25 TAXI Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand, Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. VOL XVI NO, 711 mmn WEST STILL HAS CHANCE FOR STANLEY CUP WELL KNOWN PIONEER NORTHERN COASTING VESSEL IS AGAIN IN TROUBLE Famous, formerly Amur, Hit Rock Yesterday in Skeena River and Sinks Tin . i -I freighter Famous tortniilv owned iiml opcralc 1 imir lv lln IiiiIvii' Sle.imlup Harge Co imlil hc wo k d .i couple of e.ir ago ill While Cliff l-lnnl near ntxiilh ttt lli' Skcenn Itivrr, ha again come lo grief in lurid i.i- mill i -link near llalmorul tlaiiuiory afler having struck U' k jo. let-day morning wliil IhmiiiiI iulo lialuiurHl Chii- i Hi V.ni' nuwr Willi a cargo (if litiiul. I,.. -i niglil al i iK-lui'k, Hit' w Hir iiili'iilmii In hcarli her Inil ie wciil In I he Indium jlicfi.rr tin could In- done. Shej 'Till AHDIiTT 01 ILL AUIMri NORTH PACIFIC Wheatland Montana Gels Tow I But Loses It In Slaty Mile Gale "iiiHi . Airil 4. Tint hrallaiMl ilonlana wf IlUlldrthl Mltli- ' til Hit NprtM 1'arifn', Liken In , t"W lad . ii by lir ii,r tine. U . Nil limk1 away dm --mv ' nitt sal uihi) Ninrr l ttiatidtok' by, . 1 a . 1 i nide U frt mi'iilifrj i' ,1 tin- Wheatland M"ii-a ' "f wind inMi'ral. - ninitn. whli-h " M 1 inn firl, tie .j ., "koliHilliI THEY SLEPT AS OTHERS LOOKED Muriel Dolby and Evelyn Evans Found Safe on Hollyburn Ridge Near Vancouver WN ill Yr.ll. April Willi" (i.ll'lf HClHirt'd till' llli'UII- ii tin- imrlli liiiria l Ur- I 'li l. Mm trl ll.dhy ai'd 10. ' l 'du 1 1 mix. iiawl II. "I' l'' ihoiil Hatunlay imtld i" a '" "a llollyliurii IIMm wii' "- ttori' fiuilMi Ctiti.v ''" I vli;ititnl,afli,r rlitnhiitK i) v liulay. tin ftlrU look l"t"' 'lie ruhlii when thi'.v wrrrj .'akiMi by nlorm ami darkne. CAUGHT IN BLIZZARD Thirteen Young People Spent Night Huddled Under Tree Near Gibson's Landing filltSO.N'tf LAXDlXfl. April T i lilrtceii yiuniR people, raiwln? in age from 13 W, w m a hliintrd 1'rl.lay nlnlit while Umhlng Ml. I'.lphinnloni' hit! vvi-re recned on Saturday evcn-'iit. They Mpenl the iilalit huddled tinder u fallen li'i'g. DRY SQUAD STEPS INTO EXPLOSION Four Officers Injured When They Raided Moonshine Cache Near Seattle . . . ti f i'n..M'iiui fi..j II. I., .vprn . new iiiinii'j inemhers of u Bhoflffa I'"'ly which inldi'il an ttudergniund moounhlue 'cliche near hero early Sunday wore Injured when nn exidoiloti demolished Hi" place. tTir' of fleers declnro H wu n dyiianiilTplUnt. II,, el w.k Honied uff Ihe rock ..p '-virir.- -..h.. a i"K;MMI..P, wj.i.i,, W.y.foiir jlid- a lar(r.-t,ouri, WMM (ae 4,r, fl,r l,.d.. rurwanl mi (he imparl. A.-jllHir rjn on raiiarmfiilo urr now hcina mi l.- ,.rn fMl.)S . .. . I t l I I . . u iw- hit uiiiMi uu ii ii"; llll W limuglil to dr H-k foi r'.alr. SJnoiK ool and In-arhrrnui' tiilal current are indimi'il In fcavn ik'imi lh .rmioi of tin-It midiiitf . Tin' I .'uniiuo if. mm nwiietl U Cnit, Vincent til VaiK'ouxer. I w hT firl vityaiii- thin far north under the new wnerliii Hhr i one ft IhjfllMWHf terU mi Hie I'aeln.- Uoiil ami, ih'fm lieinii arH"'d hyloe iUulvti SiwiflHrr a UifV rjr. owned li) tin1 UmiIimii I'arMi ltllw. Sin wa urn' nf tin-tir. I Hiteralifl by Hi. O.P It I.. la-k. I'rmce llu"7 end Hi'' '.'ii'-i'li r'l.iilolte Nl.lli'l- I hr I .ni"U. t !-1 1 the Amur. wn built at Suiid-rlamL Kua liiinl. in lo. She i 316 feet bmir. o-i'l iM-am and U fret V inelien ib-ep. Her jsr" tuu-nnae i !; mid iiwUtered. 5To. She wu- badly dninaaed in In. wreek on WIlllei-hlT Ulnnd i collide of yeart) as and i re-flufincHt mihI practically rebmli following I hut arridmtl. tlnirl Want, i-epre-rntalhc r the und'nvnler and the Vancouver DreiUif? V Sulvaae I'-tt . .inicil tin aflivrnoitn thai ar rangement are lielnft made In end ipl. Swuiimiii with a wil-viiui out f II lo Ilii' ramuiii. lo- niKht or Iniiiorrow umrnina. H i. iiriitinoi'il to I til III I the erel .til ill low wnletr and. if of.aihle lie broil u lit here for etiiniliinlinii nod iMiibly ro- ,, s. ORE SHIPMENT FROM DUNWELL MINE WENT SOUTH ON STEAMER pi.tln i .lupiiienl td I lo ton ,,r ,.rc I coin I he Dunwell mine vmi- nil lioanl I he fleanier Prince Oliaiir this inorulnu on ft way fnun Stewart to Hie Irall smeller. shipinenU from Urn Dtin-woll. which ha' heea sending out ore al H" '"ale of ten Ions per day l eeenll.v, will he illoeonlinueil for the lime being ax Ihe .tnte of Hi" iad t o'h 11,1,1 " eaiiuol pe li-uu"rt"tl rrom the initiu to Slew ail. F S. Clcmenl, former city en. ..u. iii iiml now located al Virloria, arrived in lh" city frori the fotilh on Ihe I'rinre llhalle Sniiiidav niKhl and sailed, that ... ....intr nil Ihe I'rinre .Hih'n for Skldi'jiale where ho will pend a ...unite (if Weeks lloillK MUHll .nevi.v work in eonneellon with . .... ...I it... iin I.. .(It. ...17 I 1 1 11 I III I 11.11. ; ".,." ....i.iui.in- alSoulh rh ' S III. Hay. liiMirae Frinell relurncd Sat i.i i.iiiiai-il the I'rlnreM lteal- rlc rrom a husinoss trip lo ' Va iuvcr. Northern and 1'IUNCl' THOUSAND'S NEW Ml lLtKb PAto BY WINNIPEG ! Canadian National Lines Ex trtmely Busy Distributing ! Immigrants Among Westerq Farms j IXMI'l.i. April 5. -With the arrival here lu vik-cn. uf the m't-. ind iriltiimrniil special over lli' Canadian Vali'Miul line O . ' z;.nm i.i'v -hiIim ri'iii nod ihl ,V (M, r.llllO dlll-llUC UlI...J Wf,1k (. idiiiiuuliuii iifficiaU . :.. ..:-... n.i arrival are from llo . "Kuila" and are chiefly Oiilral I!urteaii, many of wliib, however, are prepared to take tip hind flfler mmne practical CKrlite4 of Canadian meiho'U. Sit erial train wen required lo lrnwort thin week's arrixaU' from the tenboarl by the Ci Ha itian N'Rlioiial ntnl the at three ila Ini- 'n ('. Iii'uviett iiiiiiu-Kralioti 111"' 'ni',nl eperieiieed for over il dec lid''. FISH ARRIVALS HEAVIER TODAY Twenty-one Boats Sell 340,000 Pounds of Halibut Over Ex change Halibut arrival here tolay totalled SKI.onn pound of which 87H.fii.Ml piiiiud was from eveu- leen American boat and 01,300 pound frum four Ikinadlaii. Price m a get I from IS.Ic lo lie for firl nln American fUli ami from He to 13c for Canadian, all neconil elnTlh j-flliiiK Co. The arrival were as follow: American illacler. 18,000; June. U.Onu; Wave. I.oiio; and Lincoln, 17,-iioo. In the IkHilh Fiherie. Sherman. 8I.IMKI; llaltie. I?,-rnio: and J. I'. Todd II.. tl.OUH. lo Ihe At tiit Fisheries. Itri'k. .t.nno: Condor, 3,500; and Sun W'iisg. 11.""". to Ihe Hoyal l'ih Co. Ilainier 30.1)"": Sentinel, Oiiii; Ilainier. u.""0; and Hazel 11., tl,.M". I" Ihe Canadian Filt & Cold SloraKe Co. .siiiiwt. 30,"00: Happy, H.ooil; iiml Vnlorou. 10.500, to Ihe l'a- ril'ic r islierten. Canadian Alii. I8..VI0. and Itulh, 7000. Ihe Allin Fisheries. Ileveillc. '.'0.000, ami Lekil. ".'.000, to the Canadian r if h ft Cold Storage t o. ' DIED FROM INJURIES AND EXPOSURE AFTER FALLING FROM TRAIN MISSION. April 5. - Harry r.niiekhank. nael I", llrilifh Columbia I'.leclrlc llailway Co rotidiiclor employed on the Slave Fall line, fell from a Canadian I'licifin train near Huskin lain Friday night and, lyinp beside the Irack (ill Saturday, died as a result of Injuries and exposnro here on Sunday. CONDITION IMPROVED. LONDON. April 3. The eon ililinn of Princess Victoria, who Is suJVcrinii from pneumonia was reported Ihls -morning lo bo liglitly improved. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper III I'KHT, 11.(1, MONDAY. AIMUL MET DEATH m bAMUAl "Monty" Fraser Tripped Near Chemalnus and His Head Was Held Under Water CIIK.MAIMS. April 3. Hi; VAXCOI VFH. April 5. The foot onikght in a gM-oliuc launch i following vessel cleared from Willi hi head beneath Ihe sur- Vancouver during lal weeawitb fitec lf the waler. I In body or rargw or grain or parkeargoss "Monty" FrasiT, ngeit ahoul tj..fr foreign ports, was found in Sluarl Channel ofr Kii.yu Maro r.r Yokohama, ihi mni'li ne;ir here. 1 1 Imd ;m- --.u rn i...i.i.. parcnlly been drowned lh.' pre- ...., 1... ...... ......1.1. lii.iij. instil in- a uiiaiii'' till L....I. IllM IliiUil ttt.ltlf l.'Tlll., lf. I ti:r Irini'iiiK and fall iii. KILLED WHEN THROWN TO PAVEMENT OUT OF AUTO NEAR YANCOUER ' XlAV YVCSTMIXSTI II. April 3 Cliai'h' Spier, wed t'J. Vancouver. wh iiotai.lt killed l)?melrloti Tor t.nlnn for or-wlieu l tw car he wa drivhip oti'ilcr. i!fi.nnn iilnd. the I'ai lric ltialiwm went into n ditrh eal of here arly Sunday tnoriiin. Deeeacil vas ihrown on I" I In- paV'-iiii'ii). Four other (iKi-eniTs wrrt it iiiiinvd. j j Sulicrite lo the Jh;lv w Victoria Cougars Sweep to Victory in Burst of Speed, Beating MONTllKAL. April ... The Victoria Cougars provided an tipM'l in Ihe Stanley Cup hoi kcy series "dope" on Saturday nighl when Ihey defeulcd Ihe Montreal Maroon, winners oT Ihe firsl lu games, under Kuslern rules by a score of three lo two. Willi a lurl of .-peed dial left Hie Monlieulers standing slill. Ihe tnigar. present world champions, fairly vept. lo Iheii I ri 1 1 li i li in a game which started raggedly Iml ended in us exciting a struggle as Hie fans could posildy have desiretl. Kadi team -I'ored in Hi'1 first period, .Montreal uolehiiig lh PARLIAMENT HAS AGREED French Houses Adjourn After Lengthy Debates Over Mattor of Finance PARIS, April 5. The Senate and Chamber of Deputies adjourned on Sunday morning after reaching an agreement by a vote of 260 lo 144 on the government's financial measures. Hope of peace seemingly was responsible for the compromise reached by the two houses. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL EASTER MONDAY GAMES English League. Dlv. I. A rue it al i, Aston Villa 0. llury 0, Hud'lersrield Town 0. Leicester Cily I, West Ham I. Liverpool 2. jtollon Wanderers 2 Manchester I uitcd 0. Nolls C. t. Wesl Hruniwich 1. Leeds U. 0. Division II. Harnsley 0. Derby Cbunly I. 1 trad ford City 2, Purl Yale. 0. Fulham 2, Portsmouth !l. Hull Cily 1. Blackpool 2. Nolls Forest I, Clapton I. 0. Soulhamplon 0, Chelsea I.. South Shield 1, Prcslou I. Slnke 0, The Wednesday 1. Swansea Town 3, Oldham 3. Wolverhampton 5, Stockport 1. Scottish League. Dlv. I. Ilaupers 2, Dundee United I. Pailick Thislle 0, Celiio 0: Subscribe lo Ihe Dally News. fi, 1020. miunUyt (GRAIN LOADING Al VAlNUJUyM Ten Beats tHofy Aboivt Two Million Bushels or Wheat Jn One Week. ........ Kaisbo Mam for Yokohama.' fill lili. Iillf.lil4 Uaiworlh for YokoUama. CII !0(.8 Inirlo!4. I, I!)i.kai Maru for Moji. 1 1 l.iiOO jtii;bl", for Yuknliaiii.i, Trt.noo IhmIipI. Seine Mam for Shanshai. '.33.703 luiflieN. Ivv,ilcan Mam for Knlie, f.,- t G 7 Ininhelrt; for T.-ln:l -. 3'.',ll3 iu'''el ; Ywkohnmn, Ifi.OG of.bu-iliel. Kiudi'rilyk for II"' 'crdain, 37.- 3a;t Ini'lul.i; for Antwerp, 7I,C bushel. lii'iir.M' U'ahiir:ini Sraiwlerta jfr .M tmrt, i?.m;7 hnilitt.. l"ii,.'kiTi2 f"r Scandinavian port. .,(il.;3lJffljM)Lltri'. Maroons by 3 to 2 nrst in three minutes. In the second period, Vicliiria added allot lire and, in the final frame, i'olh sides I'ouuled. I The next game will be on Tues-iday nighl under Western rules. If I Victoria wins, Ihe series will lie I I led two all and the world's j championship will be decided in a fifth same on luursduy even- MURDER CHARGE Wesley George Is Placed on Trial for Killing of Jack Burch&ll Sooji uHcr being brought to tlie cily by police officers Salur nay afternoon. We ley Ceorge was taken before Stipendiary Magistrate- II. F. Mr Lend in Ihe provincial police court and for nui'ly charged with Ihe murder of Jack Hnrchall whose death he I alleged to have caused by knock jog him off a fish boa I in Warkc Channel on Friday morniitg, Hurchall subseijfienlly drowning. No evidence wa taken and the hearing was adjourned for eight days. ticofge is now a prisoner in Ihe citv jaU suffering from wrist slashes gt i ven himself when he was alleged. In have allcmpled suicide hy culling his throat wilh a safety rator Made. An ntlempl is being mad'4 hy the aulhorilies lo recover the, body r Hurchall from Warke tmannel, u provincial police parly headed by Inspector Splller hav ing gone lo the scene of the drowning aboard Ihe power boat .'8 Leila U yesterday. Ctrrulitlun. HS7 Street SIm, m Nova Scotia Fleet is Damaged in Worst Storm 25 Years Loss to vessels which are limping home estimated at $50,000; Bluenose among injured Lt'NKMHllti, Nov a Hiulia, April .". llurfellfil a'lid ilis-tiMcd liy tliovoil Avenllicr i-xperietii ed on tltc Jjank Hi Iwnily-five ycar, ilie hulk of the Lunenburg fishing fleet i limping hack In port lo repair damages estimated al )$ro,000. Seven trel relumed on Sunday reporting damage of SSii.thm. The Ulueno-e. fanning racing cliooiier4 was among the e.i U that retiirued. She lint a quantity or gear, Capl. Wallers reKirling the slurm lo be the worst he hail ever experienced. H OROGRAPHIC SURVEY COMING NDR1H AP Steamer Llllooet Will Spend Several Months In tjucen Charlotto Island Waters The Canadian .government hy- li'o!:ceiiiUiniuv.j lcjiilrr. il.il. fliwl. which has " been fjiveii "aT 'ST. JlLVs, Newroundland. Ili..r..i...i, ..v..rl..iiilni!7 .il A-iclori.-J April 3. -The Xevvfouitdiand during Ihe winler. will sail from that port today for Ihe north loJ ilarl her annual work. The vessel will spend several months nlong Ihe coast chiefly in thej Vicinity of the Uueeii Charlotte' Islands. WIRELESS REPORT. i S a.m. DIOHY ISLAND. Clear, H.tlo northeast wind; liarotneler, 2'J.-88: teniperatiiii. 10: seji s)iioolh. a.m. leanier Princo Charles passing in souihlioumt. Ml.AD TltKU. POINT. Haro- meler, 30.20; lempcratMre. 1(1. 1111.1. HAllHOIl. Clear, calm. barometer. i"j.ii; temperalun-, ; sea smooth; 0 p.m. spoke steamer Alaska, Seattle for Oua.lra, 107 miles from (Juadra, p.m. spoke steamer 'Jle.lomlo it- (Jiieeti Charlotte Sound southbound; 8 p.m. 'spoke steamei Prince. I tea trice abeam North Island southbound;' 8:33 p.m poke uuilorshii Lillehoru abeatn Addenhrooke Island liound for Xiiti'iiino; 8 p.in, spoke lug Capi Scott at Safely Cove bound fo Port Alice. Noon. .DIOHY ISLAND. clear, cal wont; barometer, "i..; lemper ulnie, U; sea moderate. DI-1M) THKH POINT.-Haro- meter, 30,oo; temperature, 18. HILL IIAIIHOII. Clear, fresh east wild; Jiivromeler, c?1.j; leinperalur'. 30; sea smooth; 0.3O a.m. spoke ..teamcr Princes Heatrice alieam Pine Island southbound. CAIRO FIRE Six Hundred Homes Destroyed and Two Persons Lose Their Lives CAIItO. April 3. Fire destroyed HOO home on Sunday rendering folir thousand people "homeless. Two lives were lust. K. lleafy. general manager of the Massed Timber Co.. arrived from 'Los Angeles on tlie Prince Charles Saturday afternoon anil sailed for the Queim fjliarlolte Islands thai nlchl on the (PrinS John. It i repotted that tlx company intend to shortly reopen tlie sawmill at Ituckley U iy. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW 80DA FOUNTAIN, The lale.il and best for the least. Phone 457. PRICK FIVE CENT9. Fishins : AIRPI AMCC Am , 'Newfoundland Catch so far this Year Totals 170,000 Pelts seating catch for Ihe whole fleet this year already total t70.(iuu pells. The steamer Hoelhic arrived with 10.000 pelts, the second largest catch hi the history of the scaling ,fieel. The use of airplanes for scouting was largely responsible for Iho larger catches. RAILWAY TIED UP THREE DAYS Hundred Feet of Approach to Great Northern Bridge at Westminster Caves In XKW WFSTM IX STF.lt. April 5. Creal Northern llailway traffie over lue irascr iuvcr nriuge here has been hej.il up since Saturday evenint' when one hundred feel or trestle at the southern approach caved in with a work "rain. There were no casualties and repans will be "oui-pleted this aQcitoon. PARTY ROBBED Gunmen Disturb Fair Gamblers In Bronx Apartment and Capture Cash and Gems XKW YOHK. April 3- -Fourteen women playing poker were held up and robbed by three gunmen in a It ron. t apartment early this morning, the robbers vanishing jn an automobile with t,noo In cash as well as gems. Children were asleep in an adjoining room . SITUATION IN INDIA" IS GREATLY IMPROVED Order Restored In Calcutta Following Moslem-Hindu Riots Last Week CALCl TT.V. April 5. The silpation Is gvoally improved lo-day afler tha recent rfos be-Ivveert Hindu- and 3Iolems. Twenly-lliree de'aths are reported as well as many injured. i