n iitee; pinfts running everywhere; salvage' people busy (iiMiil report linvfl lieen received litis week regarding" the g udiisiry generally in Dtfrirt No, '. The volumeof i 'nmh'O timing the week. under review has kept up well ii eve-- f the ipi.mltly lauded during the previous week. Hi. unlay n luiul ol I2l.Mi pounds was landed, followed dv i ml pound nig Monday. .r0O pounds on Tuesday, J?,00o ' oft Vniied, iind SU.-OIMI pounds on Thursday, wink - lay seven Aun'Mf iin and four Canadians landed i i?!o(i6 . . - Y . . - - - I i rrne nave remaiiieu uenily mound Iflp and lie for eaugnt iish mill an u ml a ii He tor Canadian i-aiuihl, snie instances (iamiili.'in i a j.x -Led off a lillli heller Mian 'he Americans. wus reported on Thursday n 'tin of pinks is hciny i't at Massed, Queen OLID 18K nil) s une wedding, ring made li mclling the i; a ui"Wiil. mese miewhal soft. (it iters are made iy bending a -' i ip of gofd and joining lie ends. We sell Hie seamless kind, Hammered from one solid ien of cold. These are i ni and liard and wlt wear tniirli l inRer. I' icrs from 0.50 to $15.00. w JOHSgULGERt- t Tltt 5T0PE Wint THt CL0C New felt Hats and Dresses Full Line Thread SILK HOSIERY $1.50 "Demers" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Boi 327 BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, lla been taken over from Oeorgo Kerr by J. Preece !Me with Sealy ami l)ooilion Fresh Meats rrUlnQ;TwloeWeekly fiom'-the Bulkley Valley Phone 178 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 671 DENTIST i jliarlolie Islam!, and that the canneries un l hi Island arc workliiK day and nit; lit lo cope wild the catch. It was reported hy ifhe person, arriving oiiijhe Prince I Charles op Thursday, that, a net. with one end tied. la. the. wharf and the oilier end drairircd pii.MUHi iij- KajMMi, ratigur over I -'O.ooit fi,, in one swoop. While a rew eolioes are running in the risers, (his run Is nop expected to inalur.' lo any extent until the laUer part of the month. The ron of pinks- in the Skcena and :.aas. Itivers has started- off In 'tooil shape and is much improved arejOer the corresponding period last gold'y,'ar- " ' concensus of nplu-arp!Hiii In nautieal eirrles that this hi" lo Itave hulddcH and he 'ra" ,M "' the busiest In me etiy s history as there are more fi-henneii out Otis year-than evir iM'fnrr and the canneries throughout the district are running with heavy crews. Hiiine!.-s men on tint waterfront report plenty of hostile offering, although colleidion are still lljrtil. Doubtless when (he lat fish is caught and the canneries tally up, the money will mm rolling Jioine, and everybody will he happy. Good, Sport. ; If you have a few hours to fill' in on a fine Sunday and feel in an etiergrtic mood, you can't do hetter than Join forces with Kmic t'nwln'and take a hike up Mount Oldfield. The writer was fortu nate In Mng lured into Krnie's 'rap Jal Sunday and took the ad- anlage of us trail, knoweUe to srale'Hte mountain. Hrnle is one of lhoe genial rouipauions who nut xfily helieves ill llie motto "tie prepared." luil lives tip to H. At the psrhylottical moment Krnie produces eollapsihle drinking mips with whirh to inthihe from the several cjear -streams passed on the march, nice juicy nranttes, hic4t stay the pangs of hunner and anl Hie fttirst. and other little -OOVIBKKINT LIQUOR ACT" NMlte, of Application for Content M Tranaler ? Llcenta. XOTIiJ: IS IO.lll.HV DlVtV mat on the til (tat itr tirii.t nett llw untrTrnrt intend tn n Hi the l iquor Cuntrol Hnl fr riHiM-nt lo Iratufrr 'f Beer LI-retire nMulMWd 170 ind tuej In retrrt i.r prMUIes. tteinv pJrt of t bulMInt aii sn I'nrt cteinrnK llnlrl. Tort r.le-ItMSit. B, I ., iifost-Ow lamt ilex-nlinl l.4 1. tnk I). In SuUlitlalun or ll Ub, ymen i.harlutlr lolaruls. ITHwr llIrl I ami llritrr Oltinrl, tn the rrln-e of Hnll.ti Cnluniblt, fnsu Trank lllrkt In lli-riierl ItaifiPton. Theulnre Muriol arvl J. clrrotx f Ihn Town or Port CletnrnM. In the County r I'rlnre Unpen. In I he Pror-tnre nt HrilUh l olunilila. lb lranferee. IIVTM at Prlgre lluperl. n. C, thin JIM (1 or July. itrniirnT ihmpton. llinili'lllK Mt'SCOM, j. i:iccoe. Appllnnu and TrsmfrrMt M I L K From Bulkley, Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIP-PINa, CIvttAm We specially recommend our Table Cream at l5o for Half Pint. Quality and Service Special loa Delivery Service Valentin Dairy Phone 6S7 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phono M., Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team, or Motor Service Hoal, Band and O ravel We ipneelallio ln. PtaitOvaM Furniture Bovlng. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An, Exiiulslte Stock; of Fut Trimmings at- low prices B. C-FUR Co. Next O.W.VA. Third Ao hull ami canvas reported tn lo enable llie boat tn he lowed lo the dry dock. The C. A T. is now undergoing repairs at the local yards. Power boat ZenardU: GapL Oainmon, is busy packing fish from lllvers Inlet to the lover ness cannery. Gapl. Canimou has a famous waterfront ccleb rily aboard in the person of Jeff Lamhly, who Is aeling a chief engineer on Hit. Iioal Die shameful wiy, Jeff Is sheik- ing the girls at Lowe Inlel and! inai in?)- c.oiuti fc'ci an iiiniiiirij with tht flappers and ar sori- CANOtLLATION. OF RC8CRVK MiTICE IS IIEIIKnTciVF-.N that the ro-rrv etlMliiK over l.Qt ICuT, Cistlar ll. irlrt, I raiitrJIeil. Orpuly Mlnl'trr or Lind. U. It. .NAIU..N, Llnila ni-lortiuent, Vli'tniia, U. tilli June. 0(t. LAND ACT, Nolle Of. Intention to Apply to Laaia Land. In Land llerordlnir r"l-lrlrt of I'rlnrn Ituiwrt, ami alliiatp nn north nbure of tn I imatnoU Hay ill Soiitl.Vrt Ciuitl of I'ltt lliiil, almui ime milti ralrrm Hlurr I'ointj TAkK MUll'li Uial K. nnuiarau, or I.nws lulrl, I'mvlm-A of llillnh ColmiiOla, ocru-iialluii. Cannery Matiaror, IntnicH in apply rir a Icaw if ih ruiurwln ilesrrlbril latuM: Ciiimii.aoliis at a ihii plantrHl mi the hnrr of an unnnnii'il liay nn t he loinli-rl rnat of Pill Mawl. ahnut one nillr-raul nr Hlurr Itilnt; tlirnee nnrtli two lily rhalnai llivni-e ral iwrniy rlmlnai lliriire until twenty rlialit. more nr l. lo lllarli Water Mailt t Uu-iMie rulliiwinir hili water mark wrairrly tn iinjnt nr ruininmicriiirnt, and rnnialnln elality arrei, itiorr or In, DATtU July SOU), lilt A. E. nOl'SSEAl'. Applicant, - ffrV;'S"Wt: jar August M, ; . t TH3iDAIL7 RBW3 ? PAOB.PTV) ATERFRONT WHIFFS 3fltMJ4 V UIIVIVM IMULII ULII17I1 V f Iff ff for Economical Transportation services which only a seasoned hiker learn. The trail leads of! Ninth Avenue Wesl near to FuU (on Street and a gxiud trail is of fered over the pipe line as far as the dam. From then on the trail gets a hit tep and wet in places, hut nothing to mar the enjoyment, in fact it adds zest lo the efforl. The view from the summit is superh. With a pair ol swell Zeiss hinnculars people win be plainly seen on the beach -at Metlakalla, while a fine view is obtained of Triple Island, Duudas Island, and Lucy Island light. Tlio view looking up' Tucks Inlet is well worth the climb to see. The flh packer Prosperity A., s now nailing liTlo port rejni-larly from (he Queen Charlott: Island with fish for the Somwi- ville cannery, lo which interests the halibut boat is now on charter. The Leila II.. Ca. Ales. 8aint, of the Prince lluperl lloalliouse salvage corps, returned from (iape Sliaken on 'Wednesday morning having in low tiapt. Christopher's gasboat C. V T.t whicli was blew ii on the rocks at Prince of Wales Island . .. ... I. rtt. - - i. i y Sl For Demonstration, phone or call Dave Ross KAIEN GARAGE uisly considering sending a pe-ilion to the skipper to keep leff aboard' when the Zc-nardi oines into porli A Mermaid Sighted Storie.s rpached the city on Monday of a "mermaid" being een at the Salt Lakes on Sun day. At fir-jt the story was dis- reilileil hut upon further en-4Uiries neing made it was ascertained Uial such had been Hie ase. The daughter of Fatlie .Veptune disported herself 01. Ihe shores and, il, is said, gav -rvenil exhihitloDs of llie .Char-ieston with her. flipiers, which isoes lo show that even mer-naids keep (heiiiselves up-to-lale and in the i running wittt mere Innd mortals. In addilioi l Ws object if beauty could en tertain nn iiiiisidal instruments. and altogether a great lime vn-I ad by nil. Il is said that the last seen of this marine wondei he was swimming south wilsi a powerful over-arm stroke. Launch 23. (lap!. Lorrie Lam My, iia been putting in a strenuous Hme during the past wee., carrying aquatic wonders to ami from Ihe Salt Lakes. Lorrie says there is a noticeable ir.- u. r.r. .,,e rumn crease in the traffic litis year lo.t one or two .planks in th' ,i ,i,n ,- r.nriin - tnti,. pairues wiw;. ,uannce of the henntie of thn lake on a week day, (In Wednesday night there were more people at the lakes than on the previous Sunday. If llie u-eallier m.-in will oiilv inil. " rt ii; i . -. i i iaiK.nK ainm v.apc Miaheii , 0Vpr ton,orrvv jf8 dollars tn Aiex. says llie mos.piiloes meol,r Ulls that the atten.lane uai viainuy arn as nig as geen- a , ,,. Uuming Clun luting a piece or flesh mil or'sporK Jo ,( hpU, Jn ,hp aflpr. one. nnu inhiug u up a tree uiivnn iii i. n h,,n,n. eat It. Poor Alex. was. all covered with bites and is now speinllnw. his spare time scratching "em. , Kite Maklno For a real prtgrossive brain the palm nni.-l he handed In John V.. !.. John .noticed that the yAOiigslnrs hiivq; liern mueii interested in kit frjjug of late and fii verAJiiilc brain .iCauglp on lof,'(Iie iiidion wf niiinufac turing a special brand of kill which which t fill the demand. iThe fact that the kite maker liAiin .... 1 1 .... I inir nitna nt tr i 1 y? la ?mi?' Ie to "nr h. pastBweek goVs i in.- ron ill un- jixhi irnim "l.,., .. .. ... ,,. ,lit ., iiwc iii.ii in ini. nit iiiitii iiij right idea for making money tf It al , li-ici t t n 11 ill.' I tA.l 1 I Til 1 J'."'.. .' r - ' .r,Br;.k1les John makes are .lifferer.t .1.1. II llir. I.t-Ili Hl-ll m'lllll I'T- ( Jaway. from town for a w'hllo so .1 1 k i ! .1 ever seen on this clohe befmt. Trclinically speaking the outside strut, o; iIli:.iuiiious, has been Ira us f erred 10 the Inside, or ohrendiuin, and in this way they ditfer consid erably from the kite of our hoy hood days. In short the kites made by John will fly if you hire an aeroplane and take thorn up with you hut not otherwise while the ordinary common or Harden kite will fly out of tho window if you don't chain it down. - The (lull Steamship Co.' freighter Salvor, Uapt. Hush, arrived in port on Wednesday wilh a cargo of inn tons of cement from the H.G. Cement Co., Victoria, for 'he Albert McHafrery interesls for local consumption. After unloading Ihe cement Ihe Salvor proceed ed Iq Ihe Skeena Hlver to pick up 8,000 enses of salmon. All's well with., ihe waterfront. Hob Davie, the Venial manager for Albert & McCatfery returned Multiple-Cylinder Performancei with Chevrolet Economy that's why hundreds of thousand of owners are proclaiming today's Chevrolet, the greatest achievement in. Chevrolet histdryl Everywhere the world over, it is sending, Chevrolet popularity to new record breaking heights. Everywhere jt is recognized as the climax to twelve ytars of constant improvement by Chevrolet and Ceneral Motors engineers! And a single ride-will tell you why. Into -the field of low-priced cars, today's Chevrolet has brought exactly the slow-speed smoothness, exactly the velvety acceleration, exactly the freedom from high-speed vibration that have been the big reasons for the buying of multiple-cylinder cars. Imagine loafing up a hill in a loaded car with the motor turning; so easily that you are almost unconscious of ita operation. You can in the smooth Chevrolet! Imagine rushing from 10 to 30 miles an hour before your watch ticks ten times with never a semblance of straining or labor in the motor. You can in the smooth Chevrolet I Imagine speeding at 40 tor B0 miles an; hour in a Coach or Sedan and. being, able to talk without raising your- voice above the conversational pitch. You can in the smooth Chevrolet! And above all, imagine the satisfaction, of enjoying such phenomenal qualities together with an amazing economy of operation. You do in , the smooth Chevrolet I Compare abilities on any basis with any car you have ever driven. Try it in traffic over the hills through clinging mud and sand. Go to your Chevrolet dealer prepared for: a ride the like of which you never dreamed possible in other than a multiple-cylinder car. For that's exactly what yon will discover at the wheel of the smoothest Chevrolet in Chevrolet. history! The SmoMhnt Chevrolet la Chevrolet hlarorr U ellins at the Lowe Price for which Chevrolet hu ever been oU la Canada. Koadatcr S640 Coup tSIO Sedan Sport " 7IS loacn no Landau Sedan 97t Commercial Chi ..ia . - ... Touring 640 Utility Eaprtfi " - - jjj A II Price t Ftttotf Taa-ef Ettf EYEGLASSES-- The Question of Real Value Into even' pair of glasses we make, we put Value and Satisfaction, by the employment of skill born or experience, and care lo idilain the greatest amount of good our skill makes possible. Under our method of making glasses, you gel all this added skill which means added value at prices no higher than others ask and lower lhan many, demand. Competition lias set a standard for prices, but our ever im-reasiiig, business shows mat our glasses nave a uiiKATKH VALUE than you can gel for a sim lar nriee else where. AN OPTICAL SERVICE THAT EXCELS. A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist for 27 Years. 15 Ye.irs Constant Practice in Toronto. 319 Third Avenue Opposite G.W.V.A. Phone Red 442 aaaiaaajBBBBBBBlBJPBJHHBJJJJJJJJJlBM West of England Go. WISHES TO THANK ALL THEIR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR SUPPORT AND PATRONAGE, and promises that Ir It Is at all possible they will reopen their store In the near future,. with a larger and better stock. to flic- city on the Prince uecr:e on Vedn?day morning after '.oliilaying with his family in til. -oulh. And by the way, while in th-south Hob has been hohnohhiiiu' with Vic Folej, the rnnowneo boxer, who will fight J. Newman during fair week, and was visit -ing al Vie s trainiing emp. It's on the cards Dial Hob ha learned: a thing or two from Vic on the punchkig game so don't go arour.d the- office getting fresh. Karl Haines, of the halibut schooner Hingle.itlor, is a patient in, the general hospital. Karl is rapidly" recovering from -i slight indisposition anil' is able to sit up and tlbgesl the isli arrivals. Hubert Want, representing tho marine insurance underwriters, has been putting In somo stren uous hours this week, lie wns up to Shaken Point on tho 0. J: 'lv. wreck on Prince of Wales Is land, to Ihe grounding of the Hellingham on Dighy Island, nr.d ih now busy, on the wreck, of tha Shmuionu. III.,, a Japantwa, seiner which went on the Hammer Hocks in Hecate StratU SWAT THE FLY-SWAT Thousands of people every year dio from, diseases carried hy flies. Now ts the time to safeguard against them. Screen Doors in nil sizes complete with fillings .... $3.25 Adjustable Window Screens, size fifteen inches to sixty-one inches, each 50c. to $1.25 Water Sprinklers, galvanized or paiuled, each $1 to $1.50. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Phone 101 255 3rd, Ave. WICHMANN OIL ENGINES act ilUi)trail, Hp juit in tnne It you waut yuura this winter, llemnultfr, YlrtmiamiHM. 'tmt vfbrale. '.will idle all Uw. will ,nw ilown tor truUUir, Klrt co-4 iMnallrr. no iikep, im t'uiiile tmutle. ENGINEERING CORPORATION, LIMITED Marin. Dapartmanli 'Mr. O. TalUtun. QRANVILLE ISLAND VANCOUVCR, B. a early in the wr-ek. Some Cook The boys have been wailing to! gel something on N. M. McLean, for a long lime, and here U is.i Mas has Joined the -ranks of' (continued on page six) PAIN from Bkrddtr Irrkadoiij Soon (4 by SANTAL MIDY aware of Imluilona Look for th word "MIDV Sold by all druffiit Rallt iJ 1