Tbe follrrrtng memorandum Of port and district requirement tu present yesterday to Sir Henry Thornton. president of tbe Canadian National Railways, by a committee of the Board of Trade and Sir Henry gave his answer lq regard to the requests at the din ner last evening. It Is with" pleasure- that we again. on behalf of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade, welcome you to our city, Since you last visited us the elevator has been completed and taken over by the Canadian Co-operative Wheat Pool. This organization has Already loaded three ships from this searon's grain crop, and Indications are that some ten million bushels will move outward from this port by the time the. present crop Is disposed of. As you assisted materially in having this elevator constructed, we feel satisfied that the results so far obtained are as gratifying to you as to others interested in th development of Prince Rupert. Tbe movement of the grain over th part of your system, we feel, demonstrated that it Is more profitable to the railway than though it had passed through the Port of Vancouver. Further, other traffic that Till be created at this port by reason of this movement will directly benefit, in its entirety, the Canadian National Railway, where at other ports competitive roads obtain their portion. , .MORE FACILITIES , While we can consider ourselves on tbe map as a grain port In so far as tramp cargoes are concerned, we cannot hope to be ranked as a one hundred per cent grain outlet until facilities are available for shipments of part cargoes. In this connection, may ve niemt that you take under advise ment the extension to this port of the! boats to the United Kingdom and Europe, at the same time giving ship-.pers tbe same rate of freight aa from tbe southern porta. Not only will thl facilitate the movement of grain, but allow exporters of other commodities to avail tbemselvea of" the economic advantages oSered here. Alaska exports a considerable portion of their salmon and by reason of the service now established by the Northland Steamship Co, It is possible for them to deliver their salmon here at a lower rate than to the port of Seattle. This cargo U not available to any other Canadian port except Prince Rupert. In addition to the labor used In the ordinary cos: of handling salmon, the work of strapping and labeling amounts to a considerable sum which, as this salmon is destined for foreign countries, can be done at this port as advantageously aiH though done at Seattle. When you were here last we took up (he question of supplying a boat for pet farming a service between here and the Queen Charlotte Island. Since then the Board has been able to Influence the Department of Trade and Commerce in calling for tenders for a service of eighty trips a year from here to these islands, and we understand that you art Oo get the contract. This .will necessitate the construction of a boat of one hundred and fifty tons carrying capacity. Thai boat could be ued advantageously during her spare time in freighting salmon here from adjacent canneries for rail and ocean shipment. The pack of salmon In the vicinity of Prince Rupert this season amounted to about one million cases, eighty per cent of which Is moved by water to the markets abroad. MTANUARO ROAD ItF.I) Wc assumed that the movement of grain over this division necessitates bringing up to standard the road bed and motive power, thereby enebllng you to make as fast time between here and Red Pass as la obtained on tbe Vancouver division. This, coupled with the saving of four hundred and eighty miles In the water route between here and the Orient, should be an inducement for steamship lines engaged in the silk trade to make this their first port of call. If this Is not a factor with the Blue Funnel Line, we have no doubt but what some of the Oriental lines would be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity if you were to offer them tbe same co-operation that you extend to the Blue Funnel Company. It should at least be possible to get some of these companies to make a trial shipment as they would lose very little In calling here as against going direct to Vancouver. On previous occasions we have dls cussed with you the wisdom of con atructtng a hotel, primarily for the tour 1st trade, at this port. This, we believe, has appealed to you as being a reason able request, the question of finance however, in the past has been the bar rter, but now that you have decided that you can afford to construct a hotel at Vancouver, wa trust that an amount sufficient to build one here, suitable for our requirements, "will be embodied in your estimates for the coming jrear. MU RCE OF REVEM'E It would seem that the longer you can keep tourists on your line, the greater the source of revenue. Having that in mind, wt respectfully suggest that you take under consideration the development of a resort at some point between here and Jssper. Lakelse Lake, llazelton, Lake Kathlyn, and Stewart Lake offer Ideal attract lens for tourists. Add to this a summer hotel at Stewart and you cn offer tht tourist aUrae- Hons that cannot be obtained on the 'on Monday. Skagway trip. 1 seen weir way Clear w remove lac a13-.-5iM.au vuww. -m "wmwi crimination existing against this port on 'church problems were discussed. Com-summer excursion fares from the ait. meowing next Sunday there will be Our Board has carried on considerable (regular service, both morning and ev- correspondence with the association and notwithstanding their failure to advance any logical reason for treating us differently on west-bound than on east-bound traffic, they refuse to put us on a parity with other Pacific terminals. TERRACE At the monthly meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Terrace Hospital held on Tuesday afternoon In G.W.V.A. hall the work convener reported the eed of considerable more supplies In the clothing line and it was arranged to bold a special work meeting next Tuesday. Nov. 18. at the home cf Mrs. A. C. Fowler, which all those Interested are requested to attend. Routine business was conductel and a vote of thanks was passed to all who had assisted In making the hospi tal dance such' a success. George Little left on Wednesday on short business trip to Prince Rupert. He waa accompanied by Mrs. Little. Miss Slogan of Hazelton la the guest of Mrs. J. K. Frost this week. Mr. and Mrs. Oustave Sivertz, of Victoria, who spent several days here on combined business and pleasure trip. left on Monday for tbe interior. Another old timer to return to Ter race recently Is A. Austin who spent some years here in pre-war days. His father having opened the first butcher shop In- Terrace In the building re cently vacated by Wm. Burnett. A. O. Bowie who spent the week fnd at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Vanderllp returned to Prince Rupert (ecDes i jorTasiu Dtihes J This book will give you many suggestions for changes in Menu. AnJ the dishes ore easily and economically prepared. Write The Borden Co. Limited, Vancouver. 'A rnnlrnnary at South Sumai, B.C. eiung. In the Anglican Church.' L. Bethurum of Usk was a business visitor here on Monday. Rehearsals for the play "Captain Rac ket." which ia being staged here on Nov. 19. under the auspices of the Canadian Legion, are being carried on, aad the play promises to be one of tbe most Interesting ever staged here. Wm. Dool has rented the farm of T. Ackroyd on Braun'a Island for the coming year, and Mr. and Mrs. Ackroyd intend leaving shortly for Ed monton where they will spend the win ter. Jas. Burns of Amesbury was In town on Monday. HAZELTON Miss Parfett. is again confined to her home school with a severe cold. Her waa taken on Friday by Mr. Henderson of Klsplox. Mr. Oreenway attended the teach ers' convention in Smlthera. on Friday of last week nd Miss Richardson fof New Hazelton was also In atten dance. Wm. Orant spent Sunday In Smith era visiting Mr: and Mrs. Kiipatricx and son, on the occasion of the lat ler's birthday. John L. Christie, of Prince Rupert spent Sunday and Monday In town. The many friends of Mrs.- C. W. Daw son are glad to see ber home again af ter a couple of weeks In the hospital. STEWART ' Orant Mahood, pioneer operator In this camp, haa returned to Stewart af ter having spent some time In New York, Boston and Toronto. He state that, although he has made some good connections, the East la gcenrally lg norant of the possibilities of the. Port land Canal mlnlnf district. The provincial department of public worka ha placed a drag line scraper here for use In road building In the district. The provincial government has as sured the Stewart Board of Trade that It will embark upon a program of road extensions In this district If sufficient tourist trade can be secured to warran. It. Word has been received in Stewart of the marriage In Vancouver of John McLeod manager of the King Edward Hotel here to Miss Kathertne McLeod, who came out from Stornoway, The Standard Oil Co.'s tanker William S, Herman, 2,000 tons deadweight, the largest ship that ever came to Stewart waa here last week discharging oil for the Premier Mine. J. P. Burn haa arrived from Vancouver to take charge of the Dunwell mill lucceedlng, Alex. Scoble, who ha' gone south. L. S .Davidson, formerly accountant at Britannia Mines haa ar rived to occupy a similar position at Uh DufiwtU. CHICKEN DINNER FOR HAZELTON PEOPLE' i Inllrd Oiurrlt Ladles Cater lo Lare Crowd on Thank. r,lliir, luj at In-. trrlor Centre HAZELTON. Nov. 11. What may be regarded aa the first and best social event in the history of Hazelton. 'was that of a hot chicken dinner served by the ladles of the United Church on Thanksgiving evening Considerable anxiety waa prevalent among the ladlea as to their Inability to estimate hew many to provide lor or bow well the public -would patrchlze such an occasion. Provision was made for one hundred and although some food waa left over, yet many availed themselves of the opportunty to enjoy the temptng dishes set before all. t Alter dinner Dr. Wrlncb presided at the entertainment prepared wholly by local talent.' The whole evening waa an unparalleled success, the receipts be Ing well over 1100. Needless to aay the ladles have well advertized themselves as competent caterers to tbe public. WHIST LEAGUE St. Ileorre's (eal Cute) IMeatrd Sunt of Canada In .xprrially Scheduled (lame In a specially called game In the Fraternal Wfilst League last night, the St. Oeorge's Society (Seal Cove) de feated the Native Sor of Canada, the score being 6 to 3. The regular weekly game will be played tonight under the ntw schedule which is Just issued. The standing of the lean, to date l aa follows: W. Moose 3 Elks '. 3 Oddfellows 3 St. Georges (City) .. 1 St. Oeorge's ( Seal Cove) 1 Sons of Canada 1 K. of P 1 St." Andrew's "0 LADIES' MUSIC L. 0 I 3 Pta. 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 CLUB MEETING Modern F.nr,llh Composers Here Studied at (lathering In Japaneoe Mloolon YeMerilay The Ladles' Music Club met yesterday afternoon' at the Japanese Mission, their subject of study being "Modern English Composers.' The program, the arrangement of which was In charge of Miss Lennox and Mrs. Robert Blance, waa Got Relief From Dyspepsia lira, Clareneo Sealy, Bathurrt, write!- I luftVred a long time from dyspepsia. I uraI tablets and medicine of all kinds, but got iio relief until I i tar ted ruing After taking- two bottles I can gladly ay that I became mnh better, and eaa sow eat moat any kind of food without having to suffer for it after." Tor the past 48 years I1.H.IJ. has Uea put up only by The T. Milbora 1 -fetfi, lorv&jo. Out, WANTED. ACTIVE WORKER. EITHER lady er gentleman. Apply to Mrs. 11. Deacon. Hotel Prince Rupert, tomorrow morning between 9 and 10 o'clock. WANTED j O I R L FOR UOHT HOUSE-work, with some knowledge of cooking. Apply Box 336. Dally Neva of-. flee. 261 KITCHEN HELP WANTED.--INLANDER. AGENTS WANTED MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL AND appoint agents, Tearfy guarantee 11063 ibelng 111 weekly average I and expenses. Exprrttnc unnereaary For particular write Winston Co.. Toronto. SITUATIONS VACANT LADY DESIRES SITUATION AFTER -noons. Box 326 Dilly News Office. FOR SALE FOR SALE. SIX ROOM HOUSE. FULLY Modern: marts view: centrally located: fiist etas condition. S3.6MOO. 100000 cash, balance monthly. Sixteen room house neat Dry Dock, with furnace. Wdl sell cheap and on easy payment. Theo. Oollart limited. Westhotmr Theatre Block. it FOR SALE TO CLOSE OUT AN IS Ute. we are authorised to sett several lota, some corners, harbor view, and on aewer. Price low and term from $1000 nuthly. Enquire T. McClymont. IS TENT FOR SAUL NEW THIS YEAR and used only one week. Price 120 Pullen, Dally News. 'J FOR SALE. QUANTITY OF STEEL trapa. Wm. A. Brown. Oaa boat "Ox.- Seal Cove. 2f,4 FOR SALE. CHEAP. HALF A TON OF old newspapers. Apply Dally News, rf EXCHANGE TRADE. FINE ITALIAN MANDOLIN for Guitar, same quality. It. Hamlt ton. general delivery. 264 FOR KENT FOR RENT OR SALE. THE LATEST Improved coin operated electric piano. For term, eddrea Elrctrie Piano, care Dally New Office. FOR RENT. FURNISHED APARTMENT on Second Avenue: four room and bath. Water paid. , Phone M7, FOR RENT. SIX ROOM MODERN flat with bathroom, at 171 Third Ave. East. Apply Hyde Transfer. tf FOR IlENTv MODERN UP-TO-DATE flat; large airy rooms: fire place; ciose in. Max lieiibroner. FOR RENT FIRST CLA8S MODERN Flat: Monarch range: water pall Westenhaver Bros, FOR RENT. FURNISHED SUITE. Phone 18, MussalJem Orocery. CHIROntACTIC lilt. K. E. EYOI.IKON UlllMintACTOU CI3 Third Atenue. Office visits iixx) House call . $3.00 For appointment Phone Office Blue M Residence Black 253 a follows: Piano solos (a) "The Dream of Om- ontiut" (Blgan; (b) "Suite for Piano" (Thurham). Mrs. F. P. Kenny. Vocal solos (a) "Thou Art Risen, Xly ueiovea Colr dee - Tavlnri- k " 4 ' I " f j nr.wn Bird Singing" (Haydn-Wood) Mrs Donald Ross. Vocal o!o-"Love Went ARIdlng I 'Frank Bridge). Mr. Anderson. , Vocal adlo "Slfent Nook" (Vaughai Wllllama). Mri. H. C Frsser. Piano solos - (a) "Kaleidoscope Suite' (Eugene Oossend); (b "Dance negre - cyru s-otti. Miss Lorna Tlte. nano sole The Old Munlcsl Box' Eugene Oosaend). Mrs. D. Fllton. Vocal solo--"Summertime In Bree don" (Oraham-Peel), Mrs. J. m. Mul doon, Qulntette-"0 Olsdsome Light" (8ul llvsni. Mr Donald Roas, Mrs It c Fraser. Mr. J; J. Muldoon, John I Dsvy and A, Clapp.rton. 'BOARD. THE INLANDER, i Second Avenue llvor.a 1ST. FOUND DERMATOLOGY rtriu. iim:miiii: Kr.Moun by the latest scientific method FIKMAMACY 111 VKWTI.III. No need for diafigurtiit hairs or other bOmlstie sny more, ritane Mark. tiU RESTAURANTS (il)Oll l:T CAIE Mra Oncer. Proftrttlr" Third Avenue. Next O W V. (inod Home Cooked Meal. Phone Black 700 Mi J FOUND.- riVE. BASEBALL BATS. An-j ply Daily Newt OaUe. .MISCKI.I.ANEOUS MAKE MONET AT HOME MEN AND . women con earn II to 13 sn hour in spar um writing ahowtarda. No ypacanraaaitig or aoUclUrm W Instruct; you and supply you with work.' Write today The Menhenalt Com-' j pany limited. CI Dominion Building.1 i Toronto. ! FUILS FURS MADE TO ORDER AND RE- modelled Raw skins tanned and dressed Mall order promptly attend ed to. Mra. F. Tarr. 4 Broadway East.. Vancouver ANOTHER BIQ REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES. l-m Ton Utility Kx- prpss Chassis f 815.00 Mi Ton l.inlil Delivery Chassis I fljn.00 lourlntf and Hoa-JMeVf 815.00 Sitorl Itraltr f 880.00 Coach anil Coupfl f 1020.00 Pftlan 1 135.no Landau ft 1185.00 USED CARS ON HAND I Ford I.iahl Dcliv-ry. open body I Ford I.ljrhl panr-l body I Ford I.itrht .slarler equinnient 1 Ford Tudor Sedan. starlpr qulpmenl .... I OldsmoliH 5-paen- Ker Tourlns. 1052 ... Terms enn b nrritniml nn Knih nw and used jars, lo suit thu HI I KIIT Delivery, Delivery, KAIEN GARAQE Deainrs in f 75.0A liri0.no lt5n.no 1300 00 $000.00 uaanac, McLaughlin, Oakland, uiusmoDiie, Ponllao and Chevrolet Cars Phone 52 NOW IH THE TIME to buy that car you have been considering, Why walk during the unpleasant winter weather? We have several new models on hsnd. prices sre st a low level -and easy terms art available. ii:i CAIlH Two Ford Self starter Light Deliveries (usrsnteed. One Ford Truck 8ns p. On Chevrolet Light eDllvery Oood running order. Make us an offer, 8. I!. PAIIKI.lt I .TO, mini di:ai.i:k TAXI Phone 07 Taxi . (Call Ororife. Paul or Oust) Hlx and Sevnn Ia.senor Sludo linkers al your disposal nny lime. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across, from Empress Uotel. Tliui, PAGE FOUR THE DAILY KEWi MEETS HEAD BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMas. SWE.L OAOOV- HOW FINE- "r-l OF RAILWAYS -ARE YOU CEJT1MQ GOMMA DO rvAV YOUR EXERCISES DAILY AND OIE.T COMMITTEE PRESENTS .MEMORAX- Dl'M ON BEHALF OF llOtRD OP TRADE ANTI EXTENDS WELCOME l O 192 Intx Fsavuac Sv le JZ 1 iT -J jj!LL " S3J, . iftp Z-' wKBnV Cwl Bmm ox' lit ! II "10 ' lea. A oixJju&. Arc oZfji . (jet iollf 2i n d RjLlrirtrK '. 0 0 We appreciate the erecting of a totem ' R. Balf of the Hopper Davis Mining pole on the hiU overlooking the harbor ( Co.. Kalum Lake, was in town on and trust that it be further beautified j Tuesday. by the removal of the surrounding i stumps. ! A Testry meeung was neia on iws- We regret that so far the Transcoa- 'day evening, at the home of Rev. t,n'nUl Passener " h" MrV A b,nMn of th An service being performed by the CGit-M jnd V anted For Sale For Rent oitr.diNo For I be j. Mondays. Wediin . t close ... To t snrom rr IS DAILY NKWS ASS K AM JA " - v a mm s. re 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken fo leu than 50c WANTED HOARD round, 4t MAIL SCHEDULE Sundays . . ; Tuesdays 4 Thursdays Saturdays . E C.PR Oct 12 si .1 ij ; 7m An)m. A I Ire Arm, ttmui tal mlrr Sunday . . ? Ta It. slntMaiB) ane Njm Ki,nki TiMirsdays . To Als.ka lalnlt- October I and is Tn (Bern ( lurMIr- October 9 and 33 To Antat and Alke Ana-. WcdReadaye I To Meaarl and rrrmlrt Saturdays t ; IN-fmiiMt ITom the l-t Monday. We-met- n r . lrtm tancioter Buodava . 1 wed needs) s Fridays . . Saturday OrJt. October llafn Antes. Alice Premier Tuesday ttant Ft. MnpMHi sod a-I BaVMrday f rom Alaska Point' - Osober 13 sr .ri ) Irani (ueen ("harMlr October 7 and Ji I mm Aatat and Allre Ara Thursdars 1 SfM. Irani Menart and PrrtnlfT - .IMIV t'llUXC'TIOM Orsham 4 sum Ate 11 Ave. a. sin ill (lb Ate. k rli.i si lh Ave 4 Tb mi 0 II 4 Sbeftke A". II vr. 4 Oaorsd f tin Ale. 4 lUr Slh 4 lit Cove i- Stb Ave. A i.nit'ti lib Ave. 4 Mrlinle Pro. Oovl. BMr Iro. 0i. Whirl O.T.P. Wharf . O.T.P snuoo .. tod Ave. 4 tnd t Ird Ave 4 run n t ltd Ave. Slh SI For Vaiireiner t a. s ff ' I v ' I I r in 1 Bnnuay-sa. Prlnfe n Tueday-a. Cardi tia Thuardar-ea Prln C:r ' fm t Sf U.O.. J.a a S Ssturdsy - rriucrssBf ' Oct. 1 aa. Princess M- ' Oct. 72. s. Prln. r W Frwio taicooirf SumUy- as CardcMS Wedneaday oa, Pr Cir S FHdayea. Catala m, . , tw On-..-' oaiuroay i Saturday- -a, Prln. '"J October 8- -a Pri urT 1 I 1. 1 i, i' . ; I -1 I 111 I II ' H 1 STEAMSHIP HOTEKB ill II 1! It I I 1 VCMIUTI " Blue- l or rrt Mmwn anl Nss , maay v. , l nm ivrl Mnin and " , Baturday-as. Calata lor sieasrt, njo snd Aiw f C-mnay wnm tr-Irorti hlenar Anjos end , lAiesosy . For Mewsrt . ' Saturday- -aa. Prln T'lpf" I'roru Menarl . Sundav-a Prince n lir (Jueen ( lirlille Oct 9 as. Prince 1 Oct. 23- as. Trim C' lioin (Jueen e-Iinrlll'" Oct. 7--m. Prlnr i""'le Oct. 21-s, rnnro C'H Wedneaday-aa. Prince QF From Aii)o tt Thursilay-ss. Prlnc For Mrwarl rt Saturday- as, Prlni e n'ir" From (Mnvnrt Sunday-. Prlnc ""P" H For Alska Oct 8- a. J'rlnceM M" ,lvrr Oct. ia-ss. Prince From Alsk . Oct. 13 -ss. Princess N'fJ rt Oct 23- -as, Irlnces Mn AdwtlM to 101 II n i 0 11 ..1 Dsill ",,t