PAQB FOB 4 ii uraa, ltttk TER1NAIS WON BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManuj BASEBALL GAME hete: JtKW. TOLD 1 WELL. WHEN GEORGE BV GOt.LV. I VCO-MOT TO LEAVe U WAS, A CLERK ANOI WAWlMGlOM WAS VOOR , CAN'T.THIMK OF THIS- VOUi FORGED , FCCGOl AMV THING AGE HO WAS 3 ' THE COKQIMATtOM 1 EVERYTHING I POESIDCMT. Beat Native Sons Five v iri r 1 it t -r r Runs, to ... -Tfsvi , TELL VOU. 5 IN Sl, J One Last Night. IT In a Senior League 'haseball 1 game last nfchl the (iranli Terminals took lhc Native Sons lntb camp to the tune of 5 runs UPl before a pood crowd of. fans., ' : i lie game,; whrclii was called after the first half of the sixth innings owing to darkness,, was rather loose, lh Sons nwfcTrTg" . five errors. . Jimmy Farquhar, playing left field for the Knsj made a sensa tional play wjlhi a one-handed citcli, robbing, IViwney of a hit and making a double play, throwing Astoria out at;' second base. The Terminals made 3 runs. in the second innings and 2 runs in tfie third, whjlefithe Sons made their single tajlyjln the fourth. Ila-Iteries: L'amliie and lfalfbur f6r the ..ativflfSohs: Loblirk and Iowney for theflfand Terminals P. LaPorle and Geo. Mitchell shared the honors as umpires at the plate and Jloward Frteell took care of the bases. SPORT CHAT Charlie Emmeretl, well-known race horse owner, had the misfortune lo have his jaw broken on Monday. While grooming his rijare, AA'ood -Lady, slie threw, up her.head,f "striking Mr. Kmmer-elt' under; the, jaw, with, tho result lhat.a fracture occurred. Be is mafcinig as) favorable progress as can" be expected. At Forest Hills; New York, on In a county cricket match which ended on Monday Glamorgan was beaten by Lancashire by 8 wickets. Glamorgan scored 140 . and 73 .while Lancashire put up (lis ui the first innings. Lan 'cashire got the runs required to 'win with the loss of only two ; wickets in ihe second innings. - The makeup of the F.nplish cricket team which will meet Australia in the fifth and last test match to be played at the ; Oval, London, beginning today is as follows: A. Chapman (Kent) captain; C. Steevens (Middlesex) Hh'odes Yorkshire), Hobbs (Pur: ;rey), WOolley (Kent), Sutcliffe (Yorkshire), Hendren (Middle sex), Tate (Sussex), Ceary .4I1P.p',l,,',ir,,) . L a r w o o d e -fMTXnt(Kn)rown (Hampshire) .and Lrnesl TyMeslcy (Lanca .shire). Tbe last named will W twelfth man. HOTEL ARRIVALS t Prince Rupert L. M. Ilosseau, Lowe Inlet; II A. Hedford, A. F. Pratt, II. II Morgan, P. D. McLaren, Van cpuver; A. E. Isber. W. Monracl 'Ldsbn; Fi L. Henderson, llamil tonTMr. "and Mrs. 0. V. Xorris Quebec ; ' .1. X. . Read, Vancouver r . iiowness, Mr. ana .Mrs. i.eo Dafoe; J. W. Itremner, Edmon 4pn;.Mr8, WJu Smith, II. C Iloone, Los Anigelesi M. H. Kellv. at. II. Blackford, Irvlnglon, X.J.; F. D, Malhers, D. De Long. Van couver; iC., McNeil, Calgary; G. v-. ..Mamarji, r.nmonion; .Mr. and Mrs. M. Reid, Auckland. N.55.;i Miss Margaret Jones, Miss Anne! M. Jones, New Weslminslei Miss F.lsie P. Underbill, Winnl- peg; M. L. Henderson, Hiuellnii; , R. II. Mahzer, Anyox; A. Hailiri,( iCity; Mrs, J. A. Taylor, Port F.s-singlon; N. Wozney, Salvus, B.C.; i i i ? . r vienirai J. iJnkles, Kelowna; A. V. Buckingham, City; F. Freeman, ' Cilyr W.F. Taylor;, C.N.R.; F. fi. De, T. Itouwer. G. Fol-guesser, Holland; M. Clark, PRINCE GEORGE Mrs. P. J. Hainan o of Victoria is spending two weeks in Prince (ieorge on a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs It. Ren wick. About fifty harvesters went ' east on Tuesday's train for work , on the prairies. About one-half (if the number were recruil'd frnjiii Prince-(ieorge and the so-rounding districts. .Ten ortllem' came up from (he Quesnel dis-t trict and Vanderhoof and viein ity furnished six. A Hudson car arrived in the ity last week end after completing a trip from New Yorfc o Prince (Jeorpe in sixteen day?. .TJift' car was driven alternately by Mrs. Hrinclierhoff Jones and Mrs. J. M. Van Houten, sisters of Mrs. A. Mcll. Young of this ity, and the last lap of the jour ney was. the run from KaiuIoop and l , vl nccnt nil, H'chards Fr S W", national am'lo Prlnecvtteorge which Vi coverpd jn, one d yr Jon,. titlehclders, established their su premacy as a doubles team over William Tilden and William M. Johnston by winning the second and deciding match of tile series of the three Davis Cup team lest- on the West- Side tennis courts. Unlike the first triumphs over Tilden and' Johnston at 6-t, 7-5, the champions were compelled to play almost two hours" to ohlain ' their victory, 8-G, X-iltt-CJ j, Terrific servin'g by TlMe'n pow erful driving by Johnston and VoIleylng(by the winning pair were the features. Seventeen ; members of thi I 1920 Canadian Hisley team, headed by Major fi. It. Crowe and '5 brinsinsjnflick with I fie m the famous Rajah of Kolapore's Im- perial Challenge Cup, arrivel ea.rlj' in the week at Quebec from i Southampton. and- Mrs. Van llouten hail accompanying them on their trin their aunt, Miss firaham. David Cormack met with a: accident on Tuesday while driv ing the city "team with a. load t." eleetric Ijght iioles. Three of the five poles had been remove.J from the wagon on Third Ave.. when one of the, remaining poles jippe4 nji startled the horse. reusing thl-m"! bo. Itr wa- bought Cormack had been seri ously injured but pa later exam ination at the hospital .indicate ! is injuries did not exceed pain ful bruises and strainiivr nf tlii igaments of his legs. Mrs. L. A. Graef is visiting n Smithers with friends. Misses Charlotte Jaynes an. I Mildred Macltan of Nanairno ari guests of their auntc3lrs. W. W nderson. HAZELTON The Kispiox farmers are feel ng pretty cliesiy ihls summer. They have big crops and they! are petting them' harveted in nod shape. They will have market for all their stuff witfi he Hole camps 'operating in th.s valley. f Yt. G.'Haynes and family mo- tored from Stuart Lake the fir! of the. week and spent a- couplo of days around here. Word . has been received 'of tbi sudden death in Calaary. follow ing an ojieration, of Command ant Miss Hryeuton, day sohoo leaclier at Glen owell. She Ii.t been an officer in Ihe Salvation Army for many years and ha. filled many responsible position throughout Canada, in both corn and institutional work. For th past four years she labored faithfully at Glen VowcII, an. often was at the native corp at llazt-lton where she was well known. The rinad gang on llTe Nine mile wagon road, having com pleted that job. have transferred back to the main highway wes nf Carnaby, Thev will TheToifatfo ConefVaionjofMusid' v GET RID OF THAT " CONSTIPATION "FHUIT-A-TIYES" A SURE, POSITIVE: REMEDY MRS. OCSJAROINS Thousands of people, in eTtry part. of. Canada,, are rspidly winnlr.g back health and ttrength with the help of "Fruit-a-tires." Mrs. Napotron Desjardins of Grand' Falls, N'. R. Bays she tcok several boxes of this marvellous fruit medicine for pain in the back and Constipation. They did me good immediately and I am relieved of these troubles. ow I always keep a box of "Fruit-a-tiTes" in the house." This genuine fruit medicine made from fresh fruit juices, intensified and combined with tonics " is Nature's own remedy for cor recting Constipation, Pain in the Back. Stomach. Kidney and Bladder Troubles: for purifying the Blood; and baildir.f up the general bealth. Get a Lox yourself lake them according to directions and see how quickly you, too, will feel better. 25c and 50c. at all dealers. trough to Skeena Crossing thi season. Mrs. James CarmlishacJ oi Los Angeles, who has been visit ors in Prftice; Rupert, and wita Mrs. McCubbln at Pacific, ha een ihe guest of Mrs. Lark- wort by. Mr and Mrs. S. II. Snkp!e! iave gone on a motor trip' to Ootsa Lake. eifie and lfer truest, Mrs. Car- michael of Prinee .Rupert, were in town on Wednesday. COtOHtL AI GOOOtRHAM ChlniMnB(Mr4of Govarnort AS.VOOT.MUS.DOC.. Principal HIAUV WHLAN,MUS.OOC,ltllCA Vlc.PrlrKipi A NATIONAL INSTTTimON The mot comprthensivtly equipped School of Miuic In the Liominion. racuity ol international rrettige. RE-OPENS SEPTEMBER 1st, 1926 Well-appointed Residence for Young Women Students. PUPILS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME Tbe Conservatory Year Book, Annual Syllabus and Women' Residence Calendar et to any address on request, LOCAL EXAMINATIONS FOR 1927 will be .held throughout the Dominion, according to locality.4 in May, June and July next ADDRESS Registrar, Cor. Colitis St. and University Avt., Toronto, I W anted For Sale For Rent: Mountains fn the early days here i r'nevt!il?" aeiiuainla n c e aroum tovvit." W. Splller, inspector of poitiv. Prince Rupert, was a Imsinoi isitor lieft u:i Tliursjay. W. J. Service, Smithers constable and nroti.'r of Constable Service. Terrace, was in own on Thursday. Frank 'PliWatnr returned jitj Thurday frfni a propenv 'rip lo Thfti'rliill inuninin. M. G. McLeod. Prince George 'ailor, .i business 1sitor here during the week. Mr. andlMrs. J. U. Campbell f Kitwanga were m town .in Thursday Reve W. F Harfoot returnwl n Tuesday from Haielton wher'1 he comlucled services on Sun day. On Wednesday night b 'eft for the; summer camp a' l.akelse IikA. are.ompanied b Lawrence Greic and Tom Marsh, who will snend a few days there Miss Kate J la i ley, of Ilazeltnn s spemung a Holiday ti tier home here. Mrs. V. Kirkpalrick and lauhier. Mildred, returned on iiursday after spemling n shori holiday in Prince Rupert. TJt rJSf ASJi. ONLY FEW DAYS FOR lays oi Mrv (1 11. Sawle. S!. Prt MTirAl IIMKRirKS r... ri 1 uiilliunii uuiKiuwiu Visit of premier Should Bring Valuable Material for Verses. The limerick contet for which irizes of five and three dollars 'or first and second prize- res- leetively are offered, will not last ong. Already a good many 1iav" responded, but a lot of people who r"an write rhymes have not vet sent in (heir contributions A train load of cedar po,?.- ' . r"' vrw !r'M'n,l was sen! .tail' Lift wee andsl P" ,n an'r Wrt inmiruun m ' warrllng Of the Jirizesi-- nie.cle- more cars 're nicked up, ftazelton. T on- getting ood shane but could use a lot consideration. Following are from more to fill Heir (inlers. tuning those suhmitted: TERRACE NOTES Mrs. Tlios. MeOuhbin of Pa Mr. Meiglien you're welcoiru? io ed 'lay, We wish IhaL you longer would stay. But I might Jfit bcre mention We hnvp no Inlenlion If rviatlncr nut- Knllolt vnnr W.1V A son was born lo Mr. an.l stork anil ItmiK tinve entered tb .irs. ram ivirKaioy ai uie .ur-l ring ing Home, Metnria, B.a, on To defeat either AIi-lL'hen or King a.. .a e- ----t- . - lllrfU'l J. I . ,.! f It... 1,AmI Anil lin'll .In' llin. rust. M-rr ana unnny irme, wtio u-,wn i.P,.,le to ho- .,...., ...t, nti- (-..'inn niTRB IHIIIIJilJ I Jlvnfr Mr. , 11.11 17n.. f I ' " ' ui ill t;iii i aim, i"rr,ir. If ... . I . t -l i . I)..,.. I :M Mi, it- , ,i. i,,,-n lliilllf III i rilli"ll gm :..,. , , wi. I I III l ill JIT1II4H' "11 heard, But fishermen don't say a word In just this you "'ay norle. rbey are wailing to vote, Xot for Brady, out some othe bird. Rules of Contest The rules of tlm contest fo I low F.och verse should be wrltlei on a separate piece f paper and Mgned hy the author, not' for publication but a guarantee f good faith. Only the names of the winners will be publish The verses must, as far a nossible, be perfect limericks t.vo other class of verte It aa O 1926 Uti Fiaruai Sikvki Inc Cm) Imm r-fkl. rwi WANTED. WANTKD. 4)ne reliable man in every town, merchant preferred, to lake orders for bo custom-made rlotlies in Canada., HiglK'sL. jromniilon. fIUx, Tailoriw j&J. Ltd, To-ronfo (2 v FOR SALE. FOR SALK Hudson motor i first Has condition; fine fnr pleaur boat. Snap. Apply. IIox 3IH, Diily Xew Office. FOR SALFHotel Mass,tt. A good bargain. Ill health causo for selllwr. Apply William Hudson, MassetL M.C. KXT- FOR SALK. Xew till year and use only one weeR Price o. Pullen. Dally News. FOR SALr-Dinlng room suite in good condition. Phone ltlaek 730. tf FOR SALB- -Large modern House splendidly located. Apply G. P. Tinker. FOR 3ALK-:ream wicker busrirv. I'lione Mine IH2. TO VIC NT FOR RF..NT. Larsen building n 171 Third Avenue F.t; six room modern flat with bathroom and workshop premises on street Ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer, 130 Second Avenue. FOR RK.NT. Two first class modern flats; Monarch ranges, water paid; one furnished. Westenhaver Bros. SF.VF.N-ROOMF.D HOt'SF. to Ren". 125 a month. Call at 53.' F.ighlli Avenue West. qh iim.-iir a uuuaivs lor nent. ome ar furnished. t20 and up. App.y 215 rourth Avenue Ist. OR RF.XT. Pianos, phono graphs and sewing maAlifne Walker's Music Store. THRF.F.-ROOMKIi lUU SK to rent Comer Tenth and Haror I'hone Hed Pit. o, w FOR RF-NT.- Four room suite. hot water heated. -Appy mll; & Mallet. run RKAT Five room house. Seventh Avenue Weal. Phone w- 7.10. MODHRN HOISH for rent--Ffte rooms and bath Monro Pros BOARD AND ROOM. HOARD. The Inlander. 831 Second Avenue. Phone 13? 8UWWER RESORTS. LAKF.LSK LOimi:, near Terrace visit i.anetsc lilhla Mod cprings. i.unia is one of th . finest mineral waters known Tor rheumatism, flood tit fishing for rainbow trout iin LakelsaJake meet all trains giving through connection with. Lodge. Telephone connected, to Terrace L firuce "Johnstone, manaer. MISCELLANEOUS .-)00 MONTHLY KASY SFXLLVi, MAtilC OAS. t .oo can equals 33 gallons gasoline. X0 cjr- DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for let than 50c It'-pert' on Thursday. MansfieM :iark, well known prospector of the Copper Iliven " nnurimiepii ftrrnlcaf""i Proven merits. Your name rn cans. Write quick, for particulars and proof of this slalfinent. p. A. Lefehvre- Co.. Alexandria. Onl.. Canada' milled. Many Of Hie verses will ho published but not necessarily all. - n eanu 1.n..l.l 1 . xmnnii on mniied to 'Contest Kdilor," Dally Ncws or iu uc icii at me onice. Article Loit and Found, &c AQENTS WANTED. WANTI-D A Man for an Unusual Agency. Darwin Limited- einb!iheY 1 years operating, chain of La die' Ready-to-Wear Shop in Mont rval and Ottawa, are now ox tending their operations so a-to reai-ii every part of Canadn This tpn ,i gjden opportun ity for reliable men and wnmei-to handle our exclusive line l.adie' Ready-to-Wear Clothes, Selling eteri'iie not nef e ary if you mean business -and the territory you FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES The following Chevrolet pricey! anrlaii Slan 11185.00 Light Delivery Chassis.. A53.0 I-M4 Inn Truck Chai H'JS.OO NH.IIT Phone 52 L tins yafT"" He A - , For reservations wriin frinta The fnitnwing prices are now effective. FOR Prince Rupcr'.. Oovcrnmi'nl tates included: Ru'nsbouf f!poTt,Rr)lter I'oiirlng ....!. ...,r,T .... itrrrutfoi srifaff- roMor Belan Light Iletlvery Lt. Delivery Vnn "ommereial Chassis .... 'Irurk Chassis Sir Self stnrter Included on alt models. Term payments arranged If If delred. 3. E. PARKER, LTD.' Dealers. 710 Seconil Avenue. 581.00 flHO.Oti GOMUl :ai.oo 7fil.00 ft .11 .00 592.00 f. 10.00 4H8.0o r.Hi.oo FRANdOIS .Uk& LODGE neauiifuily situated ncrtr Ferry i i.nnmng Altitude 4115 feet. Camping and Fishing Trips - arranged FIRST, CLASS. TAIILE w;llh produce FJU'S,!! lOlOMflUi FARM. Take a Trip to the Lake Cmiiilrr . Mrs. Ilenkel. Francois Lake. Il.C. TAXI Phone G7 Taxi (Call Oeorge. Paul or Oust) c Si and Seven ln,...n. oi.. i. bakers at your disposal any lime H088 BR08. POOL ROOM Meeker Blook, ,cros frorn Emprmi Uotel lrs rtl. auii.n ItrrtiMm k. i.k. rln wr da ..t uf VrlitMrir. . sul drtiSM in i. IWI mvth - I llr- lli Skain M slmw at I Ih mt fvtk I r s)fil lor mmnt , iUr letH Of ftln .1. A cM ur Hi .. rMMff Art. Wlttt llwrb OUelkinu i ftM im iii. . f.d. . ... 'rfcanrt bh,: tMrtv day inbTvHHpe m Tit dale i.r r il Jul) I STSSIUKII WATta sonci I.IU .Xiii. , t- 'atlwi, vu will tench yssti h..w Onj. Fall nVu'ui':' line is now refttir. Our selHnrr'?' ''?' outfit ia real "tfnhin Show '.,i "rlT In n nenl portfolio. This won j ""iL'";'',? ' derful OulfH is Frw lo fella- "' i-Me ,r,-i"fnr repreenlatlrHi. Write a oneriaH u nUmi ' yourself j'rVr'. wart, "" " Oel our amailng pirwitieti.MriMM Itetleir do il now tnltr may b't iiiMr! loo late. Dept. 35. Que-.. Harwin Limited, ln 61 1, Montreal, re now In effect f.o.b, Rupert: Roadster Touting port Roadster ! fully equipped; Coup- Coach Sedan Wt lltPiro WMm t,. nmt iti iV . . Ihe (UK)lfiliri 41 r art. -IM hMM m 1 - Tbe er nf t! olire M Jele I smothn fa rtm m,i Utr f rtlsvr h rieuu of " " rttt riatrt.4i. Tsar. Ti i: St n , ISK0 ACT. tHISJWjrr"e lV r StiimfOfise at i ei laii.uu ;rmtmni ir - KAIEN OARAOC Dealers In all General Motor Products WRLV.KIN.i SI UVICK IiAV A.Mi re" C " nit lnr 4, i t" imtsai CT. Mi Caatim " ale in lr sum alar OtslrlM. -rntr C.rrrt V r ml tiw.t .r i inln Minora I 4 .n TSkK SnTI'E IriMl. SUIT ilsv v to artr in ' rarti((rsle t In prM or 4H!n"'f 3 limit rlaim rm ruritioe 'ae iuvw etkMi 1 rr tin laau lruemtrrurni (etd IMS (st 'i Impmtrrwnts I'S J1" 1 7 jaST m to i at ft t, K r r a i. t w IK. ia cianricATC or ieoiini z i s at a O V . ... it atmtsaL act. etnTiricATi or i""M,l!Sr! vim . ' - iim ailin viiunr i ami a.tmnior ar i Can run Eiuru a i. 79i, TAk'R .HOTIIIt 1 rre Miner' Cerllf : lend, suit as; v 10 apply to th- M' frniflralf r lm: ti at iiblainmr a slw Claim. A nit further lake nn1er aelin i" .rerr Ihe nine ' -..a j.i ' .f Tit if a mis hi ', , nii MlNtPAL ACT. ctrrriricATi or i""0' J ....... . ., , . . -. Hlrk Smith "'",.jut n m . . ill. himiii i . . -u. u- Ik. n.rr Wl am it. AiniM.rir tn -.. iw Tsar, .timii r. . -i. r.i tM Ulrw.i'k l'orl!f 4tM 1 I.nrf III JM ' ' mtoi S" Certuieair w ""i" i rm w pnMi or niitalnint a . hnf rUlm. thai r1 ii,i rnrihrr laa " z. i jje iimler anmn ' ri . .. ih. Illll, if a r i...n;.n..nll. . . .. I A V "' ......V.h . 1.1 A.V rr ... ,r,,. r ? .... LAND ACT; Nolle ef Islanllos U PP' . .... 11 tn rrlnre minor ,iu ,. ,1 rjr Prlnr nlrl. H man. Inirnita a ,,.i,n. flwi-i., ip Cnmmnflnf si r or-'". - l?lin.H tltrlrl, 'r. vfr Ihrnre west 'Zmi M"' 10,1. waler .V"?',, Tint lll.h VVali-r Mart I" r frfi. I inrni, and mnuinmt i '" mcti Dated Jifn f 4tt. I4"- I