K a hi- TAXI IW Ambulance and H K semen Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. (MATT VIDECK, Prop. VOl XVI., No. 100. ar ii. I' :t " II.: -It r '.oxgall, who conunllted Lo;- Annele Thursday. air valued at 1 00,000. il in l lie Canadian Army iiip durum the wur, later In' Amei'iruu fowreH. from i: dcscrti'il and wud impri-i ' amp Dodge. LIBERAL TO OPPOSE MEIGHEN AT PORTAGE 1" Ht l Attl t.A I'llAIHIK. Aug. A McIMiui'moii, liarrifder. nuauimotiH choice of the H" a ciiii vent lou held hero : a eauilldate to opini!e MeiKheu. It in uniler- wdl he n Htraight contest, imrly helng irpieKeiilcd. ' ... NOTICE TO LIBERALS Tlio tiherul committee l' nnm. nMi. ui . "v '" llliril VC., lira 'lie Kleptrie llakery, will I . ,,fi open every afternoon -" i-iuiiuiK uniu cieoiiu" 'lay n,... uoranci- of tliei' thins-.,' aid Mi. King. Th' I'lfxent milliliter of ou-lom-i wa- a-tain ohargeil witli .laving tiirrcplitoiiidy neeored n copy t tnaiwrtor Ixincan h re nin t II In upon thin report that lie ha-c Ut choiv'". "Kvery idt ot tiilttrmalion he ued wn itmug-gled informal ion. "Kittle wonder that he hat liecome an authority a -iiukmIiiiji." the es-priMiiior aid. Dealing with ooimliluliiuial au thority, Mr. King rfhnrply ndiuked an unidentified pron in ttie uu-ilienee, wlm. whn Konl llyng iiami- wu mentioned called out, xmkI him home." Soul of Honor Lord HyiiK. King -aid, wan "the nun! of honor and Incapable of any iliHohonoralde act. It i not ii pei jtiMin! inn tie, it in a matter of i-elaMoiin of the miirigtry to the ei-owii,' Haiti ex-l'remier Kinn. who argued Mint Kiiieratx in the party were mnintatng today that the ndatiouihip of the Prime Mm Inter to Hie Governor (Scucral In Canada tdmuld he in every pai-iHMilar similar to the relationship hetwem flie Prime Mminter and the King in Ureat llrilaiu. ' WHial alioui .MeigheuV policy of election tiefore tkutada partl- eipation in t:he war? I don't know whellier VancouMT '.oimirvatie approve that policy enuniMiiled hy (heir Ifider or no'.. In quiiic parts of the country the Coimervatives hud not liked il. It wan all hascd on the annuniptinii that the (iov I'inor (lenoral would grant dif- noluliou to the Prime Minister wlio nuked for, it." At Now Westminster Knrlicr in Hie day Preinliv. King Mpoke al New Vetininilei, I'lainiiiiK for his Bovernnient "a record which had not been u panned in the matter of legisla tion lor popular iiomi. f.very man and woman in the country hail heneJUti'd directly hy redue- lidiin in taxation made. liy the lafl l.ll'i'ial povei-umeul and ilranlic i-eiiticlionn in the inconni lax, elimination or Hie receipt lax, and the. return to penny postage were in themselves fact:) which should leeoinmeiid Kiherul adininisl ration. .oniinerce at ItexeUtuke l"i Hie iml twi yearn, im- heen prnn ed to ihv inaii;u;MiiiMil of 'lie lira net i ml Vernon In replace . O. Ferf. vvho is retiring to enter private Misiuens. Prior io going to ltevelsioke 5lr. Wnillcliead wim for seviral yearn feountant al the prince llu pcrlf branch and while Ui-re nuirriiMl the lady superintcndcni of the hospital. mam PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper IMIIXCB IlUl'nUT. II. li, SATUIDAY AUOl'ST IK 1020. YMtenJay Clreulallon. IS J J Strrel Stirs, 41 B o s to n G r i ll Large Upstair Dining Hatl. with newly laid dancing floor (or hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 467. PRICE FIVE CKNT8. I L. MACKENZIE KING MAKES BIG SPEECH IAY0R OF EDMONTON URGES TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF PRINCE RUPERT ackenzie King Attacks Stevens for Speech on Great Sir William Lyon -WHO l VKH. Aug. II. In the foiistilucnry of Vancouver i whirl) returned linn. II. IL Stevens, minister or customs, I' anient last yeur. Bight Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King last made u -harp ossuult oil the minister fur his method in Usui investigation mid Tor lux attempt to create u sensu-" hat i .Stevens doing now? lie i not satisfied with .-, tig the living, he attack the dead, lie attack my poor untiMtuirr. who lias oeeu ueau lor o yeans. Mi K ng minted from u report of the iiiuiisler' speech ul RESTORE GRANT TO PROVINCES, SAYSMEIGHEN PHINCK OKOIUiK. Aug. 14.--"I annui'i- you hiat Jim: as soo:i as we can we will rejoin thai Brunt to help l lie province in' building roads,' said Premier Mcighcf) when speaking here last night. In'- Premier thin irullcaUd I In' intentions of his! government, if reiurned, toward! highway construction. He ske'.-! Iched die legislation for federal; i. .... i .. ...... i.. i. t..ii.. i ... , mvvl.h the Liberal lender U accused of "try ing lu' , ' "ft 'ZZ EMIER BEING ENTERTAINED riving on Afternon Train and tilting South After Meeting A m; Mcighrn, Premie, j la mo parly are urn vim; v ti Hint afternoon a rum which is due ,. t to o clock. I -iiupi m twins nni up a m uie muiscrvnuvi- j till wil' be ni!al j .i .hi in In- addre. a - hi Hn -t tintnii . ' 'iir Hot-ion Hal: K 11 llili no ii plall ir i-e'eption rinnit.' M .Mcighrn on a nmin- ; it the etlv visltin? : r. -t including Hi" Canadian Fi-h A Colo nipany plait' tni Miller mporlanoc. oil lusinn of tonight'--meitng- the preniiei w ii mil nn the sleam-- Unpen for Vancouver, air "Cunnprvalhe aland-. will accompany tli oari a- far a Ooean . ,! lie will address ElIAUFFEUR LEFT MUCH MONEY lormor Employee of Jackie Coo- flan Committed Suicide. Had War Record. X Iowa. Aui!. 1 1. Uer ' Xmpiey. former chauffeur raise the spirited which actuated' ii if grandfathers rebellion. Saya He'a Qullty Chat offense I am guilty of,' mild Mr. Kin:. "If Mr. Stevens, lC Mill go to Toronto he will find on he wall of the fitly halt there, i Ii" portrait of William I.) on Mackenzie, the city' first mayor. lii'inx kept there ly Hie Tories of. I he cHy. I wa never more proud .n my life to bur that name than servatiw admiuislralinii, adding that tin Liberal had allowed Kranls to lapne. II". however. looked forward 'o the I hup when would !' aide lo rpnew In-' pnliev. WHITEHEAD MANAGER OF BANK AT VERNON I hid ul Hit. moment. jrormer neaiaem or pnnoe Ruperij "I lUre Air. Jtevein' attention CeU Promotion From Re- ( u llHthti hitory and when tic velatoke Branch. ( a4;aiu t f oreed 4o uUaek mmihhiiic' lying til lit grave, let him read VAX M' VKH. Aug. It JeoJ olHltr -tmry am nokliKpIayf- Wt,itehai-ho Iran lieen ! iM-fiire hi- fellow eiluen hi-. ,K. manager of .the tkinSllian Hank o' ; "t TllllKK HIVI'.HS, Clue., Aug. IK The Catholic Church at Louisville near here was do nlriiveil 1iv fire hint iiiKlil. Tha loss in estimated al 8300,000. LORD WILUNGDON LEAVING FOR CANADA UIXIKI.N, Aug 14. Loru W illiugdnn, new ..ioveriior ien eral of i.unada. in exieeied I i leave here 1m his new post tin1 la' lei- jmrl if Sepleniiier. sailurg for !he hoiniiuon on the Kirt-prenn uf Senllailil mi Sepleniliei '.'." witfi l.ady illinndon. TREVOR CLARK IS DISTRICT FORESTER PLACE OF BONNEY Trevor A. Uark. nsmsiant dis trict forester has Jeen promoted lo the position of din-tricf fores ter, succeeding P. S. Honney. who recently resigned lo aeeept a position with the Pacirie Mills at (lecim l-'nlN. Mr. Honney will sail fur Ocean Falls tonight on Hie Prince llup- Ci'l to take over his new duties. SOCCER OPENS IN SCOTLAND 8COTTISH LEAGUE Clyde Airdrieonians T. Cowdenbeath 0. Aberdeen -0. Dundee t, Hearts I. Falkirk t, PaiiicUL Hamilton 2. St...Mirren 3. . Aioi'um J, luintermune t). Uueen's Park I. Molherwell 2 Hangers i.'. Dundee t'nited 0. IK IK Maniter, principal or the Auyox Ubcli School, arrived In I he city on the launch Dixie Ho pe rj. from Alice 'Arm, where he had nei'ji holidaying. He will re turn , lo. Anyox on Ihe Canlenu tomorrow tilghl. Number of Registrations Presages Large Vote at the Forthcoming Federal Election There is even promise of a large vote al Ihe rorth-".imiiig lederai fieri ion. judging from the iarge mimiier or registration. J. 11 MrKciimui, who has ilmige of the registrationline. anited hy J. O. Wdliam-ou. aiinoiiiiccd this murniiig That Ihev had placed IS08 narnen on the list for the Citjr ut Pi iin e Ituperl inrt they commenced, and of tlieni registered vesterday. This is in addition to lliose who were alirudy on the provincial voters list, which i used as a lae. The registration office in the Westenhaver Block is open until tflhf o'rlock tonight Mien it closes, filially. From August u, August yil, a court or revision wil! sil lo revise the Imt. Nuiuiiui Wult being revising orficer. VISITINQ CITY TODAY. HON. ARTHUR o pm -- MEIGHEN a ana SHIP GRAIN VIA RUPERT Edmonton Wishes to Take Advantage of Short Route to Orient. EDMONTON, Aug. 14. "The appeal board for Edmonton brings this city a step closer to bocomlng a big grain handling centre. The government elevator was 'the first -step; now comes the appeal board; and next we want a cash market. With that Edmonton will become the big grain handling centre for the OrlenK for we can ship to China and Japan via Prince Rupert and save a day better than any other port on the Pacific." So said Mayor Blatchford In connection with the appointment of the Grain Appeal Board which was sworn In yesterday. His Worship continued: "We can also ship via the Panama to Europe, and with other milling Industries following the lead of the Lake of the Woods Company and looking foe locations here we can expect to become one of the real grain centres of the American continent," he added. NO MORE BEER TO ANY WOMAN IN VANCOUVER!: Hotelmen do, Not Have to Admit Womon and Will not do so After Today . ANi.iJl'VKH, Ami. li. All .vonien me ,o be barred from l(3 .iceiiM-d hotel .u-at parlors in .ain ouver commencing Monday, ouay oeiiig the last day service will he given any woman or any pemun al a table at which a woman u present. Confirm- ! mn the recent agreenianl of jioca' aieiniiers of the British i otumii.a Hotelmcn's Association :akr this atition, il is an-louneed tnal the association lias eeived ihe following letter from Hie liquor control Iroard: "Tl.e legal, department hac ndv.M-d the hoard thai a licensee is not obliged to sell beer to any person or admit any person 'o licensed premises, and equally it is wil bin the power of a li censee to exclude any person from licensed premises." Bartenders are being instruct ed mat every peaceable means shall tie employed lo secure the jeetiun of any woman attempt ing to enter the premises of beer 'stablishiiipnts WOMAN KILLED TWO CHILDREN NKWDALK, Man.. Aug. I K Mrs. Oeil Marshall, living witli her father on a farm near here, strangled her two small daughters to death with a.jrope during n period of insanity, the police believe. The woman's father told the police his daughter came down to breakfast .Friday nl the. regular hour and rnlntlv, told her mother she had killed .Ihe two children lured one' and ix respectively: .1. W. Bennett, construe lionnl eiwimeer for the I nion Oil Company, wdl miiiI on Ihe Prino lloperl loniKlii fm Vancouver. Public : Meetings IN THE INTERESTS OF J. C. BRADY Weslholme Theatre and Boston Hall, 7.30 SATURDAY, AUGUST 14 Right Hon. Arthur Meighen sneaks in Boston Bull al 7.30. Hon. Leon J. Ladner, ex-nietnber for Vancouver South will speak in Wcstholmo ul T.JHl. The speakers will later change places. TUB I'l BKlU KS COHDIAKIiY KNV1TKD TO ATTF.N I) Baseball Rumpus in Pittsburg Team Ends in Suspension and Release of Several Players NEW YOHK. Aug. 14. AVhile the National League learns were idle yesterday, a hond-shell wns exploded when it was an-lioiiiiccd by (he I'iltsburg managcmeiil that Caiduin Ma. Carey, who had been with the team sixteen years was suspended without pay pending action on waivers and that Carson Highee and "Babe"' Adams had been unconditionally released as a result of dissension among the plovers and in an endeavor to oust Fred Clarke, former manager and now vice-president, as assistant .manager to Bill Mi'Kechnie on the bench. Carey, who is the ringleader and spokesman for his club male-, declared the players felt ''two bosses don't get Ihe re sults one can. American League New York 7, Wasliiiislou 5. Only iiy league -anie played. HOME RUN RECORD BY LOUS GEHRIG OF YANKEE TEAM XKW V.OKK, Aug. IK Loi-s (ieiiri. Yankee outfielder, today po.'srsses the home run record tha! even Hutti missed this season, petting two in one game off tiie great Walter Johnson, tiehrig accomplished this yesieiilay in Hie only game of the-major leagues. - r Coomb, too, hil homer while Ruth secured two double unit a single. HALIBUT PRICES - SLIGHTLY LOWER ON THANGE TODAY American North, 3K.000 pounds, to Royal Fish Company. Middle-ton. 2i.0Wl (rounds, to 'anadiati Fish & Cold eUorage. Cedrie, 21.000 pounds, to Booth Fisheries. ' Canadian Muirneag, 3,000 pounds, and Helen t,50( pounds to Atlin Fisheries. Mangucrite, 8.000 pounds and Toodie 5,5no pounds to Canadian Fish & Cold storage Co. D. S. T., 8.500 pounds, 4o Hoyal Fish Company. COAL STRIKE FAILS LONDON, Aug. 14.- Secretary Conk s pica for a conference with ne government in regard to iht coal strike is regarded as a.v admission of the failure of the strike. PROTEST TO TURKEY CONSTAVTINOPLE. Aug. IK Representatives of foreign gov er:;mon;s wi:. protest against the ne'ion of the Turkish govern-.uent in closing foreign tuam-;ers of commerce. FIDELITY TO FRANCE BKIIU'T. Aug. 14. French heailquartei s report the French military governor of Damascus ha "received (insurance of the fnlelijy ui France, of the Syrian and Druse -cbels. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. B.C. Silver 1. 90 Consolidated 230.00 Dtiuwell .. . . (iranby Howe Sound Independence Indian K. and t Premier Porter Titulm Surf Inlet .... t;7l S-KOO 37.00 .07 .OSi 2.15 .03 Asked 2.10 t.73 10.00 .09 ..05 2.20 ,03 GRAIN EXPORT BY U. SPORTS Largest Part of That For United Kingdom Shipped Through States. OTTAWA, Aug. 14. During .he past twelve mouths, according to a report of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. 198,000,000 ..untieU oT grain was exported to tie toiled Kingdom, and of this linnuut 141,000,000 bushels was shipped througHUrUt,edi-tstale ports and 5C,Oo6,000 fiushels though Canadian ports. Of the CG.OOO.OdO exported to other countries, exclusive of the United Stales, less than 200,000 bushels was shipped through American iiort?, the balance going out through Canadian ports. VANCOUVER, Aug. 14. Dur ing the past twelve months wheat exports to the I'nijed Kingdom through Vancouver totalled 31,- 00(1,000 bushels, or 5t5 per cent of the entire shipments from Ca nada to 1'iuted Kingdom. PREIERWAS" ATfMcBRIDE Spoke to Wayside Audience and Discussed Customs Situation and Highways McBRIDK, Aug. 14, Among the mountains of the Yellow-head. Premier Meiglieh yesterday afternoon made his first speecu iu the British , Columbia campaign. Addressing ' wayside audience he spoke of ..the customs investigation. He said h regarded the collapse of the customs service as entailing a loss of untold millions of' revenue lo the country. He said he looked forward to the day when the federal government might uga'n assist the provincial authorities in Hie construction of high ways. SIX WERE KILLED, IN TRAIN ACCIDENT CAKVKRTON. N Y.. Aug. 14. Six persons were killed and six seriously injured as n result of ju vvreck last night of a fast train mi Kong Island Railway. The wreck is attributed to an Open sAvitelt. Two locomotives Juiujied the track, turned over, and a pnUmau, went through, tlm side of a factory building:. PARLIAMENT LIKELY TO MEET IN OCTOBER OTTAWA, Aug. 14, The newly ejected Parliament Unexpected to meet In October as a fall session ineci;ssnry no mailer which nar ily is Returned andrlidlh are com-'tni'ted to it.