onday April S, 1020. L- . . . I 4 i , , vu, r Superior Results Jfflf in Cooking n FOR balclnc, for sauces and gravies, for pudding and deerti, Carnation 1 uniorpasied. In coffee, too, and with fniiti and cereal when uied in place of cream. Carnation excel. Thousand of other Cana. dian constantly use Carnation. Tbey already know the wA of Carnation's popularity. If you are not uiinc Carna tion, here are reasons why jou should. drflltlnn . . n .... t J..1 nes, uniformity, creamy con-siitency, pleasing color, deli, cate taste also convenience and economy. Use Carnation the world' lesder in evaporated milk. Ask for it today at your grocer's. Send for a free copy of Mary Blake's Cook Boole Address Carnation Milk Products Co, Limited, Aylmcr, Ontario. at ttku. "From Contented Gows Produced I Canada L Eastertide April 5th, Easter Monday IUIiIhU. Ksr-. Olnckeiio. nil Hit mi ill liasdirl - i-.nl-folder, eli. Ttr.ii -wind ninn'i. t i miiKl" Hi - (i:n ror. J"" lrt. Ajfi. 'iv Iwvc m iHL rVn"ii large, i'iuh riM-'n Ilk. Ilciltllxiti (iulu lt"k. huw li 1.u' .h I arrange K.iler fc H'ittf. "in i I xv -. h i l. ((' tuvur made lu imki eMaeMvs.Jtd DEMAND .u-. tell ili "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST DOEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Coli Storage Co., Ltd- Prince Rupert, B.C. Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, fiOPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde St. Local and Personal l'lione 15. p.ll. Coal Co. Arthur's Taxi. Phono 078 If U.O. Undertakers. Phone 41. Sheddon's Taxi and Mdsgeneor Service Phone J3i. if Mls Wnllis left this cilv on Saturday night's irnln g0r Win nipeg. MK ami Mr. H. P. .lenner nr.; shortly lo move Into the lloches-ler hotm- oil Eleventh direct rc- ivnlU- vacated hv Dr. anil Mrh V.. S. TAlt who have pone to the .tt Uouie oh Horden Strecl. n.(i.MJI. frelshlpr Canadian Mjrnenr; which wai to have come to Hie loeal- ilrv ilock fnr repair. ti;U i.een IhU.mi hi. at Victoria hiKtead. Tin' ve-l lol u iruiriirr wiauc wnne on a cent vnyue to Florida. rc AltiTt Farrow, tiHinhoal in Kperfor, arriveil from Vancouver n I he Canh-na yeIenlay afler noon. Up accmipaniiil on llij trip iy A m. Farrow and their ui ami lUnjhlcr. Tfipy will rp lurn itonlli tomorrow ccniiiK. V.. Van ;hIp1, for many yparn court liotiw pariiencr liere. ami Mi. Van a!p will Iinivp' Ihc 'ny ahoul May I, to locale in Hip oulh. II i- ilipii int.Millon i loke up a piece of Inn. I in Hip vicinity or Vancouver or Victoria . Mailt. maid of Winnipe?, win in mtprefied in ininiiu' in :lu Altc .im jjirwt, i a vMt it in ih- ciiy. He armed from aiicnover on Hip Prince Olmiie Siiiiiiday afternoon ami will pr'- ! Kant by thin evenin'n train i.niilable Frpil Markland. for .'in (! year or o on tlie pro mi ml xi!ice fore here, w'.l lake cliar?p at Oueen Charlotte .ii hre a ulathm i IwiiM eiuiiriieO in reMHiie lo a t umlMr of i-epn-cnllioii from !,..t! diftricl W . K. Walker, tnnnm'er of Hie Wmohtle cannery, and Mr Wallo-r iu faioily, Iwfether Willi u.m.uI a Mwt UOlliHH of lllO, -hVe Mut rtjN jWem'gre' ..ard tffi' Oardrnl la iiilit - 1 1 1 if throiipli to the Nna Rivei hint linMiiK pent tliv winter in Hie ioulli. O.P.H. steamer Princi- Ih'al lien, Ctl. T. tiliffe, arrivetl from the aoiiIIi nl 10 oolork I rnla n mill and aileil on tier return t Vancouver ami way port at nitdnijtltl 'the eel eiil Ih iii.i.l nf SaliinUy in Hie kcena Uiver dUcharginir enreo at can hit iNiinte. Mre. A. Meapher, wit Im lvn xi-iiimk in the elty for the pnl v at with her mmi and ilausliter in l;i. Mr. and Mm. J. II Meaxhpr. nailivl fnr VaneouNer on Hie' Prince Oharlc!' thi liiomiiia ,11'i'iimpan'ed by another ou, M Maulier. wlm came north from Vancouver lii.l week to ineet her P.i-oi'iijirr s.iillnp ' on the Piiure John Saturday niuhl for Hie Uueeu Charlotte Inlands In eluded Vic lrelon, .1. Marshall, II. McColl, 1. C. Anil. .1. Mc(irc por and Mr. Webster for Jnoet Charlotte City: Kd. Hrayfard fo? I.ojran Inlet; Mre. G. II. Kbumj and children and MUi K. Math er for Smnlspit; Mr. and Mrs Fletcher rom Vancouver, for Ma-eM; Mi', and Mr. S. Pear jiin, rut- l.ockeport. Don't Cough Your Head Off Dcn't Cough f Aii Night Long Mri. Tlios. Oilliert. WellwiJ. Ont, writcn: M8omo timo ago 1 took vtrv vrre eoM, and it ttttlej on mv tunc. 1 foiiRlieil day nd night, and had mrh vvsre jiin, in hit rhest I conld hardly benr them, but fiually I n-nt and Kt a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup After I had talctn a roup! of dnncn T found that my cough wa relieved and the nalna were all ROnc, and by the time 1 had finished taV in ho vhole bottle I waa rompletely rid of my trouble. ' Xow. I will never b without a bottlo of 'Dr. WoodV in my homo." Put np only bV tlm T. Milburu 0, Limited, Toronto, Ont. j GRAND TERMINAL CLUB OPENING Special engagement of Hlnnley .Newman, Hie Kiik-llsh iirofi.'stional liillianl champion, In connection with Iho opiMiinv of the t J rami Terminal Milliard Cluli, formerly, the Kin-pre Tliealrt', I'xhihilion rnulchet with local play-vr nl 8 p.m. on Weilnen-day, TJntrxilay, Friday ami Salunla'. , Ailiiiimlon 50c. J.adie? specially in-viled. . 81 Mr. receive coatl. W. on v J T. Kerin Tuemlay. will not iioiiuiioom nny iur ami payit the hlsliPff prlec-l in Canada. Jut receivedt'' Nmie niodeN in Spripif 1 Tweed plain Goal." Wallato . lain an I Hi .Meet (in of the Prince Hupori Federal WliUt l.eupiie in Hip city liall on Ihuisuay April 8 at S p.m. , William iiiilillilooin returned on tun un-iicna la-l msiil iroio a hricf hiifiicii trip down tin Mr. and Mrx. 1i. C Haylics were arrivals mim victoria on the limlciin la i-i life lit enroule (o Inverno.H!) cannery. After nn Hhie- of I wo week. Mr. Harlan hag retiirntHl to work nl ParMonne Iteaulv Shoji and will he glad lo welcome her patron. Mi A ft lie DawMiu, who It;i been memliiiK a few week holi- daylner In Vunfucr and Victoria returned to Uie Pity on the Car. dena In-t nlphL Pnenirr! , i-allin? on Hit Prince Clinrlc till morning for Hie liouln iiieludei Mr. S. fi. Moore awl cliildreit- M. Meajrhe., Mr. A. Mcnplior for Vancouver; T. .Ieffern, Tv fiuthrip. T. lto?y and II. Arner for 0lan Falls. W. JelTeri'on. foreman for the, Pacific Slevwlorinsf ., and parly of linzhorcmeii ciiixilinK kf T. litllhrie, T. Ilo.-ey and II Arney ailcd thio morning on Hi Prince Charle for Oc6.ui Fall wherthey will ail in Hie load- in? of an Australian ercl with pajier. eirpo. F. T. Foley, who lrlablih imt n new cannery at Captain'.? (Jne, ,ailel for Vancouver on Hie Prince Churles this iiiornin mid will 4m hack in alKiul leu day? time. Mr. Foley report thai arranuemeiiU are now complete for Hie Martinx of coitlrurlion of the now plant. . In custody of A. Crndman acting n a njiccial provincial pidiee constable, three Imliaix, Irfike Fowler, Jaine. vVokcti anl Johnnie Moore, were Jiroualit to Hie city on lliii inorniu's train to Inke trial In Jud'e Vonns's court on charge of theft of pro vi.ion and equipment from IrapperV cabin in I he Terract' district. Paddy Hiin". loalpr hnV owner of the Mlver Kiusr mine on Driftwood Cirek in the llahiuc diftricl, arrived on thl tuoriiiu't train from the Inter for and sailed aboard the Prine Charles enroitte to Spokane vvliere m will attend n meelfnir of the company which i iutcr- led iTi tlio mine. Work hit been carried out during the winter nu the Silver Kinx mine hv Mr. lliKfiiis and will be contin ued IhiK year. A Kood strike of ore was made last fall on tit properly. I'nion sleanier Cardemi,, (iipl. K. dickson, arrived froni '(lie coutli nl. 8 o'clock lal nfctlil and sailed at 10 o'clock for Anyox Alice Ann and Slewurl. The ves sel had auioiiK her pas.-eiiKt'i'S Hie following fur Prince Itupert: Miss Hilroy, Mr. K. Vernon, Mr. Keller. Mr. Wass.il, William fioldloom, Dr. F. p; Kenny, Mr. and Mrs: llayliss, Mr. and Mrs. It. i. .lohnston. Mis A. Dawson. Mrs. Bradbury, Mrs. Webber, Mr.. J. II. Dellaronde, K. S nay. .Mr. and Mrs. Albert, t und children; for ArrandalJl and Mrs. W. F. Walker and ily and cannery crew; for Ajyox, Mr. Herard and It. W. Curiilsh; fo r Alice Ann, round trip, Mrs. 4 v. -.Sdt Me.U irrow Mr. u in Mr. FrnnillL': Travers. beautiful White Hands v)ith Washing SJishes No more harsh laundry soap for dishwashing. No more red, iougit, chapped hands. Lux has done away with all that. Lux has lightened the labour of dahwdshing and made it possible for you to keep your hands as white and soft and your nails as trim and neat as though they had never touched dishwater. You know it isn't the grease from the dishes nor the temperature of the water that reddens the hands. Water itself and hard laundry soaps do thcf damage. Lux softens the water and makes it harmless to the skin, hurries the whole operation of dishwashing, and actually keeps the skin in fine soft condition. The vegetable oils in Lux are bland oils -mild and soothing as well as highly efficient. One tablespoon of Lux in each pan of dishwater is all you need. Really, you should use Lux for the whole family wash it's so efficient, so safe and reasonably priced and it prolongs the life of fabrics. Many a garment go-s to the cleaners that might better be washed with Lux. Lux Laundered Lingerie Protects Sensitive Skins l t M... ; r.A.. . .h. .mill i.iii, .1111:1 .ijp-iMui:K I tie week in the city on business.! relumed to A I ice. Arm on tli Canlenn last nfcht. Mrs. II. .1. Hrhdbury and .son. ofler having spent the winter in Victoria, returned lo Hie Hie Cnrilena last night. citv oi; Miss Klanda Marsh left o:i Saturday night's train for Ter race where she will spend the Knster holiday isilln? with he: parents, Mural Dean and Mrs. 1 .1. Marsh. Molorship llellinliani. Cap! Anderson, arrived this mornuic nl '.' o'clock from Ketchikan with n cargo of fresh halibut for transshipment to the Tinted Slates over Iho Canadian National Railway. ANNOUNCEMENTS Queen Mary Chapter Daffodil Hall April 5. Anglican Tea and Sale of Work April 8. tiyro Hoedown Friday, April In Auditorium. 0. Royiil Purple hritlin1, whist drive alnl dance, P.Iks' Home. April 1 1. Lutheran Women Ant prin4 Sale. April 15, nl T.IG Sixth Ave. West. Tennis April 10. Club Hall. P.lks' Home, Presbyterian' Church Ald.Sprine Sale, April 21 Ladies' Fair Hayseed fyinee, April 2'J Hidley Uouie llaaar May 0; PAGE THRE1 illlllllriaVo , Over a score of years Lux perfection has naturally encouraged imitation. For your protection, Lux is sold only in packages, never in" bulk. l: Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto Old Fashioned Peppermint Patties 40 cents per lb. 5 lbs. box $1.80 HAIR CLIPPERS, extra special, per pair Ormes Limited The Hexall Store 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. canadianT "aiurT $1.00 Pioneer Druggists Phones 82 and 200 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert to IFTCHiUN. WIANGEU, JUNUO. SIACVAT F TANCOUVU. VICTORIA tU SUTTU Mink 19. 29. ApU 9. . 30 Mink 23. Apil2.13.23 SS. PUNttSS BEATUCE For Bultdalt, twanton B, Eatl Balla Balla, Ocaan Falla, Namu, Alart Baf. Campball Ulnar, and Vancouver nrj Saturday 11 a.m. an for all Staamahlp Llnaa. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Otnaral AganU Cornar of 4th Itraat and Srd Anonua, Prlnca Ruport. B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED Salltnra trow Prince Rupert, or VANCOUVIR. VICTORIA. Swanaon Bay. and Alart Bat, Tueeday. P.m. tor VANCOUVIR. VICTORIA. Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay. Saturday. 10 ,. For ANYOX. PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rler Cannarlaa, Thuraday Jn. For PORT StWPSON, ANVOX. ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sunday, S p.m. US tnd aiwv. 4. Baraoley. Afonu Prlnoe Ruport, B.O. r4