue- .. . (ilgary .Stampede of llir.. A !ttopl.iv literally gh , ; wilh action wlinh evrrnie shunld make u Kiuit t . ... Slrong UmsL Hoot Olbon, Virginia Brown Falre, Clark ComHock, Charles Sellon, Phllo McCullough, Ena Gregory and others. Comedyj "A HAUNTED HEIRESS" INTERNATIONAL NEWS 35C and 10c DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian pish & Cold Storage Co., W Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian National Railways . Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pslttrn makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINO. Our plant Is equipped lo handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and SSP Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL Phone 34 J. ZARELLI, l$TOprl6torv , , Bitntiion'H Hleel lleds, Springs, and Oslermoor Mai tresses in every room. &2 lloorns, lint and Cold Water, Uallis and tiliovver Hle.mii Healed, Kleclric LighL Corner of Third Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.