iPAGE BIX AUDITORIUM Dances EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING JlcginnniK at 9 o'clock Floor In the Finest Shape MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies 25c Gentlemen SOe The Hall is nov equipped to take care of Dances, Concerts and Meetings or any kind. The building is 50x1 DO feet, maple floor, newly plastered. Clear title to properly. IT'S FOR SALE Phone Black 449 L. J. MARREN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I I Pure )rugs PROMPT SERVICE RIGHT PRICES i'nu will ulways find the highest quality at this store together with prompt, efficient and courteous service PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Carefully and Accurately We fill prescriptions jusl as your physician wants them filled. LET I S S E It V E fl U RupertPncy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. I Lead Others Follow The Homo of Trunks and Suitcases. Pioneers Friend Hudson's Hay Blankets. Picre Parin Loggers' Hoots. Hig Horn Hrand Clothing. ' Original Diamond Sweaters. Genuine Fur Seal Coals, guaranteed. ( Ilice's Dyes. Tents, lllankets, Hags. Pat Plipson Second Avenue Genuine Indian Made Curios Meat Department Leg Iloa-st Veal, per lb.. -25c Shoulder Veal, ij.m- lb . . 18c Veal tUiops, per lb 25c Veal Slew, 2 lbs 25c I'rrmc ltib licet, per lb. 20c Boiling Beet, per lb. ... 8c Shoulder Steak, per lb. 15c Pot llousl, per lb. . . 12'2o Oomed Beef, per lb. ... Go Sausage. lbs 35c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 417-423 5th Avenue East George rorie Chartered Accountant and Auditor Receiver, Liquidator, 'trustee, &c, Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West PIUNCE UUl'URT I KING EXPLAINS CUSTOMS EVENT Shows Clearly That Incident Made' Much of By Detractors . Was; Flimsy.; j TA.VCnrVKn, Aujs. I - -l'roihttr. Mackenzie King, (in showing to What extremes hUe CoiKcnaliv's went in manufacturing campaign material to try to oust the Liber als and later to retain power, told the incident in which Uie late Hon. Oeorge Uoivin fi "ured. "It was hrouslit to his attention during his campaign when he dropped into- his office one day, that a certain man had been convicted of an offense against liie customs law. Mr. Uoivin was asked tto defer issuing a warrant of commitment for the arrest of Ibis man until the mwnWr furj (hat constituency should have a chance to discuss the matter with him. Heing new to his department and new to the procedure whicii had been followed in the past, Mr. Hoivjn asked his deputy, min ister lo uuvise mm., jiie uepuly minister was a Otonseh'athe appointee. He,twas toldbyr the de-,u'y ministef it was a iterfectly vvsht thing la do -to wail und hear ;wlial was to be said before .fak-! mg any action on -the warfant. tie said, 'Hold this matter over until I have time, after the election, lo take it up and have a word with the member.' . No Reason Why "Although it had leen hoped the session would commence in December, it was early in January before Parliament met. That was the first chance Mr. Itoirin had to discuss the matter with the member. "He discussed it then and said he could see no reason why that man should not be roni milted, 'ten when tiie matter was first lirough: ' his attention lie said. "I see tin reason why this man should nut go to jail at once, but I will wait and the intwnber. Later he said nothing had occurred Ui change his opinion. Thereupon he issued the warrant, the man was put in jail and is in jail ut Hie present time. "Out of thai iucJdeBt. whieli was put before a committee on Uie customs matter by Mr. Ikiivin LA MO ACT. i Notice Of Inttntlon to Appljr to Loom Lone in rnwr navm Loud llecordin lit inri or uni Bonne i. and situite o.. North Harhafl Mland. T AkE NOTICE IhJl Alfred Sn.n ,. I'rlnr Ruiert. orrut-otirm Mirinrr. In lends to opplr for lra or the tollom inir descrUied Unds: Comnienrmr at a nnsi nbnieit at tli oouth end or .nrlh Iiartuel llan1; tnenr orounl the island at htrh water mark and conuinmr la a'-re. tutire or less. ALFuEP SVVAMSO. APpllftUt ril.1 April 7 10t LAND ACT Notlco of Intention to Apply to Loasa Lan In I'rini-e lluoerl Land nernrdinr ln- trtrt or Ranee 4. CoH Land District, and iiiuiir on rae isiana. TAKE NOTICE that J. B. Franel. of rnnnioi. Aitierta. orcupallon Minister, intends to apply for a lease or tne followtni dewrllied lands: Cnmmenrtnr at a post planted at the Xorth West end of Passare Island, neat coast Trunrnlatlnn Sta. 1 142: thenre around tne Island al tilth water mark and r.intaininr iooo arres. more or e. JOSEPH BRITISD FnA.ICI!. ,4lh. tJA Appllranl FROM MONTREAL To Liverpool Ann h.'pt. i; Moult ..e vur 'pl zl Mont'-alm sept. i. iiirt. I Moui.-lare To Chsroourg-Southampton- Antwerp Aur. sepi. it Minnedma Sepl. , Ort, f, Mellta To Bslfatt-Olatgow Sept. , del. 1 Metarama FROM QUEBEC To LUtrpool S-pi. lo, Oct. 8 Vonlroval To Chtrboura-8outhanipton-Hamburg sefii i. hfpi iv Until, ,, or Irame To Cherboura-Bouthamotan Sept. 15. i I. f, . . hlliir. s of Sfotl TO Boirotwaiaaaaw Aur Sept. :i i Voiilnalrn kny to AnH rrerjnrbera or J. . POKSrER. Gen. Aft, t.e.K. Button, vancouTtr, Tlphonf Seymour 2S30, un. rac Ky.. Trac A(csu. ntlapd TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 639, Green 238, Black 735. Night. Phone? 687,. 539, Qreen 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. QEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. TO EUROPE ; MAKE Kr.Sr.KVATION'S NOW I I I DR. FRANK McCOY Health Evangelist whose daily, health advice is helping to add happy and healthy years to the lives ol thousands of British Columbians, has U-en practicing and ministering to the well and the sick fur the last 12 years. Mis patients come from all parts of Canada, the United States and Europe, ON SALf Al UUXAMD AIXAN 'erday and is registered al tin Urncc Huiert Hotel. LAND ACT. Notlco of Inttntlon to Apply to Looao Land In stlkliie Insislon. jiur. Land lie tirdlnr IHstrlrt tt Casstar. and iliuale at '"rand rtaplda. on tlie Stlktne iaer and to ine west nt Piirveyefl I it xn. 476. TAkE SOTIi'.E thai I. Walter Seott Simp--in. or Ti'b'traph :reek. B C... ucruiaUon llaii' tw-r. intends ti. apply for Ira.ve ol l lie riillowlna: deerlbed Iabds -- ' 1 owmenrin at a hmi planted on Ihe v.riim-i eiirni-e or Lot 4T0. thence Swilh -hilm; then'-i' Writ to 'halna: th-n- Hii-th 4u I'hain- thenre East 10 chain, and 'unlalninr F "iv aere-. more or leas. WALTEJt aTT SIMPSON, ApoMranL CASH & CARRY GROCERY SIXTH STREET T FRESH WHIPPING CREAM let you know we have Fresh Whipping '.ream in stork Friday and Saturday WE WILL GIVE YOU A HALF PINT OF WHIPPING CREAM FREE WITH EVERY PURCHASE OVER ONE DOLLAR Hot ties. I Oc extra Canned Goods Prices 7 tins T,oinaloes, '-js 7 tins Corn . ., $1.00 7 tins Peas .... ..... . . ... ... $1,00 ea 8 tills GaiiipbeJPijTpinatoor I'ea Soup ... A.';Tf?:A.P.'; $1.00 oavtd vtxzM im THI OOKSTOU iiimself, and after the eomnuitee iiad made its repori the report jaine without a single suggestion that Mr. Uoivin had done anything that was wrung -the report was ie!ore the House, then Mr. Sle-eus brmtvlit in an amendment in which he reflerte on Mr. Itoivin lias been decritKfd as a public man who did not deserve the re-Htgnition of his country. "I don't want to ffo into (his rHE DAILY NEWS from every walk ol life -journalists, professionals, business executives, workers - both men and women testify to the marvelous results attained by following the advice in his book "The Fast Way to Health" CET A COPY OF THIS REMARKABLE BOOK TODAY sr. 00 The ctwi of but two visit to docloi Ot. MrCar's lailsw aataa fai ls lllwikl UMDiutJ I tUN CONST 1J" A I loft ftaUMt Cua.ri-AINTJ A I tlMA-1 UUI I U OMUl UmrLAiMS Waterfront Whiffs eniitiuued trim, page live) Ihf irrnt wiiSfau'iM . J llf li!v of when jireparing a piece of fisi for the evening meal. On Wednesday aftenioo!. Mac wan busy Willi a piece ol red cod at least that's wluit he said i,t was. it looked more like a oroKs between a snajiper and a submarine to the writer. How ever, Mac was iiiiHgently ham mering the head off the. fish with aforesain "caulking toe. aud remarked thai ne couldn't understand why.'women didn'i go in for more useful duiucslii u)ipliances in the homo. Mac idea was to l.nlf cook the ft It for supper on the boMer fire at the yards and then finish It at home. He said iff that way the. liuu.-e did not gel so warm from the kitclit-n range arid ii also pave the fiwh a niftier fla vor. Perhaps .Mi-e's right. Louis Aiiiailio jetumed to t! city on Wednesday after iend mg a holiday at Ketchikan. The folioMiiiK schooners hav had inechnniuai work execute.' on them while in port t!i week: K. i;.t, Capt. Ivnrsn": Scrub, Capt. Dolph 1'rinre, and the Seamaid. Caiit. Dorreen. BMl t''u,"' w,ilo In port this $1 00 on1 The schooner,, Uric Hoy, Cap Itlonuin; l.n iiiKMone, Capt. Tci.vj .uaninseu; and, gnome, cap Ititchie, iirt uif t wat Oil cannerj charters. , The halibut nclmoucr Kotie, Capt. Kubo, installed a new manifold on the exhaust at tie Hoals up on the Ward way this week' fur oaliitiiig and re- IIi:illM Illflll4lu hit V 'Jb.V '1H tlPlA H tiifs lleiiu Pork and Jieaua $1.00j 1)!ller !,., Vaedul.ch 2.1. I till. I it! tlnillit liialiiiif IIiiia I rf- . ..... ... u.u. me-1 fiijifn'i' painting; and llosinu I! apple ... . . ... ......... $1.00 U Utr ..nral avf.rliaul K tins King Ostiur fcardines $1.00. o un Miigapore ftiiceu iMneapptej jj,lltnv Iionaldson and .W. Si.OO-Put,,,,,, a HijfiiBchool boys, 0 i ins Iielnionte Ilipe Olives $1.00!iaVe been doinit rweJI fishing o:i i I ins lainudiaii Pears $1.00 the Skeena. The) two boys de- enled to join fm-ces and sue Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Dally what this fislunihusliicss wa an about, with the result thai their bauk aucuUUl lias liupiDV- ed considerably and their appropriation for the movies during l he winter munllm is assured. To say the least il'f a progressive wa of spending ti school vacation and the buys deserve credit. The provincial police- boat Adauae. dapl, 'Tommy Cumin, i has been wrnuc dry cloek for engine installation. A hoi ' power Iluffalo heavy duty en gine has been installed in place of the old -CJardener. t'pou com -plctinn of pain'ing the .Vdjuiac v.Il be fit as a inline. Fish Arrivals I llalihi'i arrivals at this pi"! during the past r.eek (Salunliiv 'to Friday, inah.utvn aiituunteJ ,lo rt total or 7Hl,SiM) pound" whieh is nil. 500 pounds fi) ex 'cess oi the previous week"" Handings when toe tola) vn C38.000 nound-. If the 781,500 pounds sold this week th- Americans landed BIB.nno jouui Kftd the Canadians 2G3,- snu pounds. Tfcc tumllugs at this Krl fo tli', season lo date tolal I0.D3V, 500 puuiHls IS.0115,100 pounds from inerieaii vessels and 4,- !Ui,fti0 rw mi nd fnim (lanailixi: veHels. JSLANDS SERVICE DURING FAIR WEEK ' The folli'Wiin tioa I tuslule , has been arraiiged by the cin ilian National St-umhip through (the fair Imiiril f4r the accomnui jdalkin of iitor from the Uueen 'Charlotte Inland during exhihi-, Hun week. Tin- will permit of i laud viiloi vtin;i at home and later vi-.il inp the eity for the fair. " The temer I'rinne ('dmrlxx J win lcae here on Monday aflei- niMn. Septnaihor 13, for Massett Inlet. The steamer will leave .Maetl Inlet on l'uewlay, Su- K lemfwr 1 1. arriving iire on VI- n e4luy mom ins. On iiiieslay ttie 1'rinee ihe visit win aii ir neirnuan house bemsr ai-.-at on a for withholilinc that warrant r , irpiam, anj i uVUKr,i enough wtuniltur leave, tor l'niie. Itti ommitmeiit, and out or that am- rl al 0 av t,at j, jjtinct sick of Thursday, Sepiem-endment. purely for jiarty rea- OWB cooking. t one- ttnM'tw arriving trere nt Sum ons. there Jegan one or the most (,e sink is toe low at home, the atne day. .iseious attacks ever brouglrt table is too low, the carving1 n,f slenier I'rtnee John will against the character of a public' knife won't out, the kitchen! teavr YaiiHuvr on epteriflier II man for purely political reasons Exaggeration During this campaign it has ... . . .. . I ...1,1 .ft . a. range won I nurn rigni, tne caiunu van at soiuuerti yueen is too peristejit in 'newing"jtJtarlotie Uland nottits. arrtiiu aliout her iiinev rsMtuiremeuU , In l'rtiwe ihtpwrt no 'edne.tj. neeu exaggerated in all kinds off ihe boys gel m tne way, and tliei JsitHHUir 15. extreme language atyi Mr. Itoivin j flies will persist in crawling through Uie screen netting on; the windows and doors. Alto-i other than to give you the nature ;"! be. To alleviate (he suf- jf the offense. I nut that before ierwg ne tww prepare ins do'n al anU w,r, you inrder thatyou may under-!n,,fa,s 4tand the nature, extent and tliei"1 can u"r " un uravitf of tho offpn.A nf whieh "no "wiiet anu caulking too. it is claiflted he is guilty as a minister of the crown and in order that his detractors wiH not be aide lo say anything that is not the truth. t. 1. Mathers, manager of the bomerville and,:- Prinee nuirt tranneriei, crwnesl by the Millcrd interests, arrived in the city yes- rioncc IV THE MTTtn or an aMllratn.n (h- settler .Mac says this hone! TiMr rr i"i cxartir to . iiturk tnrt ne cooking isn't what its cracked, a?,fw ' 4 ' ' Hrt"" " SalMfarhio MmiT uf llir lm J Ike i ertiriaie of Title mverlna the abnve tend baMir lM-m pranitiertl to in. II i rut in lentlfi l tMte arter Itte ettxralfMi of own nmmt trmm Hte rirol tNtbHraUon ttervif a PmiokaiiMMI oetirieale or Title to th ak. ro loud m U twine ut IIKl.tA AI'AMs Tkr artoiiwl frtiriele in Title I. lUlnl Hm. Hrtt of trluer.tlfftk. and la amttterrd IUUI. II. . VM I.f ltll . . BfHtfar of Tllleo. Uaat Kotsolnr outer. pilai'e h4in. a. c 1th AuiniM, iff. LAND ACT. Casslar Land Okslrin I .rul . Dwtrkl f l-riiHre Huperl aud tuna led mi Taka Arm. atmtjt t mlle aoulOoesl al tuwnth of AtBnio hirer TAkE NOTICE that Frivl. n.ri..i tmukip of Atlm. US... oeetibatlosi mill luanaaer. Intend to apply lor peemlnn w iurcnK lue lot lands: llowlnr deerlbrd Coninienrlnr al a imi nliniMi k south shore of Taku Arm about t ml lit MWinweM rrnm toe mouth or Atlinto Hirer and runnliif thenre to rbslns esl thenre f 0 rhiin wMlh. Ihenee to riialna east: awl Ihenee tu chain noeOj in liiiii oi roouiftirenieni i-oniainlnr 40 rm, more or ies. lnt(JS IIICHAtlp IHMor AoUrM tMi. Allin. Mav to. IttA LAND ACT. Nolleo of Intention to polr to Leaio Lmd r iu rnim iun uina itreordinf lot inci ui -niire iiuimti, anu ttiuale at TAkE .viTirE thit Euaene II Hlmii son of Maxell, orcupothin ranner, in lends to apphr for a ee of Ihe follow Inr rteeriid lands: Ooo.miTKtrir at a r'l planted at ihe northeast eonier of Blrk to Maoetl iimnsue: inenre easieru ir... reel llien.-e wiutherlv 1 miu feet 1hen') es irriy mi reel UK-n'-e northeru 1 out. reet t.. p.. ml nf 'immeit -enienl and .'on tainlnr 1 arret mar- "r t - l EUOEflE II. BIMrR'?( I lrnl...nl rialert tnne StfA CANADIAN SERVICE. mom MONTREAL TO rLYmOUTH-CHERBOURO-LONDON Aiitoiiia A.ia. . .n.a Ana" .ii'ain .... .! ?. a. ;ii. , . TO BELFAST AND QLAtaDW IIItU . Aur. . Allien a h.-nl 1 FROM NEW VORK TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL ' Mnillia - Mi .( I ran. .11 i u, , TO CHERBOURO AND SOUTMAMPTON Aiiullaiila i.ar sit f. mi-i ,, Herenaria m-pt. I Sept g. Oct I., 'Manrrlsnla .. s.-m. t. s..iit. t) ,., j-1 TO LONDONDERRY AND OLAannU. "I Transylvania m. tt i alnlom, ,. . eLTasoiTTH-rlAVRE-LONDON 1 i:n.".i Ana l I in. .i.lri.i j TO PLYWIOUTH-CHERBOURO-HAKIBURQ Aii.lmila oeoi s. ...m - n. , , ROl BOSTON TO QUEENSTOWN AND tiutnn. ... . All, Z H'UIIUI Calls at riyniouth. Kaslliwuid, Sept a . Ask for Tmirlsi ard :Us. Uteraliira and ee List or Sisiclal Toiin Money orders, drafts and travellers' rheques at losiesl rate. full Inforniaiinn fr.i.oeal Aaents oe iMMnpanr" iiflSStS L". aV.iV' " Vinew,fw' c 6n! Our Optical Parlor is now in charge of an Expert Graduate Optician Mr. F. M. Duchomln, loto of Blrks, Winnipeg and Van. eouvcr will glvo you personal and courteous attenUo" when you consult us about your eyes. " With the latest optical instruments and a perfectly an. pointed examination room linked with the precision at! talned by continual successful Optical Practice in the laro, centres, there will be no guess work about the glasses 1 y0 u roceive. A satisfactory fit It guaranteed with our service. USE IT! Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRY -:- -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Iniliiiling three '!i!ui't -.en iff tor Fann ; V 80FT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH at mot reasonable Jirires. DRY CLEANING, PRESSINQ AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we vi :i Jo Uie r- Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OpraiUnp Q. T. I. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Cnginsars, Machinists, Boilermaker, Blacksmiths, fUr makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plnrit Is e(jiiiijf(l Iu handle al kimU MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFA8T FOOD." 8moked Dally by Canadian pish & Cold Storage G- Prince Rupert, B.C. Fishermen's Supplies TISH?LINE8, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES,, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING; GROCERIES Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde8t.