PAGE TWC "rmr tuny uenvery, oy mail or carrier, per month . ......... $ Uy mail to all parts or the British Empire and the United maies, ui aavance, per year ..a,.. To all other countries, in advance, per year MO.NT'HKAL, April 5. An increasing wave of sentiment in favor of, Canada throughout (he whole, of the British Isles and the continental countries of Europe was noted by O. V. Johnston, passenger traffic manager of the Canadian National Hail-ways, who has returned to Mon treal from a business trip difr I THE DAILY N2W3 Moii Jay, Apfjl 5, 102(1. Cheaper tea is Poorer Teal PLACING NEW 1 . ,' !, SETTLERS IS --everywhere in Canada SALADA" WELL IN HAND f Movement to Canada Heavy this TEA Membtr of Audit Bureau of Circulations. piutpu FOUND FAVOR FOR CANADA C.N.R. Passenger Traffic Man-, afler Says European Immigrants Looking, This Way FORTY PEOPLE Tl is the cheapest good tea sold. The Daily News .JtalNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA , ' ' -i -. t - Published Every Aftenioon, except Sunday, the Prince tttipert Daily tewsti Limited, Third Avenue. H. FV PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES l ' 0t Ail $7.o Monday, April 5. I9:'fi. positions under that law is gradually pi-owing less and that intending sclllcrs are beginning (0 realize Canada lias much (u offer that is well worth seeking to make preparations for immigration to he Dominion. WERE KILLED Canadian National Railway Reports on Grade Crossing As-cldents During 1925 - MONTHEAL, April 5. I nures nrtnniled By the operating de- iug which lie visited all the. prin-partmenl or the, Canadian Na-cipal countries of Europe. This I lion a I Ilaijways show that during sentiment, Mr. Johnston 9tates,My5 on the lines of the system is' easy for (he visitor from Can-jpiere weTe 05 grade crossing ac-nda to recognize, as. it Is reflect-jcidenls (o vehicles in which 10 ed vividly in ilie number, of ear-) people lost their lives and fifty- nest enquiries which aic'ivlniosUone were seriously or slightly in uoiuging some oi me iinuiiigra" jureu. in unly nine cases wern (ion bureaus of the government arid of the. .Canadian. ..National system and die request a tor information from prospective tourists who are turning their thmfghls towards Canada for future (rips. . Iti the British Isles, in particular. Mr. Johnston round that the attempt to circulate propaganda inimical Mo the interest of Hie Dominion is not making as much headway as in the past, thai the-people are inclined to place greater reliance tipon the information given "lo them from accredited sources such as the railway and government, agencies and the published letters of set'-tlers. wljq hac found conditions here to their liking, and (hat. as a result of this, coupled with the oher inducements proided, (lie outlook for increased immigration from (Sreat Britain is most hopeful. . It was 'also Mr. Johnston's expedience (f discover thai muclr move about Canada Is known jh (treat Britain arnryn die CohlliiT 'cnt'Uiar imp would expect. and he explains 'this conilition as belnir due in a consideralde measure to the favorable impression created here In Ilie minds of delegates to such. large international conventions' as the British Society for the Advancement of Science; (he International Mathematical Congress, the International Parliamentary .Union, and (be British Empire Service League. Thcs.o bodies, accordiiijj to MrJ Johnston, have proven to he real ambassadors or goodwill ror Canada ami have spread far and -wide the story of Canada in a way that no citizen pr this coun try could hope to. Mr. Johnston also found that the ihiinigration there no fatalities or injuries . but twelve of the accidents happened- to automobiles or. motor truck's. While it is difficult to place (lie Maine in all cases', subsequent investigation rigorously pursued by the Canadian -National Hailways showed that in 'Jd per cent of the accidents the railway company was not at fault, every - precaution having been lalceri by it to prevent these occurrences. In two cases three complete families were wiped out ami in one accident two whole families lost their lives. It is also a matter of 'undisputed fact, (hat (rood fortune rather than any other circumstances was alone responsible for the comparatively low mortality figure among such a lare number of crossing accidents. The automobile lias yet to bo made, thai can try conclusions With a swiftly moving train and win. Invest teal ions moved I hat )n a large number of rases the accidents .were due solely to 1-firelessiiess.iin (he part of the drivers of, the automobiles. J.l-I-ed'Whring Ihf'-'A'ee'Siihtfs are (wo where aulnisi drove their cars iirto (he lender of engines, three where the automobiles hit the second or (bird car hack or 'the engine and one where the driver actually crashed into the twentieth car back of the engine and did It with sufficient force to bruise and somewhat injure the occupants of the automobile as well as to damage (he inachins. So one month was free from crossing accidents, bill October led which might indicate that towards the end of the jnotorjnsr season drivers became more careless in approaching railway Crossings. I The Heriil " ' ' ..i.. I - ii.. . .-. . . I .i..w.u .w- in me. oniicn Males, is i months were: Jauiiarv, l; Febru-rcacling to the advantage of'ary. 2; March, i; April, 3; May, Canada, particularly In the con- ,7; June, '.) August (: tinental countries, lie states thai (September., 7; Oclvber, JO; No-the disposition to scramble for vejnher. 8; December i. TUGBOATS Pay Phones 423 BM Or. 238 Black 73 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 Year and WfJI Increase Next . .NVIX.MPEC. April 5. With the object of plachignew arrivals in Canada as near Ih railway lines as possible, the coloniza tion department of the Canadian .National Hailways dta perfected its machinery for settlement in good time" to handle (lie spring influx of immigrants, V. I), ltobb, vice president in charge of Ibis work for the system, reported on bis -arrival in WinnJpcn at the end of last week. Mr. Itobb has Just completed an Inspection tour to the west ,coat and was accompanied by Dr. W. J. Black, director in charge of colonization. He visited? -Ed-monton, Vancouver,. Victoria and Saskatoon speaking to the boards of trade and other organiationsj in the interests of -coloiiizatfhii. "Our primary afin is not to! soil railway lands hut to settle Ihe country already served by railway lines" Mr. ltobb said. "Newcomers have a belter chance of makiiwr goodwill the land if they are located near a railway line, the railways need the population to make operaliou pav, and (lie country need the population. So we believe we are engaged in a (ask of mutual benefit to all concerned." he said. Mr. Robb was of the opinio. i I hat this year's flood of settlers which had been moving westward or the last three weeks at a rapid pace, i the beginning of m increasing yearly movement. I cannot give definite figures on Ihe number we may expect this year. They are greatly ii excess of last year, however, and there will be a bigger movemen again next year." said Mr. Itobb "With settlement agencies working in conjunction with Ihe gov- crhment and the railways, the machinery for handling settlers is vastly improved ad ttiis is an important factor in promoting eltlemenl. of The rigid kind." Mr. Itobb spent Saturday in Ihe city meeting local officials ami continued his journey eastward (o Montreal thai night. THE MAN IN THE MOON says: I NOW (hat we know what moral turpitude means. lets think un another word to keep the dic-lionary working. mi m U THE tomrue I mightier than Hie Mvor.l in our house," Jake says. THE. modernhls are not all bad. The old folks used to recite 'Ciirfcw shall not ring tonight." TllAT person usually becomes on invalid who has plenty or lime for introspection. Mos! of Us hr'e too busy to know there is anything (lie nmller with us. IFvyon have swelled head irv id -get ithefdre yotf pass out or your teens. OH spring has gone In my head Or was it the whisky and vmnl How runny Ihe old world seems lo me-as I slnit tweedledum. Sure everyone seems to be drunk Lxcepfin for me I'm not drinkin'. No sir not a drop the whole night Excuse me, thought you was , winkin. WHAT I'd like to do is lo solve ull Die problems of lliu world and heave Hie answers Into the sea. ALAS and alak, I'm a dutTer I work and worry all day. And sometime I'll leave all the bother And possibly learn then to play. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert April 5, 1916. O.T.P. steamer Prince John rclurned lo port yesterday jifler ner iiiuiai trip 10 .viaskan ports Those making (he rodnd trio in eluded G. A. Mc.Nicholl, assistant The biggest money's worth of comfort You bendit from the economies of the world's largest production of beds and bedding when you huyaSlumbcrfCina. That is why you can get Canada's finest steel fabric spring for only $12. Consider what value it represents. The frame is of stoutly riveted pressed steel for lifetime; strength; built as high as a box spring for finest appearance. 26 ribbon strips of steel are-suspended between extra-long coils and joined by four rows of continuous spirals. They freight and nassenser airenl. ann: Heginabl Beaumont, assistant lot "-apt. C. II. Nicholson, J'acifij Coast manager of the- O.T.I, steamships. A. J. Morris, pioneer business man of this city, died yesterday in Edmonton where he went. last rail in Hi "hope that a chatisre would be benrrfcial tp his health. ....... u un i v, l ji lil'T ' Ksperanza Mine ai Alice Arm, i , visiting the city, having arrived' from Hie north on tho Venture! . .1 mi i. . . . ' iii'jiiy. Mil ions or ore was I'IIBl;i3iJ For lord. 80r blue nox Aa cart ft. . icrpc lord 90 POWER If your motor lacks power in rough yoing, install a complete set cf dependable Champion Spark Plugi and note ti c improvement. Your car will have new power, speed and acceleration Champion Dependablt for llvtry Engine A Canudidn-mmle Product Windsor, One, .Kill 411 mm 1 conform to your body without sagging. lixtra wide border strips and cables keep the edges trim and taut. !jf Make your dollars go farthest by in- f sisting on a genuine Slumber A7at any furniture store. liven such a spring, however, can provide only half of complete sleeping comfort. The other half depends on the mattress. Get the Ostcnnoor, Canada's finest in luxury and value for more than 30 years, now $25. Look for the Ostcnnoor label. MONS BED SPRING tupped from t tie inme u liranby' 'inelter yesterday ! run over -'oti pi-r ion in silver. j SPELLING CrfAMPIONS VISIT PRINCE RUPERT , rt Pour Wlnnersjr) Vancouver 8un Competition Wll Make Round Trip on Prince 'Qeorgo This Week' W inners in a 'spelling cinipe-ition leeenlly; held, liy (tie Vancouver Sun, lwijlio and two iris of the, '.IVryile; Vancouver -i in,ii win ui, iriveik ine nioiio rip to Princer Itupcyt, Stewart anj Anyi ou(h sliftincr Prince eorgc' tbi 'vvVeJo .as (lie grand prize. They will lie jore on Wed-fesday going iWlh.nnd on Friday morning Tediriiing south Viiaiifc'enieiils for '(heir enler- linmen) ienkr afe bellig looked! Tier by (be board of trade. The uir children Making the trip will c: ' Vema fJarland, aged (3, Te-umseh School, Soulb Vancouver, pelling champion of (I renter ancouver. Alan MeKeau, aged 12, Ceneral A'olfe School, Soulb Vancouver. Mary l.amhcrlou, aged 12, Mo-'erley School, Soulli Vnncoiher. Kenneth MrKiunoii, nged 13, Model School, Vancouver. HOJEL ARRIVALS. Prfnce Ruport V. 1.. O'llearn and .Mr. and Mrs. . 'Farrow anil children, Vancouver: 0. A. Taylor, Oceanin: V. J.Maednnald, Winnipeg; Markland and S. JaeobAon, Prince Huperl: Ed. Adams and Thor-vald Thorsen, Soniervilje; Mr. ami Mrs. E. C. Bayllss and Mr. and Mrs. M. a, Johnston, Victoria: Mrs. S. Anderson. Smith-ers: Mrs. Ii. W. Cassel, Nell Mr.. Millan, I). A. McKinnon and A. Creelman, Terrace; A, C. Knight, Vleloria; E. C. Parry, Edmonton. Central S. nawlhorn, Prince Ilupert; I'. A. Warren, C.N.H. Soft Finish Service 7c per lb. and lc per piece Our minimum charge it $1.25. Every housekeeper hn friends. Home are heller llinn others. Our Soft Finish Service is waiting to ho your friend ami save your lime nml energy, II vynhr. dries and irons your weekly wash, lenliiig for you only a Jillle touching up wili (he hand iron, on Hie weaHtiff apparel. The col of Sofl FinMi is rensounlile indeed, JMioue No. 8 today and add this lioiiseludd rrieinl to your JiU CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' 8UPPLIE3 LUMBER Timbers, Dimension, Hhlplap, Kir Finish, Flooring, V Joint, ltiistic nml Bevel Hiding, Cedar and Fir Boat Lumber, Fir mid Cottonwood Veneer, Mouldings. Shingles, Kolored Shingles, Liilh, Oak. Hardwoods, Sash n"nd Doors, Wood I'ipc. CEMEIMT8, Etc. Portland Cement, Kcene's Cenienl, As heslos Cement, llnidwatl Blaster, I'lnslnr of Paris .J)"'1" ard, Lime, lly.lraled Lime, Fireclay. BRICK8, Etc. Common Brick, Fire Brick, preyed Brick, Agricultural Tile, Vitrified pipe, Fn Lining. MISCELLANEOUS Nails, Building I'aper. Tnr Paper, liibheroid I oof ngs, Johns. Manville'a Aslieslos Bnof-itigs, Asphalt, Asphalt Hoofing Papers, Sand and tJrflVCJs NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Try our Nut Con for y0Ur Kitchen Hnngp. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones lie and 117. Advertise in "The Daily News"