P A OR FOUr One Glass in a Thousand 1 We find thorp arc, rivrr'a llitiusainl different 'cnmbln- allnns and alrengllis of , ICHSCS. ?, II. is the optician's ltusi " nR? ' finiL the proper one for your eye without liring ; ;ynijy trying them nil. , 'We liavo the latest mens v nring instruments nm the s quickest systems. John Bulger Ltd. Jewellers and Opticians Cotton Crepes in. twenty-five of (he leading shades. Tor wash dresses ami underwear for ladies and children. Thirty inches wide. Per yard 25c WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 Fresh Killed Veal ShViitdei1 Una Is, ;pr 15c Veal Cutlets, per lb. ... 25c Fillets of Veal, per lb. 25c Veal Slew, per lb. ... 12 Vic No 1 Steer Beef Pol Hoasl. per lb. .. 12'2c, Hib llbast, per lb. .... 20c Hib Moiling IJeef, per lb. 10c Pork Leg of Pork, per lb. . . 35c Loin Pork, per lb. 35c Slmulder Itoast, per lb, 25c Side: Pork, per II) 19c Fish Large Faslern Pall Herring, each ... 10c Salt Mackerel, per lb. . . 25c Seaiy & Doodson Sixth Street Phone 455. We deliver Dr. E. S. Tait MIISSSSMSaBSBISSSSMSMM DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to a. X-Ray Ssrvloe Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Thursday Kvcnings Saturdayg 9 to 12 nocn MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table dream at 15e for Half Pint, Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone C57 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tt. '.Hage, Warehoudlni, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service, ijpal. Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Bevlnn. .,(.' BRINGING UP FATHER MACiGIF LFT LT NICHT ArRAi0 Tq A,"bK; HER IP" t i i WERE MARRIED SATURDAY EVE. Mrs. Kathleen Roy Became Bride of Charles L. Youngman, Rev. Walter Allen Officiating An inlereliiifr wedding look plarn al o'clock Saturday even ing at Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. I.. H. Parry. CU' Sixlli Avenue West, when two well known re.i- lenls of tlii. city. Mri. Kalhleeu Hoy ami C.iiarlcs ,. Younjrnian, were uniteil . kit in nrtirriugrn by Hev uaner Alien. I lie innie wm specially decorated for Hie. oe asion and I be ceremony look place under a beau I i fill floral weddmjj bell .in the presence of some fifty quests. I'be bride was attended by Mrs It. Parry as matron of honor the fornfer wearin? a beautiful sown of blue jjrey crepe-de-chine and the laller a handsome creation of pale pink beaded silk. ThV groom vas4 allendcil h llobert James. "The Wedding March" was played by Mrs. ,1. (iawlhorn. After the ceremony there was a weddiny supper -il which the loasl to the bride and frroom was proposed by Mayor .Newton, Ihr prooni respondin? suitaldy. pjay- inp, daucinp and siioinK wa-then njoyed juntil tlu ear hou r o ffl he tiiiiornin? (he fe-livlties faking 'oil a filial aspei-i after mulmplit wlieri the seven teenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ileale was cele brated. They were nres-nted liv Mrs. larry, on behalf of Mayor Newton, -willi a silver-cruet set. toast to Mr. and Mrs, Ueale was propocii liy W. II. Denning. Ill the course if the eveniim's festivities, there were solos bv ommy Hlack, Itolierl .lames and Frank Morris as well as community sinpiny. Mrs. OawHioru presided at the piano. Many lovely gifts for Mr. and Mrs. Younzman were disul.ived including a liandsoiiw aiiiiui. china tea set wliich was tlie pift of the Great War Veterans' Association of which the' groom is an active member. Mr. and Mrs. YnunjrmaiL who have the twst wishes of a wide circle, of friends, are taklns tin their residence in the Hand Mock. TERRACE NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pnhle-have moved their household effects unl h( nek from Carnaliy to Tcr race and are now occupying Ihe house recently vacated by Mrs l.azelle, shii havinz moved into Tirandina" Little's cottage. las. llichmond left on Salur day niuhl'M train for lla.elton. An especially large congrega limi was present at lhu leister service in the Anglican churcn on Sunday morning. ' I.oran T. Kenney 'arrived ot Friday morning In spend a holiday al Hie homes of his bro thers, L. If. and P.. T. Kenney, 1 " j i Mountain View Rebecca Lodge held a very successful sale of home cooking and afternoon l on Salurdav in Ihe Proeress MP - - -v -m -r Tilr5 DAILY NRW3 Monday. April r,. in 1 1 ' ' 1 1 T : Hi I lillil - - ? U MVBUT VOU LOO. TCM U. ! ir- U f,' Vi. V S i I 1f HT1 .V1 Sin t i wai u. IMC 1 VHV jCa("v II "4' Ill I Hil II t ir 'JUT ' .t ' w V r- ... . , . I A. a .iJU I I '. u II;, Vx. . i III I II I I V.-t. J l AN" HE WUZ I j'.rvjhjA. . II w. I I I r -v fv Her Liver Was Bad And She Felt, Tired and Depressed Mm. II. 8ifert,Gro-wfnUr, 8aV-irritem "I wi grwtlj- dlNturbod with palos In my liver, and felt tired J lebrfMJ mut of the time. I One day I read about Milburn's BMW and the next time I went to town I bought four vial of tbem. I bava U5d them rrgularly, and aftrr two monthi' use I fel like as entirely diiTereat womaa. Now, I always recommend tnem to any of my friendj who ar troubled hi I waa." ( There's only one "LaiaMver Pill", and that's the one put tip, for the past 32 years, by Tha T. ililbura Co, LimiU.1. Toronto. OnU Hall. The home cooking table!i,ariKid.i 'jti'iriint h. mo were presided orr by Mrs. Mc-jf Cannda break. ..r 7.11 and 7:3 Kinnon. Mrs. Aldous and .Mrs.lani iriiol,. one break or 185 off Mills, while .Mrs. Hishop, Mrs. ie re.i'ball aloi..-. Ii.- has easily T. Kenney and M. J. Wai - Idefeatejl v)l Cana-lian opponent, ren hail charge of the lea table-.infter after uivtrin vivltig tln iliem in tmnJin. n.. The sale altracled a large crowd and the many good things offered at for sale were quickly bought up. Willie llie lea taples wer; well iialronied all aflertioor.lH Ihe lodge fund were increased! to Ihe extent of about :!8.0(. H. Woodworlh returned Saluniay niphl lo his hotne Smilhers. lennis eniuusiasis are again ! on-the job and have Hie court alj cleared off and in fine shape for! the season's play. Cy and C. Thomson arrived from Prince lluperl on Salurdav night s train. QUIETLY WEDDED HERE LAST NIGHT Mrs. Jennatt Dellaronde of Vancouver Becomes Bride of Paul Gerhard Ludburg I'he iiiarri.ii-'e look place quiet ly al U o'clock last night in the uilfd Church Parsonage, Itev. (1. (i. Hacker officiatiliL-. of Mrs. leunatl D-l I. in (tide and Paul (ierhard Ludburg,. The groom L pioneer cook t(t HiU cfty and listricl, having :beep hcr since railsvay coistrlilion days. The bride arrived last nifthl on the steamer t'.ardena from Vancouver They will take up their residence in prince lluperl. SOME NEWER BOOKS AT PUBLIC LIBRARY Some of the Newer Books at the Publio Library are as Follows: "Plalonlsm," by Taylor. "Church and Woman," by Hoy den. "Paper Culling." J.y Allison. "Problems in Woodwork," b) Worst. - "lAdmirally Manual for the. De viations of (he Compass, ly L'vatiB. "Niclioir Concise fiufdn to Ihe Local Marine Hoard Fxatnin-alions, 1J25," by Maxwell. "Siirnner Line of Position," by I'.S Hydrocrraphle Office. fe ''feri 'STAN. NEWMAN COMING HERE British Professional Bllllardlst to Give Exhibition 'p City This Week I Stanlej' Newman, the Idiligh pioresMounl billiard player, wh lias been tourinj! Canada, will arrive lieii on Weilm day and will nppeitr on -'Wednesday. Tlniisdny, Friday and Saturday night isi eslnliitinn inalclii's in connection with Hie opening of Hie new iralid Terminal Milliard Cln.. formerly the Fmpiess Theatre, ille will be aceoniiaiiied on his visit hero by Mr. Iledioii of Van-! leouver, western matiifer of the jllruHswiekillalke-Colli-nder Co. Newiiianj -wlio is years of ajre and a younger liroiher of Tom .Newman. Itnti-li riiamniot!. pltiyisl and won a m.tti-li easily VniiBouver afli r jciMng .lack McMillan, ihe furmer lUtnadian chnniltfaHt. a tart ..r .'.5(iii in an oon ,ih Aflir his vUii Whmi. will return to Kngland by way o? Hie Panama Canal. He will re-leu r n south on lite Prince Charles nexi Monduy iimming. HOSPITAL PATIENTS HEAR EASTER MUSIC Ladles' Music Club, With Outside Atsletance, Cave Program Yesterday Afternoon Patients at the Prince Itupert (ii iii'iul Hospital went yesterday iiheroiMiii IrealiNt to a recital of Faster .olo and music under the auspices of Ihe Ladies' Music Club, tlie program liaving been arranged by Mrs. Jtirvis McLcixl and Mrs. .1. 1. Wosteuhaxer. The members of the club taking part iti Che program were Mrs. Iionnld Moss. Mrs. II. C. Fraser. Mrs. II. A. Harlow, Mrs. G. I I'.ullcn, Mrs. Uoir Walker, Mrs llulieil Ward. Mrs. Jarvis MelA'o.l, nitd Miss Catherine .lone.' ArUsl assist in( club xvcrevCharlrs anrl Will llal.iuuo. ;A. Clapperriiii. Joliu '.. )av(y tnnd A. J. Laftcastef', : Al I ii... In- '.i.r.'. idnse of tlie recital, the llianks ol the hospilai were ex-pn-ss.-d I ' i the Music Cluh by Presiiii-n' S. K I Mill p in-It . NEW METHOD PLANNED FOR PAYING TEACHERS ACCORDING TO ABILITY A'Canadian board of i-ducal ion r considering a new iiihIIioiI of Idling teachers, adjusting I licit pay to their efficieney. I'nder the propoifii system a Icaeln would be rated 20 per cent for personality, which Includes char scler, health, voice, dress, gym pauiy, laci, st'ii-euiiroi, enemy. niiiliit ion, sense of .humor, optim ism, mutative ami leadership. Another 2a per cent would be given- inr scnoiarsiup ami accuracy; iil'per cent for leaching and i.nanagcnienl; to percent for leaching skill willi inleicsling V anted For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in FOR SALE F(Ht SAI.F..--S8 x (iill net or Irollinc bonl, 74 h.p. Vulcan engine; used one eaon. Pn 1200.00. SH x 84 boal, PnuMlwnr ranged for (roller or gill nel-lor; r-fi h.p. Palmer engine; engine nearly new. Price tUu. x 7 pleasure boat, neaCr arranged cabin, I? h.p. t eycl. iigine like new. Price rtSO 3H fool cabin cruiser, weill efpiippe'l, Kwered with heavy oil engine, 15 h.p.. air starter, elect rir light; used very little, price 1 200.00. 17 x in purse seine Uial. 30 h.p. 2 cylinder heavy duty engine for sale r charier. Apply Northern I'.xehange. MAIHiAINS! Two fully mNlern houses, fivn and een rtMnns, in first rlai cmidilinu. fsSOA cash and balance 23 monthly. Several lots, harbor vitw, low prtre, 20.00 cash and 5.00 monthly. nw lUy fmn'-' ate for sale or rent. Se ; Thomas Mcidymonl. tf CHINCHILLA llAlllirrs.lleui- leretl and fedi'ireed adults for sale. Also standard iM-dijreed young slnck. .North Lousdat llabbitry, Oucens and Ltm-dale. North Vancouver. II.C. iASIIOAT for Sale, 21 foi.l. Hiif- falo engine. Suitable fnr pleasiirt' or triliti. SJTiii.or.. Apply HuVviUS. Daily News office. FOIt SAI.F.. Three lots mi Ttiy. lor Street for l5 cah. Wesleuhaver llros. BOARD AND ROOM. ItOAHM AND ItOOM. 135 Thirl Avenue. Phone tied 3'lf. BOARD The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phnn 1.17 methods: 10 per cenl for impar tiality; III per cent for interest in homes and future of pupils and in M-r cent for participation in i-ommunily life . The plan would Iron teachers who rale below 05 Iwo years in succession, give no annual pay increase In teachers ruling In-low 70, and smc no pcr-inaneiil position lo stilililutes rating- lower, than 70. WEATHER REPORT (Ouveriimenl Telegraphs 8 a.m. Prince lluperl: clear, light northeast wind; temperature, iO. Terrace: clear, windy, temp. 10. llarellon: clear, calm, cold, temp. ao. Telegraph Creek: clear, calm: temp, 20. Nahlin: clear, cold, temp. 8 below zero. Slullhers: clear, windy, lemn 28-. Hum Lake: clear, windy. lemp, U7. Whllehorse, Y.T.: clear, calm. letup, I i. Hig Salmon; clear, calm, lemp. Stewart lllver: cjear. etilms lemp. 10. ; .- II. K. Moore, local manager n P. Hums Co., Ltd., relumed lo the city Ibis morning after making llie, round trlii In Stewart aboard Ihe Prince Charles on business. W, Harris of ,Nw Ilaenn Is a v(lor jn Hie city on business, He arrived from the p-lerlor oil this morning's train itid will return tonight. By NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. IS advance. ' No Advertisement taken for ten than 50c WANTFD- .12 root gaoboat. Apply Hot 301 Daily News nffnw. 70 (illll. Wanted for (ieueral Housework. Apply ll.C. Fur Co. 79 TO RENT FOIl HUM'.- -Modern four room-ed flat with Monarch "ange, tilapp Itloek. Wesleuhaver llros. if Knit IIH.NT. Pianos, player Pianos, phonographs and sew Iny machine. Walker' Music Store. ti FI'ILNISIIL'D llouaekecpliitf (too in to rent by Ihe day, week r month. Phone llejl (507. If FOIt ItK.VIVFurnlshed house, keeping it I t n. Mussnllem A(wirtmenls. Plinn IM, if FOIt HKN I'.-Four rmini suite, hot water healed. Apply Sinlh A Mallei. MODKIl.V FLT for HenL Apply Max llnllhroner. If PALM Fit HOURK. Furnished suites for rent. If BOOKKEEPING. WA.VIFD.- Hooks lo post: anv- ernmenl return mnile: public audit. ' Hales reasonable. Write I Ins ";in. Daily News of-fiee or phone Hlack 8l. AUCTIONEER. I IIAVK (he tioSA. You furnish Ihe girl and (he money. furnish Ihe furniture and effeci. Make one dollar look JJke two. fiet face value bulb. way. I buy. sell or exchange. PrivHle sales dally. O. F. Urine, Anc. lioueer. Phone 771. PIQEON3 HACLNO Homers, Jircd from some oi uie iks hiood in the world Strain, flills. Darker. Jtoi Ami; also Carneaiix Pygmy Pouters, Tumblers and Squab Itreeder. Slock bird and trained birds. From f5.00 In l5.oo per pair. Jack Hanks, 1183 Hasting Street, Fast, Vancouver, h.fj. GOOD EATS CAFE, Third Avenue. Opposite llenson' Studio. OOOD MFALS. fifiril) CAKF.S Coffee or Tea Served. URAL IIOMF. COOKFM Mints Mr, linger. Proprlelres. TRAPPERSI I NF.KD 10.000 MINK SKINS. Ibvl prices paid. See me before you e your furs. If its fur Fl buy them. W. COLDBLOOM, Second v. The Honest Fur Man. PRINCE KIIDrst-r Tinrt a. - --"' aa-w www 9 fl Ifha T Monday, April 5 "W' R:5I a.m. h..i ft. I:2ft p.m. I&.rt " ''.ow I a :5 i p.m. 0.2 " Tuesday, April . '"' - 7:12 ii.ni, 17.8 ft 20:52 p.m. III. I " - 0:53 a.m. 10.2 " H:li p.m. 0.2 " Wednesday, April 7 '"MO 8:1 r a.m. 18.0 f. 22:03 p.ni, 1 7.3 " l'"w 2:20 a. in 0.0 " 18:30 p.m. 5.1 " ; Thursday, April 8 "'u I:5ti a.m. 18.7 ft. . 22.:5 p,,. ih.h '"w -Isil) a.m. s.r, 10:31 p.m. 4.5 "J?, George McManus . . AUTOMOBILES See the New Improved CHEVROLETS Touring, price in it Itupert t : lloadsler, prtf I D P lluperl r Coutic, prim F.O.D P perl ... t i iCmirh, price K.II.H ! pert Setlnii. price P.O.H Pt terl I Landau Sedan, pn.. Prince lluiwri Cimniierelal f!tiai. . Prince Hnp.-ri n -IH Inn Clii- j . j Prince llui-i t (Nil i( and 2ft par: i, !' a.M.A.C. Easy Payment Plin. A few la run i n u s.-, . r.,i drs KAIEN QARAQE nnleri tn all lm r . v Products. (Untili M tin. Oakland, nldsn. line, ami ierol-' WIIKCKLMJ SF.HVli f xiijiit NFW III- I V Ol Ill's PKICI s vr M I nW NFW TIMI PY.MIT l)i-liwi.,l pr i.-.- at I'r n. II Self lari r arid !.-s Ilunaixtui . . , ToliiuiK ... Ifl Coupe H Ttidur Sedan 18 Fodor Sedan Commercial Chais rruck Chassis Guaranteed Used Cars nl Specially l.-w pin DK.MONSTIIATHl.Ns Oil Dill esons ill any (tun S. E. PARKER, LTD, 2ln Seond Avenue F URN ITU E AND RANGES FAWCFTT, Prem-ei ad I Itanges always in Mot It more bed, coulltiiions ' posts, from $30.0n up finish derlred. Dinii tilei; living mom rha lounges. , good as-of pattern Dominion I leum from 70c per vanl, I oleum rugs, 102o paKfrn ie. Wicker cha" HI 0 lied linen. Table linens lowels. A. Mackenxtc. I-a lure. Phone 775, TAXI Phone 07 Taxi (Call (Icorire. Paul or Oust Six- and seven passenger Si liaker al y-ur disposal anv : for SOc Service ross enos. pool room Meeker Block Across from Fnipres Hole' PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE Back to the old stand, 318 Tbird Avenue. All the latest In SHKF.T Ml S(. Colomhla Niui S-.- RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPHS. JROTH jyj LJT RA MSP ER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving HaggiiKo and F.xprps 3lf.ml:Lillle New Stand, Phone 352. flc. phone Oreen im FURNITURE. New n rid Secondlinnd Fttrn lure Store. We lluy. Soil and Fx change New and Secondhand Onod. GEO. PAPADOPULOS 830 Third Ave. phone 046