PAGK T VVC "SALADA" TEA nioa Is the ideal summer drink. The Daily News . PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited Third Avenue. , H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES! City Delivery, by mail or earner; per month By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year ....... . fd.Ori To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. . , ,1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Frpnt Page. ,$2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion; , ..... .25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices; each insertion. , . . . .d Be per agate linp Contract Rates, on-Application. : All advertising should he in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of AutHt Bureau of Circulation. . .- , . i- 1 1 . DAILY cmtlOft Tuesday. June 22, 1926. Unsightly Shacks on Waterfront The Heanty of the entrance" of Prince Rupert harbor is not enhanced by the row of iirisighlly squatters' shacks along the Valerfnmt west of the elevator. ' They do not improve the landscape in tin; eyes or the hundreds of tourists who are passing through the port during the 'summer months mir do they leave a gotid impression. While nobody deires to deprive the people who may be occupying these structures of their homes, it might be well for (he railway ronipaiiyur whoever else may be in con-trol of the particular Jand in; "question to make an effort toward having the situation cleared up. -Doubtless if some of these buildings were on city property their demolition or repair would hav been ordered ere this. '' v Life Guard at " ' T Salt Lake . With the swimming seasonal the Salt Lake at its height, the necessity of some patrol ijs a life. saving precaution becomes apparent. Children and peo(IeVhiVre not accustomed to water, it is said, visit there unaccompanied and, already this season, it has been necessary lo give assistance .to thoe in distress. 11 would not be a matter of niuc-hJ,fJfpese, to. have a guard employed at the lake uh' Sundays and holidays. . ThJe matter should be attended to before some fatality "pcwuV. Local Elevator ?V? - Is Tory Butt ' ; Prince IlnpertsVeJevatoi1' continues to be the butt for Con-secvajive attack at Ottawa. Priiil-e Rupert is becoming-used to that, however, for the elevator .'was; condemned energetically bv the Opposition before and during' the election campaign. Now, howeAer. they are complaining' because the plant was turned over to the, Wheal Pool who willutperafe 1L Prince Rupert is heartily in nct ord ft ith'lhe leasing of Ihe ele'vator, for it will make the plant an active me which perhaps Jtimjght pot have been had the government attempted to operate.U. Fred Stork worked hard to have the elevator leased as he d id, V have-it built. Prince Rupert is behind both his efforts de-jpil; what his: political opponents may any about ot. '".-& V 1 Canada Should Have Its Flag r If the adoption of a 'distinctive. Canadian flag involved anything like the controversy that '.has developed in rfniith Africa, there mi if hi he v ' " " mv-ihv,ii. uii mric l ."- Jilt iMllil danger. 1J is. very ge"nerallgreed that any new Canadian fLig should contain the Union Jock 'ni One of its main features. The trouble hi South Africa is river the proposal of the main part of the Dutch element to- leave Jhe Union Jack off the flag and to vv.o. u.wmq ..mi im .juuiu niiitiin nag nil special Orca siyiis.j ; (V , Ncr 's'eriou proposal orvfhbt "kind ' chine. 'from tln Prnih Canadian population in Canada. La Presse or Montreal has becti .... n .."'.. I : - 4 ' i . . . . . ' iiiiiuii. iiug u (-ompeuupn 10 select a siiitHhie design for a Canadian-flag. Four competitors tied: their rfelmii except in 'execution, and tlieir:ngKestion. freelv translated from La (resse, is as follows: "Qu n white Held, a Union Jack in the upper corner next the staff and In the middle of the flv a large green maple, leaf; this recalls the1 heroic period of Canadian history under monarchic Prance: .it nvmlkolizpa nnr 1 Britain;, itjiiakes concrete the, present history of Canada and her aspirations bv the mnnle leaf." might or might not suit people in other parts of the Dominion, but it would hot be a very serious matter to find a design that would be generally acceptable. There is no reason in the world why we should not have a distinctive flag, a Australia rind New Zealand have, without the slightest weakening of the bonds connecting them with Britain and the other Dominions. It would help to increase the' national consciousness and should stimulate national pride anil ,inity -Winnipeg Free Press. A real wholewheat cracker TRISCUIT made the same as Shredded Wheat Biscuit Pressed into a wafer. Crisp, Delicious Mops union? wJMitfhe inanafrtml J are in business, "willi Hi" ftent of the management to employ, pro- GOOD (NDITION'-V, secretaries cessary fpr ..'private 1 ior managers ot department not With Week of Cold Weather, Sun- pI,aair(H! : ' .4,ro1tllilul, tOM nine Is Now Needed. YVIXNIPKn, June 22. II is evi dent from the rcpurts receded e)Yerihji:. all parts of the three pi-Hlrie provinces that the cool ed fairly equally In the precipita tion of the past week ami the moisture supply is quite adequate fo rthe present needs at least. wbat is needed more urgently itian anything else at the present time is warm weather to produce the most rapid crop deelopment. Wheat is reported in the shot blade at (Uadstone, Carberry, Ha-pld City, and a number of other points, while some fiarnet wheat ts actually headed out at Cromer, rjutworm have appeared at several points throughout the prov ince, but the damage seems to be arely confined to garden stuff. Saskatchewan Conditions throughout the pro vince of Saskatchewan are quite similar to .Manitoba. Wheat is showing a growth in many parts or from eighteen to twenty-four Inches. At Tisdale five per cent. 1 in shot blade and many other districts report the same prog ress. Cutworm 'have appeared at seeral points in the province.! but so far as can be ascertained the damage has been very slight, jhe most noticeable perhaps being jlanley, Kenaslon, Findlay. The damage done two weeks ago by he high winds has been in a mea sure relieved by the cool weather and heavy rains of the past week. Crops are looking particularly good in the southern part of the province. Alberta lteports from Alberla cam- quite a cheerful tone. The cool Weather of the week has allowed the rain tn soak well into the ground. As with the other prov inces warmer weather would be ttreatly appreciated, though the pr,ops are making pood progress, Paslure are abundant and evi- llenxe of a good hay crop is noi lacking. No very serious darri- uge can un reported rrom any Hint. The.culwonns and similar bests have been reported in a few Instances, but, fortunately, ilam asc is not al all rea. Slighl frosts 'have appeared al several district in common with Mani toba and Saskatchewan, but any damage that has occurred Is con fined entirely lo gardens. NEWSPAPER AGREEMENT Terms on Whfh Publication was Resumed After British Strike LONDON. June 25- Canadian Press). The following are th exact terms Under which the London newspapers resume, normal "publicallon'afler the re cenr ueneral strike: t. There shall-be no interference with the contents of newsnatiers nwnpil by members of this Association 2, Ihere shall be no interference with or victimisation of an) members of the staff who work'- erf or returned to work during the Mrike either in tliftJr own or In another office, nor shall there he any victimisation by Ih employers. 3. There, shall he no Interference by members of the incYnbejr D. a. iiilloiUf No chapelt nw!jmi sltatl he held during WiW Imurs. 5. The strict .iiservauce of arfrecraen!? in jln'SiewsjKiper trades shall he weather and rain of the lat weekiffpijip. wicj, jmtiviiVinl Hi lias heen pir',e (eneral an'onlins; j pi0 0P t.hjplnyee. C. Thew lo the tenth crop report of the,,..!! ,v,siiau ne, ke a a jonn Joint committee ifimmije .u. t. i. ... ., ti-iii. . T . . S. . . . (Minauian .auonai iiauwas. mm ,h Hit-pm lhreiVI(HU 'from ea a,'h li stue, ,U,,, xhM vnicn i lie lieay precipuanon an pans ts of the west now seem to have sufficient supply of moisture. a ari t ,-oiimvlion witit Tli.k i.Minn.4 i i.-aII .wa r.i. ( i-Hli J IV fi uuimi i.-. nvt, wv.i..i. .....a Jy a neavy yrnwui wiiii'ii win pre vent tn a measure at least the of moisture Ihrouiiii high wind. It is surpriing to note the num ber of poin(s where frot lias heen reported within the last week, hut it is equally pleasing lo see that ut no point lias damage to erop'been reported from this cause. Cutworms hae heen quite active in many sections of the west, but apparently the damage is not great anil with the heavy rain of the past week their activity will lie considerably les- ened. The cool weather has not Keen inducive to rapid crop growth, hut in spile of that crops are well in advance of the same date last reason. Wheat is re-ported in the shot blade at many points, rye Is fully in head and other grains making excellent progress. Manitoba The province of .Manitoba shar regarded a iJ matter of. bOPO?' i , inlhffilfeaeh day- at .thren '-; a Hock, f(i decide any cases whieiij The- agreement embodying the abovtf was Vned by representatives oMh.eNew'paper Proprietor's Assocttflon and by representatives of 'lo' follow..- Trades I'nions: Nat'onal I ' of Journalists, Sm ieiy of Compositors, I'.nrrerfur of Hi. Prcs, Sterotypi-rs, Marlu-if Managers, pri.i'i- Workers. Paper Workers. National Soeie'y of operative I'rmiers and A- llants .Nats--p.t . hJiptnee-s and Fleet rieians Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert June 22, 1916. The American ut Kasaan, Capt. Thompson, arrived 111 port thU mornlnir on her way from Ketchikan fo Clrmtu. near t'.hin t Hal. lie is g g lo lake off a scow which sh- lost there last year. Miss Knster, who wa formerly In the millinery business here. stopped off tin- morning to visit .Miss Griddle at the Hay Vievf Hotel. Mis Kns er. whose home Is in I. 'ing Reai ii. California, I" on. her way lo !aka. THE MAN IN THE MOON ay: I T took the old soldiers I i show how eay it wa to trans- port an nrmy by water and eap-lure Digby Island w.ihoat a shot beinjr fired. Strategy counts. ITS not always the man Willi the mop;y who can tell you all about (he rise and fall in the stock market. A MAX has to be real clever In make you think he know-) w hat y ou know he doesn't know. - WIIH.N an old soldier hears I lie Hoys' Hand lrfke up those martial airs the days or gravci crushing don't seem so long hack. JUIMJINd from the nature, of his calling n druKirist should be ia good "iplxer." A MCXIC without ire cream and pop is to a. bov what U slag parly without a corkserev Is.tO b man. i says lo beat the earwig piejhice Mi1 Ina. Then; Jbfjj ithe Moad menaVe1 we ll have 'lo raise ear wigs. What a'llfet ' HY taking a short cut some men recently discovered a bodv of rich ore at Topley. And vet our parents med to tell us llml short cuts didn't pay In life. TUB visiting Kngllshmen are real "kickers? Judging rrom 'heir soccer victories. -f . TIIKV'ItK irreat on adverllslna beamy parade ( t lht'. State. There', a beauty 'parade nt th Kail Lakes everv d.iv ami' lon'l say n word about it. TIIK younir man who can keep '" .. Jf . JjjWHy, -I'll,, n - ii n n r-mi it iwn ii in ii laiiiim nmgmxmt hQ lobacco of Quolitij 15 per packaqe - and ui V2 IbVacuuniCAir-ujIUjUrLf0 and dress a chicken on fifteen dollars per has something 'o .row about alright. WHAT would the modern kit -lien he without a can opener? scflATCHLVO fly biles in thn veiiinu develops the fingers for mandolin playing. j WK hear that IUnon offended! jtie of our local plumbers tin ilber day by telling him that her oitld stand still longer for a, photograph than any person he1 ever met before. LAND MOUTHY ACT. SHIA( Hi m 127. ' IX Tilt vtVTttli ut (ifrlirllMi a SIV for llio rtiK. iiium of t rlurr, .Mi 1.1 Tllfc MVTTHI of to Atre-mi or iosi to I'urttuw, d4iMt th PrrHiilwr. llu, in.1 rti'l'ml h ' th Jjnntr), it U d 'inio.ii to Hrd IUr Ird Jia-urT. I k I J. ISO. Iifltffli HHiKiltr T. kVNE. vf Ih-trot rrl, iitd UoHlMil 1:. r.viur:ltSo.1 t Hie Mmiki nri. norrriur o r.iiiwtn Li tfn 7,. ntM tli. nlwt (, rn msi, plm (ii,, rhr ill . llfln !, fmirtrm u , fifin IS;, 1 ixl ittrn !. PbM i.r ' I ; (Hi M nlw , I Ml '!, rlrn 'll . ISJ r-Mirtrm (Hi. II lurk wtHifrrn .I7... t liKirtri jni nnmlr n tiutulrnl itxl I ariy-uiw e i I , lunro- nrt ( . CkI, KlftfJ, Uip Stll. sllrrtirit prw-f of bmrh nt fi1-' WU (ixl mntrf rul rr.uirry t ! I l-y lti- invlor r iKitr "t th lnd, ! uhjfel lo Hi iUiVf Airrrtihl nt Oplinil-.1 J-Urrln-r. lumiif Vrru fllfit In ItiU1 fr, TAktv MlTICi: tlM( SO eii rind to rinii-l lii tr(limun of lie above mrniuiH-l AtrreenH-ui or opilon 1 t-urrh, Mil winch u rnutrfrj in IW of :llrrr Vidllttl !. I illo 107,' su. 7 i vi . inn iiui in upr-ori or il- n' plllrlion D trn r.lnrnl 1 itr-Uri (oil or OlolliiK THiiMVS k'V.IK d I'd llii-'lti oi-ibrr, It'., aixl a dn'laralu-n of IT A. II tY VAI.TfcM TYMt dall th nth .nrinlMr, l&. protlu IIm- .brrarh f nitnunn and r-fiitf ami n-rnvirj f pvwni a aforraalif. IT IS MV M-'KMIo.v atK-r 1 no t-tpirallon of Ihlftf 30) iUih frf-.ii IIW M-rvlr f Ibln noika 1 ranrrt lh- rrHl ration nt Hm option 14 iirrtn.r or Vttrrrfiii-nl Utmm Ih rrrUIT ml tlwrrnpon the ralatr of the nor. . harr In llw Unit ilrM-nbed lo Hm aald trrrririrnl or Option t I'urrtia. ahall nt- atid d'lrnnirip, unlria jihi iaii skt and pM.pruif. tl priipr pnirrmiimt 11 utillh your rial in, if any. lo 11 aid land -r lo pruf-nl nrh profsMd tftioti n my part. fiATMi at th land ItfrlMry Offlre at erltiri- Kiipcrt. B.C.. tliia rirt day nt 1w. AM. I. II. r. Marl.rnn, ltritrtr of Tltfe. Tn Dord-n C. f minroii, Kn. NAVIOABLI WATIRS PROTI0TI0N ACT, n.a.e. tnnruit us L'nlon Oil comiatiy nf Canada, t.lmllfd i-iT-ifj bit. ,,.',n lb uniirr PT lion 1 ut llio ald V't rfpiltFd im tti iiiiivirr -i i ijoiir oraa al iiiiawa ann In thi- ofrird or tlio niatrlM llrm-trar of th Land ItMHlry lii.trirt of l-rlnr Itufutf-l lo lh l-pf.vinm .r It. u r..t.. hia, a dcM-rltitloti of tli aim and plant .r. m .IIm .tt.l 1. - . . . M bin ll In tli barter of I'rlnr Imtmrt in the aaid lTtilnn, on watr hit four, nimk --O". IhK it Id wharf romprlln a narrow approarh rarytnr In wldtli from I' i tar. and rvtcndtinr noribrrly from th hlihat-r mark a dlttanrr of ap- iinnmuirii tuir nnriirr Whvnt In all I, dcrtion w 80' m ari-a, the amy fi-oi n...iiiriii. in irnir apprniiinairiy paral' Irl to tlm hors llni-. And ia notir thai aro-r th tpira-l on of nr, month from th datn .f th f rn pnbluallon nf llil notlrs tlw minn Oil (.oniptny of Canada, Umttrn, will iinilfr aw llon 7 nf the Mid AM annly tn It" Vln,.'."pf ,'u,'"" wr hit of. rire In thr City of Ottawa, for approval of th uld itt and ih aald plan, and for Iran- tn ronntrnrl the talit wharf and approarh in th nam. ih,t?iH"J vnr.nI"". rllfh Ccitiiinbia, thia I Rib day of May, toid. H. J. KKMML'in, DUtrlct Silet MiDtitr. mm Steamship and Train Service Saihnu lrm PfttftCC KUflUT fr VKCOUl, VICTC1. HITTVt mrh MOSJOAV and THUHtOAT 4 00 pm MT0C tMI rr ANVOI ami STtWSRT MOMDAV. fSIOAT 4 00 p.r ALAtta WIOMKOAT, 4 00 aim. I' or MAticTT tiirr SIONOAT, JOO .. rr SII0C0ATC INttT aud SOUTH OVIIN CHaSlOTTt fartalahtlf. PASSCMSIII T MAINS LtAVK fMIPlCC RUPIRT ' 11.10 11U. U PRINCC OSOSlOI. K0MONTON, WINNIPIO, ' Canada, I'aiM Stal. Aancf all 0mi Slaamakla LI. t' ranadlaa lineal r.ipfrftr Unrwy -ii -al for ytMir kii ibi4nnL CH Tklal Offka, SIS T4 Aia., rrlssa at ' lCANAOIAfi .aaiistfi Canadian Pacific Rai B. C. Const Servicei Sailings from Prince Rupert To KaUhlkan, Wraaatll. Jvnaatf. an ttaay . .. . il 4t ?, 1. 1. "l " To Vaiuotittf, VktrU, a4 Saltl . . . , intl Jwr.a 4, It. 1. 1. 0J '! 1 PNINCtlS BtATStlCt Camokall Rita, n4 VaiMOwta 0al4af II o iH rr ajviaia, oaMt Catt ". 0t ' ! tl.?.Z.m 0iki for all Owanafila Una. ru'' 'rwn W. O. ORCNAMO Otaaral At. gft vmrmr f m irt p mrw ' - UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED tainora from rnort rf- . t ar vANoouvtrt. viotoria. sanM a, Ain . ''"' '' ,( n rANCOUVCR, VIOTORIA. Alan Saf, a4 8aaa For PORT SIMPSON and Nat Rltaf Cannarlaa, Thufadaf Pm ttr PORT S!JPSON. ANTOI. AtlC ARM, STCWART. "' , M t4 IiMi-t. i. Baraalav, Aot. , Best Procurable (TIIK 0RIC1NAU Pure Scolcli WliisW TTl CHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MAii Cat A Sm Imou4 CIl-WJ-4k U tWwaw.CIliii OiMiBanM, VkII- Ummh Clwa-M. 3MM4. L. I , , JJ, Thin nrltnMI. ...... la rmlilUlied Or lllsp'8 . ,1 Liquor Control Hoard or by the floverntneui Uriliib Coliirubl.