n You Tell a ood Diamond Wr would' rather sell a diamond ring n it person who i now' diamonds. We tlion navo little' trouble in show- n Mia our diamonds are (. tii' iinct iiinlily. . -nave u special diamond tfjaKcinent ring fv (I0 It ifti we think i extra rood ui Perfect, flaw1 one, set n fancy white ,,..1,1 selling anil slono of ji k large sUe for the ' money ) a pleasure to liov it. .z .ve.- JOHflgULGER!!' aSaTME STOHE WITH THE CLOCN BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, lies neen ancn over n-om ueorge Kerr Ly J. Preece late w h Scaly and Doodson r l ml. i a - a a i w i a arnvina Twice weestr irom the Bulkley Valley Phone 178 r. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST TUGBOATS Day Phonei 423, 539, Green 238, Black 735. Night Phone 687,. 539, Qreen 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. QEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Wo apeclslly recommenil our Table Cream at 15o for Half Pint. Quality and Service Special Ice Delivery Servlco Valentin Dairy Phone 667 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone M. (Uriaaje, Warebouslm, and DIstrlbutlnK, Team or Motor Service. loaU 8and and Gravel We Ipeotallte In Plant) and Pumlture Bvlng. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Kxqulslte Stock of Fut Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR 'Co. Next O.W.V.A. Third Ave. HTV MAMATCD FOR VICTORIA Bylaw Prepared to Set Before Ratepayers of the City at An Early Date. DUTIES SET FORTH VICTOIUA, July 20. Tiki power ami duties of a cn.y manager for the c-Uy of Victoria arc defined in n hy-law whieti a special roiiiiniltee of the city fotineil ha prepared anil will Iiretnf In the council at is fortnightly session on. Monday veiling net. The clly council haft power hy hy-law passed hy an affirmative vole of Ihrcc-rotfrth of all i! , members anil subject to the restriction contained in Section 0 of the. Municipal Manager Act, to ijoi.alc to such an official, to he known a "City Manager," a the council may appoint, any of the powers given to the. clt ouneil hy -any statute. Tht hy-law:. hy an affirum live vole of a majority of alt i tie members of the city council. may l.ri AUhnuiliMl nl any lime for the nent of the ejectors, anil if approved hy Hip majority of die elector who vole on Ihr iUflion, shall he passed anil diall mine into effect.- A feature of the draft hy-law tor progenia! Ion to the city .ouncii i the delegation lo the ily manager of the power of appointing official, employees ami a!itant in the, eivta of. rii-e. of defining the Julie of i.i-h official anl employee .mil their term of employment CANCELLATION OF RIltRVt MiTKT. 14 lllritHV OIVKN Hut lb re-, riiwinir oer uI 101, t.alar Ul IrirL u raurllnl. I tkvvr rlalai. iH-pmr Mim.ier of Land.. Land fiepartoMOt. Virions, II. t, Mm imr.lm. LAND ACT. U'tur Land tMMriri. Land neenMin. liinrwi of friar liupert, uj miiui cut mull llir .U.H1I i nnwa MMitnartt ul aiiiii iimninr TAaE XITICf that Edl Jole. rin-n "f AUin. la the I'rmrtnre of Hrtlllh Crtum l.u. nrrupatii tratmr UMirut liuarh lbr r.t4i.,ior arvrtVHl Until - 'KiunrtKUif l (! pltnlMl II Ihr V.ulhrct ...ifM-r ut Olirlrr Btv. In Allin !-. Illlllod N.t; Ittrnrr rolklWIUI ih- .luri- Hrw l f -tuin. llmKe 'uin in nin, Ihrnr rot t rtialnt: Ibrnr iwirih to fbia. la point bf inn rnnihT . .. .... vppltant MINERAL ACT. CCRTiriCATC OF IMPROVEMENT! B It'll Ctnlth Mlnrnl tttlm. Wlutf In lb Ainn Minint intinim ef cutr (rlrl. Wlw-rv Im-iisI: on Crttrr Ctttk t Irlhiiun nf Fourth ut luir r.rrrk I idjmuuit tl 0rrr urn Mlnrnl UtHu ; .ii ii .iiiiriy tmt. TAkK mitki: lh4l I, I'rtrr f!brlo. ; rrr Miurt i rrurini ,o, tviiu. in i iniil. ii trm itus diki Iwrof i inut In tiw Nininr Hrrurdr for riniirt- of linprorruirnu. fur th Mir ,.m ..r niiuimiif i:nio ilrint of the Ami runner Ui notlre thtt iction, nmtrr er.-ln.n 37. niul be ctrfitmrnrrd i blor Hi imu of MKt Cerllfictle i4 l luiliruvrniebl. I iulnt IbU Ut Uj of June. All. It. II. McM. It.. MC.N, LAND ACT LArlO ACT. IHASF.M Arf-nt MINERAL ACT. I CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT! I Bit 4'.nrn .No t VMierd lim, Mu I He in th Atlln Vlnllll IHrKlon of C.t nr In. 11 ul. Where hiritril: On Vol '.n!r i rtfk iVnlran Creeki, t.ljolninf tnd (outliweoi c.t nil (Jnjwi 710. 1 t.i . n.n.u.i. Minr-ril I laim (Lot 1171)). i TAkF. ,MTIC.E lht I. Kllen Volkiy, '. Free .Miner' ortinrtle So. 707JJ, Intend, nitty dv from h date hereof, in annlr In tlw Mlnina llernriler for reriirinte nt Iniiirnfenient. for til Mir r-,M of ntiulninx a i:rou Oram of the Imv elalru. And furlher take noilre that anion, under aerllon 17. mul le rimMiienreil lierore the laaue of aurh Certlflrate of hatVil Ihl tat day of June, II. MeN. MINERAL ACT. ad. let e. niAi.ii. A rent. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT! 1 tii- i-nvnn Mlnml Claim. llule FUASKIL. In k- tuin iininr lnvuion nf Cavilar tila trlrt. Where loraleil: .Near Craler Creek and adJolninir ami nnrtheaM nf the nm anvnn Kleiriin .Mineral Claim (Lot "taI'R NOTICE that I, John Molloy nu imr' lrlirirllfl No. 7071. I" I mmi. aiily dava fnini the dale hereof, m .rml in the Mlnlnr Ktenrder for ) r..V,V.i- nr iiiinrfii-r.miiiia. for the tiur niMi or obuinmt a crown Oram of the i.av rlmni. -. r.,rih.v iiVe nnllre that action ...i-. ..riu.n 17. must be ronuiianred befiire thrv ! of urh Certltlcate of linproyementa. i haled ihla III day of June, All. If. Aaenl. Nolle of Inlantlon to Applnto Laaaa Land in rrmro nuieri unu ""." . irin .r nnre 4: r.oal Land Pl.ttrkl, and innate on I'lxin Island. TAkr. llllr. 11111 . r inline, runiisa. AlberM, orrupatlon Mtnl'ier, m tend in nrlv fur a lpe of Hie fnllowln de.rrllied land: - CnnimenruiF ai n i"i imhihi-h , u. Nnrth VVet end nr l'aae laland, near ...., Tri.nmi.iinn sta. 1 114: tnenre ruiiml the llaml at Malt water inarX and rontalnlnt tooo arrea. tnnre ' JeM. jor.i'O muii.n.'i rnw.i-7; tune tllh. HH. Appllrant Notlc et Intaetlon to Apply taaaa Land In 1'rlnre Hupert Land Iteennlln ins Irlct ef Cimhi Hanre I, nd aliufle os Smith Itarhael llanil. . .. TAKE NOTICK that Jred Swanvin, of rrlnre nupert. nrciirin """r.r' tend to anply foe a Ira'e of the follow. Inn n.ftvltlAfl l.n1..M r.mnufl.iiit a, HAtt nlanted at the north end of Smith lUrhael Ulantli Ihenrt around the laland al man it-r ini and contamm, a J" Applicant Dated April 17, Kit. And Happy PBJZdji "awl TOO bar N(j f-l BJ pt (lit. Katui'a hil F9 Kimcdy frA Tabids) Sa. UiatiTt, ! iB'' tae kui and talwrta Conatlpation, Bilionaoeaa, Sick IloAcUckea. rwln thai rilnt aiui good ImL Be U d -il.inl. Chips off ihe Old Block M JUNIORS UHUrfl! Tb aam W to ooe-thiri doaea, eaa4r-oatd. Forcblllranaod dalla. am MU By Your Oruxtlat tm ami power lo nipcw or dismi.-- my official. Hiiploype or a- Feature of By-Law The chief fealtm-n of the by law ari an follow: t. Suhjiut to the limitation herein contained, flic dutie and power of the said official to be known, when apointed, as the "(Uly Manager," Miall he a fol lows: (a) The City Manager shall h the chief executive officer of. the corporation, and subject to the cuntrnl of, and responsibility to, the Mayor and Municipal Council, shall supervise and direct all its affairs, services and works, except the police do-parlnii'Ul and public lilirary. ibi Heads of departments sbalf repitrt to and consult with the Oily Manager regarding Ut-work of I neii- refpective. de partments. , (d, t'he City Manager shalt, o soon as he is appointed, pro ceed to make up or cause to be made a lisl or inventory of a'i tlie assets of the corporation and -so soon as ihc same shah tie rotnpleicil rejort the sani.-to tbe city rouncil. (e) The City Manager shall use his bl endeavors to deviss means wlierehy the public utilities of the city can tie more efficiently and economically managed, and make recommen make an annual survey of hll'l departments over which he has control, and lo the City Council any improvements m-economics which may seem to bini advisable. (K The City Manager shall report al le.il annually lo Ihe Mayor and Oily Council upon the work and efficiency of every employee of the cnroralioti. Further Duties of Manager S. For srealer certainty, but not so as to restrict the gen- eralily of the foreffoinc section of this by-law, Ihe City Man ager shall (a) Have cognizance of all correspondence and communica lions lo the Corporation, and see that I hey arc promptly dealt with by the proper official. hi In cn-opcrallon anil con sultation with heads of depart inenls prepare for the frrsi meeting of Ihe whole councit in each month a report of work ilone' during lite preccdinic month, with suggestions and re commendations for proposed work for Ihe ensuing month. c, In nonjuiuvlion with heads of department prepare all yearly estimates and report Uamo lo the Municipal Council Ul" Carefully study clly incltntiiut loan hy-laws, and see that their provisions are complied with. (lm l'.xamino all complaints and claims which may be mad against the Corporation and re port upon them lo the Munici pal Council. (f) Sludy the various needs tmd inlecests of the Corporation with a view to suggesting such action as will tend lo promolo Ihe .greater economy and effU clcitcy of the service anil the well.rbeing of the city and cill zens. &g' Attend all meetings ot the? 'Mlullciiwl Council, and nl! romnritlce. whert required, wilb Qomforir and v, Economy S DOMIKWM COSMT C0l 9W thornl, W M till ! thi dations to the Municipal Coup- vote cil. 3 (f) The City Manager shall MEN'S WQRK SHIRTS ale pric? $1.25 Steve King Third Avenue Children's Wool Pullover,. Sweaters, tale price $1.45 The Great Overstocked Sale continues all this week, Positively no reserve. Complete stock involved. All regular Prices Down! Down! Down! STRAW HAT8 . SUMMER UNDERWEAR 200 MEN'S CAPS This season s slvles. All sizes. Union Suits tjie mi-button make. All sizes and colors. Sale Price $1.50 All sizes. Sale Price $1.95 Sale Price $1.25 . ' WORK GLOVES '. MEN'S COMBINATIONS Superior quality, all szes. Extra: . f LU WOOL OX Sale Price $1.05 Heather mixture, all sizes. ...,, sironff s,rung- v Sale Price 45c ,MEN'S SOX 8ale Price $1.95 8ale Price, 3 Pairs for $1.00 DRESS SHIRTS . BOYS' PANTS t Arrow and Kor!iyihe makes. All MEN'S PYJAMAS Irish jean untearalile, all the sizes. sizes. All sizes. $2,115 Men's Nightshirts. 8ale Price $1.50 8ale Price. $1.95 Sale Price $1.95 j If it is here, it is now on ' v at the slashed price SEE WINDOWS right, with 'up consent chair. io sprak but not thereat. TIia Vltln i.'IDnt ily Manager, when appointeu, the power of appointing the officials or the city, or nny of them, and of appointing the .... mi. I nulclanti in IticiliroT I 1 1 1 1 ' I ' ' II-" HUM . '' I"!..'" I - civic offices, or any. of them, to define the dulies of such offi cials, employees or assistants. and their lerms of employment. with power to suspend or dii- hiiss any offinal, employee or assistant, and to., reduce th.' number of officials employees or assistanls.and toTVombine two or more offices, oc, to. dispense w'lh any official or officials. I. The City Manager shall slsu discharge such olhcr du ties a may rom lime lo. time lie imposed Upon hint by by-law in? resouuion 01 in jiunicipm Council. TMANfJHE'MOON Welcome pood ship Curlew. May you never grow rusty an J .r".t U.. your engines never suck use mine does. v . Welcome lo the boys in blue, Kitiesl lot 1 ever knew; Kinest ship In all creation, finest men of finest nation. Welcome to this newest port Hope you-have here lots of sport. If a person calls a girl a chicken he can hardly be accused of usinu fowl language. bet It's easy enough to le boss in your own home when the family is away, says .lake. And. auppose .lake knows. Now that Ihe Curlew is ir. ior what about giving politics lalf a day's rest. Hequiescat n pare I The Prince of Wales it Is re ported has commenced to chew num and when he Is tired of chewing be puts it on his saddle. Those who are fat should remember lhal Ihe lower of Pisa lid not take any quark medicines o make it lean. An eigg vendor s,lated tlie other day that his cgigs' were so' fresh STEVE KING Third Avenue MMa . ef 'lie hen did ti i hem yet. not realize he had Council The prettiest thinp in hats t hereby delegates to the said, a pretty woman s face. Hy Hit; by, eggs are not the only things fresh in Prince Rupert. What about some of the What's the good oj paying up the instalments. 1 shall need another car before this' on& J paid for. A modern girl needs a compact bnl she does not use smelling sails, thank heaven. 'Hie women run almost everything these days hut they are no! keen on the lawn. mower. The officers of H..M. Curlew are mostly officers and it is said t her acl like bachelors. Ladies fair of Huperl town Seeking husbands of renawn. Turn your eyes fair ones today To the cruiser 'cross the bay. There are bachelors galore, . Unmarried officers a score, Looking far and wide for wive 'lo make Ihem happy all the'l lives. itut beware, young ladies fair. Those Urilishers so debonnair Have a way of saying good-bye Leaving sweelliearts high and Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert July 20, 1918 The ' Canadian Conservation Commission is talking of pulling tin Prince Rupert dry dock to use in making war niunilions. number of lange contracts willl shortly be given. (V . Carpenter of Fernle has been appointed to. the Jlgi School leaching staff and the board has accepted the application of n. H. Shockley for the position of manual training in struclor.. Miss J. Kason and Miss ti. Madollald have been appointed to the public school staff. lr. Hoche, minister of the in terior, nnd Dr. Alfred Thompson, M.P. for Yukon, will )e in Ihe city tomorrow qii their way to Dawson. sale " c SEE WINDOWS PREVENT FOREST FIRES i,i'i;'if.;. YOU CAN HELP B.C. FOREST SERVICE Thompson Hardware Co;, Ltd. OVEN THERMOMETERS . v ... . a ;.v . . . , f ... $2.75 ALARM CLOCKS, from $3.00 to $4.75 POCKET BEN WATCHES $2.00 SCISSORS, In assorted sizes ...,......-. 35c to $1.75 Phone 101 2 3rd Ave. jj -A s . : 1 -' ' - ; ; . I WICHMANN OIL ENGINES Wi suppii WICHMANN In Sltaa front 1 U 20 M.P. T Maura aarnt dalltarf ordar youe WICHMANN now. ' pUlrtMiiora for U. C. ENGINEERING CORPORATION LTD. Marine Pepartinent; WH. 0. lELLO'St.V. . a VANCOUVW, JUNVILLt ISLANO