,av August . 020' PURE BEER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA you purchase beer in British WI1KN Columbia, either in sealed bottles at the Government Stores, or by the 'Klasjl'drn open bottles on licensed premises, you receive pure beer. 1 In Hip l.trriiM-d l'mnUr. or llrrr Parlors, )ou nol only ur purr lrr, litil you are rrrl II unurr rrgiilalril anil orderly ron-dlllunt. Ilrrr Parlor arc conduct rd iimlrr (lie llrcl miprr Won or I lie llrltUI? Colum-IiU l.lipior Control Hoard and arrordlitg to lite rulrs and rrynUtloiH of the lioard, y . OVi:ilMi:T Inunction poolntrd for G- dial duty mt that llcrr I'urlors are oixralrd In slrlrlly (military man wicr. llir ptcmivn limit lie Iriil well vrnll latrd and air); I lie Ix-er-draHlng apiaralu iiiikI be Lrpl Immartilalrljr clean, Store-room and Ire Imtc muM r nnllry In rtrry rcircl. and ptitiM-a nnul lie tlior-oiialily uathrd and ilrlrd rich lime tliry are nrd. All lecr mtiM lie Lrpl and M-rirtl at (he rorrrcl lrtuirratiirr. All IIicm- regulation are for Hie protection of I he ptililir, furthermore, all ftrrrn fur-nMird by llir Ainalgamalrd llrrHrr are iirrlodlraily Milirrlrd lu rarrfnl anal)M-s iiy writ-known and rrpiilalde flriiii to a- ure inal llir propie are ixing mippura wmi liolhiug liul I lie lM and purr! of brer. rT'MIE advantages of such rigid regulations JL for the protection of the public can not be ovepculimated. The consumer receives pure beer, a healthful beverage of low alcXf holic content, recognized as such, by the most eminent medical authorities, and the people of Uritish Columbia are to be congratulated on the sane and protective rules governing ' its consumption, ' V is adverti?cmcnt is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ti at . r il . 1 ine new vnnopnonic Vidrola a i ri t n ii 1 1 1 1 n luii i ism i ' anw mnalral In. -i any iifiitiiMii r hail- !!' liciwue rtp-tniilnr inti i-unlc ur rirt nHt' .H. fly. ami liMr t' Ymi ti-tOUIMp'il III ! whieh ev-. v nri- 4Bt3gfe. GRENADA MODEL Mahogany and Walnut $200 OTHER MODELS 5115 $275 $385 Terms Arranged eMaMvsMd Steamship and Train Service ir fr nii PRINCE RUPERT r..r VANCOUWIR, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, ' M0NOAV ami THURSDAV 4 00 p m., SATURDAY, 6.00 p.m. ANTOX itwl STEWART StONOAY, TRIOAY, 4.00 p.m. ALASKA WEDNESDAY, 4 00 p.m. MASSETT INLET -IKON DAY. 4.00 p.m. SKIDEQATE INLET ami SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, ''lalgMlf, eAISENOER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dall) MWpl Si"H-Uy al III. fur PRINCE OEOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, III poU' EtllfM " I, I nilf.l 8Ulii. Agtnci all Octtn Sutmihlp Llntt. ' inartun Nillnl tur fi M.m) iinifn. nirntii i.iirquri, rir, ' ' ' iur nrl thlpmrnl CUf Tlcktt Offlea, B21 Third . Pflnca Ruprt. Phona 800. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITEDia Sllln friiin I'rinrt Huiwrl. VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, S . l4 Altrl B., Tul, S P.. VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, AU'l , SinOB Bm. Sturdf. 10 A.BI PORT SIMPSON in4 NM Rlf Cnnrlti, Thuridir p.m. 'OUT SrWPSON, ANYOX. ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sundtv. S p.m. d AiMi-a. 4. BaraaUf, AlnL Pflnea Rurl. BO Residence Phone, Black CI 7 P. O. Box 24 ANGER, The Tailor ii o Imported Serge utitl Hcoleh Tweed Htiils made to order in our shop iu 1 riitco Hnpert us low us I. ANGER, Cutter 23 Sixth Slrrtni $50.00 Prlnco nupcrt, B. C. THE DAILY NEWS . t 11 1 Local and Personal Church Notices Arthur's Taxi, Phone 678. I H.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41. Crystal Firelighters, 48 fo.' 1.00.' Urde Transfer. Phone " ' 580. tf $13.00 IKT ollffiTi jffctuvefoal, r'lon JXo iooL-l'liil-t& Ltd.! tf pott, Lvilt! i Co. Co. Ltd Lady wishes Normal Students to room and board. Apply Mr 'cijnerly, 17H1 benmau St. Yic- oriu. - Don't forget the Swlmmlnn ClubOaU tomorrow afternoon at Salt Lakes, Lots of fun, lots of prizes. Alex. I'rudliODiine, who ha m en on a v i i i I lo hi ranch near SmilhiTH, returned to the city on y.'flcfilay afternoon's train. Prize Lists for Fair may he hail from the Fair Hoard Offioi in Cily Hall, the Fire Chief.Miinro llro., or ltoce, Cowan V I.alta, Ltd. Colonel J. H. Tail of Vancou ver, who ua Jieen in mc norm on bundles for the past week. i ai.. i..ini. ii.;. liriUJiril piMtlll Ull liic uamm t.ijin afternoon. Provincial Infpiclor illler returned to the city un yceler day afternoon' train from j departmental Imfine trMi which look tn in a far a yriifn ilennge. O.P.U. steamer Princes Ileal rlc, Capl. S. K. (iray, docked a! ;.I5 o'clnrk tliis- nioniiiifr from Vancouver and wayitorts aril allHl on her return south al II a.m. Ituhih Laiiine ha. Iieeit noli ,'iiNl thht the Mlts I'cniple Of the Myrtle lihrlne of Seattle wilt tn iiaki'ii: :i pilKHiuavo lo Ketcii'-ian next week and will put on i ceremonial in that city on iw.at IV. This in a a annual evnt. Hilly and (inrdon Williaerofl. oim of Mr. unit -Mr. W. K. Wit iimtoii. I lionnfiiu: ..MceeL :re- urnrd from WilS on y-i-rnv nfii-niomi Jxaj yLw. hjrj hy lwe hV'n r &iIb$iu e j f a s I .riiiijilil wild Mr. and Mrs. W : Little, , i:.X".ll. sleanier Pittici- Ituiter' apt II. Itonahl, will not sail for Vanromep until 1U..W o'clock to- niflit. the hoal haUDK lte"i lipid oer for the aeoomniolaliiiii of Prejnier Melalien and party. lio wTII nail for Vancouver oii i he wteatiier al the conclusion flf the meeiiii24 here this evening. F.. W. iPiwnes, consultiuq eucinper or Jjltnonton, arrived pi the city on the Prlnec Ruperl yeslerday mornliifJ eu route tn I'rinre VrVorBe on business In connection with tbe Fraer Timber Symlieate. Mr. Ilowness h mteresieU In hyiln-eleetri" plant nt Xanalmo and Dancitn, H.C. I niou steamer Catala, Oapt. Jolmsioiie, arrived in rrt ai 1.15 o'clock Mil? aflernoon from the Naas IlKer and Purl Simp son mill sailed oz her return to Vancouver and wayporls at 1.30 p.m. Passengers booked on. the i srl for southern points included W. A. Lawson, Colonel J. '.. Tall, and Mr. .and Mrs. J lum .ley. The freitthler (Jriffoo, Opt. 4. I.. Moore, arrived lu port early this morning towiiiK the barV lliei'ditle. This inornintr the liriffco unloaded coal at tli? Onndian Fish A aU Slora,?e Co.'. duck and will sail tonight, willi Hie. barge in tow, for Any ox and stewarl to pick up a car ;o of '.re for shipment to the lICOIUH smell,?. - r- -. . rrr. When The Children Are Troubled With Summer Cuulainis GIVE THEM And you will bo nurerably surpriurd to find out how quickly thoy will b-come rrlicvod of their troubles. This iirrpnrstion has been on the rnarket tor the put eighty yrnn. Piit up only by the T, Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. St. And row's. Cathedral (Church of England SSundTiy Services Morninjf . 11.00 a.m. Evening - 7.30 ji.ni. Preachers: MornliiK Jlcv. AS'. K. Daniel, of Vancouver Hvening Itev. 1). Wealtcale. Of Winnipegr. Presbytorlan Church There will be no gervice lo morrow in the Presbyterian Church or Sunday si-tiool. Chrfr-tlan Science Society Jservice eery Sunday inorntng in the Hays' Hlock, .'15 Second Avenue, tsubject on Sunday "Soul." Testimony meeting or Wednesday evennf? at o'clock. Baptist Church Sunday .School at 10 o'clock, Moniinx service al 11.00. Sub ject, "The Impregnable Posi tion." LVeniiifr worship al 7.30 Subject, Th Mania on Ihi Dew." A very cordial invitation lo all. Lutheran Church Service will be held In tit . Swedish Church tins Sunday Ilev. Thou.. I). Hindc, pastor Morning service on Sunday at It o'clock. Sermon Hieme, "Im .lortunale Prayer." Kveryone cor dially invited. , The Salvation Army A profitable hour will be speri al any of theie service. Come ind ..ee. Saturday 8. 1 5. PraUe It a.m., llolincs'8. 330, Sunday ieliool. Why not -end your chil dren '7.30 subject. "Opci Arms." Mondays, Wednesday iml Thurcday, Public MePlins '.30 Wednesday Home League Seoul it and Guard, Tuesday Fridays. The Army of Service, The United. Church Sunday injrnin. at II o'clock Speuker, Ilev. (leo Hacker. So ioi.t. Miss Mollie Lawn-nee. Sun day eeninF, 7 JO. Topic: ".My Llfe'f. Niche in the Universe ol flod." Mr. Shentpji is the even ing pre&cher. solos by Mr. Job R. Davey. Duel by Messrs Davcy and Clappertc.n. Rupert East Gymnasium Churcn Sunday cvenincr, 7.i0. Senir a Usual iluruiir liie absence o Hie pastor. Ilev. !eo. U. Ilacke will occupy the pulpit' ou Sun lay rvttimiz. Mr. and Mr. X-iuk Harnsley -"lUi ,U: t'ie Catafa this aflei neon tnr anrouer wuere ine, Mill m future reside. Solos by John h. Davcy a.nl Juel '.) Messrs. Davey and Clup- pertii al the United uhurch Sunday evening al ll. Jalianson was fined -5 by Muffi&trate McCiymmit n the cily lolfre court this morning or. a eharpe of ictoxiealion. tin'a charse of inlnxicalion A. Neilsun was fined 125 in ttio .ity police courl this morning .iy Magistrate McClympnt. Mr. and Mrs. J. V Little will sail on the Prince Kupert to-livlil on a holiday trip lo Vancouver and southern cities. Mrs. Astoria and the Misses P. ami X. Astoria are booked to sail on Hie prince Kupert tonigh? on a holiday trip in the soulh ln.e Hoffman, a. menial case in the city jail, will be escorted lo outlaid on the steamer Prince Hupert tonisht by Pro v.oeial (Nonstable and .Mrs. II. P. Piiiiler. , I ho aivii r .weiconio on Third Avenue has been suitably decorated by the iionservativi; committee in conneftlvm witu the welcome to be aeooWIwi ti Premier .Meighen tills aflernoon. CP.lt. steamer Prince-? Louise, Capl. A Slater, 1 due in poll this Hilernoon from Skas-way, Ahasku, en route to "Van-couvei. Pasenerj embarking on Hie eel here for the soulh included Miss E. C Underbill and M. Clark. The following transfers in the provincial polico service were announced ul divisional head-quarters (his moruitist: Constable "Dutrhy" Cllne from llatel-1 on to Cliemanus: Constable 1'or-fur from Hudson's Hope lo Van-derhoof on game duty. J. O. Brady, jCoiisorvativc standard bearer in the forth-eoniing federal elections, re turned to the cily last night on the launch Dixie .Rupert from Alice Arm. Mr. H'rady addressed a meeting at Alice Arm, and wil' (iii-south with Premier Melgbon's parly oil the Prince Rupert lo-nlgiu. t 8 15 PER PACKET M. P. McCaffery will sail on the steamer Prince llupert to-, nipht to Join his family, wlio are Irolidayiiijr in the sooth. Prinee Ruperl Exhibition. Tenders for concessions for various midway . attractions will be accepted up to 5 o'clock Monday, August 10. Mrs. G. A. Taylor and Marerarcl,. who have been' visiting in the cily from. Pun Essiugton returned' home on this morning's castbound train. L. M. Rosseau, manager of the Lowe Inlet Cannery, who arrived in the cily yesterday on business, -sailed on his return souUi on the Catala this afternoon. . ... Mr. and Mrs. Alger and sop, of L'sk, accompanied by then on and daughter-in-law ol Minot, .N.D., who have been .isiling vttli them, returned to the interior on this morning's train. mm GDENS CUT PLUG and in J2 lb.tins Save thePoker Hand" insert cards Miss 15. Vienhet and Miss Der- tha Aslin left ou this morning' rain on their rclurn to Sunny- side rannery. Miss Aslin ha been receiving jnYdical treat mcnl in ths cily for' a poisoned thumb. The Misses Anno M. und Mar jr'aret Jones of New Wcstmins ler, who have been holidaying at Jasper Park, arrived iu the city on tlfls afternoons west-l on ml train and will sail on the Prinee Rupert tonight on their return south. Mr. and Mrs. A. '., Do Lonsr will siiil on the Prince Ruperl tonight for Vancouver. Mr. D? Long, who is a prominent in surance man in the south, ha been In the city on business and will meet Mrs. De Long, who will arrive in tho cily on this after noon's tram from Jasper Paris after holidavotig af liat poinJ. If Their trth r of touch- A W nnt which iraknUtrmhold M their keen cutting cUgt un- , der every u3. SIMONO CANADA tAW CO. LTO-fKV MONTREAL .ggfV VANCOUVIR, T. JOHN, N.BB A . Tonoerro r q French : Ivory at Cost In order to make room for new goods we are selling out our entire stock of French Ivory at cost. See our win-' ilows for bargains. frames Mirrors Clocks Jewel Boxes Trays Puff Boxes Powder Boxes Hair Receivers Perfume Bottles Button Hooks Shoe Horns Manicure Pieces Vasos Calendars Cream Jars Napkin Rings Ormes Ltd. The RECALL STOUE 3rd Avenue and 6th Street PIONEER DRUGGISTS Phones 82 and 200 Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have the mast complete stock of timbers, dimensions, shiplap, fir finish, flooring, V joint, veneers, etc., in Northern B.C. We can supply everything In a building from the foundation ' to the last piece of finish. Before buying inspect our slock. It will pay you. Our prices are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 110 and 117 Loggers! Loggers! We have the only compleib slock of Gilchrist Jacks ami parts inhe'Nbrlh'i We handle lagging" tiahle. Axes, I'eavies, Saws, and general Camp EqtiipmenL It will pay you to see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue