9 iS . sk1 iHvin ui u "sutsuju usiiway to assist In ?1-ivH. this Ik atou Jttopint of communities that 1 1 h serve without diwrunliMtlon." de-ciarett sir Henry Th-mton. president u . c i perfect and the cftdin National runways. i ,d-(l for the inony. :dffift the arro ciun at iu luncheon grantee the quality or ft!lrty- That to- what we are trying to! I.. .VMAICF liiK K. Bill in inei - " ny individual m , , ; ;itt rn KotUnjr, white Rohl. . , Ofucr-. at $25 to $ 125.00. JOHNS rlFAVELLERS flwC STOHE WITH THE CLOCK BENT'S Udir Iteady to-Wear LADIES' veil a njilcndid ne of AN I) MISSES' Winter Coats f .-.est material and ". da fine M-lertion l -n Ditkup alio nrf.e for uport - !.G to 41. I'ncr from l-.'VO J. BENT Third Avenue. Phone 651. ' A ' i j . n 't need a tcleecope a Winter i com-' i e man who look 1 k fill up his bin ' d oal now and keep - J at a safe distance. W ' ' - e a battery of men, i'd tractor and lots - ammunition awaiting a to defend the home ." r?. raid. Albert & McCaffery Limited 1'hones UG and 117 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage fhans ta crUge, Warehousing, and L'isiribtitltiK Team or Motor Benlce. f'Otl, 8and and Oravel. w Pclallx. In Plana an. "umltura Byn. TUGBOATS Dy Phones 423, 539, Green 238, Black 735. N,8ht Phonai 687,. 639, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. 0E0. u. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. LUMBER )v" nro niniiufnclitring "'Rli ninl (Irnsseil luin-Mr Brine grain bout Pi'1, Halibut am! sal-'mm boxes. Ask For Prices alCoveLumberCo.Ltd. PHONE B62 or toy other community who can UU us bow better to conduct our busi- liwaq, he la the penon we are looklne lor and we ahstl wrtome him ." Prtace Rupert iu her because the OiUKtlan National Hallway wm here Sir Henry hM. If the Orand Trunk Pacific had not been built there would rve been no Prince Rupert. The one wm dependent on the other tide and it should be the policy of one u develop the other BU Henry oonf ratutaied the Gyro Club ou It work for Use betterment of eoodrtum for chlidrm. The future of jail nation depending on IU succeeding ('generations Rebellion was caused be-I cause of expression of successive generations, through inattention of those in control to the inter esu of the oncoming generations If the efforts of uch dubs the Oyro auto sere focussed on Mtentin to the rising iraersitens then those generations were in safe band. ; Sir Henry dilated on the motto of ithe Oyro nub "Power. Purpose, and 'Pule ' and recommended the adoption of such a motto not only to individual but to oommttnities and nations Such j might also sell be the motto of the j Canadian National Railways i Bit Henry 't addrrss was :ieard with MAIL CONTRACT BKALSD TKNDtRS addressed to the .Kusuaaater Ueneral. will be received at Cttavwa until noon, on Friday, the ITth December. 1924, for the conveyance of, , Hm JJs'esljr's Mslls. oo a proposed Oon- (ract( for a period not exceeding four ; years' aU (Si time per week on the ; route between Prlnre Rupert and Sub Delivery Post Office at Seal Cove, from i the 1st April neat Fruited notice containing further In-1 forma u on as to condition of proposed Contract ma be seen and blank form ' of Tender may be obtained at the Post Office of Prince Rupert. BC. andJ Prune Rupert Sub Office No 1. BC, snd at '.he office of the District Super-:i. 'ruder of Postal Service J P MURRAY. 1 District Superintendent of Postal I Service. I Dtsirtct Superintendent Is Otflce. ; Vancouver . BC i November . 1M4. ITI.P TI.MHER SALE X8I10. Sealed Tenders marked. Tender on XSttO " will be received by the Honour-sMe the Minister of lAnds. at Victoria. BC up to twelve o'clock noon on the 4th day of January. 1917. for the purchase of Pulp Licence XS449. to cut timber situated on Oraham Island. Queen Charlotte Islands District. Thirty year will be allowed for the removal at the Umber All lenders must comply with Section 19 of the "Porest Act." The highest or any tender not neces .aarlly accepted, ' further particulars may be had from the Chief Poresler. Victoria. BC. ix Tin: in In, AD. 192. T T1MIII K ftli: MtOi Sealed Tender will be received by the Minister of Undt at Victoria. BC, not iBter than noon on the 23rd day of Dei-ember 1929. for the purchase of Ll cenc X430J. to cut 6.81100 T.B.M. of Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar, on an area situated on Maude Island adjoining Lou 490 and tfll. Skldegat Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands-Two i2i years will be allowed for removal of timber. rurther particular of the Chief Poresler. Victoria. BC, or District Fore-ter. Pftnce Rupert. B.C. IN PRORATE. MTItKMi: mniT or IIUITISII nil I MI1II the Matter of the Administration Art. and . the Matter of the Estate of Oeorge u-. rwesMxl Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ilia Honor F Mr II. Young, cuiea me m, day f October. AO. 1 930. X was ap- Oeorge West, decessrd; and all parties ! having claims sgslnit the said estate are 'hereby required to furnish same, pro-uerlT verified, to me on or lief ore the 1st dar of December. A D. 1826. and all lea indebted to the estate are re-1 part qu;red to pay the amount of their In-,Ucde- to mew,thx Offlclsl Administrator. Prince Rupert, u.. Dated the 10th dsy of October. AD. 1920. - ,. ,.iBW IN PRORATE. IS " Till'. ' MTKKMi: ( OI HT OK IIHITIII (Oi l Mill. In the MU of the Administration thet:Mter of the Estate of Krlstlan in Intestate. I'edersen. Deceased. take NOTICE that by order of HU Honor P Mcll Voung. dated the 38th i of October. AD 1920. I was ap-Sofnted Sdmmwrstor of the Estate o deceased; and all Krutlan Prdersen. KaSf-lreirWMS rnnmNe;nw.th.wArr Offlclsl Administrator. Prince Rupert. n.C ruled this UtU dsy of November. 111 (jdodebhamMuts t n ' rtli CANADIAN WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD Tli is advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. ript attention by the Oyro and their many guest which filled the Commodore Cafe to capacity. President Stan Taylor was In the chair and. during the proceedings, there was a violin solo by Oyro Billy Balagno. The guest were Sir Henry Thornton. 8. J. Hungerfcrd. W. A. Klngsland. J R. Cameron. P. O. Das son. J. U. Horn. C. J. Quanttc. S. Morrtsonn. A. Mc-Cowan. B. C. Keciey. H. A. Dixon. W. a. Manders. Dr. Leney. H. O. Lash. Mr. Tapley. C, W. Shaw. Oiof Hanson. Ed ward Llptctt, L. M. Puller. A. L. Patterson. Norman McLean. C. V. Erltt. C A. Svskefleld. J. C. Brady. MP, Alex. McRae. Q P Tinker. Jame U Lee. Thomas Louden, a. A. McMillan. O. H. Munro. Dr W T Kergln. Dr. H. L. Alexander. O V Wilkinson. John Dyb-havn. Alex Connon and E. C. Gibbons. REVISED FIXTURES OF WHIST LEAGUE Tbe whist league fixtures for the remainder of the first half of the season has been revised a follows MltKMItlH II Knights of Pythls vs. Sons of Canada. Moose vs. St. Ororge (City) Elks vs. St. Andrews. X.OO-P. vs. St. Oeorges (Seal Cove). IS til. Andrews vs. Moose. Elks vs. Bens of Canada. LOOP. va. St. Oeorgea (Cltyl. St. OedVge Seal Corel va. Knights of Pythias. 21 St. Andrews vt. Sons of Canada. Knighta of Pythias vs. St. Oeorgei (Oltyi. Moose vs. I OO F. Elks vs. St. Oesrge (Sexl Cove). iii:(i.Miii:it J KnlghU of, Pythias r. IOOf. Moose vs. Sons of Canada'. St- Oeorgea City I vs. Elks. 8t. Andrews vs. St. Oeorgea (Seal Cove). Match 8t. Oeorgea' (Qty) vs. St. Oeorgea (Seat Corel date not yet set. Prlnre ltiivcrt Thomas Lbudetf! C. C. Laurie. D. P. Davidson and C. J. Quantlc. Vancouver; E. Lrdgerwood. Ocean Palls; C. A. Moore. H. W. Morry and W. II. Pierce. Port Esalngton; J. L. Dethurrm, Usk; Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Little. Terrace; W. O. Bray.-Three Hills. Alts; M. A.' Bur bank. Prince Oeorge; J. A. Brown, Hoc stall Sawmill: P. O. Jackson and A. Watt. C.N.R. Smiij V. A. Ktrkpatrlck. Terrace: Corrlgan and D. Ogllvle, Haretton: Henry Oush-wa, Houston: W. Cain and P. J. Hlg-gtn. Smlthrrt; C. E. 8. Oow. C.N.R. Central A. Murray,. Prince Oeorge. Advertise In The Dally Neva SO SHORT OF BREATH SHE COULD HARDLY DO HER HOUSEWORK Mr. Nelon Moore, Mil ford, Ont., write: HI had heart and nerve trouble, and became so short of b truth I could hardly do my housework, and wa so nervous every little sound X heard felt like a shock to me. A friend of mine rocommended ft highly I pot a box of. tfcm and they did ma so much good I got the. Hwond box, and now I am feeling- like a different woman.." Hmrt and Nerve Till w SOa. box at all druggist or dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milium Co., LitnluJ, Toroato, Otlti 4 1. I November U. ll2C, ids THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE FIVE TL' !75.00 liamond Ring mnn wno warn, a PRINCE RUPERT I IS DEPENDENT j CI RAILWAY (MK Hkmiv mis (tv N) ; MM KIMIMTIflV AUAINNT AW I'MlT III III TltY 1 I It 1 the direct responsibility of the SIR HENRY THORNTON 31AKES SOME IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS AT A HOARD OF TRADE DINNER HERE. (continued from page one) favor one port or another. It was purely a matter for the shipper and I the railway had nothing to do with jit except to carry It when offered. - He had been asked to deal wltathe 'unsightly appearance of the "find around the totem pole on the hill near the waterfront. Hi answer to that 'request was "yes." It would be done. In the nutter of summer excursion fares In regard to which discrimina tion against Prince Bupert was charge!!.- Sir Henry reminded them that this was a matter of agreement with other railways but he would try and meet the wishes of the city In this respect. He would see what could be done. iMncm i:i .Ai'pKAKA.vci: Tbe president congratulated the city m Its Improved appearance since he was here before. In 1923 when he '.made his first visit the plank roads I were much In evidence but tbey had all been removed and been replaced by fine macadam streets. It must have been a financial burden but . tbe Improvement was fully Justified In the Improved appearance of the city. He 'ound an atmosphere of progress here, lie felt convinced Prince Rupert would iiare tbe good time with the other parts of Canada. The railway head poke of the Improved condition of .he country. The people had confidence ind there was little unemployment. Currency was at s parity with the United States. If they attacked tbe mmlgratlon problem with vigor and tanlty the country would experience a rlod of good times such as the United States went through before the jlvll war. Today Canada was tbe most favorable country for a white person to go to. More opportunities offered than elsewhere and the result would be that she would participate, more than any others in Immigration. MI ST HE TKAIHC Prince Rupert had to recommend It that It was one of tbe two Pacific porta of Canada. Vancouver had got an earlier start but population was creeping north. The crevice were being ailed up and there wa no reason- why similar development should not follow here. The city waa nearer the Orient than any other port and was tight In the psthway of one of the great arteries of trade. At the head of a transcontinental line and with a harbor that was unsurpassed, there wa everything to make It a port. However It took something more than water to make a port. There must be traffic and to get that the Interior must be developed. In conclusion Sir Henry ssld he was confident Prince Rupert had nothing to fear and there was no need for thoughts of pessimism. Tbe regarded Rupert as their own baby. Tbey place had all the transportation facilities which represented a very large expenditure and there was every reason why they should jolnJvinds with the people here and assist. He would not promise thst the people here would get everything they asked for but they would try to bring about those thing which were for the well-being and pro- grrss of Prince Rupert CLOTHING MYSTERY AT STEWART SOLYED Was lft on Ice by Prospector Who Had to Lighten Load Way lUrk In ifoa On September 17 the Portland Canal Newa reported wha,t at that time was quit a mystery, the finding of two coats, clothing and a number of other things in the middle of the Sutton glacier, by Dick Sullivan and Jess Set-terlngton. As stated at the time, the things had been left there for at least ten years, and were scattered in such a, way as to Indicate (hat the owner had been In trouble. This mystery has now been cleared by Bernard O'Nlel of Anyox, who, with Nlel McDonald, formerly of the Prince Rupert police, left the head of Hastings Arm In the winter of 1910. taking In uppltes on the anow sufficient for a summer's prospecting on the Naaa slope, their Idea being that the glacier formed an easy entry. Shortly after leaving' the foot of the glacier they were forced, owing to the soft anow and steepness of the Ice, to leave a large hand sleigh and commence back packing, arriving at the point where the things were found this summer. While In camp a large snow slide came down behind them that filled the entire valley: this, in conjunction j with a terrltlo snow storm, that con-tlnuslly rsged, caused them to sban- don their venture, and In order to get out they lightened their packs by discarding the things found. On their return to the mouth of Sutton River they found that their boat was gone, so had to mske a raft, which, with sweep oars, they rowed Into Ooose Bay, now Anyox, which took three days. Both Mr. O'Nlel and Mr. McDonald went overseas at the outbreak of the war,, the latter .Joining theJudian Army and -being. killed In the OaUpoll campaign. Mr. O'Nlel, on 'hi return from the war. ttayed with the Hastings Arm section and has now one of the prominent properties there, which he has named the Vlmy Ridge a roup. This property is situated within easy reach of the beach and crntalns two very promising showings. Visa fees will be waived for membeis of the American League visiting fug- ,Uud next yrar. I Remarkable Profits In French Government 6 Bonds BELIEVE thst an lareiuaeat nad u-eay la W, Jreach rrraaeat 6'. Bonds iLtna aatfcorisRl Dec. I stli redeemable si par at the spUaa of the French Caveranent oa or alter lis. I. 1J1). t"mtt extraordinary epfjonasitr lor profit Hi the ereat of sny aniens) advance ut the value of r reach moorr (francs). ('lr? '? the drrerkuioo of French francs s French Gveera-SlT"I,.i "IWMrancsdenominaiwncaanwsDehoosht for ) Wah (he bond at par and French exchsaxe at normal lUtt same bond would have a value of $t!.Q. Interastinnal tankert believe thai the French frsae wffl efl above S cents per franc before very Ions. Jm think what this r rrEca '-oteraraffct woarkin fchen t liar of mtitir I cent In the (tan. meant an Immediate prof of 40 on the love meat. Whe the French lent irtW at. t rru per lre or IWWI pet. IJ0 francs your profit win be tUM oa every bond of IJrtl Iranrs, French Government Loaaor 100 for every 2ilU hiveited to-day, IththeFivnrhfraiicatlOcentiperfranefarHtVoverooe. half Ms par vatuefieacti bond nf HI in Iranc French Govern, went Loan wouM be worth tlKXKI.reprewtrnsprofilof ViM or over 300 on the WOO iavnted U-day We made a lenitby and ttwroath inveatlaatioa u determine tie seat nay to huy French francs for maximum pro&u. We believe that the French Government i Howls afiord tbe beat and lofical medium for they reprnrnt to French investors prrciarly what Catadiaa Government Victory Bonds represent to Canadian iovntort. bein leyal invest menu for every ia-stitatioa, trait fnd snd asimrJ bank ia Franorandromtaou a strictly hish-ttade. filt-edse (overnment ntMntM. They may be U as1a taiUntfy ipor tik at the prevailinf rate not only in France (the bonda are Med on the ram Kmrvr) txrt throafhont the principal financial centre of the world. Tbe interest coupons have always been paid promptly on the dot. and can he caehed a Montreal. Ne York. Iondon, Rorae, Amoteroam, Brumeis. Madrid. Berae. Berlin. Vienna. Copenhasea. Stockholm. Bnchareat, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires sad in fact throuthout tbe world at the current rate lor francs. French francs, we believe, win anqneMionaMy and ultimately come back to their full sold valor of tlvim per IjUW francs. A lit lie over a century ax the t'nited Stales owed 32 minium of acflar a gigantic sum ut that time to Europe, and beina then purely an asriruhiml country with no developed resources, her situation was coiuaVVrcd very bad at the lime. Aritn after tlv American Civil War sold sold at a retain m of almost Hf, in New York but Crnish. French and hrtch 'nveiaora. more acrnatomed tot hat ort of thirj becauae of their international vim point only uw in, the rVprecJated currency an optwtunity for very larse profits by inveatment is tik-edxed but depreciated Amencan securitiru. To-day the L'nited Sates form one of the ricbeat countries la the wortd ProbaUy ten times as devtructire by comparison with the late World War (1uch revulted mtldepreciuion of the monetary -unit of isTactkany errry country in the world) wae the War of IS65ls;o between Brazil aw! Pararuay. which reealted in tbe virtual blot line out of aB of Parasuayaa manhood, practical bankruptcy. bue indemnities, and which, in the country, left twenty-five vcmen fur each tvrvrvins male, no manufactures and no bishly.ed'ocaled nationalwm nch as France eaioyi to-cy. Farasuay event uany recovered and those who had fakh ia tbe retovery of that nation earned fortune. Eaxiand. too. oner faced what seemed to be a financial disaster. Durirx the Narviroruc wars British securities tank IO next to notbiat; but noon .after the Victory of Waterhu BritUh londs soared returnina vast fortunes to time nho had purrhsied them when thints looked blacfcnt for England, and sold them after Wrlhrtdoo v victory becasoe known France, bankrupt at the bands of Bismarck dories the Franco-Hruwaa War of IS 70. suderrd sa rxpenencr which is Mill within the memory of Irvine maaand which serves to set st rest sny dVibt as to the ability vt the French profile to completely restore tbetr public bnancra; her Govrrnmmt bonds Mold down to '", of llarir normal value itx look-d hor trm hut within a few years Francr bad set brr bouar in order, discharsed aD of ber obligations arid the bonds were again back to rar. la lact . record show that French ecuritiri told over far mating fort one lortboeewbo had poi med snt and enterprMe to invest h tbe tetainrarily depreciated (..evrrnmrat bonds of Francr. Kectnt history has shown rraurkable rxamplea of tbe rehabilitation of nation's finances. After the World War Enxlaad saw the day that only tit5 could be obtained for one pound sterling- Ensluh currency had lost about one-thh-4 of iu international value. At thai moment the situatioo has righted itself and the British pound is once more north its full value ia the international market. Every Canadian remetnhrrs thst s few year ago. m 1920 snd 1971. when n changing Canadian money for American money he could obtain only tsist American money for IOI t anadiaa doBars. There were predktiooa at that time that an even larger depreciation of Canadian anonev would tskr place but fortunately these did sot soaterianir. lavnuor in the t'nited Males rcrreivrd thai nurchaing Canatjan Government and municipal bond wa bound to tarn oot remunerative oooer or hurr. The Canadian dollar started lo recover its international value and at the premt awment the situation is rvrn reversed. Canadanis can obtaia slightly more than Kstlmericaa dollars for tiotuai in Canadtan money. Many Canadian Government and aiunxipoj bonds are now rSias coawierably above par. The Swim franc, after tbe war. vis quoted at IS cents per lisnc or Sl.Vsj.ui per IO.IIB) Sia francs. To-rtsr the Sviias Iranc is Quoted above par or at more than SI.VJa.uo pre I0.IBJ0 Jv. is francs tim et u gain of $111)0 on every lO.uttJSwiM franca purchased a lew years ago. Murwd investors earned a atMaclury profit on their nvntrntnt. Francs l.oes l.ooe S.so It.CD 25.(1 Name Table Showing Present Prices French Govtrnnwiit Bond . French Government Sj7. Bond- French Governsm-ct eft Bond- French CovrrniDent'fiee, Bond. French Government 61 Bond . . NS.SOS French Government of. Bond-.. , ICS.SO French Govrrsmenl 6 Bond Address . THE MAN IN THE MOON any: It :H As we cant have a real live Queen visit us, the next best thing we can do Just now Is a railway president. If we look to the future we may yet wipe out the neglect of dear Marie by having the Prince of Wale come here next year. A prince we should like well to see He"d hve a good time here, oh gee I We'd give him a dinner With aalnt and with lnner And aflshlng I'd take him with with me. Now where are the ultra-loyalists and, why are they not already active In ecurl&g th vlsltf Art thty going to The Dutch tuflder. HorkM's monetary unit, m the wake f be war. depreciated to lea than 30 ceaU per milder or J 000 00 prr 10.000 gwilder. To-day 10.0(1) guilder are worth 4 020.00 -howig a an gain of SIAJOW oa every ID.OW landers. Isveators are reaping their reward to-day. The fhrediah krone after the World War sntd down to tt.7. 00 per 10J0W Swediah krone. To-day the valve of the aame 10OU0 Swrduh krone ia SIAW.OO a arnerou profit of IHS.M ha been reaped by investors M every 10.01)0 Swedish krone purchased a few years ago. After the great havoc wrouglst by the earthquake tw aoaa a few rears ago. the yea, the monetary unit of the Japaner? empire, rose from 37 1-2 cent per yen or tl.7fcl.no per lOSXI yen to 4 cent per yen or S4.S00 .00 per 10.000 yen a sub-auatial Improveament of St.OMJV) for every I0.(l yen pur-chaaed by far-sighted i Brest or who were sstute rnouca) to see that it was only a question of time before the Japanese yen would rise suOciestly ss to yield them substantial profits. Tbe recent rapid rise of Danish exchange has beea rstVr remarkable. Ia 121 five year saw the Danish krone soM s low as I J cents per krone or SI.VJO.00 per 10.003 krone. The 0 notation to-day oa the Danish kroae is 24 60 cents per krone of S2.ta0.00 per 10.000 krone a net gain in five years' time of SI J60.00 or over 100 on every 10 Jim) Danish krone purchased. Maey iaveator. Ave years ago. did not share our opinion that this eacbaage would be back to par before very king. The remarkable advaee of the Norwegian exchante clearly emphasise the fad that history is repeating itself every day of our live. From 11.? cent per krone or 11.170.00 per lOao Norwegian krone, the value has risen in a few short , years to the present quotation of 24 rents oer krone or S2 400.00 per 10.000 krone a profit of $1,230,000 on every 10.000 Norwrgiaa krone purchas-d. The Norwegian krone has not yet readied par but it is expected thai in tbe comparatively near future the unit win touch J SO cents per krone or S2.e s0 (JO per 10.11) krone. Our client who are still mterestel ia Norwrgiaa exchange feel a - do that h is only a question of time before the Norwegian krone will touch par. A few year ago Spaia's monetary nn:t, the peseta was quoted at 1 1.75 cents per peseta, ft St.174.on per I0.0O1 peseta. Spanish exchange has aw recovered lo I5.S4 cml per fiesta or IUMJH per I0JW1 pesetas a enhancem-nt of luntfl oa every 10-lss) pen tas. This unit is alsn expeclej to touch par shonly. South American exchaages are daily showing similar wide snd substantial iasorovenirnta in their value. The Argentine neso. not to long ago. srs worth only IU3 cenu per peso or S2XWJ0O per lOiSU pesos. To-day the Arg-nine peso is quote! at over 40JK cent per peso or it.OftOO) per 10OJ0 pesos showing a profit of 1 1. 2J3.0O on every I0JXVJ Argenine peso. These (art! apeak for thrmsrives. The history of the world convinces on? forcibly that the mist difficult thing to destroy is national existence. When mill loot of men and populations of nation lent their collective elfortt nothing H inrnieible. The French fraac will co-n? hack. We befieve that the greatest opnortanity of the present generation la earn remarkable profit exist to-day for investor through the pttfdaur of French Government sl Bonis. Thess securities rank a the pre-eminent das of French Government bonds ami are nnnaBv a mortgat- on the potential and vast resource of the KeputsV Fran. These bun U are valid for thirty rear sfter dale of call vA the In crest coupons payable June 16th ani Drcrrabrr 1Mb are valid for five years after their respective dee date, tkua enabling the investor to cash tbrat at any time is IV interval that the rsd-anee rates are is Ms favor. The high- the rate of th- franc the more Canadian rloBars will tbe investor obtain for his interest-oounons. Thus as the 'ran. risrs. nut only wiH the value of the bonds increase bnt the imeresinixiiae Ul be sine greater aal greater. It win be urea thai at the pres-ntrateofthetrancthehoMer of a tOjOKWrane Frew Governnent tT, Boot wiU receive for hi couoons vrhkfa always sxiregate otsj francs per annum a ram in Canadian money equivalent o i rt irs nf over 7 on hi investrm-nt. that is. th- cost of a lOJWHraoc bond which is si present J2SO.0O. -When th- franc rnschrs t cenu however, the Talte of the aurpon win he math higher. i francs wffl be worth SlSiH which, on aa investment of $250 01 it equal u a yield of !"'. . JTieabefranchar?actirl 10 cent or 1 1.00X01 per 10.003-franc bond the return vriB l still higher. Every 600 francs in interest coupons will bring t&0 tr) vrh-n cashed. Here the yield is W, At 15 cents per Iran; the coupons oa a I0.UU0-frsnc bund (which bond oost. only SlSOis) to-lay agaiast a normal rxdangr value cf Sl.e w.03). will be worth SWUM re-presmtUg s return of Jo,. Vnl lastly, srith the franc at par the coupons for ore year amouniing to 633 francs wiU be worth tlltJtO. KU sum b equivalent to an interest yield of over 44 on tbeeignl invest meal of S24UM. rrencn usauatnes are timrsn ana. w- . . , Francr is rapuiy re ntermg inr niwn aaiuu her thippi" is crowdicf the worll's pnns. ant the nation shows every mdrncr of material ant economic protrrss. RetwrstLint payments an i-nhanjing the French treasury. A great wave of confidrncr m sweeping over France since the fumcare Govrrnmeni. iacJudin- six rx-prouiiers. took power. It is estimated that no Irss than eight hunlred miflans of gold doUara brat by French national abroad, are beginning to flow bnck inte the country. The circulation of French currency is being drastically curtailed. The milium of dollars expended by tourists form a great aHdrti r to the wealth of the nation. These condition should h qsutly rrtWted in rapid enhancement In the value of Fren f rases and in French Government bonds. That is -why we urge yoa lo buy now while bese securities are on the bargain counter. A mj aw Four ttmis Will I savm hi in Fsss IFilk fiosfj si I'' uf,tae Frtmtk Frssc AsMSalSf lo Present I ctnts II cents Par tJe Ihee per FVanc per Franc per Franc S25 S70 S120 S 1J 5 I41 240 Ja 125 110 6t 2M JUO IJOO l.3 425 I.TJ0 JaTH .25 t.2i JJOO U 5 1.5 ) 7iju linn leje 17E ARE sHIins s Larse number of the? honis at ths aSiws nrir. m.klhs mra essev esnens- Upoa receipt of accepted cheque or money order. r win at once confirm sale. Bowls are forwarded by registered and insured mail. Order with remittance to cover purcha-e. mut be received by early mail to insure these price at quotation cha:?frt iratlr. . For many year this Invest as-r.t House hat been aae o .Vrl .4 Mrriis'i fv'matl rxWatirs- 'orrits soasf Sostet It Is vitally im-lortant to us to have our cheat rktt those hoods which make the most money for them anl mak- it most quickly. Our interest (Joe not crsae after a tale for it it our constant aim to krvri in touch with our clientele, scattered throughout the length anl breadth of Canada, the l'nited Ststes snd .Ne found Land, to render ft grsMsilosi service, iniorming cliems hen bunj rise in market value tod nhrther or not wr derm it advissUe to sell. This service is expensive to ourselves but its valu.' to our client is incalculable. I enclose herewith THE. INVESTMENT HOUSE OK ' C. M. GORDASCO & COMPANY seeciAUzt sc &xcl vsn txv t'x FORJUGXaoi ERSUEXT AXD XI USKIPALmSD.S MARCH. TRUST BUILDING M0NTRE.L cash accepted cheque ' money order for S. tlie purchase from rot of '...- , , nhlch you are lo forward me by registered sad Insured mail. M2 ST. JAMES STREET CANADA la full psyment for Jraac. French Government 6 BoaJt (Loan of l2U). leave It to the Native Sons to send the Invitation Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert NOYKMIIKK II. li Woodrow Wilson hat been elected president of the United 8tate.- He defeated Charles M. Hughe, th Republican presidential candidate. Samuel Jackson, aged 76, a resident of this part of the coast for thirty years, most of that time having been spent at Port Esslngton with the Cunningham Co, died this morning In the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital. Kenneth Kerr, -rell kaon Terrace rancher, passed away at Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital this morning. 11 wss 54 year of age aad unmarried. II 39 Dr. Alexander Smith Blook Phon. 5TB DENTIST George Rorie CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 3A7 111 Second Atruue West, Prince Rupert sssssyasssssmmmsssaw Si r.TT1 lb