ENSURE DELIGHT TRAVEL CUN'ARD & ft mt 5 DAILY EDITION "Service? Every man seemed to take a personal interest in" our comfort Pood? Exceptionally good." Week? saitin for Plymouth. Cher-bkir&. London., J?c&ular sailini of Liverpool Cab!n Class. $145 and up. Jvk-new Canard ships. rd ANCHOR-DONALDSON LINE toClasgoa) TU ROBERT KEFOKD CO, Ltd. TORONTO (. Etgim 3171) wry STEAMSHIP AGENT The Cunard Steamship Co. Limited, 6t2' Hastings St, W.f Vancouver, or any STEAMSHIP AQENT. The Daily News PKLNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published', Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PUI.LEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or earner, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year , , Sd.Oil To all other countries, in advance, per year S7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - m villi All advertising should be in The laily News Office uetortr . on day preceding publication. All advertising, received subject to approvaU ember of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Sal unlay, Ausr. U, 1926. Boost' your town' and the town will boost you. Knock your town and you'll get the knocks back. Welcome to Premier Meighen. The Daily News, extends greetings lo Premier Arthur Meighen and Ijopes he will have a very enjoyable time in Prince Rupert. If, by any error of judgment on the part of Ihe electorate, he should happen to secure, a majority of supporters in the House of Commons, it will be a good thing for him to have been here and seen what a fine lille town we have made here wilh the aid of the Liberal (iovernmeiiL Possibly he too may be able to help us. If, as seems probable, Mr. Meighen is again .in opposition iw the next Parliament, he will know something about the plartr wji'ictfvni be gorging alieadandrofJtHicirhe'.willrghd ot hear from lime to "time. , Again We Urge All to Hear Premier. We have before mentioned this, but we do it again. We urge all voter in Jhe city lo go to Ihe meetings tonight and hear Mr. Meighen speak. He has the abiHty to make himself understood' and sometimes 1ms says something worth while. At any rate, everyone will want to see and hear Ihe Premier. Ask Him to Reprove ' Drayton and Patenaude. 4 ' While Mr. Meighen is here it might be well to ask him tu reprove two of his lieutenants. Sir-Henry Drayton and Hon. K. L. Paleiinude. for their hostility to the west and particularly to the port of Prince RiiperL Tell him if he wishes to elect a candidate here he should muzzle those men, for Prince Rupert people cannot le expected lo support men who say nastv things about them. t Mr. Meighen might also tie a siring on the man Bury, the Couservat -f . . . - -.awiai.va.a, "IIU uvv jut v.i t(iu 11 a 1 1 j tiling is done for the west it should be at Vnnrouver and not here. We do not like those things. We do not like Sir Henry DraytonV-views- or those of Patenaude- In view or the attitude taken bv some Of the Cnnspn.-nt.ivA lontoi- in tl,. II....... ..... do not honestly M-e how Mr. Meighen has the face to come ucre mm asji mr our support. We aje jmt asking Mr. Meighen to explain about these men: lti rnn'f Tfio r.nnl I ;.. .11 . - iwnm i-- in ,111111111 11 uiiu.iu inner oiiniui pfiblicotions.' All we hope is that these nnnoyinghihg! will not nuLiA lliu 1 f 11.. : t n . . 1 , 1 . . ... .:.",."' " me i-rcuiicr i?ss picusaui, uui mai lie will go aw-nv feeling thai he has been, well treated here, even If he tffl II If Itf k.O)li r.. I ..,-.1 . II... Il.r .. t"l . . UMiivk mi ijic .iuirs ui iiit j-rince-unpen people aim those of4the Skeena riding generaljy .for; his, candle, G. Brady. Pity, to Drdjp Matrlculatidn Class. It seems a pity that the senior, matriculation class has tu be dropped here. Without pupils, of course, it could not go on, but it seems odd that none of .the young people who pass their university matriculation here should wish to continue their studies here for another year before leaving borne. Possibly next year Ihe condition will have changed. There may be more pupils and the school board may see its way clear to reopen the class. All the meat of the wheat SHREDDED WHEAT TWSCUIT is Shredded Wheat in irtttolbiro withbutten cheese of marmalades NEW SETTLERS AND TOURISTS Steamships Bring 2,100 to Canada From Europe Tms weax-svnu. MOXTMKAL, A.wr. It. New settlers and rrlurninsr tonrUts lul the number 'r twenty-one ltuii drsl will arrive at Ouebec Halifax over the week-end, ac- riirJInr In nilviee received bv the , ,.-. r. , . , , Canadian iXaiionul, Railways, and sjiecial trains from', these ports lo i Montreal and Wtnriliws will oar- 1 II. . . . .. !.... .1.. I niinr iiitP!"riiKt?r9 w wn-u m- 1 1 nation. The Lelitia of the Anchor lon-l aldson Line ..is due. to arrive in? QuebW eittier loulphi or Sunday! morning with 730 passewrer. The majority of these are new seNlers, including a Canadian National Hailways immigration parly. These are destined for west ern Canadian points and the farm- in? areas of Ontario. The Gun- anler Aittnriia has 350 tuurisls. and is due In Quebec Sunday. Four boats are due at Halifax over the week-end. nie line Har liner lialtic with 131 pa- nentrers and t lie Oscar II of the Scandinavian America Line will reach the Atlantic port 011 Sunday. 'PI" locWholm of -the Swedih American Line arrives on Monday with 170 pan:;er. while the French Line Laiiounlonnais dork at Halifax on Tuesday with ito pasengers. The majority of hese are settlers from European countries and are destined for western Canada. TWO BOATS TAKEN INTO DRY DOCK AND REPAIRS TO BE MADE t TIm American schooner Kureka, which was badly damaged by fire yesterday morning, was taken up n the pontoons at the dry dock yesterday fur repairs.- The in terior of the vessel was badly scorched. The Japanese seine boat Schu-shona III, which was salvaged by Hie Prince llUf.ert lloatiiou-e sal-ta?e corps when she ran aground on -tlie? Hammer Hocks last Tues day, was taken up on the pontoons at Hie dry dock yesterday. The hull has heen badly damaged and considerable work will he executed on her. THE MAN IN THE MOON John Iore',s latest: Have you heard the story of the sailor' . bed? Well, it s the bunk. What with fires and shipwreck the town is sure wakiuy Up these days. The king dislikes sleeveless dresses and lonp skirts so it's it cinch there'll be no flappers presented at court this fall. In St. Louis recently the wcl candidates got majorities over the drys. Hut still one must ad mire .Hie nerve of the latter. , The lalest In "sport Is huhtlhz elephants with airplanes. Who evT llimwlit' we'd HvV to . see elephahlit .iry. v : ' vow that the wumen hav5 been barred from the beer nar lors in Vancouver they will have more tunc to spend in barber tillOpS. There is no lack of conversa Hon on the si reel corners Ihesd days with th political flirtation to discuss. Of course you know thai an Indian wears feathers in his head lo keep bis wigwam (wiff warm). In the lood old days oni heard the latest on the hn. Nill, boxing, and horseraclna events; now one pets the Iatel on the latest aflprnoun lea rvenl llur knonkcrtrejKls, wrintJiVi humlay pants. L.neese may b. ensy (r the newly-married meal goiter, but 11. s uarneii hunt on the hu. Jtand's digestion. Rome married men often wish I heir wives had Minnined ol maids. Henry Kord has now pone In. lo the flivver airplane business V-,-, ' "" M ' irorqay, Amu.,- , VutfV DAILY NCVVd - i, ;,, nuOPFATF.ST J. X X J1L J' 1 ML J1L J' r-i t Jj - . a ni TTnT- ii Si - m K I I I H Four Vital Engine Improvements To prcduce the gilcnt power-flow in the 1927McLaughlin-Buick, McLaughlinBuick engineers have nade four furdamntal im-provements in the structure cf the famous McLaughlin-Duirk Valve-in-I Ucd engine, including a Counter-Poised Crankshaft nd a Torsion Balancert Ughu weight pistons; and then a Completely Cushioned En gine insulated and isolated by-rubber mountings, fore and afi, from all metallic contact with the rhauis. If you hear something rattling' Mrs. overhead at night don't geL axain. dlanncd until It hits you. ; A pfsi.lmlst ij a man tvould vole f'.nnnpvil!vn Teni Years Ago in Prince Rupert August 14, 1916. Herb. Voting, formerly in U19 provincial service here, but more lately a resident of Allln. is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Munrn, v.ho have been visiting Mr. and Wood An Engine Vibrationless Beyond Belief The McLaughlin Motor Car Comruny, Limited, today presents the 1927 McLaughlin -Uuik, uith an engine tibrationless beyond belief. This achievement, we earnestly brlicve, will rank as one of the most important in all motor car history. Our engineer, working, In conjunction with the engineering nan's of Grnrral Motors Research Laboratories and General Motor Proving; Ground have divorced the annoyance of ubration to a point never before atuV.ed. They have given McLaughlin Ruick motor car a new luxury of quiet nei at ev ery speed, ezrrptional antong all car, do matter what their price. Aaodier revoluuoiurr improvraient in ih 192kLtUKSn-Buick Is Um varuuswlMmd crantraw. CruiLcaM muuturc, th vviuu foe ml mpn t&riracy, u now drsvn oui of th citnicfr Mon it Km an oppoctumtr to do harm. The cranacaM is deanrj ami Lrpt free rJ lucioa by the McLaufhCo-liuick Vacuum Vrtuilalor, a nw 1vm, operated by Of air flow) poaiti and rrruin in aitinn, and without a sinfle mating part. Tit oil In ihe eranlcaM of tba 1927 McLaughlin. Jiuicb need be ciunoi only aur times a yearl Mt LaughS DwKk prrfonnanre id now nude more certain, mure pleaMot and more acon- Munro, have - W t I.., ,11, r. r 11.. t 1 n- 1 . w- uamiir, vi lie .ailU IIC Kor a hot lime try toasting cpniry 'iffn-e, has returned i sausage in front of a bonfirfe. jjbe my umimiianied by ivn Jbridr. He is being eougt 'ululated i Thei-e are llii rfnv. whan liiftfiv Inn manv (i-ietiilo -.. .... r - -- . - ( , , - . r.rl lia. IF.- AaX,. WATER NOTICf H. Ditarsioit an us i.-i.t. im n r. iimi .-ocnrrniie i:innr Amipany IJiiiitrd, ttv Oflrrn. i i,(,t n,t.r4 1 "rnur. nnur, an'irr, 11. .. p WIlOTntr Mr a llrrn.a t I,k. ,Hy1 .... . .1 and!""' tr"r n,,,'"Xr ''" "tt if un naniAl tirui, wihiii i Mi-tis iiiirilieri) aim ar4IH t juii tillo inau-Mi leroiMiii !, Psv, waun Mrl inW Inlrl, ibotii itx-ui i i lrhin rhjinn el el of of S. s. W. W. ciirner ciirner Ija .ia 1111. IS7I., then, grumble ahotiT bad -times. 1 . 2. L . ''i'' " '- ' I'Jni-iU ' hirl.Kle lltHl Olnlrirt Tho tr .Aiiuiiier pessirniS! IS a man!111 "eeu inun iimi trin at a P-ms uiin in amilB elrl nlwi null. i.tl.t. rtlreriioii wnii pulls ilnwri the tdlnds anMnww rortn-r nr i.m U7i. 0. :. tni. i neii irrunnues aiioul il 'lark. s,a..JL Him Will 1M UtCII Iiir IfMliiatlrtal am Ibj.. ELI.U V 1 IaI (111 HtiMn -ft... I. .. ..... iota nntlr wss pirl on ihe rr-.uoil on fl.l I ilk A -.1 Int. a. r 7 Ijlilt nollre and tn application pur-uani irTu.rl mint In ah 't(.-.,.. liiei1 In ttia uttlft or Urn Waiar Raoni-r ,-rilH-r I1UT, l. I , 'i4-Kn () ( tM vsillratlun inar tie fllad with lb id 1trr ll!irrtr ot Ulh Uia iMupir,ir V Water inahl. l-arlinu.nt ii...7...L. fif lorla, B. C. wllhlti Hurl day allrr ilia nr, i'n-ra,,, r mil ihiiiit m a local KI.l r. Hi dale of (lie flr publlea-111 or III v not Ira la July fit, tf soMKtivii.n: rVMrnr COMI'AJiy. .TI b r. r. HTiiniVl "SI; LAND ACT. r.,r.,!!l,r.,-?nlil M!r,rt- I and nrrofdint M in l a- abriut IS nillrs southwett of Allln Tonitr. tilk mitii ih.i r.i. 1 .., r. of Athn. In the rmrinrr nf Rriii.h finhim.' ma, ivi uixihui iija-ratina toiirtat launch Intend 10 srply for prrmUtlnn to tir' rha ihe riIlowlnr;sWrn,d lands-- romnienrlne at, t, Ml planird ati Ihe joultaeajt ,rnirif ,CUfr liar. In Atlln l.ake , altuatwl ialMirr( ibme fijlowinj ,h.K,h2ir l.'n ':Mill llw otilh 10 rhln: thanre ri o rhalnv Ihrnre' north fl rluini. t ni.. "2i roininenrMnrnt, Fnwn jules EOorrtT. PPiirant. naid m. a. iois. LAND. ACT. Natlca af tntantlon U Aaplr ta taaaa Lana . T"1; nul nl nirnin ',, tries of Cnaai it an re t, snd sltusla ou " South ItarhaM lland. -TAKE NOTICE that Alfrnd sanon. of Prlnre nuimrt, nrriipailun Mariner, in. trndii lo apply for a Irata of lha follow. Inr rtawrllwd lands: Comnirnrlnr at a pol ptantrd at tha north rnd of South narh.M ,i,nd th,nr, around tha liland al tilth watrr mirk snd ronialnmr 10 ewi, mora or Imb Al.rTtKD SWAMSON,' Dated April 17, nit. p,',,"0, canadianT xanT Never In all the twenty-two years ot Mclaughlin-Uuick success has there beta oflWetl suh convincing proof of en. cinctring and manufacturing leadrrthia NIcLaughlin-Huklw offer you todsy t brilliant example of ,the Quality McLati-lilin Uuick rrafttmanvhip-Confidmti that, acqiuintancr with its performance and value .ill fix in mind the ruuvtction that, monev can k.. nuiuiug line Certain tlut you will discover, in iKis grrat nrv car, further evidence of th deep meaning in the longstanding pledge. "When Better AutnnwbiUt are built, McLaughUn'DuuJi Will BuiW Them," Other Vital Improvements miral by trrmntadc control !a the crcaVr Water cirruiutice) is pmt J reu. Iwae held in tlx eeguw, until Urn rrvM oprrauait tetaperstur is rtatW. Crg noise is ttmoved by McLa - ..iao.-, new ciunl toaiKtrournluiaii.kh:, a Iloux la all uf tu sfireds. IWtht uwrtaew hat Ux uUaitwd by a nrw roulrW Uern. Aad in tbit remarkable new car 'lULsvgS, buwk SntrvCsctt So la nerd umi a. caotatr cone riKjt ice 10 Uetcr lriin, Tha irly buy of tlx nrw ftJvrr Udm i in iboruuKb Utving wUh ika tr. imjd mi Inrorouarafcl prttoruuixa sUnLli no attained. The Most Remarkable Fact of All-Value TWa Crtetnt of all KLLauiJiErviWU it tbe Great rrt of aO KkUJ EivlWk kes. riUL-UfcKLii-BuMfc vtJinM Iwu penntud rr jrarj rtMaryh and drvtlofioMnl on a seal far bryood lh rtxti not aaanulaaurvra, Coaatant improvtrrunt Km Irvrled dm prfc (Mvrter after trvx.' now yw are odffrd. in-U.k new ?.fclLut'Juvrukk, . w 1 aim o rari 04 vry eruusary qualuy "nicmri1i coim'nce you, as no otbre car can, that money j br notliiiig ban na mailer Kvse mtth ym tu; tie aUr ' tvraj For Demonstration, phone or call Dave Ross KAIEN GARAGE WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT McLAUGHUN.BUICK VC'ILL BUILD1 THEM ta3 w riu lef - Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Ta KtUr.lt an, Wrsnll. Juaaaw kawar tvsl t. t, t. 1. 20, t1 Ta Vancouitr, Victoria an Statu Auf utt 4, 7, Hi 1. 2li PRINCCM BCATfRSS. Oampkatl nif, ut V taureaf It am. far wuaala, tM( !) Balla. Osaan rails, Namii, JMart Bar- taaar fae all ItaamaMa Llaa. full lalarwaOaa ttt W. O. 0CMHO aanaral (aU Oaraar af 4tn Uraat a 1 Ataaua. mats Rwsari, 10. Bu and Taxi MeeU all Trains and Doati. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. inA Phono 34 P.O. Bot IW Hiiiuiioii's Steel Beds, Springs nd Ostcrnioor M1' tresses in every room. r2 Hooms, llol and Cold' Wator, Baths and Show"1-Steam Healed, Klectrio Light Corner or Third Ave and Sixth SL PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WATER N0TICI OUartlan and Use TAkK nonce Hut Soinarvllla Cannrry '"tnny l.luiitrd. Ihiim aildrnna la Hum Atenim Wliarr, Vannxitar, II, t.., will aiiply rur a lid iiM- tu take and iim ftu gallons l.rr lllllllltll lit li'BlAM (.ill f.f ll,k.A..I...I . ....... tiuh.fliis ijorllM-rly and drain lulu ir' na.-ri nun, mm ju ruaint fnan X. E. eornrr Ud UJ, y, c. ln.ir rt ti u.i.i. uui 1.. .1, Li. 1'..: Urn stream al a point alrnut t liam from iiM.titli- r ain-am snd will lie n-d fr iiidiittrial and doiiieiir iiiirpo. niHin tin-Md (Iflnrrlliril aa II lin k A, IM U7I. Ultrwi l.liarlnll lil.irii 1.... iM. .. -J I on tlm Kmuud on tho uih ,ny of July. mio. a ropy or UIH nnllrn and an aptili-ralluii Miruaiil tlir-t and In tint. "Watrr ,lr. "r" '" oifira of Ihf .V.,.'"p. ,r,,",,, I'rtnre liiiwrl, H, ( he Corontriillrr of Valr lumnt, rami, iiirnl Hiilldinta, Vlrlorla, H. f: Vvttliln ' thirty ilava afn. ih. ri.Zi .....J.'... i ihia not.r. m a lor.i wt,ir rui da la SOMf llVIII.E CASNrnf tOMI-AMY, I.Tti, y r. 6. mathehKmS!: SUMMER SU002STI0NS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, and Spruce Her load . . . Per half load Birch S6.5 3.6" .50 r;r m .I , Burn Wood and Keep Coou HydeTransfer 13S Saoond Aenu NlgM or D Phono 680 WE 1UV BOTH.-